• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
FL4K glances around at you as you each talk about your different strengths. They narrow their glowing green eye at you. I may have an idea as to how we will be able to extract the information from Kyle without needing to infiltrate the headquarters. Lilith- you will need to go inside alone and find Kyle's location. Once you know, relay his location to us. If he is too deep inside the building for Julia to reach him, then both you and Double Trouble will need to lure him farther out, perhaps towards the windows. Tifa, if you are able to, help find Double Trouble a suitable disguise, one with the clearance needed to reach Kyle. A secretary, perhaps. After the prey has taken the bait, we will need you, Minako, to assist Julia in getting within range. Zer0 and I will remain on standby in case you require any... removals. Are there any questions?
"Lure?" Double wagged their tail. "All right, a fun role! What should my lure be?" They began to pace. "A cat trapped in a tree? A little girl with missing parents? Horde Prime slamming innocent guards into the concrete?" Their eyes glittered, while drool began to escape their lips.
"If they continue to act like children, I will do more than just talk some sense into them," Amara tells Ryuji plainly before looking towards Elizabeth. "Of course I'm a Siren. The only one that has never lost a fight," she states proudly. "Would you like an autograph?" She then glares at everyone who had participated in the small brawl, especially Chres. "Do you have anything else to say?"

Meanwhile, Brick doesn't seem very affected by Amara's intensity. He even looks kind of excited to see her beat some people up. But, being preoccupied with the tabletop game turned make-believe, he turns to Skye and grins. "Uhhh... yeah, I guess!"

From out of the water comes a humanoid shape, made entirely out of the ocean water, with a beefy-looking upper body and legs that only consist of a small tornado of sea mist and nothing more. He stretches, making a yawn sound. "Uuuuuugh... man, I haven't been called for millenia. If any of you retards want me to power wash your stupid-ass meat chariots, I'll-" The water spirit stops as he spots Anna amongst the burning buildings. He hovers over to her quickly. "...whoa. First girl master I've ever had. I could get used to this." He glances around. "You need help with the fire? I can help with the fire, sweetheart."

He sticks out his arm and unleashes a torrent of water at one of the buildings, extinguishing the blaze quickly.

But, of course, not as quick as all of you combined.

With all your efforts, you avert the disaster in record time. Surprisingly, stuff that really shouldn't work does, with exhibit A being Shujinko's sword extinguishing about a third of the entire town with one swing. Did it level all the buildings it touched? Yes. Do the townspeople care ABSOLUTELY THE HELL NOT

Even Abbott/Scuttle's electricity would work!

When all's said and done, the fires put out and the townspeople safe, they all come over and cheer for you, chanting "SLABS! SLABS! SLABS!" Some of them even pick those of you who are small up and toss you in the air, then catch you before you can hit the ground. "SLABS! SLABS! SLABS!" they keep shouting over and over and over again. "Oh, thank you, Slabs! You protected my babies from those evil Bandits!" a defenseless woman in the crowd sobs. "And those dastardly meteors! I thought for sure those would kill us!"

"Throne Thieeeeeves!" a jolly voice of another woman calls from behind you. If you look, you'll see a weird projection that's totally not a hologram of a lady with white hair and a jacket slung over her shoulders. In place of her arms are wild, black plumage, like that of a raven, and her legs befit the talons of one as well. Behind her is a way scrawnier guy with one pathetically thin wing and a robotic arm. The harpy lady continues speaking with a very punchable grin on her face. "I don't think we've met before, have we? Ah, who cares? I can't even be assed to remember the names of my billions of brainwashed followers. Aaaanyway, I just got word that you interrupted our fun at Flamerock Refuge. Really? You're really gonna team up with those lame Slabs? Those guys can't even count their own fingers, much less all the bullets in a mag. I mean, my followers can't either, but at least we got the numbers!"

"You dare disrespect the Slab Kingdom?! I will have you know that proud, articulate nobles of our status CAN count our fingers! One two three four five six seven..." He turns to you all after a short silence. "...fuck."

Seems like you got a chance to say something to these Harpy Twins- at least, that's who they probably most definitely are. What're you gonna say?

Meanwhile, Salvador pulls Heather and Fluffington in with his arms and squeezes them tightly. "SILLY LITTLE FLESHBAGS! YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO EAT THE DICE! SPIT THEM OUT NOW OR DIE!"
"Chres started it." Lucky reiterated. "He's the one shittalkin'."

"Oh! David! Hello!" Megumin waved to David as he hopped into the game.

"'Bout time you came." Lucky trotted beside David. "These orphans are little bitches."

All of a sudden, and Megumin wasn't sure if it was her doing, a gigantic humanoid appeared in the ocean, washing away the fires with a flick of both wrists. This tsunami washed Lucky away, while Megumin managed to keep herself steady by grabbing a light pole.

