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"Pepper?! Get out of here you could get-" Ben was then shocked by Electro and was knocked into the wall of the building going through the wall. He coughed a little, well Pepper got her answer. Electro shot a blast of electricity at Ben and he groaned in pain as the jolt of electricity went through his body, it was not the greatest feeling in the world but Ben had been through worse. Electro laughed and looked at Pepper Potts to taunt her, "Oh well if it isn't the widow of Tony Stark...what an honor to meet you may I ask are you the leader of these twerps?" Electro then glanced at Pepper's weapon and was a little worried about it since bullets could hurt him but he could draw power from some source and become unstable.

Ben was ready to jump in front of Pepper to keep her from getting hurt if need be. She was the one who gave him a chance at becoming a hero of which he always wanted to be. Ben also saw her as his boss and he wanted to keep her alive because he knew Morgan needed a mother and the world needed the Young Avengers. Electro started to absorb power from a generator and in this state he was invulnerable to attack unless someone turned off the generator.

"Pepper, can you turn off the generator and shoot him?" Ben asked, "I am going to distract him." Ben then shot a few webs at Electro to get his attention towards him. The powered Electro fired a large projectile of electricity that could ripple through the city at Ben. Luckily the boy dodged or he could be vaporized by it easily. "Woah woah Max," Ben quipped, "I know its probably too late but you could power New York if you decide to turn a new leaf over." Electro hated this bad quip and attempted to blast Ben again and missed. Due to the generator being created by Shield Electro was able to summon electric creatures made of pure electricity. They were attacking the city and trying to drain power from people

"That is not good..." Ben gulped hoping that the beacon call worked and people would help. How the hell did Max know about their headquarters anyway? Might have something to do with Kate...she did like to date around a lot so maybe that could be the answer. Either way Ben and Pepper were going to clean this mess up. Pepper was not a fighter but she knew what she was doing.

Electro blasted Ben into a wall again, "I am going to fry you Scarlet Spider! Then Mrs. Stark." The villain laughed as he shot more bolts at Ben making him weaker, "Man I am going to conquer this city so easily..."
Lucian thought about it. He wanted to help. This would be his first-ever big mission. Sure he fought other bad guys but nothing that was Avengers level. He knew he needed to act quickly. But there was a small problem... Lucian lives in Salem and the Avengers HQ is in New York. He rushed out of his room and to his personal library. He needed a teleportation spell that would take him to New York. Driving and flying were obviously out of the question. Lucian flipped through many books until he found what he was looking for.

He ran back to his room and grabbed his cross-body satchel. He opened it up and put his necessities inside. Such as his phone, his hairbrush, a mirror, a Twix, a pack of gum, and his most prized possession of all time, The Darkhold. Lucian snapped his fingers and the book shrunk into a keychain. He threw the book keychain in the bag and went back to his library. His familiar Salem was sitting on the book.

"Salem! Please move! I'm currently trying to do something helpful.", Lucian told his cat.

Salem looked up at him and hissed.

"I am going to help the Young Avengers and don't you dare hiss at me again Mister, or I'll spray water on you!", Lucian told Salem with a stern tone.

Salem got up and ran off. Lucian chuckled and continued about his business. He read over the teleportation spell and finally decided he was ready to leave. He grabbed his bag and put it on. He read the spell one more time. He closed his eyes and cleared his mind. He just focused on the location he needed to be and started saying the spell. After saying the spell Lucian disappeared in a cloud of thick grey smoke. He reappeared right in front of the HQ. Lucian smiled to himself, thankful the spell worked out. He walked around the building. It had some damage to it. He kept walking until he found a good entry spot.

He started to pick up the back of his feet as if he was going to stand on his tiptoes but instead, he rose up into the air and landed perfectly inside the building. He could see there was a lot of damage now. A lot of rubble everywhere.

He walked a bit more and then ducked immediately when he saw what was going on. A man was shooting electricity at a boy who looked like he was about to pass out. Lucian thought about flying up and hitting him with multiple energy blasts at the same time. But he wasn't sure if that was going to work. He really didn't have a plan because this was a new villain to him and he didn't know what powers this man could possess. So, Lucian basically said fuck it and flew up into the air.

