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Fantasy Avolair Academy: School For The Supernatural IC [Open][Sandbox][Collaborative][Literate]

Felicity Montgomery

ghost choir♪

| Ghost A | Noble | Rank 3 | High School Freshman | Auditorium | Interactions: Ian Temero Ian Temero TayMaiTer TayMaiTer

Felicity eventually daydreamed, because of them staring off into space from her boredom. The daydream was of her pretending to be like a normal human girl. She was hugging people and animals, because she was curious as to what it is like to touch them. They then played video games while sitting on a chair, singing, dancing, and drawing a picture with a paintbrush. Heck, Felicity was eating and drinking in her daydream. The taste of food and drinks is unknown to her, so she wanted to imagine what they would taste like.

To anybody who was looking at Felicity. There was drool coming out of her mouth for an unknown reason. But then, she was standing around in the auditorium by herself.
It went on like that until she heard a sudden noise. This caused poor Felicity to think that the principal's presentation was starting, so she looked around the auditorium. Upon realizing that the principal hadn't started that yet, a confused look appeared on her face. 'What just happened, since I thought I heard something.' thought Felicity. They don't know that someone went through her, for she is a ghost that can't be touched by anything.

Felicity then looked down after not seeing the person, who caused the noise in front of her. She noticed that it was a cute fox girl, who was lying on the floor. Her ghostly feet are also going through them, so Felicity had to help them. Using her telekinesis, she picked up the fox girl from the floor so they would stand up. "Are you alright?" said Felicity, who was concerned about the poor fox girl. "I am not sure if you went through me, but please be careful about that next time." Felicity was trying to figure out how this girl ended up on the floor to begin with. Also, Felicity has a french accent.
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Zain Ayumu
| Werewolf Hybrid | B (Rank A for Dragons) | 1A | On the way to Auditorium​
The auditorium was filling up nicely. Students of all classes were coming in and sitting where they pleased or tried to sit close to friends. On the stage was a microphone and several chairs behind it. If one would observe, the chairs were bolted to the ground and had a slight magic about them, making them give off an aura, mostly invisible to those except those who can see auras or gifted with the sight. The stand itself was an oddity, to those new to the academy, but to those older, it was a stand made by the Headmaster himself to know where he was going. Since so many auras could get overwhelming for him at times. It was a little safety net in a see of so many different colored auras. The headmaster still hadn't appeared and it was becoming a bit late...
Zain could only curse and growl mentally as he ran into yet another dead end. What was with him and dead ends? Like he couldn't...Right, he was blind, but he should know the school well enough by now to know where to go for the auditorium....He mentally deadpanned at the thought of checking the front gate crystals a bit more than usual since that was what he had been doing when he was walking to the auditorium. He dragged a hand through his hair and let out a sigh before tapping the side wall twice and knew where to go. Honestly, just because he had to check the front gates a bit more often didn't need to lead to him getting lost and such. And from what he was hearing, many students were heading to the auditorium and he could catch a couple glimpses of the amount of auras that were in the auditorium.

Silus Allowick
Introducing an exciting competition!
Interaction: All, Ian Temero Ian Temero
Vampire B| 1C | Professor, Defensive Techniques | Auditorium

As the students and teachers filed in to the auditorium, the quiet sound of the assembled body began to grow louder...

And louder...

And louder!

Until it was a din of sounds, yelling, swooning, footsteps, conversation, and exasperation! Silus had extreme senses, making sure that he could hear every blasted conversation and even the din of thoughts going through everyone's mind. It was way too much for him, even at over 3000, to stand with idly. And of course, the headmaster was late to arrive at the auditorium. Of course he was. However, he had received a missive in case something like this were to happen, with a convenient list of potential choices to what he should do.

This was the grand opening of an academy for supernaturals of all kinds, so the announcements said, but the truth was that when such services are offered, there was a degree of selection involved. There were more supernaturals than could be accommodated at the Academy, at least, reasonably so. Therefore, rationing had to occur. Students that were simply lucky, even if weak, even if they had no familial ties, they'd be invited to keep up the air of equity. However, the truth of the matter was, this Academy was for the special bloodlines and the special supernaturals that had the power to claim the world, no matter what it took! Their families, potential employers, government officials, and even terrorist organizations would be watching each student to ascertain their value. Those who had some power but were nothing special? They were to be treated like average, disposable commodities, hopefully alright, but let's not make any promises. However, the strong, no matter their bloodline or race, would be valuable. Perhaps valuable enough to be sought after in a dangerous way, or perhaps sought after with piles of riches, influence, and power to be given for their services.

That's why Silus, back when he was a tutor, back when he taught primitive attempts at this sort of institutions, and back when he took apprentices, he always pushed them to the absolute limit. It was his duty to make sure that they took their future seriously, and that no matter what their potential was, that it was maximized. He couldn't be there for them all the time, but if his students had a better chance of living a good life, he would push them towards that end. Most of his students, the ones that cared enough, would thank him for it, or at least, should thank him for it. That's why he understood the hidden meaning behind the triple underlined and gigantic font that appeared on top of the paper of contingencies:

"Shake things up."

It meant to shake out the people who would try, who would give it their all versus those who didn't care. He'd watch them for their raw power, sure, but every teacher knew that if this were to occur, the real determining factor for their assessment would be if they gave it their all when a chance to prove themselves was on the line! Some may start as strong, some may start as weak. Some come from the purest blood and some from the most common, but at the end of the day, those who would work hard would gain the most, and would deserve his attention the most. And those who were either above it all or hopeless, they would quickly find themselves in dire straits. Therefore, he had just the plan in mind.

Now, Silus considered himself 'hip' and 'chill'. He could definitely go with the flow. He was definitely not completely exasperated and ready to yell at the gathered students to shut up. He also knew that somewhere in the school, hidden in its vast magical corridors there was a special artifact. Of course, that alone was not ready for his plan of action, but using his incredible speed, he tapped one of the professors, Maya, on the shoulder, before getting ready to lay out his idea.

"Professor Maya, I need you to prepare for one of the contingency plans for if the students are restless. Simply make sure that in the few seconds I am gone, that nobody does anything crazy. Also, once it starts, please be on the lookout for cheaters. You'll see what I mean" he whispered in Inari Maya's ear, before using his incredible speed to almost vanish from the auditorium.

Deep in a hidden corridor, far away from any student or teacher, and hidden behind a 'glass' casing, stood a staff made of copper, with a viper made of sapphires slithering up its length. The sapphires seemed to move up and down the staff, with the viper's dangerous head seeming to gaze at anyone, and indeed it did, but no student had to know that. This staff, hidden behind an incredible array of defensive magic, courtesy of his truly, was impenetrable to all but him and a few other professors. He took it out carefully and placed it in another location within the school in one of the many hidden corridors. Within the entrance and length of the corridors were several ready made magical traps and a few of his own. Throughout the school were several pieces of papyrus with various hints and riddles about the Egyptian gods for students to explore. Without this aid, they'd surely fail to reach and obtain the staff, and to those who powered through, they'd find that even they could not power through the final spell that was prepared, and it would course through those who seeked to push with only raw strength, no matter how tough they were, like the venom of the most murderous snake of all! With the preparations set, he cleaned up his tracks and returned to the auditorium. With a wink towards Maya and the rest of the teachers, he jumped into the podium with all of the spotlight of a vampire.

