• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern We All Break Sometimes (Main)

the faker
Blu smiled as she felt Everleigh's kiss on her cheek. To be honest, she never thought of herself as a mother figure or even a parental figure. She wasn't taught how to love correctly, or even how to teach her own children how to love. It was something that because of who she was, she was never taught but the moment she met Ever. It was like she knew what to do, and how to show her that Blu loved her. It wasn't just Della that she had fallen in love with. It was the little one looking up at her. The moment she heard Ever, the first call her mom, was the moment she knew that she always wanted that little girl to be hers. It gave her such a warm feeling of love and protection that she never wanted to let it go. She never wanted her little one to ever grow up. She wanted to protect her from all the bad in the world. Things that her parents never protected her from. She wanted to be better, and now she knew she had a chance to be better.

She watched as Della buckled their daughter into the stroller. "Let's not mention the kid leashes...I'm still scarred from the last time we used them." Let's just say, that little girl had more strength than she thought she had. They walked to the convenience store. She frowns as Della totally ignored Blu's hand as she held out a twenty to pay for everything before handing Blu a cappuccino, "Baby, I wanted to pay. " She said pouting as they walked out taking a sip of her coffee as they walked to the cup. As soon as her little one was done with the hot chocolate she had gotten, she handed the cup to her which Blu promptly threw away, and then Ever ran off to the jungle gym. She felt Della's arm hook around hers as she leans her head on Blu's shoulder. Which Blu kissed the top of her head softly as she did. This kind of peacefulness was something Blu ever came to know as she dated Della. Their walks to the parks became Blu's as well. It came a time when they wasn't even a question on when she should show up, she just did. It became such a part of her routine that she does it without thinking or with Della's call. She just shows up right on time.

She felt Della move her head as she began to look at condos. Blu leaned her head on Della's, as she looked at her phone. Nodding along to the pictures, which none of them seem to scream out their first home together until Della stopped on the last one. Blu just knew that this place was it. It had a big yard, four bedrooms, and two and half bath's. "It's the one." She said as she looked at Della, her eyes were shining and she was grinning ear to ear. She just knew that this was the home for them. "That would totally help with us not having to move again because of space issues...could be a place where Ever could lay her roots...where you can lay yours. " She said softly as she looked at Della. "I think we should get this one my love. For our little family. " She whispers as she kisses her girlfriend softly.

Blu would be lying if she were to say that she wasn't scared that Della would disappear on her. Leave her with all this love..she was scared that she would see what her parents saw in her.

Someone not good enough for anyone.
della apartment
coded by natasha.
MOOD: Exasperated

OUTFIT: here

LOCATION: Carter Residence

Danielle tamarapasek tamarapasek


Kennedy purplecowdutch purplecowdutch

TL;DR: Quality time with the in-laws
Dex Henderson
Will you be my valentine if I'm a world away?
It was Thanksgiving day, and Dex had found himself alone instead of with his family, meandering under harsh flourescent lights. To be fair, he'd volunteered for this, and the near empty grocery store was a peaceful reprieve from his in-laws' house.

As soon as he'd heard his mother-in-law sigh from the kitchen that she'd forgotten to grab more butter and she was running low, the young man immediately offered to go pick some up. Yes, more butter was crucial, what if somebody wanted to add a bit to their bread or mashed potatoes? He couldn't just stand by and let their Thanksgiving dinner be ruined. It wasn't just because his in-laws were already starting to bicker nonstop and escaping for a bit was looking like a very attractive option.

Okay, so it was exactly that. It was either flee or start drinking, and Dex feared he'd need to save whatever alcohol he could get for later when things inevitably got heated.

Dex would never say so to his wife, but he'd been dreading this Thanksgiving since they were invited by the Carters. Every holiday he ever spent with Dani's parents ended up a total shitshow, complete with endless passive aggressive barbs and jabs slung between the couple until it crescendoed into a full-on screaming match. The worst was when one of his father-in-law's side chicks actually showed up to dinner. After the epic fight that ensued, the young couple had vowed to only spend holidays with Dex's family from then on.

So how they all got roped into attending a Carter holiday, Dex had no clue. His parents had the right idea though. They were invited to this godforsaken dinner as well, but had the good sense to hightail it out of town suddenly to go visit other family instead. Why didn't he think of that? Take the wife and little Juniper and make a run for an "emergency" family trip to Nantucket or something.

Dex wasn't exactly in a rush to get back, so after finding what he needed he just continued to wander the store aimlessly. After his second lap, someone in his periphery gave him pause; the familiar profile of a woman with golden blonde hair glaring at the wine selection. The young man stopped in his tracks when he nearly walked past her. It was none other than his former coworker and friend, Kennedy. "Hey, buddy!" Dex called out, pivoting to amble towards her with a friendly wave. "What're you doing here on Thanksgiving?"

He frowned when their chitchat lead to the revelation that Kennedy would be spending Thanksgiving alone. She looked so dejected, even as she sneered about the useless men in her life who let this happen. Dex of course felt terrible, and he certainly couldn't just leave his friend there to go home and drink alone on a holiday.

Dani is gonna kill me for this. His wife wasn't exactly Kennedy's biggest fan. "Do you wanna come with me? We're just at Dani's parents' house this year. It's pretty lowkey, my parents couldn't make it so just some uh...friends are coming too," He added, tiptoing around who the "friends" were. Dex nodded with a smile when Kennedy quickly accepted, then reached out to grab a few bottles of wine and some gin for good measure. "We're gonna need these," He mumbled before turning to head toward the checkout, nodding his chin in that direction to wordlessly ask Kennedy to follow him. "You all ready to go?"

"Uh...just so you know," Dex began cautiously as they stood waiting their turn at the checkout, adjusting the bottles he was juggling in his arms along with the butter so it didn't all slip through his grasp. "Your ex and his girlfriend are gonna be there," He confessed, bracing himself to be yelled at for not spilling this info sooner.
code by valen t.
MOOD: Confused


The Beach
Qwertycakes Qwertycakes
Chimney Swift Chimney Swift
travelbypages travelbypages

--------don't type anything after this comment--------

TL;DR Sed fermentum tortor nulla, vel sodales nibh bibendum eu. Maecenas a lacus a libero blandit commodo. In lobortis aliquam urna, id tempor ex semper at
Mariah Bailey
This air is blessed, you share with me

To say Mariah was a little confused by Max's invitation to get drinks would be the understatement of the century. The intial buddies had had an awkward relationship; one that might have even developed into a friendship if not for Max kissing her crush/date Chance way back in July. She'd even tried to extend an olive branch recently, only to immediately back off when Max had told her some truths about her current partner Ryan that she wasn't quite ready to hear. Now? Now that she'd had time to rethink her relationship with Ryan and decide to end the relationship after Thanksgiving, she wasn't quite so mad at Max. And some liquid courage before calling it quits with his brother was probably a good idea.

Ryan hadn't necessarily done anything wrong on paper it just........it wasn't right. Not just because her friend Theo had confessed romantic feelings for her, that was just the nail in the coffin. But she couldn't shake this bad feeling about Ryan, one she'd buried deep within because he gave her attention. She couldn't quite explain it, but it was the way she'd felt with Cody right before he'd humiliated her on Twitter. The feeling of disingeniousness that became a billion times more clear when compared to someone like Theo, and his heartfelt confession.

It was an unusual situation for Mariah to be in, given she was usually the one who people lost interest in. She had to admit it felt just as shitty to be in the other position, but it had to be done.

Slowly excusing herself from Richard's care, informing him that she had to help Joel set up. The professor immediately consented. He didn't trust most people, but he trusted his fellow funny cat dad. Plus even the out of touch parents of Anchor Bay were aware that Max wouldn't have an interest in Mariah for a multitude of reasons anyway.