"HEY YOU BIG LOSER!!!", Lucian said trying to get the man's attention. Which worked because he turned around to face Lucian.

Lucian flew a few feet closer.

"Pick on somebody else asshole!", Lucian started throwing energy balls at the man right as he said that.

The man dodged all of them except for one which hit him square in the chest, knocking him down. Or so Lucian thought. Lucian flew quickly over to the boy and shook his body. "Hey hey, are you okay??", Lucian asked but the boy didn't respond fully. Fuck. Lucian started hitting him in the face, not hard to hurt but hard enough to feel at least a sting.

Since Lucian was distracted he didn't see the man who he thought was knocked out coming at Lucian from behind. Lucian quickly turned around and was hit hard with an electricity bolt. He was thrown out of the building and slammed to the ground, knocking him out.
Armanji looked down from a building a rn grunts heavily as he noticed what was going on with the avengers. He wasnโ€™t quite known yet amongst the team, but he planned on introducing himself eventually. One day, he closed his eyes contemplating, wondering if he should approach.
Jay trudged down the cold New York street, the early winter wind sending a chill down her spine. She'd just finished grocery shopping at the local corner store, filling three shopping bags full of enough instant ramen and overnight oats to last her the next week. While everyone around her seemed rather soured by the cold front and early setting sun, Jay felt refreshed, only just waking up from the nap she'd been taking since she'd gotten home that morning. Refreshed enough to take on another night.

It wouldn't stay that way for long, though- as Jay weaved through the sidewalk, she was suddenly stopped in her tracks by a rogue lightning bolt, striking only inches away from her face. She leaped backwards, letting out a string of expletives and dropping a shopping bag in the process. What the hell?! She glanced up, noticing the fight going on a story above her, electricity clashing with webs clashing with... magic. That means I have to get involved, doesn't it?

Jay sighed, running into a nearby alleyway between two apartment complexes, abandoning her groceries and scaling the fire escape up to the roof. Once there, she surveyed the destruction- A boy around the same age as her getting knocked aside by a bolt of electricity, another boy in a costume she'd seen around recently- One of those Young Avengers kids- and what seemed to be the widow of Tony Stark, brandishing a small pistol. Together, they faced the man who'd seemingly shot the lightning bolt, who had arcs of electricity cascading through his body. This isn't gonna be easy.


Jay jumped at the sound of Khonshu's voice, turning around to see the god had appeared behind her. "You are not going to distract yourself with this, are you?"

Jay huffed. "Don't you know it's rude to sneak up on people?" She rolled her eyes and crouched back down on the roof's ledge, trying to figure out a course of action. The setting sun and bolts of electricity cast a sickly glow across the New York street, illuminating the chaos down below. Civilians cried out and scurried in different directions, far too concerned with their own safety to notice a teenage girl seemingly conversing with thin air.

"This is a matter for those Young Avengers. They can handle this. We have far more important matters to deal with." Jay glanced back up at Khonshu. She'd been initially unnerved by his appearance, but had grown used to his presence over the past year. His attempts to intimidate her rarely worked, and he could do little to convince her in most matters- she always ended up coming back to do her 'job', though.

"I don't think they can. I mean, it doesn't look like they are." The electricity-wielding man had since cornered the two boys, and had turned to threaten Potts. "Besides..." Jay turned east, where the moon had begun cresting the horizon, a bright white glow against the darkening sky. "...It is night. And those people down there are definitely travelers, in need of protecting." Jay grinned up at Khonshu, who let out an annoyed growl in response. I won this round. Definitely in for a long night later, though.

Jay turned around, strutting backwards towards the roof ledge. "Don't worry. I won't be long."

Jay fell backwards, savoring the breeze in her hair as she fell. She let the Moon Knight armour surround her, wrapping her tight like a vise, and twisted midair, landing deftly on her feet. Scanning the area, she noticed a few onlookers murmuring in her direction- she rarely made herself known, especially on the busy streets of New York, but this was an extenuating circumstance. As the arcs of electricity coming off the man grew brighter and more numerous, Jay suddenly noticed the source of his power- some sort of advanced generator behind one of the buildings. Aha! That was definitely where he was drawing his power from, the electricity arcing from it to the man brighter than any of the other bolts she'd seen.