The next thing he knew, Lucky was being picked up and tossed like a teddy bear. "Ay! Stop it! Stop it! Damn it, you're gonna make me sick!"

Meanwhile, Megumin watched the argument between Slabs and this other woman. "That's okay." Megumin remarked cheerfully. "You don't need to know how to count to be powerful. Just knowing what you're doing is enough!" After all, she did not beat the Demon King by challenging him to a multiplication bee!

Outside the game, Megumin rushed to the trio of dice-diners. "No! Heather, those are hard plastic! Even if you don't choke, it might get stuck in your digestive system!" She struggled to pick up all the remaining pieces, but Salvadore decided to make the situation worse while she was occupied. Apparently, the best remedy for someone eating something they weren't supposed to was SHOOTING them. Naturally, this made Heather screech with the volume of a hundred dragon roars.

"What is WRONG with you?!" Megumin snapped at Salvadore. "Do you even realize that is a little girl and a tiny dog you just injured?"

  • _________________________________________________________________________________

    Heather only mildly relaxes as the somehow bullet-resistant Eevee paws at her foot, and hearing the strange woman outside the bathroom, which was now flooded up to heather's shins with water, she would reply.

    "Y-Yes! I-It's flooding in here! I-I shot a pipe by accident and I can't swim!"

Fluffington the Mighty, who is now at a dangerous depth in the water, looks over to the door. "I can't swim either, but I can hold my breath, so that's good." The less than a foot tall Eevee smiles from her position in the rapidly flooding bathroom, not worried in the least.
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Space Buddha Space Buddha Topless Topless

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Basic"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Events
"Basic"=Dorothea Ivonne
"Bold Light Blue Text"=Choice

>"Very well then. Shujinko..."

>Dorothea carries you bridal style and she gets her feet off the floor, hovering in the air. She turns to the group and yell.

"Everyone, get yourselves off the floor and get on the high ground!"

>Dorothea aims her gemstones at the door and she makes them pierce through it, but not enough to touch either Heather and Fluffington. She pulls the gemstones back, breaking the door and causing the water to come out, spreading to the floor.

"Ara ara~ what have you gotten yourselves into?"

  • Bizarrogirl hears nothing as the two fight for their lifes as her ears are ringing from the telepathic shriek and actual noise, she is covering so badly that had she not already had impregnable skin, she would have been bleeding out by now. When the noise finally subsided as Heather fled to the bathroom, Bizarrogirl groaned and let go of her ears. "Me no like loud sounds! Next one to make loud get slapped!" Once the ringing has stopped, Bizarro goes back to the game of make-believe they were playing -----

    Penelope starts dramatically counting down her fingers in response to the dumb Harpies who would dare insitiate that they can't count their own fingers. "HA! I COUNTED ALL MY FINGERS! HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT!? STUPID HARPIES!!"
Interactions: LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Sleek Sleek CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

Naoto Azuma/Tiger Mask
Naoto climbs up the building to the luxurious room. Oddly enough, there is no one in the room but they are the ones that have entered the room. If it were to be different then they would've been on the deep end of their mission which is something that he doesn't want it to happen.

He notices that there are some things that he and his teammates should be aware of. They have to sneak around unseen but he can't come up with an idea to go with either plan that they might have in mind.

The only way that he could proceed with caution is by waiting for someone for an idea. He thought of it as a good thing since he would rather wait for the first move before he does. How ironic.

Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

Tsukasa Kadoya/Kamen Rider Decade
Two brutes have appeared before him as he is in the middle of fighting against the soldiers. They were ten times bigger than Tsukasa have imagined. It would be difficult for him to handle since he has to fight on both sides.

Either way, he has no choice but to fight on both sides and it could've been a cowardly thing to do if he decides to flee through hiding. The two brutes charged at him with no choice of dodging. This leads to him being sent flying towards the wall which then breaks.

Now, he is inside the building of Chunso Corporation. He hasn't fought someone that is bigger than him before considering that he is capable of fighting them except that they are much faster. Security cameras have aimed at him to attract more attention from security guards.

He is in a tight spot as the battle could turn out bad for him. He tries to come up with a plan to avoid the risk of losing the battle. He thinks for a moment until further notice.
This Siren was very... confident with her fighting skills. Confidence was nice, after all she had confidence in her lockpicking skills, but it could also be a bad thing. When asked for an autograph, she nodded, not wanting to turn her offer down. "
Sure, I'll take an autograph."

Out of the water came the water spirit she contacted and from the way he spoke to her, there was part of her that was beginning to regret it. Regardless of her feelings, she had to accept his help as it was needed. Though, she did wonder why he referred to her as master, but she figured it was probably how he was. She nodded in response. "
Yes, please."

