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Three Thousand Club
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Hello, fellow role-players! I'm Mask; (or Dyna is just fine).

This RP is about a group of people who get teleported to another universe or planet. Which has better oxygen, species (that is better since our planet is not as healthy). There are no humans on that planet- all creatures on the planet are at ease and are peaceful.

So you can describe your character- MUST BE AN ANIMAL OR MADE UP CREATURE.

I'm 17- sooo I'm young on this platform, but I'm a fast-typer and I'm very descriptive with my writing. This will just be the introduction page. I'll make another page for the Main RP screen.

You can send pictures on this link and describe your character.
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Now, must the creature not resemble a human, or may it resemble a human in some way? Kind of like an evolutionized species?? I am just curious to see how much freedom I have with creating a creature/animal.
Just use your imagination. The species, indeed, will be extraordinary and well-developed. They'll have powers, like, for example: Air Manipulation.

BlueUmbrella BlueUmbrella

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