• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Ryujo Katagiri || Oh no, I'm not gonna be pulling an Aqua!

Emiya Shin Emiya Shin P PopcornPie

Ryujo was not sure what to do, but hearing that those things may go to the surface and hurt people....

"Like hell I'm gonna sit back and be useless! I'm not Aqua,"
Cue sneazing blue goddess of useless

"Nor am I one to let others get hurt!"
He ran into the fray, yet he had no clue what he should do in the conflict. He just had his fists.

If only I had a beam saber-
Pinkish red particles collected around his fists as Ryujo had sensed it in him.

He pictured himself smiling as he moved his hands away from his body, as pink beams eruped and condensed into two energy blades.

"Let our date begin!"
He declared, quoting his best friend Kotori Itsuka, aka The Efreet of gunpla battle. He ran forward, slicing Necromorphs left and right as blood spilled, yet the blood slid off as if it had no effect on him. He pushed through as he yelled for shaw.

"Shaw! Squeek if you can hear me!"

  • "Emer...must be...in trouble!" Giffany thrust her feet into the locker door, gradually weakening and denting the metal. Just a few more kicks, she figured, and she'd be golden. "I...can't...let her...die!"

    "Are you drunk?!" Rex protested. "She just went psycho and kidnapped us! I can't even twitch my elbow."

    "I know, but...you see..." Ugh, her legs were no match for the lock, she was denting everything but the area the lock held together. But this was no time to even consider giving up. Once she had warped the bottom portion of the locker, leaving an opening with a plain view of the TV, she decided to trust herself. In an eye-blink, she had turned into a floating spark, just barely making it before the spark fizzled out. Then she jumped out of the TV, facing Rex with determined, but warm eyes.

    "I'm not denying that she's violent and irrational...But I was, too. I used to try to kill everyone who tried to leave me. They thought I was a lost cause at first, but then I found love and understanding in Gravity Falls!" She showed the EVO her postcard from her hometown. "See? See where I am in the photo? See my smile? It's because I was given a second chance, so I learned true right and wrong. When I look at Emer, I see that it's my turn to do the same." She threw her bag across her back, turning to face the TV again. "Nothing else would be right."

    "She's kidnapped children! Look!" Rex pointed to Syl and Asha.

    "So? Emer's just trying to get Julia's attention. Do you really think that a former villain can't read another's actions?" Giffany clenched her fists. "Even if Emer really is a lost cause, I'm not going to rest until I've at least tried to get through to her. Even if that means letting her possess me..."
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Yoriichi simply stared at Emer as she refuted back at him. Asking her own personal questions towards him. For a single moment, Yoriichi closed his eyes. Her words were easily refutable by anyone- she was overthinking. She was paranoid. She was being stupid. Yet- Yoriichi knew people. He knew that someone, to reach her level of delirium...Needed to have something happen to them that broke them. Broke their trust in humanity. In human bonds. In family. In friendship. In a common sense. The world was beautiful. It was his dream to live in that beautiful world alongside his wife and child...To stay next to them...To be able to feel their warmth...



Maybe he could have ended up as many others did...Seeking for something that would never come in the form of power. Giving away whatever precious humanity, whatever remained to it, to the man who ruined his life and many others...Maybe if he was misguided enough to think that power and distrust and disregard of all others would give his wife and child back, he could have been worse off than the spirit in front of him...


Yoriichi closed his eyes- as he sheathed his sword, an old memory of simpler times in his mind.
"Enough daydreaming..." He muttered, his tone quiet- like a whisper. He watched as Emer advanced before him with a body that wasn't her own...Before he said one last sentence to the spirit and the squirrel. "...Your mistake is thinking I'm a man of any worth."

And so, no matter the speed or agility of the small girl, the strongest Demon Slayer kept dodging attack after attack- almost like he knew exactly what her next moves would be. She was fast and experienced, he seemed even more so- yet, he didn't attack back. He simply kept dodging. Blow after blow, attack after attack- he didn't dare raise his fists or sword at the girl, and simply kept on dodging, hoping to mentally and physically wear out Emer...Until Shaw could be able to take over.