"Students of Avolair Academy, be quiet and at attention! I am your instructor of Defensive Magic, Doctor Silus Allowick, and while our headmaster is making his way to the auditorium, he has asked me to introduce you to the school." Silus gestured at the crowd while giving them a serious, piercing look. Conversation died down immediately, and the few souls who kept talking were given a withering stare.

"Thank you. This was an example of the conduct I expect from you all. Avolair Academy is a place for the supernatural to learn about magic. That you all know. However, you and I both know that such a naive outlook is incomplete at best and false at worse! Many of you are pureblooded royalty or nobles. Some of you are the ever loyal guardians of these royals. Perhaps you are a rare specimen, one that is not seen often and valued for your unique abilities! You may also be a common supernatural, as oxymoronic as that sounds, and you must prove yourself." he began, all eyes on the crowd on their tall, imposing, and downright frightening professor.

"Do you think that you will simply go through your education or assignment without being looked at? When such a gathering of prospective supernaturals has been assembled? Preposterous!" Silus yelled, exclaiming his last point by pounding on the podium! The assembled purebloods and guardians looked at him with a sharp look in their eyes. They all knew what he meant, the less aware looked around, trying to find any watching officials. Of course, they didn't need to show up to watch any future employees. These people had ways. Silus continued.

"You have all come, no matter your walk of life, to hone your abilities, to gain mastery over something you cannot control, to make discoveries over the mystical phenomena, or to make your families proud. That will be based off of your effort and willingness to do what it takes and gain the most out of this unique opportunity. Therefore! We will have a competition for you in this inaugural assembly of Avolair Academy!" Immediately, chatter began again as people wondered what could possibly happen, but with another gaze throughout the crowd, and a well timed manipulation of the lights in the auditorium to focus only on him and the teachers, all the noise died down as soon as it came.

"Somewhere in these halls lies an ancient magical artifact. Of what type I will not tell you. However, it contains a power relating to the Earth, water, fertility, and vipers! It is an artifact made to worship the ancient Egyptian God of the Ennead, creator of the Earth and maintainer of life through the Nile: Geb! You will assemble yourselves in teams of three and look for it. The first to find it and return it here to Headmaster Zain wins!" Some students already ran off with their pre-made friends, others began finding partners quickly. Some fidgeted, and others even tried to make a large gaggle! This time, nobody made any attempt to stop the chaos in the room.

"To the younger and weaker students at the back, this is your advantage, get going! If you team up in groups greater than three, remember that we will be watching for cheaters, and even if you do cheat, only three can win. This is your only warning on the matter, if caught, you will face either a punishment from us, or a far greater punishment later." At that, the sound of flowing water crashed through the auditorium, overlayed with the unmistakable hissing of a snake! A minority of students was already running, of course, the sound that rippled through the auditorium and the sound of Silus did not go past the walls. Those who had ran off at this point would conveniently not be caught by the teachers if they decided to cheat, and they also wouldn't hear anything else they said.

"And to the winners? You should already be leaving, winning is the first priority, but if you need any motivation, you will win recognition over your peers and a special lesson of your choosing from the most competent of the professors! The power of knowledge and fame! Now get going!" Suddenly the lights turned off, and by the time they were gone, all the teachers had seemingly disappeared from the auditorium, and the high-tech lights of the entire academy faded, leaving only magical and mundane candles throughout the school in the rooms that had them. All electronics ceased to work instantly, as if some EMP went off. Over the hallways and seperate rooms, the time of day seemed to change with the roof, sometimes a full moon, other times a dark sky, sometimes a twilight, the likes of which you could only see in the North or South Pole, and sometimes a day worthy of the desert sun! The school seemed to grow in size, with each hallway and room growing ten times its size, making an already large academy now the size of a medium-sized town, however streamlined it was from the various hallways and less open structure. Courtyards were vast fields, though, if one looked, they'd notice that the weather outside was the same as it was normally, a small hint to the observant. The many corridors held secrets, shortcuts, traps, and anything else to trip up teams. Each student would have to work through the location and make it before anyone else could, and of course, return it to the most crowded section of the school! The first challenge of Avolair Academy had begun!
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\ Erich Doe \ Abomination \ Rank 5 \
School corridors, Auditorium
Interactions: Zain Ayumu RoyalPhoenix32 RoyalPhoenix32 Artemis Ravenhart Forgotten Home Forgotten Home

Erich spent the morning in the school workshop. He wore a cast over his leg that day, not his hands after all. Unlike most who had yet to arrive in and get their stuff sorted, he had already installed himself in his own room. Well, install was a bit of an exaggeration, that would imply he had any personal effects to bring along in the first place. So far the only hint that he slept in the place were the pill bottles in the bathroom and the neatly folded clothes in the closet. Erich saw to it that his bed looked exactly as he’d found it first, neat, clean and ready to fall into. He always wondered where he learned to fold sheets with millimetre precision but he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

His project, to saw off a few bits of metal bar and weld them back together into a simple but extremely solid pair of crutches. He just about sewed some spare towels on as a bit of paddding when the intercom went on.

Amusing though the headmaster’s mishaps were, Erich found the meat of the message extremely interesting. Today, a load of proper students would arrive! That meant new faces! Social activity ho!

… Actually first, he did need to deliver his old pair of crutches back to the infirmary. From the classrooms in the south wing to the extended north wing was a bit of a trek even before his limp. Ah well, nothing for it, he’d be even later if he did not get moving right this instant. Mentally he reviewed his map. The school did not have the, how should he put this, most intuitive layout.

Several minutes passed. With a distinct click thud step he moved straight through three corridors linked by utterly identical intersections, then a left, then around the headmaster-

“Greetings sir.” he absentmindedly shuffled aside for the man. Was it a right or a left now? He idly watched the headmaster disappear down a corridor Erich distinctly remembered being a dead end. Maybe the man needed something from the storage down there? He shrugged then headed down what should be the way to the auditorium.


Erich checked himself over one last time. He stuffed his black work coveralls safely into his simple dark green backpack. The pack went, in his opinion, well with his preferred bronze-brown sweater and tan cargo pants. He wore one hiking shoe on his right foot, and the plaster on his left. His girth practically necessitated a belt, so he wore a simple sturdy leather one with a multi-tool dangling off it. Satisfied, he shuffled quietly into the back of the Auditorium just as an announcer literally jumped onto the stage. Damnation, just as he wanted to go and meet some people.

He knew better than to try and make conversation while Doctor Silus watched. The man, from what little he could glean over the past half year, held little to no patience for fools.

There was a distinct flicker over in the air behind him, a vague shimmer that lasts for a brief moment. His mana source is just plain wrong. Most people shine or burn in various ways. Erich flickers like a sickly orange wisp from a dirty oil fire. Utterly clueless about it, the large man instead settles in one of the few free seats. There’s a moment where it creaked under the weight, almost like a contemplative hum, before it decided to hold up.

The pleasantly dressed young lady next to him, already not the largest person present, appears positively tiny by comparison.

