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"There is no magic when one no longer believes."
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[div class="tabName introName"]Synopsis[/div]
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[div class="tabName ambianceName"]Credit and Ambiance[/div]
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[div class=Title]PEACE KEEPERS[/div][/div]
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Sacrifices must be made

Or all will fall
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❝Once Upon a Time❞
That's how stories like this start, right? The kind of stories that have magical lands filled with princes and princesses who are threatened with war? If so, we might as well start there.
Once upon a time, Sodariel was a world for just the fauna and flora of the world. The animals had a select few, formally called the Fae, who were gifted with extraordinary magic to allow them to take care of their home. But as they dominated the wild, they found themselves lonely. Even among their own kind, they found that it wasn't enough. So they decided to create a life form that granted them the company that they longed for. Humans were born and soon, the children of the Fae were able to help their creators in maintaining the world. They grew in numbers and progressed in intelligence and sociability. The Fae were proud of their children and when their time came, as it does for everyone, they left the families of their most loyal with gifts of their own.

These six families grew to become the royalty that ruled over Sodariel to this day, each with their Fae lineage pulsing through their veins. The Canis family descended from the Wolven Glade family, the Wolf's most loyal warriors. The Hebians were descended from the Snake's most loyal spies, the Sly Serpentes. The Cervidae Council belonging to the Deer's court became the Fawnus family. The Fanciful Felis who hunted for the Cat became the Felinean family. The Vulpes family descended from the Foxen Flames, the magic users in the fox's court. And last but not least, the Cuniculus Crafters grew into the Usagian royals.

Unfortunately, peace without the Fae was near impossible as rulers began to fight over who had the most resources and therefore, the more power. War broke out and blood stained the land of all six kingdoms. It was only once the children of the families joined together to pool their powers into reviving the original rulers of their families did the fighting stop. The Fae's spirits had intermingled with the original rulers of the six families, imbuing them with strange magical properties. This allowed the youngest of the bloodlines to reach out to them and ultimately coming to a conclusion. As punishment and as a reminder to the rest of Sodariel, the Fae imbued Originals, or Originals for short, declared that each family would participate in a tournament of sorts every generation. And the fighters would be none other than two of their own children. Victory in the trials didn't require death, but if such a horrible thing happened during the trials, so be it. Forfeit was an option, but only if you were willing to forfeit your entire kingdom to your victor; and both siblings must be willing to give up. Any family that has less than two children, adoptive or not, automatically surrender.

And what's stranger is that a long, forgotten royal family has appeared during this Tournament. They are hell bent on returning their home to Sodariel so that they may no longer suffer. And some of them aim to make the other royals pay for the suffering they and their people went through for the past few centuries.

All fifteen royals will be transported to a plane outside of their own home as to keep outside influences out of the tournament. The royals will learn to live with each other while the trials commence. Whether they learn to trust, or maybe even love, each other is entirely up to them. Regardless, only one person will emerge victorious and only they will be able to decide if they wish to rule over all six kingdoms or to keep equal reign in Sodariel.

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❝The Fortress of Heloress❞
Home to the Felinean Family (Cats)
Towards the middle of Sodariel lies the Heloran Jungle where one can find the Fortress of Heloress... if they dare. The Felinean family uprooted from the outskirts of their kingdom and moved it towards the center of incredible adversity, making it a home of only those that found themselves "worthy." However, trade with the city is at its utmost peak here since many wish to partake of the treasures found in Heloress. The art that the Helorans produce, music and painting alike, are found to be enticing to people of all kingdoms. The exotic fruits, spices, and animals entice many that are adventurous eaters and overall, many believe Heloress to be the most powerful when it comes to resources.
Those that live outside of Heloress would call the Cat Fae's children big headed. But Helorans would believe that they were right in believing they were the best of the best. Their Fae gifted them with superior sight, especially at night, an aptitude for Dark Magic (necromancy, teleportation, shapeshifting, etc.), exceptional hearing, and quick reflexes. Physically, their cat ears, claws, and tails seems to be considered the most alluring to humans as well. Some may find them oversexualized, but the royal family hasn't made an public announcement against it yet.


❝The Raft Fleet of Ithlolen❞
Home to the Usagian Family (Rabbits)
Ithlolen, home to the Usagian royal family, is located to the East of Sodariel and is made up of many different, small islands. At the center is where the Royal Raft Fleet resides and is the hub of fishing, sailing, and marketing. It is here where the royal family resides and they have a direct hand in directing seafarers there. They also help maintain the world's largest library which has been carved into a mountain on the largest island. They have an open door policy to all six of the kingdoms since they are the sole kingdom for fishing and knowledge trade. They also happen to be the best at creating silken goods due to their thriving silkworm farms.
The Rabbit Fae gifted her people with her adorable tail, fertility, and long ears. Without saying, this means that they are gifted in hearing, have a greater talent for jumping, have an aptitude for summoning magic (but the power of the summon is directly linked to the summoner's life force, so it is very rarely used), and have a great sense of taste (meaning that they are usually able to detect any traces of poison). Though the royal family now has eight children in total (the two eldest being the ones sent into the tournament), the family is actually quite shy when dealing with people outside of their home. They are known as the most polite of the six families, but many take it with a grain of salt since they seem to have a world of knowledge at their fingertips.