He just hopes the group in the subway isn't in danger...

  • That was it. Marnie had run out of Necromorph victims...but she wasn't satisfied. She wouldn't be until the one responsible for all this was brought to justice. Her flaming fist had forgotten how to feel tired. The laid back, friendly Marnie had been slain by the Necromorphs, leaving behind this vengeful, bitter animal who left smouldering indents in the walls as she only stalked forward.

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Subject Four


Lurking on the rooftops, the alien predator waited for the moment to strike.

The moment didn't seem to arrive, instead sounds of conflict filled the air.

One of those voices heard was in fact the culprit.

He knew he could not go in for the killing strike in that open space.

But he also knew he could not lurk like this undetected forever.

Subject Four thought could steal the target and kill it elsewhere, that he can do provided it had no hidden tricks.

This was his only option at this point.

Repositioning himself on the rooftop he calculated the best possible angle to pounce.

Springing from the rooftops Subject Four landed on Oba knocking the Floran down.

He had to act fast or fear losing his quarry, with his human like hands he grabbed the floran by the head and upper arm letting out a low hiss.

With his upper more alien appendages he held his claws out as a threat, he then dragged the floran away through the hidden spaces he once lurked in.

His quarry will Fight back but Subject Four knew he could dispatch one alien target currently.

His current objective was to escape with his quarry and then survive afterwards.

Should he fail, his only objective would be....


Birb Birb CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Yamperzzz Yamperzzz TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

  • Monarch381 Monarch381 CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow P PopcornPie flowerfan19283 flowerfan19283 Yamperzzz Yamperzzz LUCY222 LUCY222 MCProvata MCProvata Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Celestial Speck Celestial Speck

    Julia catches the acid shot at her and her sister with Psychic, then throws it back at the other, regular necromorphs. If that worked, she'd toss the Pukers into the middle of other necromorphs and slice them open, essentially making them into acid bombs. "Gross..."

    "I'm not dying." Natasha replies to Eric, then spears a necromorph that tries to run to her with razor-sharp icicles. "Ngh, back off!"

    Unfortunately, it still manages to graze her leg before being stopped by the icicles and then diced by Yoriichi's dance. She grits her teeth and clutches the bleeding cut. "Ow..."

    But like any competent Explorer, the Glaceon was prepared. She pulls an Oran berry and some bandages out of her pocket, squeezing some juice into the cut and then tearing off a strip of bandage from the roll with her teeth and tying it around the cut, and finally eating the rest of the berry.


    Out of nowhere, a hole is smashed through the ceiling of the subway, courtesy of a pink ball on a warpstar, who then proceeds to obliterate a large number of necromorphs with his vehicle exploding upon impact with the floor. He gets up like nothing happened.



    Julia looks at the puffball. "Well then...at this rate, we'll be done here in no time!"

    Julia's celebration is cut short though, due to sensing something from her special connection with her children...

    Outside the subway
    "EEEK!" Syl screams as a possessed girl grabs her and Asha. She flails her legs and ribbons in an attempt to escape, but to no avail. "HEEELP!!"

    Ori, who had just arrived on the scene with Cres, does what any reasonable person would do: chases after the kidnapper.


    "Emer, you bitch! You'll wish you'd just died like you were supposed to when I drag you to hell where you belong..." Julia growls. "Now I just need someone good at dealing with spirits...some kind of exorcist..."

    Cass says nothing, but it was obvious she felt similarly.

    "Poy po poyo!" The pink puffball says happily.

    Julia looks at him incredulously. "You what?!"

    Syl groans and looks around. "Wh-where am I..?"


    Asha, unsurprisingly, starts crying.

Another day, another dollar.

Whatever that means.

I just got back from my job, carrying a grocery bag full of food. It had more than usual which screws the hell out of my planned savings but my little sister has to eat. She's in my apartment for a couple of days or so since she's an extremely needy girl and she likes me the most which is a surprise. The gal puts makeup on me whenever she visits and the kiddo's getting pretty good at it. I'd talk about her more but that would be raising too many death flags and despite common misconception: I don't want to die. Not yet, at least.

