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Location: Island en route to Westeros
Time: After the proving
Interaction:Kari & Gerel

"You know I rode those skybeasts to prove a point," Gerel said, chuckling. "Winning the competition was a nice bonus."
He listened to Kari speak, doubt mingling with a warmth enveloping his heart. At her proposition, Gerel let out a smile. He grasped her outstretched hand. Her skin was warm and worn from hard work. As he squeezed, he felt the softness beneath. The warmth rose to a comfortable heat. He only wished it didn't show on his face.
And then he heard Ord's call for scouting parties around the island. He pointed at thumb at them, and asked Kari, "Want to head over there and help?"

SilverFlight SilverFlight
Location: Island campsite
Time: After landing, at the sparring
Characters: Serik AncientBird AncientBird , Marylka

Marylka listened as Serik spoke of his family with tenderness. If he wasn't going to be able to see his family anytime soon, she would at least let him remember them whenever it was possible. When he mentioned his grandmother she smiled. Her grandfather hadn't been too different. They were dreamchasers, challengers of the status quo... everything she hoped to be. It was at this point that she realised how different she and Serik were. If a spectrum existed to measure people's dreams and perspectives, she was sure they would be standing on opposite ends.

"She sounds like a lovely woman." She replied simply. "I think our grandparents would have gotten along quite well."

Serik then suggested they go get some tea just as Ord called for volunteers to help with a scouting mission. "Actually, I think I might volunteer. Archie's getting a little restless and a quick flight might help. I'll catch you later?"
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Location: Island campsite
Time: After landing, at the sparring
Characters: Serik, Marylka

"Well Yeah, I wouldn't be surprise at this point if my grandmother had met your grandfather before. She did mention staying in the north for years and made lots of new friend there." Serik said.

Serik then heard Ord recruiting for the scout job. Marylka seemed eager to join. Serik wanted to be with her but it seemed their time together had to be over for now. "Sure, see you later. I would want to join as well, but knowing Valkyrie, she probably has gone dreaming about eating pegasus foal or something already..." Serik said and shook his head at the mention of his skybeast.

Serik then sat down and began making his tea. "Be careful alright? The night wind up there is probably a bit chilly." He said to Marylka.

Featuring: Saturn_moon Saturn_moon
Location: Island en route to Westeros
Time: After the proving
Interaction: Ord and Matthias

One of these other forms? Matthias’ thoughts hitched on those words. How many forms of magic were there, as of yet unknown? He wore the question on his face, but he did not interrupt Ord out of respect. He understood the burden of trust that had been placed on him. Ord had entrusted Matthias, undeserving of it though he may be, with this secret, and Matthias found he was uncharacteristically grateful of the fact. Matthias would never part with his secrets so easily... Even so, the least he could do to repay Ord was not pester him with questions. Besides, Matthias wasn’t sure he could handle many more revelations before they’d even reached Westerosi soil.

”You seem to manage it.” Matthias said, because he knew it wasn’t true. He recognized the brave face Ord wore. It was a mask worn by a man with more questions than answers. Matthias thought about Gerel in the tent, offering Serik comfort. ”I cannot promise you that I am the answer you seek.” Matthias said. Simply. Factually. For a moment he looked like he was going to say more. Then his face changed, and he dropped into a grappler’s stance as the stones below their feet revolved around one another.

He lunged, huge arms spread to wrap roughly around the man’s torso.

SilverFlight SilverFlight
Location: Island en route to Westeros
Time: After the proving
Interaction: Ord, Lea & Marylka & anyone else

"Oh no..." The dread in Ord's voice was clear. He looked where Marylka had turned the skyglass.
"Hold your fire! They're far, and they haven't seen us yet!"
Back on the ground Keshka had just finished preparing the spell. Lines of purple sand lined the stone in an intricate pattern, there was a circle for each of the youths. She waved the, back. She was ready.
"Come on, we need to do this now."
Ord pulled Pasha around and he began to dive for the grass, as he flew by he called to the others. There were a lot of deathborn, too many to fight head on, they needed to disappear...

((I'll bring it back into main))

Saturn_moon Saturn_moon kase9187 kase9187
Location: Island en route to Westeros
Time: After the proving
Interaction: Ord and Matthias

Ord gave a tired chuckle, but didn't protest. He only smiled.
"Well, despite what you may think of it...you've given me hope, after being without it for so long...it's a good change."
Ord waited for him to say more, but then Matthias dropped and lunged, and Ord wasn't prepared for it. He managed to turn Matthias' grip, but the shift in weight made him slip from the stone and he lost his balance. Surprise only just had time to register before he began to fall.

Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
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Location: Island en route to Westeros
Time: After the proving
Interaction: Ord and Matthias

Ord went down, but Matthias lost his footing and before he knew it he was going down too.

Matthias landed. Hard. He’d managed to twist around and land on his side, as opposed to his face. Still the wind went out of him. Ord had slipped his grip, or else he’d have landed on top of the other man. He laid there for a moment before he propped himself up on one elbow.

”Sorry,” he rumbled, sheepishly. He’d forgotten himself in the moment. Rather, he remember himself as he’d been, a young, haughty Northarian roughhousing with other young, haughty Northarians. ”We never called an end to the spar...” He offered in the way of a defense. It wasn’t dishonorable that way. He groaned and rolled onto his back. The spar was over now, he thought, and found himself smiling openly.

”Don’t think less of me.” Matthias said as he gazed up at the stones, some still floating overhead. ”I’m usually better.”

SilverFlight SilverFlight
Location: Island en route to Westeros
Time: After the proving
Interaction:Kari & Gerel

Kari crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Don't pretend you didn't enjoy it," she teased him. "We'll make a cowboy outta you yet."
Kari squeezed his hand back, resisting the curious urge to hang onto it.
Her eyes followed to where Gerel pointed, where Ord, Aldaf and Marylka were saddling up, she looked at Zephyr, lying happily in the grass after eating.
"Naw, I'll let him sleep. He's done enough for today, I don't want to push him." She smiled at her gryphon.
"Besides," she breathed, putting both hands behind her head, "we've been running around so much, I'd be happy just to sit and relax for a while...at least until the Westerosi mage finishes her...whatever it is she's doing."
She started toward the fire. "...Sit with me?"

YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro
Location: Island en route to Westeros
Time: After the proving
Interaction: Ord and Matthias

Ord hit the grass on the flat of his back, luckily the ground was soft. He looked over at Matthias, who had propped himself up and muttered a sincere apology. He grinned, and then broke into a laugh. It wa the first time Ord had laughed, truly laughed with unrestricted expression, in a very long time and it felt wonderful.
He looked over, beaming and a look of mock surprise appeared on his face. "May the gods bless my soul! Are you smiling?"
Ord gave him a look of pure delight. "Rest assured I do no think less of you...I'd admit to quite the opposite, in fact..."
He took one long breath and let it out slowly, sitting up with some reluctance.
"I should organize a scouting party...We can't afford to be caught off guard again, and my most important job...is keeping you alive."
He got to his feet, brushing grass from his doublet, and offered Matthias a hand to help him up.
"Thank you for the match, and for your understanding...about my magic. I promise I will explain everything once we reach the academy."

Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Location: Island en route to Westeros
Time: After the proving
Interaction:Kari & Gerel

Gerel couldn't deny it. He did enjoy the rodeo competition. The thrill of the ride, the risk of falling, and the rush of adrenaline. The only thing he didn't like about it was Kari getting hurt, but he already made his point about that.
Instead of scouting, Kari offered him to seat before the fire. There was no reason to refuse, and Kari had a point; they needed to rest after the skeletal swarm and the long journey aftewards. To the side he saw his proud Kirin chewing grass by his lonesome, avoiding the others when they happen upon his way. He made a note to teach his precocious skybeast to get along well with the others.
"Gladly," Gerel said, taking his place next to Kari. As he sat down, he bumped shoulders with Kari. "Oh! Sorry about that," he said, easing himself more carefully onto the grass.

Flames crackled merrily atop dry logs, bathing them in their warmth. For once, Gerel felt at ease. "I wonder what we'll find in Westeros," he said. "You think we'll remember more of the past year when we get there?"

YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro
Location: Island en route to Westeros
Time: After the proving
Interaction:Kari & Gerel

Kari felt Gerel's shoulder against hers and chuckled sheepishly, shifting so he could sit beside her. She tried not to think of the memories that had surfaced on the mountain, but she also couldn't stop smiling. Gerel relaxed visibly, which made Kari more at ease too. She listened to the sound of the fire and felt its warmth on her face. It felt so much like the campfire nights on the trail with her family and the herd, only she was hundreds of miles away from them now...but with friends all the same.

Gerel spoke again and Kari turned to look at him. "I think we will, I mean, that orb brought back memories for all of us. There has to be more in Westeros that will help."
There had to be, because if there wasn't, Kari didn't know what else to do...
"Hey Gerel...what do you think is going on?...why are the deathborn attacking now...and what do we have to do with all of it?...I don't know if we can trust Ord or Keshka...I know they helped us but, we just met them...honestly?..." It was hard for Kari to say: "I'm scared..."

YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro
Location: Island en route to Westeros
Time: After the proving
Interaction:Kari & Gerel

Kari's questions echoed his own. The fire warmed his skin yet the doubts chilled him within. He wished he could give Kari the answers she sought, if he weren't looking for them himself. But her face when she asked those questions...

"I don't know why the deathborn are after us," he started. "I can only say that it's possibly related to the past year. As for Ord and Keshka... I have a feeling they know us, one way or another. Keshka did mention a group of students who disappeared five months into their stay at the Academy. Maybe they were us.

"But whatever happened then, whatever Ord and Keshka wants to do with us, and whatever the gods have in store for us, know this,"
he turned to her then, the flickering firelight reflected in his eyes. "Like you, I'm scared, but I'm going for it anyway because..."

Of you.

"...we're all in it together, you, me, and the rest of us. And you have me looking after you just in case you decide to do something reckless again. And I believe that your brother is watching over you, no matter where you go, no matter what happens," Gerel said that with a pointed glance at Kari's skybeast pendant.

And just to bring their minds away from darker things, Gerel turned back to the fire and said, "I also think I want to know more about the other flashes of memory I've been having. Aside from the one caused by the orb, anyway."

SilverFlight SilverFlight
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Location: Island en route to Westeros
Time: After the proving
Interaction:Kari & Gerel

Kari listened, looking up at him when he turned, watching the firelight catch in his eyes. She couldn't decide whether the look in them meant more than he said. She gave a mock-critical half smile when he told her he would look after her, and when he mentioned her brother she had to fight to keep the tears at bay.
Then, she did something impulsive, spurred by the moment, her fear, and thinking of how she had the others, and Gerel, beside her, things didn't seem that frightening anymore. Kari leaned over and hugged him.
"Thank you Gerel." She whispered softly into his shoulder.
She drew back just a quickly, "I'll look out for you too. Count on it. As long as we're in this together."
Kari looked thoughtful after that. So, it hadn't just been her, the memories... "I'd...like to know more too." She said in a quiet voice.
It was only a moment after that Ord came diving overhead and Kari knew before she even rose from her place in the grass...something was wrong.

YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro
Location: Island en route to Westeros
Time: After the proving
Interaction:Kari & Gerel

When Kari hugged Gerel, she was warm and soft and strong all at once. She smelled of cinnamon and hard work, mingled with something exotic that tickled at the back of his mind. With every word she said Gerel's heart beat harder, beat faster. He was afraid it was drumming loud enough for everyone to hear. His hand hovered uncertainly over her waist. Should he hug her back? Where? Would it be appropriate? It had only been four days. Maybe she was only hugging him as a friend, a comrade brought together by strange things and sudden hardships. Then maybe it was alright for him to hug her back. As a friend. Yes. Friends.

But then she said she wanted to know more about flashes of memory. What memory? Were they the same memories as Gerel's? Memories of starry nights, cold desert winds, and cinnamon? No, it couldn't be. Could it? Gerel was frozen from all the chaos in his thoughts, and still his hand hovered close to Kari's waist.

The deathborn are after you and all you can think about is whether it's alright to hug a girl. Get yourself together.

Before he could even get himself together, Kari was standing up. At the same time he saw Ord coming in fast. Too fast. Something was up. He stood alongside Kari and said, "Come on. Let's go see what's happening."

SilverFlight SilverFlight

Location: Island en route to Westeros
Time: After the Proving Celebration
Interaction: Ord, Leandra, Marylka, Aldalf

When she overheard Ord calling out for scouting volunteers, Leandra excitedly hopped on Falarion's back to join Ord and the few others who also volunteered.
She was quiet as they circled the island and surveyed the area. It seemed like as peaceful of a place as it could be and she felt herself briefly relax. She should have known better.
Ord tossed a spyglass to Marylka and she spotted what could yet be seen: an approaching group of Deathborn.
Leandra muttered a curse and drew her bow just as Aldalf did. She still felt uncomfortable trying to hit anything while on Falarion's back and knew she would need to practice if the group ever got any down time again. She also desperately needed to make more arrows.
Ord made a good point, though, and Leandra put her bow back across her shoulder and chest. She knew better than to give up their chance at surprise.