❝The Ombar Dominion❞
Home to the Hebian Family (Snakes)
Located in the far South, the Ombar Dominion is found in the Ombarion Wastes where the desert sand is tinted red and the heat of the sun is ever present. The Ombarions are used to extreme heat during the day and extreme cold in the middle of the night. Contrary to belief, the Dominion has learned ways to farm in their homeland and have created some interesting herbs and fruits to trade with other countries. They're also excellent at glass blowing. But, much like the Original of the Hebian family, the city is known to house the notorious Thieves Guild where very unsavory types can be found. The Hebian family is rumored to work alongside them and while they may be true, others believe that they just turn a blind eye as long as they don't get caught breaking a few laws. The intrigue alone has earned a lot of coin for the royal family, seeing as even civilians will hire their "private" Red Band mercenary group.
The Snake Fae gifted the royal family with things unlike the other fae gifted families. They are given strange patches of scales on various parts of their body, making them have a sort of natural armor against physical damage. Some are also given the power to secrete poison from fangs that grow in once adulthood has been fully achieved. They also have a heightened sense of touch and an aptitude for sabotaging magic (poison damage, sleeping spells, emotional control, etc.).


❝The Falindean Republic❞
Home to the Fawnus Family (Deer)
Falindeans are ones in the far West who have been taught heavily in the ways of diplomacy since the First Tournament, as if to make amends for the Fawnus who helped start the terrible war and the tournaments altogether. Located in the woods, they have learned to do various forms of wood carving, farming, and even animal taming. But most of all, they are known for their healers. They were the first kingdom to discover the healing attributes of many herbs and shared that knowledge with the rest of Sodariel. They continued to experiment with other plants and concoctions and have the most skilled doctors now.
The Fae over the Fawnus Royal Family gifted them physical traits such as antlers, a doe's tail, and/or a snout resembling his. They are gifted with a heightened sense of hearing, an aptitude for healing magic (healing, drain, symbiosis, etc.), speed, and greater eyesight through the rain. Many considered the most cowardly of the six royal families, seeing as they refuse to get into any minor conflicts, but their people believe that is only due to their overwhelming compassion for their subjects.


❝The Kingdom of Truvaria❞
Home to the Canis Family (Wolves)
Mountains, snow, and soldiers. These are all words that usually have Truvarians thinking of home. Located in the North of Sodariel, this kingdom is a winter wonderland of a whole other kind. Since resources are mostly done by mining, hunting, or trade, the people of Truvaria all know the value of hard work. Even the royal family and its military are of no exception, especially since the Truvarian military is the strongest of the six. The royal family has a long history of personally training its troops, in order to learn the value of training and life on the battlefield. They haven't been used for war in a long time, though, and are mostly used as a sort of commodity to be traded. The other kingdoms and any surrounding villages are welcome to hire a soldier, or a few, with payment being rendered as trade-able goods, resources, or coin.
The Lupine Fae gifted the royal family with traits to separate itself from others, including wolfish ears, fangs, and/or tails. They are also given the power to change into the form of a large wolf every full moon, an aptitude for enhancing magic (barrier, strength enhancement, rally allies/enemies, pain nullifying), heightened vision in the night (but lower than average in direct sunlight), and a strong sense of smell. Many people believe they are the physically strongest of the six and some fear them because of this, but the people of Truvaria just blame that on the King's no nonsense attitude.


❝The Belerast Magocracy❞
Home to the Vulpes Family (Foxes)
The Floating White City is another name for the Magocracy of Belerast. Though many people, especially royal families, are imbued with magic due to their Fae lineage, the Vulpes royal family refused to let the knowledge of such a mystical art die. They continue their practice and research of it over the many years of living in Sodariel Fae-less, and have learned far more than the other kingdoms had single handedly. Because of this, they have become very well learned in the ways of alchemy. And since their homes are found atop the floating islands that move across Sodariel, they are also very used to adapting to whatever climate they experience next. But the main source of income (and notoriety) in their kingdom, is the Mage's College. It's true that many of the Belerastians don't require private education to learn their magical craft, but in order to hone it into something formidable, they would be willing to study for a few years. Many people from other kingdoms are welcome to join as well. However, the price of schooling is expensive unless the royal family allows some sort of discount.
The Fox Fae gifted its magical followers, the Vulpes family, with physical attributes like their tails, their ears, and their fangs. They were also given an aptitude for "sneakier types of magic" (illusion, light manipulation, sound manipulation, etc.), quick wit, a keen sense of smell, and a high fortitude. No one knows what to make of the Vulpes family, but they wouldn't have it any other way. After all, magic without mysticism would lose its "edge" to many of them.