With the fire and meteors gone, they could move on with helping the town deal with the problem they were all called there for. At least, they would be moving on, if not for two people appearing on a hologram. These were the Harpy Twins, Anna had heard of them before as they did some not so pleasant things.

That and they ran a cult, anyone with more than twenty braincells and was a relatively good person could see how that was wrong.

Hearing the woman call them her brainwashed followers did tick her off a bit. "We're not one of your followers! And we'd rather be with a group that isn't a cult ran by twins with a huge ego problem!"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

So far, everything was good. No one suspected them, the plan was going well, maybe they'll get out of this safely. Now, they just had to wait.

Well... until a guard came to the door asking about them checking in.

She would've believed the guard if not for Ian pointing out that there wasn't any check-ins happening up to this point. Something was up, they probably started suspecting something to see what was happening. And so far, the two boys that went to go explain did... a piss poor job. Sighing, she went to the door and moved her teammate aside. "
Sorry about her, she doesn't believe in having check-ins as nothing bad'll ever happen to us. We just kind of lost track of time watching shit and talking, it won't happen again."

Figuring that the guard would probably know that something was up from what her teammate said, she immediately looked for a way to get him from telling on her. Looking around, she saw through the wall that there was a rat in the walls and got an idea. All she had to do was wait.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , Yamperzzz Yamperzzz , LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
Hearing the parka robot's orders, she nodded in response. Getting Double Trouble a disguise was going to be a bit tricky, but secretary could work. It could very much work, they just needed to know what one looks. "
Well... a secretary would work, we just don't have a way of seeing what one working for Tediore looks like. It's not like we could just walk up to the window, look in, and not be trespassing."

Looking around as they were in a courtyard, she tried to see if there was a secretary on break. You can't work for a big company or work anywhere and not take a break out here. If there was one out here, then it should be smooth sailing from there.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , P PopcornPie
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Scott Baker

Ignoring Dorothea's warning, Scott get up and walked over to her. He was about halfway to her, when she broke down the door and water spilled out over the room. Despite the sudden flooding, Scott kept moving, eventually reaching the bathroom. "Well that certainly doesn't make you sound like a creep." he said in response to Dorothea's opening question, before turning to face Heather "Do you need any help in here? How did this even happen?"

Topless Topless - Dorothea ; Space Buddha Space Buddha - Heather

So, where were we?

Rocket and Trevor had, in fact, not been with the group this entire time. Well, at least Trevor hasn't. Where he's been doesn't matter. Believe me, you don't wanna know regardless. You see, Trevor's disappearance involved a stick of butter, a can opener, some pliers, miniskirts, and the Oprah Winfrey Network. Do with that as you will.

Eventually, Rocket had somehow found his way to the room that Skye and whoever else everyone else was in. Let's just say that he woke up from his nap inside the Amazon box and followed the group into the room without much trouble at all. That sound good? Yeah. He was there the entire time after sleeping in a conveniently placed Amazon box. And, after finally deciding to speak up, although once again i must reiterate that he has been here the entire time because he totally has been, he pulled out his pulsar rifle and shot Axel with enough volts to shut him up, at the very least. And, if the shot somehow missed the red-haired blabbermouth, it would instead hit the guard at the door.

Better hope that these guys don't do routine checkups if the latter happened.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Yamperzzz Yamperzzz TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

Trevor, meanwhile, reappeared right behind Megumin and Lucky... and David.


"My dick is unfathomably hard right now."

P PopcornPie Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318
The Hitman had been going about enjoying the time of enjoying the actions, jumping and hopping around the bound bodypile mass of the Infiltration team, aiming his shotgun side to side and about. The ramparts of his imagination had been let loose as he continues to make the sounds of "bams" and "booms", visualizing several bits of bloody parts, guts, and heads exploding. As Jordi had turned to run into Sora joining him in his imaginary adventure, the man's laughter is immediately replaced with a sudden frown as he simply stares at the teenager. He drops his arms, his left dropping to his side as the right still carries the shotgun with his right arm and hand. With that, he shrugs his shoulders with a disapproving scowl and frown, staring at Sora, "What. What's so funny kid."

As Jordi had given his weapon's barrel a nice pat with his free hand, he has been touched on the arm to the now female Rene, to which he draws his attention, the frown on his face, slowly turning into a smile and a smirk with glee. Jordi reaches up with a hand, pushing the bangs on his hair to the side with a hearty laugh, moving his Spas-12 to his shoulder.