SilverFlight SilverFlight kase9187 kase9187 Saturn_moon Saturn_moon
Location: Sudentarian Jungles
Time: Long Before the Events in Main
Characters: Leandra and Caliban

Hearing the teen's response to her, Leandra could not help but laugh at him.
"Sudenta's greatest trapper, yeah? You're caught in your own trap!"
She doubled over, laughing even more for another second or two before she recovered. Wiping away a tear from her eye, Leandra put her hands on her hips and then waved one hand lazily about.
"Well, Sudenta's greatest trapper, I can help you out of this dreadfully ironic situation. I'm sure all I have to do is kick over a stake somewhere over yonder to free you."
Leandra paused for effect and then glanced down at the upside-down teen, raising an eyebrow while she waited for his response. She knew she was wasting time here with the guy, especially when she was genuinely tracking a good kill. But much to Leandra's internal dismay, she felt obligated to help the teen. In a distant way, he reminded her of Manjano, who often needed her to rescue him from numerous situations of his own.

Naberius Naberius
Location: Island en route to Westeros
Time: After the Proving Celebration
Interaction: Leandra and Serik

Leandra was delighted that Serik was just as eager to spar with her. She already could feel the adrenaline spiking through her and she kept her dagger up in its sheathe still.
As Serik made his move, Leandra had to resist laughing. He charged right at her and it was such a typical move of most animals she had hunted if she ever was forced to fight one head-on. She deftly dodged to the side, swiftly aiming a flat-sided strike at his side. She made the mistake of overestimating Serik's combat skills, though, and missed him aiming a kick at her ankle. Her dagger struck his side, but she stumbled from his kick and nearly lost her balance before righting herself and facing him again.
"Nice move there. I was definitely not expecting that."
With determination in her eyes, Leandra grinned and added, "I won't make that mistake twice."

Rushing forward, Leandra feinted to the side and then lunged at Serik, aiming to strike him on the collarbone. Her ankle ached from his kick, though, and she ended up stumbling just as she began to lunge.

((rolled a 1 for my next attack, so Serik can dodge it, block it, whatever))

AncientBird AncientBird

Location: Island en route to Westeros
Time: After the Proving Celebration
Interaction: Leandra and Serik

Leandra fell for his trick. She made a compliment of his ankle kick tactic, the tactic that Serik once used to save his family once. He was younger back then and the opponent was a large, Estendorian man that shouldn't be possible for a kid to defeat, thus earning Serik his nick name 'Little Badger', after the animal that is normally peaceful and harmless but would fight even the biggest bear to protect themselves. It was a very rare moment that Serik had to actually stand up and fight someone, something very out of his nature.

"Thank you, I dropped a large bully that was harassing my aunt-in-law back in Ocris with that. I couldn't believe what I did back then either..." He said.

Leandra then charged in, aiming her attack. However, her ankle seemed to absorb some damage and she stumbled just as she reached Serik. The otherwise swift attack and could had scored her a hit thus became slower, allowing Serik to block it with his stick. Serik pushed her sheathed dagger off and with a quick swing of his leg, swept Leandra by under her knee joints, hoping to send her toppling to the ground.

Featuring: Lioness075 Lioness075
Location: Sudentarian Jungles
Time: Long Before the Events in Main
Characters: Leandra and Caliban

If it were even possible at the moment, Caliban's cheeks might have turned red in embarrassment and fury.
She's just some kid! She doesn't get to talk to me like that!

"As if someone as amazing as I am would need your help! I'm just...testing the rope strength! I know exactly what I'm doing, but obviously you're not a very good trapper yourself or you'd know that!"

Obviously it was a horrible lie, and he knew that, but there was no way she could. She wasn't a trapper, she had no idea what sorts of things someone like him actually did or didn't do....Right?

Location: Island en route to Westeros
Time: After the Proving Celebration
Interaction: Leandra and Serik

Leandra laughed heartily at Serik admitting to pulling the move on a bully. It was nice to know she was not the only one in the group who would happily take down any bullies. She could not recall how many times she had stood up for her little brother against bullies in their village. Manjano just was not as tough as he had been when he was a kid. Despite her best efforts, Leandra had watched Manjano grow soft over the years. She missed play-fighting with her little brother.

And with those thoughts, Leandra took a tumble when she missed Serik sweeping at her legs. She fell onto her back with a surprised gasp. Blinking, she pushed up to look at him and grinned.
"You are full of surprises! I'm not used to being bested so easily like this."
She quickly stood back up and took up a defensive stance once more.
"I enjoy a good challenge, though!"

