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Fandom Character Skeleton & Characters

Kyra Auel [Fairy Tail]


    Name: Kyra Auel

    Gender: Female

    Age: 19

    Height: 5'9

    Hair Color: White

    Eye Color: Blue


    • Personality: Kyra is a semi-reserved person. She will keep quiet at times, but is a calm, kind & caring individual. She is someone who will encourage a person and act as the helping hand for others. She will stand up for those who don't have a voice and can take insults thrown at someone else as personal. She is also a very patient person, a tough person to crack. Though, it means she has a habit of bottling up all the 'insults' and any insults thrown at her. Her habit of bottling up other people's insults towards her or others, anger/frustration, sadness eventually will reach a breaking point, where she will vent out all her bottled up anger with hostility. She does have a sense of humor and will say several subtle humorous phrases or puns from time to time. She is selfless and will put others before herself, including her fellow guild members, this means that she will not want them getting into harms way, preferring to deal with everything by herself, and not have the help of others for the risk of them getting injured. She is a very disciplined individual both in and out of battle, this discipline, combined with her patience and combat skills makes her a tough foe in battle. Her very patient nature lets her be more tolerant towards the unruly behaviour of her fellow guild members, and makes her a very forgiving individual.

      She loves the guild very much. She will punish those who insult or use her guild's name in vein.

      Character Strengths:
      - Patient
      - Loyal
      - Strong willed
      - Kind
      - Efficient
      - Mature/wise

      Character Flaws:
      - Quiet
      - Lone-Wolf
      - Trusting others that aren't a part of her guild

      - Peace & quiet
      - milkshakes
      - scenic strolls
      - free running

      - lying/denial/evasive
      - big egos
      - bullying
      - loud noises at night or when she's trying to have some peace and quiet


      Kyra was born to an upper middle class family in the heart of Crocus. Her mother was one of the medical chiefs at a city hospital, while her father was a hunter. Growing up, Kyra was more or less a reserved child. She was known as the silent but hard working child by her fellow classmates and teachers. Did not talk a lot, but was a well mannered and efficient child. But, on one particular day, the quiet and reserved Kyra stunned her fellow classmates and teachers when she adamantly stood up for a fellow classmates who had been constantly picked on for her heritage. It turned out that Kyra was quietly watching her fellow classmate being picked on for a very long time, all the while, taking the names and insults thrown at her classmates as personal and kept all the anger and distaste bottled up until it had reached a breaking point. The way she had stood up for her classmate convinced the other kids to stop picking on her. This was Kyra's first step in becoming a less reserved person, later befriending the kid as the two became good friends, whom she would always be the first one to come to her defense and the defense of those who didn't have the courage to stand up for themselves.

      Kyra, from a very young age did have an affinity for magic. And she used her magic to play with her only friend. It was actually her friend who suggested that they both join a guild once they were old enough. This promise didn't last however. The same classmates whom Kyra told off became jealous. They didn't like the idea of both Kyra and her friend being mages and possessing magic. Especially Kyra's friend.

      And one day, Kyra got news from her teacher that her best friend had died. This devastated Kyra, forcing her to become introverted and quiet once more. Unable to accept the fact that her only friend was now gone. Shortly after, her parents decided that for their daughter, they would move from the capital to Harageon Port, where she transferred to a school.

      It took some time, but things slowly started to return to normal. Kyra continued her training as a mage, while juggling her academics, while her parents settled down within the town.

      At one point, on her way back home from training, Kyra made a chance encounter with some of the bullies from her old school. Obviously Kyra tried to dodge them but, her former schoolmates instantly recognized her. They decided to come clean with Kyra, apologizing to the girl for the trouble they had caused her a couple years back, and regretfully admitted to accidentally causing her best friend's death. The news did not sit well with Kyra, in fact, it shook her core and enraged her, causing an emotional outburst from 2 years of suppressed sorrow and guilt. Her rage scared the former bullies but, what she did next was a surprise.

      As angry as she was, Kyra did not hurt them. Only giving them a long and stern lecture. As much as she wanted to beat the life out of them, she knew it wasn't going to bring any sort of closure or heal her emotional wounds. And if she were to beat them in her friend's name, it would be doing her great disrespect. vengeance was the last thing she wanted.

      By 14, Kyra decided on her own that she needed to mature on her own. She talked with her parents who were at first weary. But after multiple conversations and discussions, her parents made the choice to support Kyra in her en-devour. Kyra already knew what guild she wanted to join. From a very young age, she has always idolized Fairy Tail for their righteous values and positive reputation within Fiore. Their values were the same as hers, and so it just made sense that she would join them. She is very well known as the partially quiet but has a heart of gold by her fellow fairy tail guild members. She is well respected in both the guild and in Magnolia as she treats everyone with respect and kindness. She is respected as an efficient mage who gets the job done without any questions in a timely manner. And also as the notorious enforcer who will punish those who try and taint the name of Fairy Tail or harm pick a fight with Fairy Tail. Her strengths are also very well noted by the guild as she had lost her patience only one in all the years she's been a part of the guild, but that one time left a profound impact and impression of what she is like as well as her strength that is still resonates within the guild and in magnolia. She is nice but, get on her bad side or annoy her, and pain will come. She is seen as the second mother figure for some of the younger Fairy Tail guild members.

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    Blaise Verlin [Fairy Tail]

  • ugZZEoe.png

    Name: Blaise Verlin

    Gender: Male

    Age: 18

    Height: 5'8

    Hair Color: Blue

    Eye Color: Blue

    Place of Birth: Balsam Village

    Sexuality: Homosexual

    Personality: Blaise is usually, in contrast with his guild, reserved and soft-spoken. He simply feels there's no need to draw attention to himself and is much more content with sitting back and watching everything unfold. It puts him in a rather awkward situation at parties, if he even attends. His eyes somehow always find their way glued to the sky of the same color, or buried in a book. A lot of people call him aloof and detached, which, while they're not all wrong, isn't exactly true. He does like to participate and be social, but sometimes he lets his mind wander, head floating into the clouds, and he needs someone to bring him back down to Earth(land).

    When he is talking and interacting, he still takes a backseat in the conversation, only speaking when prompted to or when no one else is. He likes to keep things light and fun, even if he's not the best at doing it; a lot of other people in the guild are, so he lets them take the driver's seat most of the time. He's very nice and compassionate, fiercely loyal to his friends and the people he loves, but he's not the best at showing that affection. He grows very awkward when trying to, but it's the thought that counts, and he tries his best.

    He doesn't like to show it, but deep down, he craves friendship and companionship. The perpetual standoffish and turbid expression on his face usually conveys the opposite, mentally telling people that he wants to be left alone with his books, but he loves when people come up and talk to him, sit and eat with him, ask him about topics he's interested in; there's an almost sinful pride that comes with him hiding this aspect of himself, and if asked about his terribly troubling fear of being alone, he'll deny it fervently.

    Despite his strong values of loyalty and trust, he always thinks with a clear head, calm and collected no matter the situation. People he cares about being in danger only increases the efficiency of his mind, and he thinks it unacceptable of himself to cower and panic if there come to be a situation so dire. His intelligence is unrivaled, and ever-growing with every book he finishes; it is his main weapon, nevermind his staff and keys, and the main factor behind him attaining the A class status in the guild.

    Character Strengths: • Loyal
    • Trustworthy and reliable
    • Highly intelligent

    Character Flaws: • Passive and aloof
    • Fears of quite a few things
    • Self-doubtful

    Likes: Spirits • Reading • Learning • Spicy food • Cats • Camaraderie • Backrubs • Swimming • Games • The Beach

    Dislikes: Enclosed spaces • Snakes • Sour things • Loud noises • Spiders • Dark guilds • Public speaking • The color yellow • Being alone • Dogs

    Biography: Blaise grew up in the tourist town of Balsam. The picturesque sights and seaside location made the place boom in terms of visitors, hotels and spas glittered the main portion of the land with other attractions in between. He wasn't witness to it most of the time, growing up on the outskirts of the place, a quaint setting with a small community of people. He only went down to experience the water parks and amusements around once a month, but he cherished every second, quickly growing a fondness for swimming.

    His parents once had big dreams, but after an accidental pregnancy, they opted to stay in the place they grew up and raise the child, naming him Blaise. Once he was old enough, they started pushing him toward the career path of becoming a wizard, wanting to live vicariously through him, wanting him to do what they couldn't and get out of Balsam Town. They brought home books about magic and all of the different classifications and types every day, and while he enjoyed reading about it and studying it, none of it really compelled him. Fire Magic, Water Magic, Ice Magic; it was all intriguing, but he never saw himself basing his entire life on that particular art.

    One day, his father brought home the book Urano Metria, a compendium on the topic of Celestial Spirit Magic. The ability to call upon spirits at will was so interesting to him, very excited at the prospect of meeting new friends and gaining access to a wide array of magic that the spirits could utilize. It would also solve his loneliness, the pestering thing that weighed on his mind whenever he was left to his own devices for hours on end, clamouring to a friend's house whenever he could to keep himself occupied. Having someone to talk to and keep him company seemed like a great way to go, and so he departed, with his parents, to purchase his first key.


    "Hi! I'm Fizz!" The fluorescent, bright green feline spirit chimed, high-pitched and buzzing with vim. Blaise was awestruck at the glamour of it, how it moved around, disappearing and appearing in different places, prodding at things with examining eyes and prying paws. His attention snapped from the boy to the carefully painted clay vase on the top counter and the evidently plastic potted plant in the corner of the room in the matter of seconds.

    "U-Uh," Blaise scrambled for the book. "It says we have to make a contract, right?" He searched for the exact page number, finding it almost immediately, and returned his attention to the cat, currently pawing at and nestling in the fluffy carpet.

    "That's right." He didn't know whether to be scared or excited about attaining his first spirit. The book told him to be cautious with them, as their obedience and personalities varied; some of them liked to take advantage of first-time celestial wizards by phrasing their contract deals in a clever way or tricking them into believing something is normal when it isn't. The thing didn't look too threatening, though.

    "So, what days may I summon you?" He took on a more formal, professional tone; it just seemed more appropriate, and he didn't want to seem like an uncaring teenager in front of the spirit. The resting cat snapped its eyes open, meeting Blaise, a carefree expression on his face.

    "Whenever you want, I don't care, just don't summon me to sit still for six hours so you can paint me." Blaise wondered why he was so specific with the plea, eventually deducing it was due to his last owner.

    "Can I, just, talk to you?" He didn't mean to sound desperate but it definitely came off that way, an inquisitive look taking over Fizz's expression.

    "If you've got soda or we can do something fun, sure," He acquiesced with a shrug, rolling around in the addictively fluffy rug. Blaise was just glad he wasn't ripping apart the furniture.

    "Uh, alright," He consulted the book again for assistance because the spirit didn't seem to be offering any. Thus went the evening, talk of Fizz's interests, capabilities, magic, and unhealthy obsession with soda followed by Blaise's own explanation of himself. It was the start of a new chapter in his life.


    Blaise's early teenage years were spent bonding with his spirits, training his magic, and planning out essentially the rest of his life. Because his parents were so keen on having him join a guild, preferably Sabertooth, though he seriously doubted he could make it into such a prestigious organization, let alone withstand the pressure of being in it and not succumb to fear. He looked for something more small, and quaint, much like his hometown that he'd be comfortable in.

    At the age of 16, he departed, leaving behind his life in Balsam, and starting for the guild of Fairy Tail, only a few cities and towns over. On the journey he met people, went places, and even found the coveted gold Zodiac key of Gemini, much to his surprise and joy. It took him almost three weeks to get to the city of Magnolia because he took so much time and had so much fun on the way there, but ever since he joined, he's been having the best time of his life.

    Guild: Fairy Tail

    Mage Rank: A

    Guild Tattoo Location: Left Thigh

    Guild Tenure: 2 Years

    Opinion of Guild: A bit too rambunctious for his liking, but he loves the closeness and family aspect.

    Magic Ability: Celestial Spirit Magic; a type of Magic in which the user summons Celestial Spirits by opening their gates through the use of Celestial Spirit Gate Keys. These Keys are separated into two classes: the more common Silver Keys and the rarer Gold Keys.

    Fizz, the Scrapper; Fizz, contrary to his name, doesn't possess any lightning magic. He's a simple, kooky cat who really only wants to have fun, and soda. Blaise looks to him as his most disobedient and unpredictable spirit, who refuses to do anything if it isn't fun, and coincidentally, he finds the one thing he's good for awfully boring. His magic includes teleportation, levitation, and invisibility, perfect for espionage and scouting. He proves to be lackluster in most battle situations.

    Gerrimor, the Condemner; Or, just Gary, a name he detests, but Blaise just can't help it sometimes. Gary's grumpy, and bears perpetual vexation on his countenance, wanting to be left alone a lot of the time, even if Blaise constantly praises him for every good job he does when he's called upon. His contract is the most restricted, only agreeing to be called on two days of the week. He uses Chain Magic and the large ball attached to the end of the chain he carries to attack.

    Aspen, the Canis Major; Also known as Nicholas, he's Blaise's favorite spirit in that he's strong, reliable, funny, nice, and even though Blaise would never admit it, attractive. He's easy-going, their contract allowing him to be summoned at any time and never having any qualms about what he's asked to do. He's called upon the most out of the spirits. He uses Snow and Ice Magic to attack, and his snowboard aids him in moving around while in battle.

    Rosaline, the Temptress; The thing that Blaise finds so frustrating about the spirit is that she might be his most powerful one, but her laziness and diva-like behavior keeps him from being able to utilize her to the best of his ability. Her contract is the second-most restrictive, and she has to be in the 'mood' to fight, she claims. Summoning her is risky, but sometimes he needs to take the chance. She uses Poison-Make to manipulate the aromatic, yet deadly gases disguised as perfume she carries.

    Gemini, the Twins; Blaise's only gold key, he cherishes them very much. They're very similar to their owner in that they're quiet, observant, and know what to do at the right time. They almost think in sync with Blaise when they're in action, making them very flexible and a very valued member in his spirit roster. They use Copy Magic.

    Advantages: • For someone who doesn't work out often, like Blaise, it's a lot less physically involved than other types of magic.

    • In a way, it gives access to a very wide array of magic. You're not restricted to just fire or telekinesis, you can pick which kind of magic you want to use based on who the enemy is.

    • Sometimes, the spirits you own can have a good personality, able to cheer you up or make you laugh even in the middle of a battle.

    Disadvantages: • Often times, Blaise feels helpless when his spirits fight, even if he could help out himself with his weapons, he sometimes longs to have his own kind of magic to fight with.

    • Spirits can be untrustworthy and have bad personalities, meaning they can refuse to do whatever Blaise asks of them.

    Level of Expertise: Blaise is quite proficient and confident in his magical ability. He might not be able to force close gates yet, but he can keep out two spirits at a time, whether it be two silver key level spirits or one silver key level and one gold key level spirit, for a long amount of time. He's come to fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of all of his spirits, and harbors a great strategic mind for how to best employ their abilities.

    Battle Equipment: None

    Non-Combat Items: Money, and books on both magic and non-magic alike.

    Non-coded version for a better viewing experience:
    Name: Blaise Verlin

    Gender: Male

    Age: 18

    Height: 5'8

    Hair Color: Blue

    Eye Color: Blue

    Place of Birth: Balsam Village

    Sexuality: Homosexual

    Personality: Blaise is usually, in contrast with his guild, reserved and soft-spoken. He simply feels there's no need to draw attention to himself and is much more content with sitting back and watching everything unfold. It puts him in a rather awkward situation at parties, if he even attends. His eyes somehow always find their way glued to the sky of the same color, or buried in a book. A lot of people call him aloof and detached, which, while they're not all wrong, isn't exactly true. He does like to participate and be social, but sometimes he lets his mind wander, head floating into the clouds, and he needs someone to bring him back down to Earth(land).

    When he is talking and interacting, he still takes a backseat in the conversation, only speaking when prompted to or when no one else is. He likes to keep things light and fun, even if he's not the best at doing it; a lot of other people in the guild are, so he lets them take the driver's seat most of the time. He's very nice and compassionate, fiercely loyal to his friends and the people he loves, but he's not the best at showing that affection. He grows very awkward when trying to, but it's the thought that counts, and he tries his best.

    He doesn't like to show it, but deep down, he craves friendship and companionship. The perpetual standoffish and turbid expression on his face usually conveys the opposite, mentally telling people that he wants to be left alone with his books, but he loves when people come up and talk to him, sit and eat with him, ask him about topics he's interested in; there's an almost sinful pride that comes with him hiding this aspect of himself, and if asked about his terribly troubling fear of being alone, he'll deny it fervently.

    Despite his strong values of loyalty and trust, he always thinks with a clear head, calm and collected no matter the situation. People he cares about being in danger only increases the efficiency of his mind, and he thinks it unacceptable of himself to cower and panic if there come to be a situation so dire. His intelligence is unrivaled, and ever-growing with every book he finishes; it is his main weapon, nevermind his staff and keys, and the main factor behind him attaining the A class status in the guild.

    Character Strengths: • Loyal
    • Trustworthy and reliable
    • Highly intelligent

    Character Flaws: • Passive and aloof
    • Fears of quite a few things
    • Self-doubtful

    Likes: Spirits • Reading • Learning • Spicy food • Cats • Camaraderie • Backrubs • Swimming • Games • The Beach

    Dislikes: Enclosed spaces • Snakes • Sour things • Loud noises • Spiders • Dark guilds • Public speaking • The color yellow • Being alone • Dogs

    Biography: Blaise grew up in the tourist town of Balsam. The picturesque sights and seaside location made the place boom in terms of visitors, hotels and spas glittered the main portion of the land with other attractions in between. He wasn't witness to it most of the time, growing up on the outskirts of the place, a quaint setting with a small community of people. He only went down to experience the water parks and amusements around once a month, but he cherished every second, quickly growing a fondness for swimming.

    His parents once had big dreams, but after an accidental pregnancy, they opted to stay in the place they grew up and raise the child, naming him Blaise. Once he was old enough, they started pushing him toward the career path of becoming a wizard, wanting to live vicariously through him, wanting him to do what they couldn't and get out of Balsam Town. They brought home books about magic and all of the different classifications and types every day, and while he enjoyed reading about it and studying it, none of it really compelled him. Fire Magic, Water Magic, Ice Magic; it was all intriguing, but he never saw himself basing his entire life on that particular art.