“G’day.” he whispered briefly, the only sound he dared make while Silus explained the rules. Erich didn’t bother rushing out. It paid to be informed in full, and he still needed to find a team anyway. As the EMP effect killed the electronics, he visibly winced.
“Funkgerät funktioniert nicht mehr!” followed by a slap “This is AMERICA kraut, speak English.”​
Erich turned to the lady next to him. Fate had led him to her, and she radiated such good vibes even he could pick up on them.

“Hello miss? This is my first time properly attending the school and egyptian history isn’t my forte, however! I do know the building and Doctor Silus’ handiwork somewhat. Shall we work together? Beats going alone.” he offered.
\ Artemis Ravenhart \ Witch, Type B \ Rank 4 \
Interactions: Dmitri Tolenka Dmitri Tolenka (Erich Doe)

The girl who had been sitting next to him quietly, listening to the rules intently, jumped a few centimeters in her seat after the guy next to her sudden spoke. Ever so gently, she looked over at who spoke. It was this boy beside her and... she was looking at her. It took a few moments to register what he had said and who it was directed at. With this, a lightbulb grew bright in her head! This was metaphorical, of course, but it made her imagine like there was an actual one there.

She turned more towards him and gave him a kind, closed-eyed smile followed by a small nod of the head in agreement. "That would be nice," the girl said in a low, gentle voice, hoping that the profe-- doctor didn't notice her talking to him. Then again, everyone else has started chattering, so hopefully, she wouldn't be noticed as being rude. She gave the man a look over and froze up a bit. He looked a bit... scary because of his beard and... utter bulk of size, especially when compared to someone short and fragile like herself. This made her unconsciously but subtly shake.

"I-I-I don't really know anyone..." she said, accidentally stammering when she spoke. She was also shaking because of the tingling in her body that came from the EMP that just went off in the room. Luckily, she hadn't packed anything but textbooks and some folders in the brown leather case that she had been carrying, now set at her feet.

The girl gave him another look over. Now that she looked closer, he didn't seem that scary personality-wise. He wore a nice sweater and some regular cargo pants, along with a... cast? She didn't want to pry so she just added it to her memory for safekeeping. He was even offering her a place on his team, not to mention he seemed really mannerly and kind! She cleared her throat in a subtle fashion and gave him another kind smile, this time with her eyes open.

Name: Constance "Connie" Taylor
Race: Demon
Type: 2A
Rank: Guardian
Location: Taylor Manor > Avolair Auditorium
Interaction: OBESE OBESE

7:20 A.M.
Four figures stood within a room immerse in darkness. It was a fairly empty room except for a fairly large round table stationed in the middle. Such a room seemed ordinary, but to those who stood among it, it held the utmost importance to them. Decisions are made, all order is kept, and a legacy that must live on.

One of the figures, although appearing otherwise, was in a state of anxiousness and discontent. As the others stood around the room, engaged in a conversation or occupied with their electronic device, Constance, or in this case the anxious one, kept checking her wristwatch and wondering when this unforeseen meeting would commence. Of all the days available, this had to happen today.

There was a sudden change of air and Constance could sense a new presence among them. A gruff voice entered into the threshold. "Gather, Guardians," the gruff voice said. The command turned the room into silence without a second wasted. The four figures moved to stand before the table; wherever they stood, a symbol would magically be carved on the edge and would emit a faint glow. Every Taylor had their own unique symbol, which is given after their coming of age ceremony. Whenever they stand before the table, their symbol will surely be there. Those who don't will be eliminated on the spot. Fortunately, Taylor Manor was a fortress and any who is foolish enough to attempt to cross through will not be shown mercy.

The owner of the voice situated himself in a vacant spot and his symbol carved and glowed immediately. There was no need to show his face. The man was Constance's father and Constance was a spitting image of him- ashen grey hair, pitch-black eyes, and pale skin. Constance's father proceeded with the meeting and Constance gave her wristwatch one final check. She could only hope that this gathering was brief...

Around 8:00 A.M. Just as Silos Allowick is making his speech.
The meeting was shorter than she expected, but not short enough as she hoped. Time was against her and her Master was undoubtedly waiting for her. The other figures began to submerge themselves into the shadows, leaving the room once they were dismissed to perform their tasks. Constance, about to morph with the darkness, was stopped by the voice of her father once again. The guardian turned around, keeping a neutral look on her face as she faced her father. Her father planted a manila folder within her hands, briefly explaining that it is detailed documents of Maxim Marozov from his class schedule, dorm room, and even to his medical history. Also included was her own documents, to which to her seemed unnecessary. Of course, she hadn't the tongue to voice her thoughts, especially to her superior. The last message her father gave her before leaving was, "Do not disappoint me." Constance dipped herself in curt bow until he was gone. Once this happened, Constance left the Manor.

Constance arrived at Avolair Academy, quite literally emerging from the shadows provided by a generous canopy of trees. She immediately made a beeline toward the auditorium, having briefly skimming over the map provided within the manila folder. Upon her entrance, she was met with students running amok in what seemed like a panic. Constance was swiftly maneuvering through them as well as pushing past the worst-case scenario developing in mind. The level of incompetence she was performing at was astounding to her. Such misfortune, she thought to herself, especially with it being the first day...

She was just down the hall from the auditorium when all of the lights suddenly blew out. Luckily, the guardian was able to adjust to the lack of light, once again maneuvering through the students who were flooding out of the auditorium in a frenzy. Constance kept a close eye out for Maxim in case he happened to be among the crowd. She moved in closer, phasing from one point to another until she was within the facility. She found there was not a staff member in sight, leaving Constance to believe that the worst-case scenario might indeed be happening. The urgency to find Maxim increased tenfold and she scanned the crowds once more. It took a moment to spot Maxim, but once she caught sight of him, Constance moved.

Constance teleported and reappeared in front of Maxim's seat. She dropped herself down in a kneel before him. Despite the chaos playing around them, she kept her right hand, curled into a tight fist, and over her heart. She dipped her head down and spoke for the first time that day. "Please forgive me, Master Marozov."

Inari Maya
Kitsune|Type: Tenko | Rank: 1C | Magic Mastery 2 | Auditorium --> ???
Interaction: Cpt. Soda Cpt. Soda

Maya watched the students with great interest, curious as to what she had to work with. There was the werewolf, vampire, and witch in the front row discussing music. A homunculus just a seat back keeping an eye on the songwriter. A disguised demon and another witch sitting in the middle with yet another witch not too far away. Standing at the back were a ghost and what was probably a dark magician. And then of course was the back row where her own daughter was chattering away with an angel, already making friends it seemed. That was good, Maya had been a little worried if Akiko was going to fit in, but at this rate it seemed there was no need for concern. Her child was going to be just fine.

As she was examining the crowd a rather muscular man sat down next to her. He seemed rather absorbed in his tea for a bit before he snapped out of what she assumed was a memory and turned to her greeted her. Then he took her a bit by surprise by asking about the kitsunes, though he ended up tripping over himself as he came to the conclusion that was being rude and switched to introducing himself. Maya however was not offended and simply chuckled. "Inari Maya." She responded with a polite smile, the slight lack of pronunciation in her r hinting at her Japanese origin." But please call me Maya. And yes, we are quite hard to meet. Especially when we're in hiding." She turned her attention back to the students just in time to watch Akiko fumble over the back of her chair and fall straight though the ghost girl, earning a chuckle. That girl had the dexterity of an Olympian and still somehow manages to trip over her own feet. "But hiding wasn't what my daughter needed," She continued "and the academy seemed like a safe place to let her be free. Plus I always wanted the chance to be a teacher."