It's still a walk away from home, picking up the pace when I see oddities and slowing down when they're no longer near me. Can't afford to get into trouble since I'm carrying snacks around. Also, the shift dampened my mood. Stupid freakin' costumers spilling their crap food everywhere. I know that's to be expected from a fast food restaurant but have some decency! At least my older sister gave me plenty of money so I can support myself for a while with the little one keeping me company. Though, my privacy is pretty much nonexistent with her around.

. . .

Something's gonna happen, I swear to God.​

  • Not long after the mention of those children did the children begin to cry-The youngest, anyway. "Oh, my..." Giffany chewed her nails. "I did this. My body is responsible for this!"

    "We're knee deep in trouble, that's where." Rex told Syl with a rather...unsurprised expression.

    "Shshshshhh, it's okay!" Giffany frantically patted Asha on the head. "I know, Emer is scary, it's only because she's choosing not to use her anger in a constructive manner. I'll fix this, little buddy, I promise!...Oh, you're so soft..."


    "What? She is pretty soft. Here, feel her!"

    "Not the cub!" Rex snapped. "You're really going to try engaging with that nightmare?"

    "Didn't we just engage with Necromorphs?"

    "Well, we were tricked into doing that! We had no choice." Rex hissed. "Let's just get out of here, then alert whatever authorities we can. Between all of us, the ghost will be easily caught."

    "Nobody's going to take us seriously, though." Giffany pointed out miserably. "I don't just mean the fact that we walked into a subway trap on live television, what are the odds of the police believing a story about a Pokémon ghost possessing people? They can barely believe that I'm not the cause of those city blackouts!"

    "We were televised?!"

    "Rex, it was on the TV right in front of us."

    "I was focused more on the fact that we've been tied up! Well, son of a..." Rex growled, wishing he could claw at his face. "Looks like I won't be returning to Vegas, then."

    "Rex, just let me handle this." Giffany insisted. "Emer is the most interested in me, so I've got to be her host until she comes to her senses."

    "I'm with the orange-clothed boy." Hinaro muttered, having finally awakened. "Nobody should have to be that psycho's host....But maybe she wouldn't have turned psycho in the first place if I hadn't foiled her plan..." Her head and ears fell. "Julia's upset, Marnie's been hurt, Emer's ghost is on the loose, and it's all my fault. I could have at least said I couldn't tell her."
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  • ???? P PopcornPie

    Giffany's pats somewhat work to calm Asha, but it's quickly counteracted by everyone arguing.

    "P-possessing??" Syl shivers.

    The Sylveon presses her paw up against the door as they talk. "Um...I don't really know what you're talking about, b-but maybe we can break out of here if we work together. On three. One..."

    A bright pink glowing ball forms in her mouth as she starts charging a Moonblast.


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  • 𝐴𝑞𝑢𝑎
    ─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
    Aqua looked at the man, then looked back at the creatures. “
    We just need to deal with them one at a time! If we tried to defeat all of them, we would just be overwhelmed!” The Keyblade Master then hurled her keyblade at the creatures, aiming at the legs as it went through a few of them before coming back to her like a boomerang. Her attack managed to take out the legs of those that she hit, which she acknowledged before going back to running away from the creatures.
    Aim for the legs! As long as we take out the legs, they’ll be slowed down!” Looking at the man, she noticed one jumping at him in which she quickly ran in front of him and blocked it with her keyblade, pushing it back a bit and slashing at it with her weapon, knocking it to the side. With that, she casted more Seeker Mines before going back to running.

    AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc , CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Cameron Wilson-Müller: The Water Absorbing Mercenary
tear in the multiverse(2).png
Location: Tokyo Subways
Mood: Finding Out Their Weaknesses
Interaction: Aqua
Mention: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher , CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

I͢..... I͢..... I͢..... I͢..... I͢..... I͢..... I͢..... I͢..... I͢.....