    One day, his father brought home the book Urano Metria, a compendium on the topic of Celestial Spirit Magic. The ability to call upon spirits at will was so interesting to him, very excited at the prospect of meeting new friends and gaining access to a wide array of magic that the spirits could utilize. It would also solve his loneliness, the pestering thing that weighed on his mind whenever he was left to his own devices for hours on end, clamouring to a friend's house whenever he could to keep himself occupied. Having someone to talk to and keep him company seemed like a great way to go, and so he departed, with his parents, to purchase his first key.


    "Hi! I'm Fizz!" The fluorescent, bright green feline spirit chimed, high-pitched and buzzing with vim. Blaise was awestruck at the glamour of it, how it moved around, disappearing and appearing in different places, prodding at things with examining eyes and prying paws. His attention snapped from the boy to the carefully painted clay vase on the top counter and the evidently plastic potted plant in the corner of the room in the matter of seconds.

    "U-Uh," Blaise scrambled for the book. "It says we have to make a contract, right?" He searched for the exact page number, finding it almost immediately, and returned his attention to the cat, currently pawing at and nestling in the fluffy carpet.

    "That's right." He didn't know whether to be scared or excited about attaining his first spirit. The book told him to be cautious with them, as their obedience and personalities varied; some of them liked to take advantage of first-time celestial wizards by phrasing their contract deals in a clever way or tricking them into believing something is normal when it isn't. The thing didn't look too threatening, though.

    "So, what days may I summon you?" He took on a more formal, professional tone; it just seemed more appropriate, and he didn't want to seem like an uncaring teenager in front of the spirit. The resting cat snapped its eyes open, meeting Blaise, a carefree expression on his face.

    "Whenever you want, I don't care, just don't summon me to sit still for six hours so you can paint me." Blaise wondered why he was so specific with the plea, eventually deducing it was due to his last owner.

    "Can I, just, talk to you?" He didn't mean to sound desperate but it definitely came off that way, an inquisitive look taking over Fizz's expression.

    "If you've got soda or we can do something fun, sure," He acquiesced with a shrug, rolling around in the addictively fluffy rug. Blaise was just glad he wasn't ripping apart the furniture.

    "Uh, alright," He consulted the book again for assistance because the spirit didn't seem to be offering any. Thus went the evening, talk of Fizz's interests, capabilities, magic, and unhealthy obsession with soda followed by Blaise's own explanation of himself. It was the start of a new chapter in his life.


    Blaise's early teenage years were spent bonding with his spirits, training his magic, and planning out essentially the rest of his life. Because his parents were so keen on having him join a guild, preferably Sabertooth, though he seriously doubted he could make it into such a prestigious organization, let alone withstand the pressure of being in it and not succumb to fear. He looked for something more small, and quaint, much like his hometown that he'd be comfortable in.

    At the age of 16, he departed, leaving behind his life in Balsam, and starting for the guild of Fairy Tail, only a few cities and towns over. On the journey he met people, went places, and even found the coveted gold Zodiac key of Gemini, much to his surprise and joy. It took him almost three weeks to get to the city of Magnolia because he took so much time and had so much fun on the way there, but ever since he joined, he's been having the best time of his life.

    Guild: Fairy Tail

    Mage Rank: A

    Guild Tattoo Location: Left Thigh

    Guild Tenure: 2 Years

    Opinion of Guild: A bit too rambunctious for his liking, but he loves the closeness and family aspect.

    Magic Ability: Celestial Spirit Magic; a type of Magic in which the user summons Celestial Spirits by opening their gates through the use of Celestial Spirit Gate Keys. These Keys are separated into two classes: the more common Silver Keys and the rarer Gold Keys.

    Fizz, the Scrapper; Fizz, contrary to his name, doesn't possess any lightning magic. He's a simple, kooky cat who really only wants to have fun, and soda. Blaise looks to him as his most disobedient and unpredictable spirit, who refuses to do anything if it isn't fun, and coincidentally, he finds the one thing he's good for awfully boring. His magic includes teleportation, levitation, and invisibility, perfect for espionage and scouting. He proves to be lackluster in most battle situations.

    Gerrimor, the Condemner; Or, just Gary, a name he detests, but Blaise just can't help it sometimes. Gary's grumpy, and bears perpetual vexation on his countenance, wanting to be left alone a lot of the time, even if Blaise constantly praises him for every good job he does when he's called upon. His contract is the most restricted, only agreeing to be called on two days of the week. He uses Chain Magic and the large ball attached to the end of the chain he carries to attack.

    Aspen, the Canis Major; Also known as Nicholas, he's Blaise's favorite spirit in that he's strong, reliable, funny, nice, and even though Blaise would never admit it, attractive. He's easy-going, their contract allowing him to be summoned at any time and never having any qualms about what he's asked to do. He's called upon the most out of the spirits. He uses Snow and Ice Magic to attack, and his snowboard aids him in moving around while in battle.

    Rosaline, the Temptress; The thing that Blaise finds so frustrating about the spirit is that she might be his most powerful one, but her laziness and diva-like behavior keeps him from being able to utilize her to the best of his ability. Her contract is the second-most restrictive, and she has to be in the 'mood' to fight, she claims. Summoning her is risky, but sometimes he needs to take the chance. She uses Poison-Make to manipulate the aromatic, yet deadly gases disguised as perfume she carries.

    Gemini, the Twins; Blaise's only gold key, he cherishes them very much. They're very similar to their owner in that they're quiet, observant, and know what to do at the right time. They almost think in sync with Blaise when they're in action, making them very flexible and a very valued member in his spirit roster. They use Copy Magic.

    Advantages: • For someone who doesn't work out often, like Blaise, it's a lot less physically involved than other types of magic.

    • In a way, it gives access to a very wide array of magic. You're not restricted to just fire or telekinesis, you can pick which kind of magic you want to use based on who the enemy is.

    • Sometimes, the spirits you own can have a good personality, able to cheer you up or make you laugh even in the middle of a battle.

    Disadvantages: • Often times, Blaise feels helpless when his spirits fight, even if he could help out himself with his weapons, he sometimes longs to have his own kind of magic to fight with.

    • Spirits can be untrustworthy and have bad personalities, meaning they can refuse to do whatever Blaise asks of them.

    Level of Expertise: Blaise is quite proficient and confident in his magical ability. He might not be able to force close gates yet, but he can keep out two spirits at a time, whether it be two silver key level spirits or one silver key level and one gold key level spirit, for a long amount of time. He's come to fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of all of his spirits, and harbors a great strategic mind for how to best employ their abilities.

    Battle Equipment: None

    Non-Combat Items: Money, and books on both magic and non-magic alike.
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    Fermata Clef [Lamia Scale]

    • Name: Fermata Clef

      Nickname: Fernota (by Aedon only)

      Appearance (Pictures and Descriptions Accepted):

      Art by AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy

      Incredibly messy hair that almost always covers her right eye. Underneath her fringe is a burn scar that runs all the way down her face and onto her upper chest. She tends to wear clothes that cover up her scars.

      Age: 20

      Gender: Female

      Height: 5' 6''

      Hair Color: Brown

      Eye Color: Green
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    Harold “Harry” Junglemann [Blue Pegasus]

  • tHDSsu2n5p4iNru2g9r5-oY_M9A7mpFH-1tzFW1Rs10PnDjJQdJ1KJtgmXTQlDQPSE3Ae0GtEGpUsH8Fz1hWBZEUZwLdgNkFQs8OL4UbhEU8V2rOSL9-t4ZrJSYTzRk5ZtRS7Na5

    Name: Harold “Harry” Junglemann

    Gender: Male

    Age: 29

    Appearance: massive, muscular hairy wild man

    Height: 7’1”

    Hair Color: Brown

    Eye Color: Green

    Now, who are you really?

    Personality: Strong silent type, barely understands sophisticated cultures, usually serious but occasionally humorous, highly curious, often samples his environment by smelling or tasting things, communicates mostly through grunts even though he’s quite good at speaking normally

    Character Strengths: Athletic, resourceful, survivalist, natural instinct

    Character Flaws: doesn’t get social cues, barely literate, not very hygienic, not very charismatic

    Likes: meat, hunting, being outdoors, exploring new places

    Dislikes: being dependent, following rules, social gatherings, wearing clothes,

    Biography: Harold grew up as a lone orphan in a savage jungle for the majority of his life. He has no memory of his life before and has no idea how he came to be in that jungle. He survived by using his magic to transform into various animals in the jungle using their pelts that he skinned from them.

    The amount of time he spent in the jungle is unknown but his age has been estimated to be around 29 years of age. His first contact with civilized humans began when he met Roy Princeton, who was a wizard trying to escape his sentence from a crime he was falsely convicted of. The crime committed is still unknown to Harold at this point. Roy fled deep into harold’s jungle and was attacked by a pack of savage beasts. Harold saves Roy’s life and they live together in the jungle for a while. Harold learns how to speak from Roy and learns about Human civilization while teaching Roy how to survive in the jungle.

    After about a year, Roy contracts and eventually succumbs to a deadly illness leaving Harold alone once more. He eventually leaves his jungle in search of this civilization Roy had told him about as well as the guild he mentioned. He finds the guild Blue Pegasus and decides to join. He spends about 4 years there, perfecting his magic and learning to live as a civilized being.

    What side are you on?

    Guild: Blue Pegasus

    Mage Rank: c class

    Guild Tattoo Location: right pectoral

    Guild Tenure: 4 years

    Opinion of Guild: *grunt*

    Why do I want you on my side?

    Magic Ability: wears animal pelts to transform into the animal he is wearing

    Advantages: Can become any animal that can be made into a wearable pelt

    Disadvantages: all the weaknesses of the animal he’s transformed into, cannot speak as an animal, limited amounts of pelts he can take with him on adventures

    Level of Expertise: can only transform into the animals he has pelts of

    Any other battle equipment you carry? Pelts: Tiger, gorilla, leopard, anaconda, Hyacinth macaw, caiman, dik dik, bat weapons: spear, atlatl

    Do you carry any non-combat items? Nothing worth mentioning

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    Herne Erlprince [Fairy Tail]
  • Fairy Tail: Eclipse of Fates
    Character Information

    Herne Erlprince

    Who are you?

    Name: Herne Erlprince

    Gender: Male

    Age: 11?
    Fairy Blooded


    Height: 4'5

    Hair Color: White

    Eye Color: Hetero-chromatic blue and pink

    Now, who are you really?

    Personality: Herne loves people. Herne loves animals. Herne will talk the ears of either, about horribly mundane things, but will quietly listen to stories from guild mates. He will not however, sit still. He loves all things beautiful and graceful. He is kind and gentle. He is innocent and strives to understand others. He understands his weaknesses, and works hard to compensate. He doesn't get down about them. Herne likes to play games, play music, dance, and be merry.

    Erlprince does not tolerate those who hurt his guild-mates. To him, life is black and white. Or well, blue and pink. Those who hurt others for selfish reasons must be punished. His understanding only goes so far and he can become horribly cold to those who he feels deserve his ire. If he were stronger, his solution would be a bit more violent.

    Character Strengths:
    Hard Working
    Strong Willed

    Character Flaws:
    Strips in Cold weather

    Fairies (Guildmates and Creatures alike)
    Being Carried
    The Cold

    Raven Tail

    Herne woke up shivering in the woods one morning, with no memory of anything but his name, his Magics, and an obsession. And perhaps a little insanity. Fairies. He didn't know why or how he was interested in faries, he simply was. And so a lost and curious boy began his search, asking woodland creatures, asking trees, asking the earth it's self about the nature of fairies.

    They weren't very talkative. Eventually the boy found himself in the world of humans, and the world of humans was not kind to him. He was often hungry and confused, but he was never understood enough to be angry or sad. Then, almost a continent span away from Magnolia, he heard about something called Fairy Tail. He wasn't certain what it was, but he knew he needed to get there.

    Herne spent a year working and hitching rides. Camping in the woods, and traveling with a band of minstrels for the last leg of the journey. When he finally arrived at Fairy Tail, he had nothing but shorts, a lute, a smile, and an obsession. Fairies. He knew from his travels that he needed to be stronger. He needed friends. Only then could he chase his boundless curiosity. Oh, and maybe get a little older.

    What side are you on?

    Guild: Fairy Tail

    Mage Rank: B

    Guild Tattoo Location: Left Thigh

    Guild Tenure: 2 years

    Opinion of Guild: Fairy Tail is the best guild, and one day, he's going to make them proud, and he's gonna be the guild master etc etc.

    Why do I want you on my side?

    Magic Ability: Fairy Magic (Note: Not even remotely related to the Great Fairy Magics)

    Advantages: It is a versatile, highly mobile, highly offensive magic, relying on Fairy dust emitted from the user.

    Disadvantages: Fairy Dust is not going to stop attacks, and is affected by water and wind. Also the explosive nature of attacks is not good for enclosed spaces.

    Level of Expertise: Great

    Magic Ability: Snow Magic

    Advantages: It has several battlefield control uses, as well as being excellent for hiding and trickery. It's also pretty.

    Disadvantages: It lacks offense, and is weakened in the heat. Snow is soft, not so great for defending either.

    Level of Expertise: Below average

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    Randall Saville [Lamia Scale]
  • "Don't underestimate me, you lil' rascal! I'll whoop your ass!"
    oh wut? don't touch this.
    Who are you?​
    Randall Saville
    78 years and counting
    5'8'' at full standing
    Green Eyes
    Dull Silver Hair
    Who are you really?

    Character Strengths:
    > Stubborn ol' coot
    > Caring to guild-mates
    > Wise due to old age
    > Gives good advice

    Character Flaws:
    > Going deaf slowly
    > Quick-tempered
    > Hard to approach
    > Memory is a little out of whack
    > A little strange in the head

    > Decaf coffee
    > Telling stories
    > Gossiping with young people
    > Being out and about
    > Small children

    > Caffeine
    > Sugary things
    > Being judged by age
    > Falling out of the loop
    > Seeing guild-mates hurt
    Do I want you on my side?

    Magic Ability: Wave

    Advantages: Lets the user nullify incoming magic attacks. Can be used as long or close ranged defense. Keeps magical harm at bay when faced with one opponent, and also has the possibility to ward of physical attacks.

    Disadvantages: Only useful against one type of magic at a time, which causes problems when faced with multiple enemies. Does not block physical attacks if they are able to make contact through the zapping caused when an opposing body part enters the shield.

    Level of Expertise: He's been using this for nearly 60-ish years, so he's fairly expert at it.

    Do you carry any non-combat items?
    A folding cane, for those 'just in case' moments.
    P e r s o n a l i t y
    Randall is a whacky old man, who has a strange but loveable disposition. He tends to scare strangers with his weird habits, but he loves his guildmates dearly even if he thinks their all loud and annoying. He's a story-teller, and if there's one thing that makes him happy, it's being asked to tell a story. Even those guildmates he cares so dearly for have to be careful when they try to talk to him, because he's a little mistrusting at first even if it's someone hes talked with a billion times.

    He's old, but he's not one to be left out of the loop. He will hunt down the latest gossip and try to get 'in' with the kids and teens to see what's 'hoppin' nowadays. When there's a new mission, he's always the first to check it out, and is not afraid to take them on when he can. If you happen to piss him off, you're in for it. He's quick to violence, usually involving a cane, though most know he's harmless to his friends. Those who hurt his guild have another thing coming.
    B i o g r a p h y
    Randall has had a very long life. Very long. He started out as a tiny tot, like everyone, in a decently loving home. He didn't have any major tragedies or fall-outs. He was a normal kid, who did normal kid things. With the occasional magic lesson. Randall didn't grow up studying or practicing magic, though he was introduced to several different forms by family and friends.

    No, Randall didn't start practicing Wave until he was in his late teens, when he found a mentor to teach him. He'd done a little bit of research and hunted down the man who taught him all on his own, with the support of his family. He spent five years of his life solely working to improve with his mentor, until he'd been taught everything the man could teach him. He was always fairly oblivious to the world back then.

    After he finished with his master, he bid his family farewell and set off to explore the world on his own. He liked the adventure, he enjoyed the excitement. He continued to learn and improve on his wave magic as he did. Got a few scars, made mistakes and tried to fix them... Overall, he had a decent life. He didn't start paying attention to the world until he was much older, late 30s early 40s.

    He got a letter one day saying his mother and father had passed, though he never did find out why. That was what told him 'Hey, get your head in the game and take a look around for once'. After that, he spent more time trying to help improve the lives of others and help people in need. He spent alot of time in particular with the orphans of Fiore. Any orphan he could find he tried to help. Be that helping them find a place in the many magic guilds or a home to call their own, or even little things like food or water for months. He liked helping the kids out.

    Eventually, he decided it was high time he find a home, a place to belong. Randall took all the magic guilds into consideration, but eventually settled for the Lamia Scale guild. He joined up one day, and he never left.
    He doesn't plan to leave for a long time either.

    What side are you on?

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Mage Rank: B-rank

    Guild Tattoo Location: Back of right shoulder

    Guild Tenure: 18 years

    "This guild is full of loud rascals, and they aren't getting rid of me yet!"

