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Location: To'bai horse racing stables
Time: Morning after their arrival
Interaction: Kari & Gerel

The morning streets were cool enough for it to be pleasant. Night had brought a gentle humidity that carried the scent of water along with smoke from cooking fires and spices and fruit from the market. Kari breathed in and relaxed. There was a faint tug at the back of her mind, a not-quite memory attached to a feeling of happiness more profound than she had been able to feel in a long time.
She walked until the street opened up to a wide area where there were several corals, and in one particular coral...there were horses.
Kari stared, these weren't the stocky, hardy animals that Estendor herders prized, there were long-legged, slender and graceful, with sloping noses and tails carried high when the cantered. They pranced and reared and one caretaker was having trouble managing them alone. Kari ran to help.
"Oh! Thank you!" She laughed as Kari caught the bridle of a mare that had managed to slip away.
"They certainly are energetic."
"They're racing horses, for the desert tracks, and I'm supposed to exercise them but my partner is sick..."
"I could help, I'm not a bad rider."

Their saddles were small and light, but they took them without much trouble. Kari swung herself into the saddle of a grey mare and cantered into the ring.
The horse's gate was almost as smooth as riding a skybeast and Kari grinned. She had missed riding horses.

As she galloped around the ring Kari let herself slip out of the saddle, dipping to one side and balancing as the animal ran, so her hair brushed the sand. A riding trick. She came back up and leapt with her hands still on the saddle, both feet hit the ground on the other side of the horse and the momentum let her spring back up and over its back, so she could do the same thing on the other side. She landed back in the saddle with a triumphant laugh. So she hadn't forgotten any of her riding skill. That was good.

YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro
color = #08298A

Location: To'bai horse racing stables
Time: Morning after their arrival
Interaction: Kari & Gerel

The first time Gerel went to Ocris as a child, he felt small, overwhelmed by the throngs of people milling about and shopkeeps barking their wares to unsuspecting visitors. His nose was assaulted with all manner of scents, from spices to perfumes to animal waste. Vibrant fabrics and colorful trinkets filled Gerel's vision. It all became too much for him and in the end his father had to carry him back home, crying all the way.

To'bai was larger than Ocris by far, yet there was a stillness to the early morning streets, like the city was slowly waking up from its slumber. Gerel traversed the paved roads, no destination in mind save for a good tea house. Yesterday's events gave him much to think about, especially the Headmaster's impassioned plea. The deathborn was a menace not just to them, but to all the skylands. Gerel remembered his dream of a unified coalition of tribes, differences set aside to fight a common foe. But how could it happen when people were busy fighting each other?

The words of the Head Guard echoed in his thoughts, and he hated himself for thinking it practical. With more magic, they could easily turn the tide. If Keshka could somehow teach them the ways of the deathborn, they could quickly cut the crisis at its source. The sooner that happened, the sooner they could all fly back to their homes. The sooner he could be with his family again...

It was the whinnying of horses that brought him back from his brooding thoughts. His feet had taken him to a coral full of horses. He brought his head up and his eyes widened. There she was, riding a horse with a graceful stride, body dipped to the side with that wild grin that warmed Gerel's cheeks. His heart nearly stopped when Kari hopped from each side of the horse, coming back to saddle with the momentum. Through his growing concern he recognized the riding tricks of Estendorian equestrians. Gerel always considered it a waste of time and an unnecessary skill. Watching Kari move with... great form almost convinced him otherwise.

Gerel sighed. It seemed that no matter where they go, the winds would always bring him close to the fire. Whether it would warm him in cold nights or burn his hand remained to be seen. "I didn't expect trick riding from you, Kari," Gerel called, approaching the edge of the coral. "Though I honestly shouldn't be surprised. I've seen you do crazier things."

SilverFlight SilverFlight
color = #08298A
Location: To'bai horse racing stables
Time: Morning after their arrival
Interaction: Kari & Gerel

Gerel's voice caught in her ears more keenly than most sounds. She turned her horse around and saw him standing by the corral posts.
"Well, I like to keep people guessing." She countered, galloping up to him and pulling her horse around. The mare tossed her head, clearly unhappy they had stopped.
"Was that supposed to be a compliment?" She teased him. Her smile was warm, and the morning sun played in her thick hair, tracing it in gold.
"You know trick riding's pretty useful herding cattle." To prove it Kari galloped off, sailing around the ring, riding as easy as breathing. There was a collection of tiny coloured flowers, snuggled at the base of one of the posts, fed by the morning dew that beaded from them. Kari swung down, hooking one leg on the saddle and bracing her other knee against the horse's flank as she swooped down and plucked one, slipping back into the saddle like it was nothing. She circled back to Gerel holding the tiny bloom aloft in her hand.
She jumped down and leaned on the corral post beside him, though on the other side of the fence. She held the little flower out to him.
"Don't suppose you wanna help me run these horses do you?"

YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro
color = #08298A
Location: Westeros Academy Dorm
Time: After midnight
Characters: All who would be awake/get woken up

Matthias stepped through the doorway with Serik in tow.

”Aldaf!” He called, a harsh whisper. He didn’t want to wake the entire academy. He wished he’d remembered to wear shoes. The stone corridors were cool against the bare soles of his feet.

kase9187 kase9187

Location: Westeros Academy
Time: After Midnight
Characters: All who would be awake/woken up
Current: Aldaf, Serik, Matthias

The hallway was silent...

The sound of a door being opened rather forcibly echoed down the hallway, coming from the north.

AncientBird AncientBird Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Location: Westeros Academy Dorm
Time: After midnight
Characters: All who would be awake/get woken up
Current: Aldaf, Serik, Matthias

Serik looked into the darkness around him and Matthias. There was no sight of Aldaf anymore, however he could heard the sound of loud door swing far away down the hallway to the north.

Serik was confused by Aldaf... Still he had seen this reckless behavior from him before.

“I think he headed that way.” Serik said, pointing toward the direction of the sound.

“What has got into him this time?...” He added.

Featuring: kase9187 kase9187 Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Location: Westeros Academy Dorm
Time: After midnight
Characters: All who would be awake/get woken up

Matthias hurried after the sound of a slamming door.

"We will find out soon enough." He said, and threw himself through the open door.

kase9187 kase9187

Location: Westeros Academy
Time: After midnight
Characters: All
Current: Aldaf, Serik, Matthias

When Matthias threw open the door Aldaf had passed through, he found himself outside. A pathway led from the doorway to the loft stables, and the door leading into it was swinging shut slowly.

When Serik and Matthias got closer, they could hear something making some sort of whining noise, but couldn't tell what it was.

AncientBird AncientBird Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Location: Westeros Academy Dorm
Time: After midnight
Characters: All who would be awake/get woken up
Current: Aldaf, Serik, Matthias

Following the trail of noise, Serik and Matthias arrived at the stable. There, the door leading into the stable could be seen closing down just as if someone had gotten inside.

“Aldaf?” Serik called and reached to the door, opened it.

Featuring: kase9187 kase9187 Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Location: To'bai horse racing stables
Time: Morning after their arrival
Interaction: Kari & Gerel

Gerel's voice caught in her ears more keenly than most sounds. She turned her horse around and saw him standing by the corral posts.
"Well, I like to keep people guessing." She countered, galloping up to him and pulling her horse around. The mare tossed her head, clearly unhappy they had stopped.
"Was that supposed to be a compliment?" She teased him. Her smile was warm, and the morning sun played in her thick hair, tracing it in gold.
"You know trick riding's pretty useful herding cattle." To prove it Kari galloped off, sailing around the ring, riding as easy as breathing. There was a collection of tiny coloured flowers, snuggled at the base of one of the posts, fed by the morning dew that beaded from them. Kari swung down, hooking one leg on the saddle and bracing her other knee against the horse's flank as she swooped down and plucked one, slipping back into the saddle like it was nothing. She circled back to Gerel holding the tiny bloom aloft in her hand.
She jumped down and leaned on the corral post beside him, though on the other side of the fence. She held the little flower out to him.
"Don't suppose you wanna help me run these horses do you?"

YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro
color = #08298A

Location: To'bai horse racing stables
Time: Morning after their arrival
Interaction: Kari & Gerel

As Kari approached, Gerel had to tilt his head up to get a good look at her. There were some things he wasn't fond of in Westeros, but the sun in that moment, casting golden lines on her hair, wasn't one of them. "What part of that sounded like a compliment?" Gerel said, trying to force himself into calm. "If being crazy was a contest, I'd gladly give over the gold to you."

Then he watched her speed off again to prove the usefulness of trick riding for herding cattle. He saw nothing useful for cattle, but he was granted a wonderful showcase of Kari's skill and... amazing form. And never, not in his wildest dreams or fantasies, did he see himself handed a flower from a woman, especially a woman like Kari.

If his mind was a water wheel, it'd cause a maelstrom in the river for all the possibilities swirling in it. Why did Kari give him a flower? What was the appropriate response? Should he disregard it? Disengage? Take her up on her offer? What did the flower mean? Why did those golden tattoos drew him in everytime he saw them? Why did her fiery spirit warm him in places he never took notice of?