Jay ran along the side of one of the buildings, cape sweeping behind her. She jumped inside one of the damaged buildings, trying to get a good angle, before lining up her shot, and... Gotcha. Jay quickly threw two crescent darts into the rotors of the generator, jamming it and cutting off the power. She took the electric man's temporary moment of apparent confusion to leap in front of him, landing next to the two boys she'd seen fighting him earlier. She spoke low, taking a fighting stance and keeping her eyes trained on the electric man.

"So... any ideas on how to finish this guy off?"
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Lucianโ€™s head pounded with pain from the impact he had with the ground. He rubbed his eyes and looked around at his surroundings.

He saw that the boy who he had tried to help before was now awake and they were also joined by a unknown person in a full body suit. The suit looked like it was made with mummy wrappings and it had a hood. The persons face was also covered with the mummy like wrappings. Pretty cool looking not gonna lie.

โ€œIโ€™m a little achy right now but I think youโ€, Lucian pointed at Ben, โ€œshould stick him up with your web thingys. But you will do that after me and mystery mummy over here knock him down or out.โ€, Lucian told the pair.
"That I can do," Ben replied to Lucien as he was more awake and his healing factor was kicking in and making him heal. He was worried about them going up against Electro but as he saw that the mummy girl had made Electro weak so he thought they had a chance. Ben snickered at the nickname mystery mummy for a second and it almost seemed like something he would say to a bad guy.

"Haha mystery mummy," Ben chuckled, "thats a new one...." He then swung away from the two to divert the attention of Electro so they could bring him down. Electro was still suffering from a huge loss of power and was trying to find another power source desperately to recharge. He started to drain from another generator but this time it was weaker and his attacks were not as strong.

Ben waited for the two to knock him out or down so he could web him down. He did shot a web at him to distract him and dodged his lighting bolts that were shot at him. "Losing power huh Max?" Ben asked and smirked as Electro was getting annoyed and shot more bots at him which he dodged.
Lucian watched as Ben swung away. He had been waiting for a moment like this all his life. The moment where heโ€™d be able to show off his skills. He waited for Ben to distract Electro and then he lifted off the ground. He flew close to Ben and Electro who was still throwing weak electric bolts at Ben.

He waved his hand and a low wall started building in front of Lucian for him to take cover behind. He waited for mystery mummy to give him the signal.

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Jay rolled her eyes at the nickname 'mystery mummy', the corner of her mouth quirking upwards under the mask of the suit. "Creative. Answer the question." Sure, she might have been a bit gruff to two boys who had quite nearly been knocked out by that electric psychopath... But they knew what they were getting themselves into. Jay nodded as the magic boy explained the situation, watching the spider-kid swing off and begin wrapping the man in webs. That's useful.

Several bolts of electricity came suddenly flying at Jay and the magic kid, and Jay took only a split second to leap to the side, rolling the magic kid with her and shielding him with her cape, taking the brunt of the electric bolts the man sent flying towards them. "I'm going to hit him, try and give you an opening to use some of that flashy magic of yours. Preferably something that could keep him down this time." Once it looked like the boy understood, Jay flung back her cape and ran at the eletric man, not sparing a second to think if it was a good idea to hit the equivalent of a live eletric wire.

She would soon find out the answer to that was no, not at all, as her knee hit his chest, knocking him across the sky- and sending her flying into another rooftop, every muscle seizing up and giving her a concussion that would last a good hour. Okay, ow. Jay only took a second to herself, though, quickly making a semi-recovery and launching a crescent dart at the man, slicing clean across his arm. "Now, magic kid, here's your opening!"
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Lucian started saying a spell while flying up into the air. He started forming a ball of glowing energy in his hands. He rose higher and higher into the air and was now chanting his spell louder as the ball grew bigger and brighter.

