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Fandom [MULTIFANDOM] ♡『𝓐 𝓡𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓬 𝓡𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓮𝔃𝓿𝓸𝓾𝓼』♡ (IC)

Emma Millstein - Outside the Mansion
Interactions: NeonArmageddon NeonArmageddon (Nilou), Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo (Dedede)

Emma looked on with wide, curious eyes as Dedede pulled out the thick book from his bag, pure magical energy emanating from it as it displayed all sorts of wondrous images. Emma was confused for just a moment as the king out of his realm spoke of where he came from, until it finally clicked into place. Were they really all from different worlds? She had only lightly imagined such a thing was possible with the power of the Reverie Corridor, but whoever brought them all together had to be on another level if it was able to bring people from such different dimensions. Surely this would prove to be a magical breakthrough... but only if she'd be able to replicate it, and she didn't see that happening any time soon by herself, in all honesty.

"O-Oh, my. That's quite a lot to take in," Emma only said once Dedede finished speaking, giving a soft giggle. "But it looks like a wonderful place, Mr. Dedede! I'd love to learn more later when we have the time."

When it came to Nilou's turn to speak, Emma listened just as attentively, holding her hands together with her orbal staff in tow. It certainly sounded like quite the intricately built world, with all sorts of gods and nations that Emma had never heard of before. It truly was a different place from the one Emma had called home. As Nilou sheepishly finished up her own explanation, Emma gave another giggle. "Oh, don't worry, it sounds like an amazing place too! I'd love to try to visit sometime if time permits."

When it finally came to her turn, Emma could only scratch the back of her head. "Coming right after you two, I'm nervous that my world will come off pretty boring, but I guess in some ways, this Teyvat does remind me a little bit of my own world. I'm from the continent of Zemuria, which is mostly ruled by its two superpowers, the Calvard Republic in the east, and the Erebonian Empire in the west, which is where I'm from, though... it's hard to be patriotic to Erebonia after all the imperialistic occupations they've done. Not to speak ill of the royal family, the crown prince is actually a rather nice man, but it goes to show that even the royalty are prone to being puppets in the hands of bureaucracy. The state annexed so many territories and states, like North Ambria and Crossbell, that we ended up going to war with Calvard because they were afraid they were next on the list to be assimilated. But... well, we managed to put an end to it before things got too dicey at the very least, and now Erebonia's making reparations to make up for the damage that's been done. Couldn't have done it without my friends, really," Emma breathed, as if casually admitting she helped in stopping a massive continental war.

"B-But it isn't all so bad!" She exclaimed once she realized she might have been just a bit too harsh on her home country. "Despite everything, it's still a beautiful country with all sorts of diverse cultures and attractions between each territory. A friend of mine grew up in this little town called Ymir, for example, which boasts the best hot springs in the continent, and there's Crossbell which I mentioned earlier that had the dance troupe I wanted to go see. I'd really love to show you what they're like sometime!"

Remembering the Vision that Nilou possessed on her form, Emma blinked. "Oh, and come to think of it, we have something similar where I come from too, but they're called orbments. You put these little crystals called quartz inside, and depending on the quartz's qualities, can let you cast all sorts of elemental magics. My orbment specifically is called an ARCUS, and it's really nifty!" She exclaimed, pulling hers out and showing it off. "You can even send messages and make calls with it, so it can really do it all," she said with a diffident chuckle.


"Though, between the three of us, I don't even need it to cast magic. I'm... well, I suppose it's safe to tell you, but I'm a witch. Magic comes pretty naturally to me anyway," Emma confessed. Normally, she'd have kept this a secret, but if she was truly out of her own depth here, then it shouldn't have mattered if others found out what she was, right? And besides, she'd still barely gotten over keeping such a thing from her friends back in her school days, even after they'd easily forgiven her like it was a trivial matter, but still, old habits died hard.

"Maybe once we have more time, we can swap devices and see how compatible we are with them, yeah?" She finally asked Nilou, managing a playful smile.
Location: Path to the mansion
Interactions: Verite Verite (Emma), Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo (King Dedede)

Nilou was glad to see she didn't bore or weird Emma out by talking about her world. She might not have been an expert and her explanation might not have been perfect, but she nevertheless for some reason hoped that Emma would enjoy it, so she was glad to see that was seemingly the case. When it was the other girl's turn to speak, Nilou made sure to listen carefully and take in as much of what Emma was saying as possible, even if she wouldn't get everything.

It definitely sounded like Zemuria was a more... troubled... place than Teyvat. As far as Nilou knew, no nations back home were at war, or having to deal with the aftermath of that. Sure, there had been some horrible things, like the destruction of the nation of Khaenri'ah, but that's happened hundreds of years ago... Nilou herself never had to see any war or greater catstrophe with her own eyes, and she was grateful for it. She did feel a little bad for Emma for having to deal with such things, but she was at least glad to see she wasn't that badly affected by it.

The ARCUS did pique her interest though, she didn't know other worlds had different ways to harness the power of the elements... and she was surprised to hear Emma didn't even need a device to use magical powers... although after a moment of thought... "Hm, interesting... people from other worlds are curious indeed, the only other one I've met before, the Traveler, also didn't need a Vision to use elemental powers. It was quite a surprise, I'd never thought it was possible before." She said. "You must be quite talented then, just like them!" Nilou smiled warmly.

"...though I'm not so sure about swapping our tools. I'm not sure about the ARCUS, but the Visions are a very... personal thing. As I said, they're a physical representation of one's ambition... I've never heard of someone using someone else's Vision... well, actually, that's not true... I've heard of something like that... a boy from Inazuma awakening his dead friend's Vision to parry a blow from the Almighty Shogun... but I'm not sure if you can use the Vision of someone that's still alive..." the redhead explained, then got lost in thought for a moment. "Ah, but I guess I'm rambling a bit..." she put her hand on the back of her neck and chuckled. "...I guess it's at least worth a shot. Who knows, maybe if someone shares your ambitions, they can use your Vision even when you're alive? Things like that often work in mysterious ways." she concluded.


King Dedede —-\\ {Happy, Curious} // Front of Mansion || - - > (^ Emma ^) (^Nilou^) { Verite Verite / NeonArmageddon NeonArmageddon }

By the passing seconds, King Dedede's wonder and interest grew and grew with each word spoken from Nilou about Teyvat. A vast land split into 7 Regions, each representing an element of nature alongside being ruled by its own god? Sounds like a real interesting way to run things for sure!