    Code by Cecilia

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    soren aurelius [Blue Pegasus]

  • buy melodrama on itunes

    soren aurelius​
    gender male
    age 19
    appearance 1 2 3
    height 5'6
    hair color white
    eye color red
    sexuality asexual

    personality most people mistake soren for a young boy, partly because of his height, but mostly for his naïve and childish demeanor. everything from the way his eyes light up in innocent delight when he's served his daily breakfast of syrup-engorged pancakes to how he instinctively gravitates toward anything bright and colorful screams that he's anything but a nineteen-year-old, technically an adult.

    he's hyperactive and never seems to run out of things to talk about because his sprawling imagination always takes inspiration out of things he sees in everyday life, perfect for a molding magic wizard. he's the first to volunteer for missions, especially missions above his class or missions that entail dealing with dark guilds or other malicious wizards. he often gets himself into trouble that could've been avoided if he'd kept his mouth shut or didn't run into things before first considering the consequences; it's a kind of hot-headedness that is such a detriment to his efficacy in important situations.

    though he's hot-headed and brash, he isn't stubborn; if someone he respects tells him to not do something, he'll heed to them and his more servile nature comes into play. he likes to be the center of attention and lead the way for his teammates, but if he's told to do something, he'll do so, but not without a small speech about how he's underestimated and how much he can contribute if he were allowed to.

    character strengths determined, energetic, resolute, creative, charismatic
    character flaws brash, naïve, overzealous, spunky, boastful
    likes butterflies • drawing • fighting • sour candy • God • flowers • the daytime • sports • celebrations • games
    dislikes being alone • the cold • the dark • rules • coffee • dark magic • silence • the night • winter • reading
    biography nestled in a lush, verdant valley was a comfortable village of devout God-fearing people; a society hinged upon Him and daily life was chock-full of praying, offering, and sacrificing. born into such a place, soren was learning how to properly kindle the necessary herbs for a praying ceremony before he even knew what the word 'ceremony' meant. while a select few villagers were more lax about it, much to the chief's disdain, his mother and father were by no means going to let their son and his older sister grow up without respecting the all-important figure in their lives; He who let magic into the world, He who gifted them with life, He who created all men.

    soren was a docile little boy. subservient to his mother and father, he did everything he was ordered to do and whole-heartedly believed everything he was told. after all, he knew his parents would never lead him astray. even though he never acted out of line or portrayed a hint that he wasn't perfectly content, the hefty amount of rules and regulations and procedures weighed on his spirit.

    magic was banned within the community, which baffled soren, because the people preached and preached about how God gave humanity the gift of magic; to condemn it was going against His word. only the chief and the spiritual leader were allowed to practice magic, the chief's job to protect the village, and the spiritual leader's job to connect with God Himself and conduct the most important religious ceremonies. them, and their proclaimed successors could use magic, in preparation for the role they'd usurp.

    he was gazing out of his window one night, the twinkling of the stars always enraptured him. with each day that passed his ambition and drive grew stronger, his longing to leave the village behind and become a wizard flickered and flared inside of him like a kindling flame. as these thoughts intermingled inside of his head, a butterfly flew into his vision. his eyes grew at the sight of it, as it was not a normal butterfly, but it was made of light; shimmering wings of gold flapping tirelessly as it landed gracefully on his windowsill.

    it was beckoning to him, calling to him, and he took this as a sign from God that he was to follow it. he stalked through the house, making sure his parents were asleep before creeping out of his room with adroitness, closing the window silently and watching as the magical creation took flight again. their home was on the outskirts of the village, so the forest area was not far at all; the butterfly led him to a particularly shrouded area in the trees before its form waned; specks of gold separating and breaking apart as it dissipated in the most beautiful way he could imagine.

    his sister appeared from behind a large tree trunk, smug in face and attitude as always. she was a rebel, escaping the oh-so-sacred ceremonies deftly, much to soren's bewilderment as his parents would normally never let her out of their sight. she revealed with an unusually haughty tone in her voice that she'd been practicing magic away from the eyes and ears of the villagers, clearly proud in accomplishing such a feat. despite her normally rash personality, she liked her brother and cared for him; knowing that he wouldn't spill their little secret, she offered to teach him the coveted magic that he'd been wanting to learn for so long. he acquiesced without much convincing having to be done, and his late-night light-make training sessions had begun.

    about a year after he started using magic, he'd been summoned to the spiritual leader's cabin. he feared for his life when he made the walk to the far edge of town, other teenagers and even adults whispering to each other as they stared at him not-so-smoothly. he feared he and his sister had been caught practicing magic in the woods. the man's cabin was large, complete with many accoutrements that tied into praying and God in some way or another. he felt a large load lifted off of his back and his chest swelling with many emotions that he couldn't make out when he was told that he was to be his successor; his feigned avid devotion for God and active participation in the copious amounts of ceremonies held weekly didn't go unnoticed. the elder also perceived a large amount of magical power within the boy, untapped potential that would bode well for the village if honed.

    his training to become the next spiritual leader started not much later after, reading up about white magic in the library and learning about the sacred angel magic in the meadows. his parents were overwhelmed with enthusiasm and pride, ecstatic that at least one of their children was prospering. he gained a good reputation, an even better one among the people of the village than before, and it was all looking up for him, except the fact that his desire to be a full-fledged, guild-affiliated, non-rule-following wizard still ate at him like a chronic pest that kept growing and growing.

    by the time he turned fourteen, his sister was long gone; off to "find her way", following "wherever the wind takes her". there was courage in being a vagabond, or a defector, he thought, and he respected his sister for doing what he didn't have the guts to do. that was, until, the village was attacked. a dark guild whose name he hadn't known started by setting fire to as many houses as they could with fire magic, the spiritual leader killed almost instantly due to his feeble physical state at the archaic age of seventy-nine. as the buildings exploded and came crumbling down around him, he made a last ditch effort to save his people, casting angel magic for the first time ever. he followed what he was taught and was able to summon gadreel for a mere price of ten. the angel didn't prove to be much of an adversary for the marauders, and neither did the light-make magic that soren had such pride in. when gadreel fell, he felt an excruciating pang in his chest; he fell to his knees in agony, he only saw red as the villagers screamed and cried and ran. he went unconscious.

    daylight flooded his vision, nothing but the sun's rays and grass met his blurred eyes as he looked around and found himself in one of the village's standard transportation wagons pulled by two horses. he immediately looked to the driver, a woman he didn't recognize; though the hair color vaguely reminded him of his sister. he chose to remain silent, but curiosity itched at him. after a few hours of being able to maintain it, thanks to the strict disciplinary regulations at the village, he cracked, and but wasn't able to call out to her before the wagon stopped. with one swift, languid motion, the woman disappeared from sight; leaving soren in the middle of a large city, the blue pegasus guild hall only meters away.

    who the woman was and why she chose to keep her identity secret still bothers him to this day.

    guild blue pegasus
    mage rank b
    guild tattoo location upper-right side of back
    guild tenure five years
    opinion of guild "everyone gives me great fashion tips and gets me discounts at all the good stores, i love it!"

    magic light-make magic «light-make is a form of molding magic. it allows the user to mold or create something out of light by concentrating their magic power into their hands into different shapes or forms. if the user uses both of their hands in molding, they can create an accurate form of whatever they're molding light into. casting one-handed is easier, but it is a less stable form of molding, and may result in less powerful creations.»

    advantages • it's very versatile, having offensive capabilities and out of combat uses, such as illuminating a dark area.

    • light has an inherent advantage over darkness, his magic being able to "cleanse" dark magic.

    disadvantages • light can't be used for defense at all.

    • light is intangible, so it can't be used for the means of imprisoning someone or creating platforms.

    level of expertise average

    angel magic «angel magic revolves around the summoning of angels through the use of golden angel coins which are capable of producing different kinds of damage, depending on the kind of angel summoned. to activate the magic, the caster first puts their hands onto their chest to summon angel coins. The user declares the cost they are willing to pay, which causes the coins to appear in the users palm, and proceeds to let the coins levitate up into the air. as the coins release an intense light, the user calls out the name of the angel that equates to the cost they previously decided on, causing the angel to appear and deliver damage to the target.»

    advantages • angel magic is a summoning magic, so the user doesn't have to expend physical energy.

    • it's highly destructive, angels being able to wipe out hordes of people easily.

    disadvantages • whenever an angel is defeated, the user takes hefty damage in retaliation.

    • every time an angel is summoned, the user must sacrifice part of their life force in the form of coins.

    level of expertise novice

    battle equipment none
    items jewels, a notepad, a pen, a pencil


    buy melodrama on itunes
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    Russel Lefton [Blue Pegasus]
  • Name: Russel Lefton

    Age: 14

    Gender: Male

    Height: 5’4”

    Hair Color: Blonde

    Eye Color: Golden

    Race: Human

    Character Strengths:
    • Fast
    • Playful
    • Determined
    • Fashionable
    Character Flaws:
    • Impulsive
    • He thinks of himself as a weak link because he doesn’t know his magic.
    • Lack of respect for elders
    Russel is young and inexperienced as a mage of Fiore and that definitely comes off in his personality. He likes to play games, he is not beyond cheating, he likes to win and he will over exaggerate the strength of his guildmates making them seem a lot cockier than they actually are. Russel is a street smart kid because he runs off on his own a lot ignoring any attempt by his guildmates to formally educate him. He always comes back, which is a good thing that he often points out when people try to stop him from running off.

    Growing up in Blue Pegasus taught Russel one thing: fashion is important. He will openly scold anyone who dresses inappropriately for a situation and he values his wardrobe highly. Most of the clothes he owns, he stole from one place or another, but he’s not about to tell his guildmates that. Russel himself typically wears a gold shiny jacket over a white shirt with black pants. When he knows there might be trouble, he ditches the jacket and adds a baseball cap.

    • Stealing stuff without getting caught
    • Fashion
    • The color gold
    • Steak and seafood (The fancy foods)
    • His guild
    • People who lack fashion
    • Being scolded for stealing
    • His lack of magic (He is not aware of his tissue regeneration magic.)
    • Stealing stuff
    • Playing tag
    Liam Lefton was a minor mage all his life, gifted with a magic sense and clairvoyance. He fell in love with a woman. His clairvoyance told him that this woman was the woman he would marry so he proposed to her a week later and they were married. The spent a loving year together before finding out they were having a son. Voila! Russel Lefton was born.

    Russel started his life with loving parents who cared for him deeply. His mom would tell him stories at night before bedtime; his dad taught him how to throw a football as soon as Russel could walk. Then something changed although Russel never knew what. Liam had a vision – his wife stabbing his son repeatedly through the chest – and although his vision didn’t make any sense to him, Liam woke his son up in the middle of the night and brought him away. “Russel, you have to leave – tonight!” That was all the explanation the three year old boy had been offered before his father picked him up and carried him out of the house. They walked for two days before arriving at the Blue Pegasus guild hall.

    Liam left his three year old son there simply saying, “If he stays with me and his mom, he will die. The kid has magic potential – I can sense it. Please take care of him.” Thus, Russel grew up in Blue Pegasus. He barely remembers his father and he has no memories of his mother.

    Since becoming a member of Blue Pegasus, Russel has had one goal – to discover his magic. He has been told for as long as he can remember that he has magic, but to this day he has no idea what it is. Some people who have been in the guild for longer amounts of time may have noticed minor oddities with the boy like the fact that he has never been sick and that even with his hyperactive personality, he never comes back home with any injuries. For Russel, though, he thinks that is normal.

    His father occasionally comes back to check on his son although he always asks the other guild members about Russel rather than talking to Russel himself. He feels guilty for leaving his son behind and he doesn’t want to face all the questions he assumes his son would have for him if he ever did face him.

    Recently, Russel decided that he was tired of not knowing his magic, tired of being useless, tired of being a weak link. He ran away from Blue Pegasus and snuck into a magic shop in the middle of the night while no one was around. Russel stole a pair of Hermes shoes from the shop. When he came back, he was scolded for thievery, but no one outright told him to give back the shoes so he still has them and he wears them all the time, building his outfits around their new centerpiece – his Hermes shoes.

    Guild: Blue Pegasus

    Mage Rank: C-Rank

    Guild Mark: On the back of his right hand

    Guild Tenure: 11 years

    Opinion Of Guild: It has been my home for as long as I can remember.

    Magic Ability: Spontaneous Tissue Regeneration

    Advantages: His injuries heal fast and without his knowledge most of the time. He can will the magic to work faster if he is aware of the magic (which he currently is not) although that would consume more of his magic energy. His body fights off illnesses, poisons, infections and may other ailments long before the physiological effects are given an opportunity to manifest.

    Disadvantages: Russel can still feel pain. This magic also has no offensive benefits. Russel doesn’t know this is his magic so he will still be terrified if someone tries to hurt him. Another disadvantage comes from the fact that he can’t turn the magic off so if he receives a life-threatening injury, his entire supply of magic energy could be drained trying to fix it and he can’t do anything about it.

    Level Of Expertise: Currently it is passive because he is unaware of it

    • Hermes shoes: they allow him to run faster and he can fly. The shoes are basically white tennis shoes with wings.
    • Darts: 2 packets with 10 darts each
    Misc Items:
    • Watch
    • Baseball cap
    • A golden shiny jacket
    • Fashionable clothes
    Nikkie D'elia-Merrow [Fairy Tail]
  • "Is that chocolate? Can I have some?! I'll be your best friend!"
    oh wut? don't touch this.
    Who are you?​
    Nikkie D'elia-Merrow
    Female ● 18 years
    6'0'' at full standing
    Purple-Blue Eyes
    Dark Brown Hair
    Who are you really?

    Character Strengths:
    > Friendly and caring
    > Loud
    > Protective
    > Easy to befriend

    Character Flaws:
    > Stubborn
    > Quick-tempered
    > Doesn't think before jumping in
    > Easily tricked
    > Sometimes a little judgemental

    > Chocolate and sugar
    > Fashionable people
    > Kids and elderly
    > Mornings
    > Her guild

    > Lemons
    > Night-time
    > Slobs or disgusting people
    > Anyone who doesn't like her guild

    Do I want you on my side?

    Magic Ability: Mirror-Make

    Advantages: Allows the caster to summon and control the properties of mirrors. There isn't a limit to the number of mirrors themselves other than the caster's own capabilities. They can be joined to form walls, or trap others. Mirrors absorb and reflect magic attacks back at the enemy.

    Disadvantages: The size limits the number of mirrors that can be made, because the bigger the mirror the greater the drain. She also can't create a gazillion tiny mirrors either, because there is a point where it's too much of a drain to make more. The mirrors can't reflect physical attacks and will break with enough force.

    Level of Expertise: Intermediate

    Do you carry any non-combat items?
    A necklace in the shape of a sun
    P e r s o n a l i t y
    Nikkie is a cheerful girl with a fiery personality. She's not afraid to stand up for what she believes in and she cares for anyone who could be considered an innocent bystander. Her big heart can lead to downfalls, but she tries her hardest to correct them. She's a bit too trusting at times but she makes up for it by being a stubborn brat who won't listen to reason. The idea of sitting back and watching doesn't sit well with her as she likes to be right up into things and trying her hardest. She refuses to let someone else do all the work when she herself could be helping.

    This young lass is studious when she wants to be and doesn't like to be the last one to learn information on jobs. She feels that being behind on information just puts one at a disadvantage when problems come up later on. Her guild is her family and as rowdy as they are, she loves them all. Raised in a household with her fathers, she perfectly okay with any form of love, be it straight or other. She might even lean a little to the bisexual side herself, who knows.
    B i o g r a p h y
    Nikkie grew up with her father, Gregory Merrow, and her other father, Faust D'elia. As you can probably figure out, she was not their biological daughter. As a baby, the girl came to live with the pair after losing her mother to a fatal disease. Her father didn't want anything to do with her and she had no living relatives other than him. So her god-father Gregory was given custody of the baby, which worked out well because he and Faust had been looking to adopt a child for a while. Both of her fathers were mages, though they practiced different forms of it. Nikkie found herself leaning towards Faust's mirror magic more than anything. As a child, she begged the man to teach her, but he refused to do so until she was a teenager. He wanted her to enjoy life as a normal child for as long as possible.

    So, on the eve of her 14th birthday, Faust and Gregory finally decided she would be allowed to learn magic. She started basic, learning a little bit about what magic was from each of her father's. As she got older, she was shifted into training solely with Faust and the mirror make magic. By the time she turned 17, she had gotten fairly decent at the magic.

    The next year her father's spent as much time as possible with their little girl, who was not so little anymore. She was already taller than most girls her age and even ranked tall when it came to guys too. Anyway, Nikkie spent the year with her fathers, who alternated between just spending time with her and teaching her how the wizarding world worked. They knew that by the time she hit 18, she'd be wanting to be out on her own and supporting herself.

    Her 18th birthday was a sad but happy one was her fathers bid her goodbye the next day and pointed her on her way to the nearest Guild hall. That guild just happened to be Fairy Tail. She hung around for a while there, and eventually found herself joining the rowdy band of fairies. She's been there since, taking jobs and living her life, though she's still sending letter to her fathers at least once a month so they know she's okay. When it comes to signing any official documents, she uses her full last name, which is both her father's last names hyphenated. But if she's just stating her name, she'll use the last name 'Merrow' because it's easiest to pronounce.

    What side are you on?

    Guild: Fairy Tail

    Mage Rank: B-rank

    Guild Tattoo Location: Right ankle

    Guild Tenure: 5 months

    "I'm still sort of new, but I like this guild a lot."

    Code by Cecilia

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    Maev Maximillian [Sabertooth]

  • Maev Maximillian


    Nickname: Mae, M.
    Gender: Female
    Age: 12 1/2
    Height: 5'2"
    Hair Color: Cream
    Eye Color: Pink

    Guild Statistics
    Guild: Sabertooth
    Mage Rank: B-Class
    Guild Tattoo Location: Right side of the neck.
    Guild Tenure: 2 years.
    Opinion of Guild: Indifferent. All she cares about is that they're not actively trying to kill her brother and they don't make him cry too much.

    Maev Maximillian shows nothing in the way of emotion. She is stone-cold, calculated, unfazed by things that would bring most kids to tears, and she comes with a bite. The several negative experiences have hardened her, as she was the older sister and it was her job to keep her brother safe. It still is. Her brother is one of the only people who can actually draw emotions out of her. When she's caring for him, a softer side reveals itself, but barely. If her brother is ever hurt or put in danger, she becomes a violent foe. She protects her brother with reckless abandon, and uses protecting her brother as an excuse to unleash the real hatred she's built up for the world.

    Character Strengths: Strong-willed, Thick skinned, Capacity to be caring.

    Character Flaws: Distant, Unemotional, Hair trigger for defending her brother, Sharp.

    Likes: Cards, Her cat ear cloak, Her brother, Freebies, Defending her brother, Bringing evil to those that are evil.

    Dislikes: People who try to hurt her brother, People in general, Genuine evil, Drama.

    Maev and Sean Maximilian were born as future heirs to the Maximilian estate. The Maximilians were among the wealthiest and most respected families in Crocus, the capitol of Fiore. They were best known for their lineup of magical cards. While there were other families in the business of dealing cards, the Maximilians were by far the best in the industry.

    Despite their wealth, reputation, and arsenal of magical cards, the family still had enemies. One in particular was a rival family that copied their cards in a cheaper quality that were not nearly as reliable. This rival family was ready to take over the market, and the only thing standing in their way was the Maximilians. As such, they hired mercenaries to rid of the esteemed family.

    Only two members of the family managed to survive the onslaught that ensued. Instead of becoming paralyzed with fear, Maev escaped with the family's prized deck of cards; utilizing the cards along with her small stature to bring her and her brother to safety in the mountains outside of Crocus.

