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Location: The Worst Escape Room Ever | Interactions: Fable Fable DergTheDergon DergTheDergon Myriad Myriad DapperCat DapperCat Morzone Morzone Hanarei Hanarei

Caddy didn't know how he did it, he rarely does, but he had somehow managed to leap from the final crumbling step to the very edge of the opening. Damn watered-down vampire powers were good for something at least. He huffs, pulling himself up and onto the floor with a less than graceful roll.
"Well, that wasn't so b-" he stops, breath hitching as he scanned the area to only see Theo and Elora before him. Wasn't Caddy at the very back of the line? Surely he was Well then if that was the case then what happened to the rest of the-?
"Fuck me." He breathes, scrambling to his knees and peering over the dark edge of the gap. He feels a slight relief as he saw Felicia pulling Qerres up towards them and he had no fear that Xaira, with her wings, had made it out unscathed. Don, however, was no where in sight. Fuck.

"Hey-" Caddy starts as he turns to his superior, but is not all too surprised to see that she was already on it. A layer of black was spreading across her torso as she rushed her way towards the gap. Caddy ducks, watches as she flies over him and descends down to where the stairs used to be. In a matter of moments, an exhausted Elora returned with Don draped around her shoulders. Caddy extends a hand, makes room for Theo who immediately rushes over, and assists in pulling the two remaining teammates up through the opening. Caddy helps Don to his feet and gives him a few hearty claps on the shoulder.
"Glad to see you weren't smashed into a pollock pancake down there." Caddy smiles with a toothy grin, eyes peering over to study the state of Elora's skin. The blackness seemed to be fading back into her body and Caddy's mind was swimming with questions: all of which he knew were never going to be answered directly. Though it couldn't hurt to ask...

"You gonna' be okay, Boss Lady?"
"J-Just give me a moment to catch my breath after that,"
"Sure, sure, take your time. Though, say, what was-"
"Also, don't bug me with any questions about my body"
"-Oookay you got it."

The breather was as enjoyable as five minutes in "almost hell" could be. Caddy lounges on a smooth slab of rock, spreads his lanky legs as far as they can go, and tries not to think about being eaten by a minotaur. He pulls himself up as Elora announces their departure and, like a routine, Caddy trails behind to keep an eye out in the back. He's the last to enter the dark room and see the casket chained in the center of the room. A dim spotlight shone over it as if to say "hey, dumbass, come bust this bad boy open and see what the fuck happens".
"You know, my grandpappy told me stories of crazed and feral vampires that needed to be locked away." He whispers darkly to the demon ( DapperCat DapperCat ) walking just in front of him.
"They'd drink their victims dry of blood within seconds, suck their brains out through their ears, and leave a husk of a body behind. Men, women, children: even other vampires were at risk. So they'd wrapped their caskets up in chains whilst they slept with the hopes they'd never escape..." He trails off dramatically, just long enough to let the whole thing sink in and then lets out an audible snort.

"Just kidding, I never knew my grandpappy." He chuckles, gentling pressing Qerres out of the way so he could run his finger across the wall.
"And vampires don't sleep in caskets."
He opens his vampiric senses and lets his eyes glide over the room. If he couldn't find a way out, then he'd at least hope he'd find some kind of clue hiding in the darkness.

location: The Labyrinth

addresses/mentions: Thatguynameded Thatguynameded

music: x
Qerres' claws, dark and strong as iron, were the only thing she thought would keep her alive. She heard Felicia- she really did, but the gaping chasm of death below her only produced a grunt in effort from her in response. As for trust she held for the human- well, none. But to be fair that lack of trust was not anything special. But dire situations make people accepting of a lot, and combined with Q's zero-percent defense against magic, should offer Felicia an easy enough time getting through to her by magical means.

But once her light surrounded the demon, illuminating her and lifting her up, Felicia could feel it be straining. Qerres was a chubby woman with big muscles, not to mention her thick demon-hide weighing her down even more. Whether the iron claws added, well, all they could hope was that they didn't.

Slowly but steadily the mage guided Q up to solid ground, where the demon immediately scrambled with her long claws and boots to gain hold like a feral cat. When Theo's hand grabbed hers and pulled her in, he would feel the cold smooth sensation of the long talons painfully grown out of the tips of her fingers, along with her skin shaking uncontrollably. Though her fear was obvious by that single touch, her face had already shifted back to the same dopey grin she held before; albeit with the shine of sweat to her forehead.

"T-thanks. I slipped- heh. Not a big fan o' heights," she said as casually as she could, both to Felicia and Theo.

It was only after she was able to get a few calming breaths in, that she noticed the upward jump of two figures. She tried to physically prepare herself, shaking slightly, only to realise it was Don and the team leader. Normally she would do her best to show that she cared, but she couldn't right now. Instead she waited in silence, pressed with her back somewhat into the gap to get away from the stairs.

There she waited for both Don and the Team leader to regain their own sanity and breath, pressed tightly with her bum to one of the walls in the small gap. When Caddigan shuffled to move somewhat behind her in the narrow doorway, he whispered to her. She waggled her eyebrows at his story, grinning stupidly as she responded with; "Sounds hot."

"And vampires don't sleep in caskets."