Somehow, as his mind struggled, his body knew what to do. Memories of actions and emotions skimmed the surface of rememberance but never broke through. He smiled, took the flower from Kari's hand, and tucked it gently above the woman's left ear. "I don't see how trick riding is useful for cattle herding," he started, letting his hand linger near her head for a little before lowering it. "But you look great doing it, at least."

Realizing what he just said and did, Gerel's mind crashed. Smile frozen in place, he walked a little to the side and vaulted over the corral. He whistled sharply, calling for a nearby horse. The mare was brown and long-legged, much like Kari's own steed. As she approached, Gerel ran up to her and swung himself up on the saddle. With a click of the tongue, he urged the mare to a trot away from Kari, hoping that she wouldn't see his flushed face. "What are you waiting for? Aren't we supposed to run these horses like you said?"

SilverFlight SilverFlight
color = #08298A
Location: Westeros Academy Dorm
Time: After midnight
Characters: All who would be awake/get woken up

Matthias followed Serik’s lead to the stables. Stables... Volos, Matthias reaches out with his thoughts and found the bear gently asleep nearby.

He heard the sound, and approached its source. ”What in the name of the gods is that?” He mumbled, his tiredness leaving edges along his voice.

AncientBird AncientBird
kase9187 kase9187

Location: Westeros Academy Stables
Time: after midnight
Characters: All
Current: Aldaf, Matthias, Serik

The ground level was filled with the resting skybeasts, and none of them were making the noise. Aldaf was also nowhere to be seen.

However, Serik and Matthias heard Aldaf quietly speaking to somebody, the words hard to make out. It seemed to be coming from upstairs, in the second level of the stables.

AncientBird AncientBird Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Location: Westeros Academy Dorm
Time: After midnight
Characters: All who would be awake/get woken up
Current: Aldaf, Serik, Matthias

Serik also heard the whispering noise coming from upstair. He stepped closer to Matthias. "Perhaps he is with Spica? She was at the second floor when I came in to release Valkyrie earlier." Serik whispered to his company. He then slowly crept toward the ladder without trying to wake up any skybeasts.

As he reached the ladder he began climbing up. Serik poked his head out to see if Aldaf was there. "Aldaf" He called quietly.

Featuring: kase9187 kase9187 Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Location: Westeros Academy Stables
Time: After midnight
Characters: All
Current: Aldaf, Serik, Matthias

Aldaf was sitting down in Spica's stable, holding her head and whispering to her while she whined. He seemed to be comforting her, coaxing her back to sleep.

"What is it?" He called back, quiet as to not disturb the other skybeasts. Spica's eyes were tired and half closed.

"I'm just helping Spica get back to bed, don't worry." Aldaf yawned, the tiredness apparent in his voice. He didn't want to be waken up, but he was.

AncientBird AncientBird Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Location: Westeros Academy Dorm
Time: After midnight
Characters: All who would be awake/get woken up
Current: Aldaf, Serik, Matthias

Serik was both shocked and confused... Aldaf didn't seem to have anything wrong with him at all... Aside of what he did back at the dorm that's it.

"Wait... So you meant to say you rushed out like a mouse scurry from wildfire, ran across the hallway, slamming doors on your path just to sooth Spica to sleep???" Serik said. "For a second I thought some malevolent force possessed you or something..." He added.

Serik was a bit grumpy that he ran all the way to the stable on false alarm but since he was already there... He decided to stay for a while. Fully climbed up on the second floor, he knelt down next to Aldaf. "So, what troubled Spica?" He asked.

Featuring: kase9187 kase9187 Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Location: Westeros Academy Stables
Time: After midnight
Characters: All
Current: Aldaf, Serik, Matthias

Aldaf chuckled and pet Spica, who laid her head in his lap. Her eyes shut as she just enjoyed the attention she was getting. Aldaf knew she enjoyed this; He could feel it.

"Spica and I have always stayed together, since the Proving. It's why I never slept in the tents; Spica would probably try and curl around me and tear the thing to ribbons."

Aldaf sighed and rubbed his eyes, yawning again.

"But this is the first night in which we've been separated. She had a nightmare, her fear waking me up in the process."

Spica sort of growled in Aldaf's lap, shifting a bit so he could rub underneath her chin. After a while, she started to snore a bit.

"She's in a new place, where I can't be with her 24/7. She's scared, and getting her adjusted might take some time."

Aldaf sighed as he moved Spica's head back onto her bed, patting the bedding and laying it down.

"If you hear me get up in the middle of the night for the next week or so, most of the time it'll be to help Spica get some..." Aldaf yawned. "...actual sleep."

