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  • Hey Rikuno, Azrael and Orphan are both approved! :D   I'm sending you a PM invite to the group chat.  Please stop by and say hi to everyone and we'll figure out how to fit Az and Orphan into the story!
    Hey Rikuno!  Welcome to the Batman:The Dark Knight board! :D   Submit a character sheet whenever you're ready and I'll look it over for approval!
    Thanks! I'm working on it now. Considering a second as well.
    Cool! :D
    I just wanted to let you know that I'm super sorry for ditching the KH13 games that you have running and I was in. It is definitely all on me, your games are still great as they always have been. But... I just couldn't hold onto the site. The community has changed face (for the worse imo), my characters and writing in general just refused to come naturally...
    Yuffie Kisaragi
    Yuffie Kisaragi
    I'll be back someday, maybe someday soon, but I just can't right now. I'm super sorry about ditching without a word, but this is necessary if I'm ever going to return to where I was a year or so ago.
    I understand. I once left KH13 for a spell for similar reasons. Sometimes you just need to recharge. Either which way, whether it's back at KH13 or here, I do hope to game with you again. You're a lot of fun to rp with. Don't be in too much of a hurry on my account. I am a slow poke when it comes to posting, heh. Thanks for message.
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