"Another victory to us!", Sir-Lightbringer yells in joy, the big metallic knight raising his fists in the air in celebration of the fires being put out. The Berserk machine gun wielder simply laughs loudly and whole heartedly, pumping his fists in rhythm of the people shouting "SLABS! SLABS! SLABS!" As the crowd ushed into silence, and the group had turned to this smaller harpy lady talking about calling the lot of them throne thieves and how they were outmatched by superior numbers, The machine gun wielding berserker lets out another loud yell, slamming his fists against his chest as he throws his arms out into the air as a sign of challenge, "You dare! How about stand behind those words! And come eat the lead you are asking for!!!" Lightbringer reaches for his back and pulls out both of the weapons, blasting several rounds into the air in a frenzy as he turned towards the Harpy Twins with another laugh, the sounds of brass and shells landing on the floor.

DIdn't take long though before Nearl was slapped into reality once more, the sounds of choking and grabbing. The Kuranta had noticed the two familiar faces of Heather, and now Fluffington within Brick's arms, giving them hard squeezes. The Knight can't help but laugh at Brick's words, before definitely agreeing, "COME ON YOU TWO! SPIT OUT THE DICE!"


  • _________________________________________________________________________________

    The moment the door broke open, a torrent of water flooded outward, soaking the clothes of everyone in the room and washing away the remaining dice, including the one Heather had eaten and spit up. She remained firmly curled up in the corner, Fluffington presumably beside her. Given how bruised she was and the torrent of pink blood gushing from her nose, she definitely needed a doctor, or at least some kind of first aid. Heather would look up from her corner as Scott approached, the extent of her injury becoming even more apparent, along with that of Fluffington, who seemed to have been shot.

    "U-Uhm, n-no j-just... i-it's f-fine... I-I'll just... errrrf..."

    Heather just passed out, someone might want to do something about that? In response to all of this, Heatheria, in the world of bunkers and badasses, vanished with a number of prostitutes she had hired in the town, presumably never to be seen again as she immersed herself in a recreation of whatever messed up shit heather was dreaming about.


-Shujinko Kanou-

"Basic"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Events
"Basic"=Dorothea Ivonne
"Bold Light Blue Text"=Choice

>"Oh no!"

>Dorothea let's you go as she goes over to Heather who has lost consciousness. She takes notice of the multiple injuries as she carries her in her arms. She goes over to the couch and lays her there.

"She has taken quite a beating. Somebody! Anybody! Please tend to this woman's wounds!"


  • Voss scowls at Axel as he pushes him aside and tried to make the situation better. Then the sea captain's glare turned into distaste when Axel performed just as bad as him. Skye came in and tried to make the situation better, but it certainly seemed like their end was nigh. Voss pulled on his new hair in annoyance, unsure of how they'll get themselves out of this situation. Then Voss heard Rocket's gun going off, which startled him just enough to accidentally pull out a little of his hair. Sorry, Ashley.

    Regardless of whether or not the shot would hit Axel, the guard, or someone else entirely, Voss would spin around to search for the source of the sound. Eventually finding that it came from Rocket in a random-but-convenient Amazon box. He initially cursed a little too loud but he then lowered his voice as he addressed Rocket.

    "JESUS FU- ... You! Where the hell did ya come from? I don't remember ya followin' us. Yer gonna blow our cover!"

    thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Riven Riven P PopcornPie LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow BoltBeam BoltBeam darkred darkred
(I think I'll be cutting out the dialogue colors for now to move things along faster. I had to take a nap halfway through this post already.)

(I'm putting significantly less effort into my posts now. I'm really sorry.)

First Infiltration Team

For a few moments after Voss and Axel attempt to convince whoever's on the other side that they're mistaken, the guard goes silent. There's a suffocating stillness in the air. That's when Skye speaks up. Even with her excuse, the tense atmosphere remains.

Did he buy it?

The light on the card reader to the left of the door turns green with a beep. The guard then opens the door slowly and quietly, unless one of you tries to stop him, in which case he'd force the door open, possibly even busting it down and pushing you back if the barricade's sturdy enough.

Regardless, he gets through. If Rocket's pulsar rifle shot misses Axel and instead sails towards the guard, a glowing blue staff would deflect it off to the side, leaving whoever just came through unharmed.

In front of you now is a dog-like animal, his fur a mixture of blue and black and cream. He stands on two legs like a human would, and is just as tall as one all the same. A metal collar with a bright yellow light is wrapped around his neck, though a small panel on it would appear to be busted open. He affixes you with stern red eyes as he silently closes the door behind him... provided he wasn't forced to break in. There's a strange 'lock' on his own life force, soul, whatever you may call it, an anchor between his body and life energy, forged by a masterful mind and harder to break than any manmade material. He'd be immune to Skye's Phaseswap; his body and energy are one.