Leaving the house, she headed towards the beach. Max and his friend would bring the booze right? They'd better. Mariah would be damned if she had to be held responsible for acquiring alcohol. She'd never had to ask anyone before, for fucks sake she'd only ever been drunk once before. Then she'd been trying to make Cody think she was cool, an experience that had resulted in her first time. Now she was drinking to stay cool enough to break up with Ryan. Upon reaching the beach, she glanced around for a bit before spotting two skinny pale brunette boys together. She winced, rushing over to them. "Hey Max!" She turned to his companion. "Nice to meet you! You're new right?" She questioned, unsure of the etiquette when it came to drinking buddies.

code by valen t.
MOOD: Annoyed

OUTFIT: Some sort of sexy police costume

LOCATION: The Clam Shell
Derrick purplecowdutch purplecowdutch
Yohan lion. lion.

Lindsay Qwertycakes Qwertycakes

--------don't type anything after this comment--------

TL;DR Remi had recently started working in the Clam Shell
Remi Murray
"I wish I could come back in time. You, me and silly love songs on my guitar."
Remi had some time before he needed to go to the main stage of the Clam Shell. He had wished to not do a job like this again, but he didn’t really have the choice. He had no proper education besides high school, not any spectacular skills: just his good looks. He had been in Anchor Bay for a couple weeks already. He couldn’t believe he was back in the town. He had sworn to not step back in there, after running away his past mistakes to Chicago in order to pursue music. Well… that hadn’t really worked out. Too many quarrels with his band members resulted in Remington getting thrown away like trash.

There weren't many places he could go and now he was back in the town with a tail between his legs. Remi didn’t exactly miss the place he had grown up and spent his teen years. It also seemed like most of the people he had left in the past didn’t miss him either. It kind of hurt his ego, but he could only blame himself, he had done some horrible things in the past. But despite that not all people were unwilling to reunite with him. Remington had been in contact with his friend Lindsay even when he was in Chicago so it had felt natural to meet her again.

It was actually Lindsay who had helped Remi find this job. He had done some stripping on the side in Chicago as well so getting a job from the Clam Shell. Then there was Derrick, his past secret boyfriend from high school. Remi had contacted him pretty soon after his arrival. The two men had reunited around Halloween at the motel he was bunking at and spent the night together. Remi didn’t exactly miss the small romance they had in the past, but still when Derrick said he had not seen anyone after Remi, it made him happy oddly enough. But a quick look at his phone revealed it was a lie.

Remi was dumb enough to admit checking in Derrick’s phone and that had lead him getting blocked by the younger man. Even now Remi felt the annoyance grow bigger in him as he was rereading their most recent message convo. He couldn’t believe Derrick had gotten mad from such a small thing. Wasn’t it him who had lied to him in the first place? However Remi didn’t have time to think about it anymore. He took a breath to calm himself down. It would be soon time to get to the main stage.

He put his phone back in the locker of the fitting room and walked towards the full body mirror. He was wearing a police costume with tear-away pants. They were just regular pants with Velcro panels added in, which made getting them off quicker and easier. After taking a look at his reflection, Remington left the fitting room. In the hallway he met Lindsay who had just come from the opposite fitting room. “You look good, are you ready for the night?” He asked with a friendly smile as they walked away from the hallway.

However, when the two friends got to the main stage, Remi’s smile got swiped away fast. His gaze had run around the club and even when it was quite dark, it wasn’t too difficult to spot the two men. The black haired guy Remi remembered from high school, bu the name he had already forgotten. But more importantly he saw Derrick with him. Seeing the man made the annoyance come back to Remi. He knew he had to meet with Derrick again sooner or later to apologize (not because he felt actually sorry but because it was something he needed to do), but he hadn’t planned it happening like this.
code by valen t.
MOOD: Happy


LOCATION: Carter Residence

Foster purplecowdutch purplecowdutch


Danielle tamarapasek tamarapasek

TL;DR: Thanksgiving
Alexei Milyukov
My heart is yours to fill or burst, to break or bury
Or wear as jewelry, whichever you prefer
"Hey! Get back here," Alexei laughed as his little niece toddled down the driveway, clearly wanting him to chase after her. He outpaced her tiny legs in just a few quick strides, scooping the child up in his arms. "Gotcha!" Her cute baby laugh as she was caught made him chuckle with adoration, tickling the little girl to get more giggles out of her.

"Oop...come on, Tink." Alexei gave the toddler a kiss on her chubby little cheek, jogging back up the driveway just as the door was opening and his friend Danielle was ushering the small group into her parents' home. As they were herded inside, the young man gave his brother, who was speaking quietly on his cell phone in Russian, a firm nudge and annoyed glare until Kaz finally hung up so Alexei could introduce him to Dani and her family.

Alexei put Katinka down to shake the hand Danielle's father offered in greeting, curling an arm around Josephine as the couple was introduced to both parents. They looked rather young, attractive and completely normal, albeit coming across as total opposites. The mother, Beth, was bubbly and outgoing, while her husband, Andrew, was more stoic, but nice enough. They seemed nothing like the disasters he'd pictured listening to Dani talk about her trainwreck parents.

Dani's little flame-haired daughter then came scampering up to the young couple, throwing her arms around Josephine's legs. Alexei smiled at the sight, giving Jo a little squeeze himself before kneeling to Juniper's height. "Hey, what am I, chopped liver?" His face contorting into an exaggerated pout until he broke until a chuckle when the child nearly knocked him over with a clumsy hug too. He laughed, rising to his feet to scoop the little redhead up and playfully swing her around. "Dex finally had enough, huh?" He asked a lone Dani who came strolling up to them, still no husband in sight. "Bro left you on Thanksgiving? Rough," He teased, bouncing Juni on his hip.

Just beyond the foyer they were all gathered in was a cozy living room, where a young couple huddled together on the couch, just...laughing intermittently as they held hands. From where he was standing, Alexei could see their eyes were glassy, with pupils the size of Texas. He recognized the tiny brunette teen as Tabitha, the youngest Carter daughter. The other kid he didn't recognize, an olive-skinned boy with bleached hair, a bit overgrown to show his dark roots.

Putting Juniper down, Alexei gave Dani a little nudge with his elbow and small nod towards the sofa. "Are your sister and Slim Shady okay over there?" He leaned over to ask in a hushed, concerned tone.
code by valen t.
MOOD: sad and bit guilty, but happy to see his friend

OUTFIT: outfit

LOCATION: home > streets of Anchor Bay
Derrick purplecowdutch purplecowdutch
Jay Qwertycakes Qwertycakes

Shiloh r e i r e i

--------don't type anything after this comment--------

TL;DR Dylan is sneaking out to ditch his family dinner and spend Thanksgiving with Shiloh instead
Dylan Lowes
"I wonder if people like the real me or just the act I put on."
Dylan was feeling quite bummed. He had recently learnt that his long time idol aunt Karen had passed away. His father’s sister who was like a Voldemort in their family since her name was never mentioned if not in a negative light. However she had always been very supportive of Dylan and his interests. Aunt Karen was someone who was from a rich conservative family, but who didn’t let her roots determine her. She was 100 % herself, extremely odd but very accepting, an lgbtq+ activist and an aspiring author… and now she was gone. Dylan had talked to her last week about the usual chit chat like complaining about his brothers and talking about school. If he had known it would’ve been their last conversation, he would’ve made it more meaningful.

Dylan had originally decided to wear a dress from Aunt Karen as an appreciation towards her, but he decided against it. However after a talk with his mom Dylan felt like picking a different outfit. His mom has said the dress was too revealing and needed a cardigan to cover it but the cardigan would have ruined the look. So instead Dylan picked something more casual: a hoodie with a maxi skirt and pair of sneakers. The Lowes youngling wasn’t completely feeling his outfit but it would do. After he was finished with his looks, he walked towards his bed. The boy stuffed his bed with stuffed toys and clothes. He finished the mountain of objects with his blanket trying to make it look like someone was sleeping in it. Dylan was going to sneak out in order to meet his friend Shiloh. He just wished his plan would work out. He had even made his oldest brother Jay promise to lie on his behalf.

