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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Lightning, the Light Ignis

Mobile Control

"Well, dip me in in cactus juice and leave my body out on the surface of Elpis for the Kraggons to eat up, I ain't ever seen some'in like that before!" Ellie says. "Can ya' drive like that?"
"I don't quite know - though it was difficult enough to even control this thing. I would be testing it right now if I wouldn't be potentially harming everyone else around me at this very moment." Lightning said simply to her - confident in his words though not sure if he could actually control it. Perhaps when he groups up with others for this plan and lends his no-longer hands to getting said others into the action, perhaps then he can find out. With that in mind, he obviously needs to go 'with' a group - though, he's not sure where the distraction team is - and probably no idea who is in said team.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #F7DA64
Status (physically): Fine (currently overriding a Mechanical)​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Fine​
Powers: A.I abilities, monster summoning/spell card magic/trap card magic​
Items: Duel Disk (grants monster summoning, spell card magic and trap card magic), an SMG (being held), $350 (stored in Duel Disk), Hyperion sniper rifle (ammo included, also stored in Duel Disk)​
This is where all of Lightning's obtained cards are! For more information, refer to his original CS!

He will be granted more cards each passing chapter, as implied above - but by the end, he will have 'everything' at his disposal.

Listed 'per chapter' as to what he has - the most recent one will always be at the top.
Chapter 1
Main Deck Monsters
Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Main Deck Monsters
Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Lex
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Skills/Abilities: Mastermind, technology wizard​
Course of action: Override success!​
RP Information
Location: Crimson Raiders' Base​
Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: @DistractionTeam​
Soon before everyone head out to capture Ribcage, they get a call from a woman named Ellie that’ll provide them with cars and trucks needed for the mission. There are three people to choose to go with: Axton, Salvador, and Zane.

“I guess like I’ll have to go with someone. Maybe he looks like he could use some help.” Before Sora could go with Axton, he sees Megumin telling a well dressed man about the multiverse. “I’m sorry she’s with me. Just ignore her, she’s got a little bit of head trauma so she may make up a few things. Sora explained doing a “he/she’s crazy” sign.

Sora pulls her for another whisper.
“Look Megumin, it’s good that you want to talk to other people, but I think this whole multiverse thing is supposed to be kept secret by the guys at the Cape. You may not know, but when people go to the Cape, they’re told they can’t tell anyone. We don’t know anything about these people, good or bad, we can’t tell anyone unless we have to okay?”

Meanwhile with Dani, she turns to Skye and Rocket. “Toots? I’m 14- Okay, I should have made myself a bit more clearer when I said I was gonna go invisible and grab him.” She makes a demonstration, you can still see her, but she turns intangible walking through them giving them a slight chill up their spines. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a ghost.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie TruthHurts_22 TruthHurts_22 CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

  • The planning was relatively short. A few comments from the Vault Hunters and it was over. They had all figured out the plan, which wasn't that bad, really. Price would much prefer to do this with just a few people, and those people being fellow SAS operatives like him. Even with the hundreds, possibly thousands, of bandits in there, they could get in, nab Ribcage, and get to extraction even without the distraction. But alas, he is stuck with superpowered folks with competency ranging from Dumb and Dumber to Price's own level of competence. No disrespect to them, but, well, the majority of them aren't suited to an op like this. But, with that distraction, things will get a lot easier on the extraction team. Considering the extraction team is bound to fuck something up, they don't want the whole compound pouncing on them.

    Megumin also defended her use in Blood Gulch, having used explosives to help them. Though, a child handling explosives doesn't bode well with Price. "That arena isn't a place for someone who can't defend themselves, Megumin. Stay here, don't get yourself and others killed."

    At Skye's compliment, he gave her a smile. "Do this kind of shit for over two decades, you learn a thing or two." He heard the bald guy's comments about blowing up an entire trailer park of drugged up bikers. Which did not comfort Price, and was likely not meant to. He shook his head, not giving a retort.

    Outside, they met up at the garage, where a heavy set woman was working on a large engine. The garage had three pads for vehicles, but none were around. Did someone not tell Moze they were out of vehicles? Ellie was, as she mentioned, a very skilled mechanic, working with both vehicles and robots like claptrap. She spoke with a strong southern American accent. And I mean strong. She walks over to the panels after hearing Salvador's request and presses a few buttons on each of them. After fiddling with each of the panels, three trucks were constructed right before their eyes.