It was about this time that Silus appeared at her shoulder and whispered in her ear. "Oh? Already?" She asked, but the vampire was long gone. Make sure that nobody did anything crazy, he said. In her opinion what they were about to do was crazier than any of the mischief the students could get up to, but it should prove interesting, so Maya did what she was asked and kept an eye on the crowd. It wasn't really necessary as Silus was back almost as soon as he was gone and had begun his speech...


Inari Akiko
Half-Kitsune | Rank: 4 | High School Freshmen | Auditorium
Interactions: TayMaiTer TayMaiTer Blackrose7 Blackrose7

Okay. Akiko had just fallen through a person. That was... new. And the person she fell through wasn't surprised by this? Like this was normal? Hold on was she a ghost? That would explain a lot if she was. "Yeah, I'm okay!" She announced as some unseen force picked her up off the floor. Also weird, but not as much. Rubbing her nose she turned towards the new girl. "Hey, are you a g-"

She didn't get to finish her question before some white haired guy popped up on the stage and called for their attention. He began giving a speech, which began with talking bloodlines and "specimens" (creepy) but soon turned into shouting about how people were watching them (extra creepy). Then he began to talk about a competition revolving around an Egyptian god and the room devolved into chaos. The sound of water and snakes, kids running around, and then the lights going out. Luckily Akiko had the vision of a fox and soon her eyes adjusted to the low light.

"Well I don't know about the recognition and the lessons, but this seems like an interesting puzzle!" She chirped, looking back and forth between the ghost girl and Elie. Honestly she didn't care about the fame and having one of the teachers be your mom kinda meant you were already getting special lessons, but this still seemed like fun. "So the big guy said teams of three and I'm counting three of us here. What'ya say? Team?"
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Elentiya (Elie) Locke
Angel | Type: A | Rank: 4 | High School Senior | Auditorium
Interactions: Ian Temero Ian Temero Blackrose7 Blackrose7

Elentiya opened her mouth to say something to the ghost girl and her new found friend when suddenly, a man stepped up to the microphone. The man was obviously a vampire. While angels and demons struggled with one another - and she had spotted a demon earlier - angels and vampires were iffy. Some people believed that vampires had demons in them, so correlating with the race could be difficult. But at the same time, it could be done.

The man - who she discovered was a teacher here at the academy - started to give a speech about races and species. Finally, as strange Egyptian music began to play through hidden speakers, he announced a challenge! Elie starts to grin, her eyes lighting up. She loves challenges!

'So the big guy said teams of three and I'm counting three of us here. What'ya say? Team?' Elie smiles widely at Akiko. "I would love to team up!" She looks at the ghost girl that Akiko fell through. "Though, I don't know how I will carry you, miss. I mean no insult, but people are already leaving and it would be faster for us to fly." Her blue eyes study the two girls she will most likely have to carry
Felicity Montgomery

ghost choir♪

| Ghost A | Noble | Rank 3 | High School Freshman | Auditorium | Interactions: TayMaiTer TayMaiTer Ian Temero Ian Temero | Mentions: N/A​

Felicity was glad that the fox girl was alright, since she didn't want them to be hurt on their first day of school. Just as she was going to say that she was happy that they are alright and tell them that she was a ghost. A white-haired guy appeared on the stage, so they would get their attention. Felicity looked at the guy, because she was curious about what the guy had to say to them.

They explained about the purebloods and the nobles, and since Felicity is a noble. She knew what he was talking about. He also mentioned the without being looked at part, so Felicity looked around for the officials in the auditorium. She didn't see any of the officials Silus was talking about. '...I am not sure what Silus is talking about.' thought Felicity. Despite being a noble, she has no clue about the officials Silus was talking about. Because they had to stay in the mansion for their own protection.

The next part got weird, since they played egyptian music for the hints. Felicity was confused by what Silus was talking about. Because mind games like this are complicated for a ghost like her. 'Earth, water, and what? I am not sure what he is talking about, since he is playing a mind game with us.' thought Felicity. She doesn't like mind games for this reason. To her, it is like they are talking in a different language. Especially when they are talking in riddles like this.

After Silus explained about the reward, and what would happen if someone cheated. She then looked at the fox girl. "I don't like riddles. That kind of mind game is confusing to deal with, and about what I was going to say earlier. I am glad that you are alright, and if you were about to say that I am a ghost. You are correct about that." said Felicity, as she put her hand through the fox girl's chest to show that off. "See. I can't touch you, and you wouldn't be able to carry me." Felicity was looking at the angel girl while saying that. "As for team up with you guys. I would gladly accept that, because I haven't talked to anyone else here." Felicity floated off the ground, for there wasn't a point of hiding that from them. 'As much as I want to go through walls. I won't do that, since I would end up being punished by the teachers.' thought Felicity. They knew that the ghosts would have an advantage, because of their ability to go through anything.
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Elentiya (Elie) Locke
Angel | Type: A | Rank: 4 | High School Senior | Auditorium
Interactions: Ian Temero Ian Temero Blackrose7 Blackrose7


Elie gives a grin. "Think you can keep up?" She isn't usually competitive, but when it comes to flying, she loves to race and go fast. If she sees the ghost girl unable to keep up, she will certainly slow down, though. "My name is Elentiya. Most call me Elie though. And this is Akiko." She gestures at the clumsy kitsune that had fallen through the ghost girl.

As the girl begins floating, Elie scoops Akiko into her arms, holding the small girl to her chest. An arm goes behind her back, with the other going underneath her knees. The auditorium was nearly empty, just a few stragglers left behind. "Come on! Let's go!" She crouches as she raises her wings. After a pause, she thrusts her wings downward with a mighty flap, sending them shooting skyward toward the already high ceilings.

Elie had never flown while carrying someond before. So, the newfound weight of Akiko - light as it is - sends her dropping dangerously downward before another flap shoots them straight, toward the doors. She tucks her wings for the brief moment it takes to get through the doorway. Once outside, she soars upward. She really should train and practice flying with weight like this. It would make her ten times faster with that weight removed.

From uo high, she scans the ground, watching the diffrrent teams going ti diffrrent places in the school. The constantly changing time of day and weather is confusing her instincts for flying. The way she flies changes with the time of day, temperature, weather... everything matters. The fluctuating environment makes it difficult to focus on keeping them airborne and focus on the task. Eventually, she says to the kitsune in her arms, "You figure out which way we go. I will make sure we don't end up crashing to the ground." She also waits for the ghost girl to join them.

Explaining the heat outside
Interaction: TayMaiTer TayMaiTer , Blackrose7 Blackrose7 , Ian Temero Ian Temero
Outside area, within school grounds. Nearby: Arena. Center of school.

