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Project Syndicate

The following content is a work of fiction. Any names or references that correlate with referenced personnels and events in real life are purely coincidental and/or fictionalized. The following contents are made by and for personal creativity purposes. This project contains violence, strong language, suggestive themes, & substance depictions.
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ACT I: 1856 - 1867​

A criminal organization founded by Signora Maria Grimaldi sometime in the 1840s to punish the nobility in England for their heinous extortion of the people. Having sworn a blood oath to their matron, many serve Lady Grimaldi without hesitation, believing in their mistress's noble cause. The organization has been most active in Europe in 1849 under the directives of the Institution. Having completed their mission in 1855, Grimaldi returned to London and sought to fade into retirement. Now tasked with a new mission of utmost importance, Grimaldi has summoned her household members and foreign associates from overseas to accompany her. Like her companions, she had sworn a blood oath to the Institution and is bound to follow through with her obligations.

The Grimaldi and Associates' legal profession revolves around maritime trades and merchantship, giving them access to an array of service networks that allow them to traverse the globe with ease. Grimaldi's company consists of veterans from the Crimean War, as well as specialists from foreign countries, and are capable of espionage, political manipulation and assassination. Their purpose is to serve as the Institution's adjudicator and resolve any situation that threatens the establishment's cause. Due to the Grimaldi's domestic and overseas holdings and businesses, the organization is well-funded and can operate with expanded budget.

The Grimaldis' primary holdings in India, the East Indies, and America contribute to most of their profit and self-sustained fundings. This ranges from plantations to maritime businesses. As it is their legal operation, the Grimaldis prioritize much of their security around these businesses. Various paper services and firms are set up to ensure that none of their illegal activities leave traces that could be connected to the Grimaldis.

A network of shrouded multinational organization, whose true mission remains unknown to most. Their method centers around the accumulation of wealth and incitement of conflict to further their goals. What is known via their controversial directives in the last two decades, however, was that the Institution are united in name, but not fully by heart. There exists many political cliques and factions with the organization, whose agendas often led to proxy conflict that were played out on the grand stage of the world. The Crimean War was among the few conflict that was propagated by different shadow organizations that wishes to settle the fate of their gambles.

Under the Law of the Bold, there is no restriction to rival organizations declaring war upon another, so long as they have a legal case presented. As case-by-case basis goes, it is infighting is common among rivaling organizations and the dominator may action their claims once their case is settled by an informal hearing with a qualified adjudicator. The Grimaldi Household is among the few establishments that are considered as mediators between conflicts. Under the Law of the Bold, adjudicators themselves are not entitled to a guarantee of protection from the bereaved that wishes to exact revenge upon them. While many wishes to maintain their effective peacemakers, the system inherently maintains the balance of power by not restricting the freedom of the bereaved. In their eyes, it is simply business among the rest, without the laws that bind them. This flawed system bent on disobeying the ways of the world, is as dangerous as a world without the liberty to avenge one's wounds sevenfold.

The Cainist Principle is an ideology based upon Genesis 4, pertaining to the concept that the Mark of Cain as proof of the Creator's mercy and that even Cain, a murderer, served a purpose in the world. Followers of the Cainist Principle adheres closely to the particular verses 14 to 15: "Cain said to the Lord, “My punishment is more than I can bear. Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me. But the Lord said to him, “Not so; anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times over.” Then the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him."

Cainist Disciples believes that murderers, swindlers, cheaters, and frauds will be God's chief weapon against the pride of mankind. Pride of unjust laws, corrupt authorities, and agents of chaos in guise of false liberators. It is justified in certainty that those that seek to destroy them will suffer the wrath of God "sevenfold" - culminating in the establishment of the Institution's shrouded nature as Cain himself wishes to be hidden from God's presence. On the other hand, law enforcers, and chivalric defenders of order are deemed as God's favorites, and works against the Cainist. In essence, this school of thought brought about the clear distinction of criminals and lawkeepers - marking the perpetual and inevitable conflicts that they will often find themselves involved in.