    However, once in the mountains, the two kids got lost, and Maev was forced to use the cards over and over again to protect her brother and her from the various groups of bandits hiding in the mountains. This continued until one day when they found a strange hall on the other side of the mountain range. That hall was none other than the Sabertooth guild hall. Although Sean was hesitant, Maev insisted on bringing them into the guild. At least that way they'd have a place to stay and call home, around people that at least weren't actively looking to kill them.

    Magic Ability: Card Magic
    Advantages: Card magic is a sort of caster magic that allows the user to utilize a wide variety of spells through casting their cards. Basic cards can be used in combination as well to create entirely new and unique spells. It works well for mages who are particularly crafty.

    Disadvantages: Unlike other caster magics, Card magic is restricted in that spells from cards can only be cast once per battle. Once used, a card needs time to recharge the magical energy required to be used. While larger decks can provide greater variety, it also makes it harder to find desired spells. Having the largest deck isn't always a good thing. If the caster cannot come up with an effective use of the cards during a battle, they could be caught without anywhere to go. Also, without the cards, a card caster is nothing. Their magic relies heavily on the cards.

    Level of Expertise: Effectively skilled, but still has much to learn.

    Magic Ability: Healing

    Advantages: There are obvious advantages to having the ability to heal others. If someone is hurt, this ability can be used to nurse them back to health. It is effective against most ailments as long as the magician is aware of them.

    Disadvantages: There is no offensive or defensive qualities about this magic. It is used solely to care for those who have been hurt. Also, Maev can only use this magic in conjunction with her brother, Sean. She cannot do it alone.

    Level of Expertise: Fairly skilled, but requires her brother to use.

    Battle Equipment: Famed Maximilian Deck, thought to be lost.

    Non-Combat Items: Cat ear cloak.

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    Sean Maximillion [Sabertooth]
  • Sean Maximillion: The Broken Noble Child

    Name: Sean Maximilian

    Gender: Male

    Age: 12

    Height: 4'6

    Hair Color: White Hair

    Eye Color: Purple

    Now, who are you really?

    Personality: Sean used to be a happy and content child before the events that lead him to where he is today. He used to think of every day as a new adventure full of untold opportunities...used to. After certain events, it's safe to say Sean has changed a lot since then. Some people who meet him would call him shy...or a coward by those who are more honest. He's quiet, intentionally mute, and is only seen alone or with his sister, not because he's bad at conversation, but because he has grown untrusting of other people. He's also gotten far more paranoid, making negative assumptions about things around him in fear of them turning out to be far more than they seem. But most of all, his motivation has gone down. He's not the type for confrontations, running away or remaining quiet instead of facing them, and it's hard for him to take on new challenges alone.

    However, there is one thing that remains in the broken child: His love for his sister. Sean has a deep connection with Maev, respecting and believing that she is the only thing he has left going for him. Although she scares him at times, he always listens to her advice and always thinks what she has to say is right. Despite his fears, he does try to get better and seem brave to try and make less work for her, and would do anything if it involved making her happy.

    Character Strengths: Follows orders easily, Fast Learner, On-the-spot thinker, Knowledge of Medical needs.

    Character Flaws: Anti-Social, Pessimistic, Wary around new people, Doesn't do well in crowds, Has Hylophobia (Fears the forest)

    Likes: Dogs, Maev, Reading, Cinnamon Rolls, Lemonade, Healing, Drawing

    Dislikes: The Forest, Being treated like an infant, Aggressive or Scary Wizards, Sour candies, The Dark

    Believe it or not, Sean Maximillian and his sister, Maev Maximillian, were born as future heirs to the Maximilian estate. The Maximilians were among the wealthiest and most respected families in Crocus, the capital of Fiore. They were best known for their lineup of magical cards. While there were other families in the business of dealing cards, the Maximilians were by far the best in the industry.

    Despite their wealth, reputation, and arsenal of magical cards, the family still had enemies. One, in particular, was a rival family that copied their cards in a cheaper quality that were not nearly as reliable. This rival family was ready to take over the market, and the only thing standing in their way was the Maximilians. As such, they hired mercenaries to rid of the esteemed family.

    Only two members of the family managed to survive the onslaught that ensued. Sean would've been one of them, shocked and cowering in his room at the time, weren't it for his sister quickly taking initiative and managing to get both of them safely out of the crumbling ruins that were once their home and into the vast mountains outside of Crocus.

    However, once in the mountains, the two kids got lost, and Sean was forced to watch as Maev was forced to use the cards over and over again to protect her brother and her from the various groups of bandits hiding in the mountains. He wanted to help, truly he did, but he wasn't as gifted with card magic like his big sister was. And every time he'd look at them, violent flashbacks of what happened back at Crocus would take place, always leaving him either in tears or just frozen in place, looking broken and defeated.

    This continued until one day when they found a strange hall on the other side of the mountain range. That hall was none other than the Sabertooth guild hall. Although Sean was hesitant, Maev insisted on bringing them into the guild. At least that way they'd have a place to stay and call home, around people that at least weren't actively looking to kill them...at least, that's what Sean hoped.

    What side are you on?

    Guild: Sabertooth

    Mage Rank: C Rank

    Guild Tattoo Location: Sean has a green Sabertooth guild mark on the right side of his neck.

    Guild Tenure: Two Years

    Opinion of Guild: The people there frighten him and he has a feeling that he won't meet anyone who'd like him, but it's better than living on the streets. And his sister seems to love it, which is a good thing...right?

    Why do I want you on my side?

    Magic Abilities:

    • Advantages: Sean's healing ability is extremely useful for supporting wizards in battle. If close enough, he can heal wounds at a fast rate with enough concentration. It's also powerful enough to stop large bleeding and close any stab or bullet wounds.

      Disadvantages: Every healer must be willing to run into battle to heal their comrades, and Sean is no different. When it comes to healing, Sean has to actually be touching the victim in order to heal them properly. He also has to be aware of all wounds that had been inflicted. There's also the fact that major wounds just turn into minor ones, but one gleaming disadvantage is that he has to be touching his sister's hand in order for the magic to activate.

      Level of Expertise: He's good at it, knowing what to do and how to do, but his nerves can sometimes get the better of him. Plus, it does require his sister to do it.

    Any other battle equipment you carry: A small dagger in case of emergencies.

    Do you carry any non-combat items: A book and a heart locket his mother gave him.
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    Stapes [Lamia Scales]

  • Who are you?

    Name: Stapes

    Gender: Female

    Age: 19



    Height: 5’2”

    Hair Color: Purple

    Eye Color: Yellow

    Now, who are you really?


    To sum it up in a word: Stapes is broken. Her master Manubrium toyed with her morals and emotions until both ceased to exist, creating a perfect, cold, unfeeling monster. She is incredibly intelligent in a book smart sort of way and amazingly perceptive. Her lack of interacting with living humans however, causes her to seriously lack in people skills. She never beats around the bush and will tell you things as they are, how she feels they should be, no matter how shocking her opinion may be.

    Stapes also doesn’t seem to remember how a human shows emotion, only understanding the feelings of pain and fear. Happiness and love are nothing but legend to her, not knowing either of these things for over a decade. She also doesn’t seem to understand why privacy is such a big deal, to her if someone asks you a question, you answer, that’s it...no need to hide the truth, no matter how brutal it may be.

    Fear of death is something that she no longer feels. She has had quite the relationship with death, seeing so much of it and seeing so much torture, that she welcomes death like an old friend. She doesn’t know why people are so afraid of it because to her, death is soothing, simple, calming, and the only true escape from the world’s torment.

    Character Strengths: Intelligent: has a vast knowledge of human anatomy; Doesn’t allow emotion to affect her judgement; Honest; Logical; Perceptive; Doesn't fear death

    Character Flaws: Horrid people skills: brutally blunt, rude, doesn’t fully understand emotion, very little to no empathy; Avid grave desecrator and robber; Mass murderer; Tends to bring personal and unwanted facts about others to light by revealing what she sees in people's skeletons; Has the possibility of slipping into an uncontrollable fit of insanity within which she cannot tell friend from foe, feels no pain, and goes on murderous rampages which are triggered by the word “friend”- but she’s working on it; Is generally scary;

    Likes: Bones, Manubrium’s skeleton, Graveyards, Studying people’s skeletons, Being around people she likes, People that try to understand her, Fermata and Aedon (even though she would never admit it)

    Dislikes: Overly obnoxious people, Manubrium, Being alone, Losing control of herself/becoming psychotic, Her inability to understand emotion or why people feel the way they do, Overly emotional people


    Before Stapes got her name she was called Kelly Nostromo, a happy growing toddler too innocent for this world. When Kelly was only the age of 6, however, everything changed and she lost her parents, it was a very traumatizing experience for the poor girl. She was crying at their gravestones the evening of their burial when a curious and extremely tall man came up to her. He introduced himself as Manubrium, a great wizard in need of an apprentice. Kelly got angry that this man was talking about himself in her time of grief and yelled at him to leave. It was then that he let slip that he has the power to make the dead walk once again. Wanting to bring her parents back from the dead she agreed to train under him as his apprentice. Kelly introduced herself to her new master back then, but never once did he use her name, instead only referring to her as ‘Stapes’.

    Stapes was taken to a grand mansion (turns out Manubrium was very rich) it was there that she began her studies. She began learning about the human body, pouring herself over books and skeletons until Manubrium deemed she had learned all she could from merely reading and practicing her magic on dummies. Manubrium brought the girl down to a part of the mansion that she hadn’t seen before, an empty room, made completely from stone. He closed the door behind them and used his magic to drag out a squirming, whining, and scared dog. “This is your new friend.” he would say before teaching Stapes the true essence on how bone manipulation worked. Stapes was disturbed by this, yelling at Manubrium for torturing this animal. He only replied with a smile, telling her to then end the dog’s misery. Tears shedding from her eyes...Stapes killed the dog with one final squeal.

    This kind of horrific training continued, quickly escalating from animal to human lives, everytime, with every new subject, calling them her new ‘friends’. The only way Stapes could cope with this much death was to close herself off from all emotion. Manubrium was proud that his apprentice was becoming such a cold-hearted killer, now he needed to only say the word ‘friend’ and she would kill without question or hesitation. By this time she had long given up on bringing her parents back to life, there is nothing more relieving than the soothing grip of death anyway, right? Death ends all suffering.

    As the years continued Stapes lost more and more of her humanity, becoming a sadistic emotionless killing machine. Moving away from her instant killings to longer more torturous ways of ripping people apart from the inside and using their own bones to do it. Manubrium loved the murders, gladly luring innocent people away to be sacrificed to his apprentice and fuel his bloodlust. He and Stapes would burn the flesh of the corpses while using their magic to morph the bones into intricate designs for decoration of the mansion.

    It was in her 11th year of training when Manubrium said that he had taught her everything he knows regarding bone magic. With a small smirk on his face he decided to tell her the truth: Her parents didn’t just die, they were murdered...by him. Stapes snapped, thrown into her psychotic state like when she would kill people in that blood-filled stone room. She morphed her phalanges into claws and dug them into a laughing Manubrium’s skull, proceeding to rip his very bones from his body. When Stapes regained consciousness, her master was dead, but his blood-filled, giant skeleton was still standing, staring at her with its empty eyes. She felt something in her magic and realized she was the one controlling it, something, some feeling from deep within her didn’t want to be left alone in this cold, unfeeling world. She left the mansion that night, her master’s skeleton trailing silently behind her to keep her company.

    Stapes was lost and broken, she wandered around raiding graves and jumping from town to town, only finding comfort in collecting bones. Even with Manubrium dead, her psychotic switch was still active, she would find herself hearing the word ‘friend’ only to regain consciousness with a blood covered bodies and a trail of corpses in her wake.

    Eventually she found Fermata and Aedon, they forced themselves onto her, making them become ‘buddies’ and forcing her into the guild Lamia Scale (mainly so Aedon could keep an eye on her). She has only been a member for 10 months but finally feels a tiny shred of purpose coming back into her life.

    What side are you on?

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Mage Rank: B

    Guild Tattoo Location: Upside Down on the back of her neck (she was trying to get away when Fermata and Aedon forced the mark on her)

    Guild Tenure: 10 months

    Opinion of Guild: Not bad, it beats walking around with no purpose anyway, Fermata and Aedon are here so that's cool too

    Why do I want you on my side?

    Magic Ability: Bone Manipulation

    Advantages: Stapes uses her magic to sense and control bones around and within her.

    Sensing - extremely great for information gathering

    Stapes can sense skeletons around her (whether they be alive or dead, through walls, underground, human, monster) and sense them with great detail knowing every little bit of remodeling the bones have gone through (this can tell her a LOT about a person from a person breaking their arm as a kid and how physically strong they are to whether a person plays piano or looks up at the stars too much).

    Controlling - multi-use

    Stapes can fuse bones together to either create a larger weapon out of them or to heal a broken bone of a comrade. She can also move bones around without her even having to touch them, anything from making them fly through the air like bullets and impaling people and twisting vertebrae around to nap necks to making zombies rise from their graves and walking them around as if they were alive. Her control even extends to those who are still living, she can use her magic to control bodies of the unconscious and to slow down those who are awake causing to the person to fight against their own body just to move. If she focuses her magic on just a single bone she can move or even rip it out of a person. If Stapes is insane she will likely focus her magic on the bones within herself, bending them out of place and making them protrude as spikes through her bleeding skin.

    Disadvantages: Elements are a no-go. Fire, Wind, Water, Lightning, Sound, basically anything that doesn’t have a hard physical form can go right around or through bones meaning Stapes has no defense against these things.

    Bones aren’t the strongest material. With enough physical strain even the strongest of bones can be broken making Stapes’ bone attacks and defenses not the most effective - especially against physically strong individuals or strong materials like steel.

    Level of Expertise: Master but still inventing new ways to manipulate her medium

    Any other battle equipment you carry?: As an avid grave robber and bone collector Stapes has plenty of ammunition battle-ready as soon as she needs it within her purple backpack. Stapes also keeps the skeleton of her deceased master Manubrium, she uses her magic to walk it around constantly as if he was still alive, when not in battle she controls him unconsciously, during battle he is a force to be reckoned with: he is 8 feet tall with fortified bones (his bones made stronger from Stapes fusing other bones with it), morphed phalanges into sharp claws, and whenever he is hit or his bones broken Stapes fuses them back together.

    Do you carry any non-combat items:? Purple backpack full of bones and Manubrium

    Malina [Fairy Tail]

  • Malina O. Maribelle

    • df10667edeb177e844e99469979f6fda--caras-anime-girl-with-purple-hair.jpg
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    Cain Hawkins [TBD]

    • 1f3972f6105d77aa55a6fc7b56a8b317.png

      Can't see me


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    Franco DeRusso [Raven Tail]
  • Franco DeRusso
    View attachment 353016
    “Oh yeah! Who’s the man?!”

    Who are you?
    Franco DeRusso





    Hair Color:

    Eye Color:

    Now, who are you really?
    Franco DeRusso is a very simple man to understand. He stands by trusted friends, loyal to no end, and would choose to die than to ever betray them or to even doubt them. He shows this particular trait especially to Maki Obertuck. He is rugged, messy, and oftentimes scatterbrained, but it doesn’t matter much- his room is so barebones and simple that even if he does leave his belongings lying about, nothing would look out of place. He is loud, and speaks in a crass manner, making use of rather ‘modern’ language, and believes in expressing himself through actions AND words. Franco is also a man of positive outlooks. His optimism is tempered by a touch of sensitivity, allowing him to rouse spirits in the worst of times. He refuses to let himself get down, because after all, if everyone was feeling depressed, who was going to drag them out of the slump?

    Franco believes in combat as a way to solve anything and everything, like a much more intense game of rock-paper-scissors. Not only that, he also believes that combat is a surefire way to understand what kind of person his opponent is. As such, his usual introduction or heart-to-heart talks are to engage others in combat. The strange thing is, he is truly able to glean personality traits of a person through combat alone.

    Surprisingly, for all his brutish behaviour, Franco has shown remarkable genius, but only for things he dabbles in. He challenges Adellon Thrace to regular duels, and it is notable he changes his repertoire, from his opening to his coup de grace, whether he plays defensive or goes on full out offensive, each time, testing just how he approaches an opponent, indicating that he doesn’t just rush into things.

    Character Strengths:
    Simple and not very complex, socially, making him a rather easy person to get along with and understand.

    Socially sensitive. He is rather wise in terms of social environments, and knows when to bow out of a conversation or what to say at the point of time.

    A brilliant artist and creative man. His Grimoire is evidence of his capability to make up his own recipes, alter others, draw, and write.

    Franco never lies. He’s completely over-ridden his ability to lie purely for a friend out of nothing short of willpower.

    Character Flaws:
    Truthful to a fault. Franco doesn’t lie, and when he cannot answer a question, he will shut up, making him an easy target for interrogations as his options are to either keep quiet or tell the truth.

    Lazy to a point his brilliance is completely offset by it. He doesn’t bother to learn what doesn’t interest him, explaining his lack-lustre magic ability, and only acts on impulse.

    Easily decipherable. He isn’t a very complex man, as mentioned and his motivations and reasonings are, while not stupid, just very simple to figure out.

    ♡Maki Obertuck
    ♡Skilled physical-based opponents
    ♡Fair fights
    ♡Unfair fights (a greater challenge to him, he claims)
    ♡Fights in general

    ✩Salty food

    Biography: This must be three paragraphs at a minimum.

    What side are you on?
    Raven Tail

    Mage Rank:

    Guild Tattoo Location:

    The back of his right hand, hidden by his glove

    Guild Tenure:
    6 years

    Opinion of Guild:
    Is really only around for Maki. Otherwise, he doesn’t think too much, badly or well, of the guild. He measures people by their own individual worth, not by the group they belong in. And how they fight, really.

    Why do I want you on my side?
    Magic Ability:
    Fire Magic

    The most basic offensive magic there is, with multiple applications available. It isn’t hard to see why a simple man like Franco would choose to learn this school of magic.

    It being the most basic magic there is means that it is also very predictable to some extent, and anything remotely fire-resistant can put Franco at a huge disadvantage. This is not even factoring Fire Dragon Slayers into the equation. Franco’s lack of skill with it apart from raining fireballs on an opponent also comes into play.

    Level of Expertise:
    It’s safe to say that Franco is a better swordsman than he is a mage. Franco is capable of only fairly simple magic, and his best is to summon a wall of fire around him in a rather large radius, about 500 m in diameter, to create a vast arena. His most commonly used spells are to summon a magic circle that spits out a torrent of fireballs, and to coat his sword in flame. Outside of this, however, he depends mostly on his sword to get him through a fight. Something to note is that his brand of fire, despite appearing to be normal flame, allows him to cut through other types of magic by pure force alone with his sword, making an offensive style quite viable for him.

