• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

  • Tamzin
    "People avoid peace because they fear they will lose too much, they never consider the cost of war until it is too late."

    Full Name: Tamzin
    Name Meaning: Tamzin - Twin
    Nicknames: Tami
    Gender: Female
    Age: 2687 years old (still young for her race)
    Birthday: Unknown
    Species: The Morillia - Alien
    An all but dead race of aliens with one soul survivor after the destruction and mass genocide of her planet. The Morillia were a race of aliens that existed in many forms but primarily in the form of visible psychic energy and were known as extremely peaceful and seldom involving themselves in war. They're main form of communication was through telepathy and those among them who created strong ties with one another formed what was known to them as The Bond or a psychic bond. This allowed for them to take the shape of what the one they were bonded to would need as a guardian if they were ever in danger and to be summoned by a single thought. When interacting with another species The Morillia will delve into the mind of the species they are among and will take the physical form of that species when they so desire. If a Morillia forms The Bond with a member of another species they will become the creature representation of that being (for example the representation of Darius is a wolf) but at a much larger scale. Those who have bonded with a Morillia are able to summon them by thinking or calling out their name and the Morillia will appear before them instantly. The Morillia are able to produce psychic attacks when in their psychic form or in their physical humanoid form. In their bond form they have the enhanced abilities of the beast they embody. Tamzin is the last of The Morillia seeing as the rest of her kind was wiped out in a mass genocide by another race that saw them as a threat since The Morillia refused to preform The Bond with them in order to become soldiers in their fleet. The Bond is an extremely sacred ritual and is only given to those that The Morillia consider true allies that would be worth fighting and even dying for. The Morrillia store their energy and life force in little crystals when in physical form and if the crystal is destroyed it will kill the Morillia it belongs to, this is how Tamzin's race was wiped out.
    Nationality: The Morillia

    Role: Inmate
    Crime: Aided the villain known as Jupiter when she bonded with him and he convinced her his cause was a good one.
    ~The Bond - Tamzin can form a bond with others and when they need her they just need to think or speak her name and she will appear. If they are in danger she will appear in a massive beast form that represents the person she is bonded to with all of the abilities of the beast but amplified.
    ~Psychic Energy Form - In this form, Tamzin is pure energy that cannot be touched or harmed or even absorbed (unless she wills it so) and can pass through solid matter and exist in the void of space unharmed
    ~Physical Form - Tamzin is able to make herself into any physical form she chooses whether it be for combat or just for communication
    ~Omnilingualism - the ability to understand and utilize verbal or non-verbal communication without any prior knowledge of the language
    ~Psychic abilities - Tamzin can communicate with others through telepathy, read their minds (she doesn’t do it often because she respects privacy) as well as use her psychic energy for combat in order to create psychic blasts or shields
    ~Psychic Arsenal - Using her psychic energy she can create just about any weapon she can imagine to use in combat (similar to green lantern but without the ring)

    Skills and Weaponry:
    ~Expert in many forms of combat and with many different weapons
    ~Mind reading
    ~Able to gain access to places through her energy form which can go through walls
    Allegiances: Hopes to become an ally to Earth.
    Enemies: The Cartaroy (the aliens that wiped out her planet), the bounty hunters who are after her now.

    Appearance: Tamzin is a lovely young lady with a slim and athletic build. Just because she is slim doesn't mean she isn't without the perfect curves here and there, especially in the chest and rear regions. She is also very naturally muscular from a life of never being able to sit still and always needing to be on the move. Her skin is soft with a slightly tanned color to it but still overall on the pale side. She had platinum blond hair that reaches to her mid to lower back and is overall straight with a slight gentle wave to it. Her eyes are a vibrant mint green with dark, almost black, coloring around the outer ring of her iris.


    Wardrobe: Tamzin is still very much trying to figure out her favored Earth style. Because of this she changes it up day to day in order to figure out what looks the best or sometimes just to have fun. Goth, grunge, posh, cute, she loves trying them all out and will even change her hair color to match the outfit.
    Style Examples: Outfit 1, Outfit 2, Outfit 3
    Villain Outfit: Outfit
    Scent: Freshly fallen snow and clear night air
    Height & Weight: 5'2" 121 Lbs
    Body Modifications: She is constantly modifying her physical form but she does have beautiful markings that appear during her meditation or when she is getting super intense with her powers.
    Physical Disabilities: She doesn't exactly have physical disabilities but she is still getting used to the odd form that is the human physique.
    Faceclaim: Dove Cameron

    Personality: Tamzin has been through so much and she does her very best to never let it show. Despite being labeled as a villain (big misunderstanding) she is actually very sweet. She has the patience of a saint and an almost childlike fascination with Earth and the people who live on it. She is almost always incredibly peaceful even when someone is being absolutely awful to her. It takes a lot to get a rise out of her and when she does go off she tends to feel awful afterwards. This isn't to indicate she is weak in any way because Tamzin is far from weak and will show that on the battlefield if the time comes. She can be incredibly selfless and loves adventure, tending to take advantage of the wonder in even the smallest of things. She has a hard time understanding how fragile and short a human's life is and tries extra hard to be gentle with them. She is a free spirit to her core and will never allow anyone to force the bond with her, she would rather die first. If you ever need to get anything off your chest she is the person to turn to because she will likely understand exactly how you feel or do her best to do so. She finds all the reasons in the world to be a beacon of hope and positivity when around others but in private she often sinks into a deep depression as she remembers the destruction of her people and is constantly reminded that she can never go home again.
    Positive Traits:
    ~Absolute bean
    ~Free spirit (loves to dance in the rain and experience all the Earth things)
    ~A source of positivity
    Negative Traits:
    ~Childish at times
    ~Socially awkward
    ~Will usually only fight back if it is to protect others, will just play defense if it is an attack on her
    ~Can be a bit gullible
    MBTI Type: ENFP
    Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
    Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
    Temperament: Sanguine

