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Futuristic Hero Association Personnel Files


Sour Diesel

Tears wash away easier than a concussion
Please post your characters here from the Defenders of Earth OOC thread for easy access.
Basic Info
Name: Abelgard Müller

Age: 28 years old


History: Abel originally didn’t have the best of origins, being born as the son of an henchman within a Mafia group and a fashionista, being raised in Manhattan. Everything that he did was criticized by either his father or mother, often being told of his mistakes with his choices of clothing or not making the right choices as to what to do with a dropped wallet. Desperate for the admiration and respect of both of his parents, Abel had tried again and again to fit their standards, still remaining loyal to them even after every single small failure that he made that he was punished for. He even went as far as to join the very group that his father was in at the age of 16, starting off small by delivering messages to other higher ranking members or helping deliver small packages to supporters of the group.

Around the age of 20 was when he got into some real trouble with the law, going on what was supposed to be protecting a high ranking member of the gang only to be attacked by a hero. The surrounding destruction of the fight caused Abel to be trapped underneath rubble, desperately asking his father to pull him out of the rubble… only to be left behind. Abel was then captured and sent to jail, originally supposed to be serving 12 years… but his experience and imprisonment led him to getting a new outlook in life, trying to find things that he himself enjoyed instead of just wanting the respect of his parents. And so, he had spent his time within jail often cooking, maintaining good behavior and even joining a reformation program… allowing him to be released in half the time he supposed to have served.

Once freed from jail at the age of 26, Abel had begun to try and do more good deeds instead to make up for his past actions, helping others carry groceries, bringing cats down from trees, etc. It was only at the age of 27 that he felt the need to want to do instead of just sit by and not be able to help out much, and so, had applied for the hero program. And after some convincing and the promise of being under surveillance during his time serving, had managed to become a hero… spending the next couple months of his life as a reformed individual. And after recently hearing about the mysterious rift issue and the missing research team, he had offered aid to help out with such… only time will tell how far he would go.

Hero Info
: Adrenaline Rush; While seemingly not apparent at first, with Abel having top athlete physical performance, it becomes far more apparent within battle and especially when his enhanced Adrenal glands begin to pump out an adrenaline like substance throughout his body. This very substance strengthens him immensely, slowly but surely increasing his strength, durability and speed the longer he remains in a ‘fight response’ for, becoming more of an issue for his opponents as time goes on. If given enough time to build up his adrenaline, Abel is capable of withstanding head on collisions from trains or bullet shots without a scratch, effortlessly throw cars or punch holes in metal, and keep track with the faster models of cars.

Strengths: Given enough time Abel could become a powerful juggernaut. Naturally resistant to pain and makes it difficult to keep him down with pain alone. Paired with his makeshift fighting style, it becomes more effective as a result. Has immunity to natural exhaustion (nothing against things such as tranquilizers or sleepiness causing powers) until his stress response is gone, allowing him to continue fighting for longer periods.

Weaknesses: Start out slowly and has to build up over time before becoming stronger, can only activate in situations with flight/fight responses (aka, getting into a fight or needing to run away from an oversized boulder), any substance or power that induces drowsiness majorly effects the build up of his adrenaline and weakens him. The more adrenaline that he builds up, the more exhausted he would become leaving the stress response.

-“Martial Arts” (Street Fighter): A made up fighting style that Abel utilizes in combat, it utilizes a lot of cheap tricks and unfair attacks to gain an advantage in combat, from kicking dirt into his opponent’s eye or stomping on their foot to make their guard wide open to attacks or even acting as if he got injured only to catch his opponent off guard. Abel does whatever he can (within reason) to get an advantage over his opponent.

-Cooking: A former henchman needs to know how to cook for their boss, and Abel is more than capable of knowing how to cook well enough to be rather respectable in it.

-Driving Experience: Self-explanatory, while Abel certainly has some experience when it comes to driving, he is also more than capable of driving at higher speeds if need be, excelling well when it comes to driving cars (but can pick up on using other vehicles as well if given time).

Misc Info
: Passionate when it comes to things such as cooking/hair styling/fashion, entirely loyal to those he befriends (even to the point of putting himself in front of danger), enjoys doing simple tasks such as cooking/cleaning/shopping/etc.

Flaws: Gets rather frustrated when insulted about things that he enjoy / about his appearance, loyal to a fault (often relying on others to make plans for him), more than ready to rush into combat if not held back.

Ideals: To right the wrongs that he had made long ago, to fight for a better cause instead of the one he used to fight for.

-Pair of Metal Knuckles capable of handling his strength
-An entire set of Sunglasses (gotta fight in style after all)
-Box of Cigars (To pass the time)
-Backpack full of cooking supplies, hair gel, extra clothes and food / water (gotta be prepared just in case)
Basic Info
Name: James Stromhild
Superhero ID: Kid Lightning
Age: (Perpetually) 14
KidLightning HD.png
History: James was on a camping trip with his family when a storm hit his little outing. At the same time, the radiation hit Earth and though he wasn't directly affected, the weather around his tent was, and a bolt of affected electricity struck him as he was attempting to run into his tent.

