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Fandom Pokémon: Fractured {Medieval AU} (IC)



Junior Member

a roleplay by OfficialCosplayerVA (aka AnimeQueenVA) and DragonSlayer57

Pokémon: Fractured

When time runs out...it's the trainers to save the day! ♡


#pokemon, #medieval

Relaxing Pokémon Music (Vol. 1)


  • introducing


    It all started several years ago, when Palkia and Dialga are fighting. They are using move after move after move. All of a sudden, they all let out a huge amount of energy on their final attack, fracturing the timeline and ruining time. Suddenly, Giratina notices and takes advantage of this moment and when the two Pokémon were weakened, he drags them into the reverse world, leaving behind fragments of their power. Now, Five Trainers and their Pokémon will go on a magical quest to save Palkia and Dialga from the evil clutches of Giratina! Will they be able to save the two Pokémon? Let's find out!

    Now, the journey starts as five Trainers and their Pokémon travel to the reverse world to save Palkia and Dialga!




♡coded by uxie♡

  • h

Pokémon Theme Song (Music Box)


the scene


Dialga and Palkia are fighting, and have been fighting for some time, though not strikes just more grumbling than usual. It’s giratina and He’s manipulating them, though he seems much more powerful than usual. Palkia and dialga are getting agressive and after the first strike sinnoh starts experiencing strange earthquakes. They let a huge burst of energy out in their last strike, fracturing the timeline and turning the regions into a mess that happens too quick for arceus to notice. As they try to fix this mistake, Giratina takes adantage of their weakened state to drag them into reverse world with him, leaving behind fragments of their power in orbs. Four, (or maybe five) people from across the region are thrown together with jumbled up memories and a pokemon at their side. Dialga and palkia call for them in a dream to come save them and they are just really really different! Will they be able to work together and figure out who the real enemy is, or will they fail and be taken over by the nightmare king.

The next day, five friends were at the library, when they came across a book. Letting curiosity get the best of them, they decided to open it, which suddenly sucked them in! When they woke up, they were in a...castle...? The moment the five friends got up, they heard the sound of trumpets. A squire then appears in front of the double doors. "Presenting, our princess and future queen, Princess Chihiro Sakurajima!" The squire said, before two guards opened the double doors, revealing a...5-year-old child? "My name is Chihiro Sakurajima, and I have summoned you to save Palkia and Dialga from Giratina. I've spotted them heading towards the BadLands. Your world and mine are spiritually connected. That's why I have summoned you: You five special people are the chosen ones to become the ones who'll save both your world, and mine. Let me aid you guys in saving the two Pokémon." The princess said. Will you accept?

♡coded by uxie♡
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Clang! the sparks of the molten metal flew back and skimmed his cheek. He refused to flinch, this was his best forge in weeks! Maybe he’d even get some extra pay! He lifted the hammer and slammed it back onto the anvil. Before he knew it, it was ready and it looked beautiful to him. He put water on the metal and let the sheen of it blind his eyes. As he polished it, The manager came over and looked at it with a nod and a smile. He took it and handled it with care, taking it to the counter and showing the couple the shining, Cast iron, frying pan. A stupid, frying pan. He hadn’t gotten to make anything cool in weeks! He rolled his eyes and put on his headphones. He’d need to stop at ye olde Walmart to get some new ones. The cheap ones were pretty stupid. A sigh escaped his mouth as the bell for lunch time rung and he walked to the table with his bag. He sat by himself as his coworkers discussed with their friends. He decided that all of this was making him kind of nervous and so he moved. He sat down by a creek and laid down his bag.. Just to realize he had forgotten his lunch again. He sighed and just sat there’s for a couple minutes in silence, looking at the creek. “Forgot it again?” The sound of a woman he had heard multiple times while he worked here. It was the security guard, officer Jenny. She took a couple of steps and sat by him as everything above his neck had turned scarlet. “O-Oh. Good afternoon ma’am!” He gave a wave to her as his stomach roared and quickly looked away with a nervous face. Just then he saw a familiar bush of pink hair and shouted “Mom!’ He ran and gave her a big hug as she returned it with almost the same amount of vigor “Yeah, Yeah! It seems that i found a sandwich instead of my stethoscope this morning” she gave him a look and he looked to the ground and mumbled “sorry”. Then it was officer Jenny and nurse joy’s turn toturn red as they both stuttered a good morning to each other while looking everywhere but each others eyes. “Ok Jenny! S-See you Friday?” She gave her a movie ticket and Jenny stuttered a sure. She waved goodbye and walked home with a snickering Timothy. By the time him ad his mom finished walking home, it had already gone late and the horizon was visible. He got home, said hi to all his aunts and grandma’s and started washing dishes. As he took a shower and Polished his minifigures and dusted his posters, he gave is eyes the rest they deserved and laid down in bed for sleep.
3 months... It has been 3 months since the psicaster known as Alexis moved from her home region of Kalos to the jewel of the West, Unova. She was a bit of a local legend, given her status as a woman with supernatural powers who often remains as quiet as a ghost. Few people had the pleasure to get to know her, and even they didn't know much about her. She was always quiet, and didn't speak much about herself. Any time her past was brought into question, she would stop talking, and attempt to change the subject. Despite her air of mystery, she was always willing to assist those in need, when out in public.