    Any other battle equipment you carry?
    Firebrand: A sword with a golden hilt and a crimson blade. It is magically infused to allow its user to channel fire magic, and uses fire magic to allow it to counter most other magics, letting its user cut through them. It acts like any other sword otherwise.

    Do you carry any non-combat items?
    Grimoire DeRusso: A book with seemingly endless amounts of pages, but takes the appearance of a small bound notebook. Franco calls it a Grimoire, but it contains nothing magical inside. Instead, its pages are full of the occasional scribbling, some artwork, recipes copied down from cookbooks with some added notes, recipes for remedies for headaches, hangovers, indigestions, and so on and so forth. There are several pages in it that are dedicated to what would make perfect birthday gifts for Maki Obertuck.
    Valeska West [Raven Tail]

  • "Hey there, baby~"



    • Name: Valeska West

      Gender: Female

      Age: 24

      Sexuality: Bisexual

      Height: 5’9”

      Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde

      Eye Color: Hazel

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    Logan Howell [Raven Tail]

    • Name: Logan Howell


      Sexuality: Bisexual

      Age: 35

      Appearance: Logan is tall with lean muscles and tan skin. He has a scar running down the right side of his face from his temple to his chin. He also has much smaller less noticeable scars all over his body. His hands are rough and his nails always seemed to be chipped. He sports some stubble and has tousled brown hair. He has a tattoo on his right shoulder of two dominoes, with red flowers and the name ‘Dominic’ written below it. He’s almost always seen sporting a brown jacket with the words ‘Run Wild’ printed on the back.

      Height: 6’5’’

      Hair Color: Brown

      Eye Color: Brown
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    Sirius Mortagogue [Sabertooth]
  • Sirius Mortagogue


    Name: Sirius Mortagogue

    Gender: M

    Age: 20

    Height: 6’1

    Hair Color: Silver

    Eye Color: Blue

    Character Strengths:
    -Good Survival Instincts
    -Has great control over his emotions

    Character Flaws:
    -Untrusting, and cynical

    Likes: Training, Magic, History, Food, Nature

    Dislikes: Slavery, Deceitful People, Authority Figures, Idealists.

    PersonalitySirius is not one to care much for anyone else’s feelings. If he needs to say something, he will say it without holding anything back, it doesn’t matter to him if what he says would be viewed as rude or disrespectful, which may get him into some trouble from time to time. He is not someone that is easy to get along with, because he simply can’t bring himself to trust those around him, or anyone for that matter. Thus, he is always doubting the intentions of others, even when they simply want to get to know him. He has spent his whole life building his emotional walls, and they’ve been constructed with a strong foundation, so they don’t seem to be coming down anytime soon. He holds no loyalties to anyone or anything.

    Sirius is usually a very calm and collected person. He doesn’t lose his focus very easily. He has strong resolve to improve himself and reach his goals, and thus is a very motivated and hard-working young man. He is not known to ever idle around or not make use of his time, but he is also understanding that rest is an important part of life and doesn’t overwork himself either.

    Sirius has known to be cold at times, since his general lack of emotional attachment to anything renders him pretty apathetic to most everything. He has no code of ethics, and no sense of morality either. He basically lives by the idea of survival of the fittest, and thus does not care for arbitrary, self-imposed rules on one’s self such as things like morals and ethics. He will do what is necessary, and won’t waste him time on what is not.

    BiographySirius was born near an isolated forest on the Fiore-Bosco border. The forest was rarely traveled through to enter or exit other countries. It was known to be a very dangerous place where wild demons roamed, a place where men when would go to die. The truth of it was a bit less dramatic then that. Sirius was the last child of the Mortagogue tribe, a small group of people that inhabited this forest. They were special in that they had the ability to use a form of magic unique to their bloodline, called the Cursed Soul magic. The Cursed Soul is what gave the Mortagogue their reputation as demons, and is what scared off travelers from the entering the forest.

    Sirius never got to know much about his family or his bloodline. When he was only six years old, the forest he called home was razed to the ground, and the Mortagogues went with it. A group of mages had entered the forest with the sole motivation of eliminating the tribe. Sirius had only been spared thanks to his parents hiding him outside the forest earlier, with strict instructions to stay hidden until they came back. He was hidden not just to protect himself from his assailant, but also so that he couldn’t see what was happening. When too much time passed before they returned, Sirius decided to come out of his hiding spot, immediately being greeted by the sight of a red sky embellished with a cloud of thick smoke. He ran towards the forest to see what had happened, tears streaming down his face as he already assumed the worst had occurred. He ran past burning trees and scorched shrubs to find that his village in the forest was gone. The battle left the surrounding area devastated, like the scene of the aftermath of a powerful natural disaster. Numerous corpses were littered on the blood soaked grass, most of which the young child recognized. In his anguish, the child activated his Cursed Spirit for the first time, turning into a raging monster. He understood nothing but his pain, and his desire to inflict it back on those who caused it in the first place. He bolted through the forest looking for anyone he could attack. In his frenzy, he didn’t even realize he had entered into Bosco. Luckily, since he was just a young kid, he was far too weak to inflict any sort of damage to anyone despite being in his Cursed Spirit form.

    Having been apprehended a little past the border, the wild Sirius was easily captured by guards and taken into custody after locals called for help in containing him. Having landed in Bosco, a country known for its despicable slave trade, it appeared that Sirius’ fate was resigned to be that of a lowly servant. He was quickly sold off for a low price as prospective buyers were well aware of his abilities, and most wanted no part of them. Sirius would spend the next four years in servitude. Everyday he longed to return to his home, and to get rid of the old man that kept him from that. He had learned quite early on that to avoid physical and emotional harm, the best thing he could do was stay quite and simply do as he was told, but he always held on to the hope that one day, he would find the strength to escape from his master. To this end, Sirius would spend every free moment of his life training himself to get stronger, to survive in the kill or be killed world he was accustomed to. When the slaver fell asleep, he would experiment with his magic, trying to understand how it worked. At ten, he had gained enough of a control over his body and magic that he was able to intentionally activate his Cursed Spirit. Though he was still only a small, weak child, his gains from the Cursed Spirit were significant enough for him charge and take down the magic-deficient slaver. After having pinned him, the cursed Sirius proceeded to inflict four years’ worth of pent up anger and pain right back onto the slaver, mutilating his former owner before escaping. Though he was still far too new to the Cursed Spirit to have any semblance of control over the form, his primal instincts led him where he wanted to go anyway. He reached his destination within a few hours, his magic having lasted as long as possible. The second he reached the hill overlooking his old home, he passed out.

    Sirius would be out cold for longer than an entire day, and when he finally woke up he was somewhere unfamiliar. He woke up in a bed that he didn’t recognize, in a room he’d never seen. His mind immediately went into the worst case scenario of having been taken into slavery again. However, this notion would be quickly dispelled once he walked out of the bedroom and into the the living room. There he found a middle-aged man serving breakfast onto a quaint table.

    “Come eat, it’ll get cold,” he called out with a warm smile.

    Of course, Sirius did not trust the man whatsoever. After all, he hadn’t been shown kindness in the last four years, he couldn’t understand why a man he had never met before would change that. His stomach would betray him though, growling loudly and causing the man to laugh.

    Sirius would not only end up accepting the meal, but he would also end up being taken in by the man. The young boy would soon find that his old home had been completely wiped off the map, having been replaced by a freshly built town centered around tourist attractions. He no longer had a place to go, so the man, who Sirius would later find out was a well-respected Acid Mage named Geralt Herder, offered to take him in until he was old enough to fend for himself.

    Sirius would spend the next few years learning from Geralt in more ways than one. He quickly became a true mage in his own right, and learned many life skills from the man as well. Geralt had grown into something of a father figure for Sirius.

    In his own time, Sirius would try to learn more about what had occurred on that fateful day when he lost everything. Through the years, he would come to find more and more information about who was involved, and eventually was able to piece together that everything revolved around the mayor of the town. From what Sirius found, it became clear that the mayor had ordered the hit such that he could build the current town and make tons of profit. Sirius’ next goal was quite obvious. He planned to destroy the entire town the way his own home was destroyed, and then to take out the mayor who started it all.

    His quest for vengeance would begin there, but it was faced with obstacles immediately. Sirius’ first plan of action was to confront the mayor, to ask him to confess to his crimes, and to make him watch as he burned the man’s beloved city to the ground. However, when he came face to face with the man, he found his mentor by the man’s side.

    After a darkly somber exchange, Sirius found out about Geralt’s past, and the reason that he was even in that accursed city. Geralt was one of the assailants that annihilated Sirius’ tribe so many years prior. At that moment, it seemed as if a switch went off in Sirius’ head. He was infuriated, and yet, he had no emotional strength left to show it. He had been disappointed by life over and over again, and now, after several years of finally finding happiness, after finally having found a companion, he came back to square one. No one in this world can be trusted, this world is corrupt and full of evil, he concluded. He lunged at Geralt and they fought for a brief period, but it was quite clear that Geralt’s heart wasn’t fully into the fight, otherwise it would have been quick. On the other hand, Sirius was going in for the kill. However, when the opportunity arose for Sirius to take his former mentor’s life, he hesitated. This allowed Geralt to push the boy off of him, and caused Sirius to retreat.

    Alone in the world once more, Sirius had no idea what the next step was. He knew he would have to face his mentor, the mayor, and the blasted town of Rolo again, but he was also aware that he was far from ready. There were still more truths to be uncovered, and he was going to have his revenge, of this he would make sure.

    For the next couple years Sirius would strengthen himself. He learned that in Fiore, a mage could make money to support themselves through guilds, where they would meet likeminded wizards to tackle difficult quests with. He learned of Sabertooth, a guild known to house the fiercest and most ferocious mages in Fiore, and took a liking to them. For the last three years, Sirius has been a member of Sabertooth, but as someone who is constantly out on missions and doesn’t care for his guild other than having a place to go and being surrounded by strong mages, he is not very close with anyone in his guild despite his tenure.

    Guild & Magic
    Guild: Sabertooth

    Mage Rank: A

    Guild Tattoo Location: Right Ribcage

    Guild Tenure: 3 Years

    Opinion of Guild: It’s the correct choice for me. That’s about all I feel on the matter.

    Why do I want you on my side?

    Magic Ability: Cursed Soul

    Advantages: Cursed Soul Magic is different than most other magics in that it doesn’t consist of a collection of spells under a single element/capability. Rather, the Cursed Soul is a magic that is either active or inactive. Once activated, the user is cloaked in a dark aura, the shape of which resembles that of the user’s very spirit. The user is granted an increase in speed and strength, and is protected to a minor extent by their surrounding aura. The user is also able to control their aura, once again to a minor extent, allowing them to elongate the limbs of the aura, or with greater control, wreak havoc with the destructive capabilities of the magic. (It’s nearly identical to the 4-tails form in Naruto in appearance and ability)

    Disadvantages: No user has ever been fully able to control their aura, much less a younger generation caster. Typically, when one activates the Cursed Soul, they are knowingly forfeiting their minds for pure power, becoming an unstable, savage warrior with little regard for tactics or thought. For this reason, the Cursed Soul is primarily used as a last resort, only when deemed absolutely necessary, and only for a temporary increase in physical might. More adept users are able to activate their Cursed Souls as needed, since they are able to control it to some extent and refrain from going on an all out rampage. Also, when Cursed Soul is active, the user may not utilize any other type of magic.

    Level of Expertise: Novice


    Magic Ability: Acid Magic

    Advantages: Allows the user to manipulate a highly acidic, corrosive liquid which can disintegrate many substances, including metals.

    Disadvantages: In contact with water, the user’s acid will react and turn into a harmless vapor. The acid will obviously not burn through anything that can’t be burned, and thus is a poor option against any mages that utilize plasma and gaseous elements.

    Level of Expertise: Competent

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    Tsukinome Mikoto [Saber Tooth]
  • Tsukinome Mikoto

    • NAME
      Tsukinome Mikoto "Glass Eye Queen"
      Heavenly Body Magic, Tsukiyomi Seals
      131 ib

      • It's safe to say that Tsuki definitely won't be one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. Oh no, no no. Not even by a long shot. Through the years of her waking, breathing, eating, and basic living, she's heard a multitude of Phrases and words being thrown at her. But, "kind", is not one of them. For the most part, Tsukinome doesn't display most emotions, if any at all. Like the rest of her family, she's logical and analytical, priding truth and justice over all else. She isn't as emotionless as those power driven mindless freaks that are members of her family, and truly not like her brother, but she is in her own regards cold. Some times, she can even be regarded as intimidating due to the way she presents herself. She is very honest, saying her particular thoughts and feelings, regardless of what anyone else thinks. Though she is very respectful, caring about Rank and title, Rank and Title wouldn't stop her from calling someone out on bullshit and unfairness. This has gotten her into trouble more than a few times. She hates injustice and unfair things, and will speak out on them, even take action when she must. She hates un-needed violence, but, sometimes, it just can not be helped. She knows that more than anybody. She is very stubborn, being calm and collected at all times. Showing no fear, no sadness, no despair. Little people have seen her truly angry in a fight, and those who have, have said that when her anger does take over, she's like another person. But . . . Despite how she acts, and what she says she is, she is in fact a kind and gentle person. She is the type of person to stick up for the under dog, regardless of who is on the other side. She is cold and harsh, but underneath that holds kind and true intentions. She's tried to run away from that, but the thing is, she can't. It's who she is.

        + Pastries
        + Animals, specifically cute puppies and kittens
        + Cute things in general
        + Reading and writing
        + Fruits
        + Cooking
        + Magic
        - Bullies
        - Lazy People, those who don't pull their own weight
        - Giving up
        - People who don't Respect others
        - Injustice
        - Those who shove their beliefs down your throat
        - Assholes in general

        + Smart and Intellegent
        + Amazing Cook
        + Quick Learner
        + Tactical
        + Quick Thinker
        - Has a weakness to "cute things"
        - Has trouble keeping relationships
        - Harsh and brutally honest
        - Hard to get along with unless you have a lot of patience
        - Very picky

    Lady Warlock Lady Warlock CelticHero37 CelticHero37 .
    Tremki Kaguya [Raven Tail]

  • Tremki Kaguya, "The Demon Child"

    ..People Are..

    Full Name:
    Tremki Kaguya

    "The Broken One"/"The Demon Child", and the name Tremki is also a self-dubbed nickname/name of sorts that is commonly mistaken to be his real name.


    Tremki appear to be a fairly young child still, most just assume he is about fourteen or fifteen but no one can be sure - not even Tremki himself.


    Roughly 5'5" - 5'6"

    ..Just like birds, we all..

    ~Appearance & Personality~

    Appearance Description:

    Tremki is a rather skinny boy with a pale complexion and various notable scars on his body that have the tendency to open quite easily during combat. Despite his rather small height and body-frame Tremki has proven to be quite physically strong in his own right on several occasions. Many often describe his physical appearance as quite innocent. He has medium-length turquoise hair that give the impression of bird-feather tips accompanied by a pair of amber eyes. His clothing consists of a long, white coat adorned with numerous black swirl patterns on it with the zipper constantly zipped from his neck to above his navel which he wears with his knee-length white pants.

    Personality Summary & Description:
    Tremki is a strange, complex and more so an unpredictable individual. While he may come off with a innocent, almost childish demeanor Tremki is an extremely disturbed child with lack of any empathy, remorse or moral understanding in any form or shape. Many look upon him as the embodiment of a 'demon child' and exhibits many strange or otherwise socially unacceptable habits. Tremki is known to have the tendency to place 'special' names of his own for particular individuals he may find 'interesting', and if one is good at reading between the lines they may also find other, more sinister intentions behind the meanings of the given names. (Essentially he tends to label people he may intend to 'prey' on later.) Essentially, it is widely recognized that Tremki is a completely psychopathic sadomasochist who suffers from multiple mental illnesses that would declare him clinically insane. The most notable being that he is a schizotypal in relation to the strange 'entity' which he may often talk to that has eventually led to him been dubbed with the name 'Tremki' despite his real name being Kaguya, originally believing that he was going to be born a girl.

    Over the years, Tremki has adapted a very 'childlike' personality in many aspects. Speaking generally in a sing-song tone Tremki likes to put emphasis on anything he says last and appears to speak in 'third person' almost constantly, (For example; "Tremki wants candy.."). He is prone to throw a tantrum when he doesn't get something he desires and is very prone to try break the rules set in place before him; sticking to this topic Tremki can have trouble following certain orders simply out of 'not liking the idea' and can essentially make him somewhat of a 'bad team player' as he generally doesn't do well working in groups and will even consider sacrificing one of his own in order to obtain a certain kill.. With his disturbed upbringing, Tremki inherently knows very little and has no educational background what so ever. This means he isn't able to read, write or really even speak properly and will generally show difficulty in anything of the sort. This makes him quite naive about most things as he isn't very knowledgeable in anything else aside from killing. Many also believe this to be the reason why Tremki hasn't risen in the 'chain of command' even despite his combat prowess. Tremki can also be childish in ways of selfishness, most of the time Tremki believes he should always get something out of what he does and while his 'needs' are

    - Meeting other people, he is genuinely interested in the nature of others
    - Has a particular interest in more powerful individuals
    - He loves sweets of all kinds, especially candy (in fact he easily influenced by it)
    - Generally enjoys all combat situations no matter how chaotic, seeing it all like a child playing in his playground
    - His favourite flowers are red roses
    - Seeks to witness other magic types and abilities for himself, somtimes even pushing to enforce it
    - Dubbing other people with his own personal nicknames, most often birds
    - He loves tall tales and other stories, true or false

    - Being excluded from things
    - Getting told 'no', can often have issues with authoritative figures
    - Moldy candy
    - Being forced to eat vegetables
    - Fire Magic Users
    - He is typically isn't not fond of religious figures off any stripe

    (Likes & Dislikes will be updated/added to over time.)

    Items of Interest:
    At present, Tremki currently has restricted movement by a set of chains connected to each of his limbs and limiting the overall movement he has to move. This will essentially make his 'reflex and flexibility' useless until they have been removed, which is whenever he has been deemed 'controllable & safe'.

    ~World Status & Other Public Information~

    Raven Tail

    Mage Rank:
    B-Class Mage

    Guild Tattoo Location:
    On the inside of his left palm

    Guild Tenure:
    Like, a few days at most?