His voice echoes in your heads, his mouth unmoving. "No more lies. They won't fool me." He grips his staff. Upon closer inspection, it looks eerily like the bone of an animal. "This doesn't need to become a battle. Come quietly, and I will spare you."

Odd... he hasn't called the guards yet. It would be pretty easy to yell for help, but he even went the extra mile to make his entry as silent as possible. Perhaps that collar on his neck might...?

Riven Riven P PopcornPie LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Yamperzzz Yamperzzz BoltBeam BoltBeam darkred darkred thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Second Infiltration Team

Just a simple guard with high enough clearance to get to Kyle will be enough, FL4K plainly tells Double Trouble before glancing over at Julia. That will be fine. We will be long gone by the time your ability fades.

Before Julia goes, FL4K reappears next to Tifa and fishes something out of their jacket before giving it to her. It's a sleek but super simple black watch, made from a fabric strap and the face of the watch, which is build in with small digital clock that glows turquoise and a single button below it.

I did not expect to ever have to use this. Take it. Pressing the button will cloak you with the same technology I and Zer0 use. It works by projecting a field around you, so if someone gets close enough, you will be seen.

Meanwhile, up in Tediore HQ...

The upper rooms of the Tediore skyscraper are about as monotonous as many an office building before them. Cubicles, hallways, kitchens, bathrooms... this place has all the bare necessities for office work. Not only that, but these weirdos still use sticky notes. Isn't this the freaking future?

Oh well. Everything else is pretty uninteresting, so Lilith might as well move on. She'd eventually come to a door marked with a shiny solid gold plaque saying 'KYLE SMITH, HEAD OF PUBLIC RELATIONS' in the boldest letters possible. A humble man indeed. Lilith would be able to hear a young man's voice from behind the door.

"Ribcage might have been valuable, but so are you. Our deal is in your hands now."

wat do?

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

Heavy Weapons and Distraction Teams

"Pffp- ff- HAHAHAAHAAA! Is that really all you've got?" the white-haired harpy asks. "Come on, sweetheart, if you're gonna threaten me, then don't threaten me with a good time. Besides, I'm not into Throne Thieves."

"Ty!" the other harpy calls to her from behind her. "Come on. Another party got past the walls. Let's stop messing with the small fry and have some fun."

His sister rolls his eyes. "Ugh, whatever." She looks over at Oki. "Much as I'd loveeeee to verbally tear into your ass, I've got more important things to do than deal with you losers. But don't worry. When we meet, I'm draining you first. And by the way-" she glances over at Abbott "-name's Tyreen. Remember it, kid. Later!"

The hologram disappears before she can respond to anyone else. Apparently you're not the only ones tasked with hunting her down.

Sir Blood-Drip turns to you all. "Good job, Slabs! She must be terrified of you now!" he congratulates you in a way-too-sincere-sounding voice. He then turns to Penelope. "You're smart, Slab. I already tell I'm gonna like y-"

"Argh!" Brick clutches his ears as the head-splitting sound of Heather's dial-up internet penetrates deep into everyone's minds. "Man, that's loud!"

Axton barks at Salvador, "Put the girl down!"

"BUT SHE WILL DIE CHOKING ON SMALL OBJECTS! I THOUGHT THERE WAS LITTLE WRITING ON THE BOX THAT SAID TO KEEP AWAY FROM THE CHILDREN!" Salvador yells back, apparently not very bothered by the noise or the flying objects that assault him.

"Son of a bitch! Sal, put Fluff and her down!" Moze orders. Thankfully, the Gunzerker doesn't even have to- they manage to slip out of his arms and escape into the bathroom anyway.


"Yeah, no shit, Sal," Moze growls. "Ax, go check on them, see if they're okay."

"Wilco." The soldier gets up and follows Shujinko to the bathroom, but ends up letting her do most of the work since she pretty much beat him to the punch.

"Well... that was weird," Brick says as he turns to all of you who are still with him. "Alright. Now we can get back to playin'-"

"Guys! We got a lot of blood here!" Axton suddenly shouts.

"Blood? In the bathroom?" Moze asks.

"Yeah! Might need a medic here!"

"The girl's bleedin'?!" Brick stands up immediately. "Alright, Slabs! New mission! Let's go help her!" he shouts at all of you before running off toward the bathroom.

Zane sighs and gets to his feet. "And here I was thinkin' the infiltration teams would be the ones doin' the feckin' up."

As if to make matters worse, you hear a voice from one of the Infiltration Teams call out to you, one that sounds like... Rene?!

Distraction, Heavy Weapons Teams, come in! Someone just spotted us! He hasn't alerted the guards yet for some... weird reason, but whatever! Standby in case this all goes south!