At the present time, she was sat in the forest of route 20, sat cross legged as she attempted to work her Holotech She had recently obtained it after properly registering as a trainer, and was still struggling with its operation. In her defense, it wasn't the typical kind a trainer would be assigned, rather she was given it by a local scientist as thanks for assisting him with testing a device meant as a portable training assistant. Eventually, she got the screen to light up, causing a holographic interface to appear in front of her, causing her to gasp and fall backwards in surprise, causing her hood to fall to her shoulders. Her Umbreon looked at her with concern as she brought herself back to a seated position, brushing the dust off herself.

"With a reaction like that, I would have thought you'd have never operated technology before." The Umbreon spoke, giving an amused look once she was certain her trainer was okay. Alexis sighed, patting her companion on the head. Typically, Pokemon weren't capable of speech, with some exceptions, and the Umbreon was certainly an exception. The two met shortly after she escaped the burning facility she was kept in for 18 years, the Umbreon having been abandoned by a scientific facility after she failed to meet standards. While the origins her speech were unknown, it didn't matter to Alexis. "Oh... Hush you... I... Didn't realize this kind of tech existed... A screen made of light... It just... Startled me... You need not worry." She spoke, her soft voice carrying an almost dreamlike aspect to it, as if she was halfway between this world and another, which wasn't entirely untrue, given her ability to see spirits.

Her Umbreon, satisfied with her answer, sat on her lap as she continued to fiddle with her holotech, continuing her attempt to figure out how her device worked. Fortunately, as she was off the path, she was undisturbed, despite her proximity to Virbank city. She preferred the solitude, enjoying the peace and quiet thw forest granted her. Hopefully she wouldn't encounter anything that would change her life forever. Or even worse... Loud lifeforms...
"Not like you couldn't do any better!" Anthony sat at his computer, tapping away on some shooter game as his partner Pokémon perched on the backrest of his gaming chair being all obnoxious. "Buzz buzz!" this and "buzz!" that, like they weren't giving the worse advice Anthony had heard in his entire life... Maybe he was being too harsh on them- but he couldn't help it! He had been attending job interviews almost daily since Christmas and hadn't heard back from any of them. His parent's were getting pissy about continuing to pay for his apartment too- It was not a very jolly time, that's for certain.

"Ah.. Sorry for shouting."


Looking to the window to his left, Anthony saw the last bit of the sun setting over the horizon, reminding him of how long he had been playing this stupid game- He's been staying up till the morning for the past few days, he needs to get a hold of his sleep schedule.