She scrunched her nose up, bushy brows knitting together as she outed; "Wait- really?" Oddly that seemed to be the one that surprised her. Though she was secretly grateful for the distraction from the heights, her eyes did remain on the casket in the middle. Whatever in there was free to suck all of her blood out or even vacuum her brain through her ears, but there was a chance it would shove her back off the ledge. And -that- could not happen.
Jasper kept his expression carefully neutral as the stone wall that had impeded their progress slipped back into the floor with a grating of stone on stone. He hadn't had a clue what would happen when he put the key into the keyhole, but it seemed things had worked out for the best. Jasper retrieved his staff, sheathing the blade and placing it into the holder built into the back of his combat harness. It took a couple of minutes for him to find and collapse his batons in the mound of skull-spider corpses, but he persisted until he had found them both. Something warm and wet nearly made him snap one open again, but it was just the strange wolf-man, were, whatever, who seemed to be making the rounds of everyone, licking whatever of their wounds he could reach. Rather than protest, Jasper just raised one eyebrow and let him? it? go about his business.

"Good throw," Jasper said. What was this creatures name? Bran? Ras? oh yes, Brass. "Thanks for the help Brass. That was quick thinking. Just, make sure that you throw swords hilt first if you have to throw one again? That almost got messy."

Jasper was distracted from the beastkin as Tristan decided to excoriate Kirill in both verbal and physical fashion. After the berserk attack that Kirill had launched near the end of their fight with the skull-spiders, Jasper wasn't quite certain that Tristan was making a good leadership choice, but demons. Maybe that kind of thing was normal in their society. Jasper didn't know, and right now he didn't care. He just hoped that the team wouldn't tear itself apart internally and do this infernal place's work for it. Soon enough however, they were moving again.

After some indeterminate period of twists and turns that looked pretty much identical, Tristan found a slightly different looking hallway, and led them down it. A faint glimmer of light began to make itself known, but as Tristan began to ascend a short set of steps, figures appeared ahead of them, causing him to pull up short. Tristan's gun appeared in his hand, but he didn't fire, actually addressing the figure almost politely. The figure cocked its head as he spoke, but otherwise showed no reaction until he stopped speaking, then took a single step forward, which caused Tristan's mood to head south.

"I've had a bad day, please don't make it any worse. Since you've not attacked first I assume there is something. No one fucking do a thing unless they attack," Tristan barked.

This seemed to be the cue for Sang and Kirill to get into a demonic posturing contest. Jasper had no idea how Tristan was putting up with it, but Jasper really, really wanted to smack the two of them with the blunt end of his staff. Sang and Kirill together seemed like a pile of plutonium surrounded by nitroglycerin, and the whole damned thing hovering on the knife's edge of critical mass. Brass seemed to be sensing something, because he was down on all fours, hackles raised and nose testing the air continuously.

"Fuck," Jasper thought to himself as he checked his power reserves. Low, very low. However, needs must and he triggered his Mage sight. The familiar silver fire flashed around his head, settling onto his eyes and he moved up beside Tristan, his enhanced gaze fixed on the figure and apparitions behind it? her? Maybe he could pick up something useful.

Fable Fable June Verles June Verles Xemanorth Xemanorth r e i r e i Noble Scion Noble Scion Thatguynameded Thatguynameded

Felicia held Qerres up approaching the others when suddenly she watched as Don seemed to slip as the stairs slid away leaving no place to go giving her a light nod in response to her words. She looked rather uneasy holding her hand out uncertain how she would be able to do so. Holding two people up could quickly become a stretch for her, and Qerres...not to be rude... was a bit heavier then she had expected. There was only so much she could support with her power before things might turn.... bad to say the least. She could exert herself a bit further even with the limiters on but there was a point where here control would just break and... well.. the fall would likely be the less gruesome consequence of it all.

Felicia caught the blurr as Elora suddenly went falling down after Don making the usually blank faced Felicia suddenly seem to look briefly horrified, something that Qerres would likely notice by a minor sensation of being squeezed, though the Esper was quick to calm herself. There was a question whether she could hold two at once, but she was almost certain adding Elora in the mix wouldn't work, though she could only suspect given she was in a safe spot it had been completely intentional on her part with the transformation she could catch taking place only furthering her suspicion of it being an intentional fall. The thud didn't at all deter her as she didn't allow her mind to drift to such thoughts, she had to keep a clear head.

Her eyes darted up to watch as a flare tumbled down tossed by Theo. The light helped to quickly illuminate the two, noticing Don and what she could only assume was Elora in what seemed to be her fully transformed state climbing up. She focused her effort back up, finally lifting Qerres the rest of the way to safety aided by Theo grabbing hold of her. She elected to remain hovering doubting she might be needed though given she could levitate in the air it made more sense she should allow for the two to get in from their climb before falling in after. She hovered in landing behind them as she looked on seeing the exhausted Elora noticing her scars but saying nothing. She was the observant type but not one to pester others. She didn't feel right bringing up anything with others that might bother them... in some part afraid it might cause them to push her away.

Felicia followed behind walking once more much to her dismay though the short break had done wonders to rest her feet so they didn't bother her too much. Entering the room she did what was ask keeping up against the wall. She glanced over towards Caddi as he seemed to be speaking to Qerres seeming a little puzzled by their short exchange... at least what she could hear of it. Her eyes shifted towards the casket as she kept by the wall noticing it move. It was clear something was inside it, the chains being used to keep it restrained. She had a feeling something bad would happen given how things have turned out so far, keeping on guard to quickly act to help those chains keep whatever it was inside from springing free if it did attempt to do so.


