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Its what i call the phenomena where an RP has explosive rates of activity at the start, like a honeymoon.

From there things tend to calm down significantly.
So I just finished the second MHA movie, gotta say Fight scenes were amazing but the story was very meh and stupid. Vastly prefer the first movie compared to the second one.
Take a guess?

I mean, I finally posted muh rumored teacher char.

Was gonna give him a thick latin accent but figured having him do a constant Wrestler routine would stand out more.
Honeymoon phase?
It's the first week or 2 of an RP where everyone is still extremely interested and will post 3-5 times a day. After that, it tends to drop to the normal 1-2 posts a day. And sometimes even maybe only 3 posts total in a single day. (meaning that only 3 people posted one post, or maybe 2 people posted a back and forth once.)
I’m a bit rp locked atm, but I might just post since everyone is already out of the arena and I don’t really want Emiko getting left behind :/
I’m a bit rp locked atm, but I might just post since everyone is already out of the arena and I don’t really want Emiko getting left behind :/

No need to rush, we're all basically just waiting for the timeskip and makin connections in the meantime
I’ll probably wait for the timeskip maybe? If that’s alright with everyone! I do want Emiko to make more friends for sure though lol works been kinda busy so my replies have been slow, but I am reading everyone’s posts :)
I'm waiting for like one person to post before I post the timeskip.

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