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    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Spelljammers - OOC

Do I need to take us a little further along? Thank God the weekend starts tomorrow.
I can get a post out, I just wasn’t sure if you wanted to do anything based on our conversations first. Like stop Chum from giving out all the most intimate tactical knowledge about BlackFang that she couldn’t know without having been on that crew.

Also, the dice said Russia. Fight scene choreographed to Ra Ra Rasputin, go!
I'll work with whatever you come up with. LOL, the Americans aren't going to like letting their alien find travel to Russia. But it would be hard for them to say no. Politics.

LOL, I had the funny notion - if Kelpie had been more of a mind to escape - to have her discovered riding kangaroos if she had been in Australia.
I would’ve found Australia fun too because that means we’d probably have to wrestle at least one crocodile on the way to our stealth rescue mission. Possibly a snake or two as well. But the dice have spoken: Russia. At least we can drop Ivan off at home on the way.
Iv actually only just learned about scrying in this RP. I get what it is after a google search but I don't know what you have to do to perform it.
Scrying is a broad field, including crystal balls, mirrors on the walls, bowls of magic or holy water... Lots of options, but I don’t know the specifics in 2e, which this adventure is based on. Sooo time to wiki-walk.
Like he said. Not really using much for rules. I use links to items and such mainly for the descriptions. Scrying, divination, etc ... Feel free to personalize Olrion's methods. Blood magic maybe? Oh wait ... she likes fire ...
I was thinking about what if Olrion discovered the internet to research more old stories and legends. Then I remembered people's obsession with vampires. Welp it would still be a way to find small adventures to take a break from the big ones.
Just a heads up. I do NOT plan to spend the whole story running fight after fight. That WOULD be a dice type RP. No, I plan to get past the initial combats scenes with the group getting involved a little bit - even if an an advisory role. Then the group will experience stardom. Funny as it will sound, I see the following:

Chum T-shirts for sale on the streets of NYC
Goth fan clubs for Olrion with invites to conventions
Talk and Fashion shows for Rasitah
Movie deals
Research contracts to attempt to merge Sybil's tech with human tech to open up space exploration from Earth.
" Is this what fame is like? "

I actually thought about what Olrion would look like if her vampire side was removed and she became pure human. Obviously she would lose the pointed ears and fangs, her dark hair would be a lot darker as a human since dhampirs receive their mother's hair color but lighter. Skin tone would be less ghostly although I don't know what natural color silver could become. I doubt she would remain a goth icon as a human tho.
I think you will like what I came up with for the scrying spell. gave it a personal dhampir type feel.
yeah ... stupid autocorrect. About a week ago there was an update that has been doing that to me a lot
Figured. Autocorrect is rough sometimes, especially when you’re playing with fantasy. Still, for a minute mine had Ellen’s full proper name ready to go. That was interesting.
I designed a casual outfit. The sun hat is to help with the sunlight issue. I wanted to keep the dress loose like her robes. She could have sunglasses too but I don't want to draw them.
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So where did you guys find the drawings for your characters? Did you make them yourself or ask an artist if you could use their drawing?
Welll I’ll just admit I got mine from Pinterest, and only tracked down the artists to credit them this morning. I don’t really have the guts or means to ask them, and I wish I had enough arting skill to do these drawings myself. But now they’re properly credited, so at least I’ve done one thing right?
Heck .. got this just before getting busy with some chores and forgot to respond. General domain - ones that are not posted on sites for profit, I use freely. Otherwise I post the site itself. Not like I am using the art for profit. The ones that I use that I know ARE professional artist sources are ones that the artist names are household words. Vallejo, Frazetta, etc.

Now if I were using the images to publish a book, I would hunt the artist down, ask and work out royalties.
If you two want I could try drawing new depictions of your characters so they can look exactly how you imagine. I need to work on my own art skills. Even if the art isn't being used for profit, wouldn't it be nice to find the artist if you like the art you saw? so maybe one day they could get someone to commission them? Or at least a new fan.
Gah, I thought I answered this. I did sort of ... just never actually hit Send apparently. Just had two three very long days. Monday I was stuck at work so long that I got back, ate and went to sleep. Did not pass Go, etc.

I was trying to stay in order to be honest or I would have. As there are just the three of us, next time it looks like a two person convo, just ask. But yeah, had been waiting on KirienIsamu KirienIsamu .

Anyways, give me a little bit and I'll try to get something going here. Need coffee. Every night for the past couple weeks there has been gunfire or loud fireworks going off all around where I live from 2100-0200 roughly.
Ouch. Fireworks/firearms in the late hours here too, but they’re far off, and I’m actually on the second of my two short ‘cooking’ days this week. Because aside from ‘making’ there isn’t a better word for the creation of iced creams. Still, hope your load lightens soon.

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