Cameron listened to Aqua when they should be dealing the creatures one at a time not dealing with all of them because it’ll be a disadvantage for the two, when the blue-haired girl hurled her key-like sword at the creatures, aiming at the legs as it went through a few of them before coming back to her like a boomerang. She said to the half-German that he should aim for the legs because it should weaken them before he could try to shoot one of the creature’s legs and it actually worked, but when one of the creatures lunged at Aqua but she blocked it with her key-like sword and slashed it, knocking it to the side.

She would make more mines before he could continue to follow her after he shot one of the creature’s legs once again, "Es funktionierte!!! Now let’s find a place to hide or something before they could catch us and lay some of those traps you’ve used when we found a place to hide, we’re outnumbered!!!!

He asked and exclaimed at the same time before he could reload his magazine once again while running away from the creatures but one of the creatures lunged at him but he slashed it by using his water-like sword at the legs, knocking it to the back. Cameron realized that he was in this trouble because he have seen any creatures that are dangerous so Aqua must be knowing that she had faced so many dangerous foes or creatures before but when he found a door that was either locked or unlocked, There is a place to hide, lets go there and hide for a while until the creatures are weg!!!

The half-German asked, he would run to the door and attempts to open it by kicking it before it could work and he would get inside while waiting for the blue-haired girl to respond and trying to get inside alongside with him in the room while he was holding it in order to close it once Aqua entered the room.
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Health: Perfect
Status: Watching
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Mentions: Purple Impostor Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 , Doc (?) Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 , Plaza Party ( LilacMonarch LilacMonarch , CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , Yamperzzz Yamperzzz , Riven Riven , etc.)
Formatting: 737d84 HEX, Trebuchet MS Font
Links: CS/ Previous Post / Next Post

PVP ROLL: 14/20 (Success!)​

Quiet had just gotten through checking the second out of the four garbage cans when she heard a rustling coming from one of the final two unchecked cans. Her sharp eyes quickly turned to see the Purple Impostor in his full glory. Before she could react, though, he pulled out a revolver, and announced...

“I did it like this!”

Announcing his presence was the dumbest move the Impostor could have made. While he was still making his declaration, the sharpshooter's survival instincts had already kicked in. Surprisingly, despite the close-quarters environment, she pulled out her Sinful Butterfly just as the revolver's barrel was trained directly on her forehead. As her attacker pulled the trigger, she also fired her high-caliber rifle, both shot reports echoing simultaneously. The result?


(Ignore Robocop in the background!)

Both bullets harmlessly bounced off each other, missing their potential victims by a hair. The revolver round found its mark in a dumpster behind the brunette, and the sniper shot embedded itself in a brick wall. Regardless, the sniper could only watch as her prey seemed to get away for the time being. She leapt on top of the building nearby to try and return to her perch, but there was no sign of an impostor.

At least, not the one she was looking for. Perhaps the impostor that was supposedly spying on the duo was close enough to be spotted or heard by the astute markswoman, but she didn't seem to pay attention that much to her surroundings for now. The only thing she did was scowl, shaking her head before rechambering her Sinful Butterfly. She stayed on top of the rooftops, though glanced back to the plaza- where she left the other people to deal with the Red Impostor. Hopefully they were still in one piece; either way, she'd look at the plaza from afar to see if anything else was going on. In particular, she could still see the Red Impostor running away. At this sight, Quiet put her sniper scope's sights on the alien, though didn't fire just yet. Perhaps the others would take care of him, and she wouldn't be needed.

The entire encounter with Taffy seemed like a joke. Gordon thought it was a trick, but everything he's seen so far was just... not incriminating. Gordon couldn't help but smirk as the Novakid comically put out the fire he lit himself. Of course, Gordon quickly became poker-faced and kept his weapon pointed at Taffy.