Dylan was feeling a little better as his friend Shiloh had invited him to celebrate Thanksgiving with them. Shy was someone who was always willing to listen to his worries and always able to cheer him up. Part of him just wanted to be alone and cry and memorize aunt Karen, but part of him knew it was pointless and wouldn’t move the situation to any direction. A friend’s company was something he needed. Dylan was actually supposed to go on a Thanksgiving dinner with his family. His father had called some press to come and they needed to act like the perfect family, which the Lowes youngling absolutely didn’t feel like doing.

Besides, celebrating the holiday with friends wasn’t the worst thing to do… at least not compared to his brother Derrick who was ditching the Lowes Thanksgiving dinner in order to go to the local strip club Clam Shell. Strip club? At dinner time during Thanksgiving? When their aunt has just died? Nothing about it made any sense. Besides his fashion sense and the occasional criticism of his father, the youngest Lowes brother didn’t usually rebel against his parents. Maybe because of that he felt a little guilty sneaking out, but on the other hand… if Derrick could go to a strip club on Thanksgiving why couldn’t he go to see a friend?

With these thoughts Dylan started to get ready to leave. Now he just needed to figure out how to leave without anyone noticing him. Should he leave from the back door or open the window and go down the ladder? After a minute or two of thinking, the boy decided to stick with the back door. Despite his history with sports, he wasn’t the most agile person and he was afraid he would just fall and end up hurting himself. So back door it is. DYlan walked the stairs down on his tippy toes as quietly as he could, then he put his shoes on and left the house. After closing the back door a little too loudly he started running away as fast as he could.Shiloh had promised to meet him midway to their house. After the Lowes residence was so far Dylan couldn’t see it anymore, he was brave enough to stop running and switch to walking.

He didn’t need to walk for too long as he noticed his friend and their “little brother” Kie. The Lowes youngling started to run again as he wanted to reach his friend faster. He waved towards them and eventually slowed down his pace a little bit as he reached them. “Kie, my man, it’s good to see you!” Dylan talked to the little boy before taking him in his arms and swirling him in the air. It made Kie giggle out loud and that made Dylan smile. He then put the boy down and switched his attention to Shiloh. “Hii, Shy! It’s good to see you too. What’s up?” He talked with a small forming on his lips again. Dylan was still sad about aunt Karen, but he could already tell this was a good decision - sneaking out to meet his friend and spent thanksgiving with them instead of a Lowes family dinner.
code by valen t.
MOOD: Less nervous

OUTFIT: Outfit

LOCATION: at Arthur’s grandparents

.Curious.Nat. .Curious.Nat.
TL;DR Niila is meeting Arthur’s grandparents for the first time.
Niila Ahonen
"I will vanish away if I don't get 100 % of your love."
Besides the rocky start, the rest of dinner was going smoothly. It seemed like Arthur’s grandma liked Niila as she kept talking and smiling at him. Her grandpa on the other hand didn't say anything and just continued eating. Part of Niila was happy that the old man wasn’t saying anything but it also made him worried. The man being so silent almost reminded him of the moment before the storm.

"Arthur. Let's go ahead and bring out dessert okay?" The grandmother said while getting up. Arthur nodded before giving Niilas hand a quick squeeze as a reassurance. It gave some reassurance to him, but the Finnish boy wasn’t sure if it was enough. The nervousness in him was back as he was left alone with Arthur’s grandpa. The man would definitely start confronting him again now that they were alone..

The man kept looking at Niila as the women went to the kitchen. His hand was under his chin as if he was thinking of what to say. He started off by saying his granddaughter’s name out loud. "She is very important to me. Like I said earlier. I have seen her come back here with many tears in her eyes because of guys who don't treat her well. We have seen a lot,but this is the..this is the first time that she has spoken up to me. Which tells me four things." The man continued with four fingers up. Niila was eager to know what the four things were.

Niila was so focused on the man in front of him that he could barely notice anything else. Not the environment he was in or not the sweet laughter of Arthur and her grandma. "The first is that she is serious about you. The second is that I 'should' be nice since you aren't going away from her life anytime soon it seems. The third is that a 'should' trust you. And the fourth is most important. She is happy." The man sighed as he rubbed his temples together.

Niila was so surprised by the man’s words that he couldn’t say anything. It was as if his whole attitude changed. "I will give you a chance, but you have to promise to do everything you can to make her happy. She deserves only the best and if she thinks that you can provide that for her..who am I to stand in the way. Right?" The old man asked Niila across the table. The boy was still wordless, and he had to try his best to not just stare at the man with a surprise on his face.

“I… I promise to do my everything to make Arthur happy. And I still would even if you didn’t approve our relationship, but it would make her happy if you aren't against us. And what comes to you liking or trusting me… it’s not something I can force you to do. Besides I would rather have people to be real with me than be forced to act nice. But that being said Arthur surely would like it if we got along.” Niila said eventually, not sure if the words were the right ones, but they were the words to pop in his mind.

Soon the discussion of the two men was over. The women were back with the dessert. What were you talking about?” Arthur’s grandma asked curiously, but Niila just shaked his head. “Nothing much… What do we have for dessert?” He avoided the question and instead throwed a new question in the air. The main dish had been extremely delicious and Niila was sure the dessert would be too.
code by valen t.
Dan Stark

Dan nodded in embarrassment for his simple mistake of signing water instead of alcohol as Max told him which one was proper. He really wanted to get the signing thing down right so that him and his friend could communicate properly instead of having confusion run between them. Though he was thankful that Max didn't hate him for not learning fast enough. And he was happy to see his friend had perked up some from when he first got there. He was used to seeing Max in those sorts of emotions and Dan knew Max had seen the same in him. That's why their friendship worked, there was no cloud of judgement there.
The boy followed Max downstairs, giving the parents a wave on their way out. "Is Mariah a friend?" He asked. He'd known of some people here and there thanks to stories and what he'd seen on social media but there was a lot of Max's life in Anchor Bay that Dan didn't know about. Such as, who the curly haired blonde holding alcohol and snacks on the beach was when they got there. "Hey man, I'm Hudson." The blonde introduced and Dan smiled, "Dan." He told this Hudson guy simply as Hudson began to ramble about the selection of booze and snacks he had purchased. Dan did give the guy props for the snacks part, all Dan had eaten all day was one of the cookies he had purchased earlier. And coffee. He didn't drink much but he did know drinking on an empty stomach was bad.
"That's awesome, thanks." Dan told Hudson with a smile, warming up to the surfer kid for being so kind. When he heard a female voice he turned to the girl who greeted Max and smiled awkwardly, "oh uhm, not new. Just visiting." He said with a shrug, "I'm Dan, a friend of Max's." He introduced himself as the blonde guy leaned the bag of snacks and his backpack against the rock he had been leaning on when they approached. "So shall I build a fire?" The blonde asked the group but instead of waiting for an answer, carved out a little hole in the sand then went to collect some sticks and wood. Looking to Max he let out a laugh, "he's a golden retriever." When the guy came back with sticks and stuff, Dan threw some dry grass in the mix so Hudson could start the fire easily. While these two people were strangers to him, he did feel comfortable.
Mentions: Chimney Swift Chimney Swift tamarapasek tamarapasek
the bleeding sun
Shy doesn't know why they were doing this. As they got Kie into his car seat, they couldn't believe that she was going to go rescue a Lowes. Yea she knew of the Lowes, and the trouble they were but she couldn't help themselves as she got to know Dylan, the youngest lowes brother. He was different from his brothers, he was kinder, funnier, and just a really cool man that they have gotten to know. It was weird when they first met, Shy was on the phone with her parents about Kie when she bumped into him by accident. They had no time to hide who they were, as their son was having a temper tantrum over the phone. They had to be a mom right now which they were. Until the end of the phone call, when she noticed Dylan was still standing there. All she could do was a whisper that he wouldn't tell anyone. He just smiled at her and said he wouldn't. He gave her the books that had fallen out of her hand when they bumped together and invited them to walk to class together. That was the first time meeting Dylan and it was the sign of a new friendship.