This apocryphal principle was believed to have came about during the Late Medieval Era, although the concept is rarely attributed to any one person for reasons unknown. But there were indications that it may have began in Genoa, cited by some shrouded sources alluding to such thoughts.

A compilation of documents and dossiers organized by Felice Orsini that detail various information pertaining to Grimaldi's mission.

During the 1850s, most weaponry consists of muzzle-loading firearms from the Napoleonic Era. A few notable changes include the advent of mass-produced percussion caps, the Minie ball, revolvers and early repeaters. Reloading take a considerable amount of time and unconventional engagements may last longer. Most common weaponry around this period consists of: muzzle-loaded muskets (percussion cap), revolvers (percussion cap), repeaters, shotguns, and volley guns.


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    Felice Orsini

    Affiliations: Carbonari Revolutionaries
    Nationality: Italian
    DoB: December 10th, 1819
    Height: 5 ft. 10 in. (177 cm)

    Orsini was arrested in 1844 along with his father, implicated in revolutionary plots and condemned to imprisonment for life. The new pope, Pius IX set him free, and he led a company of young Romagnols in the First War of Italian Independence in 1848, distinguishing himself in the engagements at Treviso and Vicenza.

    After the fall of the revolutionary republic in Rome he conspired against the papal autocracy. Orsini was then sent on a secret mission to Hungary, but he was arrested in 1854 and imprisoned at Mantua. He escaped a few months later using a tiny saw to cut through two grids of bars, climbed out of the window 100 feet above ground and slid down using a rope he had made of bedsheets. Passing as a sympathetic peasant, he managed to get past the Austrian guards.

    In 1856, he briefly visited Great Britain and paid Maria Grimaldi a visit for helping them escape prison two years ago. With the recent details entrusted to Maria by the Institution, Orsini provided her with the necessary dossiers and information that he had gathered ever since his escape.

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ACT III: 2015 - 2018​

The elected head and leader of the organization. While the organization is held together by the Electorate, the Kaiser is an honorable, albeit heavy title. The Kaiser's role is to spearhead the ambitions of the organization and ensure that the Syndicate's Legacy lives on.

The Electorate
The Electorate, colloquially called "the Circle", consists of prominent family heads that have been instrumental to the Syndicate's development. These Electors are able to vote on the next Kaiser, when the selected candidate has proven themself worthy via a series of trials known as "the Crucible." As part of the traditions that bound these families, the Electorate is responsible for the management of the Syndicate's internal affairs and the organization's destiny. These Electors, no matter their financial status or backgrounds, are loyal to the Syndicate's cause. When a Kaiser takes office, they are able to appoint five Electors as their cabinet. These Electors and their household are appointed for their skills to augment the Kaiser's Legacy project. While the nature of the Legacy project is unknown to most, external intelligence suspects that Legacies are different goals laid out by different Kaisers to adapt to their contemporary geopolitical doctrines. These five houses have been labeled as "the Palatines" Alpha to Echo by Central Intelligence since 1975.

House of Cards
The House of Cards is a special-assignment section within the Syndicate that thrives as a special force hit-squad under the directives and administration of the Palatina Familia. They are dubbed as "the Dealers", and act as the phantom enforcers of the Syndicate. The Dealers are responsible for special military operations and strategies that involve assassinations, espionage, and disappearances of high-value targets or individuals that threaten the security of the Syndicate. While the Palatina Familia have their own personal details and manpower that handle threats to the organization, the House of Cards and their Dealers specializes in high-risk operations that require higher-end operators and experiences to carry out hits and destructions. From 2005 to 2018, the Dealers were led by "the Colonel", and can also be assigned to minor sub-organizations of the Syndicate, preceding the sanctioned orders and approval of the Kaiser. There are always five standing members within the House of Cards, all named after their own specialties: the Ace, the King, the Queen, the Jack, and the Joker.