He stopped flying and floated in the air, he stopped chanting his spell and came flying down at full speed towards Electro. Mid flight he pulled his arm back all the way and launched the ball of glowing energy at Electro.

It flew very fast and hit Electro right in his upper body. He flew back and hit a wall with an hard impact. The wall shook and crumbled at little bit.

Lucian tried landing but he fell hard to the ground. Lucian tried lifting himself up but he was feeling very drained and weak. He put all his energy into the ball to make sure it put Electro down for a good minute.
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"My turn huh?" Ben stated to himself as he then swung over to Electro and began covering him with webs as it was restraining the electric man as best as he could. Electro was injured from the dart and trapped from the webs. "You should go to Rykers now," Ben said and on cue the police arrived with the heavy swat team.

"You got it covered?" Ben asked and swung to Lucien to see if he was ok and kneeled beside him and helped him up, "dude, that was awesome but you don't need to almost kill yourself..." He turned ti Jay with a smile on his face and he was thankful for her help. He was not very good at anything social and it might have looked weird.

"Uh thanks for your help too," Ben said to the girl wondering who this mummy mystery was and if it had connections to the legends that he heard about some crime fighter who seemed to fight with similar weapons. Of course Ben suspected that it was rumors but it would be cool to meet a legend.

Ben sat Lucien down on a hospital stretcher when the ambulance arrived to pick up injured people. He was not trying to tell him that he was weak and needed to be taken care of but he was worried for the guy. He knew the hospital people would take care of him while they figured out how to rebuild the Young Avengers HQ.

"Pepper?!" Ben called out and swung into the rubble of the Young Avenger building looking for the woman that was his boss pretty much. He knew that Kate was going to get a scolding from him for this and for endangering other people too. He sighed and dropped to his knees not knowing what to do now but then he had an idea. He pulled out his phone and texted Kate.

"Where the hell are you? Electro almost killed me and Pepper but luckily two people showed up to help..."

Generation: Writers Block Generation: Writers Block ave goin insane ave goin insane kevin kevin
The wall between Pepper Potts and Ben reformed before she could answer, the wall seemingly rebuilding itself as the bricks and mortar stacked back into their original shape and state. The rest of the building was receiving similar restoration, along with the sidewalk along it, bricks and rubble slowly gliding back into place accompanied by a blue glow and a haze of dust from all the crumbled concrete. The fact that the damage was being repaired in chunks instead of all at once, along with the constant stream of โ€˜iwantthesitetoberepairedโ€™ behind him warned the team leader which of his teammates had arrived even before the sarcastic comment.

โ€œI was going to apologize for being late but clearly you all have it handled. You must keep your backups on speed dial though, if they got here faster than us.โ€ Billy Kaplan had his arms crossed and his hip popped out, the stance he tended to unconsciously take when acting playful, and gave Ben a smirk when he turned around. โ€œWait,โ€ Billy looked between Jay and Lucian, acting a little more serious, โ€œgirl who has scary aim and boy with, Iโ€™m pretty sure that was magic there. You really did replace us, and did a hell of a job!โ€ He laughed as he turned back to Ben, delighted by the coincidence. โ€œKateโ€™s gonna think this is crazy when she gets here, which she should be soon, I know sheโ€™s got a pretty long way here from her place but thatโ€™s assuming she was actually at her place.โ€

โ€œAre you guysโ€ฆโ€ he gestured to both the newcomers, addressing them now that heโ€™d greeted Ben in his own way. โ€œLike, you must be the recruits Ms. Potts was talking about, right? Iโ€™m Billy, thanks for jumping in back there.โ€ He extended his hand to Jay. โ€œI promise weโ€™re not so mean we just expect you to do our dirty work on the first day, but Iโ€™m sure you really saved Ben some cuts and bruises by stepping in. Speaking of,โ€ he looked at Lucian, โ€œare you okay?โ€

kevin kevin ave goin insane ave goin insane That Weird girl That Weird girl AxleFlaminV8 AxleFlaminV8 Shadow101 Shadow101
Lucian was now joined by Ben, mystery mummy, and a new boy. He dusted himself off. Wincing in pain when he accidentally hit his ankle whilst dusting himself off. He pulled his pant leg up and his ankle had turned black and purple.