As Elentiya struggled to stay in the air holding Akiko, the sky above them seems to stabilize from the wild weather conditions into that of a dry summer's day. The heat instantly grows, and it feels like a hot summer's day in California, slightly unusual for the coming autumn season that should be arriving. The sky has become perfectly clear, with no clouds in sight, no wind in the air, and it seems like other students outside below them are scattering towards different places for cover. However, some students, the ones furthest ahead, are starting to panic, completely ignoring any shade! Their skin is turning red with an intense sunburn, and one team is even about to pass out!

Yet, for the team of Elentiya, Felicity, and Akiko, this must seem strange, almost comical: the heat to them is stronger than usual, maybe even enough to make you sweat in short-sleeve clothing, but nothing to this extent... what is going on? The heat doesn't seem magical, so it's not affecting Felicity, but how is anything of the sort happening?

The grass seems vibrant one second, and then a bit drier the next, and then the next time they look at the ground, cracks are starting to show. Then, as the heat begins to become more intense as they deliberate where to go, a voice speaks to them in their mind, but it is somehow indistinguishable from their own inner thoughts. Is this coming from their own realization, or someone else in their head?!

This is the work of Ra, God of the Sun and Sky itself! This heat definitely comes from him. And it seems like it will only get more intense.

However, while they know about what is assailing them... what to do? How far does it go? It's not technically hurting them yet, it's just really hot, and perhaps shade, or going indoors might help? The wind outside is almost non-existent, meaning that there's no wind-shear to make the temperature cooler unless Elentiya can fly extremely quickly to generate enough wind-shear to cool them off, but even that is temporary, as the heat is still pouring on them.

All teams heading outside will feel this and have it progress steadily. This is what it feels like as one immediately exits a building into the outside area inside the school up to about ten minutes outside, about enough time to enter the Arena, which is nearby even as it seems the school is much larger. After that time, such as if somebody attempts to go into a wing entrance of the school (North, South, East, or West), the heat will surely become more intense.
Felicity Montgomery

ghost choir♪

| Ghost A | Noble | Rank 3 | High School Freshman | Auditorium -> Outside Area, within the school | Interactions: TayMaiTer TayMaiTer Ian Temero Ian Temero | Mentions: N/A​

Felicity was surprised when Elentiya told her to keep up with their flying, since she didn't expect a race to be happening during a competition. "Wait for me, Elie!" said Felicity, as she ran through a wall to get out of the auditorium. "My name is Felicity and please slow down. I have the same speed as a human here."
As Felicity continued to run through the walls in order to catch up with her team. She noticed nothing that was between the walls. They were more focused on trying to catch up with Elentiya than to cheat by accident. 'Angels are way too fast when they are using their wings.' thought Felicity.

Eventually, they arrived outside with her team, but she was fatigued from trying to outrun Elentiya. Her panting can be heard, and to anyone who knows nothing about the ghosts. This scene would be weird to them, as they would think that the ghosts aren't able to be tired due to them having no physical body. Well, it's true that they don't have a physical body. It can affect their mental state. "Y-You win, Elie." said Felicity, who was trying to catch her breath with her non-existence lungs. The race made her tired, and despite her having a lot of energy. Felicity wasn't used to running like that, because they have never been in a race until now.
Unaware of California's insane heat, she looked down at the ground for a bit. They wanted to sit down, so they would get some of their stamina back.

Upon noticing that there were cracks on the ground, she knew that something bad was happening around here. "Hey Elie and Akiko. Do you guys know why there are cracks on the ground?" said Felicity.
After she said that, someone talked in her mind. That caused Felicity's eyes to be wide open, since she didn't expect that to happen. "Heat? What heat? I don't feel any heat, because I am a ghost." said Felicity, who was confused by that.
Elentiya (Elie) Locke
Angel | Type: A | Rank: 4 | High School Senior | Outside
Interactions: Ian Temero Ian Temero Blackrose7 Blackrose7

Elie watches from above as people become sunburnt and the earth begins to crack. What is happening? Her answers soon comes. 'This is the work of Ra, God of the Sun and Sky itself! This heat definitely comes from him. And it seems like it will only get more intense.' She frowns. A sky god? Hmmm. It might be best to be on the ground. Just in case this Ra is in a foul mood.

She tilts into a gently dive, keeping her wings steady. Eventually, shelands softly on the ground next to Felicity. Setting Akiko down, Elie notices that the weather is much worse down here. She frowns. This heat might not be the best for her wings... "Come on. Let's get inside." She tucks her wings snuglt against her back, making sure they don't drag on the ground. Wings that drag are considered lazy. Not only that, but there are so many things that could damage the wings.

With that final thought, she begins making her way toward one of the classroom buildings. This time, on foot. She makes sure that Akiko and Felicity can keep pace. "Sorry about leaving you behind, Felicity." Elie says to the young (old?) ghost. "I get awfully excited when I have a chance to fly. I never usualy have the opportunity, especially in school." She gives a smile.
Felicity Montgomery

ghost choir♪

| Ghost A | Noble | Rank 3 | High School Freshman | Outside Area, within the school -> School Building | Interactions: TayMaiTer TayMaiTer Ian Temero Ian Temero | Mentions: N/A​

Felicity watched Elie land next to her, and put Akiko down. She secretly wanted to use telekinesis on Akiko, since it would be fun to see a floating fox girl. However, because they don't know about her using telekinesis to pick them up from the floor. Felicity will tell them about that later, for she doesn't want to scare them by accident. "Ok." said Felicity, who still has that french accent.

They followed Elie into one of the school buildings by floating, despite not knowing if they are doing the competition right or not. "It's alright, Elie, and I have never done a race before until now. Nobles have no reason to do that, since they live a comfortable life in their fancy mansion." said Felicity. She was telling Elie and Akiko about that, since she knew that the noble part was going to appear sooner or later. "Also, I am happy that you got the chance to fly, because that is probably fun."
Felicity would have taken out the gloves that are in her bag, so she would be able to pet Elie's head. But she left that bag in her dorm room before she entered the auditorium in case something like this were to happen. For right now, they have a cheerful smile on their face.

"I wonder why that Ra guy was making the ground crack with their heat, and I still don't know what they meant by heat. I didn't feel any of that so called heat that the weird mind voice was saying." said Felicity. She has a curious look on her face, because they won't know what heat feels like unless it is some kind of magic.
'After this competition is over, I am so going to pet Elie and Akiko's head by using my gloves. I mean, Elie is a pretty angel while Akiko is a cute kitsune. They also deserve the petting.' thought Felicity.
Aiyana Quil

Aiyana straightened her posture to a stand after bending down to drop her belongings infront of her dorm room. With her forearm she wiped the light layer of moisture beginning to surface on her forehead. This breed of werewolves always ran warm (comes in handy in cold weather). Aiyana was no fragile girl, but she had more than one bag to lug around on such a big campus and she was relieved to finally reach her destination and drop off the weight. Inside her backpack was a small pocket-sized book of poetry, and tucked between the center pages sat a few papers and pamphlets. The tallest piece was narrow and thin, a brochure with images of the school, a basic "welcome" sheet for new students. next was a regular sized sheet of paper folded in half with the map of the campus. The map took the page front and back, and had many words crammed in the legend below, so many rooms and destinations the font had to be small to fit it all. Lastly was a half sheet of paper that held her school schedule and dorm room info. Zipping the faux fur backpack closed, she held the book and papers in her hand and slipped the straps back on.