    Opinion of Guild:
    Is it alright to leave it as he has none at the moment? If not I will put something that will change as time passes

    The exact accounts of Tremki's history are mostly obscured in guesses and riddles, as well as the reliability of a mentally broken child that is Tremki himself who alone tends to flip flop between personal stories. The only things being deemed 'fact' is the fact Tremki was essentially brought up and raised by a group of deranged cultists, and due to this upbringing Tremki is, in many ways a killing machine in both body & mind. The details on the cult itself are quite scarce, however from most of which was gathered they were mostly a group of talent-less and ill-minded, devoted to whatever the belief they had created for themselves in their small community. Being in an region of the world which was mostly isolated from any outside influences had presumably relied on this cult for just about everything - from mere protection & security as well as the 'promise' their crops would remain growing. It is assumed the leader of this cult had used the faith of this community to his sadistic favor, likely being one of the few individuals of the community with any 'magical prowess'. It is a common rumor they had sacrificed and cannibalized on any of the children who had some form of magical prowess/ability in the belief this would keep the cycle going, and at the same time the inner cult members believed it gave them 'special' abilities upon consumption.

    Due to this, Tremki had of course been one of those 'chosen' children who would be placed up for their sacrificial ritual. The ritual which they believed fueled the economy and livelihood of their homeland, and it was during this time Tremki had been exposed to numerous cruel ritualistic acts on the behalf of the Cult. These acts, eventually leading to the distorting & breaking of the child's mind resulting in him manifesting another individual inside of his mind, this individual eventually leading the child himself to be known by the name of 'Tremki'.

    The exact events which took place that not only dismantled the deranged cult completely but also freed Tremki from their grasp are unknown. However it is assumed that while Tremki may have been the only child found at the scene and taken to Fiore, there was a strong likelihood that he was not the only child captive to escape. It is from this point however, the story of Tremki becomes clear - once reaching Fiore, Tremki had somehow managed to escape the captivity of his keepers in the city known as 'Hallow Town' Where it's been reported Tremki spent most of his time as a petty lowlife, living without a home and often on the run from petty thievery - it's also been suspected around this time he had also been responsible for the death of two people, who had been found in dark alleyways mostly dismembered but due to a lack of sufficient evidence (and the fact Tremki has been known as a very difficult individual to find) Tremki has never been held responsible as of yet, though that doesn't stop rumors from spreading in some part of "Hallow Town".

    It isn't exactly described at exactly how Tremki found himself at the large guildhall doors to the Raven Tail guild. It isn't described how exactly Tremi joined Raven Tail, or how he was even accepted over the illicit rumors about his dealing & whereabouts. Technically still being an escaped fugitive, Tremki had managed to become apart of the Raven Tail guild.

    (This will be a summary version, since the 'next' or other version is currently being edited to fit into FT lore and is about 15k words roughly...Once it is finished it will be added to a spoiler in place of where this is)

    ..Want to fly free~..

    ~Combat Information~

    How do you fight?:
    While the child has never shown any sort of fighting style which would lead one to believe he's learned any form of martial arts in his lifetime. This hasn't made any Tremki any less of an efficient fighter, and has proven to many extents that he is extremely capable of hand to hand combat in his own right, using a flurry of unpredictable attacks with random movements around his opponent Tremki will often pick away at his opponent as if they are some kind of toy whilst teasing them with stupid remarks or childish expressions (eg; poking his tongue) but despite that Tremki will not hesitate to kill - in fact many believe that Tremki's strength comes from his powerful bond to his inner bloodlust that gives him an edge even over other mages who might genuinely hold themselves back at first. Many would describe Tremki's fighting tactics as rather 'brutal & savage' for the most part, generally running and hopping around his opponent and ripping them apart in whatever manner he is able to manage.

    Even without the use of his magical abilities, Tremki has gained the general reputation of being a fairly dangerous individual with both the will & means to utterly destroy whatever he may set his sights on. Not playing by anybodies rules he uses a mix of close-range combats along with other dirty tactics not only to get the jump on his opponent but any other cheap advantage he can muster for himself. Utilizing his natural agility and flexible movement in all of his combat - those who don't find themselves fighting in close quarters very often may find themselves at difficult odds against somebody like Tremki. Most importantly overall, this style almost perfectly compliments his magic.

    Magic Type:
    Blood Manipulation & Production, this magic obviously consists typically of 'blood' - having the ability to not only weaponize his own blood in various forms but also drastically increase the rate in which he produces blood, meaning he is capable of losing amounts of blood that might otherwise be fatal to the average mage. Along with being able to weaponize his blood to make it efficient in combat, he is also able to control the shape and state of the blood he uses - varying from liquefied & solid states as well as that of something in between.

    Alone, it has the varying uses of being used in both a offensive & defensive manner, sometimes at once. Having seemingly free control over what form or state his blood takes shape, numerous of his abilities have various uses in battle at both close and mid ranged distances. From blood blades protruding from his wounds to forming dense solid shields to defend against other attacks it can also be used to increase the overall maneuverability of Tremki during combat, making it especially useful in enclosed areas.

    On a side note, it also shows some small degree of regenerative ability - being able to later close the wounds he has inflicted post fight and has an overall higher regenerative rate with wounds. More violent/lethal wounds will still take longer to heal than minor wounds, but for an example a wound that may take an average person with no regenerative capability two week to heal from will take Tremki a week and a half.
    (I was curious about 'enhancing' this over time, but that is something I leave to the GM's to decide upon)

    Magic Abilities:
    Magic Ability: Blood Blade

    Advantages: Mostly efficient within mid-range to close-range combat, this allows the user to produce a curved blade-like structure from the users blood. Requiring to draw the users own blood in order to make this viable, once activated the user can activated and sprout these curved-blades in various positions on his body. The shape takes a solid form, being quite dense and sturdy in nature - but most of all violently sharp to the touch.

    Disadvantages: A weakness that will show up in pretty much every ability that Tremki can use with his magic, is the fact he must have already received damage either self inflicted or inflicted by an opponent. The size and overall density can also vary, not only is it limited by his general magic power but also the rate and amount of blood he is able to produce at the times. Which also means that overuse of his general abilities and using all of his moves in conjunction can prove potentially lethal or even fatal if Tremki isn't being cautious.

    Level of Expertise: Tremki is highly efficient in the use of this ability, he is capable of producing multiple of these blades all over his body as long as the general already stated requirements are met. Most of these 'curved-blades' tend to be at the length of 3-4ft long - the longest he's shown of being capable of is 8ft.

    Magic Ability: Blood Shield

    Advantages: Following the same general concept as the blood blade ability, in this case the user produces a plated solid blood-shield of sorts which is capable of being used as a fairly efficient means of defense against the attacks the shield is facing towards. It is reputed to have the typical density of steel, it can also be used in smaller sizes than what's seen in the picture.

    Disadvantages: Fairly similar to the disadvantages of the first, the blood factor still plays it's part in this case just the same - however due to it's general nature isn't as risky to use as the blood blade ability in this particular case. Having the general density of steel, anything 'above' this is obviously going to cause problems and in most cases essentially 'destroy' the shield itself. It also takes a little bit of time for the shield to actually take it's full shape depending on the general size he needs to make it - essentially making it almost useless for the close ranged combat that Tremki typically goes for.

    Level of Expertise: Tremki is fairly proficient with this ability, being able to produce a shield with a density mimicking steel and can be produced to a large enough size it is able to fully protect Tremki from the direction the shield is facing and one other person that is close by him.

    Magic Ability: Blood Web? Nest of Sin? Idk yet

    Advantages: Sporadically producing net-like structures from the wounds/cuts of the user in a rapid and unpredictable manner, and unlike the first two abilities of his this 'web' has a strange state of matter - appearing to be almost completely liquefied the substance itself is surprisingly tough in nature, with a very sticky nature to it. If someone is somehow caught in this, it is very likely that they may get caught up in this web-structure if they happen to be in a close vicinity of Tremki and for the most part Tremki himself is typically at the middle of the structure in the same manner. The nature of how this web structure grows is completely unpredictable, making it even dangerous for those who aren't essentially close to Tremki if they do not keep their wits about them. In theory, it could essentially even be used to pull limbs together using this web structure.

    Disadvantages: Apart from the typical disadvantages I've already listed in the other two abilities before this. This ability itself is potentially the most risky of his skill set, due to it's nature of being most uncontrollable by Tremki in the method it grows it requires quite a bit of blood usage and being an ability typically used in impulsive situations it is most often used when Tremki may not have much blood to spare. He is also essentially impaired himself by the ability just as much as anyone else who finds themselves caught, typically having to detach himself like anyone else. The web structure itself, while very tough isn't unbreakable by any means and can detached either by an extremely sharp edge that could be given by a sword - or by fire magic that acts almost as a natural weakness to the web structure. In the case Tremki is already extremely wounded, he will go into an almost cocoon-like state potentially using the web structure to restore wounds and keep outsiders away to a certain degree until he finally mends his wounds. Leaving him in a state of complete vulnerability if anyone manages to get passed the web structure and reach his body.

    Level of Expertise: Assumed to be fairly average, since Tremki very rarely uses this ability to begin with - typically only using it on impulse during dire situations and thus believed to attribute towards the sporadic and unpredictable nature at which the web structure grows (Being mostly out of his control during these moments)

    Unique Physical Capabilities:
    "Instinctual Reflexes & Unnatural Flexibility" - Perhaps a product of his pure impulsiveness and way of living, Tremki has "hyperactive" reflexes that react on an instinctual level, giving a possibility to counter almost anything within his current spacial awareness if given the chance. Making him less susceptible to sneak attacks (Although by no means completely immune) and a harder target to actually hit straight on without one using diversion tactics, smart play or any other trick or trap they might possess up their sleeve. His flexibility supporting this kind of movement by being capable of jerking and moving his limbs in particularly uncanny fashion that would otherwise seem 'unnatural' - together sometimes giving the impression that he may actually be a demon.

    (This is currently restricted at the moment by a set of chains he'll be introduced with at the moment, which is listed in the items section.)

    - The concept of 'Tremki' for Kaguya in this case, is a self-manifested alter ego in a way. Think of it sort of like Norman & 'Mother' in Psycho.

    - Tremki generally speaks in a sing-song tone

    - Tremki is currently the only known survivor of the general population of children of where he came from. The rest being sacrificed by a deranged & false cult, rumors even stating that cannibalism may have been involved in rare cases.

    - His exact heritage isn't traceable, like many parents of the children which were taken his were killed at an age he no longer remembers.

    - The real name of the individual commonly known as 'Tremki' is actually his presumed last name 'Kaguya', however due to his speech pattern and appearing to refer to himself as Tremki he has typically been dubbed so by pretty much everybody, making this a very little known fact at all. His real name actually being Kaguya, as he was originally predicted to be a female before birth.

    "Tremki thinks it should be play time now ~"

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    [Lamia Scale] Katherine Loguran

  • Katherine Loguran

    • Name
      Katherine Loguran




      Hair Color

      Eye Color
      Light green

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    Tom B. Stone [Raven Tail]
  • Who are you?

    Name: Tom B. Stone

    Gender: All man baby. ;)

    Age: 34


    Height: 5’10

    Hair Color: Brown

    Eye Color: Hazel

    Now, who are you really?

    Personality: Tom's a simple guy, he loves the ladies, the occasional drink, taking things easy, and money. He often overindulges in things, not knowing when to stop. He seems to not consider his actions beforehand. This usually gets him into trouble, whether it be his enemy getting the upper hand on him, or some jealous husband, or boyfriend trying to get back at him for getting with their gal. Which brings us to the fact that he's a womanizer. He'll flirt with any woman that suits his fancy. Due to his southern charms, this often ends with him spending the night with some beautiful young thing, of course he also often gets a smack to the face. But he's quick to leave as fast as possible, not trying to be held back by some gal clinging to his boots. When it comes to motivations, well he's only concerned with having some fun, and getting paid. He believes in enjoying life to its fullest.

    If he's not flirting with a lady, he's a bit less charming. Actually, he's kind of goofy, almost idiotic even. Doesn't seem to take much serious. He jokes a lot, and seems carefree, and lazy. Sometimes he even seems clutzy, but it doesn't seem to interfere with his fighting any. If anything it seems to oddly enough, save his neck more than not. However this may he a trick, so most don't see him as a threat, and pay him little attention, as he always seems to take action seriously, his entire demeanor can even change if he's angered enough. Or finds that the situation demands a more professional approach.

    While he is all about making the money, once he takes on a job he always carries it through. Otherwise he'd never get any jobs. So there's no point in trying to bribe him into giving up on a mission. Although he may be willing to come to some agreement if paid, and he can find some kind of loophole in the missions requirements. That is, considering he doesn't think that decision will come back to bite him in the ass later. He'd prefer it if he didn't gain any more enemies than he already has. Luckily, if you can look past his philandering ways, as well as all his other bad traits, he's a very likeable, and friendly guy. Due to his charm, and endearing personality. People are often fond of him at first, until he has to throw them under the bus to save his neck that is. So unless a mission demands he work with someone, his loyalties can tend to...waver. But he often, from time to time, comes by in a pinch. Showing he's kind of unpredictable as to what he's going to do next.

    Being Toms friend isn't always the best for your health. As I said, he's got lots of enemies. He's also got a family to think about. So he's completely willing to throw just about anyone under the bus if it means he escape with his life intact. Unless you're already a close friend of his its best not to get involved with him, and even then if he thinks you can handle it he may leave you high and dry. He often puts his life as a priority, but if someone were to end up screwed over because of his actions. He'd obviously be willing to help them out. Once he prepared that is, he'd just rather avoid being on the wrong side of a one sided fight. He'd also have to give the slightest of a damn about the person. I mean, he’s not heartless. He has some conscious, and tries to keep others out of his messes. After all the only reason he does anything is for his family. So he'd prefer if word that he was a yellow bellied rat who only cared about saving his own skin, and making money didn't get to them.

    Character Strengths: The Devil's luck, harder to catch than a greased Weasel, knows when to run, silver tongue aka can talk his way out of most situations, Always moves forward. Reliable (as far as getting a job done is concerned)

    Character Flaws: Doesn't take much serious, this often puts him in bad situations.
    Pushes his luck, womanizer, lots of vices, doesn't consider his actions before hand, untrustworthy

    Likes: Having a nice night with some ladies, the occasional alcoholic beverage, a bit of thrill every now and then, smoking,

    Dislikes: Prudes, nags, buzzkills, stressful situations, wasting anything, abuse of all kinds (especially woman)

    Biography: Tom was born the son of a simple farmer. He spent a lot of his time helping out on the farm under the blazing sun all day. But always longed for more. He had heard his family was filled with a long line of bounty Hunters. So when he turned 16, and his father passed away due to illness he decided to abandon his family farm, and headed off to live the life of a bounty hunter. It took all the money but he managed to buy enough supplies to make it through a job. He took a horse from the farm, and thankfully his dad had kept the family heirlooms a pair of revolvers handed down through generations. Luckily they had been kept in good shape, and seemed to have even been modified a few times. Possibly because they needed to be fixed, or simply because they wanted to upgrade them. Either way it saved Tom the trouble of having to go after criminals with some rope, and a peashooter.

    It wasn't long before Tom found himself hunting criminals. His first mission, and he didn't have the first clue as to what he was doing. It took him ages to track down his bounty. Then once he did he almost got killed by them. He tried to chase them down, but they lost him in the desert. He wandered the desert for about a week before he managed to make it back to civilization. Well suffice to say his first job was not the best way to start his career. But he didn't let it get him down, he picked himself up, and kept on moving forward. It was probably just first time jitters. As these criminals seemed to know what they were doing, and while Tom had trained with his realitives when he was young. Each being moderately infamous in their own right. So he didn't go in with no experience prior. More that he had never actually done a job. So he was just starting off over his pay grade.

    A four years passed, and with some help from some friends, Tom became an excellent bounty hunter. He even gained quite a reputation over the years. While also making many friends, and even more enemies. He was living wild, and having a great time. He didn't ever want to stop. That was until he meet the love of his life. Usually he'd just one and done it when it came to woman. But this girl was different. She was elusive, tricky, more or less she played hard to get, and often put Tom in his place. Tom loved every moment of it. He was all for the hunt, and after a lot of trying he finally got his target. Although he had to agree to settle down. Of course usually if you told Tom this he'd have said good day, and been out of there faster than a tumbleweed in a hurricane. But he made an acception for her.

    Several more years passed, and they had two children. Two boys, Flint, and of course Tom Junior. Tom had figured since he was giving up the life as a bounty Hunter he'd go back home. So he returned to the family farm, and took farming back up. Wasn't long before things were running smoothly. But of course things never stayed good for long with Tom. One day he was out working on the farm. His boys were off playing in the field, barely able to waddle around. It was a calm cloudy day. The kind that bring a nice breeze, but just seems to depress the hell out of you. Suddenly Tom saw smoke rise from the house, and ran off to see what was going on. He made it just in time to see a gang of men riding off. He caught a glimpse of one of the men, he seemed to have a guild mark on him. Something Tom had seen before, as he'd hunted down a few dark mages in his time. But he didn't have time to chase after them. He could hear his wife Beth calling him from their burning house. He ran in, hoping to save her. But as he opened the door, and looked into the house engulfed in flames. All he managed was to get one last glimpse of her tied up, with a few sticks of dynamite just next to her. Then he heard an explosion, and everything went black.

    Tom thought he was dead, hell he almost wanted to be dead. But as his luck would have it, he wasn't. No, it seemed some of his neighbors had caught sight of the fire, and came to see what was going on. They had made it just in time to pull Tom from the rubble, and get him to a doctor. One of his neighbors, a nice eldery lady took his children in while he was recovering. But unfortunately, while most of him had survived the explosion. His arms, and legs hadn't. He was crippled, not worth a damn anymore. He couldn't farm, or even hunt down the sonofabitch who did this to him.

    He thought it was the end of the line for him. He was driven into despair, but once again his luck came through. It just so happened that Tom had a job many years back. Some brilliant inventor needed transportation in order to retrieve some materials, and had hired Tom as muscle. Along the way some bandits came, and tried to kidnap the inventor. Tom managed to stop this, but the bandits ended up taking the materials instead. Tom figured he'd be a good man, and chased after them. After a bit of negotiations, which soon lead to a gunfight. They soundly came to the decision that Tom would leave with the materials. Although the bandits didn't have much choice in the matter, as they were six feet under by the time Tom left. The inventor was so grateful for Toms help, that he swore he'd one day repay him. Tom was just happy to help, and finished the job. Receiving his original payment, and heading off on his next mission.

