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MechanicalSnake MechanicalSnake
I seen opportunity for at least familiarity if not outright experience between our characters! In particular, Gabriel's father and Bryony's husband are both Members of Parliament and Gabriel is about 3 years older than her oldest son, who possibly studied at the University of London himself. Interested? Any particular kind of connection or relationship you'd be interested in?
MechanicalSnake MechanicalSnake
I seen opportunity for at least familiarity if not outright experience between our characters! In particular, Gabriel's father and Bryony's husband are both Members of Parliament and Gabriel is about 3 years older than her oldest son, who possibly studied at the University of London himself. Interested? Any particular kind of connection or relationship you'd be interested in?

Ooooh yes please! Im up for anything. Though you would have probably heard some horrible stories About me from both your husband And son, so its upon you if choose to dislike me or like me? ๐Ÿ˜
... Is your son straight? Would He tell you if He wasnt? ๐Ÿ˜
I'm also open to any plotting with Giselle-- anyone who thinks they might have been there when Giselle had her first demonic encounter, or any relations otherwise.
Aaaa, Ive had some set backs but the CS is coming along! Perhaps not tonight but tomorrow, its taking a little longer than expected x

Everyones already look fantastic ๐Ÿ˜ญ
If I may, I'd like to say a few things about ballroom culture in the 19th century. Mainly because I miss being able to dance with my friends.

The polka

The waltz

These, along with a few others (the quadrille, the galopade, not really my thing on either count, also, I can't personally dance to them and know way less about their history) dominated the ballroom floor. The two dances have more in common than than they have differences, so let's get into it.

The waltz was invented in the sixteenth century, but didn't catch on until much later. For a time, in the late 18th century, one form of the waltz was used as a figure within contredanse, but it really started to be its own thing at the turn of the 19th century. It was first introduced to mainstream ballroom culture in England in 1816, where it was met with no small amount of controversy, for inspiring immorality.

Basically, contredanse is a group dance. There's a dance master calling the shots. The ladies are in one long line, the gentlemen in another, everyone dances with everyone, and usually you retreat to an arms' length away between figures and closed position (the stereotypical ballroom hold) isn't really used. Waltz turned that on its head. Suddenly, you were face to face, chest to chest, coupled off with one other partner with nobody except basic ballroom etiquette telling you what steps to take. You whirl around and around, and suddenly, hopefully, you can see why this caused an uproar.

The same thing happened with the polka when it was introduced to Parisian ballrooms in the 1840s. Parisian dance teachers hired ballet girls from the opera to be partners for the scores of young gentlemen hoping to learn the dance, and it quickly garnered a bad reputation as "that dance the horny kids do." Personally, I adore the polka. Polkas are fast, exciting, and bouncy. It's a step-together-step type motion, and while it takes six counts to turn in waltz, it takes just four in the polka. It's one of those dances where you feel like your feet don't touch the floor and you're winded afterwords. It's magic. But, regardless. By 1850, the polka was one of the big staples of the ballroom, especially in Paris. It never caught on quite as well in England, where it was introduced in 1849, but had moderate success. Just not to the same level.

But generally, ballroom culture was just fun. An excuse for the ladies to show off their... dรฉcolletage, for young couples to flirt both blatantly and covertly (flower language, gem code, fan language, handkerchief code, etc. were all secret languages used in this time. I have an antique book on flower language from 1846.), and of course, an opportunity to display status, wealth, and to gain, trade, and otherwise negotiate power, influence, and connections.

God, I wish it was safe to dance, again.

Edit: Oh, I should probably explain a few more basic ballroom etiquette things.

Line of dance: Line of dance is the simple concept that if all the whirling pairs move in the same approximate direction, there will be far fewer head on collisions. Line of dance is always counter-clockwise around the room, plain and simple.

Floor craft: This is the delicate art of not running into people. It's up to the leader (the gentleman, usually) to navigate, weaving around other people, furniture, etc. to avoid as many crashes as physically possible. The more assertive you are as a lead, the easier it is to steer.

