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1. Leandra would probably love 5 Centimeters Per Second more than any other movie and would be obsessed with most anime movies or TV shows that get sentimental. She's never gotten to experience romance in her life and has instead spent most of her older teenage years looking out for Caliban and trying to help her little brother get ready for his Proving ceremony. She really hasn't gotten much of a chance to take care of herself and figure out what she wants to do with her own life, nor has she gotten many chances to hang out with other people outside of her family. The idea of being able to take charge of her own life and explore the possibilities scares her now. For real life movies, she'd probably enjoy slice-of-life ones more than anything else, but she'd totally be down for a good action movie as well.

2. Honestly, I can see Leandra as the type in a modern setting to just enjoy a quiet coffee date. She could even enjoy taking the coffee to-go and walking around some nature trail or a beach while they drank their coffee and just talked about life. She has no experience in the romance department, so Leandra would probably just want to talk and get to know the person while enjoying the beauty of nature around them. She'd probably want to enjoy a walk on the beach at night, admiring the moon's reflection and the stars above them.
~Serik Tagaev~

1. Serik would honestly watch anything that is family friendly, from comedy to action, to romance, to sci-fi or fantasy. He would especially prefer movie with grand scenes and dramatic soundtrack though. Something like Avatar, The Chronicles of Narnia series, The Prince of Egypt, The Lord of The Ring, etc. would instantly becomes his favorite. Horror movie would be Serik's greatest enemy since he have to sometimes spend his time setting trap or hunting animals deep in the wood, sometimes alone. The horror element last from watching those movies would distract and make him unfocused in such environment.

2. Serik never actually go on a date or have any love interest before, but since he like grand, beautiful things... He would probably take his date to go sightseeing, hiking on the mountain, walking through flower bed, watching migratory birds or stargazing. He would also try find some way to impress and entertain his date along the way.
Ezekiel Marcellius

1. Quality animated films. Since Zeke is a man with artistic values, I figured he’d like anything from the traditional Animation, like disney’s Snow White in 1937 to the complex 3D Animation of White Snake. And as for the genres, he’d do well with high/epic fantasy films like Lord of The Rings and Harry Potter. Double points if they are animated, that’s why he would absolutely love the How to Train Your Dragon Trilogy. As long as the story is well written and well animated, then he’d most likely go on about the film for months. And if it leaves a bad taste in his mouth, then he won’t stop complaining about how unsatisfactory the whole experience was for him. He would be one of those people who complained for months after the Game of Thrones finale.

2. Ezekiel has been into many dates before, but none of them managed to form a spark in his cold heart. All of his dates seem to have one thing in common, they would always compliment him for his looks, even at how horrible he treats them, they would still act blindly around him… And he wondered if that was the true meaning of ‘true love’. He was so used to being dragged around by his dates in social and busy places, that he was so tired of it. So, for his ideal date, it would have to be a quiet place where he can just relax and get to know his date. Maybe in an afternoon set, he has always loved the afternoon and the romantic setting it brings. Zeke has always wished for a romantic and an actually planned date, and not just a public show of fake affection.

1. Katja doesn’t really have a specific favorite genre of movie, nor does she pay attention to things like directors, or starring actors. If she likes the movie, then she likes it. If she doesn’t, then she doesn’t.
I will say she has a weakness for romcoms and musicals, and her favorite movie is Phantom of The Opera, so. She absolutely cannot be in the room with a horror movie of any kind. If it has that horror movie label just put that sucker down.

2. Who knows? Katja doesn’t. She hasn’t ever really thought about it. She supposes that a good date involves a quiet night, maybe doing something like an escape room, one of those puzzle rooms that you can rent and escape in a couple hours. Then go for dinner somewhere small and quiet, before going home and just... hanging out. Watching a romcom, eating ice cream, drinking tea. Then you go your separate and see if she calls again. If she does, then you’ve got her hooked.
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Okay guys! This is a really fun exercise.
It's time to put our OCs through the Myers-Briggs personality test.
You can find it here:

You can just take the test, no need to make an account, just click the link top right and scroll down.