Now what...?

A loud frequency rang through the hall that made her inner ear tense, followed by some curses and an announcement instructing all students to rendezvous at the auditorium at once. Aiyana thumbed through the book and plucked the map from its resting place, flipping it open, her honey brown eyes scanned the page, "Lets see...." The auditorium took up a large portion of the map, so there was no struggle to find it, and when she did, the werewolf wasted no time in heading out.

The campus was as ornate and posh as the entrance was, and the outside of the auditorium was comparable to a grand theater: an old, historical look but with a modern twist, and very large. Before entering, she checked her outfit in the reflection of a near by window to make sure it was presentable for the first day. After all, first impressions were everything. She wore a black choker around her neck, a white, loose tank top with a suede jacket that had fringes on the sleeves, distressed shorts that sat high on her tightened waist, and black, heeled, ankle booties that have seen better days. One would assume they're her favorite pair of shoes, maybe. She had large black sunglasses and her long, straight hair was tossed to one side. Everything was in check, lookin' spiffy for the new teachers and head master, and she felt a little more confident. The click of her boots echoing as she entered the auditorium with her new peers along side her.

Aiyana raised her sunglasses from the bridge of her nose to the top of her head, pulling hair back along the way. She scoped out the available seats as she strolled down the long walk way. There were plenty available seats at the time of her arrival, the students had just stared to pour in so there were plenty of open seats to claim. Aiyana didn't care too much about who she sat beside, she open-minded with an open heart, and didn't discriminate against anyone. She had no preference and aimed to get along with everyone she came across. She picked an aisle and scooted down it to pick a seat near a male student, she planned to leave at least a seat or two between herself and the young man, but someone infant of her had already taken the last seat that left that space. Darn. Well now it would be too awkward to turn and leave, she already came all this way, just gonna have to bite the bullet. Aiyana placed herself between the two and placed her backpack in her lap, sweeping her long, feathery hair to settle behind her. She crossed one leg over the other and set a paper cup of coffee on the ground behind her foot so that it can't be kicked over by any one else traveling along the narrow passage. Once settled, Aiyana became more in tune with the scents she could gather from within the room. All sorts of races surround her, from what she could smell, and when her eyes glanced around to the mass of students behind her she could see that they came from all over. One particular scent sort of made her feel, at home? But not quite, it was still different and strange. When she turned her head she realized it was the student beside her, she had caught a strong whiff when he leaned forward to speak to another student near him. The recognizable scent of a werewolf made her just a smidge more relaxed. It reminded her of home, and how that scent is everywhere amongst her family and siblings, she felt comfort in being near someone similar to her to her background. However, as mentioned, there was still something different. He was not the same type of werewolf as she, which was not unheard of. All werewolves descended from the same ancestor(s) but as they began to expand and migrate, their genetics evolved and changed. Aiyana was a werewolf and that shifted her forms voluntarily, when ever she wanted. He, she could smell, was the other type that was chained to the night and transformed to the moon's bidding. A slave to moonlight. Aiyana felt a certain level of pity for those types, being able to shift at your own will is...freeing. In an indescribable way. Regardless Aiyana considered herself lucky to have found this seat and sit along side distant kin that reminded her of home.

A doctor took the stage and with...great...gusto..announced the start of a competition. He stressed that cheating was not allowed but Aiyana couldn't help but wonder, what exactly does that entail? Many, if not all, students here were gifted with magic abilities and capabilities. Does he mean they're not to use their gifts? Suddenly the lights dimmed till it was dark and almost hard to see. Night vision is something her human form does not hold, and when Aiya looked around it was a little difficult to recognize anything. Thinking quickly, Aiyana pulled retrieved phone from her back pocket to use the flashlight but the darn thing wouldn't turn on. She could hear the commotion and see some students attempting the same, but seemed as if all electronics were disabled for the time being. The she-wolf stuffed her book in her pack quickly, and raised to stand, the fringes of the tan, suede jacket she wore dangling in the process. She gripped the both hands around the straps of her pack as she looked around. Where to begin? The search for this artifact, with is appearance unknown, would be no easy feat in a school so large and....mystically seemed to expand. There was an eerie aura, and strange presence of magic that altered the room and the space the students traveled. 'This school certainly is different,' she thought. Still, the idea was fun, but the large student body Aiyana was almost certain she would not be the one to find the relic, but out of school spirit and excitement of the chase, she still wanted to participate. However much out spoken she was, making friends was not a skill she mastered. She faced the doors of the auditorium behind her as students shuffled their way to exit. She could wait and see if there are any loose stragglers that may invite her to their trio, but that runs the risk of everyone being taken and leaving her to fend for herself, which she also did not mind. On the other hand, there was still that "cheating" thing, what classified as cheating? For now, she assumed the use of any abilities was forbidden and decided she would not put them to use here.

(Sorry y'all im not good with codes :'o also for the novel)

Mentioned: OBESE OBESE
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Inari Akiko
Half-Kitsune | Rank: 4 | High School Freshmen | Outside --> Schoolbuilding
Interactions: TayMaiTer TayMaiTer Blackrose7 Blackrose7

"Woah. Ghosts are cool." Akiko said in hushed tone, once again feeling cold as the ghost girl put her hand through her. She'd actually had an encounter with a ghost before, though it hadn't been a very pleasant one. But this girl seemed cool! Literally! When she agreed to team up with them Akiko grinned and cheered. "Heck yeah! Let's do this team...team..." She paused, one ear tilted over as she thought hard. "... Crystal! Yeah! Team Crystal!" She then giggled and starting singing "We are the Crystal Gems, We'll always save the day. And if you think we can't, We'll always find a way-" Her singing was interrupted however when introductions were given again and then she was scooped up into a princess carry and launched into the air.

Flying with an angel was a completely different experience to flying with her mom. Where flying by kitsune magic was smooth and effortless, Akiko could feel the shifting of Elie's muscles with each flap of her wings, the wind whipping up past them. It was a less comfortable ride, but a bit more thrilling. Also a little embarrassing. Her face was so close to Elie's-NOPE! Not thinking about it! Not thinking about the heat that was crawling up her cheeks! And arms. And... Hold on, everything was getting hot! She was sweating buckets!

At this point Felicity caught up to them and the thought ran through their heads. "Ra, huh?" She went quiet for a while as she thought hard about this, trying to remember what she knew about Ra. Gods and the like had always been a fascinating subject to her. She was still thinking when Elie landed on the ground and they started walking towards the school building. "Since this game seems to be Egyptian themed I'm guessing that the schoolgrounds are turning into a desert." Akiko spoke up to answer Felicity's question. "And Ra is the Egyptian creator god and god of the sun. He's one of the most important gods in the mythology. Like the pharaohs claimed to be his incarnation." Her head and ear tilted as she considered something. "You know, I bet it's not just an obstacle. I bet it's part of the puzzle. Let's see...Falcon head...the boats Atet, Mandjet and Mesektet...worshipped with hyms, prayers, spells, and sacrifices. What was sacrificed again?" Akiko continued to mutter facts about the sun god as they reached the building and she hopped ahead to open the door for her new friends.
Elentiya (Elie) Locke
Angel | Type: A | Rank: 4 | High School Senior | Outside - School Building
Mentions/Interactions: Ian Temero Ian Temero Blackrose7 Blackrose7

As they walked, Elie heard Akiko muttering. 'You know, I bet it's not just an obstacle. I bet it's part of the puzzle. Let's see...Falcon head...the boats Atet, Mandjet and Mesektet...worshipped with hyms, prayers, spells, and sacrifices. What was sacrificed again?' Elie glances over at the kistune. "Egyptians usually sacrificed humans to their gods. Their religion forbade animal sacrifices other than cattle, sheep, and geese."