Now they were friends and all they knew was that when they talked to Dylan, it was like crazy butterflies in her stomach. It was the way he made her laugh, and blush. It was like...she was with Foster which wasn't exactly great but she needed to get over Foster. He wasn't coming back and he was barely being a father to Kie. It was time for them to find someone else to spend their time thinking about. Maybe it was Dylan. They drove off towards the meet-up place, as they drove they thought about their life until now. They had spent time with Kie, and with Max's dad helping out with daycare, they had a lot less stress going on. This means they had a lot more time to talk to Dylan and to discover how much of a lowes he was not. He was a good person, and he wasn't a Lowes to them, they were better. Once they got to the meeting place, they let Kie out and waited for the boy to show up. When he did, he immediately went to Kie making him giggle as they swirl him around.

Shiloh loved hearing their son giggle. Dylan was such an amazing person around Kie. He never let her son feel like he wasn't supposed to be around. He then looked at Shy making them smile softly back. "I'm here on a rescue mission if you haven't heard. Someone needed to rescue a poor Dylan from their evil house." They said smirking "Hurry up, I left my sister in charge and last time I did that, they exploded my blender and there was strawberry milkshake everywhere. " Shy said as they began to pick up Kie to place him in his car seat. She looked at Dylan, and in a bold move took his hand dragging him in to the car. "Come on. You said you wanted to be a part of a Walters thanksgiving. Let me show you what's it all about. " She said as they grinned at Dylan.

Dylan had no idea what he was in for.

freaking out.
shy xxx kieran xxx
coded by natasha.
MOOD: boozed

OUTFIT: Fall Flannels

The Beach

Ronan Myling Myling
Zach lion. lion.
Chance ALittleRedLie ALittleRedLie

Hudson travelbypages travelbypages
Dan travelbypages travelbypages
Mariah tamarapasek tamarapasek


Max Berkowitz

We accept the love we think we deserve.

"Thanks, dude. You're the best." Max took the bottle of bronze-tinted liquor from Hudson, his light blue eyes gleaming in the sunset, his face aglow with admiration.

Hudson reminded Max a lot of his friend Zach… they were both blond surfers, tall and sharp-witted and tragically attractive, not to mention that they both shared the same penchant for illicit substances. But unlike Zach, who took sadistic pleasure in causing anxiety and embarrassment in Max, Hudson seemed to have a soft spot for the timid brunet.

Soon the four kids had a bright, warm fire blazing. The orange glow and the smell of woodsmoke seemed to have an intoxicating effect of its own. Max found himself desperately impatient to lose himself in the familiar dizziness. Taking the first turn with the bottle, he clumsily cracked it open and hastily tipped back a little too much of the burning liquid down his throat and immediately coughed some of it back up, feeling it burn like acid down his chest and back up through his nostrils. It went down like razor blades.

Still coughing and spluttering, he thrust the bottle in Mariah’s direction, drying his mouth with his sleeve. The heavy, smoky aftertaste of the liquor stayed lingering in his throat long after the acrid burn had died down. He almost liked it. The fire in his throat numbed down the ache in his heart that Ronan had left behind.


He promised himself he was going to forget that name tonight. However much tequila it took to forget, even if he lost his mind along the way, he'd get to feel some relief.

Minutes later, all the kids besides Hudson were plenty drowned in their drinks. Max was now dizzily leaning on Dan's shoulder, tossing the second empty bottle to the side. He watched his friends talk and laugh with a lopsided smile, not fearing a glimpse of the small gap between his front teeth. He wasn't following much of the conversation, too drunk to read lips and his friend's signing becoming more sloppy and imprecise as the night wore on, but he didn't mind at all. He felt like he was understanding perfectly.

"Heyy, Mriah." He slurred, half signed and half spoken and neither fully intelligible. "Sorry I kithed Chance. I just... he hassh sush a good mouth. Like... like wow. Wow-- OW, FUCK." Signing 'wow', he accidentally clawed himself in the nose, thankfully taking that as his cue to shut up.

code by valen t.
MOOD: complex, nervous, happy, content

OUTFIT Winona Chance Regina Winnie Isaiah

LOCATION: The Matthews Home


.Curious.Nat. .Curious.Nat. (Oliver)


The Matthews
This family has been through a lot, but they still smile

Oliver's hug gives Winnie the same sense of comfort that it did when they hugged for the first time. She felt safe. And it was probably combining efforts of her not being on the verge of death and her situation bettering, even by a little bit, that made her feel that way.

You didn't have to worry much, after talking to my mom, we took steps to get me to a better spot. She smiles at him, and it's small but it's genuine. When he hands her the pudding, she chuckles. We haven't have banana pudding at our dinner for years, it was my dad's favorite. She leads him into the house where Regina is spilled over the pot of macaroni on the stove. The mother quickly looks up, acknowledging their presence quickly before returning to the pot for a quick second. When she is sure that nothing is gonna burn, she unwraps the apron from her waist and walks over to Oliver, immediately pulling him into a hug.

Oliver, thank you for joining us. Regina pulls back, her smile absolutely beaming. After learning the truth of why Winnie was at the hospital, she had been overcome with a maternal need to cocoon her children and be there for them. She had requested a leave of absence and had found herself more ingrained in Winnie, Chance, and Isaiah's life. So much so, that Chance had decreased how much smoking he partook in.

That Thanksgiving morning was the most sober Chance had been in his life when he really chose not to. He had realized how much his mother had been for him in the last few weeks. She confronted him about missing school and he could tell her so much and instead of reacting as she would have in the pasts, Regina decided to listen and find the best course of action. That made Chance want to tell her about his sexuality, about Frankie, about the subtle feelings he had for another longtime friend. He was close to taking an edible to get through the dinner and conversation, but he'd be breaking a promise he made to himself. He was going to tell his mom that he was bisexual.

Chance quickly joins the crowd building up in the kitchen, he places a soft kiss on his mother's head and then gives his sister a quick hug. Oliver, what's up man?

code by valen t.
MOOD: despite all, mostly happy

OUTFIT: outfit

LOCATION: streets of Anchor Bay > car > at the Walters

Shiloh r e i r e i

--------don't type anything after this comment--------

TL;DR Dylan is sneaking out to ditch his family dinner and spend Thanksgiving with Shiloh instead
Dylan Lowes
"I wonder if people like the real me or just the act I put on."
"I'm here on a rescue mission if you haven't heard. Someone needed to rescue poor Dylan from their evil house." Shy proclaimed with a smirk on their lips, making DYlan smirk as well. The guilt of ditching the Lowes thanksgiving dinner lessened and lessened the longer Dylan was in Shy’s company. It made him feel like sneaking out had been a good decision after all.

"Hurry up, I left my sister in charge and last time I did that, they exploded my blender and there was strawberry milkshake everywhere." Shy then said and Dylan nodded. “We better hurry then until the house becomes too much of a mess.” He answered as they began to pick up Kie to place him in his car seat. Dylan couldn’t help but feel slightly surprised when Shy grabbed his hand and started to drag him to the car.

"Come on. You said you wanted to be a part of a Walters thanksgiving. Let me show you what it's all about." Shiloh stated as they grinned at Dylan. “I’m coming, I’m coming.” Dylan simply said, a small grin forming on his lips as well. “I’m excited to experience a Walters Thanksgiving, I’m sure it will be a lot better than Lowes Thanksgiving.” The boy continued and he really meant every word he said.

“And I’m especially glad to spend my Thanksgiving with you.” Dylan proclaimed as they were sitting inside the car, underestimating how embarrassed saying those words out loud made him. “Umm… I. I mean..” He started not sure what to say to make the situation better. “I mean, it’s sometimes nice to be away from my family even if it’s just for a little while.” The youngest Lowes brother explained as his left hand went to brush over his curly locks.