Lucian definitely knew it was broken. Ben asked Lucian if he was okay. Lucian nodded and smiled. He placed his hands on his ankle and muttered something. The bruise disappeared and Lucian jumped up.

โ€œYes, I am okay. Thank you for asking.โ€, Lucian said to Ben.

โ€œAnd youโ€™re welcome. Iโ€™m always down for a fight especially when itโ€™s someone who is in danger.โ€

Lucian looked around and watched as the building restored to its original state. He also wondered what type of magic Billy uses. Lucian figured heโ€™d find out sooner or later.
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Jay lifted herself off the roof with a groan, taking a second to gather her bearings and focus on the healing process. Once she felt okay enough to walk, she leaped back beside the boys, where another had now joined them. Another magic user. Huh. Jay pulled back the mask of the suit, revealing her face, and glanced at the group. "'Backup' is a funny word. I just so happened to pass by when I noticed these two-" she flicked her thumb at the magic kid and spider-kid,"-did not have it handled. So, I stepped in." Jay began unwrapping part of her costume as she spoke, ripping off a section with her teeth and tying it into a makeshift hair tie. "Plus, I thought it would be fun."

Jay tied up her hair in a ponytail, letting out a small scoff at the new boy's praises. "Yeah, this isn't my first rodeo. I did 'hell of a job' because this is my job." Is this really just a game to them? Damn, I wish I had that luxury. "And I don't know anything about 'new recruits'. Like I said, I just stopped by to help, and I have places I need to be." Jay glanced around, expecting Khonshu to be watching nearby, but he was nowhere in sight. Good. "But if you guys are doing some kind of find-kids-with-superpowers-that-want-to-fight-crime career fair, I'll stick around. I need a break after that, anyways." Just gathering information. Enemy of my enemy is my friend, and all that.

kevin kevin Generation: Writers Block Generation: Writers Block That Weird girl That Weird girl
โ€œYeah, what do you guys mean by โ€˜new recruitsโ€™?โ€, Lucian asked.

He brushed his hair and dug in his bag. He pulled out the Twix he packed earlier and started eating it. He waited for a response from someone.
"First of all Billy II don't know who these people are," Ben responded chuckling in response to him joking that they were replaced. Ben glanced at Jay unwrapping some of her costume, "nice halloween costume...I could tell Max was scared in his boots." Ben couldn't help himself from making bad jokes and quips and he had a feeling the girl would likely not find it funny like everyone else. "Yeah we are crime fighters but a little bit more advanced," Ben responded to Jay's question, "you know the avengers right? We are basically them but younger and cooler right Billy?"

Ben took off his mask revealing himself to look like Peter Parker since he was a clone of him. He would stay in his torn costume for now as he did not have any clothes underneath. "Ugh, Electro ruined my favorite suit," Ben complained and looked at the two, "if you guys would like to apart of the team you passed the test and I can get you both in the system and get you connected to our radio system."

Ben left out the part about spying on them since he did not want to scare them. He could be a real dad to the team and make sure they did not get in trouble.
Lucian chuckled at Benโ€™s comment on mystery mummyโ€™s halloween costume. Ben is humorous and Lucian really thought they both had good humor.

โ€œSo, what now? Whatโ€™s the next move for this Young Avengers team?โ€, Lucian asked.

He wanted to know how this would all play out. How his life would change. He was really going to be an Avenger (a young one of course)

Lucian thought of all the new villains heโ€™d fight and all the sights heโ€™d see from going around to fight bad guys. Lucian was a home body and stayed at home all the time back in Salem. He never wanted to interact with humanity.

But now Lucian was ready for a change. And that change involved him becoming more social and outgoing. Which seemed scary but with people like Ben and Billy, he knew he would be in good hands.
Did he really just call the ceremonial armor of Khonshu a 'Halloween costume'? Jay held back a chuckle, responding sharply with, "Right back at you, spider-kid. Very 'Avril Lavigne'." She couldn't help but narrow her eyes, though, when the boy claimed to be a 'younger and cooler' version of the Avengers. "The Avengers are dead. Remember? Black Widow threw herself off a cliff, Iron Man snapped, Cap disappeared Thor's off in space doing god knows what, Hulk and Hawkeye retired..." Jay couldn't keep the venom out of her words- unlike probably all the other kids on this 'team', she never asked to carry a mantle, never wanted to. "Just because you parade around with Starks' widow and call yourself heroes doesn't mean you're them."