Then came the descriptions of each one. To Dedede, Mondstadt sounded quite similar to Dreamland's general atmosphere. Ideals of freedom, song, and.. Wine? Well, Dedede wasn't too sure on that aspect due to having never heard of 'Wine' before. Maybe something to ask later. All the other regions sounded very interesting too. If anything, Dedede could assume that Liyue had lots of mountains and rock-based geography, Fontaine being aquatic or tropical; Natlan on the other hand put Dedede's thoughts back to Halcandra.. Possibly very heated there.. For Inazuma, the King pondered that there was likely a lot of rain that occured there. At least it sounded like no concern for droughts!

The waddle dees huddled around as well, eyes sparkling as though they were being told a really good fairytale before bedtime. This elicited a soft chuckle from the King before he continued to listen on. Sneznaya had a nice ring to it's name.. He wondered if it was anything like the snowlands of White Wafers? Then came the discussion of Nilou's home: Sumeru, land of Wisdom and associated with Nature, guided by Lesser Lord Kusanali. Dedede nodded on and listened intently as she described her home, with the idea of wisdom leaving the scholars of this Akademiya on a constant pursuit of knowledge.

"Eesh.. The scholars can really be buzzkills at times huh? And.. Isn't lockin' up a god an act of Heresy? Were they punished for it or..?"

To be frank, Dedede did not like the idea of these Scholars.. It sounded as though the pursuit of knowledge put a few cuckoo clocks in their heads and made the gears turn wildly like Dynablade on a sugar rush.
"Any form of help in gettin' your goddess free is all the same in my eyes. Even if it's giving advice in how to approach the situation plays as big of a role as breakin' her outta her shackles. All of it is a phenomenal and noble thing to do."

Dedede complimented the fact with a smile, and the Waddle Dees seemed to be waving their stubby hands in praise for the redhead. Nilou then pulled out an interesting gem, in which she called a 'Vision.' Dedede looked on in wonder as she explained, and demonstrated with a forming water current in her hands. Letting out a small whistle in admiration, he unknowingly made a small out-loud comment instead of a thought.

"Heh, Reminds me of Kirby's Copy Abilities.."
But then things took a serious turn when Nilou mentioned Inazuma's Vision Hunt Decree, and the effects of losing a vision.
"..I.. Will admit, that done sounded really problematic.. Was it revolted against or is it still active..?"
Luckily enough, everything else about the world seemed great. Though he did wonder about the food.. Heh..
"Despite all that, Teyvat sounds like a peaceful dream of a place. Who knows? Maybe under certain circumstances me and a few dear friends of mine may end up stopping by."
Then came Emma's world, or in this case, Continent: Zemuria. Cueing a chunky piece of brief history involving a bit of troubling conflicts that had taken place there. But as far as it went, It hadn't really fazed him much; Either because of the trouble faced back on popstar involving Abyssal cults, Dark Matter, Nightmare and even occasionally fighting eldritch gods of destruction.

"My, at least you and your friends managed to pull through. Teamwork really gets ya places much higher than one could expect."

Then came the discussion of the Orbments. Devices that granted magic abilities upon inserting a quartz in it. It sounded pretty cool, as with that it can likely grant the use of elements without need of a copy ability. Upon Emma's revealation that she was a witch, Dedede stretched a bit and replied.
"Hm.. I'm guessing you hold the ARCUS around as means to cover up your magic usage as Orbment use to prevent others from knowing you're a witch, correct? Quite creative I'll say."
He gave a content sigh shortly after.
"Feels like a culture exchange all ovah again... My ambition mostly centers around the well-being of Dreamland and Popstar as a whole. I'll admit, some parts of home has it's flaws, which may pertain to invasions.. But in the midst of that, strengthening my bonds with friends and redeemed foes alike grows ever apparent."
His mind glanced back towards Magolor. He remembered the initial shock and hurt when it was revealed he wanted the Master Crown for himself all those years back.. Hit like a truck and hurt like HAL.

Emma Millstein - Outside the Mansion
Interactions: NeonArmageddon NeonArmageddon (Nilou), Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo (Dedede)

"Oh, aha, you flatter me," Emma giggled modestly when Nilou complimented her affinity with magic. The young woman couldn't deny that she had a hard time accepting compliments; even though she was considered a prodigy in her own right in her clan, she'd always been keenly aware that she always came in second compared to her sister, but now that the business with Vita was over, Emma knew that the time had come to accept that she truly had grown in some manner after all this time.

Though, when Nilou began to explain how personal these Visions seemed to be, Emma tilted her head curiously, but still maintained her cordial smile. "Oh, is that right? Interesting," she said, seemingly undeterred, before crossing her arms behind her back. "A physical representation of one's ambitions... In other words, their hopes and dreams, right? I wonder. We are going to be here for a while, right? So I suppose we'll have plenty of time to get to know each other, and then... who knows? Maybe I'll have more of an affinity with your Vision by then."

She paused, then chuckled playfully. "Just kidding. I don't really have much in the way of ambitions, except to just learn all I can about the world. And I suppose... peace and goodwill toward all. Those kinds of things are such general sentiments, I suppose they wouldn't make for very powerful Visions in that case, right?"

"Ambition can bring one a long way, but at times it can kinda be a double-edged sword.. On one hand, there are some who ambition towards peace, like one of my insightful Knights. On the other, however.. It can lead to dangerous results in the hands of greed and malice.. Though it would depend on the theory centering on that one can obtain a vision regardless of the intent of their ambition." Dedede placed a hand underneath his beak, as that could be a concern to make worthy note of. Possibly it would've made the fight against Haltman much more difficult should it have been confirmed, or even spelled certain doom if he had found Teyvat instead..

"Anywho, I guess it's my turn to share a lil gimmick I use to defend my home.. Well, technically two."

Dedede stepped back, going into a stance as though he were holding something massive over his shoulder. Closing his eyes and taking a small breath, small glowing hearts started forming and combining to take the shape of a hammer. Before eventually, it formed his signature mallet. Holding it upright, Dedede then made a small gesture on the shaft, causing the hammer to suddenly open up and reveal a large metal contraption within, briefly spurting a blue flame and sparks as demonstration.

The hammer closed itself after, before dissipating into a glowing dust of hearts. Dedede then took another stance, and the same process happened, though this time a different weapon conjured alongside a protective mask.