The car drive went nicely in a friendly atmosphere. They chatted for the whole drive and it almost made Dylan forget about the sorrows going on in his family. Shiloh really was someone always able to cheer him up, and he really appreciated them for it. Eventually the car drive came to an end. Dylan went out first and opened the car door to his friend.

Then he helped them to get Kie away from the car seat. “Soo.. Which way then?” The Lowes youngling asked while motioning towards all the houses close to them. Dylan and Shiloh were good, but fairly new friends and it was the boy’s first time visiting his friend. Why it hadn’t happened earlier, Dylan wasn’t sure.
code by valen t.

I am smarter than you so I should be in charge of the decisions. And I've decided that you don't need me.

Donna shrugs as if the statement is something as nonchalant as picking up your newspaper from the front of your house. But it hurt to say that, she wanted him. However, Donna didn't think that she was ready to be something more with Milo. And she didn't think that Milo would want to be with her after opening up parts of her that she'd refused to open to anyone. Everytime she thought that maybe she'd think of herself and be with him, another obstacle would pop up and make her second guess.

But here Milo was standing in front of her, his words boiling from his throat and spilling in between the two of them. Donna's frozen in front of the tall, tattooed brunette unsure of what to say because no one has ever said anything like that to her before. The soft hold he places on her hand is what pulls her out of the trance and for the first time in their relationship, she's speechless.

He wants her to say something, anything and she wants to, but he's captivated every part of her soul that she was sure he took her words too. That's when she decides to throw caution into the wind. She tightens the grip on Milo's hand and pulls him to her, her other hand snaking up to the back of his neck and into his dark curls. Her heart rate jumps as it simultaneously plummets into her stomach. If she wasn't clinging on to his physical being, he would have been able to see the shakes of her hands and the raise of her chest, but with how close they were there was not way Milo didn't feel it.

Donna's actions finally bring them together, her lips smashed against his as she finally answers his pleas.

mood: anxious; confused; conflicted

location: Home


Cuz I Love You


mentions: N/A

interactions: Milo

tags: .Curious.Nat. .Curious.Nat.

º º code by ditto º º

Whiplash. That's what Diana was experiencing. So much happened in the short amount of time that she entered the space of her roommates. She could've taken this as an opportunity maybe run in the opposite direction, but Diana just moved in. She didn't want to start on such a sour note like abandoning a dinner that Calla planned. Especially when Calla tried her absolute hardest to get Diana to say yes.

She wordlessly follows the two to the kitchen and once she entered the room, she grabs a cup of yogurt from the fridge and sits on a barstool tucked beneath the island. The actions of Calla and Oliver continue around her as she mindlessly swirls around her yogurt. Nico's arrival pulls her out of it. Hey Nico. She gives him a soft smile, the amount of effort that she put into it was weak, but it was all she could do. The aura was becoming to suffocating for her.

When Nico places the bouquet in her hands and tells her what they mean, she almost whimpers, she has to catch herself from speaking with a quivering tone. Thank you, Nico. This means a lot. Again, she gives him a small, sweet smile. She then admires the sweet exchange between him and Calla, the aura becoming a little romantic settles the upsetting feeling in her stomach. It also makes her think of Young.

Is there anything I can do to help. Diana was going to at least try today, and she knew that if she really had to, she had a getaway car waiting for her.

mood: upset-ish; bashful; conflicted; overwhelmed

location: Home


wipe your tears


mentions: Young

interactions: Oliver, Calla, Nico

tags: travelbypages travelbypages

Chimney Swift Chimney Swift

lion. lion.

Qwertycakes Qwertycakes

º º code by ditto º º
Calla Gilles

Calla dug through the drawers to find a second set of oven mitts for Oli to help her lift the turkey out. While it was easy to put the turkey in when it was cold, she knew she'd struggle getting it out between a combination of the pan it was in now being hot and her height and strength to not drop it while also trying not to get burnt. "Oli, I know high school can be hard and there are some kids who say certain things to gain attention. I think it'd be best to have a chat with the person who started the rumor, maybe even Dustin. Explain to them why lies like this one aren't good." She explained to him as she slipped on a mitt, "some people say some messed up things but there are ways to work around it." She said with a soft smile then looked to Diana. Calla didn't know much about the people in the town quite yet but she was sure Diana had an explanation why someone in the town would start a rumor like that. So, she raised an eyebrow in a silent help.
Since Diana had moved in, Calla was slowly getting to know the girl and was enjoying having her around. While Diana kept to herself a lot, the girl was kind of the calm amidst a storm, even if she had been down as of late. Calla just wanted to do her best to make sure everyone in the house was cared for and happy, even if the stress of doing so made her blood pressure rise. "Now come on, this turkey is very heavy. Don't burn yourself either." She told Oli as she opened the oven door. Just as she was doing so though, Nico's bubbly voice rang out and following the voice, the boy emerged from the front entrance stumbling over a variety of plants. She smiled and leaned against the counter as Nico went to each roommate explaining the gifts he got them until he was in front of her, placing a kiss on her lips.
The girl knew what flowers he had chosen for her even before he gave them to her. It was his nickname he had for her. Ironically enough, Calla Lily is what her social worker called her. The only parental figure she had in her life. For Nico to call her that warmed her heart and little gestures like these only made her fall more for the dorky stoner. "Thank you Nico, this is all very thoughtful." She told him with a smile as he quickly took over the task to take the turkey out. While he was doing so the girl went to the hallway cupboard to grab two old looking vases, thankful she had kept things like this for occasions like this. After she filled them up with water she handed one to Diana to put her flowers in then put her own on the counter for her to put somewhere nice when dinner was done.
"I'm just happy I didn't burn the house down, also thank Pinterest, not me." Calla said with a laugh to hopefully lighten the mood as she began setting up the table for everyone. The girl just wanted everything to be perfect so that hopefully everyone could somewhat enjoy the holiday. Once the rest of the food was on the table Calla took a seat next to Nico and took his hand under the table, "to be honest, I've never really done a Thanksgiving before and don't really know what to do or say before eating... So if y'all just wanna dig in that's cool with me. Also if the food is bad please don't tell me, it'll damage my ego." She said with a smile as she began to put a few of the salads on her plate and potatoes and all that. She wasn't a huge fan of poultry so she put a little bit of turkey on just to see if she had cooked it right then began to eat her food, doing her best to not creep everyone by making sure they were enjoying it. The girl was anxious but at least she was happy to be around people she cared about.

Mentions: Qwertycakes Qwertycakes ALittleRedLie ALittleRedLie Chimney Swift Chimney Swift
MOOD: Frozen


LOCATION: The Gilles Residence.
Calla travelbypages travelbypages
Nico Qwertycakes Qwertycakes
Diana ALittleRedLie ALittleRedLie


TL;DR ...
Oliver Dreyfuss
How lonely it is, to be drowning in a place where everyone can swim

Oliver held the small tree Nico gave to him gently, turning the pot around in his hands to examine it from every possible angle, taking in the different shades of green in the leaves, the texture of the bark and soil, everything about it. After a moment of silent pondering, he seemed happy with it. “Thank you,” he said, quietly, after some thought. He didn’t know a lot about plants, other than oceanic algae and seagrasses. Bonsai trees were new to him, as was having something that he had to take care of and keep alive. This would be great practice for a turtle.

He stayed close by his roommates, silently listening to the bits of conversation that bubbled around the room without adding anything to the chatter.

"I'm just happy I didn't burn the house down,” Said Calla, musing on her trials and tribulations in the kitchen. She hadn’t meant anything by it, of course. Of course she hadn’t, but those words from Calla stopped Oliver in his tracks. She laughed after she said it… why was she laughing?