    ~Learning about new peoples and cultures
    ~Going to new places
    ~Books (they fascinate her)
    ~Rain and snow (she will play in both)
    ~Talking to others telepathically (reminds her of home)
    ~Getting to spend time in her psychic energy form
    ~Hot coco
    ~Pasteries (they are amazing)
    ~Flying (especially at night)
    ~Sharing memories of her people with others (helps her feel like they live on in a way)
    ~Hurting others
    ~Death (she has known too much of it)
    ~Horror movies
    ~Bounty hunters
    ~Knowing she helped Jupiter hurt people because she was too stupid to know better
    ~Anything that messes with her mind
    ~Feeling trapped
    ~Has no need for sleep when in her energy form so she just meditates or lays there to feel like she is doing what the others do
    ~Will start talking in someone's mind and then blirt out an apology as she realizes she should have asked first
    ~Must pet every dog she meets
    ~The aliens who wiped out her race
    ~Alien bounty hunters who are after her for reward (because she is the last of her race)
    ~What happened to her race happening to someone else
    ~Being forced to bond with someone
    ~Being trapped
    ~People touching her crystal without her permission (it is literally her life)
    ~Trying to learn as much as she can about human culture
    Mental Disorders: Depression, Survivors Guilt

    —Father: Rorick (dead)
    —Mother: Ellenara (dead)
    —Sibling(s): Pheloph and Sigmaz (dead)
    Hometown: Moril
    As stated above Tamzin is the last of her kind. Growing up her people often kept to themselves on their own planet with great efforts to be left alone in order to keep the peace. This never lasted as alien races from all over came to her people in order to try and win them over as allies in their wars only to be turned away every time. One race did not accept her people's decision and began capturing those of The Morillia who were not on their home planet and forcing them into the bond with their leaders and soldiers so that they would fight and die for them. When The Morillia began retreating to their home world the aliens pursued and when they realized that those they forced into a bond would die from the strain and that The Morillia would never bond willingly they decided to wipe out the race altogether. The aliens used the last of their forced Morillian slaves to smuggle bombs down onto the planet that would destroy their defenses and leave the Morillia home world vulnerable to attacks from space. The war-crazed aliens rained hellfire down from the heavens onto this peaceful race and destroyed all of the crystals that lay on the surface of the planet that held the life force of The Morillia. Tamzin was only able to survive because her crystal had yet to be rejoined with the planet since she had only just returned to it a few days prior. In the wake of the genocide of her entire people, Tamzin fled but was spotted fleeing in her energy form by an enemy ship. Now Tamzin has a price on her head and is constantly on the move and hiding from bounty hunters who wish to capture her and bring her to the creatures that destroyed her people. Her efforts to evade her enemies led her to stumble across Earth and take shelter on the planet. When she first arrived she met a man named Jupiter who was incredibly kind to her and looked after her, showing her how to survive on this new planet and sharing all he had with her. Tamzin grew to love the man like family and in time she willingly bonded with him so that she could look after him the way he looked after her. What Tamzin hadn't realized was that the way Jupiter viewed the world was not the way other humans did and he was in fact a very dangerous man. Jupiter intended to find a way to become a god and it was only after the bond that she learned he planned to use her to enact his plan. He used her in his fight against the superheroes who came to stop him and when all was said and done Jupiter was killed and Tamzin was left to face the horrible acts she had done for him. She hadn't realized what he was asking her to do and because of her people died. Tamzin went willingly to Belle Reve so she would not be at risk of hurting people like this again. In her time as a prisoner she has tried to figure out how she could best atone for her actions and when presented with this opportunity she was more than willing to sign up in order to hopefully save this world.

    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Relationship Status: Open
    Crush(es): Open
    Past Partners: A few but they are dead now.
    ~Playing with her hair
    ~Cute smile
    ~Soft touches
    ~Being comfortable in each other's presence without even needing to say a word
    ~Holds her
    ~Doesn't mind her questions about simple human things
    ~Nice laugh
    ~Neck kisses
    ~Overly aggressive
    ~Only interested in her for the bond
    ~Doesn't like physical signs of affection
    Dominant or Submissive: Submissive

    - Home by Gabrielle Aplin
    - Oh the Places You'll Go by I Fight Dragons
    - Gales of Song from Belle
    - The Call by Regina Spektor
    - We Go Down Together by Dove Cameron & Khalid


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  • Eve Laurel Fay
    "Look around babe, this world is complete chaos with or without me."

    Full Name: Eve Laurel Fay
    Name Meaning: Eve - "life, living", Laurel - "bay tree", Fay - "fairy"
    Nicknames: Her superhuman alias is Evolution which some big brain out there gave to her because they are about as original as a piece of white bread. Eve always preferred the nickname Eevee though because she absolutely ADORES the cute little Pokemon with all the different evolutions.
    Gender: Female
    Age: 27
    Birthday: March 27th
    Species: Super Powered Human
    Nationality: United States

    Role: Inmate
    Crime: Would you believe her only crime is trying to survive? No? Okay fine then...her crimes involve her taking advantage of really bad situations such as natural disasters, invasions, other peoples crimes, and seeing if A: she can survive them, and B: what cool shit she can snag along the way. She also kidnapped the Pope but that was just for laughs and everyone was okay after...okay fine...ALMOST everyone was okay after. It was only like 2, 3, 11 guys. Sheesh.
    Reactive Evolution - her body is able to automatically adapt to any situation or environment she is placed in, allowing her to survive possibly anything.
    Superhuman Intelligence - she has the capability to learn and remember as well as figure out things at a far greater level than the normal human. Basically, she is super smart.

    Skills and Weaponry:
    ~Can evolve to adapt to almost any situation/environment
    ~Incredibly smart
    ~Great reflexes
    ~Ranged and close combat
    ~Hand-to-hand combat
    ~She is pretty awesome with a yo-yo
    ~Sword (here is her weapons btw)
    Allegiances: None, though she does make a yearly donation to the ASPCA and the WWF. Gotta save those pups and penguins, am I right?
    Enemies: Pft! Uhhhhhh...sure! She has definitely made her fair share over the years. Maybe don't bring her name up around the League of Assassins...or the to anyone in Gotham...and probably don't mention it to the entirety of Russia either.