Location: Why did it have to be trap stairs?
Fable Fable Morzone Morzone baddervibes baddervibes DapperCat DapperCat
Dungeon Instance #2.0
(Sorry for the delay, here is the next post.)

Tristan's Team

"Hm, Banshee might be a safe bet. I've never seen one in person before and the information on them doesn't really come with flattering illustrations. Whoever drew them probably had a hand tremor." When Kirill had to open his large, and very stupid mouth Tristan sighed loudly. "Jasper, as much as this is going to piss you off, you're going to be left babysitting duty. Do feel free to use corporal punishment as needed, but please also remember if you can't fix the stupid just let Darwin's theory take its course."

Since Tristan's team wasn't throwing out anymore theories about this little encounter he was going to have to take a risk. "Everyone, stay put," he ordered. "If it attacks then we're going to defend ourselves. If it does nothing then we're going to proceed forward."

He didn't wait for affirmation from any of his team. He kept his gun up and aimed at the female who he felt was the greater threat as she was more corporeal than the rest. He'd shoot her in the heart first seeing as her chest was fairly exposed. If that didn't work there was always an attempt at a headshot, but he wasn't sure how quick these things moved. Slowly he took another step up the stairs and the female and other ghostly figures just stood there watching him.

Tristan continued till he was at the top of the stairs, having moved through a few of the apparitions in his path which only sent a cold shiver through him. The female figure continue to simply stare at him. "One at a time you're going to come up the stairs. No threatening moves towards her. Just walk by her and through the others as needed." He kept his gun trained on her, his body tense and ready should things escalate into a brawl.

As long as they followed Tristan's orders, the figures surrounding them did nothing but observe silently. Beyond the figured was an large opening which hand spiral stairs going upward with roughly carved stone arches and pillars. All along the walls were sockets with the remains of a variety of creatures bones. This was a catacomb of some kind. There the source of light come through a hole at the top, while it probably wasn't in actuality very bright, after the team lingering in the dark for so long their eyes had already adjusted.


Once everyone had reached Tristan he went to proceed up the stairs seeing as it was their only option. "No one mess with the remains. I don't want to piss any ghosts off." The figures had followed after the last person and when Tristan went to take the first step of the stairs they whooshed to block his path, the female figure shrieking loudly causing a resounding echo and everyone living within the catacombs would be subjected to a painful sharp stabbing pain in their skulls as the sound seemed to vibrant their brains.

Tristan stumbled back and the screaming stopped. "Fuck me," he managed to hiss out shaking his head as the pain lingered with a left behind headache. "No one step on the stairs then. Looks like we get to solve a puzzle so we can get out of here because fuck if I want to backtrack. Everyone spread out, look around."

There were remains everywhere, mostly skulls littered the floor and if someone went rummaging through the skulls they'd fine a skull-spider or two hiding and would have to deal with the critters after disturbing them. This was probably where the things got most of their skull homes from. Along one side of a curved wall were three alters, two lower than a third taller in the middle between them. On the wall itself were carvings of some kind, but they were chipped and it was difficult to make out the details.

The golden bowls on the alters were pristine unlike the rest of the catacombs. These were tended to it seemed. This could mean some creature was responsible for them and could appear at any time and Tristan didn't want to stay here long enough to find out if they were neutral or violent.

There we no other passages out of the catacombs. Just the way they came in and the stairs. From anyone who decided to look for a possible hidden passage they would find nothing.

"Anyone have any ideas? Probably something with these alters, but I can't make a guess because any previous offerings are already gone."

Elora's Team

Elora had taken Theo's shirt without protest, just a small thanks to him for lending it to her, though it would have a high probability of getting ruined if things kept going this badly. She slid her hands along the wall trying to find some sort of seam which was providing the odd breeze to flow through the chamber and out the path they had entered from. The others on the team who did the following as well as Elora found nothing. No secret or hidden path. Just stone.

She frowned as she turned to the center of the room, first looking at the casket that screamed DANGER! It still shuddered every now and then, but whatever was inside was contained still. Her eyes went from the top to the bottom and there where the base rested was what appeared to be a circular gap in the stone that the blasted thing rested atop. Swearing under her breath Elora did the stupid thing and decided to just check. She got close enough to feel the cool breeze of air coming from that direction and she swore loudly this time.

"Of course they would put the fucking thing on top of the exit," she complained. "We're going to have to move the casket from the center of the room and hope it doesn't open. If it opens be ready to fight. There is nothing nice in something locked away like this."

Those who decided to help Elora try and pull the casket away would have to first pull by the chains themselves to tilt it slightly so they could drag it away from the center of the room. The meant some agents had to hold the weight of it while others tried to lower while grasping the chains. The only problem was the moment they began to shift it whatever was inside began to thrash around and control was lost resulting in the casket toppling over and the casket slammed noisily to the ground and the chains snapped under the quick and sudden pressure applied to them from the weight and impact.

The lid was thrown across the room and slammed into a stone wall and a hiss was heard as a very large and very angry snake-type creature emerged. It didn't speak, it just charged straight at Theo with sharp taloned fingers and an opened jaw with venom dripping from its fangs.