❝The Ruins of Zanubia❞
Home to the Nidae Family (Chameleon)
A long forgotten, kingdom that was banished before the Fae disappeared from Sodariel. Due to being sentenced to a pocket dimension where it is eternally night, resources dwindled and the people suffered for the past few centuries. Now, though, the magic of the plane is dissipating and portals to other planes have opened up, allowing the royal family to finally participate in the Tournament, where they aim to win back their freedom.

(Click image below for an enlarged image)

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  1. General roleplaying rules (no godmodding, powerplaying, etc.) And follow site rules, of course.
  2. Pictures of characters will be artwork only. No photos please. (It tends to break some people's immersion)
  3. I'm a big fan of quality over quantity. However, I'm also someone who likes to make sure that everyone has a decent amount to reply to. So let's make the minimum reply length be two full paragraphs. (10-15 sentences) One liners are strictly forbidden.
  4. Activity/Pacing will be moderate since I understand that life can get in the way, especially if you're struggling with inspiration. So I'll ask that everyone be active in the OOC regularly (at least one post every other day) and around to post at least weekly in the IC. If I don't hear from you for two weeks, I'll message you. Three days after that and no response, you will be kicked and your character will be forfeit. (Apologies if this seems harsh. I've just seen a lot of RPs die because people lacked the motivation to keep it going)
  5. Rule four is exempt for those who suffer from unfortunate things in life (such as the loss of a family member, illness, hospitalization, etc.) Just let me know somewhere in between that time and I'll "coast" your character and we can skip them until your return.
  6. The OOC is mainly to make great connections on the site (for possible future RPs) and also for plotting purposes. We're starting at the tournament, but the six families would've had contact before that (the Nidae/Chameleon family were not present in the past). It's up to you guys how close everyone is to each other.
  7. Magic is most definitely a thing, but much like the passed down animal attributes given to your character's family, they're a bit lacking in power. You're allowed one type of magic per character (if they decide to be a magic user). And different magic types will be listed if people are interested in this. (But all magic takes a toll on the user)
  8. The royals will be split up into five groups of three (The Leader, the Spymaster, and the Ambassador). No siblings of the same kingdom will be allowed on the same team and each kingdom must admit a boy and a girl of noble birth. The teams will be randomized by the Originals, but the team will decide who gets what role in the group.
  9. Romance and arranged marriages are encouraged alongside rivalries and enemies. Get yourself invested in your character as much as you can, especially if that means making a history between each others characters.
  10. No character is allowed under the age of eighteen since each of the character will need to reach adult maturity in order to participate in the tournament.
  11. Dice rolling is an integral part of fighting, but there are other trials that will be placed in front of the royals. (That's why this isn't in the dice rolling section). All dice rolling will be done in the OOC so that we may all see the outcome of them.
  12. Finally, be nice to everyone. We're all here to have fun in our own way. Even if you don't agree with something, please bring it up with said person or let me know (unless it breaks rules. Then let a staff member know.) Do not engage in arguing because it could sour the entire experience for everyone.

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Credit goes to Alteras for the original code of this beautiful coding masterpiece
Credit goes to 録音 (Pixiv ID 2224370) for the images used to create the animated background.
Credit goes to PeterPrime for the picture used for Belerast
Credit goes to IIDenmrak for the picture used for Truvaria
Credit goes to AlexShatohin for the picture used for Falinde
Credit goes to RobinTran for the picture used for Ombar
Credit goes to arvalis for the picture used for Ithlolen
Credit goes to jordangrimmer for the picture used for Heloress
Credit goes to asahisuperdry for the picture used for Zanubia