Lioness075 Lioness075 SleepyCreamy SleepyCreamy AncientBird AncientBird kase9187 kase9187 YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro Naberius Naberius Elenion Aura Elenion Aura explosiveKitten explosiveKitten Saturn_moon Saturn_moon
Gerel Sarnai

Movie OOC Challenge
  1. Gerel likes films about animals. If it's about dogs, all the better. If the protagonist is a dog, all the best! He's also fond romantic movies, both comedy and tragedy. And he likes watching movies in a different language for widening his horizons. Generally he likes feel-good movies, but he avoids tear jerkers, because he cannot stop himself from crying whenever emotions run high.
  2. His ideal date starts inside one of the tea houses in Ocris, the ones with the fancy leaves and herbs from outside Estendor. Sipping hot tea, eating sweet pastries, and getting to know his partner (slipping in some corny jokes here and there) as the lute plays in the background is a good way to spend the morning. Along the way, he'd ask subtle questions to his partner to get a feel of where they want to go next and what they want to do. An ideal date to Gerel is one where his partner feels that the day is made just for them.
Personality Challenge

Where Aldaf would fit in best...

Honestly, he'd probably fit most well in the world of HTTYD. He is very much attached to Spica, and the both of them function similar to Hiccup and Toothless in a way.

Now, if Aldaf didn't have Spica, he'd probably fit into LotR moreso. He'd probably be a ranger like Aragorn with how he's set up and his skill set.

*Pulls out my AU list, cackling maniacally*

Anyway, I think it’s safe to say that Katja would definitely fit HTTYD. I mean, Northaria is already a Nordic based society, and Honestly I think everyone’s characters could fit there.
I can tell you right now, Katja would be a Hiccup-like character who rides around on the back of a white Stormcutter because really-

Do I really need to explain why?

And honestly, I can’t think of one more perfect.
So, bear with me while I nerd out for a moment over here.

I don't know how many people have read the book but the fictional world the Marylka would most likely fit in with is Earthsea from The Earthsea Cycle by U.K Le Guin. Studio Ghibli also did a movie adaptation but it wasn't that great. They did however kick ass as always with the stunning animations though.

Earthsea 2.jpg Earthsea 1.jpg

Taken from Wikipedia "The world of Earthsea is one of sea and islands: a vast archipelago of hundreds of islands surrounded by mostly uncharted ocean. Earthsea contains no large continents, with the archipelago resembling Indonesia or the Philippines. The largest island, Havnor, at approximately 380 miles (610 km) across, is about the size of Great Britain. The cultures of Earthsea are not direct analogues of those of our world, but are literate non-industrial civilizations. Technologically, Earthsea is an early Iron Age society, with bronze used in places where iron is scarce. Weapons also include the use of wood and other hard but easily crafted metals. The overall climate of Earthsea is temperate, comparable to the mid-latitudes (over a distance of about 1,800 miles or 2,900 kilometres) of the Northern hemisphere. There is a yearly transition from warm summers to cold and snowy winters, especially in northern islands like Gont and Osskil. In the southern regions of Earthsea it can be much warmer."

Magic is a central part of life in most of Earthsea, with the exception of the a few areas where it is banned. There are literally all kinds of jobs which rely on magic! Weather workers on ships, fixers who repair boats and buildings, entertainers, and court sorcerers. The most gifted are sent to the school on Roke, where, if their skill and their discipline prove sufficient, they can become staff-carrying wizards.

Seeing as how important magic is to Marylka I feel like she would absolutely thrive in Earthsea. She would spend all her time travelling the seas and exploring new lands. Ain't nothing gonna hold this girl down! They also have dragons and some flying beasts so Archie gets to come along. Happy dance

BONUS SOUNDTRACK because it's amazing and why not.
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At first I was struggling to figure out precisely what world Caliban would actually fit into well. I was going over books, movies, TV series, cartoons, everything. And then after spending most of the day floundering, I suddenly realized something...There is one world where he fits in absolutely perfectly....

Serik would most likely fit well in realm of Dinotopia.


The world that people coexist, mostly in harmony with prehistoric animals. Serik has lives alongside animals for his entire life. He respect nature and study them wherever he can, so a world that animals play very important part in society would perfectly suit him, plus the technology is also not far from his era in Skyheart. His skybeast, Valkyrie which is based on prehistoric animal also fit the theme very well.

Other than that, Serik would probably fit in HTTYD universe as well, with similar reason.
I think The world that would most likely fit Kari would have to be Disney's Treasure Planet.


Kari is an adventurous, innovative and true-hearted character, she'd fit right in on a strong team like a ship crew, bound for an exciting expedition into the unknown. Her clothes and goggles sort of also fit, she'd likely be an engineer or something close, working to keep the ship going, but not afraid to join a fight when danger called.

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