
  1. La_Faerie

    Multiple Settings Lyoko Warriors (Interest check)

    Introduction: This Roleplay is inspired by the Code Lyoko TV Show. However, it is not required to know it to join, though it may be extremely helpful to know the world, as only Ocs' are really being requested here. The only Canon Characters are NPCs. The Lyoko Warriors Roleplay takes place in...
  2. Aviator

    Fandom Belle Reve Means "Sweet Dreams" // Suicide Squad RP // RP Thread

    In one of the infinite universes created by Barry Allen's tampering with time, General Zod has successfully killed the legendary Kal-El, known as Superman to the public. During this time, mankind is beginning to understand time travel only at its barest bones, but they know enough to realize...
  3. Infab

    Futuristic Forsaken: The Neutral Zone
    Index: Intro

    Hey, you. You might want to wake up now. You don't have much time. Your eyes flutter open, revealing a mostly blurred view of your surroundings. A few more blinks helped to clear your vision, and would allow you to see that you were inside someone's small personal quarters. You were laying on...
  4. Aviator

    Fandom Belle Reve Means "Sweet Dreams // Suicide Squad RP // plot & chat

    Hey, guys, this is just a thread where you can post any ideas you have for the RP, your character's relationships with others, questions or comments you may have, or if you simply just want to chat with your fellow RPers. Please, don't be afraid to put forth any ideas you come up with! Anything...
  5. Misty Gray

    Realistic or Modern The Golden City: A Tale of Two Flames - Interest Check

    The Golden City: A Tale of Two Flames San Francisco, USA, 1920 : CS :: IC : Introduction San Francisco, a city built on dreams; dead or alive. Whether your dream is to star in the movies or simply make ends meet, the Golden City won’t make it easy. To survive in this town, you need deep...
  6. Aviator

    Fandom Belle Reve Means "Sweet Dreams" // Suicide Squad RP // CS (adv.) open!!

    A few ground rules before we get started: - This is an advanced RP, so 3+ paragraphs per post, please! English does not have to be your first language, but please use correct grammar and spellings if you can. If I feel that not enough overall effort was put into the character sheet, I reserve...
  7. Aviator

    Fandom Belle Reve Means "Sweet Dreams" // Suicide Squad RP // interest check

    Click me for the CS thread! Or here for the plotting thread. In one of the infinite universes created by Barry Allen's tampering with time, General Zod has successfully killed the legendary Kal-El, known as Superman to the public. During this time, mankind is beginning to understand time...
  8. GojiBean

    Fantasy Chronicles of Cre' Est (OPEN)

    Hoyo peeps! Welcome to my Interest Check for Chronicles of Cre' Est! OOC Chat Page This is an RP set in a medieval low fantasy setting. Since it's low fantasy there are no high-fantasy elements such as non-human races (like elves, dwarves, etc), there's no magic, and there are no mythical...
  9. mysteria444

    Fantasy (currently nameless) inquisitor x heretic mlm historical plot!

    heyy! this is my first time posting so don’t hesitate lmk if i’ve missed any important info/broken any rules i’m myst!! check my about for basic details (pronouns, age, etc.) this interest check is for a mxm dark romance between a catholic inquisitor and a “heathen”, or non-believer. i came...
  10. GojiBean

    Fantasy (Characters) Chronicles of Cre' Est

    Hoyo all! I'm here to make a character sheets thread for the RP I'm working on, Chronicles of Cre' Est! I've got two characters in mind for the moment, and am using placeholder images for them until I can commission custom images for them! The artist for the first character's current face...
  11. GojiBean

    Fantasy (Lore) Chronicles of Cre' Est

    Welcome to the Lore page for Chronicles of Cre' Est! This is gonna be a smaller RP (in terms of player count) and based on a story I've been developing since 2009... Yeah, I know. How does someone "develop" a story for that long? Well, when you start in 2009 knowing nothing about the craft of...
  12. ElectraHeart-1990

    Fantasy A Romance in Romania vampire RP

    I've been listening to a lot of "The Moon Will Sing For Me" and rewatching The Little Vampire and thought of the most darling idea for an RP, based in all manners of romance and horror! Set in rural Romania in the 1400s, a young farm boy lives his daily life with his family, taking care of the...
  13. Infab

    Futuristic Starpath X: A Ballad of Madness

    CHAPTER I TILT “Let’s take it from the top, shall we?” “Understood, ma’am.” Holoscreens and consoles across the cabin began to light up, a sweeping flash of color filling the room as the cyborg laying on the table swung her legs off and sat up. As her pink hair swung down to hang in front...
  14. TanteRegenbogen

    Fantasy Mahou Shoujo Disaster [Characters]

    Character template for magical girls: Name Member name Age (18 - 25) Gender (female or femboy) Appearance Freetime Clothing Member color Personal mascot Wand Weapon Personal abilities Personality Background Character template for villains: Name Villain name Age: (at least 18) Gender...
  15. TanteRegenbogen

    Fantasy Mahou Shoujo Disaster [Out Of Character]

    This is the out of character thread for Mahou Shoujo Disaster. Please ask questions or voice ideas here.
  16. TanteRegenbogen

    Fantasy Mahou Shoujo Disaster [Dark/ Magical Girl]

    Plot: Magical girls and the villains enjoy special powers such as identity concealment so that they aren't recognized in their daily lives when out of character. Another special power they enjoy is damage control. Basically, nothing severe ever happens to magical girls and their opponents...
  17. deadly king

    Fandom 𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘊𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘨𝘦 | 𝘕𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘊𝘪𝘵𝘺

    font call font call font call CHROME CARNAGE CYBERPUNK 2077 SCI-FI CRIME Welcome to the heart of Pacifica, a rotted neon-soaked battleground where a darkened symphony of violence like...
  18. TanteRegenbogen

    Fantasy Mahou Shoujo Disaster [Dark Magical Girl RP]

    Plot: Magical girls and the villains enjoy special powers such as identity concealment so that they aren't recognized in their daily lives when out of character. Another special power they enjoy is damage control. Basically, nothing severe ever happens to magical girls and their opponents...
  19. Damien Hughes

    Fandom The Ironheart Alchemist

    Chapter 1: Promises One Year After the Promised Day In the oppressive grip of the night, Roy Mustang found himself ensnared within the suffocating tendrils of his own subconscious, caught in a web of relentless memories from the Ishvalan War. As he lay in his bed, the twisted sheets wrapped...
  20. Lorsh

    Fantasy Bᴀᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴏғ Dᴀʀʀᴏᴡғᴀʟʟ

    [Let me know if you're interested! Using my roleplay's upcoming, big old fight as a recruitment opportunity. It's in the nationbuilder section on account of most of the PCs being lords, but this element will concern lower-level characters and their struggles.] Play as a foot soldier or knight...