"Speakin' of..." Zane sighs again.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Martydi Martydi Space Buddha Space Buddha P PopcornPie darkred darkred TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Riven Riven quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Topless Topless 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower Thepotatogod Thepotatogod DerpyCarp DerpyCarp thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Lookout Team

No one, mate. No one should be walkin' 'round at this hour, Sniper replies to Alpha. Did see some cameras, though. Lots of 'em.

Natasha would see no one in the hall, which looks just as fancy as the room itself. If there's any time to get going, it's now.

Coast all clear? Eric asks Natasha. He glances over at Naoto. Man, I'm nervous...

Sleek Sleek LilacMonarch LilacMonarch GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja
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OK, so despite excuses around the room for whatever was on the other side of the door, the door just opens quietly and slowly. Preparing for the worst, Kraken would steady her footwork, but then... it didn't seem aggressive - though it did look to be humanoid to some degree. Just what 'was' this thing? Kraken listened as a telepathic message rang out in her head, presumably this being's voice and doing. Well, either way, they've been caught and though they may be spared, it's highly likely their hard work would be undone... But at the same time, maybe it would be best to listen to this creature - not everything needs to be solved with a battle! Listening to such and throwing her hands up in surrender, she managed a half-joking laugh and smile. "...They've got a point. Either put up or shut up." She said bluntly, giving up as quickly as she had spoke.​
In-Character Information
Hex Code:
Status (physically): Fine
Status (mentally/emotionally): Calm
Course of action: Figuratively pray for mercy in probable captivity
Location: Argus-27, Tediore (security room)
Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Mentions: None
In Group/Nearby: @InfiltrationSquad1 (security destroyers - Kraken is in this group), @InfiltrationSquad2 (man hunting - nearby other group)
Fluffington the Mighty opens her mouth to try and get a response out of Heather, but seeing as her tiny form is submerged in the flooded and now unflooding bathroom, all that comes out are some air bubbles, followed by a flinch. The Eevee buts her head against the nearest part of Heather to try and get a response, then flinches again, her entire body curling in on itself in protest of the situation. Fluffington the Mighty tries to speak again, but not even bubbles come out this time.
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Martydi Martydi Space Buddha Space Buddha P PopcornPie darkred darkred TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Riven Riven quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Topless Topless 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower Thepotatogod Thepotatogod CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lilith Kirby and Balloony
Team: Infiltration #2
Lilith scans the door and listens to whoever was inside, it was most likely Kyle judging from the big bold letters on the door. "Hmm interesting." Lilith thought to herself as she listened to the young man's voice through the door. "I should probably get this to FL4K."

Meanwhile Kirby and Balloony were standing outside with the others, the green balloon seemed to be feeling a lot of pressure. "Oh dear I'm really starting to worry about Lilith, what if she got kidnapped, what if she's dead, what if-" Before Balloony could go on any further Kirby pats him on the back and points to her, she was laying off the information on FL4K and the others.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (FL4K)
Infiltration Team #2

"If it's just cameras, then it's not a problem. I'll be there soon."

She said, before poking her head out into the hallway again, this time looking for cameras. When she spotted them, she'd make a note of their pattern, before looking to Eric and Natasha.

"You two should be fine. They'll think you're just strays. Just be quick about it."

Alpha said, gesturing them forward

"The most they'll do is send staff to check it out, no point in calling police over stray cats. I'd appreciate it if you could do some magical mumbo jumbo as you went to knock out the cameras, and clear me a path. It's hard not to mistake the gun on my back for what it is."

She'd pause, checking the hallway again

"I'll follow your lead."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja (lookout)


  • Julia nods as FL4K reassures her. She heads off once everyone was ready, stepping up onto the side of the building and walking straight up. How? Pretty simple, really. She just presses herself to with her telekinesis and climbs, like climbing a narrow space between walls by pressing yourself against one.

    Now, where is he?
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Trevor, meanwhile, reappeared right behind Megumin and Lucky... and David.


"My dick is unfathomably hard right now."
Both the rabbit and the archwizard stared at Trevor, their eyes as wide and trembling as though they were watching an orphanage burn down...well, a real one. Their lips were frozen in a permanent, silent gasp.

Lucky broke the silence by slamming his paw against Trevor, hoping to at least loosen some teeth. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU BEAT OFF TO PEOPLE LIKE US?! LADDIE, I'M A RABBIT, SHE'S, LIKE, TWELVE-"

"Chomusuke, I'm 14."