Pentateuch Council
The Pentateuch Marshals are the head figures of the Syndicate's influence. The Marshals govern their respective continents, and oversee the Syndicate’s development with directives given by the Electorate board. The Marshals are similar to dominion viceroys and come from various backgrounds with lethal efficiency and flexibility.
The Pentateuch Marshals abide by the amendments laid down by the Annals of the Founding Fathers (also known as the Five Books). These five books summarize the five main pillars that distinguish the Syndicate from many other criminal organizations by their united principles. Each book is given to the Marshals as a rite of passage upon their ascend to the office of the Pentateuch Council.

- Marshal of Europe
The Book of Genesis
The beginning history of the Syndicate, including a ledger of the Founding Fathers signatures and their written visions. The Book of Genesis is considered the most important of the Pentateuch, as it records the history and past actions of the Syndicate, as well as the organization’s agendas.

- Marshal of North America
The Book of Laws
Laws and amendments to the growing Syndicate are written here with extensive insights from many members throughout the century. The Book of Laws paves the road for the Syndicate’s distinguished discipline and conduct, as well as its administrative capabilities that are seen applied in the Production System of the Syndicate. The Book of Laws also contains a ledger of the Syndicate’s proprietary suppliers and brokers.

- Marshal of Asia
The Book of War
The Art of War for the Syndicate, written by a prominent member during the Cold War to ensure the Syndicate’s survival in the ever-changing world. The Book of War regulates the Syndicate’s organization and flexibility with nations around the world, including various military doctrines that shape the Security System of the Syndicate - spanning a long list of firms that contributes to the steady recruiting power of the organization.

- Marshal of Africa
The Book of Faith
Influence, the Syndicate’s most powerful System in its structures, is perfected over the decades of insights written by the Kaiser himself. The Book of Faith summarizes the dedication and cause of the Syndicate. It is one of the most influential pieces of literature written by the Kaiser that elaborates on the extensive networks and approaches of the Influence System. The book also contains a manifest of prominent figures inside and outside the Syndicate, as well as those within the organization’s pockets.

- Marshal of South America
The Book of Revelations
The final book written by the current Pentateuch Council, the Book of Revelations, elaborates on the Syndicate’s future goals. It also furthers the development of the Syndicate’s intelligence activities, as well as their current manifest of prominent members.

Bloodsworns (National)
The Bloodsworns operate under the Marshal’s keen observation and regulations. These individuals govern a specific country and are the heads of their own Sentinels. Their authority ranges from development to executive administrative roles within their respective area of operations.

Sentinels (Regional)
The Syndicate divides its regional governance under a quadrumvirate system to further the diverse field of work, while retaining synergy and surgical cooperation under the Bloodsworn’s general supervision.

- Security Sentinel
Recruitment and manpower. Responsible for general defense and security details of the Syndicate’s operations and businesses. Includes cybernetic attacks and defenses. The storm and steel of the organization’s military integrity.

- Smuggling Sentinel
Smuggling, transportation, trafficking, and intelligence. Responsible for the enhancement of logistical efficiency, intelligence gathering, transportation of products, smuggling and covert trafficking operations. This includes dummy accounting, counter-intelligence, and navigation domination. The basic means of keeping the Syndicate's activities flowing undetected and providing for subterfuge actions.

- Production Sentinel
Production, packaging, and quality-standardization. Responsible for the establishment of narcotics, illegal substances, and market instigation. This includes minor revenue businesses, black market and gambling operations. This system is developed to produce a steady income for the Syndicate’s regional shares.

- Influence Sentinel
Politics, corruption, propagandas and connections. Liable for the significant projection of the Syndicate’s influence of the region. The brainchild and powerhouse of the organization’s connections to prominent figures of society, as well as providing public relation aptitudes for the Syndicate’s relations. The influence system is a fair ground for entrepreneurs and brokers - the bloodstream of the Syndicate’s external connections to buyers and sellers.

Sarti Corporation, colloquially called Sarti Corp, is a multinational conglomerate headquartered in Hong Kong. The company consists of several affiliated businesses that specialises in automotive, property, infrastructure and asset management businesses. Sarti Corp acts as a legal front for the Syndicate operations in Asia, headed by Viktor Samanova.

A legal consultant firm based in Busan owned by Viktor Samanova's friend, Yelim Kim. Mabel is responsible for many legal cases that involves the Syndicate's businesses in Asia.

