video game

  1. Snap

    Fandom snap's (hopefully!) permament search thread! UPDATE #3 updated ccxcc lists

    hello there and welcome to my hopefully permanent search thread! all the information you need should be within the following tabs, but if something does happen to be missing? please do ask! introduction: you are here! about me: what it says on the tin about you: on what i'd like in a writing...
  2. Labbeon

    Fandom 💡 Looking for Omori rp!! 💡

    Hi!! I'm looking for Omori rp partners!! Here is some info about my rping style and preferences and characters that I can be!! - I'm not looking for anything in particular, so I'm open for rping stuff that just revolves around canon or AUs! I'm happy to brainstorm ideas to come up with a good...
  3. GalaxyGirl11

    Fandom Looking for Lisa Frankenstein, but will roleplay anything on my fandoms list for your end if needed (Canon X OC)

    💖Introduction💖 Hello there! My name is Angela, and I go by she/her pronouns. I've been roleplaying for nearly ten years and I enjoy every minute of it! When I'm not roleplaying, I would either play The Sims 4 or GTA 5 on my computer, draw, or watch TV/play video games with my family. While I...
  4. GojiBean

    Fandom Pokémon OOC Discussion

    Hoyo @Necromantic @RipEverything @Gravitational Force @GamerKitty205! I've created this OOC Discussion thread for us to keep in OOC communication as we get started with the preparation phase for the RP! I'm still working on my character and should have her completed sometime in the next few...
  5. GojiBean

    Fandom Pokémon Interest Check!! (Closed)

    Hoyo! OOC Discussion! Most of us know it. Many of us love it. And dammit, I wanna RP it! Why? I dunno. I've been hankering to get a Pokémon RP up and running lately so here I am giving it a try once again! Let's get to the nitty gritty! RP Differences From The Games! This RP is not...
  6. KCobu

    Fandom 𝙻𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎 - Fandom RP Search

    Intro! Hi! I'm Koby, a tired college student on summer break who's absolutely fiending for a chance to write about my current interest. I don't typically go searching for just one fandom, but as it so happens I've just completed Life is Strange and had an itch about it that just has to be...
  7. MainEventMan

    Fandom Scott Pilgrim, Anyone?

    So yeah! To celebrate the release of the netflix series series Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, I'm looking for a partner to partake in a Scott Pilgrim RP! If you've watched the movie or read the books, then this is the ad for you! Now it doesn't necessarily have to feature the canon characters (unless...
  8. KayWyn

    Fandom Fandom Search! (Canon x OC, Double)

    Hey there! I told myself I was gonna try and keep this short and sweet, but got a bit wordy here and there whoops. I made this while super sleepy and after playing way too much Warcraft lol Someone needs to take my coffee away from me. About Me 24 year old harpy who spends too much time...
  9. Aqua-Zora

    Multiple Settings Fandom RP Search and one orginal Sci-Fi plot.

    Hello to one and all! I'm looking to write some stories in any of the settings below. It's mostly video game fandoms. I've got plots and characters for each. I would love to hear any ideas you have as well. Also I can provide a writing sample on request. So a little about what you can expect. I...
  10. chaomi

    Fandom The Last Of Us 2 Roleplay (MxM or FxM)

    This is my first time posting on here, so I apologize if my post is formatted wrongly in anyway! 18+ please! I’m genderfluid (any pronouns) 22, so I’m really only comfortable roleplaying with other adults! I’m looking to do The Last Of Us Roleplay. I can play either M or F - but specifically...
  11. pumpkinpatch

    Fandom cinders’ search for some fandoms!

    hi hi! Cinders here! I’ll just jump into the important stuff! A SUMMARY ABOUT ME You can call me cinders or snowy! i am 21+, my pronouns are he/him and literally any neopronouns, I don’t mind. My timezone is EST, different timezones are not an issue for me. I do not really have any triggers...
  12. ghostlynarcissus

    Fandom Fallout: Into the Light [IC]

    coded by uxie! fonts used: headers body text, subheaders to replace fonts, add/replace them here, and then in the variables below under *fonts; check uxie's tech support in nine lives for more details ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ) ----left---- ----top---- ----image filler----...
  13. effective-happiness

    Fandom ⇝the circle game ⇜ ((fandom search thread))

    Hi hi! Welcome to my search thread. You can call me Happy! To get right down to it, first a bit about myself, then scroll a bit past that and you’ll see what I’m looking for in an RP partner, then the fandoms I’m looking for! About me! ✦ 21 years old ✦ She/her ✦ Autistic ✦ I am a student and...
  14. Hell0NHighWater

    Multiple Settings Life's A Game ⎨IC⎬

    if the img is off center adjust centerblock number above to anything btwn 25 and 45 see if that works 〔ESMAEL CISNERO〕 Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or fulfill good intentions. TAGS: @Spoiled Bread @Chise_Robin_ @oxicodone @Cara @Nellancholy @BELIAL. @felideli @SavannahSmiles...
  15. ghostlynarcissus

    Fandom Fallout: Into the Light [Sandbox RP-Open]

    ☢️ Fallout: Into the Light ☢️ Introduction Welcome to the Wastelands, a place of desolation and opportunity following the Great War. In this Fallout roleplay, we'll explore a world struggling to rebuild after tragedy strikes. Whether you join a powerful faction or strive alone, survival is...
  16. KingOfStories

    Multiple Settings Looking for a roleplay partner (Fandoms and Fantasy)

    Hi, my name is Reece. I'm 23 years old and live in England. I usually write at least one paragraph to two when roleplaying with 3 - 4 lines. My pairings are usually MxF or MxM and I tend to roleplay as a male character only. I can roleplay either canon or OCs. Romance isn't a must but it can be...
  17. Hell0NHighWater

    Multiple Settings Life's A Game - Interest Check〖Closed〗

    coded by uxie! fonts used: headers body text, subheaders to replace fonts, add/replace them here, and then in the variables below under *fonts; check uxie's tech support in nine lives for more details ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ) ----left---- ----top---- ----image filler----...
  18. KingOfStories

    Multiple Settings Seeking RP partner for fandom or fantasy roleplay

    Hello all! My name is Reece, I’m 23 years old from England. I’m looking for people who will be interested in roleplaying with me, as we all are. I’ll be honest, my paragraph lengths aren’t usually all that long so I don’t require yours to be either. One or two paragraphs at about 3 - 5 lines...
  19. boudinage

    Fandom ❯ 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚢 14 thru 16 : the 1 x 1 search you didn't ask for.

    the reviews are in, yall: how do you do fellow nerds? i'm lookin for some fabulous shameless self indulgence of the final fantasy variety. i love doubling, i love givin' my partner the feelings they deserve. i hold no grudges, so if we started something and one of us bailed, feel free to...
  20. fairyfawn

    Fandom fairy’s fandom café (open)(updated)

    INTRODUCTION hello there! it is i, juniper, with another big ol' fandom search here! i dont know what else to say so let’s get on to the important stuff and then the fandoms! ABOUT ME - i am a 22 year old aroace-spec trans man, my pronouns are he/purr/fox and I welcome other neopronouns too! my...