    Appearance: Eve is a lovely young lady with a slim and athletic build. Just because she is slim doesn't mean she isn't without the perfect curves here and there, especially in the chest and rear regions. She is also very naturally muscular from a life of never being able to sit still and always needing to be on the move. Her skin is soft and smooth with a natural sun-kissed tan to it. She has a beautiful mixture of brunette and blond hair that reaches to just past her shoulders and is overall straight with a slight gentle wave to it though some mornings it is pretty curly when she wakes up. Her eyes are vibrant pine green and she has central heterochromia causing the center of her eyes to be brown and her overall iris to have dark-brown spots.
    Wardrobe: Eve dresses for her own comfort but that doesn't mean she looks like a bum. Yes, you may spy her in the occasional comfy sweatpants and t-shirt but she also adores a pair of jeans with a cute top (this can include crop tops). Dresses aren't really her style but some days she might feel a bit crazy and slip one on. Normally though the casual chic style is for her and she doesn't care what anyone else has to say about it. She would kill over a good sweater tho.
    Style Examples: Outfit 1, Outfit 2, Outfit 3
    Villain Outfit: Outfit
    Scent: Cinnamon, apples, and vanilla because Fall is the best and no one can ever convince her otherwise. SPOOKY SEASON BITCHES!
    Height & Weight: 5'6" 134 lbs
    Body Modifications: Wrist, Finger
    Physical Disabilities: None really.
    Faceclaim: Ana de Armas

    Eve is not here for a long time but she is most certainly here for a good time. This gal is about as chaotic as they come with unbelievable levels of ADHD that gives her seemingly limitless energy and bad ideas. She has no respect for social norms, lives shamelessly, and over all does as she pleases because it's what's fun. She isn't afraid to say what is on her mind and if you don't like it then I guess it sucks to be you. She is very bold and will get involved in fights that might not be her own either because she is bored or she thinks it is something worth fighting for/over. She is also incredibly intelligent and has a hard time keeping her mouth shut when an answer seems so obvious to her when it might not be obvious to others, she doesn't want to make others feel bad but she just can't control her mind or mouth sometimes. While her reactions and intentions might be in question at times, one should never question her heart. She lives her life never questioning and never doubting what her heart tells her to do, this might make her reckless in the eyes of others but in her mind it is reckless to think too much and miss the chance to make something better in a moment rather than fixing it later. She has no issues standing up for herself or others and even if it means she needs to disrespect and authority figure she will make sure that people hear exactly what they need to without hesitation. She doesn't care how the world views her, what they think of her abilities, and what they think of her attitude, all she cares about is making sure that she does not stop being who she is happiest as just because it adds a little more spice (aka chaos) into the world. She can also be extremely flirty and will flirt with almost anybody because it is fun and because she is really good at it.
    Positive Traits:
    ~Extremely intelligent
    ~Quick on her feet and also with her mind
    Negative Traits:
    ~Lives by her own rules
    ~No respect for authority
    MBTI Type: ENTP
    Hogwarts House: Gryfflpuff
    Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Temperament: Sanguine

    ~ANYTHING chocolate
    ~Human contact/ cuddles
    ~Seeing how she can evolve in different situations
    ~Nice open spaces
    ~Animals, she loves animals
    ~Living life on the edge
    ~Spicy foods
    ~Small spaces
    ~People calling the police on her (a waste of everyone’s time)
    ~Being locked up
    ~People who take stupid things too seriously
    ~Being forced to pick sides
    ~Not getting enough sleep
    ~Being called a know-it-all
    ~Starts bowing when she gets too drunk
    ~If you touch one of her shoulders she needs to touch the other to even it out
    ~Watches the credits to movies (she respects how hard the crew works)
    ~Being poisoned
    ~Dying of old age
    ~Running out of margarita salt
    ~Trivia games
    ~Stealing cars and driving them REALLY FAST
    ~Breaking into places
    ~Building destructive devices
    ~Going head first into dangerous events
    ~Going out to bars and drinking
    Mental Disorders: ADHD, she a lil crazy too

    - Father: Cal Fay
    - Mother: Gillian Fay

    Hometown: Crystal Cove, California
    Growing up life for the most part was pretty normal for Eve aside from the fact that she was graduating college and on her way to becoming a doctor by the time she was 10. Her parents were thrilled for her and believed she was on the path towards her destiny but Eve didn't agree. Yes she was smart, inhumanly smart, but she didn't want to waste her life sitting in a lab with a ton of people trying to match her mind when they would never be able to. So instead Eve took a step back, dropped out of school at the age of 11 and told her parents she wanted to have a chance to be a kid. They were disappointed but accepted it because they knew they couldn't force her to do anything she didn't want to. Thus began the time when Eve discovered her other abilities, the fact that she could evolve. She had never had a chance to be a real kid and to go out and play and scrape her knee or do stupid things so one day Eve decided to go to the beach with her family and just relax. While she was in the water a rip tide ended up catching one of the other kids and pulled him out to sea. The child's mother was screaming and howling and Eve knew she had to help in some way. Jumping into the water she began to swim after the kid without hesitation. It wasn't until she reached him several minutes later as he floundered in the waves that she realized she had never come up for air and could see perfectly fine beneath the dark water. Grabbing the kid she swam back to shore and got him to dry land, his mother snatched him out of Eve's grasp and without saying thank you she began screaming at Eve and calling her a demon. It was then that Eve learned she had grown gills and webbed feet and fingers as well as see through eyelids during her time under water. The look had quickly disappeared once back on dry land and Eve was fascinated by this discovery and began testing what else she could do. She learned that she could evolve her body to survive almost anything so long as she had a quick enough reaction time. This seemed to unsettle certain residents of her hometown and some people began to call her a demon and a freak and Eve found she truly didn’t care. She could truly go anywhere she liked, do whatever she wanted. She quickly grew board with the mundane life of a small town and ran out of things to entertain herself with. She decided that she needed to find out the limits of her abilities and wanted to go out into the world and have some real fun and thus the chaotic being known as Evolution was born. Eve traveled the world hunting down and squaring up with the most dangerous situations she could put herself in all while taking whatever she wanted along the way. She found great humor in messing with dangerous people and organizations as well as just messing with the public. She was a chaotic menace who became increasingly more and more famous, especially after her stunt with the pope. Authorities and organizations all across the world hated her but Eve just laughed because she knew that she had yet to do her worst and they were already losing their minds. Eventually a few heroes teamed up and got it in their head to take her down. Eve ended up in Belle Reve and has continued to entertain herself and cause chaos within those walls as well.

    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Relationship Status: Open
    Crush(es): Open
    Past Partners: Open
    ~Smart/thinks a lot
    ~Likes to read
    ~Taller or her height
    ~Picks her up
    ~Doesn't mind her resting her head on their chest to hear their heartbeat
    ~Lets her tell them stories or tells her stories
    ~Doesn’t mind a bit of chaos
    ~Thinks being smart isn’t attractive
    ~Hates to have fun
    ~Overly protective of her (she doesn’t break easily)
    ~Hates her being spontaneous

    Dominant or Submissive: Switch



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RikuXIII RikuXIII Please add a written description of Sinead's appearance and expand on her personality a little more, and then as soon as you do I'll add her to the roster! I thoroughly adore her backstory and wish to see more of how it's shaped the person who she is presently.

Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 Accepted, my love, your characters are always welcome. And oh my, is Caio gonna get into some shenanigans with Eve.
RikuXIII RikuXIII Please add a written description of Sinead's appearance and expand on her personality a little more, and then as soon as you do I'll add her to the roster! I thoroughly adore her backstory and wish to see more of how it's shaped the person who she is presently.

Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 Accepted, my love, your characters are always welcome. And oh my, is Caio gonna get into some shenanigans with Eve.
Additions made. Working on these sparked a few ideas that I ran with, adding to other areas of the sheet.
RikuXIII RikuXIII Thank you for making those edits! Beautiful form, Sinead is accepted! The story about her chromesthesia and the tumbler locks piqued my interest. 🤔
You’re welcome! Doing a second pass helped me solidify a few things, especially better incorporating the chromesthesia into the character as it was a late addition to Sinead.
I’m quite pleased with the tumbler lock story. As I was considering giving Sinead chromesthesia, the mental image of a movie scene with a safe cracker with the condition popped in my head. The click of a correct number triggering a bloom of a vibrant color giving the viewer clear indications of progress while also allowing a link to the character’s own satisfaction.
Incorporating chromesthesia into a character is not something I’ve done before. But it’s a challenge I’m looking forward to.

Billy the BLIGHT

Full Name: William Blackwood

Name Meaning: "William", whose roots wil (“will, desire”) and helm (“helmet, protection”) combine to mean “resolute protector”; while "Blackwood" signifies a mysterious and dark presence.

Nicknames: Pest, Bug Boy, Plague the Kid, Billy the Blight

Gender: Non-binary

Age: 18

Birthday: October 31

Species: Human

Nationality: American

Role: Inmate

Conspiracy to spread disease; used their powers to control pests and create an outbreak. The unlawful use of their powers caused widespread panic and destruction. Three charges of murder in the deaths of their family, mother, father, and grandfather. They also pleaded guilty to two counts of murdering two children (their siblings), one count of unlawful termination of pregnancy (mother's unborn child), and three counts of tampering with a deceased human body (making the swarm devour the corpses).


  • Pestilence Manipulation: Oliver can control and manipulate insects, arachnids, and other pests, directing swarms to carry out their bidding.
  • Disease Resistance: He possesses a natural immunity to many diseases, a side effect of their pest control abilities.
  • Bug communication: Can control and communicate with various insects and pests.
Bees Triumph GIF by Wu-Tang Clan

Skills and Weaponry:
  • Expert knowledge of various insect behaviors, and strategic planning.
  • Proficient at handling insects and using them for various purposes, from surveillance to defense.
  • Proficient in stealth and evasion due to their small stature
season 2 bug GIF by DREAM CORP LLC

Allegiances: None, operates as a solitary figure.

Enemies: Authorities and organizations seeking to contain and neutralize their pestilence powers. Medical organizations and those seeking to contain outbreaks caused by their powers.



  • Billy hides in a haunting plague doctor suit, concealing their identity.
  • The beaked mask features dark glass eyes that lend an eerie aura to their presence.
  • The suit is both their identity and protection from unwanted attention.
  • Despite the cloak of the suit, glimpses of sickly pale skin and gloved hands occasionally show through.
  • Underneath the suit, he is too thin and pale with messy, shoulder-length, oily black hair, and thick black brows over sunken, dark, mysterious eyes.
Wardrobe: Billy hides in a vintage plague doctor suit, complete with a long, beaked mask, tattered cloak, and gloves.

Scent: A hint of earthiness and dampness, reminiscent of the environments where pests thrive, with metallic undertones.

Height & Weight: 5'4" / 115 lbs.
  • Body: Slender and wiry, with agile movements.
  • Skin: Pale with a slight tinge of sickness, adding to their eerie appearance.
  • Eyes: Piercing black, often glowing faintly when using their powers.
  • Hair: Dark and unkempt, peeking out from under their plague doctor mask.

Body Modifications: None

Physical Disabilities: None

Faceclaim: Finn Wolfhard

la peste GIF

Surviving a traumatic upbringing has left them with sociopathic tendencies, evident in their detached demeanor and penchant for analyzing situations from a clinical perspective. Their experiences have rendered them cautious about forming emotional connections, and they often find solace in solitude. Their bond with bugs and insects transcends mere fascination; it's an obsession, a desire for control and order in a chaotic world. Bily's communication with these creatures mirrors their struggle to relate to humans. While they can be caring in their own peculiar way, it's often calculated, driven by a fascination with vengeance towards a cruel society and an underlying desire for power.
Positive Traits: Intelligent, resourceful, determined, observant, curious.
Negative Traits: Mysterious, introverted, enigmatic, manipulative, unpredictable, vengeful, secretive, enjoys causing chaos.
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Moral Alignment: Neutral Evil
Temperament: Melancholic-Choleric

Likes: Insects, chaos, solitude, unraveling mysteries, exploring the natural world.
Dislikes: Authority figures, confinement, predictability, ignorance, large crowds, revealing their identity
Habits: Observing insects' behavior in their natural habitats, collecting insect specimens, meticulously planning their moves, leaving small surprises of crafted insect art.
Doesn't eat, sleep, or shower often.
Fears: Losing control of their powers, being exposed, hunted, or captured because of their abilities.
Hobbies: Studying entomology, and experimenting with their pestilence abilities.

Music Video Butterfly GIF by James Bay

Mental Disorders: A touch of sociopathy, marked by a disconnect from typical emotional responses.

Family: Deceased

Hometown: Unknown, as Billy keeps their origins concealed.

Backstory: Billy's early years were spent in an orphanage, abandoned by their abusive and neglectful family due to their peculiar habits. They developed an affinity for insects, drawn to their world of silent understanding. Bullied and isolated, they became increasingly disillusioned with humanity, viewing it as a plague upon the world. They harnessed their pest control powers to create diseases, convinced that bugs offered a natural solution. After running away from the orphanage, they found their family and "took care of them" with a pestilence swarm. Then, they orchestrated a small outbreak, caught the attention of authorities, and was subsequently imprisoned. Biding their time, they refined their plans for a massive pandemic. Joining the Suicide Squad provided an unexpected opportunity.....