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[class=background] width:900px; height:50vh; background:url('https://giffiles.alphacoders.com/209/209291.gif') no-repeat; background-size:100%; overflow:hidden; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; margin:auto;center; [/class] [class=loadpage] width:900px; height:50vh; background:black; opacity:0.8; position:absolute; align-self:flex-start; [/class] [class=greeting] width:350px; height:50px; margin:auto; margin-top:20vh; font-family:Gothic A1, regular; font-size:3em; color:#99f3ff; text-align:center; [/class] [class=enter] width:75px; font-family:Unica One, display; font-size;0.5em; color:white; text-align:center; border:1px solid #99f3ff; padding:.3em; cursor:pointer; margin:auto; margin-top:10px; transition:all .3s ease-in; animation:{post_id}flash 3s linear infinite; [/class] [class name=enter state=hover] letter-spacing:0.1em; [/class] [animation=flash] [keyframe=0]opacity:0.2;[/keyframe] [keyframe=25]opacity:0.6;[/keyframe] [keyframe=50]opacity:0.3;[/keyframe] [keyframe=75]opacity:0.7;[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]opacity:0.2;[/keyframe] [/animation] [class=slider] width:270px; height:100%; clip-path: polygon(0 0, 87% 0, 100% 100%, 0 100%); background:white; opacity:0.6; padding:1em; align-self:flex-start; display:flex; flex-direction:column; justify-content:space-evenly; animation-name:{post_id}slideright; animation-duration:1.2s; animation-timing-function:ease-out; animation-delay:0s; animation-direction:normal; [/class] [animation=slideright] [keyframe=0]transform:translateX(-100%);[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]transform:translateX(0);[/keyframe] [/animation] [class=centerimage] clip-path: polygon(100% 0, 94% 100%, 16% 100%, 0 0%); width:230px; height:100%; background-size:100%; background-position:center; background-repeat:no-repeat; opacity:0.5; [/class] [class=contentwrap] width:369px; height:101%; background:white; clip-path: polygon(6% 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 3% 100%); opacity:0.9; [/class] [class=slidein] animation:{post_id}slideleft 1.2s ease-in-out 1; [/class] [animation=slideleft] [keyframe=0]transform:translateX(100%);[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]transform:translateX(0);[/keyframe] [/animation] [class=Tabs] width:210px; padding:0.5em; border:1px solid #bbb; font-family:Unica One, display: font-size:1.6em; text-align:center; color:#222; text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #99f3ff; letter-spacing:.6em; transition:all 0.3s linear; cursor:pointer; [/class] [class name=Tabs state=hover] letter-spacing:0.8em; [/class] [class=scrollbox] width:375px; height:90%; overflow-y:scroll; padding: 0.8em; margin-left:15px; [/class] [class=text] font-family:Karla, regular; font-size:0.8em; color:black; display:inline-block; width: auto; margin-left: 5px; padding-right: 20px; [/class] [class=media] width: 100px; height: auto; opacity: 0.5; [/class] [class=title] display:inline-block; font-family:Unica One, display; font-size:0.8em; color:black; text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #99f3ff; [/class] [script class=enter on=click] fadeOut 800 loadpage addClass slider show slider addClass slidein contentwrap show contentwrap show centerimage [/script] [script class=tab01 on=click] removeClass select Tabs addClass select tab01 fadeOut 200 contentwrap fadeIn 800 page01 [/script] [script class=none] hide contentwrap hide slider hide centerimage [/script] [script class=tab02 on=click] removeClass select Tabs addClass select tab02 fadeOut 200 contentwrap fadeIn 800 page02 [/script]
[div class=background][div class=slider][div class="Tabs tab01"]Story Time[/div][div class="Tabs tab02"]Weather[/div][/div][div class=centerimage][/div][div class="contentwrap page01"][div class=scrollbox][div class=title]We begin our story on the first day of spring.
[div class=text]Coincidentally, it was also the first day of the Tournament, a royal tradition that has been passed down through the generations. It is also the Tournament to commence on the bicentennial celebration of the War of Ages' end. Such a grand occurrence wasn't about to be looked upon any lesser than it deserved. So as we find ourselves approaching Gladefall Isles, we'll recount the many things going on in the Tournament's destination.

The castle, in which the royals would reside, had been neatly cleaned and organized to fit all of the new participants' comfort levels. Each bedroom was designed with its resident's mental health in mind by making sure that it was of utmost perfection for that person; whether it looked like their own bedroom or an entirely new one was up to what the Ancients felt was better. The dolls magically created just to tend to the castle made sure to have everything set before the day arrived and were now cooking up a feast to welcome their new masters into their home. Even through the showering rain on the island, the smell of many different entrées wafted its ways from the windows, making some of the "villagers" look on in excitement. Though the villagers were of this world and also not, they remembered what food tasted like and couldn't help themselves from daydreaming over what would be served that night.

Different voices mingled as some of the villagers took shade in various stores and homes to look at the portal just outside of the castle entrance. It was beginning to glow a brilliant blue hue and soft humming noises were beginning to emanate from it. It even repelled the rain that attempted to hit it, as if it was also doing its best to make the incoming royals feel welcome. A few dolls waited near the portal, umbrellas in hand, to help shield the royals from the rain in case they forgot their rain gear for that day. Most people would have looked impatient after starting escorting duties at dawn, but since these creatures weren't truly "alive," they didn't seem to mind. Their featureless faces wouldn't give away any discomfort even if they did.

The strangest thing, though, was that some of the villagers found themselves looking at something concerning. Much like the portal outside of the castle, there was a strange "rip" that seemed to run down one of the walls in the stables. No horses would go near the thing and it seemed to be pulsing with a sort of coldness that the villagers only knew of in winter. But it wasn't just a cold temperature, but a cold aura as well. It was almost like the dead were pulling the veil of this plane apart with their very spirits. So no one went near it and merely awaited to tell someone the second the royals arrived.

Until then, they merely watched it cautiously as they awaited the rain to disperse so that they could get ready for the ball later that night. Others had gone with the dolls to the docks in order to welcome the royals that had wished to travel by sea rather than by portal. That used to be fairly common, but now that sea fare was more expensive than just getting the necessary things to activate the portals in the different kingdoms, people preferred the portals.

It was at that moment that the dolls all perked up at once as they felt the presence of a royal about to arrive. Many ran to their positions while others continued what they were doing. And right before the first participant arrived, the villagers heard soft music playing from the ballroom in the castle. The dolls were practicing for the ball that night. They smiled at how calming, yet uplifting, the music made the rain now feel and agreed that it was the perfect way to welcome in the Tournament. Hopefully this time, everything would go on without a problem.