She thinks about this for a moment. "What if we head to the History classrooms? Or maybe agriculture?" She turns to Felicity, "Do you have any ideas on where to go?"

They had reached the school building and she gratefully pushes the doors open, nearly groaning as the air conditioning kisses her hot skin. She takes a moment to spread her wings and allow them to be cooled. Then, she retucks her wings against her back and looks around.
Maxim "Max" Marozov

Werewolf | Pureblood | Magic Rank 2 | High-School | Auditorium front row
Interactions: nios nios | Mentions: Seraphiel Seraphiel ; Fluffy-Kat Fluffy-Kat

The timing of his question to the girl could not have been worse due to the fact that as soon as he asked another announcement started, this time from the front stage, which was located not far from where he was sitting. It could have been lucky at the same time, because in reality he could not be bothered that much to actually make this small chat into a proper conversation if anything, because the only reason why he did it in the first place was because his mothers voice was in his head, more precisely what she told him as he was leaving "Maxim, this school is your chance to enjoy life and life is sad with no one around you, so make sure you make friends...or at least try to..."

As the voice from the stage reached Maxims ears he twisted his focus away from the girl, the question and the small chat he attempted and still sitting in the same position, leaned forwards with his elbows on his knees, he looked up at the speaker. The first sentence that came out of the speakers mouth already started to annoy Maxim. The energy, the obvious demand of respect, the tone and everything about Silus Allowick as he introduced himself, was sickening to Maxim. So far Maxim did not try to smell or hear or do anything to find out who is what type of creature because it was not important, same to Silus, but based on his looks alone and the arrogance, you could easily guess who he was. Maxim was a pureblood, almost something like a prince to werewolves on Russian territory while his father was a king and technically he could give the same arrogance, the same energy and everything as this teacher was doing, but that was not him and he despised people like that.

While Maxim was listening to what Silus was saying, but at the same time kind of zoned out in his own thoughts about what he was seeing, making him slightly angry inside which lead to him letting out a little growl, the room went into a chaos mode. It felt like with this challenge or whatever you might call it, the school suddenly became like hunger games with only one weapon available. Massive amount of the students that were present in the auditorium dashed out of it like bunch of rats trying to escape flooding sewer.

Suddenly the lights turned off and the room went dark. Where Maxim was sitting you could only see a dark silhouette of his body and two red dots, looking like fire tornados where his eyes were. He did not need no time to adjust his visuals as it switched like a sensor from day mode to night mode allowing him to perfectly see everything. The eyes glowing in dark was a common thing between his type of werewolves, at least in Russia. You could tell by their eye colours where the werewolf stands. Most of the purebloods had red eyes, the longer the linage of the pureblood, the more mesmerizing the colour would be. If you came from long line of purebloods your eyes started to become like tie dye instead of just red. Due to the long linage of Maxims family his eyes were not just like tie dye red, but the colours were moving in his eyes, almost like little explosions would be happening in yes eyeballs, making the colours to seem alive and moving like clouds in his eyes.

Light were off and so were the speaker from the stage and seemed like other teachers as well. Second later, right in front of Maxim, something dark appeared. If you could not see in dark, then you would not know what was that, but for those who could, they saw a body appear, bowing in front of Maxim. "Please forgive me, Master Marozov." came out of the persons mouth in front of Maxim and at that moment you could see Maxims eyes to start to glow brighter for a second and then go back to the normal glow. That was usually indicator of strong emotion change and in this case on top of the little anger he already had it sparked even stronger when Constance, the girl in front of him, called him a master.

Out of nowhere he lifted his right hand and smacked Constance or Connie as he called her, at the back of her head. The smack was not strong and was more of a playful "you fool" type of manner. "What do you think you doing?" he spoke to her in a calm voice "Are you really still gonna do that?". As he said that he turned his head towards a girl, not far from him, who was attempting to turn on her phone, but unsuccessfully. Seeing that, he took out his iPod from his pocket that he had paused and saw it off as well. "Seems like no electronics..." he looked back at Connie "...oh and yeah, you missed out - everyone is trying to find some kind of Egyptian artefact." He pulled the earbuds by the wire and with the iPod put them into his jeans pocket. "If you ask me, I don't care, but I want to get to my dorm room, so I guess quicker that thing is found, quicker I will be able to do it." he leaned back in his chair "And we can make teams of 3...so as your punishment for being late you have to find us one more member for the team." he said with a grin in his face.​


The heat is more intense!
Interaction: TayMaiTer TayMaiTer , Blackrose7 Blackrose7 , Ian Temero Ian Temero
Entering Southern Wing Corridor, Towards Classrooms

NEARBY: Classrooms, Cafeteria, Men's Dorms, Lounge Area.

As soon as Elentiya cooled her wings off — disaster! The corridor is just like outside, the roof above them looks like a bright summer sky, and the ground, no longer just cracking, is as dusty as the desert. The heat has turned up to 150 degrees Fahrenheit, or 65 Celsius, at this point, touching anything that's on the ground would be incredibly painful, and cheap plastic might even be melting! However, it looks like if the team runs as fast as possible, they can enter one of the classrooms in the South Wing, or the cafeteria, men's dorms or the Lounge Area. The classrooms look just the same as

How much hotter could this heat get? Are the teachers really crazy enough to make them deal with even more heat? Does Team Crystal perhaps feel nauseous in what to an outsider might seem like a simple, if long, corridor? And just what awaits them if they're foolish enough to stay in this raging sun for even longer?!
\ Erich Doe \ Abomination \ Rank 5 \

School corridors, Auditorium

Interactions: Aiyana Quil Fluffy-Kat Fluffy-Kat Artemis Ravenhart Forgotten Home Forgotten Home

Erich leans back a little as he takes in the small girl. Did he do something wrong? She responded as if he’d been in his metal hide initially. His confidence came back in full swing as she regained her mental footing and actually smiled at him with a sparkle in her beautiful sapphire eyes.

"Neither do I! We are not born knowing anyone." Erich says jovially with his hands held wide and palm up. He then strokes his chin in thought.

"I think that is the right grammar. Anyway! A pleasure to meet you, my name is Erich Doe. What is yours? What say you we go to find a third member or maybe even a clue here! The best place to hide something is the place everyone runs from, is it not? So I think we might even find some here. If not, well, we should be able to find someone at least.” he half muses out loud. He grabs his crutches and props himself up slowly, careful to avoid any pressure on his hurt ankle. The second he has his footing though, he points a crutch to where he spies a student standing by themselves. Long flowing brown hair, clothes that clearly showed off her acceptable levels of fitness, and most importantly a curious spark in her eyes as she scanned the crowd. There is another duo close by, so they would have to move quickly.