    "Fuckin' hell, that's impressive." He walked over to the vehicles, feeling the steel and rubber. It's all real. Damn.

    The Vault Hunters grabbed their Technicals, with two left in the garage. John looked to Julia, walking over to her and the extraction team's Technical. They don't seem like people he'd choose to do a stealth op with, maybe the raccoon is an exception, but he doesn't have much choice in the matter. "I'll be with you lot, and don't worry 'bout my talents. This is what I do for a living. If the distraction does their jobs, we can get in, grab the bastard, and get out. Before we extract, we can create a diversion, an explosion of some kind would do. Take some heat off the offense. I'll grab us some med supplies and bring 'em over."

    With that, he walks over to Dr. Zed, and gives him a nod. "Captain Price. We need some medical supplies for the op. Axton injected me with some kind of pink liquid in a syringe earlier, healed me right up. Some of those would do well to keep us alive." If the Doc wants money, Price would be happy to pay.
Princess Anna
Anna noticed the Techincials and everyone walking and settling themselves into the Techinicals.

You don't want to get left behind, do ya!

"Hey Naoto! Mind if we take this conversation into the um... horseless chariots?"

She starts walking toward the Techs as she finishes her sentence.

GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja

13675-phoenix-wright-ace-attorney-full.png P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @...I dunno who else is there

"Multiverse.......?" Phoenix scratched his chin. (Sounds like one of those shows Maya would watch.)

"Wait, has something like this happened to you before? This whole, getting sucked into portals, thing?"

The witch-girl was pulled aside by the kid with the big shoes, and the two started to whisper. "Hey, we were still talking!" Sure, Phoenix didn't know either of them, but still, pulling someone away from a conversation seemed a bit rude. "You know something about this whole mess, don't you?"
Benedict, who already was constructing the perfect bomb to blow up rib cage, would put it in his pocket as they walked to a garage where they saw....ew.....the mechanic lady reminded Benedict of one of the women he usually sees singing at the opera. She gave everyone more vehicles for the tour and Benedict got excited.
AH! This must be the loading dock for the next tour!“ Benedict would then pull out his megaphone
Benedict would scream as Josh began to put on his bomb-squad outfit
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
While whispering to Megumin, Phoenix called over to Sora. “I’m sorry that was kinda rude of me. Hey, I’m Sora. Like I said, Megumin over here has head trauma so it causes her hallucinate crazy things. We don’t know what’s going on with these portals, that’s why we need to find Ribcage so we can find out how to go home.”

Said the boy trying for Phoenix to forget what he heard about the multiverse talk and focus about Ribcage

TruthHurts_22 TruthHurts_22 P PopcornPie
Hearing Heather ask her where she was going and saying to not leave her, gotta say: it hurt her to hear that. Yeah, she wasn't her actual mom, but she was getting used to having her around. She was getting used to having a kid that adopted her instead of the other way around. Using her Siren telepathy, she contacted Heather. "Heather, I'm sorry, but I had to put you in the distraction team's Technical so that you'd be ready. After this, when we're somewhere safe, we can go get some ice cream or anything you want to eat. Or we can play a game, how's that?"

Looking to see who took a seat next to her, she was glad to see it was Rocket.
"So, we're just a mission away from getting to Sanctuary. Zane told me that the bounty on Ribcage's head could buy half of the ship, which is a shit ton of money. Of course, we'd have to split it amongst everyone, but still, that's a lot of money."

She felt someone or something go through her, looking back behind her to see
Dani. "Ghost, huh? Still, going in alone is a bad idea. Sorry, but there's no way you're going in alone."

Looking at Price, she honestly didn't doubt what he said. He looked like he saw some shit and wondered what exactly happened that caused him to see so much. "I believe it, you know your way around fights."

And then, she heard her name being yelled through a megaphone. Looking at the source, she saw the guy that was convinced that she took them on a
tour. "HEY! First off all, I'm over here! Second of all, you can believe that if you want! And third, stop pulling out the megaphone!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , jigglesworth jigglesworth ,
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch , Space Buddha Space Buddha , Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Soon before everyone head out to capture Ribcage, they get a call from a woman named Ellie that’ll provide them with cars and trucks needed for the mission. There are three people to choose to go with: Axton, Salvador, and Zane.

“I guess like I’ll have to go with someone. Maybe he looks like he could use some help.” Before Sora could go with Axton, he sees Megumin telling a well dressed man about the multiverse. “I’m sorry she’s with me. Just ignore her, she’s got a little bit of head trauma so she may make up a few things. Sora explained doing a “he/she’s crazy” sign.