Oliver turned white and set his little bonsai tree down on the countertop, fearing he’d drop it.
He smelled smoke.
The heat still radiating from the open oven suddenly felt unbearable.

Calla laughed, but this wasn’t fucking funny.

Paralyzed by memories of the last few months, the busy kitchen faded into a meaningless blur of sound and color and smell and heat.

Just two months ago, he had a family. A mother, three sisters, a clean and quiet little apartment in the run-down industrial neighborhood. In the time since he’d seen them, he’d numbed himself to the way they used to torment him. He’d gotten too cocky, too unused to the feeling of having to watch his every move and hold his breath lest one step out of line would cost him a kick in the ribs.

To Oliver, that was all that family was.

Sea turtles don’t have families.
The mothers leave the eggs to fend for themselves and return to the sea as if nothing happened at all. Does a mother sea turtle know that only one out of every thousand eggs she lays will survive to adulthood? Does she care?
Sometimes Oliver wished his mother had abandoned him at birth, or just left like his father had. But she didn’t. She stayed, like a sickeningly faithful human mother. She was still out there somewhere. Not looking for him, not anymore, but… knowing.

Some small part of Oliver had never left the fire. Somewhere out there, even after leaving him behind, his mother was still holding onto a piece of him.

code by valen t.
MOOD: Hopeful

OUTFIT: Goth, but make it comfy


Max Chimney Swift Chimney Swift


Ronan Myling Myling

Jesse Casablancas
It's like my heart can't be tamed
I fall in love every day and I feel like a fool
Jesse smirked to himself when he opened the door to his former lover on his doorstep. I knew you couldn't stay away. Even though was expecting the younger boy, it was his first instinct to gloat about how Ronan needed him, after all his big words about maybe just not dating anyone after ending things with Max, and being on his own for a while. Ronan's red eyes and tear-streaked face shut him up before he could even say anything though, and his smug grin faded into a frown.

He took Ronan by the hand to guide the crying boy into the house, closing the door behind him. "I'm sorry, Rone," Jesse said gently, pulling him into a hug. "I guess it didn't go well, the break-up with Max? Are you still friends?" He asked innocently, though a jealous part of him hoped the breakup had gone so badly that they were no longer friends at all. Jesse didn't exactly love the idea of Ronan being all buddy-buddy with his ex, even if they were no longer together. And of course the less competition for his attention, the better. "Tell me what happened."

Jesse cupped Ronan's cheek, his thumb wiping away a freshly fallen tear. Brow furrowed as the blonde boy appeared to be thinking on something for a moment. "Listen, you wanna help me make that mango rice? You can show me how," He asked in hopes if cheering the other boy up. "I...already bought all the stuff to make it. I was gonna suprise you," He confessed, piercing blue eyes averted, looking a tad embarrassed.

Fidgeting under Ronan's rich brown gaze, he sheepishly ran a hand through his golden locks. Jesse wasn't often this vulnerable with Ronan, giving him the upper hand to accept or reject him. He was used to it being the other way around, and it was difficult to hide his discomfort in this dynamic. Perhaps it was just his father's insulting words that got drilled into his head after so many years, but he almost felt stupid, fearing Ronan might laugh at the suggestion, laugh at him for trying. But Ronan was hurting, and Jesse was willing to deal with some uncomfortable feelings to prove to him he could be the kind of man he deserved. To make him forget about Max.

"Come on then," He grinned, breathing a sigh of relief when Ronan agreed. He slung an arm around the shorter boy, pulling him close to kiss his lips as the couple walked together towards the kitchen. Leaving a kiss on his forehead before releasing him to lead the way, making a beeline for the fridge to pull out the ingredients and things they would need. "Okay, help me out here. We need....a pot, right?" The boy asked, rummaging around a cabinet until he popped back up clutching a medium-sized saucepan. "About this big?" He asked, holding the pot up for Ronan to appraise.
code by valen t.
Last edited:
MOOD: Mixed emotions

OUTFIT: outfit

LOCATION: at Jesse’s
Max Chimney Swift Chimney Swift
Jean .Curious.Nat. .Curious.Nat.

Jesse Qwertycakes Qwertycakes

--------don't type anything after this comment--------

TL;DR Ronan is getting comforted by Jesse after breaking up with Max.
Ronan Chanthara
"You’re in a relationship to be happy, to smile, to laugh, and to make good memories. Not to constantly be upset, to feel hurt, and to cry."
Ronan kept still swiping away his tears as he waited for Jesse to open the door. “I fucking hate you. I don’t want to see you ever again.” Weren’t those the words Ronan had said to Jesse the last time they saw each other? So why on earth was he behind the older boy’s door? It went over his head too. It didn’t simply make any sense. Ronan knew it all well, he out of all people knew the best how Jesse truly was. He knew he shouldn’t give in to him. He shouldn't be seeing the other boy so soon after the break up with Max. Honestly, any other person would have been a better choice. He could have instead seen his sister or visited Jean in the hospital. Besides, Jean said that if Ronan saw Jesse again the results wouldn’t be good: Jean would end up in jail and Jesse in hospital.

All these thoughts were starting to make the guilt bigger in Ronan. And just when he started to wonder if it was too late to go away, Jesse opened the door. Ronan could swear Jesse had a smug grin on his face, but when he took a closer look it was a frown instead. The door got closed behind them as Jesse took Ronan by the hand, starting to guide the crying boy into the house. "I'm sorry, Rone." Jesse said as he pulled the smaller boy into a hug. His tone of voice was surprisingly sweet, and the hug felt better than it should have felt. Then Jesse continued speaking and Ronan just shrugged his shoulders to his words. Jesse had assumed the break up didn’t go well, he also asked if the boys were still friends. "Tell me what happened." He ordered and Ronan knew he had to say something.

“I.. I don’t know if he wants to be my friend anymore. I just know I need to talk to him again.” He simply stated. “We both cried and he apologized to me, even when it all was my fault. I kind of freaked out and didn’t let him speak properly.” Ronan went into detail about what exactly happened. His voice cracked a bit and a couple new tears fell on his cheeks. Jesse started immediately swiping his former lover’s tears and even cupped his face. Ronan couldn’t believe what he said next. “Sticky mango rice?” The younger boy let out in disbelief when Jesse asked him if he wanted to help to make the dessert that was Ronan’s favorite. Jesse admitted already buying all the ingredients in order to surprise the younger boy. And he really did surprise Ronan, who didn’t know if he was more surprised because of the offer or the embarrassed look on Jesse’s eyes.

He couldn’t remember when the boy had done something so sweet to him. “Are you really asking that? I… Umm… Of course I will help you.” The younger boy said all baffled. "Come on then." Jesse grinned and Ronan nodded. He dropped his backpack to the floor, before Jesse slung an arm around him. He pulled the shorter boy closer in order to kiss his lips as the couple walked together towards the kitchen. He left a kiss on Ronan's forehead before releasing him to lead the way. Ronan chuckled out loud, he really liked this side of Jesse, but he also couldn’t help but feel like he was doing something forbidden. He shaked his head to get those thoughts off his mind, and moved his attention to Jesse who was pulling the ingredients and other stuff they would need to make the dessert. Ronan took a look at the ingredients, it really seemed like Jesse had remembered everything: glutinous rice, coconut milk, coconut flakes, sugar and fresh mangoes.