86 DRAGONS (86D)
Local rival of the Syndicate in Southeast Asia, the 86 Dragons was forced to sign a pact to cooperate with the Syndicate when they failed to assassinate Viktor Samanova. The current Elder of the organization is known as the "White Serpent."

A renowned mercenary crew based in Soria City that takes up any security or extraction detail for a price. Griffin Company is currently led by a gunfighter called Luna, and often cycles a variety of personnel from time to time in order to reduce traceability. Contact usually goes through the owner of Memoria, and is vetted before proper channels can be established for a formal contract.

While originally meant to augment the outnumbered Cuerpo de Policía Nacional, the Guardia Nacional de Almería now has special jurisdiction over the entire country following the November Uprising.

A private security company employed by Viktor Samanova to liaise his interests in Korea.

A powerful Yakuza clan that operates in Asia. Cooperative partners of the Syndicate as a buffer agent against the 86 Dragons. The organization is led by Saito Kinugasa, with its outlying operations overseen by other Kinugasa family members. The Kinugasa Group operations are governed in balance by two political alignment: The Nobushi and the Sekiju. The Nobushi believes in the traditional way of security and territorial expansion, while the Sekiju maintains the idea of long-term cooexistence and long-term business operations. In council, the two parties serve to keep each other under control. When common grounds cannot be achieved, more traditional elements are used to settle an issue with the presiding head of the organization overseeing the trial themself.
While the Kinugasa maintains a balanced approach both internally and externally, they hold ample influence on mainland Japan and operates independently from the Syndicate's directives. This makes them a cooperative coalition member, rather than an ally in the truest sense of the word.

The base of operation for Viktor Samanova, Kowloon is home to several front companies, with various weapon caches scattered across the busy peninsular harbors and ports.

Soria City, the prized gem of the island of Almeria. Following the recent change of regime in the April Revolution of 2014, the Provisional Government of Almeria is currently in chaos as criminal organizations attempt to wrestle for control of Soria City. Once a troubled Spanish colony, Almeria is now an island of opportunity in the middle of the vast Indian Ocean. Yet, despite its glorious developments in the 80's, the island is plagued by corruption, political instability and an ongoing civil war. Despite this, Almeria is considered a vantage point for many merchants of death, while providing ample business opportunity for criminal masterminds and mercenaries. Often times, Almeria is considered the backyard of criminal activities, serving as a gathering point for buyers and sellers of various trades.

The intermediary locale for Syndicate conferences, and a well-supplied outpost for influence operations. Mabel's representative office is located here.


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    "the Knight"

    Affiliations: The Syndicate - Sarti Corporations
    Nationality: Finnish
    DoB: Unknown (late twenties)
    Height: 6 ft. 4 in. (193 cm)

    Viktor was born in Kotka, Finland, to a struggling middle-class family. A mediocre student in his field of major, Viktor eventually dropped out of college and enlisted in the Finnish Army, before graduating as a special forces operator. After a few tours of combat in the Middle East, the veteran travelled to Russia, where he met the Kaiser himself. Impressed by his extensive knowledge and experiences, the Kaiser acquired Viktor’s service with something he had little tastes of since childhood - wealth and power. The man then dropped off the grid for a few years, slowly rising through the ranks and eventually made it into the Pentateuch Council at the recommendation of his colleagues, of whom he had shown a strong aptitude for relations. He is notably one of the younger faces of the organization with seeping influence on the organization's operations.

    Upon his ascension to the office of Marshal, Viktor continued the work of his predecessor and reformed the security details of the Asian theatre, notably the increased quantity and quality of former special forces member that made it through his harsh screening process. Viktor is an influential figure within the Syndicate's middle and upper echelon. Within a span of seven short months, he was able to develop the Syndicate’s influence in the Asian theatre and swiftly establish the organization’s growing presence in the areas of operation. Viktor holds his ground as a martial overseer of Asia, and is less enthusiastic on human trafficking, holding strong sentiments against it. Viktor is commonly known as the “Knight” for this reason.

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