When asked about his name, Gordon awkwardly peered behind his shoulder before looking back at the invader. He can't exactly answer, for obvious reasons. Gordon lowered his gun - just a bit - as he peered back at Amos. He gestured toward himself and then motioned toward Taffy as if to signal to the stickman to help him introduce himself.
".... what's so funny I don't understand...."
The Novakid stared, blankly.. not that he had any actual facial expressions... and suddenly for him, it felt quiet.. so quiet, the odd crackling of his flames could be heard.. though, it didnt sound like some ordinary campfire. Somehow, in some way.. it had some sort of odd element that made it sound.. well.. out of this world. There was something magical, or at least extraterrestrial about the way the Novakid's gaseous body burned, illuminated the entire room.
Amos glances over at Gordon and nods, acknowledging his need for an introduction. He turns to Taffy again. "I am Dr. Connor Amos, and this fellow here is Dr. Gordon Freeman. I suppose we both have bad experiences with otherworldly visitors, so you must... forgive us for our welcome." Despite the apology, Amos doesn't lower his weapon.
"... OH- I see.. Well, boys, name's officer Taffy. Pleasure ta meet ya both.. and uh.. naw it's fine.. already used to it. Just expected more uh.. fire power, 's all."

The Novakid actually shook his head, looking at to what he considered rather dinky fire arms..

".. Well.. you boys best be stayin' outta trouble, best I actually gotta reason to check in on ya."

While it couldn't be seen, it could be heard in the Novakid's voice that he was getting a chuckle out of the statement.
"... what ARE you then... ya look damn human.. but ain't ever seen no human with such a uh.. lil gun, ya know??"

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

Tokyo - Subway Area

Sam heard a fresh battle raging behind her. She decided to stop and turned around, only to see Ryujo was fighting against the deformed humanoids with what it seems to be a pink energy blade.

"I see that you have chosen your path, Mr. Katagiri..."

She chuckled at the robot with the soul of a young boy. Before Sam could continue on, one of those deformed beings already crept out from one of the trains, and now making a beeline towards the Lupo. The Slasher Necromorph eventually lunged towards her, using its pair of bony armblades in an attempt to impale its target. Sam promptly did a side roll to the left, evading the lunging attack. In a crouched position, she drew her Eastern Blade, performing a quick slash at the creature's torso and sheathed her blade in a single action. For some of the Otherworlders nearby who has noticed her attack, it resembles the swordsmanship of Iaido. The slash was a confirmed hit, but it did not do much damage.

"The torso was reinforced with bone and flesh..."

Sam muttered to herself, as she tried to identify any further weakpoints. The necromorph continued to attack, this time moving towards the Lupo and performed a downward slashing motion. She once again rolled and evaded the attack, giving her an opportunity to perform another counterattack. She eventually eyed at the bladed arms , and figured it is time to test her blade.

"... Let's try this again!"

Sam performed another quick slash at the Slasher, but this time targeting one of the limbs. Her blade cleanly severed one of the bladed arms at its base. The undead creature winced from the loss on one of its limbs. After realizing that the limbs are their weakpoints...

"Mr. Katagiri, get the limbs! Forget their torso!" She yelled at Ryujo.

But her side of battle is not over. The one armed Slasher tried to attack again... only to lose the other bladed limb. Sam promptly killed it off with a clean horizontal cut to its legs. She then flicked the dirty blood off her weapon, before sheathing it. Two more Slasher necromorphs soon filled the previous spot left by their kind.

"Out of my way!"

She yelled, before adopting a warcry as she took on the offensive, charging at one of the Slashers. This time, she utilized her sheer agility to slide underneath one of the necromorphs. Their slow reflexes made them unable to respond in time, and Sam was already behind one of them. She seized the small window of opportunity, by severing off one of its arms and its legs in 2 Iaido-like draws, ending its unnatural life. The second one soon caught up as the Lupo recovers from her previous attack. Fortunately, she managed to deflect the second Slasher's incoming attack, with their blades clashed loudly. The Lupo proceeded to swerve, and moved to its sides, attempting to gain the range to kill. The second Slasher also tries to reorient itself, but it was eliminated with clean two-handed slashes from its opponent.

"Damn it, and those guys from before have fought for a while..."

Sam took a quick breather, before flicking the remaining blood off her blade again. However, a nasty feeling struck her gut. The white-haired Lupo immediately dodged to her right side, narrowly dodging a third Slasher necromorph who was trying to ambush her from behind. Little she knew, her back was already on one of the parked subway cars nearby. The third Slasher's bladed arms were deeply embedded into the subway car's steel walls, inches away from Sam's head. As the Slasher struggled to remove its arms from the wall...