Leandra lunged forward, taking a more direct approach as she aimed to slam both her sheathed daggers into Serik's shoulder. The move was easy to dodge, though, as anyone paying enough attention could sidestep it.
AncientBird AncientBird
Location: Island en route to Westeros
Time: After the Proving Celebration
Interaction: Leandra and Serik

"Oh, You are too kind. I was just lucky..." Serik said smilingly and readied himself for Leandra's next attack. She got up and rushed at him with her sheathed daggers. It was a face on attack and Serik could easily block her with his stick.

"Still, I will try my best to be the challenge you crave." Serik said and he pushed Leandra's daggers out and swiped his stick at her, hitting one of her wrist and made her dropped a dagger on the floor. Serik then kicked the dagger away to reduce her arsenal against him.

Featuring: Lioness075 Lioness075
Location: Westeros Academy
Time: First night in Westeros
Interaction: Kari & Aldaf (and anyone else who wants)

The assistant led them past the green house, through a narrow passage under the dorms. The stable yard was open and spacious and in the corner, tucked against the soft current of the river, the building that served as the stables. It was two levels, ladders connecting the top lofts to the ground, with open doors for the beasts to come and go as they please. Several of the stalls, lined with soft hay, were already occupied with sleeping creatures. Zephyr was on the top level, closest to the river, and he chirruped happily when he saw her. Each stall had a trough for water and there were two assistants working to bring the new beasts fresh food.

Kari looked at Aldaf with a smile. "This place is pretty nice!"
Zephyr made his way down a short wooden ladder and trotted over to them, tail waving happily. He pushed his head into Kari's chest hard enough to knock her over.
Kari laughed as she rubbed his head from her new place in the dirt.
"So, Aldaf...spill it. You've been acting really weird since the last time we fought the deathborn. What happened with Zeke...that really got to you huh?"

kase9187 kase9187
Location: Westeros Academy
Time: First night in Westeros
Characters: Aldaf, Kari (open to others)

Aldaf followed along and brightened up a bit when he saw Spica, who practically bounded down the ladder after Zephyr and lightly bumped Aldaf over.

"Hey! I'm okay, I'm glad to see you too!" He laughed somewhat halfheartedly. He stood back up and began petting Spica, pausing at Kari's question.

He turned to look at her, a smile on his face. His eyes looked tired, his grin just a little too forced.

"I'm... I'm okay. Just a bit... tired."

He averted Kari's gaze and went back to doting on Spica. He hoped his acting was good enough at this point to somewhat appease Kari, but knew it probably wasn't. He just had to see.

SilverFlight SilverFlight
Location: Westeros Academy
Time: First night in Westeros
Interaction: Kari & Aldaf (and anyone else who wants)

Kari smiled back knowingly.
"Like fun you're okay. I haven't know you that long...but it's been long enough to know when something's hurt you. Besides, you've been sad and silent for almost the entire flight here."
She stood up, her expression becoming a bit more sympathetic. "Hey, no one can be fine all the time. Its okay if something got to you, just means you're human."
She strode over to the stall Zephyr had chosen and climbed the ladder to get a better look inside.
"I can't force you to talk to me, but it might help you get a handle on just what it is that's making you miserable...so? Howabout it?"

kase9187 kase9187
Location: Westeros Academy
Time: First Night
Characters: Aldaf, Kari (open to others)

Aldaf sighed heavily. Spica nudged him a bit with her horn.

"... you're right. I'm not okay. It wasn't because of Zeke's words, though..."

Aldaf sat down on the ground, Spica curled around him. He laid back onto her body, and she gently laid her head in his lap.

"My father... I still remember the day he left. It was a sunny day, sort of damp. I was 12. He took his... his hunting bow and saddled up."
Aldaf choked back a sob.
"We were going to go on a three day trip to Estendor. One of Mom's friends... got married. We were going to the wedding."
Tears started forming in his eyes.
"He left... and never came back. Vanished without a goodbye."
Aldaf wiped his tears.
"It took four days before we gave up the search. Both him and his skybeast... they were gone."

"I wanted to find him, to help search... but I was 12. What would I do?"
He looked at Kari, the worst he's ever let himself be. Not even his half-dead, bloodied body looked as hurt and vulnerable as Aldaf looked right then.
"I... I don't want that to happen again. I..."
Aldaf noticed Spica had moved her head and was looking at him head-on. She growled, concerned, and nudged Aldaf's head. He smiled painfully and scratched Spica beneath her chin.

"I've... just grown to care for that asshole, y'know? I don't want him to disappear... like my father."

SilverFlight SilverFlight

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