Sexuality: Asexual

Relationship Status: Single

Crush(es): None

Past Partners: None

Turn-Ons: Intellectual challenges, a sense of power and control.

Turn-Offs: Conformity, vulnerability, being underestimated.

Dominant or Submissive: Dominant


  • "Pestilence" by Chelsea Wolfe
  • "The Devil Within" by Digital Daggers
  • "Wings" by Birdy
  • "Insects" by Orla Gartland
  • "Run Boy Run" by Woodkid
  • "Epidemic" by Slayer
  • "Chaos Theory"
  • "Ostracized" by Otep

Nature Cat Bug GIF by PBS KIDS
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Billy the BLIGHT

Full Name: William Blackwood

Name Meaning: "William", whose roots wil (“will, desire”) and helm (“helmet, protection”) combine to mean “resolute protector”; while "Blackwood" signifies a mysterious and dark presence.

Nicknames: Pest, Bug Boy, Plague the Kid, Billy the Blight

Gender: Non-binary

Age: 15

Birthday: October 31

Species: Human

Nationality: American

Role: Inmate

Conspiracy to spread disease; used their powers to control pests and create an outbreak. The unlawful use of their powers caused widespread panic and destruction. Three charges of murder in the deaths of their family, mother, father, and grandfather. They also pleaded guilty to two counts of murdering two children (their siblings), one count of unlawful termination of pregnancy (mother's unborn child), and three counts of tampering with a deceased human body (making the swarm devour the corpses).


  • Pestilence Manipulation: Oliver can control and manipulate insects, arachnids, and other pests, directing swarms to carry out their bidding.
  • Disease Resistance: He possesses a natural immunity to many diseases, a side effect of their pest control abilities.
  • Bug communication: Can control and communicate with various insects and pests.
Bees Triumph GIF by Wu-Tang Clan

Skills and Weaponry:
  • Expert knowledge of various insect behaviors, and strategic planning.
  • Proficient at handling insects and using them for various purposes, from surveillance to defense.
  • Proficient in stealth and evasion due to their small stature
season 2 bug GIF by DREAM CORP LLC

Allegiances: None, operates as a solitary figure.

Enemies: Authorities and organizations seeking to contain and neutralize their pestilence powers. Medical organizations and those seeking to contain outbreaks caused by their powers.



  • Billy hides in a haunting plague doctor suit, concealing their identity.
  • The beaked mask features dark glass eyes that lend an eerie aura to their presence.
  • The suit is both their identity and protection from unwanted attention.
  • Despite the cloak of the suit, glimpses of sickly pale skin and gloved hands occasionally show through.
  • Underneath the suit, he is too thin and pale with messy, shoulder-length, oily black hair, and thick black brows over sunken, dark, mysterious eyes.
Wardrobe: Billy hides in a vintage plague doctor suit, complete with a long, beaked mask, tattered cloak, and gloves.

Scent: A hint of earthiness and dampness, reminiscent of the environments where pests thrive, with metallic undertones.

Height & Weight: 5'4" / 115 lbs.
  • Body: Slender and wiry, with agile movements.
  • Skin: Pale with a slight tinge of sickness, adding to their eerie appearance.
  • Eyes: Piercing black, often glowing faintly when using their powers.
  • Hair: Dark and unkempt, peeking out from under their plague doctor mask.

Body Modifications: None

Physical Disabilities: None

Faceclaim: Finn Wolfhard

la peste GIF

Positive Traits: Intelligent, resourceful, determined, observant, curious.
Negative Traits: Mysterious, introverted, enigmatic, manipulative, unpredictable, vengeful, secretive, enjoys causing chaos.
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Moral Alignment: Neutral Evil
Temperament: Melancholic-Choleric

Likes: Insects, chaos, solitude, unraveling mysteries, exploring the natural world.
Dislikes: Authority figures, confinement, predictability, ignorance, large crowds, revealing their identity
Habits: Observing insects' behavior in their natural habitats, collecting insect specimens, meticulously planning their moves, leaving small surprises of crafted insect art.
Doesn't eat, sleep, or shower often.
Fears: Losing control of their powers, being exposed, hunted, or captured because of their abilities.
Hobbies: Studying entomology, and experimenting with their pestilence abilities.

Music Video Butterfly GIF by James Bay

Mental Disorders: A touch of sociopathy, marked by a disconnect from typical emotional responses.

Family: Deceased

Hometown: Unknown, as Billy keeps their origins concealed.

Backstory: Billy's early years were spent in an orphanage, abandoned by their abusive and neglectful family due to their peculiar habits. They developed an affinity for insects, drawn to their world of silent understanding. Bullied and isolated, they became increasingly disillusioned with humanity, viewing it as a plague upon the world. They harnessed their pest control powers to create diseases, convinced that bugs offered a natural solution. After running away from the orphanage, they found their family and "took care of them" with a pestilence swarm. Then, they orchestrated a small outbreak, caught the attention of authorities, and was subsequently imprisoned. Biding their time, they refined their plans for a massive pandemic. Joining the Suicide Squad provided an unexpected opportunity.....

Sexuality: Asexual

Relationship Status: Single

Crush(es): None

Past Partners: None

Turn-Ons: Intellectual challenges, a sense of power and control.

Turn-Offs: Conformity, vulnerability, being underestimated.

Dominant or Submissive: Dominant


  • "Pestilence" by Chelsea Wolfe
  • "The Devil Within" by Digital Daggers
  • "Wings" by Birdy
  • "Insects" by Orla Gartland
  • "Run Boy Run" by Woodkid
  • "Epidemic" by Slayer
  • "Chaos Theory"
  • "Ostracized" by Otep

Nature Cat Bug GIF by PBS KIDS
I'm not Aviator Aviator but I love them. Although, I thought human characters were supposed to be 18 or older...(I hope I'm not coming across as a jerk)

Full Name: Atlas Pham
Name Meaning: Atlas means to carry, but it's also the first cervical vertebrae connecting your skull to your spine. Pham means example
Nicknames: Killer Doll
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Birthday: April 5
Species: human
Nationality: Vietnamese-American

Role: Inmate
Crime: maiming, murder, and armed robbery.
Powers: none
Skills and Weaponry: He has medical experience and has done heists. He also mainly uses severed body parts and anything that can be swung as a weapon.
Allegiances: nope, but he was part of the robber crew
Enemies: The police, his marks/ victims, the people on his flight(they knew he was a criminal)