Leading vs following: Honestly, this is super simple. If you're leading, you step forward first, and the follower steps back. You steer, you call the shots. If your hold is firm, the follower will know what you intend to do. As a follower, when I dance with one of my dear friends, it's almost easier when I close my eyes. They're that good. They can position me, get me to move, do whatever they need to, with just a shift of their weight or a shift of how they're holding me. Of course, it is your job as a follower to give your leader that perfect balance of resistance and compliance so that they have something to push against and the subtle weight changes mean something, but also so that they're not trying to lead somebody who's refusing to move. It's a push and pull, and you both need to work together.

I'll... probably think of more things, later. Enjoy my random dance rant.
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That's some good dance info.

I am really excited to look into all the characters up so far, I am very impressed! Don't be afraid to take a quick scroll through the lore and rules again to make sure there is nothing you have missed.
Okay, I actually had a good bit of time, so I got through them.

Epiphany Epiphany - accepted without revision
Cashi Cashi - accepted without revision
BELIAL. BELIAL. - accepted without revision
ADarkAndStormyNight ADarkAndStormyNight - accepted without revision

I love the diversity here, you've clearly put so much thought and effort into your characters and I am excited to rp with you all XD, just remember that openly opposing the Order's code will get your character reprimanded. Their actions will have consequences in game and I fully intend to tangle all of them into the plot. I've already got some things in mind for our intro arc.

MechanicalSnake MechanicalSnake a touch more to personality and your character is accepted. I actually barred someone else form the "open any lock" idea, it needs to be restricted to any "normal lock" i.e. not magical locks. Or, they could do something else, as we already have that skill in the party.
Bone2pick Bone2pick Your personality section is much too short according to the guidelines I set. Please add more, otherwise, I love your character.
laceanddoodles laceanddoodles Your character is amazing at well, however her weapons are not actually lore-certified. If you want to keep the religious symbols as weapons that is fine, but the cross should be made of silver and the holy water could be laced with rosemary or another purifying herb. Just make that edit and your character is accepted.

Barbas Barbas

I cannot accept this character as it is written. I have some notes if you would like to edit:
  • Overall I do not think this character meshes well with the lore and the order as it has been written.
  • Your character cannot be proficient in every area of magic, please pick maximum 2 and outline their limits, you can have basic knowledge of others.
  • Personality is far too short.
  • Backstory is also too short. Paragraphs must be 4 full lines each. I am also a little iffy about a character kicked out of one order being accepted by The Order of Seven, I need more detail around what happened.
  • The CS is half-bolded, which makes it look messy.
Last edited:
Okay, I actually had a good bit of time, so I got through them.

Epiphany Epiphany - accepted without revision
Cashi Cashi - accepted without revision
BELIAL. BELIAL. - accepted without revision
ADarkAndStormyNight ADarkAndStormyNight - accepted without revision

I love the diversity here, you've clearly put so much thought and effort into your characters and I am excited to rp with you all XD, just remember that openly opposing the Order's code will get your character reprimanded. Their actions will have consequences in game and I fully intend to tangle all of them into the plot. I've already got some things in mind for our intro arc.

MechanicalSnake MechanicalSnake a touch more to personality and your character is accepted. I actually barred someone else form the "open any lock" idea, it needs to be restricted to any "normal lock" i.e. not magical locks. Or, they could do something else, as we already have that skill in the party.
Bone2pick Bone2pick Your personality section is much too short according to the guidelines I set. Please add more, otherwise, I love your character.
laceanddoodles laceanddoodles Your character is amazing at well, however her weapons are not actually lore-certified. If you want to keep the religious symbols as weapons that is fine, but the cross should be made of silver and the holy water could be laced with rosemary or another purifying herb. Just make that edit and your character is accepted.

Barbas Barbas

I cannot accept this character as it is written. I have some notes if you would like to edit:
  • Overall I do not think this character meshes well with the lore and the order as it has been written.
  • Your character cannot be proficient in every area of magic, please pick maximum 2 and outline their limits, you can have basic knowledge of others.
  • Personality is far too short.
  • Backstory is also too short. Paragraphs must be 4 full lines each. I am also a little iffy about a character kicked out of one order being accepted by The Order of Seven, I need more detail around what happened.
  • The CS is half-bolded, which makes it look messy.
I made the edits, I hope itโ€™s alright!!
Barbas Barbas

I cannot accept this character as it is written. I have some notes if you would like to edit:
  • Overall I do not think this character meshes well with the lore and the order as it has been written.
  • Your character cannot be proficient in every area of magic, please pick maximum 2 and outline their limits, you can have basic knowledge of others.
  • Personality is far too short.
  • Backstory is also too short. Paragraphs must be 4 full lines each. I am also a little iffy about a character kicked out of one order being accepted by The Order of Seven, I need more detail around what happened.
  • The CS is half-bolded, which makes it look messy.
I've toying with a few ideas regarding that. So far, I've been thinking either him being interested in either the less pleasant variety of magic, or him just being really into some of the wacky pseudosciences that were popular during that time.
Last edited:
Okay, I actually had a good bit of time, so I got through them.