Sora pulls her for another whisper.
“Look Megumin, it’s good that you want to talk to other people, but I think this whole multiverse thing is supposed to be kept secret by the guys at the Cape. You may not know, but when people go to the Cape, they’re told they can’t tell anyone. We don’t know anything about these people, good or bad, we can’t tell anyone unless we have to okay?”
"I'm not crazy!" Megumin hissed. "I wasn't told not to tell, that's all!" She quickly turned from resentful to worried. What if she just told the wrong person? There was a story behind every rule, she knew that well. Hopefully, Phoenix would believe Sora's coverup...

View attachment 704735 P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @...I dunno who else is there

"Multiverse.......?" Phoenix scratched his chin. (Sounds like one of those shows Maya would watch.)

"Wait, has something like this happened to you before? This whole, getting sucked into portals, thing?"

The witch-girl was pulled aside by the kid with the big shoes, and the two started to whisper. "Hey, we were still talking!" Sure, Phoenix didn't know either of them, but still, pulling someone away from a conversation seemed a bit rude. "You know something about this whole mess, don't you?"

"No, no, he's right. You see, I took a grenade to the face, so, I..." Whelp, it was time for every interrogated girl's ace in the hole, wasn't it? "D'uuuuuh! Oh no, I'm forgetting everything again! Who am I? Who are you? How do I walk? What's with this hat?" She pretended to stumble away from Phoenix, closer to the vehicles. It was only when she felt safe from him did she "return to normal".
Megumin also defended her use in Blood Gulch, having used explosives to help them. Though, a child handling explosives doesn't bode well with Price. "That arena isn't a place for someone who can't defend themselves, Megumin. Stay here, don't get yourself and others killed."
Aaaand there went Price again, telling Megumin that she couldn't help. "Hmph! I know my magic is no good, but I just know I can still help somehow! My powers are back, I just need to get my brain to use them again without locking up. And to do that, I just need the EXP to level up, so I can get stronger, so my brain can get stronger and heal faster! I can't do that here!" The archwizard's face was sour. If Price didn't stop her, then she would just climb into a Technical anyway.
While trying to throw Phoenix off track of discovering the multiverse, Megumin tried pretending and may make things worst.

“(Shoot! She’s overselling it, gotta step in.) Yeah, as you can see, it’s a little worst then you think. The real reason why she got head trauma is because she took too bad of a beating from someone. It’s so bad that even she doesn’t know how she got it, she just thinks it was from a grenade attack.”

P PopcornPie TruthHurts_22 TruthHurts_22
Lilith and Kirby
Lilith listened to Grey and Skye's suggestions and she smiled a bit "Those sound pretty good." Kirby then hatched an idea and notified Lilith about it, he picks up a piece of paper and a pencil and wrote down a name, giving it to her. "Huh, I like that one." She hands the paper back to Kirby and introduces herself to Ellie and Dr. Zed with her new fake name. "Hey there I'm Ribbon, that over there is Kirby."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Ellie Dr. Zed and Grey)
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Skye)
Dr. Zed looks over at Jacket. "Son, I don't think that blood on you's your own. But I brought a lot of medpacks, and you'll need 'em to survive." He then looks over at Price and nods, silently reiterating his point. He then unslings the pack and opens it, revealing a pile of those same health kits Axton injected Price and Abbott with. Beside them is a prosthetic leg built out of scraps. It's nothing impressive, but it's better than nothing. He picks that one out and presents it to Voss. "Go ahead and give that a try. Don't worry if ya' start getting infected around the amputation. Your leg doesn't look like it can get any worse," he jokes dryly. If he's joking at all. He then turns to Lilith- er, Ribbon. “Well, it’s a mighty fine pleasure to meet you, Ribbon.”

Ellie looks over at Elizabeth. "Well, ain't you a cute thang! Look at you, all dolled up. Ain't a need fer those fermalities here, sweetcheeks." She then turns to Skye. “Aw, hell, are those Bandits hackin’ mah Catch-a-Ride stations again? Those sumbitches ain’t even got a brain cell to figure out which end the toilet paper goes in! But I’m glad mah Technicals helped ya’ whoop sum ass, hun.” Finally, she looks at the Technical Lightning inhabits. “Well, just be careful ya’ don’t get a Pandora flat with all yer’ passengers ridin’ with ya’.”