“This, is what I call my Hammerspace. A pocket dimension that helps me bring the tools necessary to keep my home safe.”
Dedede then discarded his gear back into their particle-like heart visage, switching to a smaller version of his first hammer, light enough for one hand carry.

"The 2nd part I spoke of is part of the power of a friendly rival of mine. His name is Kirby, and he has the ability to essentially copy and utilize an original skillset based from the fighting style of any opponent he fights."

"Though.. this would be acquired by means of ingestion."

Dedede made quick to elaborate further.

"Y'see, Kirby has this base power to inhale with great force. Sometimes strong enough to clear acres of forest. And yes, there have been enemies who have been consumed by him. Though, that does not mean they die. Instead they're actually just sent to this starlit void full of food."

Dedede quickly shook his head to snap out of that ramble.

"A-anyway.. As an example, if Kirby were to swallow water that comes from Nilou's vision, he'd gain the Water Ability. And Emma, depending on the element which your magic casts, whether it be fire, ice, electricity, or other forms, The ability he gains would vary.

In terms of elemental abilities though, Kirby can enhance the melee weapons of his allies with the elemental ability he's gained. Though for me, I can do it by will, just needs more focus to activate it."

He scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"I can showcase later though.. It seems the mansion may be opening soon."

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    Nanashi "Doe" no Gonbei

    Doe lit up at Ace's question.
    "Im a researcher! I go out and collect data on wildlife!"
    He replied.
    "Monsters have the largest impact on the local ecosystems, so they are the ones im often studying, but my favorite thing to research is endemic life!"
    He explained. Dont get him wrong, he loved monsters, they were very, very interesting and cool to learn about, but it was the smaller animals and plants he was more interested in. Stinkminks, Tricktoads, Wirebugs, Nitroshrooms, Latch Berries, even simple Sleepherbs. The small bits of life that were overshadowed by the glamour of strong and powerful wyverns. The very creatures monster hunters were tasked to protect.
    Doe tilted his head curiously at the mention of 'zoan types' and 'devil fruits'. He had never heard of those things, must've been some foreign phenomeon! Doe couldnt help but grin at the thought of discovering something new! Doe pulled a small book no bigger than his palm out of his pocket. The journal was a dark reddish-pink color with a cherry blossom tree engraved on the front. A pen was connected to the spine by a sturdy string. Doe's research journal was packed away in his luggage, but he still had his personal one he could write notes in until he could pull out his real one.
    "Whats a devil fruit? and oh and Zoan Types! You gotta tell me about 'em too!"
    He said, the wyverian was already jotting notes down in the notebook based on what Ace had told him.
    Before he could get his answer however, another person came over to them. Doe yelped with surprise as the other person ran infront of him, and he took a step back. Oh! It must've been a friend of Ace's--Wait. DEAD?! What was going on. Doe took another step back, giving the pair some room. Doe turned to look at Daisuke when he asked about salves. Doe furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to remember... Did he pack salve?
    "Uh. Good question..."
    He replied, pausing again to try and remember what exactly he packed... with no luck.
    "Im not sure.. Why dont we head inside and check? Besides..."
    He glanced back at Ace and Sabo.
    "I think these two need a moment to themselves."

"Well your lack of a brain is clearly obvious you Goody two shoes idiot." Skeletor retorted to Papyrus "And for the record what suitors?"
Daniel Edwards - {Composed, Curious} - - Front of Mansion - - Open for Interaction

View attachment 1090304
A soft hum escaped the lips of a man dressed in dark green, adorned with unique pieces of weaponry and boxes on his person. Frankly, some would likely garner curiosity towards him due to his appearance, and in response, he would give a brief wave and grin at the pointed cameras. That is, in an outside perspective. In his eyes, the many people with strange black boxy devices pointed at him gave the sense that there is something strange about this 'Heartline Project' he was invited to.. To begin with, the directions given for him to navigate led him driving his Pierce-Arrow Model A into a relatively non visited forest path in the grasslands of his British hometown. Then come to his surprise when he suddenly blacked out and snapped back only to see that he was now on quite a well lit, smoothly paved road entering a lot. From there, (alongside the gear he hauled with him), he walked down the instructed path, taking in the scenery in the midst of his growingly curious waltz.

Lewis gun & shovel strapped to his side, Webley revolver holstered on his hip, and his trusty Tankgewehr and boxes of ammo strapped to his back; the male’s boots thumped along the trail until his nose met the scent of roses all alround, plus these black box things that a bunch of people were hauling around and aiming at others who had come. Speaking of them, a bunch were quite oddly dressed.. but he won’t divulge on that until later, because for now, one thing was voiced from his mind to his mouth.

“What in the bloody hell have I signed up for?”
And meanwhile, Jon, having not gotten the answer as to where he was staying decided he may as well get to know the other invitees for the heartline Project, he looked and saw a man dressed in dark green with Numerous Boxes and weapons on him. Jon thought he seemed like a Trustworthy fellow and went up to him, "Excuse me sir uhh are you also here to be on TV?" Jon asked Dan.

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    Nanashi "Doe" no Gonbei

    Doe followed close behind Dai as they made their way to the mansion's porch. He plopped down next to Daisuke on the porch. Doe looked over at his friend, then at his own, sore feet. A little less than a year ago, when he was still wandering in the Jungles around Kamura, Doe would have barely felt that path. Months of walking through mud, stone and sharp vines gave his feet thick skin, he could have walked across a bed of hot coals and barely flinched! Then he found Kamura, and moved in with Daisuke. The paths there were much easier on his feet, and when they wernt, he had the option to wear protective shoes. He didnt realize just how soft his feet had gotten until now.
    "Yeah, that was rough..."
    He agreed. He watched the camera crew and the supposed host of the show as they interviewed another guest. He dreaded the moment they would come after him... Why did he let Daisuke drag him out here again? He wanted to go inside, out of sight of the camera crew's prying eyes. It would also be nice to put away his suitcase. Unfortunately, from what he could tell, the doors were locked still.
    "When do you think we'll be allowed inside?"


Nothing. That's all he could think of in that moment. Absolutely nothing. His heart pounded, his head began to spin, and he felt something larger. Something he had never properly understood. He lost all ability to speak, and his knees felt weak. They eventually buckled, and he fell onto his legs. His eyes remained wide open in pure shock and surprise.
"You just- I- and then- but- we just- and-"
It was practically undiscernible speech has his mouth seemed to gape wide open. What did this mean? Where was he now? What's happening? Who is he? Who is he with? Why is this happening? He suddenly felt the urge to vomit. He choked only once, but he held it together.