Epiphany Epiphany - accepted without revision
Cashi Cashi - accepted without revision
BELIAL. BELIAL. - accepted without revision
ADarkAndStormyNight ADarkAndStormyNight - accepted without revision

I love the diversity here, you've clearly put so much thought and effort into your characters and I am excited to rp with you all XD, just remember that openly opposing the Order's code will get your character reprimanded. Their actions will have consequences in game and I fully intend to tangle all of them into the plot. I've already got some things in mind for our intro arc.

MechanicalSnake MechanicalSnake a touch more to personality and your character is accepted. I actually barred someone else form the "open any lock" idea, it needs to be restricted to any "normal lock" i.e. not magical locks. Or, they could do something else, as we already have that skill in the party.
Bone2pick Bone2pick Your personality section is much too short according to the guidelines I set. Please add more, otherwise, I love your character.
laceanddoodles laceanddoodles Your character is amazing at well, however her weapons are not actually lore-certified. If you want to keep the religious symbols as weapons that is fine, but the cross should be made of silver and the holy water could be laced with rosemary or another purifying herb. Just make that edit and your character is accepted.

Barbas Barbas

I cannot accept this character as it is written. I have some notes if you would like to edit:
  • Overall I do not think this character meshes well with the lore and the order as it has been written.
  • Your character cannot be proficient in every area of magic, please pick maximum 2 and outline their limits, you can have basic knowledge of others.
  • Personality is far too short.
  • Backstory is also too short. Paragraphs must be 4 full lines each. I am also a little iffy about a character kicked out of one order being accepted by The Order of Seven, I need more detail around what happened.
  • The CS is half-bolded, which makes it look messy.
What did you mean with personality? I thought I had two paragraphs But I can certainly do more. As for the rest, I honestly didnt even consider the existence of magical locks,so thats fine. ๐Ÿ˜ I can also get more wild on the inventions, but we can leave those few in the bio as examples And Ill PM you some more ideas? If you can think of something the Order could use, Ill gladly accomodate it.
Some more ideas:

How about a friendly poisonous wasp? Can paralyze the suspect for a couple of hours. (Or outright kill them if one so wishes.)


Self-destructible mole. Can dig his way into an enemy's camp. Carries explosives.


And a firefly with pocket light!

Or a lovely wolf? Can chase werwolves. Has silver teeth and claws. (Might be overkill?)
What did you mean with personality? I thought I had two paragraphs But I can certainly do more. As for the rest, I honestly didnt even consider the existence of magical locks,so thats fine. ๐Ÿ˜ I can also get more wild on the inventions, but we can leave those few in the bio as examples And Ill PM you some more ideas? If you can think of something the Order could use, Ill gladly accomodate it.
4 full lines each paragraph was the absolute minimum, but you were only under by a couple of sentences. I'm going to be a stickler for the rules because we have so many applicants. I fully expect people to gain skills and abilities as the story goes on, so there is no issue with your character coming up with things, but keep in mind that I need to keep a careful balance, so I'd like to approve new ideas before you roll them out IC.
Some more ideas:

How about a friendly poisonous wasp? Can paralyze the suspect for a couple of hours. (Or outright kill them if one so wishes.)


Self-destructible mole. Can dig his way into an enemy's camp. Carries explosives.

View attachment 759923

And a firefly with pocket light!

Or a lovely wolf? Can chase werwolves. Has silver teeth and claws. (Might be overkill?)
Love the firefly, let's put a pin in the rest. Yes, the mechanical wolf is a bit too much for the start of the game.
Anybody else enjoy making Pinterest boards for their character vibes? :hearteyes::hearteyes:

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