"Target spotted! Forward!” he says and hops to it with gusto.

“Hello there, would you happen to still be looking for a group? We have room! We have intelligence! We sadly do not have any idea what exactly to look for yet but we aim to fix that as soon as possible. My name is Erich Doe, what is yours?”

Even as he’s talking he is looking around. The building itself was done up in an old French style. Anything egyptian would break the building’s style pattern, if one paid any attention to such a thing.
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\ Artemis Ravenhart \ Witch, Type B \ Rank 4 \
Interactions: Dmitri Tolenka Dmitri Tolenka (Erich Doe) \ Fluffy-Kat Fluffy-Kat (Aiyana Quil)

"That's fair enough,"
she said after he said his somewhat philosophic statement. She gave him a smile and put her hands behind her back casually. She looked like a normal, quiet, cheerful teenage girl.

"My name is Artemis Ravenhart," she said gleefully. Erich Doe was a nice, generic name, and one she could easily remember... hopefully. Remembering names was definitely not her strong point. She gave a nice to him asking for a third member. "Yeah, that'd be good." She took a moment to think about whether it'd be in the auditorium, her face going neutral and her hand on her chin. While it makes some sense, it just doesn't make enough. This is a test of magical ability and endurance. Leaving it in the auditorium was uncreative and dull. She noticed him moving forward, interrupting her train of thought, although it was pretty much concluded, and ran to catch up with him, standing just behind him. She peered around him and gave a smile and a wave to the girl he approached, waiting for her to respond. Her sapphire eyes gleamed with a brilliant wonder of curiosity.
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Elentiya (Elie) Locke
Angel | Type: A | Rank: 4 | High School Senior | Outside - School Building
Mentions/Interactions: Ian Temero Ian Temero Blackrose7 Blackrose7
Clausewitz Halcyon Clausewitz Halcyon (for the narrator to be alerted)
Should I use this realistic one or the original one? Hmm...
Elie frowns as the heat continues to grow. They are inside! It should be cool! She reaches up, wiping sweat off of her brow. The heat is seriously not going to be good for the feathers of her wings. She could use her wind manipulation magic, but she has a feeling it wouldn't do much.

Tucking her hair behind her ears, she looks around. "Which way to the Ancient History classroom? I would assume that the next clue might be there. You know. With the whole Egypt thing..." As she turns to study the signs on the walls, a feather falls from her wing.

Her eyes widen as she picks up the feather. Luckily, it isn't one of the major ones. It is just a small one. But, the heat is causing her wings to shed feathers in order to cool off. Similar to how a dog or cat would shed fur to cool themselves. She tucks the feather into her pocket, hoping the other didn't notice. The last thing she wants is to have them worry. They have a competition to worry about.

Finally, she notices a sign that mentions the social studies classes are down a hall. So, she waves at Felicity and Akiko. "This way!" She begins jogging down the hall. When she finds the classroom door, she places her hand on the handle. With a hiss, she jerks her hand back. The metal of the handle is burning! With a frown and a bite of her lip, she places her hand on the handle and quickly pushes down, trying to ignore the pain as her hand burns.
Zain Ayumu
| Werewolf Hybrid | B (Rank A for Dragons) | 1A | On the way to Auditorium
Interaction: Clausewitz Halcyon Clausewitz Halcyon
Zain walked into the auditorium to see that Silus had already begun a test for the students to pass. He merely raised an eyebrow and sat down in his assigned seat, one that blazed with his aura. He gave a half smirk before summoning a small round crystal ball to watch the proceedings. More of him watching auras running and such, the pain of being unable to actually see things. But he didn't need to care at the moment, all he needed to do was look either imposing or as welcoming as possible. Either one, it wouldn't hurt to get some information on what KIND of test Silus decided to give the students.
"Silus, what kind of test did you decide to give our lovely students this year? I sure do hope its better than last year, I'm not entirely good and designing tests and such. But truly sorry for being late to announce anything. You know my aura sight gets the better of me when I'm checking for hunters and the like. Really need to have the vice principal whack me a few times to keep me from going overboard." Zain said, running a hand through his hair but in all honesty, he was serious. He often did go overboard with trying to protect his school and...He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. No one knew about his dragon form and he wouldn't transform for a while. But his skin was becoming tighter as the days dragged on...He may need to find the garden to transform into his dragon form. On full moons, he always had to find a place within the school to hold out from transforming but since he's gone nearly THREE months without transforming...

Inari Akiko
Half-Kitsune | Rank: 4 | High School Freshmen | South Wing Corridor
Interactions: TayMaiTer TayMaiTer Blackrose7 Blackrose7

Going inside apparently was not the answer, as it was just as hot in the hallway as it was outside and getting hotter still. "Okay, forget a desert, I think the school's turning into an oven!" She whined wiping sweat from her brow. She peeled off her jacket as Elie asked about the History Class. "I think we'd have better luck looking for those kinds of clues in the library than a classroom, but who knows what these crazy teachers are thinking?" Emphasis on crazy. If going outside was enough to give someone heatstroke who knew what else was in store? She was actually kind of surprised her mom was going with all this considering how dangerous it was starting to seem.

About the time that the angel lost a feather the fox-child was to focused on a problem of her own to notice. Namely that when she brushed her tail a bunch of loose for stuck to her fingers. She was shedding. The heat was making her shed! And was it just her or were feet kinda sticky? Looking down she discovered it wasn't just her imagination, the rubber soles of her shoes were starting to melt and stick to the floor. "Holy shit!" She cried out, her mom not there to tell her not to swear. "We need to get outa here!"

Elie called out to follow and Akiko was right on her heal. They reached the first door and Elie burned her hand on the handle. Not cool game. Not cool. "Out of the way." Akiko ordered, taking several steps back then dashing forward. Leaping into the air she kicked her feet out, first down onto the handle then second out into the door itself, slamming it open and tumbling into the room, rolling to her feet.
Elentiya (Elie) Locke
Angel | Type: A | Rank: 4 | High School Senior | Outside - School Building
Mentions/Interactions: Ian Temero Ian Temero Blackrose7 Blackrose7 Clausewitz Halcyon Clausewitz Halcyon
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Elie grins a small bit as Akiko breaks the door down and goes flying forward. She allows Felicity to step inside the room before she herself steps in. As she moves, another feather sheds and drops to the ground. What is it called when feathers are shed again? Ah, yes. Moulting.

She ignores the feather and steps into the classroom. It seems normal. Not the god-awful heat like outside. In fact, as the air conditioning blows cool air onto her and her wings, Elie lets out a small sigh. Oh, that feels amazing.

The best temperature for flying, in her opinion, was right in the middle. With just a bit of wind, but nothing crazy. The heat brings stale air, which makes your wings have to work harder to fly. The cold causes your wings to freeze up. But, then again, most people aren't built for flying. You have to have hollow bones, which is what makes Elie weigh so little. If you tried to fly with solid bones, you wouldn't get an inch off the ground.

She looks around the History classroom. What she is looking for? She has no clue. Something out of the ordinary. Something that screams egyptian or clue. But right now... she looks, hoping to find something. Where would they go next if this isn't the place?

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