Eventually he once again, closed his eyes and breathed. In... out... in... out...
Standing back up, he looks at the girl again.
This was who... helped me. They... cleaned my wound. It was a simple gesture. It's only been five minutes. Get a grip.
"Thank you."

His face seemed to be in a neutral state. Almost as if nothing had even happened. His eyes were not the same blue, however. They seemed to be a little dimmer. Not much, but a little. He offered a smile, but it was forced.

He turned back to the mansion.
This is what happens when you go too far Tim. It's time to return to reality. You're in a TV Show. You're being watched. You can't do these childish things. Not like this at least. Think of what everyone else would think if they saw you.
"I'm going to head back up now."

He takes a step, and half turns to face her one more time.
"Thank you, Shisari."
He continues up the path to the mansion.

Location: Returning to the front of the Mansion
Emotion: ?̸̜̘̤̞̊̄́̄̒͜?̷̦̻͖̝̬̽̑?̶̝̠̓̓͗, Neutral?
Mentions: twinkie twinkie (Shisari)

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    sans smiled genuinley at papyrus’s reaction to his pun, “Ya know, Pap, some ladies like a sense of humor in a guy, even if the jokes are bad.”, he laughs, “It’s what landed me my ex before we uh, broke up.” He laughs at the thought that Skeletor was playing hard to get
Somehow Luffy accepted the invitation to be on live television although romance disinterested him he had better things on his mind like his goals and dreams of becoming the new king of pirates. He is the kind that pushes others to follow their dreams. Luffy had helped people on his travels with his selfless actions he earned the love and loyalty of his crew. As result of his actions in freeing Dressrosa from Doflamingo’s ten year tyrannical rule in which he gained his grand fleet which is up to five thousand swashbucklers. Although Luffy’s past actions put him under the watchful scope of the world government. He was seen as a threat.

He kept on going and smiled wide as he saw Sabo. He would tackle and hug Sabo, but he froze. Was he seeing an illusion? Ace can’t be alive. His mind is playing a trick on him. His mind went back to the tragic day where Ace took his last breath and his vivre card burned up. Ace’s death spread like wildfire. He was there when Ace died. “ Ace.” His voice started shaking as he advanced to where Sabo and Ace were standing. It’s not his mind playing tricks on him it’s really Ace though he didn’t quite understand how he could survive Akainu’s strike. Akainu burned a hole through Ace’s torso with his devil fruit. There's no walking away from a fatal injury like that. “ Ace…Ace..ACE!” He took off running into a sprint throwing himself at Ace. Luffy was a crying mess by then. “Ace..you died. You shielded me from Akainu’s attack. He struck you through your torso with his giant lava fist. Then.. then.” He saw the light leave Ace’s eyes as he took his final breath then he succumbed to his injury.

Luffy gripped at Ace’s chest sobbing uncontrollably. He didn’t understand how Ace was alive, there had to be a reasonable explanation. “ That bastard Mingo put your devil fruit up as a prize for the tournament. I didn’t want anyone else taking it. I entered the tournament under the name Lucy. Sabo entered because he wanted to win your devil fruit. He fought in my place instead and he won your Mera-Mera No Mi. I-I thought Sabo should have it.” Sabo was more deserving of inheriting Ace’s will. As they were sworn brothers it only fit that Sabo continues Ace’s legacy, a way to keep Ace’s memory alive. Luffy stepped back and stared at Ace confused. It was hard to believe he’s alive after all. “ How..?” He stared lost and confused. Ace is dead, everything pointed to Ace having lost his life.

Ace froze; it now made sense that Luffy is from Sabo’s timeline. “ I know it’s hard to believe but our universes split in two. I’m dead in yours and alive in mine.” But did it really change things? Hearing he’s dead in their verse is a hard pill to swallow and not all surprising to him given he’s high on the world government’s wanted list for his lineage. “ As for choosing Sabo to win my devil fruit, you made a good choice. I can’t think of anyone more deserving.” He grins, hoping it would help calm Luffy. Ace was happy that they’re here under one roof.

Luffy wiped his tears, understanding Ace’s explanation somewhat. It only matters that Ace is alive and Sabo is here. He slipped his arms around their shoulders feeling like a weight on his heart has been lifted. The three of them being here together are what matters the most to him.

Ace pulled them closer, a sign of their inseparable bond over the years. “ You know? Now that the three of us are here. We should share a cup of sake just like old times.” It brought him back to that day they were just kids and shared their first sake together, the same day they declared themselves sworn brothers.

Luffy grins,” Ace just like old times. What the sake needs is a good hunk of meat. He could go for meat seasoned with salt and black pepper. Simple but it makes the meat tasty. Ace laughs,” You always had a thing for meat. I don’t see why not?” As long as they are together again. But first Ace wanted to show his brothers to Doe and Dai possibly gush over them if he’s allowed to. Then explain the devil fruits and the different types.

Acethekidd Acethekidd
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Daisuke Ito







  • home (filler tab)

MH Rise

Kamura's song of purification summer remix

"No clue. I hope soon." Daisuke replied to Doe, picking out another splinter with a wince from his foot.
Daisuke noted Ace and his two friends, tilting his head at them and thinking aloud.
"Looks like another person he knows. Glad to see he'll have plenty of friends here."
He paused, thinking about his friendship with Doe and how he wanted to be more than just friends. Should he tell him? Tell him now? But what if he doesn't reciprocate those feelings? Would Dai ruin their friendship by trying to pursue something more than what Doe wanted? That would be worse than just not knowing, or not saying anything. He won't say anything, not yet at least.
All these thoughts playing in his head gave him a rather sour and concerned expression, not that Daisuke realized it.

♡coded by uxie♡

  • image.png
    Nanashi "Doe" no Gonbei

    Doe followed close behind Dai as they made their way to the mansion's porch. He plopped down next to Daisuke on the porch. Doe looked over at his friend, then at his own, sore feet. A little less than a year ago, when he was still wandering in the Jungles around Kamura, Doe would have barely felt that path. Months of walking through mud, stone and sharp vines gave his feet thick skin, he could have walked across a bed of hot coals and barely flinched! Then he found Kamura, and moved in with Daisuke. The paths there were much easier on his feet, and when they wernt, he had the option to wear protective shoes. He didnt realize just how soft his feet had gotten until now.
    "Yeah, that was rough..."
    He agreed. He watched the camera crew and the supposed host of the show as they interviewed another guest. He dreaded the moment they would come after him... Why did he let Daisuke drag him out here again? He wanted to go inside, out of sight of the camera crew's prying eyes. It would also be nice to put away his suitcase. Unfortunately, from what he could tell, the doors were locked still.
    "When do you think we'll be allowed inside?"