Unfortunately, that universal prayer would fall on deaf ears, seeing as even the Fae didn't expect what was to come.


[div class="contentwrap page02"][div class=scrollbox][div class=title]☂ ··············[/div]·[div class=title] S P R I N G [/div]· [div class=title] S H O W E R S ············ ☁[/div]

[div class=text]

It is currently raining lightly with the sun peeking out of the many clouds dotting the sky.
A light breeze pushes the rain and it feels slightly chilly at 68°F / 20°C.
Moon phase: ◯ ☾ ⚫ ☾ ◐ ☽ ◯
[div class=title]·······························································[/div]

[div class=title]Background Music

[div class=media][/div][/div]
[div class=title]Ambiance Track

[div class=media][/div][/div][/div]

[div class="contentwrap page03"][div class=scrollbox][div class=title]title[/div][div class=text] something here[/div]
[div class=title]title[/div][div class=text] something here[/div]
[div class=title]title[/div][div class=text] something here[/div]
[div class=text]bla bla[/div]
[/div][div class=loadpage][div class=greeting]Once Upon a Time[/div][div class=enter]click me[/div][/div]
credits @RI.a
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[class=background] border: 1px solid #000000; margin:auto;center; background:url('https://us.123rf.com/450wm/turr17/turr171802/turr17180200438/96706839-seamless-background-modern-ornament-with-volume-repeating-light-blue-rhombuses-geometric-pattern.jpg?ver=6'); background-position:center; background-size:10%; background-repeat:repeat; width: 1200px; [/class] [class=header] margin:auto;center; width:65%; height:40vh; background:url('https://i.imgur.com/DyX5qsz.png'); background-position:bottom; background-size:100%; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:right; font-size:1.8em; letter-spacing:0.6em; color:#000000; [/class] [class=scroll] width: 660px; height: auto; overflow: hidden; background: #FFFFFF; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; line-height: 2em; margin-left: 320px; color: #000000; border: 1px solid #000000; [/class] [class=textbox] overflow-y: scroll; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 25px; width: 660px; height: 300px; [/class] [class=tab] border: 1px solid #000000; background: #FFFFFF; font-family: Times; color: #000000; width: 262px; height: 20px; padding: 10px; transition: .5s; text-align: center; text-transform: lowercase [/class] [class=text] font-size: 9px; line-height: 2em; color: #000000; [/class] [class=text2] font-size: 9px; line-height: 2em; color: #000000; text-align: left; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] border: 1px solid #43477f; background: #d6c3e2; color: #43477f; cursor: pointer; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} Location) (show tabsContentLocation) if (eq ${currentTab} TLDR) (show tabsContentTLDR) if (eq ${currentTab} Personal) (show tabsContentPersonal) if (eq ${currentTab} Tagged) (show tabsContentTag) [/script]
[div class=background][div class=header]

Isadora Usagian

[div class=tab]Location

[div class="tabsContent tabsContentLocation" style=display:none]

[div class=text]

Front Entrance - Near Gate
[div class=tab]Personal

[div class="tabsContent tabsContentPersonal" style=display:none]

[div class=text2]| Currently Wearing : | Casual 02
| I Sound Like : | Sakura (Fire Emblem: Fates)
| Current Theme : | Howl's Moving Castle
[div class=tab]TLDR

[div class="tabsContent tabsContentTLDR" style=display:none]

[div class=text2]| TLDR : | Isa sailed to Gladefall Isle, kept mostly to herself due to high anxiety and nerves, and was escorted to the palace gates/front entrance of the palace. The gates are closed until everyone arrives, weather grows terrible, or the afternoon turns to evening. She feels anxiety again as she sees the portal being activated.
[div class=tab]Tagged

[div class="tabsContent tabsContentTag" style=display:none]

[div class=text]No one at the moment
[div class=scroll][div class=textbox]

The Usagian princess had never been seasick before, but as she looked across the waves, she surely felt her stomach attempting to empty itself. The soldier in the crow's nest above had announced that land wasn't far about an hour ago and now, she couldn't bring herself to look at the castle before her. While such a large structure on a pristine island being surrounded by cherry blossom trees and bright, blue ocean water would've made her awe in wonder before, she merely saw and felt the bleakness that the weather had added to the scenery. Rain splattered on the wooden boat around her and on the umbrella she had held above her head. She had refused the help at first, but the young, new soldier insisted on remaining by her side as the weather grew more tumultuous. Unable to deny the overzealous man, she allowed him to stand in silence next to her as she tried to hold her lunch in her stomach.

"Princess?" She didn't look to the soldier that approached them. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to inform you that we received confirmation that your things have made it to the island and the... staff have started taking them to your room." Isa didn't notice the unsettled tone of the man as he mentioned the staff. She just felt the weight of the situation hit her again and again, like the waves rocking the boat beneath them.

"Thank you," she stated mildly. Her mother always taught her to keep her manners, even when she felt less than ideal.