Appearance: Atlas looks a little out place, like a cross between a gangster and a nerd. On the one hand, Atlas has glasses and enjoys wearing sweaters, and has no noticeable scars. He has a diamond shaped face and brown eyes. On the other hand though, there's the fact that he has a buzzcut, a few scars and his smile doesn't look quite innocent. His posture is neither good or bad, like he's a mostly good college student who went out to smoke weed one time.
Wardrobe: he wears tweed jackets, cardigans and other academic stuff, as well as the prison jumpsuits
Scent: rain and cleaning supplies
Height & Weight: 5'8 and 146 lbs
Body Modifications: a small heartbeat tattoo on his left forearm
Physical Disabilities: nearsightedness
Personality: Atlas is a calm, friendly and polite individual who always seems to be smiling no matter what. To make matters even worse, Atlas is very much like this. He will often talk to victims even as they're dying, and is always smiling nature has earned him the name of Killer Doll. He has some signs of a sociopath, such as only being able to truly form bonds with a few people and having a lack of empathy. However, Atlas does feel emotions, and has a code of values ( however small) that he adheres to deeply. Atlas keeps his promises once he makes one, though he may twist the words in a way to suit his needs. That's in fact how he operates in general, finding a transparent excuse to come off the leash, but not outright try to have no reason to do something.
Positive Traits: polite and affable, adheres to his values
Negative Traits: twists words, slight lack of empathy
MBTI Type: ???
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Moral Alignment: Lawful Evil
Temperament: Phlegmatic-Choleric

Likes: curry, tea, learning about new medical developments, talking to people
Dislikes: people who are really hostile about social calls, the deepness of the ocean.
Habits: he talks to his victims in the most pleasant manner possible as they're bleeding out, he also always has a drink in hand.
Fears: he's scared of what's in the ocean
Hobbies: listening to podcasts, drink-making
Mental Disorders: Unspecified Axis II Disorder

Family: Normal, if slightly strict parents. He's an only child.
Hometown: Seattle, Washington
Backstory: It's easy to assume that Atlas had a tragic backstory, but he didn't. An only child, Atlas had always been interested in injuries and whenever another kid scratched a knee, Atlas would comfort the kid while looking at the wound. He would never cry very often, and never really get phased by anything. His parents took this to mean that Atlas was a peaceful individual. He got good grades in school, and nobody figured out anything was wrong until the sixth grade. He had to visit the school shrink because one of his teachers noticed that even when fights went down, he wouldn't be bothered by the fighting or even bet on it.
When Atlas was 17 years old, he began his life of crime, even as he studied to become a medical student. He went up with a classmate of his who also had those gang connections, and Atlas was introduced to the gang leader. The reason Atlas got in? He was always calm, and very polite meaning he was hard to see coming. And so it proved, when he was new to the crew, he'd distract the marks while the others would rob. Within a few months, Atlas was doing the armed robberies, and started out with a bat.
After Atlas became a college student, he graduated to knives and even did a little internship to learn stitching. It was also during college that he began to truly do armed robbery, and some of the more moral gang members became very concerned when Atlas began to use the previous victims of arms, and comfort them as they bled out from his crimes.
Atlas was arrested along with his crew soon before they were planning on going to another state. Some of crew got sent to Utah's jails, but Atlas didn't because he'd actually committed some very horrific crimes. The police were surprised that such a horrible criminal was a polite person. He just arrived to Bella Reve a few months ago.
Sexuality:Greysexual Grayromantic
Relationship Status: Single
Crush(es): none
Past Partners: none
Turn-Ons: none
Turn-Offs: rushes into it too fast, won't take no for an answer, people who are outright hostile
Dominant or Submissive: Submissive

-Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People
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Ashy_OCdesigns Ashy_OCdesigns Love your friendly mutilation bean! I dunno what part of his form I liked more, the part about him looking like a college kid who's smoked weed once, or the fact that his grade school teachers thought he needed counseling because he didn't bet on fights. XD

  • Sidon Marcus Grey
    "Combat is like the tide, sometimes you must recede in order to rise."

    Full Name: Sidon Marcus Grey
    Name Meaning: Sidon - "Fishery", Marcus - "dedicated to Mars", Grey - "gray-haired'
    Nicknames: Being as old as he is Sidon has gained many nicknames in the course of his life including Don, Grey, Ray, and Old Man. He also has his own code name for when he goes on missions which is Manta Ray. Basically you can call him whatever you want so long as you don't mind the same treatment in turn.
    Gender: Male
    Age: 62
    Birthday: February 28th
    Species: Human with a Bio-Super Suit (Protects him and gives him several mystical abilities)
    Nationality: South African

    Role: Guard
    Crime: He has certainly committed a few crimes in his life but many have been seen as necessary evils in order to save people. That doesn't mean he is happy with his choices and he has most certainly paid the price for his actions.
    Tsunami - A giant water shield that is like a wall in front of allies protecting them from damage so long as they are behind it.
    Wave Crash - Giant amount of water crashes down onto the ground stunning enemies for a short to medium amount of time depending on the charge behind it.
    Sting Strike - His 'tail' strikes out at nearby enemies causing damage and sending the enemy flying backwards.
    Water Spout - Shot of high pressure water that causes damage, can only be shot every few seconds due to pressure needing to build up.
    Whirl Pool - Traps all enemies in a 12 meter radius and makes them unable to escape or fight for several seconds.
    Enhanced Strength & Speed - His suit allows grants him strength and speed uncommon to humans, especially of his age. Even more so in the water.
    Durability - His suit protects him from harm more than any man made armor would be able to and also heals him over time.

    Skills and Weaponry:
    ~His suit and weapon are one. His suit draws in and creates water and the water is then controlled and formed into the shape of a giant claymore or gun and shield. His weapon can also shoot water at high pressure. His suit is not technology but is a bio suit bonded to him through a mystical manta ray that merged with him (saving his life) and giving him the abilities listed above. The suit is also armor and protects him from harm.
    ~Hand to hand combat
    ~Melee weapon combat
    ~Shield combat
    ~Reading different situations/people
    ~Proficient with fire arms
    Allegiances: At this point in his life Sidon is loyal to very few people and causes. He has agreed to be a guard for the Suicide Squad project because he knows they might be the last hope of humanity and he wants to make sure they are able to get that job done. If someone proves themself loyal to him he will be loyal to them.
    Enemies: WELL WHERE DO WE BEGIN! Sidon has been around for a LONG time and has had time to make his fair share of enemies. He has a special hatred for the League of Assassins after they killed his family but he also hates whoever it was that hired them to do so. He has fought a lot of bad people in his life so that list is long and he doesn't even fully know who is still around that is on it.