"what do you mean you Boneheaded Buffoon? This is my true self you wannabe Self help speaker and I most certainly am not Playing hard to get." Skeletor retorted angrily to Papyrus with a hateful glare at the Ancient Egyptian paper named skeleton. Skeletor scoffed and turned his back to papyrus.
  • » Melia Antiqua
    『 LOCATION 』in front of the mansion
    『 TAGGED 』 NeonArmageddon NeonArmageddon
    Listening to Tenko explain the cameras, Melia gave a small nod of her head. "I see... That is quite interesting," she mused. From the sounds of it, it seemed she could act in whichever way she desired. It all depened on her. She would have never thought of such, or even of the eyes that would be watching her. As the younger girl mentioned all the girls that would be watching her made her nervous, the High Entian quirked her own brows. People were watching them? So that was another aspect to this technology. In a way it was not much different than the light that she had used to communicate with Nia when they had been preparing for their worlds to join together. She would have never expected there to be a device that did something similar though. It made her wonder if this was somehow being shown to all her people.

    As the thought crossed her mind, Melia's wings fluffed out in alarm and her nose wrinkled. If that was true then it was definitely best if she avoided the cameras getting too close to her. The last thing she wanted was to make a fool out of herself and have all her people be witness to it- especially her friends who had convinced her to partake in all this. "I share in your concern of the eyes that might be upon myself. I can only imagine the eyes that might be on me during this whole thing... I can only hope my people are not being shown any of this. Imagining what they might think of their queen partaking in such a thing is, well, an unpleasant thought."

    A shudder ran through her body as the realization settled with her, but she was quick to let it pass. Melia knew she couldn't let such things faze her after all and normally they would not, but everything surrounding this whole event was rather embarrassing for someone of her own status. May be she was of a different personality it would all be different, but that was not the case in the slightest.

    Her thoughts on the matter would have continued, but the sudden shift in topics from Tenko was more than enough to pull the queen from her own mind and spark her curiosity. "Aikido?" she parroted back. Never before had she heard of such a thing. Clearly it was something of interest to Tenko though. That was enough to make Melia show her own interest. "I would love to know what that might be." A smile graced the High Entia's lips as she briefly paused and gestured for the younger woman to continue on. "You say it is best demonstrated. Would you mind showing me?"
    code by @Nano

  • Cloud

    The Legendary Ex-SOLDIER


    Irked; reluctant


    On the Path to the Mansion >>> In front of the Mansion


    [Shown in image]


    Cloud said nothing in one of his classic moments of cold-shouldering. His brow furrowed as he huffed irritatedly through his nose. "If I have to be here with you, the least you could do is stop being annoying as hell." he commented at last as they stopped in front of the mansion. He ignored the camera and instead scoped out the scene. He saw some very interesting people to say the least, caught Zelda and Link in a crowd of others, a regal-looking woman shrouded in shadows, a girl with what appeared to be tentacles for hair, and a talking skeleton to name a few.

    Rufus brought liquor? Cloud reluctantly turned his mako gaze onto him again. "Why would you bring drinks to this event? Are you hoping to get a pretty lady drunk or something?" Of course Shimra had fine liquor. Knowing his wealth, Strife figured it made sense that he would have the finest of alcohol.

    ♡design by stardust galaxy, coded by uxie♡

He can handle being called annoying but Cloud implying he’s a creeper is a different story. “ I’m a lot of things but a creepy douchebag who assaults intoxicated women isn’t one of them. I’m not a saint, never said I was. Though I’m not a monster.” He can afford nice things growing up, sure. He isn’t like his old man that’s for sure. That's a different issue that’s his own burden to bear. “ I bought the expensive liquor to share with everyone honestly.” He isn’t innocent nor a good guy by any means but not a monster as Cloud eloquently implied he was. “ Though you should try a glass of wine with food it’s out of the world.”

Forevermore Forevermore

  • IMG_1668.png


    The younger, yet taller Mario Brother stopped pacing to look at Rosalina, and to his Fear in the moment, their eyes met. In a way it was calming, but seconds later, he was straight back to fear. Because he realized the possibility that if it wasn’t a trap, this meant that everyone here was potentially a romantic partner. Something that was a positive thought before he left but now, meant confrontation of someone he knew. Albeit, Rosilina was cute, but she seemed way out of his league.

    Then again, so did Daisy... though things went south there, he couldnt help but think it was mostly his fault. She got kidnapped by some alien, and instead of jumping into action, he let his brother Mario rescue her. And where he has good intentions most of the time, he has a thing for princesses. Luigi can’t blame him for that though, the little crowns are a cute hat.

    Rosalina waves

    he shook his head and was about to walk over and talk to Rosalina with a new surge of confidence when Ever picked up the Megaphone.

    "Everyone, gather around! We're just about ready to begin! Please pay attention, as this information will be very important!"

    like that, confidence gone, he just made a sheepish smile, waved back, and left to ‘gather around’.

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  • mood :
    Baffled, alert
    location :
    Front of mansion
    outfit :
    Usual outfit

    interactions : Zelda, HW Link, Ever (vaguely)
    Hero of the Wild

    Link gave Zelda an unamused look. Of course he didn't have any relatives, and even if he did he wouldn't remember. He still didn't even remember who his parents were.
    "Zelda, if I had any relatives they'd be long gone by now. Hylians don't usually live for over a hundred years." He signed, glancing back over to his look-a-like.
    It seemed like he was just as surprised at seeing Link as Link was. What in Hylia's name were they supposed to do about this? With a bit of hesitation, Link approached the other Link. The other Link had to know sign, didn't he? Or was this a Link that could actually speak?
    He raised his hands to sign, but the words died before he could get them out, and then the Host of this show called everyone to gather around. So much for that. Maybe later.
    He rejoined Zelda's side, alert to everything around them while paying attention to Ever.
    coded by reveriee.