Being used to, perhaps far too much so to any form of verbal abuse, be it in the form of direct insult or otherwise, Kirill appeared either unaffected or completely ignorant of the not-so-favorable feedback offered to him by his teammates. Like water off a duck's back. The half-demon did not have much of a mind for puzzles and that had not changed, despite that he wandered over to the cracked and chipped carvings on the wall, inspecting them thoroughly.

He pressed the thick, calloused tips of his fingers against the carved surface before trailing them along, as if attempting to get a clearer view of the image by feel. The half-demon then brought his fingertips to his face, hovering them up in front of his eyes as he rubbed the now dusty digits against one another, appearing very much pensive. Either the expression was an exaggerated one for the sake of effect, or the half-breed had a lot of difficulty forming a single coherent thought, probably a bit of both.

Regardless, he seems to come to some manner of conclusion, snapping his fingers before raising a single index finger up high, announcing his idea or perhaps as some might expect, lack thereof. "Blood!" Kirill's voice boomed through the hall, not that he was raising it overtly much but it's clear yet bassy tone had a way of reverberating and asserting itself without much effort. Just how did he arrive at such a conclusion, one might ask. Well, frankly, he didn't, not by way of any clues either contextual or otherwise. He did, however, see such a thing appear in a movie once.

Now, Kirill could not claim to know Pandora, or whoever had created the labyrinth for that matter but it did seem like a fitting answer if one's aim was to torture and deprive from people what they cherished most on their way through the labyrinth. It might have even been set into place as an effort to forcefully weaken any expeditioners, how positively devilish! He was eager to test his theory, so much so that one of his hands had already begun unwrapping the other, wounded one to expose his bloodied stump into the air once more.

He did not act just yet, however he was ready to at a moment's notice, casting expectant glances all around the room at the others present. How he managed to function with the banshee's scream still no doubt reverberating in the hollow space in between his ears was anyone's guess but the lack of a functioning brain may very well have been the thing to workg to his benefit this time.

( Fable Fable , June Verles June Verles , r e i r e i , Noble Scion Noble Scion , Tarmagon Tarmagon , Thatguynameded Thatguynameded )
In a fight or flight pose with his back arched to appear bigger than he actually is, he walks by on Tristan's orders but watches and stares at the spirit. He stares at its eyes to see if he can find any signs of intentions. As a spirit, brass cannot see anything. They entered a room that had enough light that brass could see things in detail, It wasn't much light but it was enough for him. He sniffed around the room to find any scents while still following the leader, but suddenly his ears and head exploded with pain as the spirit screams at the group.

CHEATERS is all brass could think as he gets into fetal position and covers his ears. In games this would be cheating by using something that can easily prevent a group from trying the puzzle. These spirits are known to be very bad for the pack and are avoided for the sake of their safety. Brass stayed in his position a little longer than the rest of the group, his ears ringing, head spinning, and sharp head pain. Getting up he notices the team looking around at stuff and quickly falls into a pile of skulls like how someone would fall back into their bed. He stays laying down due to his head spinning faster from getting up and now he began to see little flickers of lights on his eyes. Brass gets this when he gets up too fast.

( Fable Fable Xemanorth Xemanorth Noble Scion Noble Scion Tarmagon Tarmagon June Verles June Verles r e i r e i ) Brass_Ruud (1).png
As she followed the group through the maze she would frown confused when they spotted the ghost lady with the exposed heart, don't get her wrong she was scared, but she couldn't help but notice some mythological inaccuracies. She didn't remember any skull crabs or whatever in Hades is a Banshee, wasn't that a Irish thing? You'd think for a mythological figure Pandora would at least try and keep to the Homer version of the lore, I mean for Zeus's sake, you know?

Walking up the steps she did her best to avoid walking through the ghosts, unfortunately with her size it was rather hard to do so. And so she had to feel the same cold feeling multiple times. By the time she was up her arms were at her sides and she was shivering for a good couple minutes, she was from temperate Greece, this type of weather isn't what her people spent thousands of years adapting to!

Looking at the Alter she would once more frown in distaste when the Banshee or whatever you call it stopped their advance. Looking at the Alter she start rubbing the back of her head before turning to the rest of the group.

"Well this as underworldly as it gets, and to worship Hades you need to kneel and slam your closed fist on the ground to get his attention... so here goes nothing I suppose?" She says as she approached the Alter, kneeling and then slamming her fist 3 times on the ground. She didn't know what would be worse, doing this and nothing happening or doing this and something that she didn't want happening happen.

Fable Fable Xemanorth Xemanorth r e i r e i Tarmagon Tarmagon Noble Scion Noble Scion Thatguynameded Thatguynameded
Sang ID.pngThe piercing sound of the put Sang in an even more sour mood than she had been as her and the rest of her group retreated back into the large chamber they were in, giving the ghost a mildly annoyed grimace before turning to face one of the altars and pondering what was expected of them for this puzzle.

Her head turned to face the half-blooded demon of their group as he cried out the first thing that popped into his half-working brain. She sighed in annoyance before considering whatever else could be the solution that didn't immediately resort to them group harming themselves in an attempt to solve the puzzle and result in them having to deal with the next monster they found while wounded.

She paid little attention to the beast-kin, feeling a small bit of pity for his weakness to loud noises, and choosing to do him the biggest favour she could and ignore his moment of weakness, like how she hoped others would do the same for her. She wasn't going to be bringing it up any time soon considering he hadn't wronged her since they met. She was a merciful demon.