The ingredients were fairly simple but some of them were a little difficult to find, so Ronan was surprised they had everything. "Okay, help me out here. We need....a pot, right?" Jesse asked as he rummaged around the cabinet. Then he popped back up clutching a medium-sized saucepan. He asked if it was the right size, holding the pot up for Ronan to appraise. “Smaller would do as well, but it doesn’t matter if it's a little too big.” Ronan explained. Then it was Ronan’s turn to rummage the cabinets. Soon he found what he was searching for, a can opener to open the can of coconut milk. “Full fat coconut milk often separates into two layers, the top is a thick coconut cream and the bottom a thin coconut water.” Ronan explained as he shaked the can to mix the two layers together before opening it. Jesse turned the stone on, and put the pot on top of. Ronan started preparing the rice and stirred the coconut milk in it. “Now we need to just make sure to not burn it.” Ronan then smiled at Jesse.
code by valen t.
MOOD: Exasperated


Carter House


Qwertycakes Qwertycakes
purplecowdutch purplecowdutch

--------don't type anything after this comment--------

Danielle Henderson
Happy happy Turkey Day

Danielle bounded over to the Milyukovs and Future Milyukov, anxiously herding them into her house. Though she tried to be jovial and introduce the group to her family, her mind was still occupied by her husband. More specifically by his absence. Was he even coming back? She knew how messy her family could be, and though Dex had repeatedly insisted it was fine, he'd also dashed out the door quick as light to get butter for the family and had yet to come back. Some time had passed and he'd yet to return, leaving Dani with the fear she would have to wrangle this family Thanksgiving on her own. "Shut up." Dani grumbled quietly, clearly more annoyed with her absentee husband than Alexei's comment. "He's coming back. I'm 90% sure." She sighed before ruffling her baby girl's head playfully.

As she guided the family into the foyer, Dani was greeted with an even worse sight than that of a husband potentially deserting his wife to her dysfunctional family on Thanksgiving. Her precious younger sister and her pale little boytoy huddled on the couch, no doubt high on some drug or other. Tabitha's wild streak had been a barely kept secret from Dani, one she'd admittedly been trying her hardest to live in denial of. It couldn't be ignored anymore though, and the wave of emotions that had plagued her since Tabitha was young came rushing through her.

Shame, horror, anger. She'd failed. She couldn't keep her sister as sheltered as Dex's parens had kept his for most of his life, couldn't protect her from the fighting of their parents given all the times she'd needed sanctuary at the Henderson house, couldn't stop her from going down the wrong track. And she had no doubt that their parents were failing on that front too. How dare she bring this kid here, this goddamn asshole who could just sit there and get her high when there were two children in the room? In her head she knew Tabitha was probably more of a willing participant than she'd like to admit but fuck if it wasn't just easier to blame everything on the Eminem wannabe.

She walked over to the couch, sitting on one of the arms. "Tabitha Jade Carter are you seriously fucking high right now?" She hissed in a whispering tone, clearly getting ready for the lecture of a lifetime.
"And who even is this douche? Why would you two do this, knowing there's children here? I-" Her scolding was cut short by the front door of the Carter home opening to reveal her husband. "We'll talk about this later. Don't let Dad figure it out." She whispered, before heading to the entrance.

"Babe!" She squealed, running over to envelope him in the most bone-crushing hug Dexter Henderson had probably experienced in his life. "I was worried you'd run away or something! I-Kendy?" She furrowed her brows, not sure if she was imagining that Alexei's ex was right beside him. Oh god. Oh fuck.

Unable to process her shock, confusion, or even annoyance at this last minute decision, Dani's brain immediately went to damage control. "Hey Alexei?" She called out, speed walking over to him and grabbing his arm. "Mom's having a hard time with cooking, we need your professional opinion?" She informed him, dragging him to the kitchen without giving him time to answer

code by valen t.
Processing. . . .

outfit: here

mood: nervous+determined

location: grandparent's
Arthur says. . . .

Arthur was worried when she came back to the table,but it seemed like they both were fine enough.

The dessert that they brought Arthur help with just because she did tell her grandmother Niila didn't like sweet things too much. Now she knew Niila might eat sweet things to make her happy,but it didn't sit right with her if he didn't enjoy it! So she chose to make Ichigo Daifuku. It is mochi that is filled with Azuki Red bean paste that is covering strawberries. They looked cute and were good. Anybody who knew Arthur maybe would look confused as she loved horror and gore- but Niila knew her best and what she actually liked. It made her feel more important to him.

Arthur set them down on the table and sat back down. "If its too sweet just let me know okay?" She asked as she happily took a bit herself.

It seemed like the dinner that started out rocky was now simmering down. It made Arthur very happy. No matter what if her grandparents didn't approve she would still want to be with Niila, however, she wanted the approval. She wanted them to say that she made a good choice and that if sometime in the future Niila decides he wants Arthur forever then her grandparents can be apart of that.

When dessert was over of course her grandma whipped out old baby albums of her and all her awards from school. Just like a typical mom. Eventually Arthur got too embarrassed about it that her face was definitely red. She knew that her Sobo showing him was a good sign from her,but still- the baby picture with her naked in the shower?!

coded by kaninchen
Della Bressett

"Where Everleigh lay her roots, where you lay yours." Della's brows furrowed at this statement and she turned to look at Blu, taking the girls hands. "I know this is different and I know that you have these fears of everything falling apart. But Blu, we found each other. After all that I went through, all that you went through, where we thought we would never find someone in this world of horror and loss... But we found each other. As cheesy as this all sounds." She said with a small smile then leaned forward to gently press her lips to Blu's.
"I have fears too. That his won't work out, that we're moving fast, that we may not click later. But for now, all I know is that I want you, us. God, I want us more than anything." Della told Blu and glanced to check on Everleigh. "It's important to me, to have you. This home," she said as she motioned to her phone, "will just be the start for us. And yeah, it may be moving fast. But I spent years being alone, even when he was around, I've been waiting for this connection." She said with a little smile, "I'll do anything to prove that."
Just then she got an idea, "actually, I'll prove it now." Picking up her phone, she texted the usual babysitter, hoping she would be down to watch Everleigh despite the holiday, and of course the teen didn't turn her down. "Come on, we gotta drop Everleigh off at home." She winked and stood up to pack up the toddler and quickly hurry home. Of course the teen was already waiting there and Della quietly whispered her plan to the younger girl then gave her a decent amount of money to start. "We'll need some clothes." She told Blu with a smile then packed up her own backpack. Della was enjoying herself and was excited about this spontaneous plan. While Blu was gathering clothes, Della quickly booked a motel room in the town.
"Since I've been in Anchor Bay, I have not had the time to do touristy things." Della told Blu as they left the basement suite. "Plus, we don't get time to ourselves without the little monster. So, you're gonna drive us to the motel so we can drop things off, then go get drinks, and then tomorrow we'll do some things when the stores open." She smiled and stepped a little closer when they approached Blu's truck. Lightly pressing a kiss to Blu's neck she whispered, "maybe we can also see if we have chemistry." After their things were dropped off, Della noticed the bowling alley was open and excitedly got Blu to stop there, "I'm gonna whoop your butt."
Mentions: r e i r e i

/* ------ left side ------ */

/* ------ left side info ------ */

mood nervous

location Donna's place

outfit outfit

fun fact no girl has kissed him first.

tag ALittleRedLie ALittleRedLie

Milo Brooks

/* ------ right side ------ */

Milo didn't know what to expect. He had no expectations whatsoever. If she really didn't want him and he wasn't getting the hint that would be one thing,but deep down he knew. He knew she felt at least something for him. He hoped it wasn't just all in his head.

At first she didn't say anything. He had already decided he wasn't going anywhere until he got an answer from her. He needed to hear it. To know for sure.

That's when he felt himself getting pulled towards her and her lips fell upon his. He couldn't process it at first. He wasn't expecting it.

She..kissed me..

After a second his hands repositioned themselves on her body. Instead of holding her hand his arm went around her waist whole the other one went along her spine,his hand was placed at the back of her neck. Even though he held her full of security and meaning his lips told a promise.

I won't let you go.

His lips glided onto hers, his tongue lightly exploring her. He could hear her staggered breathing and the way her body shook..the smell of her perfume even filled his senses as much as feeling her body on his. It felt good- it felt right. That thought almost is scary to him, but if he gets his heart broken he wouldn't want it to be anybody else but Donna.

As the kiss slowed to a stop Milo touched his forehead to hers. "Donna.." he started off by saying his brown eyes looking into hers while they were catching their breath.