And meanwhile, Jon, having not gotten the answer as to where he was staying decided he may as well get to know the other invitees for the heartline Project, he looked and saw a man dressed in dark green with Numerous Boxes and weapons on him. Jon thought he seemed like a Trustworthy fellow and went up to him, "Excuse me sir uhh are you also here to be on TV?" Jon asked Dan

Screenshot 2023-05-26 145346.png
Daniel Edwards ------ {Confused, Polite}
Interaction(s) - - > [Jon Arbuckle] - - Sir loin of beef Sir loin of beef ||

Edwards' confused musings were cut off as another man's voice approached. Looking up straight, his eyes came upon a.. Rather very average looking guy. Blue shirt, Brown hair, a pair of.. rather interesting material for pants.. huh..

Edwards stood tall, even despite the sheer weight of both, a 28 pound machine gun, a 35 pound, 13mm 5'7 ft long gun and a box of likely over 70 pounds of ammo hanging from his back, and calmly replied to Jon in a kind manner. (God bless his back.. Who thinks he needs a chiropractor?)

"While I'm unfamiliar with the term, T.V.. I am here on the accord that I was invited to partake in what is called the 'Heartline Project'. If I may ask if you're here to take part in it as well? It may involve being on 'T.V', as you asked about."

Then the sound of a lady's voice rang out, beckoning everyone to gather by the entrance of the mansion.

"Hm.. Maybe you can answer as we head over, Chap?"
Screen Shot 2023-05-22 at 6.16.59 PM.png

Sarin immediately knew that her action was too far… and she regretted it just as immediately. She couldn’t even find the words to speak before he had turned and was walking away.
The feeling of dread and panic rose.
As much as this would have been a wakeup call for her, it sent Shisari into a deeper rabbit hole of her mind.
No… no no no… you’ve just gotten here and you already fucked up a possible tie with someone. What the hell is wrong with you? Kissing him?! That was the dumbest thing you could have possibly done.
Her hand moved up and gripped her shirt tightly as she stared blankly, not able to find the steady rhythm to breathe.
You’ve screwed it all up. You’ve screwed it all up. You’ve screwed it all up. You’ve screwed it all up.
That single phrase repeated in her mind.
Over and over.

One of her arms started sparking and it burned right through the skin-like material until a gaping hole revealed all of the metal underneath, which was now glinting in the sun. The smell of burnt rubber permeated the air.
Without anything else coming into play, Sarin fell to her knees, her head buried in the dirt. Her body had powered off.

Mentions: Ciscodog Ciscodog - Tim
Feeling: Dread, fear, panic
Location: On the ground outside of the mansion

[ open to interaction ]
Ever: The Mansion is about to open! Rally at the mansion door in an orderly fashion as soon as you can!

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    It was finally time. The doors that were once sealed were finally going to open. This was it. It was time to finally leave his world, and attempt to change. Even if love couldn't be found, at least he would try.

    What the hell am I doing... Can I even do this? I can't even remember what happened a few minutes ago... Shisari... that girl. I wonder where she went.
    He turns around, but all he could see was a shiny glint. It was too bright to make out the source, and besides, he had a goal. He turns back forward.

    Suddenly, he remembers his original fears. They were lessened now, perhaps due to whatever Shisari had done, but they were still present. And he had no crutches to lean on either. This would be it. He had to do this.
    Damn it all... why did it have to be like this? No. Stay focused. You can do it. The cameras aren't even there. I mean look around. Do you see any other than the cameramen? They have to sleep too, and it's not like they'll be around all the time.
    He falsely calmed himself, refusing to scour the nearby bushes, or look closer inside the glass or behind curtains. He needed this.
    Everything would be okay. It always will be. Just stay calm and in control.

    Open for interaction!

    Location: Outside the Mansion Door (Awaiting entrance)
    Emotion: A little nervous, Neutral
    Mentions: twinkie twinkie (Shisari) Forevermore Forevermore (Ever)



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Daniel Edwards ------ {Confused, Polite}
Interaction(s) - - > [Jon Arbuckle] - - Sir loin of beef Sir loin of beef ||

Edwards' confused musings were cut off as another man's voice approached. Looking up straight, his eyes came upon a.. Rather very average looking guy. Blue shirt, Brown hair, a pair of.. rather interesting material for pants.. huh..

Edwards stood tall, even despite the sheer weight of both, a 28 pound machine gun, a 35 pound, 13mm 5'7 ft long gun and a box of likely over 70 pounds of ammo hanging from his back, and calmly replied to Jon in a kind manner. (God bless his back.. Who thinks he needs a chiropractor?)

"While I'm unfamiliar with the term, T.V.. I am here on the accord that I was invited to partake in what is called the 'Heartline Project'. If I may ask if you're here to take part in it as well? It may involve being on 'T.V', as you asked about."

Then the sound of a lady's voice rang out, beckoning everyone to gather by the entrance of the mansion.

"Hm.. Maybe you can answer as we head over, Chap?"

"Sure that seems reasonable enough." Jon said beginning to walk over to the entrance, the farmboy decided he might have to explain some things to the other gentleman, " Well You see, I came here so that I could find romance on National TV. TV, well...think of it as a miniature theatre you can hook up in your home where I come from. Maybe later I can teach you how to install one how does that sound?" Jon asked Edwards.
Weiss Schnee
Interactions: N/A for now

Despite her tardiness, Weiss Schnee hardly seems out of place at this mansion.

The now ex-heiress of the Schnee Dust Corporation hardly seems to be phased at all by the mansion's overall luxurious appearance, nor the cameras that are immediately shoved in her face as she struts down the mansion's front aisle. To anyone who actually knows her, this is of course hardly a surprise. Being raised in her own world's most prestigious and elite family meant dealing with this sort of thing from an age that she's now too old to even properly remember. It's a period of her life that she ultimately regrets, and to a lesser extent resents, but she can't complain about it being a boon at a time like this.

It makes it easier what the others simply can't seem to, in any case.

In truth, Weiss didn't agree to come onto this show for anything less than a much-needed vacation. She hardly cares for any sort of fame, fortune, recognition, or notoriety. It's a life she's all too used to, by this point, and it's certainly not one she's raring to live through again at any point in the foreseeable future. No... while she certainly can't say she minds the attention, it isn't her end goal for being here. She was invited, with a trip fully paid for, and ultimately that's enough for her to have decided to come on out in the end. There's definitely something... almost blatantly suspicious about this whole thing, though she's pretty sure that if any issues arise, she's more than capable of handling it on her own.