AncientBird AncientBird Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Location: Westeros Academy Dorm
Time: After midnight
Characters: All who would be awake/get woken up

Matthias crossed his arms in front of his chest. His eyelids suddenly felt very heavy.

”You should not have run out like that. We thought something was wrong. Why not keep her in the amulet?”

AncientBird AncientBird
kase9187 kase9187

Location: Westeros Academy Stables
Time: After Midnight
Characters: All
Current: Aldaf, Serik, Matthias

Aldaf frowned as he pulled out the amulet.

"She hates it in there. I know I would."

He tucked the amulet away.

"I don't want to put her in the amulet unless absolutely necessary. She's my partner, not my pet. I'll handle getting woken up at midnight if it means she's happy."

AncientBird AncientBird Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Location: Westeros Academy Dorm
Time: After midnight
Characters: All who would be awake/get woken up
Current: Aldaf, Serik, Matthias

"I kind of understand you... The moment when your skybeast call you for comfort..." Serik said. The thing with Aldaf and Spica reminded him of what happened with Valkyrie at the ceremony after the proving... He could still remember the pain and sorrow he felt through her emotion. Serik looked toward the ladder which leaded to the ground level, in a stall down there, his stork drake was sleeping.

"Quilled wyvern seems like a powerful predator that normally doesn't have anything to fear about much. Do you think she had something in the past that made her crave your company so much?" Serik asked.

Featuring: kase9187 kase9187 Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Location: Westeros Academy Dorm
Time: After midnight
Characters: All who would be awake/get woken up

Matthias had considered what it must be like for their Skybeasts within the amulet. For his part, Volos didn’t seem to mind it. Then again, since their Proving, Matthias couldn’t remember a time that Volos had minded anything.

”What is the dream?” Matthias added, following Serik’s line of questioning.

AncientBird AncientBird
kase9187 kase9187

Location: Westeros Academy Stables
Time: After midnight
Characters: All
Current: Aldaf, Serik, Matthias

Aldaf shook his head and looked at Serik.

"I don't know. All I know is that she seems protective of me, to the point of... incapacitating me if I need it."

He turned to Matthias, again shaking his head.

"I don't know what her nightmare was of. All I felt was an overwhelming terror. Like I would just up and... poof."

AncientBird AncientBird Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Location: Westeros Academy Dorm
Time: After midnight
Characters: All who would be awake/get woken up
Current: Aldaf, Serik, Matthias

Serik kept looking at the man and his wyvern. While he admired Aldaf love for his skybeast, having to run all the way here every night doesn't seem like a sound plan to him.

"But you can't keep waking up like this to come to her every night... You know this will not be good for you, and Spica too in the long run..." Serik said, arm akimbo.

Featuring: kase9187 kase9187 Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Location: Westeros Academy Stables
Time: After midnight
Characters: All
Current: Aldaf, Serik, Matthias

Aldaf nodded. He seemed tired, wanting to go back to sleep.

"Maybe I can see about getting a room by myself, near the door to the stables. At least until Spica gets used to this... separation."

Aldaf slowly stood, Spica resting peacefully in her bedding. Aldaf gestured to the ladder.

"But we should probably get back. I promise, until this is resolved, to be a bit more quiet." He apologized.

AncientBird AncientBird Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Location: Westeros Academy Dorm
Time: After midnight
Characters: All who would be awake/get woken up
Current: Aldaf, Serik, Matthias

Serik got up as well. "Sure, let's get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be another long day... I heard the others wanting to go shopping for new proper outfit tomorrow. I will have to get some strength for all the shopping." Serik said smilingly. "This vest will only get me burnt to death under the scorching sun..." He added.

Before they left the stable, Serik decided to check on Valkyrie, to see if she was comfortable. The stork drake was sleep standing up, her beak tucked beneath one of her front legs. Unlike most animals, sleep lying down is a sight of weakness or sheer exhaustion for this creature. Healthy and comfortable stork drake sleep standing up, only brooding female would actively lie down on the ground. Serik of course didn't know about this and was amazed of how weird Valkyrie's behaviors are sometimes. However, he didn't take it as a bad sign and left the beast to herself.

Featuring: kase9187 kase9187 Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Location: Westeros Academy Dorm
Time: After midnight
Characters: All who would be awake/get woken up

For a moment, Matthias thought about not saying anything, about nodding soberly and making his way, slowly, gratefully, to bed. Truly to bed, this time. But then some madness took him, and he uttered four words. He even clapped a hand awkwardly on Aldaf's shoulder as he did it.

”It will... Be okay.”

Then he was off. To bed. To dream.

AncientBird AncientBird
kase9187 kase9187


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