"I don't..I don't want to share you with anybody. I want to show you off.. I want you to be mine" he told her, his grip around her waist slowly tightening. "Will you be mine? All mine..?" He asked her while his heart rate was through the roof. He felt like he was going to pass out. However if he could do it all over again he would without hesitation. For her.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.



angry, upset, awkward


dani's parents house


high pink heels with a pink dress and a pink bag, her hair voluminously hanging over her shoulders.


kennedy porter

diamonds are a girls' best friend

‘I told you I’m done acting,’ she wrapped her fingers around her blonde locks while she let her fingers sweep the aisle for anything with more than 40% alcohol.
‘I-‘ Her eyes fell on the redhead before her running up to him and taking him in her arms, hanging up the call simultaneously while the other line made some final sputters.
She had not seen Dex ever since she quit her old job but the two of them were always super close and so it seems nothing had actually changed.

After a bunch of small talk it was official, she was not spending Thanksgiving alone or drinking herself numb at Marcellus bar thanks to Dex Henderson. Dex invited her back to Dani’s home, who must have agreed to it. Luckily Kennedy never comes unprepared so there was no need for her to change, her blowout fell perfectly over her shoulders and her uncomfortable high pink heels fitted perfectly with her neon pink bag. It was as if she knew she would never spend a Thanksgiving alone although she may had already forcefully buried her lonely thoughts.

It was only when Dex opened his mouth while he clumsily juggled with the bottles in his hands that Kennedy’s expression changed. He couldn’t have mentioned the ex-boyfriend coming thing earlier?
Her eyes went cold as Kennedy stared at the absolute marshmallow that he was, obviously terrified of having to break the news.
‘I don’t care,’ she broke the silence, ‘I am moved on.’ She forced her voice a little higher, almost. . Cheerful? It was going to be fine even though the last time she saw Alex was when she held their precious necklace captive.
Her hand immediately reached to the shiny diamond around her neck, ‘so, do I see you there?’

With her head up high she walked with Dex to the front door which was cozily decorated with some yellow flowerbeds. Not minutes later the door was opened and Dex was greeted with an exciting squeal coming from Danielle.
As she moved her gaze, Kennedy stepped in, giving her a big hug with a teeth-showing smile.
The two stepped in while they stared at the girl in front of them, hastily walking away. ‘You sure they don’t mind?’ Kennedy pinched Dex’s arm while stepping in with a cocaine fueled confident.

‘Katinka? Juniper?’ She asked surprisingly, seeing the two bubbly kids sitting side by side on the huge fluffy carpet. On the couch was Tabitha, who she recognized as Dani's sister and an unknown boy, presumably her boyfriend.
The fact that Katinka was there meant that Kaz was here and the thought of him made her heart skip a beat. It felt like the puzzle pieces were finally falling in place. She never was meant to be with Alex, she was meant to be with Kaz and even though Alex still gave Kennedy some butterflies there was someone else who loved her now. Well, she hoped.

She hadn’t seen Kaz ever since he arrived so she could barely hold the excitement, though once she saw Dani’s mother and Dani’s father, Andrew, she froze. A face she could never forget.
Kennedy blinked a few times, trying to process what was happening. Andrew was Dani’s father? And he’s married?
She shared a look with Dex who was still standing right next to her, before coughing to pay everyone's attention. 'We're here!' she announced with a loud voice. 'Can we open the butter and the Gin?' She continued, walking in the kitchen trying to hold back tears the best she could. God only knew how long it would actually take for her to lose that facade. Two glasses of that gin and tonic?

nine lives

the faker
Blu had tears in her eyes as she looked at Della. "Honestly you are so much braver then I am. I'm so scared that I'm gonna lose you. I know we found each other and everything. I just...I can't lose someone else. " She said honestly as Del kissed her softly silencing all her fears and thoughts. It was like she was trying to prove to her that she was different. That she won't leave Blu in the dark.

"I want us too. I want us so much that it scares me. " Blu said softly as she looks down at the ground as she hides her tears. She was so scared of doing something to make Della leave her. She wanted everything with her and it scared her. She never wanted everything with someone before. She never had this connection with someone before. She doesn't want to slow down but she was scared that Del would realize that she wasn't what she wanted.

"How?" Blu says confused as Della got on her phone without answering the young woman. Then she was rushed up and Della said something about dropping Ever home and she was still confused. "We're dropping Everleigh off? Why?" They rushed home with Blu's questions being unanswered, the normal teen babysitter was there and she was told to pack some clothes.

Which wasn't hard because half of Della's drawers were filled with Blu's clothing. She wasn't kidding when she said that she was already kinda moved in. She grabbed some clothes putting them in the backpack that her girlfriend had given her. Once they had left the basement suite, Della finally explained her plan.

Which made the smile on Blu's face grow larger as she heard it. She loved it. "That sounds perfect my love." As they near Blu's truck, her girlfriend stepped closer to her leaving a light kiss on her neck making Blu breath hitched yet again. Was she even breathing? What was with Della, and making her forget to breathe.

After they had dropped off their things to the motel. They were driving around and Della noticed the bowling alley and started to jump in place excitedly. Oh my love, you don't know how much I'm a monster at bowling. I used to play all the time with..." She immediately shut her mouth as she was about to say Scarlet. Her baby sister. Someone she hasn't even told Della about. Leaving home was hard enough but leaving Scarlet was heart ripping. "I just...I'm really good at this game. " She said softly as she pulled in. She got out of the truck and opened Della's door for her.

"Now my love, our battle awaits." Blu said with a cheesy grin as she looks at Della.

della apartment
happy but a bit sad.
coded by natasha.
Della Bressett

Della smiled at her love when she prompted the challenge and she hopped out of the truck, taking Blu's hand to rush in. While the bowling alley seemed fun, the looks of it were less than impressive. But at least they had alcohol to mask the dirtiness of it. She now knew why they were open on Thanksgiving. While the place was mostly empty, there were a few old people scattered around. She assumed they were the retiree's of the town who's families had their own Thanksgiving, she smiled at Blu over the cuteness of it. "Well I'm glad we're not the ones keeping them open."
Going over to the counter she got the employee to give them the right sized shoes as well as two drinks. Going for an easy peasy beer for herself then whatever Blu wanted. She hated beer, but it didn't look like the alley had much to offer. Moving to one of the unoccupied runs she sat down and began to tie her shoes on, doing her best to not think about how many feet have been in the shoes. "So, if I win I get.... unlimited desserts from the diner whenever I ask. What do you want if you win?" She asked the girl, smiling at her answer, "okay deal." She reached out to shake the girls hand.
At firs their little bowling match was going good for Della but it didn't take long for the girl to begin losing. Finally when it came to an end and they calculated their scores, Della huffed, "not faaaaair I have a bad wrist." She light with pouty lips. "You won fair and square I guess." She said with a dramatic eye roll and sip of her drink. Standing from the bench she took their empty drinks to the recycling and went to hand in the shoes. She knew they wanted the score cards back but Della decided she was going to put it in her keepsake box. "Come on, I think we talked about real drinks?" She smiled and went back out to Blu's truck, "so is this date proving to you?" She asked, leaning over to Blu. She pressed a kiss to the score card to leave a little lip stain from her tinted lip gloss then slipped it in her purse.
She knew a few of the local bars were open, deciding to stay far away from the Clam. She pointed to the little LGBT friendly bar that wasn't far from the motel. "Come on." She laughed and hurried out of the truck to inside the bar. Della went right up to the bar to get herself a sangria and found them a little booth to sit in. Though she could've chose to sit across from her love, she slid right in beside her, leaning in close so they had a little more privacy, "You won't find me leaving you anytime in the future unless breaking up is something you want. I'm all in when it comes to you. And I hope days like this one, are proof enough for you." With that, Della leaned in to lightly press her lips to Blu's.
Mentions: r e i r e i

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