"Not today, you [Lungmen profanities]!"

The Lupo yelled and showed her sharp wolf canines, before severing all of its limbs in a fit of rage. She lets out a sigh of relief, before touching her face and her body for any wounds. Once she quickly confirmed that she is free from any injuries, Sam made her way to Ryujo, and Ifrit.

"Is everyone okay?" She asked. "And if you guys are wondering, no. I didn't saw her either. The Dokutah isn't going to like this."

Interactions: Ryujo Katagiri - Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 , Dokutah, Ifrit - Crow Crow
Mentions: GM - CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , Shaw - PopcornPie, Fellow Pokemon teammates and the reporting team

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Ryujo Katagiri || Get the arms and legs? I am doing fine as is.
Crow Crow Emiya Shin Emiya Shin

Ryujo saw a blade Necromorph run at him, but he slashed upwards vertically, cutting through the monsterous being with ease.

"I think I am fine with the way I am fighting."
A few minutes after they defeated the monsters, Ryujo's beam sabers dispersed as he gave a thumbs up.
"I'm okay! No damages!"

He then was worried.
"Maybe I could contact her mentally or something....."

  • Event Group 1: The Pokemon (+ MORE!)

    Between Sasaki and Yoriichi, the Necromorphs don't even stand a chance. Some of the Necromorphs apparently survive Sasaki's attack, reaching up to reach at their missing heads before falling limp, as if their bodies hadn't realized they were dead yet. Any lucky survivor is then swiftly cut down by Yoriichi. An excellent combination of swordsmen, who, much to Eric's gratitude, save Natasha from another attack.

    Sam would find similar success. Her katana easily cuts through the Necromorphs, and she'd find them a mere inconvenience to someone like her. The Espeon who led everyone into this 'trap' smiles at her as he glances down at his own sword. Though maybe he does feel a little envious that there's better sword wielders than him, there's a certain comfort that comes with it. Fighting alongside people like Sam, it makes him feel like there's no need to protect the Earth alone. Huh... it really does feel like Celestia and Vast all over again.

    "Hey!" he shouts to her. "Nice job!"

    Ryujo's energy blades tear through Necromorphs ranks like paper. Bodies go flying everywhere- onto the walls, into the trains, collapsing on the rails. Some of them are only in two pieces. One Necromorph, by some stroke of luck, might even still be alive. But for the most part, Ryujo leaves nothing but dead Feeders and Slashers in his wake. In addition, any survivors are easily turned well-done by Ifrit, similar to how Lilith was killing them earlier.

    Eric continues to watch as Marvin launches one of the space zombies into the ceiling so hard that it gets stuck in it. Thoroughly impressed, he glances over at the robot. "I guess I sorta stopped caring after Vast. Don't get me wrong, this is... horrifying on every level. Maybe I just learned to stop thinking about it too hard, Iunno." He jumps to Marvin's other shoulder, dispatching yet another Necromorph as he flies through the air. A psychic force pushes the spattering blood away from him and Marvin. "Right, I promised to get you that box! Pretty sure I can find you one even easier in this universe!" Slash. The sound of metal cutting through flesh and bone signifies another zombie down, though the Espeon's efforts pale in comparison to everyone else's, especially when you consider the amount of Necromorphs Marvin is taking down by simply using one as a weapon. "One problem, though! I don't know if Nightshade was taken here or not! And I honestly don't know if that's bad or good!"

    His purple eyes then turn to the Pukers being killed by the hail of magical bullets. The Pukers, vile as they are, barely get a chance to do anything before the last of them are cut down. Tracing the projectiles back to Flute, his eyes go wide in surprise. The acid-spitting Necromorphs won't be a threat anymore, leaving the other monstrosities to be killed with ease. "DAMN, this team is good!"

    I wanna learn to open up portals like that... the Espeon stares up at Flute, some jealousy visible on his face.

    Lilith's spirit spike stabs the Feeder through with enough force to send it backwards a good few feet, but it quickly looks up and shambles back towards the ghost without an issue. Maybe she'll have to cut it into a few more pieces to take it down. Regardless, this one Necromorph is one of the only few remaining. The others are quickly dealt with by the rest of the group.