Jay paused for a second, cooling off from her previous scalding words. "Speaking of Hawkeye... you guys mentioned a 'Kate'. You don't mean Kate Bishop?" Jay had somewhat fuzzy memories of the girl- they rarely crossed paths in school, with Kate being two years above her, but Kate was always the talk of the town, the master archer who ran off to be a hero. Of course she'd join this team. Good for her.

"What are you still doing here?"

"Ah! Fuck!" Jay twisted around, spotting Khonshu across the street from them. He's never gonna get it, is he?

"You said it would be quick, Spector."

Jay couldn't respond. She knew the others couldn't see him- her shouting out like that was bad enough. Speaking to him here and now would solidly place her as 'crazy'. She just huffed and mentally promised that she'd make this quick.

kevin kevin Generation: Writers Block Generation: Writers Block That Weird girl That Weird girl
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โ€œYou ask an important question, Lucian.โ€ Pepper Potts had come out of the building and was approaching the gathered heroes. โ€œWhat is the next move for the Young Avengers? Iโ€™m glad you made it tonight, I wasnโ€™t sure if Iโ€™d see you after you never responded to my attempts to reach out.โ€ There was a bit of a scold and something that sounded like teasing in her tone that continued as she faced the sky and spoke louder. โ€œIf our friend on the roof would like to join us, Iโ€™d been hoping to see him tonight too.

โ€œWe were supposed to be meeting tonight to talk about and to new recruits and so that I could introduce a friend of mine that we think could be a good addition the team. If anyone wants to be part of those conversations or would like to learn more about what the Young Avengers do, I suggest we move off the crowded street into somewhere we can sit down and hear each other.โ€

Pepper sent Ben a look and nodded toward the inside of the building, silently asking him to lead the way while she finished up outside. โ€œKate will be here soon,โ€ she told him as she walked by, โ€œshe and I talked when I let her know that the alert was handled, but I think her response time is something you and she should talk about, as the leaders of the team. Maybe not tonight, but soon, I can help with that too if you want.โ€ She turned her gaze to Billy then, โ€œif you can heal Lucian and finish cleaning up out here before you follow Scarlett Spider, Wiccan, I think we all would appreciate it.โ€ She smiled as she watched the boy nod and cure Lucianโ€™s injuries, proud of how far he, along with the other members of the team, had come. Pepper than slipped round the group to approach Jay.

โ€œLet me guess,โ€ she murmured after Jay turned away from whatever she had been staring at, โ€œpowers come with a cost?โ€ She held out her hand as she introduced herself. โ€œIโ€™m Pepper Potts, you did really well here and Iโ€™m grateful. My team works hard but is still ironing out the kinks, and Scarlett Spider could have gotten hurt without your assistance. You remind me of someone some of the other Superheroes have talked about, a Moonknight.

โ€œI know that you didnโ€™t come here to listen to some kind of spiel, but you are clearly trying to do good, if your willing to stop and lend a hand to even another superhero. Iโ€™d love to have you come in and talk to us. With how few superheroes are left around, those that are tend to be publicized, and so I know from watching the news that you tend to take the hard cases and are seen rarely. Maybe having backup or a place to crash between how hard your working could benefit you and us. No commitments, and you can of course say no, but if you want to, this is the day to ask questions.โ€ Pepper moved back a little, ready to leave and give Jay some space, but hoping she would come to the building. โ€œWhat do you say?โ€

ave goin insane ave goin insane That Weird girl That Weird girl kevin kevin AxleFlaminV8 AxleFlaminV8
"Sorry about that Ms. Potts. I should have responded instead of just jumping in.", Lucian said.