Ah... Her mother. If she wasn't growing colder by the weather and her stomach didn't ache so, she might have let out another tear. Even after all of these years, she thought of her determined and sweet mother. Her mother had tried for so long to keep her from the Tournament, but it had been futile. Things happened and here she was, motherless and about to fight for her kingdom. She didn't really care about being high ruler or impressing her stepmother or brother or anyone else for that matter. If anything, she just wanted to feel a little less powerless. She wanted to grasp the strings of fate that seemed to choke her and bend them to her will. She wanted people to be happy, to feel as free as she did whenever she had her birds or when she had on a full face of makeup.

She wanted to dismantle the Tournament, for it brought so much suffering to people in her status. And while she understood it was to keep innocents far away from handling royal intrigue, she wished there was a better way.

"Princess?" She jolted from her thoughts as the soldier next to her spoke softly. "We're about to disembark. Would you care to take a seat, out of the cold?" Isa shook her head. While she was scared of what was to come, she knew she didn't have the luxury of running away. Even for just a second. "Well if I may be so bold, I wanted to tell you that it's been an honor sharing the ship with you. Out of everyone I've served thus far, you've been the kindest to me." Isa offered a soft, sad smile to him.

"It's what anyone would do."

🐇 -- 🐇 -- 🐇 -- 🐇 -- 🐇 -- 🐇 -- 🐇 -- 🐇 -- 🐇 -- 🐇 -- 🐇

Isadora bid the soldiers goodbye and wished them well on the journey back to Ithlolen. The "staff" that the soldier mentioned before loaded food and supplies onto the boat and made any minor repairs to the hull. The soldiers were all very put off by the faceless dolls and merely let them work, while watching to make sure they didn't damage anything. Isa also didn't feel comfortable by the staff, seeing as two of them escorted her to the front of the castle once her goodbyes had been said. They didn't speak, making for a quiet walk and while one kept an umbrella above her head and the other lead the way, she felt incredibly alone and vulnerable. She didn't have her weapon with her, seeing as it was packed away and according to records, wasn't allowed out of their rooms or the training grounds until teams were decided upon.

She felt herself shiver slightly, now wishing that she had a shawl to cover her arms or at least wore some pants to cover her legs. At least the wind didn't make it unbearable.

Now that she was walking beneath the cherry blossom trees and she neared the palace gate, she allowed herself to take in the scenery. Even with the rain, the garden decorating the pathway to the gate was elegant and almost relaxing. The cherry blossoms seem to wave at her in the breeze and she even heard light music being played from somewhere in the castle. What was even better was that she smelled something delicious coming from inside as well. The records in Ithlolen mentioned a night of welcoming for the royals, but she didn't really believe it was as great as some of the people mentioned. Now that she smelled the food and heard the beautiful mixture of cello, violin, and piano, she felt a little more hopeful for the night.

The reminder that she was going to attack people that she may or may not consider friends or even strangers wracked her nerves, however. And the amount of excitement she had felt at the entrance dissipated almost instantly. Hope was something she had learned long ago to not get too fond of.

But if I'm going to control the way fate strokes its brushes across our canvases, then I need to ready myself.

Another shiver went down Isa's spine as she walked towards the gates, only to see an old plaque on the gate door. Rather than have old etchings in its stone face like normal, she saw what seemed to be magical, floating letters in the common tongue. "Welcome! Gladefall Palace awaits those for this generation's Tournament. However, these gates will not open unless one of these three conditions are met: all participants have arrived, weather is too dangerous to stay outside, or the day dissolves into the evening. A bell will toll once the gates are open, so feel free to wander the village or converse with each other. And good luck to all of you!"

A frown decorated her face as she read the words, her chest tightening as she realized she would be out in the cold for some time. That or she would have to visit the neighboring village in the mean time. Perhaps there would be some-

She turned to watch a couple of staff shuffle towards what looked like a small temple in the center of the garden, just as a rip in the fabric of space surfaced and a bright light shone from the other side. The portal she was offered to use rather than the ship began to open and she waited on bated breath to see who was the first to arrive. For she feared the worst.

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Felicity Felinean
Front Entrance
Casual 02
ThePastelWitch ThePastelWitch

☆♬○♩●♪✧♩ ~ ( ⓛ ω ⓛ *) ~ ♩✧♪●♩○♬☆

From across the shadowed hallway, a melodious harmony can be heard. A young lady sat in a lavish-looking loveseat, gently holding a miniature guitar, her fingers gracefully strumming the strings with precision, producing a soft tune. The Heloress' Crown Princess from the Felinean family, only smiled and felt the tip of her tail twitch in excitement. She felt a slight tingle behind her as the warm sunlight made contact with her furry pair of ears. Her eyes also made contact with the balcony in front of her, the polished balcony simply overlooked all parts of Heloress, the princess's hometown. As she made her way to the balcony, she could spot the bustling shopping district from afar. The princess could only sigh and smile as pride swelled up inside her. Heloress is flourishing, her people are happy and soon, she will represent them with her head held up high in just a few minutes.