Dr. Zed turns to her, too. “Aw, that old time… well, girlie, I ain’t gonna miss him. Even I got a line I don’t cross. I’m just happy my health kits are keepin’ the good guys alive. Or at least the lesser of two evils.”

Grey winces at Benedict’s megaphone shouting. “Can you STOP doing that?!” he shouts, quickly finding himself on the side of Skye.

Outside, Zane looks down at Abbott from the drivers seat. “Sure ya’ can! Got the first mission willies, don’t ya’? Cheer up, boyo. We’re all professional killers here. You can ride right with me if it makes ya’ feel better!”

Unfortunately, that offer goes right out the window when Trevor climbs shotgun into the Technical. “Ohoho, you look like my kinda psycho!” Zane greets the drug dealer happily and shakes his hand without even thinking twice. “Phew, ya’ stink o’ spice. Reminds me of the drug operations I used to run with my ol’ team. Ya’ mind sittin’ in the back? Pirate lad’s gonna feel safer sittin’ next t’me. ‘sides, yer’ gonna have a cleaner shot.”

Smug Smug ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials jigglesworth jigglesworth Yamperzzz Yamperzzz TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
BoltBeam BoltBeam Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Kendall comes up and leans over the same railing.

“...I’m so sorry… y-you’re the last person I ever wanted to see dragged into this. And you had to be taken to such a trashy place, too...” He shakes his head, clearly beginning to tear up. “Th-there’s a lot of things you don’t know about this whole thing… a-and I hope that one day, i-it can all go back to normal… “

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
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Now was the time to make a decision on wether to make a distraction or infiltrate. I glanced at Eric for a split second before making me decision.
“I-I’m pretty good at being quiet, so I think I’ll go with Eric...”
I totally wasn’t going just because Eric was. That would be very silly of me.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

(short post because I want to)​
Ryuji Kazan

Ryuji was a bit glad (despite his facial expression not changing much at all) to see Zane was on board with the idea of him setting off a display to distract the residents of Steele's Holdout, only to let out a soft sigh when FL4K expressed their dismay, stating it would not be wise. "It was just a suggestion of mine, that's all. Perhaps what I could do, to meet both you and FL4K halfway, is join the distraction team, do my thing, and when the time comes to get our team the hell out of wherever we are, or if the metaphorical shit hits the fan, I could give a signal-- keep your eyes peeled for green sparks, with this symbol in the center..." He stated, grabbing a sheet of paper and a pen from a nearby table. He traced a symbol on the paper and displayed it to everyone:

"Still, I appreciate the enthusiasm, Zane. Always good to have a fan on board." Ryuji added, giving the Operative a quick thumb-up as he proceeded to follow the four Crimson Raiders down to the Garage, but not before remembering to take his $1500 that he was allowed to have.

Once inside, Zane called to a particularly rotund (and busty) woman named Ellie who, by the use of some unknown (and unfathomable) technology, managed to make entire vehicles appear from thin air. Under his goggles, Ryuji's eyes widened. "Rifles that shoot sticky bombs, a moon with a phoenix insignia, entire clans of pea-brained murderers, vehicles being just flat out called into existence... Pandora really does have some wonders, doesn't it? Next thing you're gonna tell me, there's going to be some magic chicken somewhere that shits diamonds, and I don't mean cubic zirconia." Next to introduce themselves was a doctor with a particularly questionable amount of blood on them. Still, he seemed friendly enough. "Ryuji Kazan, Ultimate Pyrotechnician." Ryuji introduced himself to both Ellie and Zed. "That's my name, explosions and spark showers are my game. Magnesium flashes on occassion, too. Fun at parties, Magnesium Cups... except when you stare at them, at which point your corneas become ruined. Good thing the Raiders have a doctor on-site... provided you're qualified to perform ocular surgery, Zed."

Ryuji remembered that Kirby had said hello to everyone, and so he briefly walked over to him, bending over to examine the pink puffball with his free hand on his chin. "There's got to be more to him than just his pink marshmallow appearance... wouldn't be the first time I've dealt with something that looked adorable but wound up being lethal." He said, gently shaking the Monokuma head he held under one of his arms. "Eh, he's clearly on our side, though, and for that reason, 'hello' to you too, Kirby. Good to have you with us." Straightening back up, Ryuji strolled over to the Distraction Team's Technical and climbed in the back, readying his new Nasty Blaster, just in case. "Alright, let's do this."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Everyone Everyone (with regards to the "風" symbol)
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
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Julia nods to Price. "It may not be a perfect team, but we'll make do with what we've got."