Lucian watched Billy heal his injuries. "Thank you Billy.", Lucian said

Lucian followed the others inside the Avengers HQ. He turned his head all around looking at all the cool tech inside. He stood to the side with his arms crossed waiting for the others to join them inside.
Jay turned back to the group with a sigh as Pepper Potts exited the now-repaired building, greeting the 'recruits' she'd contacted, including the magic boy- Lucian. Jay idly wondered how Pepper had even known how to contact them, before Pepper asked the other magic kid- Billy- to heal up Lucian's injuries. Jay watched intently as Billy murmured a few words, and Lucian's injuries mended before her very eyes. Okay, that's pretty cool. Even my healing factor isn't that fast. The headache caused by Jays' concussion dully throbbed to punctuate that point, making Jay wince.

Jay was somewhat surprised when Pepper then turned to address her. She let out a dark chuckle when Pepper mentioned powers coming at a cost. "Yeah, you'd know all about that, wouldn't you?" Jay had seen the reports- ever since Tony Stark came out as Iron Man, life had surely been a rollercoaster for Miss Potts. But at the end of the day, they'd both lost someone to the cause. "And like I said, it's really nothing. I'm only doing my job, pretty much," Jay said flippantly. Jay glanced away, though, when Pepper mentioned the other heroes talking about a 'Moon Knight'. "Yep, that's me," Jay murmured. They're almost definitely thinking of dad. They probably think we're the same person. They probably don't even know that...

Jay bit down on her tongue, piercing through the fog that had come over her mind. I don't really know what that was, but... I can't risk you coming out, Soph. Not here. Jay attempted to regain focus through her piercing headache, listening intently to Peppers words, as though they were a lifeline. "Yeah, uh, yeah. That sounds great, sounds... sounds good." Jay tried not to show how out of it she was, and nodded along to Pepper's words. A place to crash. Gather my bearings. Figure out what this team is all about, maybe squeeze out some info for my next mission. "Okay, so, where is this meeting happening?"

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Pepper smiled a little, โ€œjust inside. Theyโ€™re probably all gathered in the training room, I thinks thatโ€™s collectively their favorite room in the base.โ€ She led the way as she silently thanked anyone listening for the easy way this girl accepted her invitation. Pepper Potts knew how dangerous superheroing could be for even the most experienced of people, let alone untrained heroes without backup. Whatever experience this young woman had, she didnโ€™t have a field partner watching her back and covering for her weaknesses.

Once she got inside, the woman looked over the gathered people. Things were about to change a bit for all of them, but she hoped the decisions she was making meant it was for the better. She was a little hesitant about having a meeting in front of people who were not official members, both business and heroing having taught her the dangers of giving information to a potential enemy. However, they had also taught her about how to properly research potential Allies and there was not a person in the room she didnโ€™t know about, so the risk was minimal.

โ€œAlright everyone, listen up please. Firstly, I want to congratulate you all, again, on the way you worked together today. I also, however, want to bring to your attention the negative things todayโ€™s attack told us. This base is as camouflaged into the area as we could manage and itโ€™s paperwork has a tight alibi through the unknowing Bishop Publishing. The fact that Electro, who is an admirable fighter but not the most clever of villains, was able to so confidently approach our headquarters, is worrisome at best. We need to figure out how he was able to find us and what to do about the incident as quickly as possible. If this is some kind of information leak we need it shut down immediately.โ€ She looked at Ben, โ€œI donโ€™t think that Friday is going to be any help here, so we should get started on a strategy for this as soon as possible.โ€ Her gaze rose then to the rest of the group. โ€œThat goes for any other team members, if you have theories or ideas, bring those forward as soon as you can. This involves everyoneโ€™s safety and so I think that everyone should be kept up about whatโ€™s going on.