"WHATEVER! AND HE'S PROBABLY MARRIED OR SOMETHING! I MAY HAVE PISSED OFF A RAPTOR OUT OF A NEED TO GET SOME FOX PUSSY, BUT AT LEAST I DIDN'T FUCKING MASTURBATE TO LANA WHEN SHE WASN'T LOOKIN'!" While gripping Trevor's shirt and hanging off like a mountain climber, Lucky tried to kick Tevor's boner away. "Put this shit the fuck away!"

  • _________________________________________________________________________________

    The moment the door broke open, a torrent of water flooded outward, soaking the clothes of everyone in the room and washing away the remaining dice, including the one Heather had eaten and spit up. She remained firmly curled up in the corner, Fluffington presumably beside her. Given how bruised she was and the torrent of pink blood gushing from her nose, she definitely needed a doctor, or at least some kind of first aid. Heather would look up from her corner as Scott approached, the extent of her injury becoming even more apparent, along with that of Fluffington, who seemed to have been shot.

    "U-Uhm, n-no j-just... i-it's f-fine... I-I'll just... errrrf..."

    Heather just passed out, someone might want to do something about that? In response to all of this, Heatheria, in the world of bunkers and badasses, vanished with a number of prostitutes she had hired in the town, presumably never to be seen again as she immersed herself in a recreation of whatever messed up shit heather was dreaming about.

  • "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO, TAKE A GALLON OF VIAGARA?! WHY WON'T IT GO DOWN? GAAAH! FUCK!" Lucky was never a good swimmer, so, naturally, the mini tsunami carried him away like a pool floatie. "Goddamnit!"

    Megumin, who managed to keep herself upright by holding on to Trevor, was ready to slap herself for leaving Heather hanging. "Heather! Are you okay?! Did she drown?!" She heaved herself across the standing water to the freshly fainted female friend.

    >"Oh no!"

    >Dorothea let's you go as she goes over to Heather who has lost consciousness. She takes notice of the multiple injuries as she carries her in her arms. She goes over to the couch and lays her there.

    "She has taken quite a beating. Somebody! Anybody! Please tend to this woman's wounds!"
    "Uh, uhh..." Megumin wrung water out of her hat, her teeth tightly gritted. Jiggling crimson eyes swooped back and forth across Heather's body. This injury looked very, very bad. If Aqua was here, then she wouldn't be so panicked. But Aqua wasn't there, the main and pretty much only source of injury treatment was probably on the other side of the multiverse! With that goddess around, bandages were pretty much an afterthought to any adventure...

    Wait, her hat! When it was all wrung up in her fists, it looked kind of like a bandage. Besides, it was pretty much in tatters thanks to Ballmum anyway, so what was a few blood stains?

    Megumin chose the gash that looked the worst, and wrapped her hat around it. That was only one wound taken care of, poor Heather had still retained so many more! "If only Julia was here!"
    Speaking of Julia, Double saw her off, waving to her. "Best wishes, darling!" While they could join her in wall climbing, the prospect of infiltrating and causing chaos in someone else's body was a prospect they would never pass up. "A secretary?.....Hm, not the first role I would think of, but I think I could get some decent drama going there."
First Infiltration Team

Lucario swiftly slaps Axel's hand away with his staff and follows up with another swing, which would force Axel to back away lest he doesn't want to get hit. The Aura Pokemon puts a paw to his collar. A brilliant electric shock channels from the metal into Lucario's paw with an audible crack. He pulls his paw away, looking more irritated than pained.

Don't try to remove it, he warns with a slight growl. But there's a slight hint of hesitation in that voice, as if he's struggling against his own words. He glances over at Kraken and nods. It would be best to listen to your own ally. Hurry and make your choice.

Riven Riven P PopcornPie LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Yamperzzz Yamperzzz BoltBeam BoltBeam darkred darkred thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Second Infiltration Team

So we have Kyle's location. Good, FL4K says in reply to Lilith before turning invisible. Everyone, hide now. Julia's cloak will disappear shortly. It is vital that we are not caught. Lilith, Double Trouble, Tifa- it is now your duty to bait Kyle away from his office. Remember: Julia must get close enough to take the information about the Throne from his mind. Minako, go with her to ensure there will be no incidents.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

Lookout Team

Eric's about to say something after Alpha tells him and Natasha to 'do some magical mumbo jumbo' to clear a path, but stops once he realizes Natasha has it handled. He sighs in relief and follows her.

Room 2252. Get goin'. Rene ain't gonna be happy if ya' screw this up, lads, Sniper informs the four of them.

Proceeding down the hallways, the only resistance the Lookout Team would encounter is a bunch of security cameras. Once dealt with successfully, the path would be totally clear, and would remain so all the way until they get to Room 2252. Eric, feeling determined to get out of the open in case someone wakes up and wanders outside or notices the security cameras suspiciously messing up, opens the door first.