Natasha rests her head on the railing and lets out a long breath. "I guess it's making me realize how much I've taken the peace back home for granted. It can get boring sometimes, but...we have it good there, y'know? No war, no killing, Pokémon are happy. While people here have to live like this..."

"I've only been here for like, two hours and I'm already sick of it." The Glaceon looks back down at the ground and wipes her eyes. "I should be glad I at least have mom with me. And you. But..."

"I...I just..."
She sniffs. "Great...now I'm crying in front of everyone."

Interactions: jigglesworth jigglesworth (Price) CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Kendall)
Interactions: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

Tsukasa Kadoya/Kamen Rider Decade
Tsukasa hasn't ridden on an odd vehicle before besides cars that he usually rode in but motorcycles are his specialty meaning that it is the most frequent that he had driven in.

It probably would be a good idea for him to drive the motorcycle instead and he is willing to let anyone ride on it if they wish. In other words, Tsukasa will not be riding on the vehicle. He asked Elizabeth and Minako if they have ridden on the motorcycle before.

"Do any of you girls have driven a motorcycle before?" He asked.

Interactions: PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

Naoto Azuma/Tiger Mask
Naoto nodded upon Anna's words. "Uh, sure." He said. This is his first time riding on a vehicle that is somewhat unfamiliar to him and he asked Anna on who will be driving it.

"Who will be driving the vehicle? I will certainly not going to be the driver, that is for sure. What about you?" He asked.
Elizabeth gave Ellie a smile of appreciation. "Thank you, this is the kind of clothes that women back home wear." The cute comment did make her blush a bit. For the time she had been here, Ellie was the first one to call her cute. Or well, in her words, call her a 'cute thang'.

When told there wasn't any need for formalities, she looked at Ellie, still in the Technical. "
It's become like a habit of mine since it's how everyone addressed each other from where I'm from. I'm just used to addressing everyone like that unless they tell me to not to."

Hearing Decade's question, she shook her head. She was from 1912, all this new technology was new to her so of course, a motorcycle was among things she wasn't familiar with. "
No, I've never heard of that. Is it like a horse?"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja

Skye looked at Ellie and Zed from Technical, listening to them. If her eight year old self or really any age that was older than eight could see her now, she'd be jealous. Here she was, with the Crimson Raiders and more importantly, with Vault Hunters.

She decided to talk to Ellie first. "Seems like it. Hey, I'll kick their ass for you. You seem like a nice girl, don't want those assholes hacking your machines. No one would want their machines hacked, especially ones that help get people around."

Then, she looked at Dr. Zed. "
You don't know how many times I was in danger before I used one of your medkits and went back to shooting the enemy in the face or anywhere else. And you are helping the lesser of two evils, so thanks for your service. If I find any body parts or spare animal parts that aren't being used, I'll bring them back to you. You do strike me as the guy who would be willing to use body parts or animal parts for some odd reason."

She then waited for when they would eventually take off. Of course, that didn't exclude her from talking to anybody else.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , anyone else.
Abbott was undoubtedly anxious about their mission. He was struggling to make it through Skull Settlement with the hordes upon hordes of raiders. Though everyone will work more like a team tonight, and Abbott was to be placed on the lookout team, it still seemed extremely dangerous. He was also nervous about Zane and his erratic behavior, but he seemed nice enough. Zane was helping them, after all. The sailor was about to accept the older man's offer when...


Abbott almost lost his balance when someone had unexpectedly slapped his back hard. Assuming that this was Voss returning so soon, the sailor instead watched as someone walked past him and immediately jump into the passenger seat. He didn't recognize him at first, but after the stranger had interacted with Zane for some time, Abbott realized that it was the man from the bus. He didn't know that Trevor was his name until he had introduced himself to Zane. Because Voss covered his ears from the altercation earlier, he didn't hear what was happening. Instead, he watched it, and it looked like Trevor was picking a fight with a couple of people. He hadn't received context about the event just yet.