The Felinean Princess continued observing the busy streets, until her ears pricked backward, sensing a figure behind her. When Felicity turned around, she was greeted by her Aunt, the current Empress of Heloress. Felicity stood her ground, planting her feet from where she stood with a tightened fist. The woman in front of her was indeed beautiful but hidden behind all those beauty, is a wicked, envious woman. For years, Felicity endured her abuse, not saying any word to anyone, except for her trusted friends. It took Felicity to heal her damaged soul and when she came back, she found herself pitying the woman

“My dearest Felicity,” Empress Cilia said in a sweet cheery tone. Felicity has heard many tunes and sounds in her life, but the voice of the woman in front of her seemed to be the most annoying one. It’s as if she was listening to the sound of a tip of a fork scratching the surface of a plate. She seemed to notice Felicity’s disapproving expression and continued, “I only wanted to bid you good-bye, love. And, of course! Wish you good luck for the Tournament!”

Felicity did a little courtesy, showing her mannerisms that she learned from her family. After all, her family is known for being obnoxiously prideful and polite whenever they want to be. “I appreciate your kind words, auntie.” She said in a monotone voice, not showing any signs of aggression. "I will take them to heart.” Not.

“We both know that’s an utter lie, darling.” The Empress crossed her arms and let her long nails grace along her silky skin. “You know how I can simply push you right over this balcony and pretend to not know a thing.” She said in a sickly sweet tone. Felicity noticed the mischievous glint in her eyes as if there was a hidden meaning behind her words. It was as if she knows something that Felicity doesn't. Felicity clutched her ukelele tightly. “This very balcony seems to hold some special meaning to my son.” She hummed and placed her long fingers on the railing. “I wonder why.” She said in a mocking tone. Felicity’s breathing heaved and looked away from her aunt at the mention of her cousin. If the woman in front of her ever lay a single scratch on her cousin, Felicity would take actions in every way she can. Prince Cheyce Felinean, the Crown Prince of Heloress, son of Emperor Reagan and Empress Cilia, he goes by many titles, but Felicity considers him as his one true friend.

“Cheyce and I will-” Before she could finish her sentence, a new figure entered the scene. And it is none other than her uncle, the current Emperor of Heloress, Emperor Reagan. Once the man’s eyes landed to Felicity, he beamed at her a smile and made a beeline for his niece. Felicity walked back inside to greet her lovable uncle, ignoring the false smile her auntie gave her.

“Young lady! Your luggage should safely arrive at the Isle.” He informed Felicity with a genuine smile on his face. When he noticed the woman behind Felicity, he focused all his attention on her and made way towards his Empress. Felicity could only tuck her ears down, blocking her hearing, respecting her uncle’s privacy as she made her way outside the room. Felicity took a final glance at her aunt and saw her loving gaze towards the Emperor and wondered if she’ll ever have a change of heart towards Felicity. Felicity felt pity for the said woman and if winning the Tournament means that the Empress will recognize her worth, then so be it.

Felicity was lost in her own little world when her uncle approached her. He gave Felicity a gentle nudge on the shoulder and it was enough to have Felicity turning her head frantically sideways. The man in front of her gave her a gentle smile and ruffled her head, making a huge mess. “Hey! Uncle!” Her laughter echoed through the hallway. “It took me hours to fix this!”

“Let’s go, young lady. The Tournament awaits!” The Emperor led Felicity through the long hallway, on their way to the Portal Room. As they walked, Felicity noticed her uncle’s worried face. He seems to be more worried than Felicity. She could sense the stiffness of his muscles as they continued walking. Music would always manage to calm Felicity down, that’s why she was in that room in the first place. To calm her anxious self. However, knowing her uncle, music is not something he needs right now. What he needs is assurance. He needs to know that his own flesh and blood will be absolutely safe.

So, Felicity did what she thought was right and abruptly stopped in her tracks. “Uncle.” She called out to him in a bold voice, the man stopped and turned to face Felicity with a worried expression. “Cheyce and I will be just fine. We’ll both have each other’s backs no matter what the situation is.” She gave him a reassuring smile and moved closer to her predecessor, holding his large hands with her tiny, fragile ones. “I’ll make my parents proud, I’ll honour them through winning this tournament.” She said in a soft, quiet tone, it was as if she was convincing herself too. When her uncle is still not convinced, she went to her final solution and sighed. “Don’t worry, I’ll try to avoid the Canis siblings as much as I could.” After she said that, the Emperor relieved a relieved sigh and smiled at her. Felicity only giggled at his funny antics.

“I already made Cheyce aware of that fact, simply look after him. Look after each other. You know completely well how he’s been acting lately.” He said in a serious tone as they continued to walk. Felicity remembered the time when Cheyce seemed off after the death of his assassin, to which Felicity knew as Ronder, her cousin's lover. Felicity could still remember how she acted poorly when the Truvarian died, she offended her cousin and had their first fight. It was a terrible experience, to say the least, but ever since then, she grew suspicious of the event and stood right next to Cheyce whenever he needed her. “And as for your parents, I think they would already be proud of you, specially your father.” Felicity returned her uncle’s loving gaze with a smile. Deep within her, she felt proud to be born under such a blessed and supportive family (except for Cilia). The Emperor soon stopped in his tracks and opened a huge door with intricate navy blue designs. She has never been inside the portal room, and seeing it for the first time, made Felicity excited. “We’re here”

"Thank you, for everything, uncle. I'll do my best to make you and all of Heloress proud!" Felicity confidently shouted, her voice echoing throughout the room. Felicity took a couple of steps to the portal. Felicity clutched her string instrument tightly to her chest, as some sort of relief.