The centauress wandered over and started attacking one of the shrines, to which she gave a sceptical look, but said nothing as she continued to think, wondering if the vibrations might cause something to happen. Not the worst idea ever, better than cutting themselves, at least.

"Altars usually want you to put stuff on them, correct? Maybe we're supposed to stick some skulls on them?" the princess of Red suggested, wandering over to the one closest to her, picking up one of the skulls and briefly inspecting its insides for any spider legs, finding none, and placing the thing on the pristine altar. Taking several steps back, her black and yellow eyes glared from beneath the sheen of her glasses at the structure, and waited expectantly.
Fable Fable June Verles June Verles Xemanorth Xemanorth Tarmagon Tarmagon r e i r e i Thatguynameded Thatguynameded
Hindsight is a beautiful thing. Its times like these, when there's a large, muscular, venomous, Trogdor-like snake monster bearing down on you that Theo really wished he'd thought of these ideas just a minute or two earlier. There had obviously been something dangerous inside the casket, why didn't they just shoot it full of holes or something? He could've turned those chains into shrapnel and launched them like bullets from his bare hands! But no, he'd gone up close to help support the weight of the casket as it was moved and here he was, the first juicy walking steak for the monster to eat up. Maybe he should just turn into a pile of poisoned mush now and save it the exercise.

Yeah, Right! His crow bar was in his hand, the metal swirling around his his fingers, morphing into double edged blade. The only thing special about this beast was its arms, but that tiny head that thing still thought like a snake. And when snakes attack, they lunge. And lunge it did, and THeo was ready. Its arms were spread- left or right meant he'd be clawed. Stay in the middle and he'd get the fangs. The monster was taller- so up wasn't an option. Go back? He'd hit the wall. only option left: Forward and down!

The snake lunged, and Theo charged forward to meet it, his blade raised as thought to stab it . Shorten the distance faster- force it to defend by attacking first. The timing- now! He pulled his legs upward, his body falling and rolling under the swipe of its claws. He rolled forward, his feet touched the ground again and he launched upward, jumping over the monster's tail. As he moved through the air he twisted, thrusting his blade backward toward monster's back. The momentum of the snakes lunge and his own jump had put to much distance between the from his sword to hit, but that didn't matter to him. As the steel weapon thrust backward it burned red with heat, the metal elongating suddenly into a long spike, which bore itself into the monster's scaly back.

Ha! Theo could feel the tension of the beasts muscles at the end of the spike- Wham! Lights popped in Theo's eyes as the beast's tail came whipping up in retaliation, catching him with a full body blow that launched him through the air and against them wall. He fell to the ground, crumpled as his body and mind tried to sort what still worked and what was damaged. But even as Theo was down, his spike remained stuck in the Snake's upper back. Its tip was burning, but the base was cool and grab-able. How long it stayed there, as the monster continued its assault on those in the room, was up to fate.

location: The Labyrinth

addresses/mentions: Thatguynameded Thatguynameded

music: x
Qerres' attention was swiftly pulled from the charismatic vampire to her team leader. Her cover would've objected, thinking it to be a far too risky idea to not first see what the hell was inside of it- but after that near fall into the abyss? She couldn't be bothered to put up charades more than absolutely necessary.

She obediently stepped forth, using her monstrous strength to aid the casket to be tilted to the side and to hold it up. It wasn't that heavy- if there was one thing Qerres had, it was her insane power. But the thrashing following was a struggle even for her. Her brows knit together in focus as she did her best to keep it stable- only to feel the casket increase even more in weight.

The demon quickly pulled her fingers out from under it, stepping back only to see the lid slam into the wall. Well then. With impressive speed, it lunged to poor Theo and instinct immediately jumped in for Qerres. But there was no reason to throw herself in the fray, her pistol being her first bet. She wasn't an amazing shot, but she was capable and the thing was so large she had the confidence she would at least not hit Theo. Where she would hit the snake-monster however she did not know.

She raised the pistol in both hands, eyeing the combat as she waited for a moment of the monstrosity standing relatively still. With a finger pulling the hammer back, she then fired a shot, hoping to hit it in the neck.
Location: "Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?" | Interactions: Fable Fable DergTheDergon DergTheDergon Myriad Myriad DapperCat DapperCat Morzone Morzone Hanarei Hanarei

"I just want to point out while we're all still alive," Caddy grunts with each pull of the chain "that this is a wicked bad idea."
Not like they had much of a choice. All Caddy's "almost-vampire" senses could pick up was the same cool burst of air that Elora was able to find. Whatever lay inside the coffin was pissed too: thrashing violently with each inch that the group managed to move it.
"It's getting angry-" Caddy starts, but abruptly stops as soon as he hears the snap of the chains and the casket comes toppling down.

The dhampir grimaces at the sight of the creature slithering out into the open and flinches as it lunges towards Theo. The magician makes quite a show out of the whole thing: managing to get a good stab in before being flung across the room. Caddy never took into account what Theo was or what he could do: his little metal tricks were just as much effective as they were flashy. He stares along the ground at the remnants of broken chains around the room and suddenly, for once, Caddy's brain might have a produced something other than a smart remark.