So, it's with this very confidence that Weiss struts forward with Myrtenaster at her hip and a single rolling bag of luggage by her legs. She packed pretty light, all things considered. Just her usual toiletries, various outfits for whatever occasions arise... and one or two mementos from back home. Her friends would probably appreciate something from here... so a part of her wonders if it would be apt to search for a gift shop before actually heading to her room. Everyone else seems distracted already, having gotten here before her and split off into their own small groups. Weiss hardly cares to eavesdrop or interrupt the already ongoing conversations, after all.

So, as she stops at the mansion's front door, she immediately sets out in quietly assessing herself with her surroundings. Doing this now will save her the trouble of getting lost later, she feels. Of course, she needs to actually find her room pretty soon, too...

Kyoko Kirigiri
Interactions: N/A

The first thing Kyoko thought when she received the invitation was 'what a waste of time.' Really -- her? They don't think she's a little busy with the increasing amount of duties that seem to always be piled upon her?

Or, worse: they just think she needed a break. What makes that worse is that everybody else seemed to agree with the idea. 'Go on, Kyokers, it'll be fun,' Hina had said, knowing full well that Kyoko Kirigiri is not somebody who has even the faintest interest in the dating scene. Time off is, she figures, time off. That's the real reason they all wanted her to go. They can't possibly be expecting anything else to come of it.

Of course in the end the real reason Kyoko agreed is because, as she does many things, she found the whole arrangement suspicious. The address was like no address she'd ever heard of, yet any navigation system pointed to it just fine... on top of that, she found no further way to contact the hosting organisation. That's a red flag, if she's ever heard one. If this really is as suspicious as it looks to be, then it falls upon Kyoko to deal with it as soon as possible. On her pride as the Ultimate Detective... as meaningless to her as that title normally is, anyway. She still is proud of her ability itself.

That leads her to where she is now: being an inexplicably willing guest in the Heartline Mansion.

As soon as she'd arrived, she made a personal point of slipping by as soon as possible to avoid what she could only imagine to be an utter pain. She imagines she was caught on camera for a brief moment, and as far as she cares, that's good enough for her. Of course, she can't exactly go much further... as much as she'd like to get straight to work. It was a long trip, at least, so she's admittedly somewhat tired. Maybe for now it's better to just set her bags down beside her and wait.

She really, really hopes nobody bothers her in the meantime.
Cam, after deciding not to a few moments after talking to whoever it was, walked away with a muttered “sorry..” and sat down in the grass beside the mansion .

“when will this thing start?” they asked themself, looking over at the woman on the front steps.

‘she’s probably Ever.’ they thought, realizing they were staring and quickly glancing away. ‘should I go ask her?’ they wondered, looking at her again before shaking their head. horrible idea. They didn’t want to draw so much attention to themself.

So Cam stayed leaning against the wall. They felt uncomfortable, in their ripped jeans and hoodie, being with all of these people in fancy atire, well, most of them.

mood: bored, annoyed
interactions: N/A
location: against outside wall of mansion
» Princess Zelda
『 LOCATION 』in front of the mansion
Right... Her question was quite literally stupid, yet it had managed to escape her lips. Clearly she hadn't allowed herself to delve too deeply onto the thought of it all. It made the reality of her question hit Zelda more than it should have. Almost immediately, she found herself facepalming from embarrassment. How forgetful could she be? Then again, it wasn't the worst thing she could have asked. Maybe the twin brother thing went out the window, but a relative was still possible, albeit to a much lesser degree. Either way, it was very unlikely that it was the reason for all this.

Giving a small shake of her head in attempt to re-gather her thoughts, Zelda composed herself once more though faint hints of a blush glowed on her cheeks. "You're right. How silly of me," she spoke. As she did, her eyes briefly moved back to the second Link, but as they did, she watched Link leave her side to approach the doppelganger. If she would have been given the time, she would have followed him, but the sound of Ever's voice pulled her attention away immediately.

Swiveling her head, the princess looked towards the host as her knight returned to her side. From the sounds of it, things were about to get underway. Excitement and anxiety came washing over her at the thought of it. Was she really ready for all this? Honestly, Zelda wasn't even sure, and with Link present that uncertainty was even greater. It was even worse with a Link look alike present as well! What exactly had she gotten herself in to? Only Hylia knew.

Letting a soft sigh escape between her lips, Zelda straightened her posture and momentarily turned her head to look towards her knight once again. "We ought to see what is about to happen," she urged.

Leaving it at that, the princess set forth to join the group that had begun to gather around the host. While she had no immediate plans of interacting with any of them, she did quietly look around to observe them. Admittedly, there was a wide variety of different individual- some who looked wildly different than she was accustomed to and others who appeared relatively normal. It was a diverse group- clearly filled with beings of all kinds and backgrounds. In a way it was amazing that it was possible to gather a group much like this. How it had even been possible was beyond her, yet she was greatly curious about it all. Curiosity aside, Zelda knew better than to jump the gun. For now, it was best to patiently await what Ever had in store for them.
code by @Nano

  • Samus Aran
    The Galaxy-Renowned Bounty Hunter


    Hmm. The air around the scene that was taking place seemed to be a bit stifling now. She watched Link kiss Rosalina's hand, and rolled her eyes. Suck-up.

    However, Link seemed just as surprised to see...Link? There were two of them? Clones, Samus thought, and she was just about to ask when she heard Ever's announcement over the microphone. She turned, her gear clinking, and looked back at Rosalina. "We should get moving." Sam told her. "We don't want to be left behind." And with that, Samus walked over to where Ever stood, joining the group near her.

    Mentions: Forevermore Forevermore Ploegy Ploegy DovahBeat DovahBeat
    Mood: Nettled, confused
    Location: In front of the Mansion

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  • Sabo

    Location: by the mansion?
    Company: -
    Tags: Ace [ Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat ]

    Split world? So Ace was for another world? it made sense. He believed it. After seeing everything in Mary Geoise, the hell he barely escaped, he believed in everything." Makes sense. Even so, i'm still glad to see you alive, even if we're not form the same place." he said with a bright smile. He couldn't help to wonder if whitebeard in his world was alive..how was the luffy there to. He wanted to question Ace some more, but now probably wasn't the right time. "T-Thanks. I'm just glad black beard didn't get his dirty hand on it. He's the whole reason why the war started back in our world..the whole reason for your death. I refused to let him get it, even if it meant i had to die." Thinking about blackbeard had his blood boiling