    You've won!

    Eric flicks the blood of his blade and sheathes it with a satisfying click. He probably thinks he looks cool. He doesn't. The Espeon glances over at his fellow Psychic-type. "Julia, what's going on? What'd, uh... that weird Kirb-"

    He stops as he notices Marnie's gone.

    "Wait- damn it! She went off on her own!"

    Without warning, Eric runs off after the Lopunny. You never know what else you might find in these tunnels, after all...

    Monarch381 Monarch381 LilacMonarch LilacMonarch flowerfan19283 flowerfan19283 P PopcornPie MCProvata MCProvata LUCY222 LUCY222 Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Emiya Shin Emiya Shin Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27


With all the Necromorphs in your area dead, you can either continue on or return to the surface. Maybe there are more of these things in the tunnels, maybe there aren't. Many of you are able to take care of them with ease.

Should you take the risk and keep following the tracks...

You find yourself walking along for a few more minutes. The stench of those abominations is still fresh and pervading in the tunnels, but you hear no more of their calls, no more shambling. If you can sense what remains of their numbers in the entire metro system, you'll find nothing. Your combined efforts completely annihilated the Necromorph threat. Maybe there were others who could have dealt with it, but it's you who got there first.

You might be unaware of it now, but the world thanks you.

As you turn and follow the path down a particularly long tunnel, you see another group in the distance. And then another, and another. Amazingly, you've all arrived in the same place. This one tunnel, where you might finally find your answers.

Eric, who pursued Marnie as fast as he could, comes to a stop in front of a peculiar spot in the tunnel wall, covered up hastily, though not entirely, by concrete and wooden boards. The hole left if you are to tear off the wooden boards is just large enough for a small human to fit through.

"Please be more careful..." he warns as he looks up at Marnie. "There could've been more Necromorphs here." The Espeon then nods to the other groups as they come. "Should've figured there were other hunters down here... are you all okay?"

The armored woman that arrives on scene with Aqua and Cameron (if they come along, that is) steps forward. The metal plates over her body gleam, each piece built to be stronger than any wall conceivable by human hands.


(She looks sort of like this, but the armor's colored red.)

"We're alive," she jokes as she approaches the suspiciously covered entranceway in the wall. "My Ghost tells me the source of the hijacking is just past here."

Time to figure out who's behind this. But first- you're gonna need a bigger entrance.

Monarch381 Monarch381 LilacMonarch LilacMonarch flowerfan19283 flowerfan19283 P PopcornPie MCProvata MCProvata LUCY222 LUCY222 Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Celestial Speck Celestial Speck TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla darkred darkred Ellya Ellya Emiya Shin Emiya Shin Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow P PopcornPie Emiya Shin Emiya Shin

Ryujo was confused about what was now happening, but considering the group was wanting to go past a sealed enterance....

"Everyone, stay back!"
His hands glowed again, but this time he pictured firing a big energy beam to bust open the enterance.

He pushed his hands forward as a big blast of energy shot out and struck the barricaded opening, destroying the obstacle in the groups way.​

  • At last, the pummeling at the hands of space zombies was over. Now it was time to figure out who'd just cost Cloud his voice for the time being. He wouldn't kill, of course, it wasn't really their fault...he'd just be kinda unhappy. And if this turned out to be deliberate fooling around with God's law, unhappy would turn to "are you fucking serious".

    But first, however, he finally managed to find Butch's vial, and the merc tossed it to him.

    As the brown rabbit girl managed to lumber her way into the dead end, even Cloud was offput by that surprisingly cold aura.
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The Demon Slayer's gaze changed ever so slightly as Emer asked him if he was trying to save the others. Memories he was familiar with coming to his mind- his mother, his brother, his wife, his child, the people he trained, innocent humans, other Demon Slayers...Children... Even though Shaw said he wasn't worthless, he knew that wasn't true. He couldn't save a single person who was precious to him. People died because of him. People will keep on dying because of him. And he knows full well others have that same thought in their minds about him.