His hand grips a long section of chain from the ground and he rushes towards Elora: grasping her by the shoulder as Qerres fires her shots and the rest of the team begins to engage.
"Theo can restrain it." Caddy says quickly, holding up the chain to his superior.
"If the rest of you can distract it, Theo could use his magic to bend and bind the chains around the thing."
He's off before Elora can even respond, a full sprint towards their still prone magician as he shouts back over his shoulder.
"Just keep it distracted!" He orders, then pauses.
"Please!" He adds on, because he really didn't want that last part to sound like an order.

Caddy manages to make it to Theo ( Morzone Morzone ), gingerly helping him up to his feet, and moving the two of them to a less snake-centered corner of the room.
"Come on, Firecracker. Party's just getting started." He grins, handing Theo the long chain and quickly explaining the same plan that he had relayed to Elora.
"-then you can just fuse the chains together and, bada-bing bada-boom, we gotta' snake roll special. I'm also here for moral support and to look very handsome next to you. Or to help you wrap this bad boy up, whatever your little fiery heart desires."

It wasn't at all a surprise when things began to fall apart once again. The place seemed ripe to always have things set in a way where you were destined to face some sort of dangerous obstacle. She had no chance at all to restrain the coffin as as the chains were in part shattered as the snake creature slipped out going immediately on the offensive. It was clear the creature was quite fast promoting Felicia's body to glow as she quickly levitated herself in the air. She could move herself much faster when using her powers then what she was physically capable with her body. She witnessed Theo evade the attack though getting struck by the tail. It was a much better outcome then him being bitten. She could only assume there was high likelihood it was venomous... truthfully she wouldn't be surprised if everything was in a place like this.

She heard the shot as Qerres fired upon the creature. She turned her head briefly hearing Caddigan speak... this time not giving some witty comment. Seeing no reason to object to the plan Felicia was quick to use her powers focusing upon the chains. She took hold, pulling them off using a bit more force to tug portions left under the casket out. A few broken links were tugged along with longer lengths of the chain that remained intact. It wasn't something she could do much about with her powers though she could only assume Theo had abilities that might be able to do something about it. She floated the chains lowering it down near Theo uncertain what could be done.

The room itself had little to offer as far as objects she could use her powers to throw, however the casket still remained. The body itself looked quite heavy, though the lid might possibly be light enough to lift... that or the creature was incredibly strong which could be a very dangerous thing in itself. She took control over the coffin lid attempting to lift it to potentially throw at the Snake like creature. A heavy object being tossed into you was likely a pretty decent distraction.


Location: The Serpent's Den.
Fable Fable Morzone Morzone baddervibes baddervibes DapperCat DapperCat
Dungeon Instance #2.1
( Kuku )

Tristan's Team

Tristan stepped to approach the wall with the old carvings hoping to glean some information from them. His body jerked at Kirill's loud voice which called out for blood as an idea for the altar and Tristan cringed. "How about we see if there are any written directions for this before we just make some sort of blood stew in the bowls," he stated with a clenched jaw. Not to mention he was severely agitated that Kirill would so openly suggest going through with some sort of blood ritual. Everyone knew blood magic was forbidden and how he just jumped to that thought first made him wonder how much the oaf paid attention to anything in the world.

"Wrap up your damn finger and move stay away from the altars before you get someone hurt," he finally ordered with exasperation.

The scent Brass would be greeted with was old blood, death, decay, and dust. If he focused there was a sweeter scent floating around, one that didn't seem to belong in this kind of place. It smelled like a flower perhaps. Stranger still is smelt fresh and under the sweetness a hint of earth instead of dust and stone. Should he follow this scent he'd approach the same wall with carvings as Tristan, who was now letting his fingers glide over what was left of it.

Tristan had been too focused before his mind caught up to what Celena had said and had turned just in time to see her slam her fists into the floor three times. He anxiously looked around wondering what horrors she would have summoned accidentally being so damn noisy. He stood there for a few good seconds glancing around, gun in hand, waiting for another wave of those damn skullspiders.

It seemed Tristan's team had a death with as Sang decided to take it upon herself to place a skull in one of the altar bowls. At first there was no reaction which caused Tristan to heave out a sigh. Just as he opened his mouth to reprimand the demoness there was a stone grinding sound and the sound of shuffling feet. Something was coming down from the top of the large spiral stairs that wrapped the room!

There wasn't a single place to hide. They would have to backtrack in order to avoid what was coming, but just as that idea crossed Tristan's mind the way was blocked as stone rose from the ground, preventing their retreat. "Shit," he hissed under his breath. "Everyone group up, we don't know what's coming." He moved away from the wall and altars, going to the now sealed off area with his back to the wall. It was better to have something solid against your back and also put more distance between them and whatever was coming down the stairs.

A skinny, emaciated figure appeared at the base of the stairs and the banshee and other spirits moved aside. It carried a staff with it's abnormally long limbs which the beads at one end clicked together. It had no eyes, not even eye sockets! No nose and no lips! It didn't look in their direction - so long as no one made any loud noises - as it moved towards the altar where Sang had placed the skull.


Elora's Team

The blade Theo used against the snake creature did nothing. It sparked as it slid across its hardened scales and did nothing more than manage to piss it off. The heat had managed to injure the scales, but sword turned spike hadn't managed to puncture through at all. Theo was rewarded with a tail strike that launched him into one of the walls. The spike appeared to be in the snake's back, but it was just simply stuck under a large scale. The snake used it's own tail to flick the annoying thing from it's back, did a bit of a shake which caused it's scales to do a bit of a wave movement as they lifted and then laid back down against it's soft flesh underneath.