    "Anyway, i would love to sit down and have some sake with you, but i think we outta-" He stopped when he saw another familiar face latch his self onto Ace. It Luffy! which surprised him."Oh luffy! you're here to!" now this brought back memories, the good ol days when they hung around each other. Sabo tipped his hat over his head, hiding some of his tears." I would love to sit down with you guys and catch up for old times sake." After his little moment, Sabo looked over at Luffy." This isn't the Ace we know..but it's one hundred percent Ace if that makes sense."
    coded by archangel_


  • nilou.png

    Location: Path to the mansion
    Interactions: Verite Verite (Emma), Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo (King Dedede)

    Nilou just gave a warm smile, hearing Emma's words. "Haha, oh, don't worry, those sound like they should be plenty to get a Vision. Especially learning about the world... I have a friend, Alhaitham, who is the Akademiya's scribe and their current Acting Grand Sage, and I would bet all my money that curiosity about the world is the reason he got his. And it's not like my reason is that grand either... my greatest ambition is to bring joy to others through my dance. It's not some incredible wish, but... I do my best to make it a reality." The redhead explained, her voice full of sincerity. "I actually got my Vision during my first performance on stage. Imagine my surprise when after my dance, I found this little thing had appeared in my hand. It was a sign to me that I was doing something right, though, if Celestia decided to bless my efforts with this." she chuckled.

    Then, Nilou decided to clarify some things about her story, since the penguin king seemed to have some comments about it. "Oh, don't worry, the Grand Sage, the one who ordered Kusanali to be imprisoned, has been stripped of his position, and punished accordingly... as I said, scribe Alhaitham took over his position, and it's probably for the best. Him and General Cyno are some of the few people in Akademiya that I trust to genuinely care about both our goddess and our country. To be honest, these two, my other friend Dehya, and the Traveler, were mostly responsible for freeing our Goddess. I merely created a distraction for them to have an opportunity to act." Nilou didn't want to take too much credit for the operation. Truth be told, it was mostly by chance that she was involved at all, though she was happy to be able to help the Goddess that she's been so devoted to all her life.

    "You're also not wrong when it comes to ambitions... most of the Vision users I know are decent people... some a little eccentric, but that's fine... but there are definitely dangerous people who also have the favor from gods... I've heard some of the Fatui have Visions of their own... oh, you have no idea who I'm talking about... they're Sneznayan diplomats, though many people consider them more as spies... they're always behind some shady happenings." Nilou sighed. She hadn't had personal encounters with them, but the stories from the people she knew were enough for her to know that the Fatui were trouble... and her tone did little to hide that she thought of them as troublemakers.

    She then listened curiously about the odd powers that Dedede and this Kirby had over in their world... "Absorbing the power of elements... I wonder if that Kirby and the Traveler are similar in any way... She's also from a different world, so perhaps they have a similar origin?" She thought out loud and got lost in thought for a moment, but then quickly snapped back to reality. "Ah, you're right, the mansion should be opening soon... I do wonder what's gonna happen inside..."

Sabo mentioning Black Beard’s name had set off Ace’s anger and irritation to maximum overdrive. He ran his fingers through his raven hair. “ He murdered Tatch for his Yami-Yami No Mi. He was White Beard’s fourth division commander. I know it was stupid to go after Black Beard out of vengeance. Pops tried to stop me I couldn’t let Tatch’s murderer get away. Tatch was one of my good friends.” He once again placed both of his hands on Sabo’s shoulders, grateful for his calculated move; he can't think of anyone more deserving of continuing his legacy than Sabo himself. Although he liked to continue this stimulating conversation he didn’t want to sully their reunion anymore. There’s still time for that later and Ace had his own questions for Sabo and Luffy. “ Everyone knows me as Fire-Fist Ace. What's your new name?” Sabo had said once a devil fruit user dies it appears somewhere else for some reason in Sabo’s case he’s the new user. A voice told him Sabo’s new title would sound amazing.

It won’t be surprising because Sabo is smart and amazing all around. He’s looking forward to spending quality time with Sabo and Luffy like the old days. It was heartwarming that they could pick up where they left off after all these years it made him smile wide. “ I’m sure there’s sake lying around. I just never thought we’d be under the same roof again.” If not sake then wine. Although wine wouldn’t hold that same meaningful bond they would have as a cup of sake would. Instantly Ace flashes back to that day when they were kids. Sabo and Luffy didn’t look any different to him, it doesn’t matter because they're here.

Luffy grins, it was nice to see Ace and Sabo again under one roof. With a life of piracy and little communication the only thing keeping him updated is a newspaper. But even then that’s scarce. “ After Ever finishes talking about this place. I think we should poke around a bit, maybe we will find sake if we look hard enough.” He had his own doubts a fancy mansion like this would have sake though he’s too stubborn to let that stop him. Then Sabo mentions that the Ace in front of them isn’t Ace from their universe, he's still their brother. “ I understand he’s still Ace.” Luffy had been going off really hard thinking if there’s another him or his friends in Ace’s universe. “ Ace? Is there another me and my friends in your universe?” It’s a crazy enough idea that he would exist in two verses.

“ Luffy nothing has changed much in my universe, you're still a meat loving cry baby that barely listens.” He teased, it was all in good fun really he meant no harm. Ace had liked the idea of not just looking for sake for their own enjoyment but exploring the mansion in Sabo’s and Luffy’s company of. It’s like a throwback to the good old times when they were simple, carefree, adventurous children. Now they’re adventurous men. Although not a seafaring one, he counted it as a fun adventure with Sabo and Luffy. He wanted to show Sabo his motorized boat at some point soon

Luffy pouts,” I’m not a crybaby!” At least he doesn’t think so, he adjusts his straw hat understanding Sabo and Ace though it’s kind of hard to imagine two Luffys existing. He isn’t one to pass up a fun day especially if it means a moment with Ace and Sabo. He would never imagine this day would come; he'd see his own brothers again; he's all for it. “Ace, Sabo, I’d say we explore this whole island together. What do you think?” It was a way to familiarize themselves with this place.

“ I’m all for exploring! As long as both of you are by my side. It’s like old times, right?” He had another flash back to their childhood, it was too wholesome. Ace is all for spending quality time with Luffy and Sabo. “ Oh! Sabo, I wanna show you my motorized boat at some point. You can use it anytime.” Sadly it can only fit one person at a time. He had the crazy idea of getting a small ship just for the purpose of going on a short adventure with Luffy and Sabo. Now that would be hell of fun.

Acethekidd Acethekidd

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