Waking up in the same forest he had been in previously, he realized it was overgrown, there were no campers, and he couldn't see anyone for miles. eventually, when he did reach a city, he realized there was unknown technology (at least to him) and that no one but him found anything odd.

Thinking on his feet, he found out through stealing a phone and using his new powers to unlock it, that he had been out cold for around 50 years, but his body hadn't aged, which explained the changes in the forest, the jump in technology and his apparent absence. feigning ignorance and returning the phone as if he'd "found it and saw who it belonged to on the screen", he got some money out of that lie, then found out that he wasn't old enough for anyone to hire him...

Eventually, he was caught by the government and he assumed they'd throw him in prison, but they found his electric powers to be useful, until once again, someone asked his age.

Finally, the scientists who gave him a checkup discovered his cells were moving so fast that his metabolism somehow halted the aging process. as long as he was in good health(eating right and such) he wouldn't age past 14 physically, but his mental state was that of an adult now, so he was granted a hero title, and given an ID to prove his credibility

Hero Info
Power: Electricity control. whether it's used to hack electronic devices or simply shooting bolts of electric currents alla Emperor Palpatine style, he can use any electricity stored inside himself by statically collecting it from carpets or simply stealing from nearby lamps.
Strengths: Enough voltage power to cause blackouts as long as he knows what to electrocute
1.Often forgets what isn't conductive, and can't use a lot of non-conductive materials so if something is made of rubber he just tries anyway and fails rather than looking at it and saying it won't work which sometimes results in enemies getting the jump on him simply by using non-conductive weapons
2. HATES getting wet, as water can essentially burn him from the static in his body. and cannot swim, so he can't go across oceans without a transport, and doesn't like the idea of doing so

Skills: He is trained in Tae-Kwon-Do but is nothing more than a blue belt, so he's not a master at it.

Misc Info
Traits: His brain can think at superspeeds by speeding up his electrons but doing so will make him VERY hungry.
Flaws: Is generally Optimistic about everything and everyone and tries not to label someone evil if he can help it. this leads to "too many friends, some of whom he can't actually trust"
Ideals: He fights because he doesn't want the people of the world to be as lonely as he feels as he outlives everyone he knew from 50 years ago, and as someone who can't age, he has to make sure he makes a world he can be happy being a part of
Gear: Static cling shoes, a helmet that can withstand a boulder hitting it in combat and a bandaid... for some reason he likes to look like he's already hurt to give the bad guys the wrong idea
Basic Info
Name: Kiera Ashcroft
Age: 17 (unknown time skip)

History: Kiera was born to two loving parents on the outskirts of the city where she lived a very regular childhood. She went to school, was never too popular, but had a few close friends - just how she liked it. Her life couldn’t have been any better.

Then was the night of the rift. She was actually asleep and didn’t notice anything at first. Not even that her eye color changed from grey to blue (the color of her hexes). She got up like every regular day to go to school and started to get ready. But it all started with her shirt being inside out, so she had to take it off, turn it the right way around and then back on. Without giving it much thought she continued - tripping over her own feet at the top of the stairs. Her parents obviously came to check what was going on, so because of that Kiera‘s breakfast got burnt in the pan and her father accidentally knocked over her glass of orange juice when he got up.

At this point it was now too late for breakfast, so she ran to the bus stop to catch the bus, when it suddenly started raining, drenching her completely to her underwear. That’s also the point she started wondering what was going on. When the bus then also never showed up, she decided to walk to school now (since both of her parents were at work now) to figure out later that one of the tires had a hole and that they hadn’t found a replacement in time. That morning she made it to school, about 2 hours late, as that had only been the beginning, and dripping with rain, leaving a trail of water behind her, and when she turned to sit down on her chair, one of the legs broke and she face planted onto the floor.

The rest of the day went on in that fashion and the next day she couldn’t go to school, because she caught the flu. Though this time, she didn’t mind that, because she now had an easier time researching this mysterious rift and the strange cases of illnesses that somehow started showing up as soon as the rift happened….

Hero Info
Power: Bad luck powers, basically (yes, inspired by Jinx but I don’t care). So, probability manipulation for the worse to whomever it‘s directed to, but she can’t manipulate the body failing. Like, for example, she can make the person have a really bad day that might end them up in a coma (by them getting hit in the head with something or falling from somewhere because they slipped), but can’t give them heart failure
Strengths: Having constant bad luck herself, caused her to become adaptable very quickly. She can adapt quite fast to any situation and is always on the lookout for new solutions. She‘s very compassionate and would do anything for her friends.
Weaknesses: Has issues controlling her powers/often subject to the bad luck herself (but a lot less harmful), she‘s also borderline paranoid at times and doesn’t always trust herself when handling delicate objects, as she never knows when her powers act up against herself.
Skills: She can sing very well and is a good painter, she‘s had Karate lessons when she was 4 until she was 12 years old, but she never was amazing at it. Though despite that, she knows how to throw a punch - more or less.

Misc Info
Ideals: Her friends and mostly also because it’s the right thing to do. And also to prove to herself that even if you have bad luck powers, you can also be a superhero.
Gear: mostly just her powers, and sometimes whatever‘s lying around at the moment.

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