Qerres managed to hit her target, the bullet zipping and hitting the creature in the neck, but all it managed to to was rip the scale off with the velocity. Under the scale was dark dry flesh and a bit of blood trickled down from where the scale have been torn off at its base. It charged at Qerres, appearing even more enraged that before and it's mouth opened wide as it intended to maul her with everything it had. If she managed to dodge in time it would cause the creature to smack into the wall and stun it for a split second from the impact of its face against the stone wall.

Meanwhile Caddigan grabbed Elora's shoulder and was trying to provide a plan to take down the thing, suggesting they have Theo use the chains to secure it. Before Elora can reply he was off to carry out his plan and Elora could only shout out after him, "The chains won't hold, they're too brittle otherwise they wouldn't have snapped like they did!" Whether Caddigan was too focused or not to hear her call out the flaw in his plan she couldn't say, but they needed to deal with this thing before it killed them.

Felicia seemed inclined to assist them and tugged more chains from the casket, but also went to move the lid. Elora frowned. All they had done thus far was really piss it off. Her eyes glanced around the floor and found the scale that Qerres had managed to get off. She took a deep breath as she rushed towards it, sliding across the floor on her knees and then using the momentum to get back up onto her feet before she hit the wall. She studied the scale before clenching it in her fist tightly for a few seconds. Her hand went black as the symbiote absorbed the scale.

"Felicia, is there any way you can rip off the things scales? We're not going to do sqaut to this thing unless we rip those off and get a soft spot. Theo, set the damn thing on fire. The heat may or may not kill it, but the scales only are there for physical attacks most likely. Stabbing, shooting, hitting it, it's just going brush it off."

Elora took out one of her remaining guns which were on her leg holsters. She aimed carefully at the spot where Qerres had shot it. While she didn't manage to hit the expose tender flesh she managed to rip off another scale, and also got the things attention as it now turned to charge for her.
Jasper was only vaguely aware of what was going on around him, because he was in the throes of a rather severe case of magical backlash. He had triggered his Mage Sight as Tristan had originally confronted the spectral figures, trying to figure out of they were magical constructs of some type. Nothing had presented itself, and as they had moved into the large crypt/catacomb/whatever he had maintained the spell. He didn't have enough Power to reset it, but he could keep it running for a few more minutes. He had scanned the room, but hadn't seen anything magical, even around the odd altars, but then Tristan had tried to head up the next set of stairs. The sudden shriek that had been as much psychic as physical had shattered his control over his spell. The energies he had been using to augment his vision had flared out of Jasper's control, running rampant through his glyphs. He would have cursed aloud if he had been capable of doing so, but his body was locked up, leaving him standing in the middle of the catacomb, blind and stunned as the rest of the team went about their various explorations and commentaries.

Jasper's control over his body began to return, but his sight seemed to be taking its own sweet time about becoming useful once more. His hearing however, seemed to be slightly more acute, and what it was telling him wasn't good. There was a grinding noise, which reminded him all too much of the sound of the wall coming up to block their path at the first trap.

"Shit," Tristan hissed. "Everyone group up, we don't know what's coming."

"Can't do that boss," Jasper said, very quietly. "Right now I can't see a damned thing. That banshee shriek earlier short circuited my Mage Sight, and it took my regular sight with it. I could use a hand until my vision comes back."

Fable Fable June Verles June Verles Xemanorth Xemanorth r e i r e i Noble Scion Noble Scion Thatguynameded Thatguynameded
Recovering, brass gets up and follows the scent. Its a different sweet smell compared to everything else in the room. He follows the smell to the wall ignoring the sounds of his teammate slamming their hands against the floor. The sound of stone echoed in the chamber and the sound of feet shuffling followed after. Brass had placed his snout right against the wall, it smelled sweet and good enough to eat. Brass was too busy on the wall sniffing to notice how close the figure was.

Brass moved as slow as possible away from the figure but he couldn't move far without stepping on one of the many bones or skulls laying around. He could tell he was doing something correct because the room was dry and with a scent of blood, But the wall was something sweet. Brass looks at the rest of the team and points at the wall and then points at his nose. Brass watches the skinny figure make its way to the alter very close to him as he is stuck in his spot.

( Fable Fable June Verles June Verles Xemanorth Xemanorth r e i r e i Noble Scion Noble Scion Tarmagon Tarmagon ) Brass_Ruud (1).png
sang-id-png.pngThe sudden vibrations coming from underneath Sang surprised her as their exit appeared to shut as soon as she placed the skull on the altar. whether this was a good thing or a bad thing, she truly was unsure. Electing to settle on the thought that "anything happening was a good thing", she backed away from the altar back to the rest of the group by the wall.

On her way there, she noticed the rather freakish creature heading towards the altar she had been at. Giving it a glare, she said nothing. The golden rule of this place seemed to be "strike second", and she wondered if the other group had figured that out yet. Kiril most certainly hadn't. Speaking of the meat-head..

The princess of the Reds grabbed his hand harshly and held it by her side before looking him in the eyes with her signature aggression and simply muttered "Stay.", like she might speak to an unruly mutt.