    Appearance: Sidon is a tall and muscular old man with tanned skin from life on the ocean and beach. He has white and grey hair that is still surprisingly thick for a man his age, as well as a beard that covers the lower part of his face. His body is littered with scars from the ocean, from surfing, from combat and captivity. His eyes are bright blue and he has a scars over both eyes (and luckily not in them) from his time as a prisoner. He also has a giant tattoo of a manta ray on his back.
    Wardrobe: He isn't dressing to impress anyone these days and often wears t-shirts and jeans or workout clothes when he is off duty. If he is at the beach you can expect to find him suited up to surf or fish in whatever clothes are most comfortable for him there, whether it be shorts, wet suit, or swim trunks. He is always wearing his shell necklace though, it was given to him by his wife.
    Style Examples: Outfit 1, Outfit 2, Outfit 3
    Guard Outfit: Outfit
    Scent: The ocean, smoke, fresh breeze
    Height & Weight: 6'3" 210
    Body Modifications: Mystical Back Tattoo, many scars all over his body and over his eyes.
    Physical Disabilities: Despite his age he doesn't have any major physical disabilities to hold him back.
    Faceclaim: Stephen Lang

    Personality: Despite what he has been through Sidon is still a very loving and caring man. When dealing with his team of criminals he will be firm with them, making it clear he is not the man to be crossed, but he will also make it clear that if they pull their weight he will have their back. He is a man of his word and he will go to war for these kids, even if he doesn't know it yet. He loved the members of the his past teams as though they were his own family and would've died to protect any of them which might end up being the case with this teams as well depending on how things go. He is a very wise old man who has seen his fair share of how terrible this world can be but still somehow manages to push on and find something worth fighting for. If you are his enemy it is unwise to stand in his way because he will show you no mercy if you have any ill will towards his team. He can go from being super nerdy marine biologist to super chill surfer dude to battle ready warrior in an instant. Sidon will always be there to pick up those who have fallen and would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. He does not like that kindness being taken advantage of though and isn't afraid to tear someone a new one if they push buttons that should not be pushed. He is also a major dad, with the corniest jokes, the worst dances, socks with sandals, and he is always there to start up the grill and tell old boring stories. He can be very kind, supportive and loving, but he can also be tough and is known for having a no mercy policy when it comes to traitors and his enemies.
    Positive Traits:
    ~Wants to understand youth culture
    ~Will give you the biggest bear hug
    ~Real family man
    ~A natural born leader
    ~Absolute dork when it comes to marine biology
    ~Leaves no one behind
    Negative Traits:
    ~Unforgiving towards his enemies/traitors
    ~PTSD from his time as a prisoner
    ~Needs someone to remind him sometimes that he doesn't need to become a martyr
    MBTI Type: ENTJ
    Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
    Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Temperament: Choleric

    ~Marine life
    ~Sea food
    ~Spending time with the team
    ~Learning youth culture
    ~Looking at pictures of his family
    ~The League of Assassins (and whoever else took part in killing his family)
    ~People hurting his new team, once he has had time to get to know them of course (even the people in charge)
    ~Youngsters thinking he is handicapped simply because he is old
    ~Closed spaces/small spaces
    ~People lacking honor (though he does his best not to expect too much from his team given who they are, mostly it is the enemies he angles this anger towards)
    ~Being forced to leave someone behind
    ~Goes for swims when he is stressed
    ~Fiddles with his necklace when he is lost in thought
    ~Losing more people he cares about
    ~Tight spaces
    ~Losing his temper and hurting people he cares for
    ~Getting buried alive
    ~Doing ocean research
    ~Fixing up old vehicles
    ~Brewing his own beer
    ~Treasure hunting
    Mental Disorders: Depression, PTSD

    -Lucy Grey (Wife, deceased)
    -Marina Grey (Daughter, deceased)
    -Shelly Grey (Daughter, deceased)