"...No. You're wrong. I couldn't save a single thing that was precious to me. Someone like you wouldn't understand."​

It hurt him.

His eyes closing for a moment, as his body, akin to flames, kept moving and dodging every single one of her attacks. His body sometimes being seen only for a moment, sometimes behind Shaw, right next to her, distant from her- sometimes even mid-air, soundlessly jumping in the air, continuing to dodge her attacks at almost hypersonic, yet unreadable speeds. Yet once more- he didn't attack her, but nor did it seem he was wearing himself down. Even with age, even when he was nearly blind and old like many people are...His body never wore down, he always stood at his peak. Almost like his body never broke.

Seconds, minutes, maybe even hours and days could pass- and Emer, alongside Shaw, would never see even a hint of sweat or exhaustion in Yoriichi's face.

  • "..yikess.
    I dunno if I can come back, though, if she's not here. I dunno if she was taken here, either, soo..
    Marvin raced after Eric, coming to a stop at the entrance, too.

    Marvin smashes through a bit of the wall, though backing up when Ryujo calls out. He stands by, ready to start fighting anything else that runs after them.

    CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

Eric can't entirely argue with Marnie's line of reasoning. What if this was a trap? Possible as it is that the appearance of Necromorphs was sheer coincidence, it wouldn't be right to totally rule out the possibility of an ambush...

Ryujo, Marvin, and Marnie completely obliterate the hidden entrance together, sending thick dust everywhere. A little barrier forms around Eric to keep it away from him, but he still instinctively waves his paw in front of his face as if he doesn't want to inhale it.

"Phew..." He stands up on his hind legs and sets a paw on the hilt of his sword, ready to draw it at the first sight of an attacker. However, nothing comes running out of the newly formed hole in the wall, which is big enough to fit two adult humans through. Unfortunately, there's nothing but darkness to be seen past the entrance. "Careful through here. Don't know what could be lurking in there..." the Espeon warns with a glance to Marvin as if to ask, 'you ready?' The armored woman- Talria is her name- takes a shotgun off her back and flicks the flashlight attached to it on. A funky looking robot, small enough to fit in a human palm, appears over her shoulder out of thin air, its eye lighting up to shine a light inside for the rest of you.


Ahead of you is a much smaller tunnel of concrete walls that slowly narrows into a crawlspace that can only fit one of you at a time. A voice does not respond to Marnie's call. Whoever's ahead, if there is someone at all, doesn't seem keen on talking.

It's about to get a little cramped.

Monarch381 Monarch381 LilacMonarch LilacMonarch flowerfan19283 flowerfan19283 P PopcornPie MCProvata MCProvata LUCY222 LUCY222 Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Celestial Speck Celestial Speck TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla darkred darkred Ellya Ellya Emiya Shin Emiya Shin Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

Ryujo ran in first. He wanted to meet who exactly it was that tried to cause trouble in his home town.

He had his beam sabers ready, as he yelled a challenge.

"Hey, I'm not sure who you are or why you chose here of all places to cause trouble, but I won't let you off so easily! Show yourself and fight me!"

  • Marvin nods at Eric, staring at the hall. His finger lights start glowing to give more brightness. His face is slightly illuminated by his green, glowing eyes.
    Following everyone else in the tunnel. Marvin is very uncomfortable. Cramped. Probably kinda crowded, too. He despises crowds, despite his original home being a ginormous spacecraft full of other robots and other things, where they would trip in the halls and pile up.

    CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @everyoneelseinthesubwaytherearetoomanypeopletoping

  • "Funny thing, Eric, I don't care." The Lopunny growled, as she vanished into the darkness. "Whoever is in here defeated us under the guise of wanting help, I'm going to permanently even the score before they can even think of getting another one over us." Her breaths turned sharp, interrupted by coughs as her wounds steadily gained bacteria.

    Along the way, her eyes softened slightly as she pondered: "What if I'm wrong?" After all, nobody forced them to spring the trap. And as she reflected, the subway being trapped seemed more and more obvious.

    Ryujo was the first to declare war on whoever was on the other side, which led Marnie to interject. "Fine, we can fight together. But I want the first hit, got that?"

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