Abbott leaned forward onto the hood of the car and sighed. He was going to wait until Trevor decides to (hopefully) depart from the passenger's seat so that he could take it. Unfortunately, judging from the situation he saw from the bus, it may take more than a polite request to kick Trevor from shotgun. If that ends up being the case, Abbott was prepared to just stay in the back seats. He wasn't going to put himself in any confrontation, even if it's as meaningless as who gets to sit shotgun.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Zane) thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Trevor)


Voss stands with Price and Jacket as Dr. Zed opens the large pack that he was carrying. Inside were medpacks and, more importantly for Voss, a prosthetic leg. It was made from metal scraps and didn't at all look pretty. The sea captain winced at the sight of it. It was better than nothing, but it sure did make Voss want to be more careful next time. When he has the chance, it will be likely that Voss will replace it with something much better. It there was anything to be grateful of though, its that the artificial limb had a knee. Which will be... Interesting. He's sure he will get used to it with time.

Voss took the mechanical leg from the doctor and examined it. He chuckled awkwardly at Dr. Zed's joke before promptly sitting onto the ground and taking his damaged peg leg off.

"Um... Er... So do I just put this here or...?" Voss mumbled to Dr. Zed before attaching the leg onto his hip. He didn't really feel anything special. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to feel. This was the most advanced prosthetic leg he has ever had, even considering its poor-quality. After a few moments, Voss stood up with the help of his sword-cane. He continued to stand there for a while, only moving his new leg a little bit to test the waters. Eventually, Voss would attempt to walk. Although, the sea captain would nearly instantly fall as he instinctively stiffened up his leg to imitate his old peg leg. It wasn't an awful fall, but it was going to take a while for Voss to get used to having a knee now.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Dr. Zed) Smug Smug (Jacket) jigglesworth jigglesworth (Price)​
“(I guess they’re right, maybe a little backup would be nice. Plus Sora did say some bandits might get suspicious if we don’t take care of them)”

While walking around and decide who to go with, Dani chooses to go with Zane and company. “(Well, he looks like he could use a hand. Plus he’s not that bad looking.)” Dani makes her way towards Zane to strike a conversation.

“Hello. My name’s Dani Phantom. That’s Dani with an i by the way. I heard we were going in groups and I was wondering if you need any help just in case we run into any danger.” She asked Zane in an embarrassed manner.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

  • Zed was kind enough to give them the med supplies without having to pay for them. Price gave him another nod and picked up some of the syringes for his team, leaving a tenner on the Doc's table either way. "Good luck, captain. Stay frosty," John gives Voss a few pats on the shoulder as he put on his new leg. Then he brings the supplies back over to the exfiltration technical, hopping aboard. He hands out syringes to each of the team members, keeping some himself. "It's a syringe. Stick it in, inject the pink shit, and it'll heal you right up." Going to sit down on the technical, John spots something out of the corner of his eye. Turning his gaze to the sight would reveal Megumin trying to climb onto a technical. He narrows his eyes and hops off the technical. "Just a moment, have a little girl's dreams to squash."

    He walks over to Megumin as she climbs onto one of the trucks and stops just next to her. Price grabs both of her arms and lifts her up, placing her back on the ground a little ways away from the technical. "Dammit, kid. Believe me when I say these kinds of missions get people killed, and you won't be an exception. Being bored is a lot better than being dead. Stay away from this op, you hear?" he pointed his finger at her for emphasis, and then gave her a tenner. "They should have a vending machine 'round here. Get a candy bar, eh? Make yourself at home. Crimson Raiders might need a bit of assistance on this end." He pats her cheek, giving his teddy bear smile, then walks off back to the extraction technical.

    Price hops aboard and sits down next to the Siren, before heaving a heavy sigh, trying not to mind the sand in the air. He takes off his boonie hat, setting it down on his lap, letting his brown haired scalp breathe, a bit messy from the fighting and time under the hat. It's graying a bit, but it's not too bad. Staying active beats it back, and constantly operating does that well enough. Sure, stress doesn't help, but he isn't often stressed. If he was, he'd be dead by now. Price fixes his red scarf, brushing off the thin layer of sand. Scratching his beard, he turns to Skye.

    "Kids, eh?" A brief smile, then turns his head back to wherever is comfortable.
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Benedict would yell even louder as he climbed up onto the vehicle Skye was in before Josh would jump in after him, tugging Michigan’s leash until he too joined.
Benedict would then, in response to Greys earlier statement, pull out his megaphone as he reached Skye
He would yell to Grey before tossing a penny at Skye
Ah....Madam Skye....that little gem is for being my tour guide...dont thank me...I’ll thank myself later.
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
@ everyone else on Tour Skye​
Jacket looked at Voss, feeling bad for his leg. Seeing him fall, he played a line. "-avoid exerting yourself." He walked off before he could say anything. He had to get this blood off. He was a little upset that Dr. Zed didn't get his message, but it was expected. It was hard talking with limited words..