Looking back to the game, he reached over and pressed to power button to the computer, sitting up and stumbling over to bed while Yanna flew over to their perch... Letting himself collapse onto the mattress like he had just been shot, Anthony already felt sleep overtaking him.

Ch. 1 - The Start of a Journey

"Being a princess is hard work..."
The 20-year-old child said as she was sitting on her throne. She looked around her castle tiredly. Then, suddenly, she would get a vision: A vision of Dialga and Palkia getting captured by Giratina. She got out of her vision. "Oh no..." She whispered to herself. "Akihiko!" The princess called out. A butler walks into the throne room. "Yes, your Majesty?" He bowed. "Bring me the Mages Society. I've gotten a bad omen...!" The butler's eyes widened. "What vision have you gotten, your Majesty?" He questioned. The princess answered, "Palkia and Dialga are captured by Giratina. I sensed them going through our world...! We need to summon Trainers from the modern world to our world! Get them, now!" The butler nodded and bowed, before walking out of the throne room. A couple of minutes later, Akihiko brought in the Arch-Mages Society. They got into a circle and started to chant the ancient language. A couple of hours later, five trainers from the Modern World have been summoned.

Pokemon Theme Song (Music Box)

♡coded by uxie♡

"Thank you again, dearie. You know how much the Pokémon love having you drop by!"
"Yeah, yeah. I'll try to make more time to stop over here. It really is a joy for me too."
"Of course, of course. Take care on your walk back, and come back soon!"
"Thanks, Gran. Have a nice night!"

Ah, what a pleasant day! Em raised her hands in a big stretch over her head, then dropped her shoulders with a satisfied sigh. It was rare that she got an entire day away from private ranches, conferences, labs, and various events that she could spend helping out at the Route 34 Daycare. But it was always so rewarding when she could! All the little ones playing around in the grass, their peeps and cries so adorable, and the cute eggs in their incubators, with the occasional crack announcing to the world that a new life was ready to emerge! Not that she disliked her other work, it was just less.. rewarding? It was days like this that truly cemented for Em that she had ended up in the right line of work.

And a day like this deserved to be followed with a relaxing night on the couch and a cold beer!

Humming happily, Em let her gentle voice join the burbling song of the nearby river and the emerging calls of nocturnal bug Pokémon. She reveled in the wind through her hair and the earth beneath her feet. She didn't dislike the cities and labs, but something about the more laid back parts of the world just awoke something within her. It made her feel like her young self again, digging through the wet dirt planting flowers in Amity Square when she was little. Carefree days when her anxieties and mistakes remained far in the future. If only all days could be like this: out in the "real" world, surrounded by nature and engrossed in caring for the Pokémon that would make tomorrow special for so many people.

"I guess that's life, though. Well, anyway, I'll be damned if I don't enjoy it while I can."

Em paused for a moment to wave to the police officer on duty, and then made her way back into the towers of Goldenrod City, her current home. She stopped by the department store for a six-pack, and then retraced the familiar route back to her apartment complex on the Northern side. A few short minutes later, she slammed her apartment door shut behind her, shrugging her coat off onto the couch and flicking on the dim lights. Stepping over a few loose manuscripts, she plopped her backpack down on the small wooden table off to the side of the room, and, retrieving the remote, switched the TV over to a new documentary she had been anticipating. She popped open her fridge, pulling out the last beer she had left, and slid the new case in to replace it. Flicking the door shut and cracking open her can, Em let out a muffled yawn, before slumping down onto the couch, ready to enjoy her lazy night...

..only to slam backwards into the floor.


Em's beer was knocked loose from her hand as she collapsed from the unexpected disappearance of the couch, releasing its contents and rolling along the floor until it came to rest at the foot of.. a tall person in some kind of occult-looking robe?

"Fuck me, that stings!" Em raised herself up onto her elbow, before looking up to find herself surrounded by strange people, in a room that certainly wasn't her apartment. She blinked several times, completely stupefied by the current situation. Had she just fallen asleep? The pain in her coccyx was very real, though. What on Earth had just happened..!?"