    But many years later, when word got out to the inventor that Tom had been injured. He just so happened to be keeping tabs on Tom. So he could repay him when the time came, and oh boy had it come. He rode out to Tom's town, supplies in tow. Once he got there he found Tom at the hospital, and offered him the chance to make everything right. Of course Tom would do anything to be able to fix things, so he agreed. Which is how Tom ended up with cybernetics limbs. The inventor had really gone above and beyond. He explained the specifics of the cybernetics to Tom. But he didn't seem to be paying much attention. He just shook his head, and nodded. Of course he wished he had listened immediately afterwards, because then he could have braced himself for the intense pain that came with attaching the cybernetics. So after that terrible experience, Tom went through a month or so of physical therapy. In order to adjust to his new limbs. But after that he was better than ever! He was faster, stronger, and having robot arms seemed to be a big wow factor with the ladies.( Luckily only his limbs got blown off ;) haha) So afterwards he thanked the Inventor, lets call him Gyro. Professor Gyro, and asked for one last favor. This one he was a little reluctant about at first, but agreed to after some deliberation. So Flint, and Tj went to live with Professor Gryo, and Tom decided he'd join a mages guild. After all, he had magic, they paid well enough, and he might find some clues about who killed his wife, and blew his limbs off. So he made his way to Raven Tail, in hopes of finding his prey, having a little fun, and making some money to send back home. Afterall, ain't nothing in life is ever really free.

    What side are you on?

    Guild: Raven Tail

    Mage Rank: B

    Guild Tattoo Location: Left side of chest

    Guild Tenure: Newbie member

    Opinion of Guild: “It's all a job ta me. Although I will say, there's a few guild members I wouldn't mind geddin ta know better.”

    Why do I want you on my side?

    Magic Ability: Sensory modification magic - this magic allows Tom to modify his senses for whatever he might need. This magic runs in Tom's family, but Tom can only use it to see heat, so basically he's got heat vision. Even in the dark he can see someone simply by their body heat.

    Advantages: Makes it easier to see in the dark, and easy to track people.

    Disadvantages: Has no offensive capabilities.

    Level of Expertise: Proficient

    Any other battle equipment you carry?
    Tom carries two 50 caliber desert eagle revolvers, and a bowie knife. He also has ammo for his pistols of course. His cybernetics, which set his physical capabilities to superhuman levels. Of course they also require regular maintenance, and up keeping. Otherwise they could mess up.

    Do you carry any non-combat items?
    Rope/lasso, pack of cigarettes, case of toothpicks, canister of oil, tool case,
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    Oliver N. Samson [Blue Pegasus]
  • Name: Oliver N. Samson

    Gender: Male

    Age: 33


    Height: 6'

    Hair Color: Brown

    Eye Color: Brown

    Now, who are you really?
    A man closing in on his 30's, many might assume he's pretty well put together. In some ways this is true. Being of sound mind and sound, thoroughly exercised, body he is quite healthy for his age. He has sensibly saved and budgeted his money ever since he first began to earn his own. He is rather fiscally minded, believing money should be rationed properly before one ever even CONSIDERS spending it on one's self. This is how he has his own home in the same city as the Blue Pegasus guild. His home is lightly decorated, aiming for functionality and convenience over ostentatiousness. He doesn't like things that are just there for looks, all things should serve a purpose. This can be seen in his clothes and bearing, both of which are frequently minimalistic and practical. Lots of plain browns, blacks, and greys for clothes and simple gestures and movements bodily.

    However, he also severely lacks manners in many regards, being rather blunt in his speech in a way many people would consider incredibly rude. He has little to no capability for embarrassment, willingly doing things others would consider degrading or stupid with absolute surety. His sense of self preservation is at times questionable as well. Some would call him brave or stupid, depending on their opinions of a man who willingly attempts to observe freaking dinosaurs from as close as he possibly can. Ever seeking books, locations, and research partners, he is greatly willing to speak to anyone who he think can contribute to his works. He can be rather absorbed in said work at times. Not realizing others have spoken to him or are trying to for a severely long time when he is writing or studying in the field.

    Not particularly afraid to embrace danger or explore new environments, he gladly accepts missions. He takes a heavy preference for missions that require specific creatures or areas be captured, killed, or studied. He has taught numerous classes, seminars, field studies, and even fellow mages both in the art of magic and in nature study. Frequently published for his finds relating to monstrous life in the wild, he is a widely respected scholar, despite many pointing to his relative youth. Apparently one has to be old to be a respected scholar. Not a train of though he understands. He is willing to teach any age, learn from any age, and accept anyone regardless of race, gender, or creed. He finds the thought that one's knowledge should be considered less valuable based on outward appearance or uncontrollable birth traits to be undeniably stupid. He has yet to consider settling down per say, but finds when he is asked he has no qualms about being with someone of either gender so long as they share his interests.

    Character Strengths

    Fiscally Responsible - He is a man who spends money on almost exclusively necessities. He knows well the worth of properly saving and managing money.

    Believe in Equality - Oliver finds that people are people regardless of their race, gender, magic rank or lack thereof, and any number of factors. What speaks to him is one's actions in the now.

    Teacher/Student Skills - He is a scholar after all. As such he is a rather exceptional student and teacher in equal measures. Patient and ready to help anyone understand, or to come to an understanding.

    Shockingly Patient - Many would be surprised at the sheer level of patience he has. Though when one thinks of the amount of time waiting or sitting still is necessary whilst observing wildlife, it makes sense.

    Relatively Easy to Please - A man of simple tastes and desires, his family, friends, and acquaintances find it easy to make him happy. A good bit of sour food or coffee, a new almanac he doesn't have, perhaps an outdoor excursion. Easy as one, two, three.

    Character Flaws

    Stubborn - Oliver is unflinching in his beliefs, thoughts, and desires. Rare is anything quick to change his mind when he insists on something. The most common example is when people try to dissuade him from a monster site due to "possible dangers".

    Overly Focused - When Oliver gets highly interested in anything it's difficult to impossible to break his attention away. Whether he's in the field or tasting food, the difficulty is severe.

    Mannerless - Oliver did not really learn manners from his parents past eating with his mouth closed and the like. He doesn't say please, thank you, or the like. Rare is anyone who would have a problem with this been blunt enough to tell him off for it. So it continues.

    Blunt - Direct and to the point. Oliver does not sugarcoat or sweeten anything he says. This could be a problem around children especially, as he has so little experience with them he wouldn't know why it's wrong.

    Poor Sense of Self Preservation - Or at least that is what most others would say. Oliver will attempt to keep himself alive to the best of his abilities. However, what leads many to think this is his willingness to throw himself into life threatening danger time and again.

    Studying dinosaurs and other monstrous wildlife across the Ishgar
    - Playing guitar, he's pretty damn good at it
    - Sour foods
    - The smells of nature
    - Writing, which he does frequently for wildlife almanacs
    - Horror movies
    - Coffee, lots of coffee, all the coffee forever
    - Obscure trivia and factoids

    - Sailing, he gets seasick
    - The god awful sound of banjos
    - Bitter foods
    - The smells of many big cities, not enough nature
    - The fear all writers share of accidentally ruining hours or days of writing work with one bumped glass of water
    - Comedy movies, he finds most of their humor rather dull
    - Milk, he HATES milk
    - Being interrupted mid sentence

    Biography: Oliver was born to the south, in the country of Minstrel. Born to parents who were scholars and nature enthusiasts, it was little wonder he became one as well. What was a surprise was when his magicless parents discovered their child was a mage. His initial use was at age 5 while he was out with his parents, watching a small family of forest raptors. In the two seconds they weren't paying attention he wandered out from the brush and grabbed one of the raptors by the tail. They panicked and rushed to save their son, but instead of being killed the boy seemed to almost absorb the raptor in a way, taking on its form. They were astounded and hurriedly moved to a city where mages gathered. They paid for an instructor and a babysitter so they could attend their work while he took lessons and stayed in the city. This went on for a number of years until he spoke out about their constant absence and his stifled existence.

    At age 14 they allowed him the freedom to choose whether he wanted to accompany them or take on field work of his own to some degree. At first he chose field work with his parents, but eventually he got bored of their control and his lack of autonomy. He took up a bit of freelance mage questing that involved field study and live monster capture. During his sheltered time he had become fascinated with reading about monsters and creatures of the wilds. His love was only increased during his quests, as was his total possible forms. Eventually he got bored of Minstrel and at 18 informed his parents he was leaving. They tried to convince him to stay, but not too harshly. Mostly it was just what they thought parents were supposed to do when their child wanted to leave them. They wished him well as he began his travels across Ishgar.

    He spent his late teens and early twenties in Joya where he gained an addiction to coffee and learned guitar. He came to adore the instrument, and it is one of the only things he kept when he left. His mid to late twenties were spent in a wildfire of a trip across Stella, Bosco, and Seven. He learned many things across the three countries. He saw a movie for the first time in Stella. A horror flick that involved a manmade monster terrorizing a town in the countryside. He found he loved the stupid fun of being frightened with a large group of people, even if the suspense was a little fake and the effects were obviously so. Bosco lead him to learn of an instrument he would come to hate with all his being: banjos! In Seven he stopped for a couple of years, rather longer than the other countries. It was here a fellow scholar, though one who specialized in weather and the elements, taught him his second magic. Elemental Cloak Magic was fascinating and turned out to be a welcome secondary ability for his Takeover forms. Especially the closer he got to Fiore, as the dinosaurs and monsters around these parts frequently had elemental capabilities.

    In his early thirties he came to Fiore, where he spent a couple years surveying for a potential home. The area had substantial wildlife of supernatural origins and abilities, the most legendary of which he heard were dragons. Though blast it if he couldn't seem to find one in the whole damned country yet. Then there were the abundant natural locations of beauty and health, and the surplus of mages and quests. He finally settled in the city that the Blue Pegasus mage guild called home recently. They were a friendly enough bunch, and he figured if he wanted to truly grow as both a scholar and a mage he should join one of the widely famed Fioren guilds. With his home bought and a friendly connection made, he decided Blue Pegasus would be a fine choice. He joined not too long after settling into his new home. He had his goals of gaining knowledge and discovering where the Fioren dragons had gotten off to. Now if only he could get used to the guilds weird obsession with appearances.

    What side are you on?
    Blue Pegasus

    Mage Rank: B

    Guild Tattoo Location: Back of his left hand

    Guild Tenure: Fresh recruit

    Opinion of Guild: Friendly enough to recruit him when he moved to the area, a bit hung up on looks though for his tastes.

    Why do I want you on my side?
    Magic Ability:
    Dinosaur Takeover Magic

    Advantages: As he can take on a variety of dinosaur forms the advantages range. The general equality is that they all tend to have superior strength/senses than humans and even many mages do. They come with a variety of natural armors or weapons as well.

    Disadvantages: The forms each have individual weaknesses just as they do strengths. The general ones are that their high senses can be turned back on them. The larger ones tend to have trouble with being nimble and turning suddenly against even moderately fast opponents. The small ones have significantly less protection or capability for combat.

    Level of Expertise: Expert, he's been practicing this one since youth, and studies dinosaurs and monsters as both fun and for profit.

    Magic Ability: Elemental Cloak Magic

    Advantages: A versatile magic, it allows Oliver to cloak himself in a single element of his choosing. While active the cloak can possibly hurt those that physically attack him, or protect him from varying incoming attacks. The greatest ability it has is that he becomes completely immune to the current element he has equipped.

    Disadvantages: While versatile, it can sometimes be difficult to know which element his opponents have to maximize on it's immunity. This is doubly true as there is a full minute between each cloaking before he can change element, so those that possess multiple, or varying opponents at once, can be severe difficulties. He can only keep cloaks going for an hour tops at current, then he needs an hour off before using again. This is due to his relative inexperience with this magic and the times may change as he improves.

    Level of Expertise: Moderate, he picked this one up in his late 20's, so he has much less experience in it.

    Any other battle equipment you carry? Magical grenades. Mainly just smoke and flash for if he has to get away, but the occasional frag or incendiary makes its way in to his inventory.

    Do you carry any non-combat items? Magnifying glass, binoculars, and a myriad of other tools to use for observing wildlife from close or afar.

    Lady Warlock Lady Warlock CelticHero37 CelticHero37
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    Sin S. [Raven Tail]

  • Sin S. "The Innovative Loner"

    ..I Envy The Birds..

    Full Name:

    (He has no recollection of his birth name or his family name, instead; going under the name of "Sin". Though this may change at some point if he does learn of his real name~)

    Nickname/Epithet (Optional):
    "The Innovative Loner"

    Apart from his name being Sin, he is also referred to as 'Smiles' sometimes also. Which makes up his 'S.' initial.


    He is seventeen, however tends to get told he looks younger


    Zodiac Sign:

    ..Flying Free..

    ~Appearance & Personality~
    Physical description (if a picture is included, you still need to write a description in complete sentences):
    (Need to rewrite this to fit in with the new face claim...)

    An aspiring mage, and a wandering vagabond on a path to self-righteousness prior to joining Raven Tail. The boy who calls himself 'Sin Smiles', is somewhat of an enigma to the mages of Fiore - having no recollection of his real name or family he's lived the majority of his life within the 'Country of Sin', hence where his name is thought to originate from. Due to growing up in a Country which had slowly torn itself apart over the years with a sparked civil war, Sin has developed a fairly complicated personality. Putting forth a somewhat child-like facade Sin is typically viewed to the general public as an childish boy with a particularly eccentric (or dark) sense of humor, no social boundaries and an odd tendency for watching birds, with a specific interest & appreciation for Owls. In his spare time, one can typically find Sin filling it with either reading books of fanciful tales, or historic valor and going out of his way to seek out curiosities to admire them or attempting to dissect the exact magic abilities of his peers to know them better.

    Along with his childish nature, Sin is a practical joker who enjoys playing typical jokes on his peers, whether it be in the form of witty comments/counter arguments or intentionally act the fool to gain the unimpressed annoyance of those around, or trying to talk to him. Despite all of this however, one must always remember that Sin is an ex-war criminal and as such his childish display isn't to be mistaken for innocence. Akin to his name he's done just about everything one could associate with a criminal and more, he's lied, robbed, burned, assaulted and even outright murder. However, after a turn for the worst for his mentor and the rest of their group in the civil war waging within the Country of Sin, the heavy impact one of the Raven Tail mages had made on him as well as the death of his previous mentor and father-figure, Sin had defected from the rebellion and has since been on a path of self redemption and one which he struggles with constantly.
    (Finished with this for now)


    "The sound of raging thunderstorms and heavy rains, beating down on the wooden deck and a child running to find safety - many other shadowy figures were running too, across the deck with dwindling hopes, washed away by crashing waves coming from darkness, the only light coming from the lightning strikes and the cruel moonlight. A fatherly figure approaching, but like all the others he too was carried away by the waves creeping from darkness, and before anything could be done - the child too, was carried away."

    Raised within the Country of Sin, and named thus after it. His place of birth or origin being almost a complete enigma, he had originally been found barely an infant among a shipwreck near the coasts of Enca by a group of travelling merchants. They had enough kindness to take the then infant child into their care until they had arrived in the Naval 'Country of Sin' where under whatever circumstances, had been passed on to another individual. A man who had recently lost his wife and child to sea pirates, and was also a once respected member of the country's Naval Military. For whatever reason, this ex-navy had taken in the child as his own from the group which found him and the travelling merchants had departed from the Country and onto the next..

    From that point onward, the child who would later go by the name of 'Sin', named right after the Country of Sin itself; Neither Sin or the Man who took Sin under his care saw those travelling merchants again. As time went on, the stormy nights which had plagued his dreams for so long had began to fade, and his questions about that night he was lost were forgotten with age. While Sin never learned, or thought his place to ask the name of his mentor he had came to always refer to him as just 'Sir' - and it seemed to Sin that was all he wanted to be known as, for his name was never uttered by anyone.

    Just about everything Sin knows; reading, writing, lying, stealing, fighting and most of all - War. These are the things Sin had been raised with, and he was taught not only by 'Sir' but everyone else he grew to know and love in there small group. He was filled with stories of corruption within the Navy, raised on the idea and belief that he was fighting against a cruel & unjust system and from a young age Sin had been instilled with the values of a true rebel fighter.

    Sin had learned early the important things in life, and what it took to survive by oneself. Eventually coming to accidently figure out he too, like his mentor possessed a natural magic prowess. Where as 'Sir' possessed stone-make magic, that was destructive and powerful by its own right Sin had instead possessed Oil-Make which in comparison was very different from his mentors. Nonetheless, 'Sir' had done what he could to teach Sin in the basics of magic and from there was left to his own accord to improve himself further from that point on.

    By the age of thirteen, Sin had his first taste of a real battle when joining the small rebel group that was led by 'Sir'. They had been given the mission of aiding the flank assault on a local village, that would also serve as a key position for a flank attack all the way to the center city of Sin. The assault however, ended up being more of a one-sided slaughter of farms people rather than an actual fight - with only a few navy the one could count on a single hand to defend them. It was also then he learned of another side to man he looked up to as a father, 'Sir' had specifically ordered the slaughter of each magicless person in the village, and to round up anyone with magic abilities of any kind.

    Sin had done his best to avoid even watching, let alone participating in the act himself and instead helped the others who were gathering up anyone confessing and proving that they were able to use magic. Which 'Sir' had then given an invitation to defect, and join their side with anyone who refused being killed alongside everyone else. Sin wasn't the only one to feel uneased by this side of 'Sir', and no one, including himself were willing to stand up or say anything against the order either, some were even in complete agreement with the order.

    As years went on Sin had grew up fast and learned. The rebel group had pushed the flank assault to the center of Sin and it had all been going way until one day, Sir's plans and orders for an attack on a local farm had gone too far. He had ordered that it was necessary to not only cut the supply line for their attack on the next key point for the war but to deliver a statement of fear into the opposition - by burning the citizens along with the farm. To which many had defected, or called in outrage and some even attempting to commit mutiny against him; only to get crushed by the solid stone Sir possessed...Above all of this, Sin for the first time in his life, also refused his order. While just about everybody in the group Sir had gathered for the mission had either defected, left or rebelled but despite this Sir was committed to seeing it through. Gathering those most loyal to him, and despite Sin's pleading they had set off to follow through, and follow through they did.