And then he gets a face-full of a gun barrel from the other side of the living room. He freezes on the spot.

The man pointing the gun at him is none other than the Sniper. He chuckles and sets his SMG down, picking up the rifle leaning by the window. Better give me a warnin' next time ya' come through that door, mate. Damn near took your bloody head off!

Yeah... sorry about that...
Eric apologizes.

Sniper looks back through the open window with his rifle. I'm gettin' back to work. You'd best stay quiet.

Eric nods and turns to the others in his group, foregoing the psychic connection to speak in a hushed voice. "Me and Naoto are the only ones without snipers here, so... um... maybe we could be spotters or something. Some binoculars would be nice. If we can't find any, then I'll just go rest."

If any of you go to join Sniper at the window, you'd be met with one of the best views of the city that could possibly be found around here. The multi-colored lights and billboards below paint a night sky of their own. Futuristic cars drive all around the web of roads below. And directly in front of you, around four blocks away, is the courtyard of Tediore HQ. The longer journey for the action had been worth it: through a scope, you can see everyone in the courtyard who isn't cloaked, all from the safety of this nice hotel room. Who knows- you might even save the whole mission from up here.

Eric, meanwhile, as he searches for a pair of binoculars in the living room, shakes his front paw. "Man... I wish I could take a shower. I can feel the sewers on me," he mumbles, visibly shaking from the sensation all over his fur. Unbeknownst to him, it'd actually be easier to find a pair of binoculars if he just asked Sniper for them. Heck, he might even have two, one for Naoto.

Sleek Sleek LilacMonarch LilacMonarch GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja
"Uh, uhh..." Megumin wrung water out of her hat, her teeth tightly gritted. Jiggling crimson eyes swooped back and forth across Heather's body. This injury looked very, very bad. If Aqua was here, then she wouldn't be so panicked. But Aqua wasn't there, the main and pretty much only source of injury treatment was probably on the other side of the multiverse! With that goddess around, bandages were pretty much an afterthought to any adventure...

Wait, her hat! When it was all wrung up in her fists, it looked kind of like a bandage. Besides, it was pretty much in tatters thanks to Ballmum anyway, so what was a few blood stains?

Megumin chose the gash that looked the worst, and wrapped her hat around it. That was only one wound taken care of, poor Heather had still retained so many more! "If only Julia was here!"

The hat proved minimally effective, as most of Heather's wounds appeared internal, with most of her external wounds being bruises. Most of the actual bleeding came from her nose, so maybe stopping her nosebleed would work better?​
Team: Infiltration #2
Looks like everyone needs to take cover.
Lilith hides behind some bushes while Kirby and Balloony hide in a tree, as they were hiding Lilith turns to Double Trouble and Tifa and whispers to them.

"Well I obviously don't have any plans, how about you guys?"

P PopcornPie (Double Trouble)
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Tifa)
Ryuji Kazan and Oki

Oki yawned when Tyreen, as the female Harpy evidently called herself, continued to act like an immature playground bully. "Tyreen, huh? Okay, I'll definitely make sure to forget that, so you don't even get the satisfaction." Sir Blood-Drip congratulated everyone on their victory, and so the swordsman slung his blade onto his shoulder. "Yeah... judging by her generic 'I don't give a flying rat's ass' attitude, I somehow doubt that. But, those two chickens see us as a threat, and that's all I care about. She ain't gonna be 'draining' anyone, that's for sure."

Ryuji covered his ears when Heather began making ungodly noises. "Jeeeeez..." When Salvador questioned about the warnings on the game box, Ryuji turned his head to him and shouted over the noise, "Yes, Sal, yes! There are choking hazard warnings on this or any board game box, but Mister Fister over here literally threw everything away so nobody could even see said warnings! Not to mention, breaking the dice into small fragments that people (and animals) can easily choke on is also anything but a smart idea!"

Brick had run off when Axton mentioned bleeding, and upon following him, he spotted a rather adorable-looking fox creature, presumably another Pokemon, drowning in bathroom water. Underneath his goggles, Ryuji narrowed his eyes when he realized what he would have to do. "Please let these people have a laundromat..." He went into the bathroom and lugged the fox out of the water and onto his shoulder. "I've got you." Ryuji said to them, patting them on their back as he trudged through the slowly draining water.

Ryuji had also overheard Rene's message to the Heavy Weapons and Distraction Teams, and with that, Ryuji placed the fox onto a dry, clean table. "We'd better get ready, everyone." He announced. "Even if that 'somebody' hasn't alerted Tediore, I'm still suspicious, myself. Make sure whatever you've got is reloaded." Placing his hands just over the fox's body, Ryuji began to administer some gentle CPR to them to help flush the water out of their windpipe.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

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