โ€œOn a more positive note, I think I know someone who could help us with this.โ€ Pepper gestured to someone off to the side, โ€œI want to introduce you to Logan. As we all know, I understand how to manage people but I have no clue how to assist you all when it comes to the specifics of being out there, and I think itโ€™s past time we find someone who does. The missions we are going on are only becoming bigger and higher stakes, especially as you are all being recognized in your hero personas. That isnโ€™t beyond your capabilities, but we need to be prepared for the challenge as best as we are able. Logan has a lot of experience as a superhero and working on teams, both in a leadership role and as a team member. Heโ€™s also get several years of teaching under his belt, and I think his teaching style could really fill in some of the gaps around here.โ€ Pepper took a few steps to the side, giving Wolverine the middle of the floor. โ€œIf you want to take the floor after I introduce our new potential members, Iโ€™d love to hear your thoughts on where to get started with the team or our security breach.โ€

Pepper then turned to the group, โ€œIโ€™m not going to embarrass or pick on anyone. Some of you were contacted before today, Lucian and Harley, and some of you are just here to get information, I think the best way to get everyone the knowledge they want and to introduce you all to each other is if you just ask each other questions and talk to each other. Logan and I will also be here to talk too if youโ€™d like. After Logan introduces himself, Scarlett Spider, if you want to spearhead the introductions or talk about the team, I think that might be appropriate.โ€ Pepper then stepped to the side and looked to Logan, sure during the meeting to him.

Shadow101 Shadow101
Armanji prowled in the background, in his suite. Panther mask hiding his face, he hid for awhile. Before stepping into the light and had suddenly appeared before them. โ€œHelloโ€ he said deeply.
Few Hours later
Ben was doing warm up exorcizes with the new people and they were just getting to know each other around a table. "So what is your story?" Ben asked pointing to Lucien and then Jay would go after him. Armanji would go after Jay and give a little information about himself. The table was stocked with snacks ranging from twinkles to bags of chips. There was also a big jug of lemonade for everyone to share and some cups. Ben had also prepared some ice breakers for the team if things get too silent for his liking.

He hoped that after they could train together to see their power levels. He would have to set up the dummies beforehand though since it was not operational thanks to Max. He was hoping Kate would come and introduce herself to the team so they would know the co leader. He was still upset at Kate for the electro incident but he was willing to hear her side of the story on why it happened.

AxleFlaminV8 AxleFlaminV8 ave goin insane ave goin insane Generation: Writers Block Generation: Writers Block kevin kevin
Lucian was very nervous about starting first but he knew he'd have to just suck it up and push through. He took the last sip of lemonade in his cup and cleared his throat.

"Um hi. My name is Lucian Harkness and I'm 16 years old. I was kicked out at 15 for choosing to do good with my powers and abilities. I've been on my own for the past year just stopping petty crimes from happening and staying in a cabin. I decided to come here because I need some direction in my life and honestly I got bored and lonely."

Lucian smiled and stood awkwardly as he waited for someone else to go. He wondered what the others thought of him and his very short backstory.
โ€œAnother magician huh?โ€ Kate Bishop smirked at how easily she could draw the groupsโ€™ attention without moving from the doorway, โ€œand with a sketchy past at that. Sounds like proper superhero material if you ask me.โ€ She extended a hand to Lucian as she crossed the room. โ€œIโ€™m Hawkeye and not usually this late.โ€ She flashed an apologetic smile and a shrug at Ben and Pepper. โ€œWe can talk about that later,โ€ she winked at the team leader, meaning she was hoping to make the conversation private.

โ€œSo what kind of magic do you do, Lucian? Do you have to draw chalk circles and stuff or can you actually use it in the field? I have to admit I always get a bit worried when someone with a high-hitting power type says theyโ€™ve never gotten beyond stopping petty crime. It usually means that they havenโ€™t succumbed to the ego trip of the big time stuff because they canโ€™t hack it. Though thereโ€™s also the possibility that youโ€™re just really noble and like to stand up for the little man, so which is it?โ€ She took a seat next to Ben and nodded at the other two newcomers, shaking their hands, before looking back at the magician. โ€œUnless,โ€ she cast a glance at her co-leader again, โ€œyouโ€™d rather get this boring part over with and show me when we run some exercises?โ€ She winked at Lucian as she continued, โ€œI know that these things are funnier to show in person sometimes.โ€

kevin kevin ave goin insane ave goin insane That Weird girl That Weird girl AxleFlaminV8 AxleFlaminV8

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