    Word spread fast of his deeds, and far enough to reach the mages within Fiore. Specifically the Raven Tail guild Ace, the "Stygian Sage" Adellon Thrace who was responsible for already ending another civil-war elsewhere and, for these reasons as well as the horrendous nature of the acts committed by 'Sir'.The 'Stygian Sage' perhaps knew that the rebel captain 'Sir' and the group of rebels he led would not stop here, and would go on to do bigger and badder things until he was put to a stop. Thus, the fates of Sir, and the rebel group he led had been sealed at the moment Adellon decided to depart to the Country of Sin.

    Within just a few months, the "Stygian Sage" Adellon had dismantled the rebel group entirely under undocumented means. Resulting in the capture of not only 'Sir' himself, but almost the entire group of rebels he led. All with the exception of Sin, and a few others who had been in mind with him that defected shortly after witnessing how Adellon utterly defeated their group. Either of admiration, inspiration or other hidden motives - possibly even all combined Sin and those who joined him decided their lives were being wasted or best served elsewhere, departing from that point on. At the very least, Sin had discovered the fates which awaited those who were captured - while most of his the people he grew to know and love were left in cells until the civil war was over; his lifetime mentor and father-figure 'Sir' wasn't let off so easy, receiving the capital punishment of execution by gunfire. After being there for his execution and witnessing his mentors last moments for himself, Sin had decided his time in the Country of Sin - his home, had passed.

    With the Raven Tail mage Adellon in mind, Sin strived to go on a path of self redemption elsewhere in the world. Taking what he learned from the short time he had with the Stygian Sage, and going from town to town offering help wherever was needed. He was attempting to lead a more humble life and for the most part he did, and as a year or more passed. Sin had finally made his way into Fiore and finding himself at the home of the Raven Tail guild hall, Harrow Town.


    - His favorite animal is an Owl, even going as far as to believe he'd be one if he were not a human.
    - Learning more about the supernatural elements of the world
    - Interacting with other people, not really being interested in who or what they might be like
    - Rainy Weather & Coffee (Because both totally fit together okay..)
    - Pushing the social boundaries of others
    - Learning more about the nature of others, having specific interest in psychological aspects of people/creatures
    - The thought of having a conversation & Coffee with Death himself (It might be some daydream he has or something xD)
    - He has a particular interest in magical items of all sorts, finding not only their practical use invaluable; but also it's story.

    - Desert Landscapes, he finds them dull
    - He often doesn't take very well to Authoritative figures, but he can make exceptions to this
    - Country Music, because it's just terrible
    - He isn't a big fan of the 'Fairy Tail' guild, for reasons he's yet to reveal
    - An abundance of rules, or rules that in his mind prohibit his room to grow
    - He despises lectures, especially the kind directed toward him falling back into line
    - The idea of 'Strong above the Weak'

    Character Strengths (these should NOT be all physical strengths!):

    ~Adaptive Nature~
    Through rocky nights, and stormy weather to the blood and sweat of a battlefield Sin has learned early how to grow and adapt into new situations and to constantly challenge himself. He never has a set way of doing things, and is capable of adapting to numerous situations whether it be simply be environmental changes, weather or new-found enemies; if given the time Sin can eventually adapt to almost any 'normal' situation he comes across and easily finds himself at home wherever he goes.

    Even prior to discovering his magic abilities, Sin had always been of the innovative sort - taking in everything he could learn from his peers, including all the firm and sometimes harsh lessons from his now deceased mentor as well as being apart of a rebel group. He has become naturally used to having the underfoot in just about any situation and using whatever he has in his means to achieve success where others might think there is none. This also means he often finds new ways to take advantage of what he has, and most of his biggest improvements come from the moment.

    Even under the wing of his previous mentor, Sin has always had his own views on everything that often in many ways; completely went against the beliefs or views of his peers. Feeling a need to find his own way in life, Sin has made many decisions which separates him from the typical 'rebel soldier' he was raised to be. He often prefers to be alone, since that is what he has grown used to in his time travelling from town to town and is always seeking for a better understanding. He's never easily deterred from the path he sets himself on, whether it be for ill or not.

    Character Flaws (these should be equivalent in magnitude to strengths):
    ~Loathe Rules and Guidelines~
    Naturally, being raised as a rebellion soldier Sin had only ever been taught to break rules, rather than following them and has grown an expected distaste for any type of rules or guidelines that go beyond simple moral code and because of this Sin often struggles with any kind of authority as well.

    Oftentimes Sin can get so caught up in his own thoughts and facade that he sometimes forgets to take emotional consideration of others. Purely emotional situations are often utterly puzzling to Sin, and his lack of timely sympathy can easily offend.

    While for Sin, this isn't exactly much of a downfall or weakness considering he typically prefers to spend his time awake and learning more in preference to wasting the time he has, unconscious. However, being an insomniac also comes with its downfalls, as Sin is typically tired and this is apparent in the set of bags under his eyes - in turn, this also means he has much less stamina than the average person, thus his overall physical prowess is decreased.

    When Sin's interest is captured, his absence goes beyond social matters to include the rest of the physical world. Sin becomes forgetful, missing even the obvious if it's unrelated to his current infatuation, and he can even forget his own health, skipping meals and sleep as he muses day by day.

    ..Able To See All..

    ~World Status & Public Information~

    Raven Tail

    Guild Tenure:
    A day or two

    Thoughts of Guild:
    He hasn't gotten to know many of the guild members yet and has little thoughts about the guild so far with the exception of Adellon Thrace - who he has a considerable amount of respect towards.

    Mage Class:
    C-Class Mage
    (He is looking to go B-Class currently)

    His Previous Crimes:
    Due to his past life as apart of a rebel group, that in the grand scale was apart of a much larger rebellion within the Country of Sin. He has naturally committed numerous amount of crimes as an ex war criminal. Such as

    - Forty accounts of magical assault and the abuse of magic
    - Pillage and Arson of numerous towns
    - Association with a criminal organization of Rebels
    - Numerous kidnappings, though not carried out by him alone
    - One account of murder (That Sin alone committed, this isn't a total number of the reben group he was apart of)

    Magic Type:
    A magic unique to Sin alone, he capable of creating and shaping oil-like substances. The most prominent of which is a flammable oil (right now, this is the only oil he can summon, he isn't able to use other types of oil at the moment.) that he can use to create various, mostly 'active' structures. Having a rather versatile use, being possibly used simply as a version of water-make magic with more weight behind it. However, Sin has taken to often using oil structures in a manner which involves flaming combustion.

    Advantages: The typical advantage right off the bat, is the magics inherent versatility that even alone, resembles similar traits or capabilities of water magic. However, in addition to this - not only is oil a naturally heavier substance than water it also has an inherent flammable effect that when applied with fire to create a hazardous flame. Essentially allowing for constantly new ways of applying this to his magic and creating a more blatantly destructive versatility also.

    Disadvantages: By itself, the magic doesn't haven't many offensive capabilities unless it is also applied with fire. Meaning that without any means of lightning his oil structures and abilities his offensive capability is also cut in half. On top of this, because of his oils inherent flammable nature, which Sin can still be affected by could also make fire magic a major counter to his magic - essentially blowing everything Sin could throw at them in his own face. Meaning, that he must also be careful of his own magic in these circumstances. On top of this, because of it's naturally heavier weight - while the change isn't drastic compared to water magic it isn't as fast when using it as a projectile.

    Level of Expertise: Average - Slightly above average

    (At some point in the future, I plan on him having a second magic related to oil which lets him manipulate his oil in numerous ways and kinda try pull off an alchemist-esque type thing with him.)

    Weapons Carried/Tools:
    - Sin is in possession of one magical item at the moment, which comes in the form of a mysterious golden flip-lighter he carries around with him. Functioning just like a normal flip-lighter, unlike a normal lighter, however, this one seems to not only appear to have an endless fuel supply, is immune to the effects of wind and the light itself; intense with light and heat. Essentially allowing him to possibly throw the lighter at longer distances without its flame going out. Which by itself, is not useful at all however in combination with Sin's Oil Make abilities, he is able to use this to set light to oil pools from rather long distances if he is able to properly aim and place the lighter with a throw. Literally - making it's function to light things.
    (And as a side note because it just occurred to me, the ability of the lighter flame does not extend to what it sets on fire. So basically the effects of the lighter flame do not apply to the things it sets on fire.)

    - His name, derives from where he was born and grew up, the naval country of 'Sin', and is also a product of confusion of his original name that he no longer remembers.

    - Sin has no recollection of his parents, though he does have fragmented dreams of the fateful night he had lost them at sea.

    Sin's name is actually, a narrowed and confused version of his original name that he's forgotten over the years. So while he is currently unaware of it, his real name is actually Shinjiro Makimachi (Shin for short, which is where he eventually confused the name).


    "Love & Hate Are Two Sides, Of The Same Coin"

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    Lilly Ripple [Fairy Tail]
  • Who are you?
    Name: Lilly Ripple

    Gender: Female

    Age: 12


    Height: 4ft 4in / 134 cm

    Hair Color: Chocolate Brown

    Eye Color: Brown

    Now, who are you really?
    Personality: Lilly is known to many as a very shy girl. She often keeps to herself and won't approach people herself due to a severe social anxiety she has. Having said that, when she's around people she knows well, she comes out of her shell and becomes a bubbly and energetic girl. Despite the situation she finds herself in generally having predictable effects on how she presents herself, there are also many in-between areas where she may be timid around those she loves or full of energy in situations that would usually trigger her anxiety. Overall, despite her shy nature, Lilly is friendly and strives to make those around her happy, though she often goes overboard or gets the wrong idea.

    Character Strengths:
    • Emotion
      • Lilly is severely sensitive to emotions which allows her to pick up on what someone is feeling better than most other people. She isn't in any way a superhuman empath but her emotional instinct is rather impressive. That being said, she can still get the wrong idea.
    • Friendliness
      • Lilly is easily approachable once she comes out of her initial timid phase around new people, which is greatly reduced if she's meeting the new people with someone she knows. She's friendly and likes to see the best in everyone. She is generally very much a glass half full kind of person, though this has caused her some considerable trouble in the past.
    • Social
      • Despite her Anxiety around people, Lilly really thrives around others. Lilly is at her happiest surrounded by people she knows.
    • Imagination
      • Lilly is rather artistic and can create amazing things with nothing more than a sheet of paper and a pencil. She carries her creativity with her through her everyday life and can often come up with stories or ideas on the spot.

    Character Flaws:
    • Emotion
      • Lilly's severe sensitivity to emotions sometimes works against her as she's also more sensitive to her own emotions as well as other peoples. Depending on what emotion she's feeling and how severely, it can completely incapacitate her.
    • Social Anxiety
      • Though Lilly loves those she knows, her severe anxiety around strangers that occurs in most cases can make almost any situation extremely awkward.
    • Imagination
      • Lilly can often experience the negative side of having an overactive and highly vivid imagination. For example, when she's feeling frightened or nervous, her mind runs away with the situation so that she ends up with an extreme version of what's happening which is often blown way out of proportion.
    • Lost Past
      • Lilly doesn't remember anything before about 2 years ago, which can cause
    • Episodes
      • Lilly sometimes experiences episodes which are often caused by some sort of trigger. These episodes can range in severity from a severe headache to completely incapacitating her physically and/or mentally. Thankfully, they're rather rare.

    • Drawing
      • Lilly is often doodling or writing in her notebook.
    • Music
      • Lilly Loves music and will often listen to it in whatever way she can find.
    • People
      • Despite her social anxiety, Lilly thrives on social interaction and loves nothing more than being with those she loves.

    • Violence
      • Lilly has a general disliking of violence, especially when involving those she cares about. She has learned to understand and accept sparring between friends but when it comes to serious scenarios, Lilly would much rather a peaceful resolution to just charging in head first.
    • The Magic Council
      • Though she doesn't know why, Lilly feels strangely uncomfortable around any members of, or anyone who serves under the magic council. Though she has had run-ins with them before which passed without incident, she still can't shake the unease she feels around them.

    Biography: Lilly was first found aimlessly wandering the streets of Magnolia with no memories, not even her own name. She was wearing tattered rags for clothes and was covered head to toe in dirt, cuts and bruises. She was taken to the Fairy Tail Guild Hall where she was cleaned up, clothed, and her wounds were tended to. She was allowed to stay in the Guild Hall until she was soon accepted as a member of the guild. Upon discovering that she didn't have a name, she was given the name she goes by now which was inspired by a lily flower falling into the river. Though in hindsight, it seems a little weird, it just felt right at the time.

    Lilly quickly grew to love her fellow guildmates and discovered her affinity for magic. Since then she had practised long, regularly and hard to try and improve her skills. Now that she has a place to belong and a family she wants to make sure that nothing can take it away from her and should the time come when she has to fight for what she loves, she wants to be ready. She feels like she has a place that she belongs despite the fact that she doesn't even know her birth name, but as far as she's concerned, she doesn't need to know.

    Lilly still doesn't remember anything from her past, and despite the numerous people who've tried to help her, her memories remain a mystery. Though there are speculations, there isn't even a definitive answer as to how she lost them in the first place. But Lilly doesn't mind. She may not know who her parents were or who her siblings were, providing she had any, but she has a family and she couldn't ask for anything more.

    What side are you on?
    Guild: Fairy Tail

    Mage Rank: D-Rank

    Guild Tattoo Location: Upper Right Arm

    Guild Tattoo Colour: White with Pinkish Outline

    Guild Tenure: 2 Years

    Opinion of Guild: To Lilly, her guild is her family. She would do anything for anyone within the guild, no questions asked.

    Why do I want you on my side?
    Magic Ability #1: Celestial Spirit Magic

    Overview: Celestial mages use keys they've collected to open gates to the spirit world and summon a spirit who corresponds to the key used in order to help them with fights, tasks, or even just for company.

    • 2 is better than 1
      • In contrast to many other Magic types, Celestial magic allows the caster to essentially summon an ally who fights using their own personal magic source rather than the magic source of the caster. An extra pair of hands combined with an extra magic source can be invaluable in many situations.
    • Versatility
      • Spending on the number of keys a Celestial Wizard owns, spirits come in all shapes and sizes and have their own strengths and weaknesses. With enough keys, a celestial wizard can pick a spirit that is ideal for the current scenario which can really give them an edge in a tight situation.
    • Spirit Intervention
      • In some cases, if the bond between wizard and spirit is strong enough, a spirit can communicate with their wizard telepathically from the spirit world. On top of this, in rare cases, should the Wizard's life be in danger, a spirit can force their gate open and travel into the human world using their own magic source rather than their wizard's magic source.
    • Star Dress
      • Celestial Wizards can utilise their spirit keys to take on what is known as a 'Star Dress', which grants them the abilities of the spirit whose key they used to perform the spell. Star Dress works similarly to a equip, after performing the spell by placing the key on their chest, the wizard will be wearing an outfit similar in style to the spirit whose key was used. On top of being granted the spirit's skills, they're also able to tap into the spirit's magic supply allowing them to perform way more spells before reaching their limit.

    • Constant Drain
      • Whereas most other magic types only have a magic cost for casting the spell, celestial wizards experience a drain in magical power from both opening the gate, but also from keeping the gate open. This can lead to mages of even a high skill level to over-invest in other spells while keeping a gate open and drain too much magical energy.
    • Variation Limitations
      • Despite the fact that there are numerous spirits each suited to specific scenarios, in order to be able to utilise all of them, a wizard must own one of each spirit key which is no simple feat, especially when there is only a single key for the 12 zodiac spirits, who are the strongest of the celestial spirits.
    • Reliability
      • Usually, a spirit and a wizard work as one and will do whatever for each other no matter what, however, there are cases where the spirit has refused or been unable to perform the act which the caster is asking of them which can lead to the wizard being left defenceless in a tight spot.
    • Personal Limits
      • When a spirit is summoned, they have weaknesses similar to that of a wizard. They have a limited pool of magic energy and they can be wounded. Should a spirit be wounded gravely enough or expend too much energy they are forced back to the spirit world to heal. On top of this, being in the human world is enough to take its toll on a spirit and prolonged visits can have similar effects to a lengthy battle. If a Spirit is, for some reason, unable to return to the spirit world before their energy is expended then it can lead to the spirits death. Also, should the summoning Wizard become seriously incapacitated, then this can also force the spirits gate to close.
    Level of Expertise: Lilly only owns 1 key, that key being Caelum, the Chisel. She can summon this spirit and keep the gate open for a decent amount of time, though this doesn't really allow for much understanding of her overall abilities when it comes to her celestial magic as she's never been able to try anything more taxing and cealum is a rather simple gate to keep open.

    Magic Ability #2: Arc of Embodiment

    Overview: Arc of Embodiment is a lost magic which is very similar to maker magic, but rather that moulding an element into a form, they can create images from their imagination from nothing.

    • Versatility
      • Arc of Embodiment is one of the most versatile magic types possible. It can be moulded into anything the caster can imagine, their only limit seriously is their imagination. This allows the caster to create anything from simple objects to demons to severe hallucinations.

    • Cost
      • Arc of embodiment can take a severe amount of energy to cast, the more complex or large the thing the caster wants to summon is, the more energy the spell engulfs.
    • Concentration
      • Depending on the complexity of that which the caster wishes to create, the concentration required can be very high, should the caster's mind wander during the process of casting the spell, they could end up with something completely different to that which they were intending.

    Level of Expertise: Lilly really struggles with her Arc of Embodiment magic. She finds that her thoughts wander a little too much for her to be able to maintain the concentration required for her to successfully create the intended outcome. On top of this, she really struggles to summon anything that's complex or large as she doesn't have a big enough pool of magical energy to draw on as of yet. She's able to create a few small or simple objects but it can take her up to a few minutes to finally manage to fully create them without any unwanted side effects. The only time Lilly has proven herself to be able to summon anything in a combat based situation has been the result of an instinctive reaction which required no thought process which can happen should she find herself, or more importantly, someone close to her, in immediate danger. However, even then, come the end of the fight, the draw on her magical energy has left her severely fatigued, and sometimes even worse.

    Any other battle equipment you carry?
    Lilly almost always has a small notebook to hand, which she often doodles or writes in.

    Do you carry any non-combat items?
    Lilly is always wearing a bracelet on her right wrist. The bracelet is designed to look like a vine growing its way around the wearer's wrist. The bracelet is enchanted and capable of transforming into a small sword, or a similarly small bow. Though, Lilly's skills with these weapons are questionable at best. Lilly is unaware of when or how she received the bracelet.

    ((Hope that's okay, I know it's a little unorthodox but yeah... sorry about that.))