    Hometown: Port Saint Johns
    Backstory: As a child Sidon loved to spend every moment he could in the ocean. He would skip school to free dive in the coral reefs and spend hours in the morning surfing the waves with his friends. His parents worried every day that he would end up being swallowed by the waves or turn into a fish with how often he spent in the water. As he grew Sidon's curiosity grew with him and he began to explore underwater caves with his friends in order to study the marine life within. It was on one of these dives that Sidon encountered an underwater cave that opened up to an air-pocket that seemed to hold the ruins of an ancient village within. At first Sidon believed there was no one left in the village but to his surprise he encountered an old man who claimed to know a way in from the surface and who came to visit the village in order to honor those who once lived there. Sidon was instantly fascinated by this man, the village, and the history of those who came before so when the old man offered to teach him about the village Sidon was more than happy to accept. Almost every day for almost a year Sidon would make his way into the underwater cave and meet this old man. They would talk, the old man would tell stories, Sidon would bring him food to share and even offerings to the long gone villagers. On the anniversary of their meeting the old man welcomed Sidon like he always did before informing Sidon that he had a test for the young man. Sidon was curious what the old man meant but trusted him with his life so when the old man led him to a pool and told him to wade into the water Sidon did so without question. It turned out that the old man was the spirit of an ancient shaman who had long awaited one worthy to carry on the spirit of the manta ray, the guardian of the village, and believed Sidon could be that person. When Sidon entered the water he was faced with a series of choices and tasks that tested his morals, will, and heart. The tasks were not easy and when he finally came to the end he was exhausted and in pain but had passed the test. As a reward the shaman summoned forth the spirit of the villages guardian and bonded its soul to Sidon, a manta ray tattoo appearing on his back as evidence of the link between the two. With the spirit of the village guardian within him Sidon gained the ability to summon forth a bio-suit that granted him mystical powers. Wanting to make sure he did not waste the gift given to him Sidon entered the world of super heroes, first as a local hero and later as a hero known around the world.
    Years passed and Sidon became a young man working the superhero life. Unexpectedly one day he met the woman of his dreams on the Wild Coast at a surfing competition. Lucy Taylor was his competition and a fellow marine biologist and soon became his world when three months later the two were engaged and married six months after that. The young couple built their dream house on the beach and lived a perfect life that only grew more and more prefect with the birth of their two daughters Marina and Shelly. Their life was like something out of a fairytale, in a world with so much terror and destruction they lived in a precious bubble of love and harmony. Sid had even taken an early retirement just before a new superhero team was formed that he was supposed to be part of in order to have more time with his family. He wanted to enjoy every moment of their life, see all the major milestones for his daughters and make sure that they had all the makings of being perfectly happy. For a while his hopes seemed to have become reality and they spent several years in a wonderful bubble of happiness. That is until the day that the bubble popped.
    Sid and his family were out in the ocean on a two week research trip/family vacation researching the migration patterns of manta rays when they were attacked by pirates working for the League of Assassins. Sid tried to negotiate with them, give them anything they wanted, he just wanted his family to be safe. When the pirates tried to force his family aboard their boat Sid and his wife fought back. He had no idea what would happen to his family once they were aboard the enemy vessel and he had no intentions of finding out. In the heat of the battle both of his daughters were thrown overboard and when Lucy attempted to go in after them she was shot through the heart. As he battled the pirates Sid watched in horror as these events played out and he fought to reach his family. He could hear his daughters screaming and watched the light leave his wife's eyes as he was finally over taken by the mass of enemies and knocked unconscious. When he awoke he was shackled aboard the enemy ship with no sign of his daughters anywhere. The grief of losing his family destroyed Sid, he became a broken man in his prison aboard the enemy vessel, a shell of the man he once was. In his mind he had nothing left to live for, no purpose, no future, his family was his everything and they were gone. Now he was a prisoner forced to slave away on this vessel full of enemies and too broken to even think about trying to escape, until he found out the truth.
    One night while being punished for who knows what reason one of the crew let it slip that the attack on Sid's ship hadn't been a fluke, it had been planned. The pirates had been hired to come after Sid and his family and Sid needed to know who had hired them and why. After weeks of planning and preparation Sid managed to escape and with a make shift harpoon for a weapon he slaughtered every enemy who got in his way. Making his way to the captains quarters Sid took care of the man in charge before searching his office for any evidence of who else might have been involved. As he searched he found one name linked to all of this, one name that made flames of rage dance in his eyes, The League of Assassins. The League had come after him after all these years, The League had killed his family, The League had taken his world away from him, The League would pay. Escaping the ship after months of captivity Sid was found on the shore of Japan's West Coast by a family taking a walk on the beach. After several days of recovery in a local hospital the man began his journey home. When he arrived home Sid went to work trying to track down any League of Assassin branches he could with a plan to start going after the shadow organization. Now years have passed and the old man has done his share of fighting back from the shadows. With the proposal of the Suicide Squad, Sid has found a new cause worth fighting for along side his personal vendetta and in every battle remembers the family The League of Assassins stole from him.

    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Relationship Status: Does this old man deserve another chance at love? Probably not but still open.
    Crush(es): N/A
    Past Partners: Lucy Grey
    ~Can hold their own
    ~Not afraid to speak their mind
    ~Has a lot of heart
    ~Honestly he doesn't see himself with anyone other than Lucy
    ~Overly selfish
    ~A bratty personality
    ~Thinks they are owed everything in life
    Dominant or Submissive: Dominant

    - You're Gonna Miss This by Trace Adkins
    - Song of the Sea
    - In the Stars by Benson Boone



Full Name: Ander Lowe
Name Meaning: Both his names mean Lion
Nicknames: Lion
Gender: Male
Age: 43 years old
Birthday: August 15
Species: human
Nationality: German

Role: Guard
Crime: Not a inmate, but he has committed tax evasion once. He stopped after he got put in jail.
Powers: none
Skills and Weaponry: He's very good at paperwork and organization. He's also very good with laws.
Allegiances: Bella Reve
Enemies: The inmates, papercuts

Appearance: A man with horrible posture, Ander always seems to have a stony look on his face. Ander looks a lot like a lion, which no one can explain, having honey skin, angular jawbones, wild dark brown hair and almond dark brown eyes. He has multiple papercuts on both hands as well.
Wardrobe: he dresses like it's the 50s, especially wearing newsboy caps.
Scent: he smells like airfreshener.
Height & Weight: 5'7 and 146 lbs
Body Modifications: an earring in his left ear
Physical Disabilities: None
Faceclaim(he's clean shaven,but pretty accurate otherwise):
Personality: A beaurucrat, Ander is a soft spoken individual who follows the rules at all times, with little bending room. Instead of being a guard in the regular sense, Ander is an administrator who keeps track of the inmates. He cares about people and is highly observant, although once he sticks to a decision, it is hard to change his mind, especially when he knows the people trying to change his mind.
Positive Traits: observant, caring, follows the rules at all times, honest, surprisingly high self esteem
Negative Traits: Shy, dislikes change, stubborn sometimes, follows the rules at all times, socially awkward
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good
Temperament: Phelgematic

Likes: reading, spicy food, gardening, being safe, Germany
Dislikes: people who vandalize his stuff, opera, people who breach privacy, spiders(only thing that can make him curse in German without it having gone to hell), mosquitoes
Habits: he taps pens and pencils absentmindedly, he also curses in German when things have gone to hell.
Fears: Spiders, dying a painful and slow death
Hobbies: reading, cooking
Mental Disorders: None

Family: He has a brother who's older by 12 years, and a retired doctor mom. His dad walked out when he was 3 years old.
Backstory: Ander never knew his birth father, but that was okay, because he saw his older brother as his father. Surrounded by rules his mother placed on him, Ander found he took comfort in rules. They kept him from doing anything reckless. He was actually a pretty good kid, and didn't think about having a 'real' dad.
As Ander grew, he found that the times he helped his mother were what made him happiest. Especially when they were cooking. It was when he was cooking that he felt very close to his family. He and has family were cooking when he told them he got a 100 on his test, when he said he wanted to go to law school.
When Ander became a lawyer, he felt sick that lawyers would bend the rules in their entirety and Ander eventually quit being a lawyer. He was unemployed when he was offered an administrative position at Bella Reve. Once there, he expected to feel sick that they were violent criminals, but actually found himself respecting that they had standards.

Sexuality: Omnisexual, with a leaning towards men
Relationship Status: Single, Divorced
current Crush(es): none
Past Partners: had an ex-husband
Turn-Ons: people who are just as nerdy as he is, not treating younger generations like they are completely wrong about everything
Turn-Offs: people who knowingly hurt others
Dominant or Submissive: Dominant

- Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond
-Piamoman by Billy Joel
-Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald by Gordon Lightfoot
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