Ch. 2 - The Start of the Journey (Part 2)

"Welcome, chosen ones."
The princess said as she looked at the trainers. "Sorry for that..! My Arch-Mages forgot to put a soft cushion for you guys to fall on before summoning you guys..!" She said awkwardly. "So, the reason why I summoned you guys here is because...our world and your world is going to be in danger, as Giratina has captured Dialga and Palkia. It's your job to go to the Badlands and save Dialga and Palkia. Of course, I'll be helping you! So, what do you say? Do you guys accept?" The princess said, tilting her head in anticipation.

Pokemon Theme Song (Music Box)

♡coded by uxie♡

Timothy awoke in a haze, Where was he? This wasn’t his house? He sat up and stretched his back, feeling for the sore spot that had suddenly appeared. Was this.. A dream? It would explain the lady with the beer and the princess. Wait. THE PRINCESS!? He needed to wake himself up before this got… weird. He shot to his feet and felt his face. He felt very realistic. He suddenly heard some muttering and turned to see a child? “Are you the princess? You look much taller in the posters and figurines” he said this with a light tinge of red on his cheek, trying not to seem so nervous and eager. Hopefully he could get an auatograph or something and show it to his co-workers! He’d at least be a little cooler. “Uhh could you repeat what you just said anyways?”
"Darn rain." The Draconid known as Chandra silently swore, her reptilian tail thumping the floor of her makeshift shelter, stood on her hands and knees as she watched the downpour. Chandra was never a fan of rain, the cold water droplets always turning to steam on contact with her horns and obscuring her vision.
"Char." Chandra felt a small hand touch her arm and turned to the Lizard Pokemon, cracking a small smile. "I'm alright Fafnir, just a bit frustrated is all."
Chandra placed a reassuring hand on the Charmander's head, eliciting a happy purr from him. "As soon as the rain is done, we're heading home bud."
It was probably about ten minutes by the time the rain stopped, and Chandra promptly leapt out of her shelter along with Fafnir, the duo just missing a fresh puddle as Chandra stretched. "Phew, glad we didn't have to wait for much longer."
Fafnir copied his trainer's stretching as he silently agreed with her.
"Race you back home Fafnir!"
The pair ran through the forest, dodging puddles and tree roots as they went. The two were having so much fun racing, they somehow failed to notice the huge surface tree root in their path and inevitably tripped.
"Oof!" Chandra managed to catch Fafnir in her arms, cradling the reptile as the two landed on a cold, hard surface. She growled as she got back up with Fafnir, her tail scraped along the floor, only to see some robed figures standing around, with four more people on the ground with her. "What the heck?"
LumeNym LumeNym OfficialCosplayerVA OfficialCosplayerVA
As she was suddenly transported from her comfortable spot in the woods to a castle she was unfamiliar with, the girl in red robes jolted up, the rune-like markings on her robes faintly glowing as she immediately made use of her powers, protecting herself as she quickly backed away from the grout and pulled out the ball containing her Umbreon, who was forcedmto return due to the whole transportation incident.

Before the psychic could even say anything, her Umbreon jumped in fromt of her, its fur bristling as the dark type protected her trainer. "I don't know who you are or what your deal is, but we will NOT take part in whatever the hell is going on! We have enough issues as it is!" The Umbreon spat with the venom fitting for a creature who was once falsely believed to be a poison type. While Alexis was usually on the more passive side, her Umbreon fueled her.

It certainly didn't help that these robed figures brought memories of the past, and she was going to unleash her full intimidation. "Allure is right! It doesn't matter who you are, taking us away from our home is never okay! Not only did we give no consent to this, but you expect us to listen to your words? You have tobe mad if you think we mortals can deal with anything involving the gods! What makes you think we're qualified? I can barely lift a small rock with my mind!" She exclaimed, her eyes glowing faintly as she showed definite uncharictaristic behavior.
Just as Anthony was about to fall asleep, he was jolted awake by a sudden impact..! His eyes opened into a glare as he stared down at Yanna, the bug having jumped onto him just at the right moment to stop them from falling asleep

"ACk Hey-!"