He approached a Technical and squatted near it. It wasn't as pretty as his Acado GT, but it did the job. Remembering his car made him think of the past. He shook his head, standing up. Jacket put his buzz axe and the SMG on the ground, to keep it with the green creature, who was still at his side. He smiled, but obviously no one saw that. It was his only real company besides the people he met and seemingly left. He played a line, directed at the creature. "-
wait here." He went away from the others (again..) and looked for a water source.

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
He walks over to Megumin as she climbs onto one of the trucks and stops just next to her. Price grabs both of her arms and lifts her up, placing her back on the ground a little ways away from the technical. "Dammit, kid. Believe me when I say these kinds of missions get people killed, and you won't be an exception. Being bored is a lot better than being dead. Stay away from this op, you hear?" he pointed his finger at her for emphasis, and then gave her a tenner. "They should have a vending machine 'round here. Get a candy bar, eh? Make yourself at home. Crimson Raiders might need a bit of assistance on this end." He pats her cheek, giving his teddy bear smile, then walks off back to the extraction technical.
"Heeheeheeheehee..." Megumin giggled like an imp as she worked her way into the Technical. She'd make it out of this base for sure!

Or so she thought.

"GAH! UNHAND ME, YOU RUFFIAN!" Thanks to their size difference, Price had no difficulty whatsoever in restraining her by the arms and carrying her away. "Do you even know who you're talking to? This is the Explosion Archwizard of Belzerg! A hero of Blood Gulch! I will not be handled this way!" Alas, Price was adamant that she stayed, just because she couldn't use her magic. So!? She had a perfectly good Zooka right here! "You realize that my small size gives me maneuverability!" Her argument was only answered with Price giving her a coin, telling her to buy something at a "vending machine". "I don't even know what a vending machine is!" She protested, but her protests fell on deaf ears.

"It's not because I'm bored, it's because I want to help." She grumbled, sitting with her back turned to everyone else. "The last time I got to use my Explosion, I made everyone mad at me...forgive me if I just want to take the second chance..." Hell no, Aqua as her witness, she was NOT taking this sitting down. She just needed to plan her escape...
Interactions: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

Tsukasa Kadoya/Kamen Rider Decade
Tsukasa hasn't ridden on an odd vehicle before besides cars that he usually rode in but motorcycles are his specialty meaning that it is the most frequent that he had driven in.

It probably would be a good idea for him to drive the motorcycle instead and he is willing to let anyone ride on it if they wish. In other words, Tsukasa will not be riding on the vehicle. He asked Elizabeth and Minako if they have ridden on the motorcycle before.

"Do any of you girls have driven a motorcycle before?" He asked.

Interactions: PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

Naoto Azuma/Tiger Mask
Naoto nodded upon Anna's words. "Uh, sure." He said. This is his first time riding on a vehicle that is somewhat unfamiliar to him and he asked Anna on who will be driving it.

"Who will be driving the vehicle? I will certainly not going to be the driver, that is for sure. What about you?" He asked.
"Oh I don't know how to drive!"
--Minako Arisato--
OST: Mementos
Status: Good
Money: $1500
Gun 1- The Buttplug
Gun 2 - Nebula
Shield - Mr. Caffeine
Interaction: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja @SEES 2: LABYRINTH BOOGALOO @Ribcage Gang

Minako follows the Crimson Raiders towards some vehicles that appears to be similar to the ones that the Doctor used in the Bandit fight. They are called Technicals, according to the plump lady in yellow earlier. As the Crimson Raiders drive off in their respective Technicals, the rest of them are left to group up and drive off--that is, if Minako is getting this right.

As she was waiting for someone from the Distraction Team to hop on one and move out, Decade swung by, and asked if Kintaros has done anything strange to her lately.

"Nope, he's still in the bus, I think." Minako says, "The guy likes sleeping a lot." She simply shrugged as he soon moved on to introducing himself to Elizabeth, who responded kindly. As they waited for everyone to get in their Technicals, Decade decided to ask if they've ridden a motorcycle before, as if offering to let them ride. "Well, I know someone who does, but I haven't actually ridden one before." Minako admitted, "Why, do you ask?" She asked, curious.

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