Felicity stood before the portal, watching the rip in the fabric of space and time become more imminent as she took a few steps forward. “Cheyce will follow you shortly.” Felicity turned to her uncle and was shocked when she saw a lone tear slid down his cheek. “Farewell, young lady,” her uncle said in a quiet tone. Felicity only smiled and nodded before she stepped into the portal. As she leaves, she could hear her uncle’s final few words. “There she goes, Favian. I hope you’re watching her.”

I hope so too, uncle.


As Felicity managed to successfully cross the other side, she was quickly greeted with a wet sensation drop on her nose. Felicity was soon greeted by a few servants who were patiently waiting for her to enter their umbrella. When Felicity did, she took note of their emotionless faces and only clutched her ukelele tightly. After going down the stairs and having her boots graze a small mud pile, she instantly cringed and slightly lifted her white and black skirt up. This was one of those times that she would loathe her Cat Fae’s skittish attitude that was passed down to her and some family members. Speaking of family members, Felicity turned to the portal once more, hoping that Cheyce would arrive soon.

Last night, Felicity spent her last nights in Heloress deepening her knowledge about the Tournament. She found out about a welcome ceremony taking place today. Felicity attended many parties throughout her life and she is thrilled to know that one will commence soon, at least that fact made Felicity relaxed a bit, maybe she could perform in front of the Crown Prince and Princesses. Felicity kept on walking forward until she heard a piece of soft music playing near when she looked up, she was met with a huge gate and pink petalled trees, and also a white figure in the distance. As she neared the familiar figure, her escort followed with an umbrella shielding her from the rain. When their eyes met, Felicity stood with widened eyes as she finally recalls the girl.

“Princess Isadora?”

☆♬○♩●♪✧♩ ~ ( ⓛ ω ⓛ *) ~ ♩✧♪●♩○♬☆
codedby @crucialstar
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Cheyce Felinean
Front Entrance
ThePastelWitch ThePastelWitch

The soft lilt of Felicity’s music drifted down into the parade grounds, which doubled as the royal training arena. Cheyce was working out his anxiety in his own way, practicing his Truvarian forms. The music was soothing, and when he moved into the stances he could almost transport himself back to those few blessed years. Ronder was gone. A long time now, but there was still something broken in Cheyce, and he could no more fix that than his mother’s hatred for his little cousin. Cilia had come to watch him, and waited quietly until he saw her out of the corner of his eye. In his shock he slipped, mis-stepped and slammed into the straw dummy, instead of delivering a clean cut to the cloth at its neck.

“Watch your footing!” She barked, though she was hardly an expert on these things, she liked to pretend she was adept at all.
Cheyce stopped, sheathing his blades, the ones he would take to the island.

“Sorry mother…you startled me is all.”

“There will be a lot more to startle you in the tournament, do not let your guard down.” She strode into the dusty ground and he stood tall to meet her, his tail twitching in anticipation. His mother had a sickly-sweet veneer around most, but to him, she was hard and practical, and he, in turn remained aloof and disinterested in her presence, ever since two years ago. After Ronder’s death Cheyce had kept up a ruse of proud compliance, he tried to be the cold, obedient son she wanted, at least to her. Not wanting to give even a scrap of his true self to her. She closed the distance between them and took his chin in one hand.

“Everything I do, I do it in your own best interests. You know this don’t you?”

“Yes mother.”
“Win this tournament for me, Cheyceadrin. For our kingdom, and our family.”
Cheyce knew what that meant, his mother would be delighted if Felicity died in this tournament. She was never part of their “family” to Cilia.

“I will mother.”


Cheyce was the second to enter the portal, he said goodbye to his father, mother and the rest of his younger siblings, who waved or begged for trinkets when he returned. Cheyce put on a brilliant smile for all of them and did a quick trick with his daggers, before raising a hand in farewell.

The island’s weather was a far cry from the sunny, warm day he had left. The damp made the fur on his tail crimp as soon as he stepped through. Felicity was just ahead and he went to stand beside her. "Hey, let's talk when we get a chance. Now that my mother can't spy on us...there's...some things I need to tell you...I can start by apologizing for being distant. I'll try to explain."

He followed her gaze to the figure ahead of them, long, white ears unmistakable.
“Hey! Isa!” He waved happily. Cheyce lead the way over to her, picking up the somber, almost melancholy mood in the air about her.
“The skies must be jealous.” He lifted a chin to the clouds, wearing his usual, lackadaisical grin. “To have so much beauty here in one place, they feel they have to dampen it.”

He took off his outer coat and held it up for her to put on, seeing she was cold. His mother may be a cold-hearted witch, but she had at least taught him chivalry in its most superficial sense.

codedby @crucialstar

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