And then they fell through the bed like it was a video game and the collision had been taken away, how topical.


Landing on a hard floor, both Anthony and his Pokémon thrashing around in an attempt to get themselves upright
Chandra blew a puff of smoke from her nostrils as she got up, holding Fafnir in her arms. "I'm with them. I don't know what you're trying to pull, but I'm not a fan."
Her horns and tail spikes glowed as she glared daggers at the presumed summoners. "Fafnir and I were just on our way home when you guys yanked us over here."
Just then, Chandra's remaining pokeballs burst open to reveal an Axew and a Deino, the two Dragon types understandably confused by their current surroundings. "Blade! Ghidorah! I didn't call for you guys!"
Shit, things seemed like they were already about to get ugly, and Em still had no idea what was going on. She needed to figure out where she was and what was happening, but first, she needed to keep her and the people around her safe.

Pulling herself up from her elbow onto her feet, Em firmly planted herself between the, um.. princess? and her fellow teleportees, extending a many-ringed hand towards each party and looking back and forth between the two, green eyes narrowed somewhere between serious and threatening beneath her lenses.

"Alright, alright, hold on a moment everyone, please. There's no need for things to get hostile when we don't even know each other's identities. You!" Em's head snapped to face the Princess. "You could be a bit more considerate of the state we're all in, since, well, we have no idea where we are, who you are, really, and how you 'summoned' us here." Em relaxed her pose a bit, shrugging her shoulders and turning up her palms. "It would probably do us all some good for you to explain things a little bit more, before you go levelling commands like 'go to the Badlands' or 'save the Gods'. 'kay?"

She then turned her head back over to the others standing next to her. There seemed to be.. a young man with a Yanmega, another with some meat on his bones, a young woman in a cloak with.. feline features? and another with draconic features. While Em had many questions of her own about these people, and especially the later two, she set those aside for the moment, and extended her hand in a friendly gesture.

"And you all, it's reasonable to be defensive, but seeing as we're already in this mess, we should at least let the girl talk before we turn against her. Being aggressive isn't going to help sort any of this out." Em's gaze softened as she saw the fearful look in the feline girl's faintly glowing eyes, and she continued in a gentler voice. "I don't know what any of you have been through, but I'm sure if we stay calm and talk things through, we can work through this. Alright?"

Damn, so much for her lazy night...

Ch. 3 - The Start of the Journey (Part 3)

"Ahem..! Thank you for that!"
The princess smiled, before putting on a serious expression. "Like I said, you are the chosen one to save Palkia and Dialga from Giratina. You guys will catch Pokémon to make your own Team! You may use the Pokémon that you have as your starter Pokémon." Chihiro said seriously. "Do you accept...?" The she tilted her head in anticipation. "You may ask me any questions and I'll try my best to answer them."

Pokemon Theme Song (Music Box)

♡coded by uxie♡

Timothy sat Down after people started talking. He didn’t necessarily know how to talk to crowds and he just sat down and let the older woman do the talk “My job starts in 45 minutes..”
Lily had started walking into the castle town, she looked around and saw all the people and pokemon mingling about. She held Sakura tighter in her arms… “maybe we can find someone to help us here Sakura?” The Zorua looked up at her and spoke “I know sis, we probably should have stayed with that mage and you might be just like me, but I had a bad feeling about him so I couldn’t let us stay, I’m sorry, but I doubt he is the only one capable of doing this” she Lily replied looking at her human form. “This is very strange though, it might be hard for you to adjust if we can get you to this stage” she added and continued walking into the town, she kept her distance from all the other non-pokemon creatures that were walking about.
Chandra sighed, the glow of her horns lessening as she calmed a bit. "Fine, but why us?"
Chandra's tail flicked back and forth, a more subtle display of annoyance. Here she was in an unfamiliar place with people she does not even know and only her Pokemon to keep her company.

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