Brass she was fairly content would do his own thing without getting them all killed, but it appeared Jasper was having a bit of a problem.

Turning to Tristan, she whispered "go bring Jasper here, safer if we're together and we can't have him going near that thing when he's blind in-case it turns aggressive. I've got Kiril here to keep under control.", and with that, she simply began waiting. her sharp black talons gripping the half-demon's with a little bit more force than was necessary, as though to say "Don't attack that thing, idiot"

She felt the need to say it aloud, just in-case he didn't get the message, but resisted the urge. She didn't want to alarm whatever that mummy-thing was and make it attack. Especially considering she was that one that had caused its appearance.
Fable Fable June Verles June Verles Xemanorth Xemanorth Tarmagon Tarmagon r e i r e i Thatguynameded Thatguynameded

location: The Labyrinth

addresses/mentions: Thatguynameded Thatguynameded

music: x
Qerres kept her pistol trained on the Gorgon-like monstrosity, silently listening to the others chatter around her. She heard Elora bark orders- but her skin was itching at getting some herself. Though she shouldn't put herself in danger without an ulterior motive, He said, she still lived in battle. Well- what one could call 'live' was not much for her.

Luckily, the beast charging at her now removed the need for an order. She holstered the pistol and made a messy side-roll across the floor. She wasn't quick, nor nimble, but at least she barely managed to get out of its way in time. Even if it resulted in a scrambled rise from the floor.

A sharp pang hit her ear. Another scale snapped off of the immense creature, now turning to bolt towards the team leader. She didn't need an order for this one. Q immediately sprung into action, making use of the monstrosity's stun and turn to get to it before it ran. After all if it started to run, well- slither, the slow Demon wouldn't be able to catch up with it.

The woman attempted to jump at its back. Whilst airborne, a set of black shining talons extended from the tips of her fingers. It looked painful- it /was/ painful. But Qerres seemed to have gotten tolerance for it, able to at least not be stunned when she did this. The claws with a consistency of resilient steel tried to surge towards the creature's back and dig into its hide, hoping to use it as a handle so Qerres could hang off of its back.

If she was successful, she'd curl her legs around its snake-like body and begin to pummel it with her free hand, large red fist smacking into the scales with thundering power. Her aim was focused on the side of its neck, to hopefully increase her chances of scattering more scales or harming it more intensely. She looked like a brutal giant. No mercy, no subtlety and definitely no high defenses. Pure power.

The half-breed rolled his shoulders in a shrug in response to Tristan's reaction, simply beginning to wrap the hand he had been busy unwrapping of bandaging mere moments earlier up once more. His eyes followed what was to come as a result of Sang's attempts at solving the puzzle, golden gaze snapping to the source of the sound of stone scraping against stone.

The tusked lips of the half-demon parted "You're not very smart are y-" he began to ask, his voice a hush whisper, low in volume but still audible enough for at least Sang to hear, especially considering the fact that she appeared to now be making a b-line towards Kirill, something he wasn't exactly expecting. Well, he was expecting it to happen after he'd posed his rhetorical question but not before.

"What're you-" Kirill began to ask in the same tone before once again being interrupted by the demoness as her hand grabbed a hold of his much larger one. Though it wasn't obvious at a glance, the half-demon's hands were calloused and well, fairly huge despite his overall size, likely a quirk passed down from the demonic half of his ancestry.

Kirill's confusion only began to mount further as his hand instinctively clutched around that of Sang's to the best of its ability given its somewhat awkward positioning before relaxing upon the realization of the fact that he would be holding someone's hand, not just anyone's mind you but that of a full-blooded demon. He didn't respond to the command given to him, given the unusual amount of traffic his brain was experiencing currently it was anyone's guess if he'd even properly heard it, let alone registered it.

The command's intended effect was reached regardless as Kirill stood there, gormless, returning Sang's glare and though his own was ordinarily very much convincing, it was hamstringed by the fact that his confusion was plastered all over the rest of his features. His brows remained tightly knit together, yet one of them was curiously quirked at the same time. His nose was scrunched up and his bottom jaw jutted forward and off to the side as if about to speak at any moment but no words ever came. In fact, perhaps the easiest, most accurate and curt way of describing his expression was "... unga?" As the half-demon appeared nothing short of a stereotypically confused and befuddled caveman. The only thing missing was a loincloth and a sizable crude club attached to his free hand.

( Fable Fable , June Verles June Verles , r e i r e i , Noble Scion Noble Scion , Tarmagon Tarmagon , Thatguynameded Thatguynameded )
The stairs had caught him entirely by surprise. Don had honestly expected a boulder or a spike trap, but never something as simple and malicious as a floor that falls away into nothingness, but it wasn't the pitch black that made him uneasy as he bolted up the stairs, stuck at the back of the group with Qerres as the others keep going on ahead of them, bounding. He hadn't actually thought much on what would happen if he didn't go fast enough, hard enough, until the moment came when he was scrambling up. A glance to Qerres' way and he knows she won't make it either with the stairs sliding into the wall just behind them, leaving himself, Qerres and Caddigan as the possible fall risks. They need to jump for it if the stairs end up closing in anymor-

Don feels, for the first time in his long years, the feeling of gravity pulling him downwards. His hand outstretches tot he opening, to Elora and the others, but his claws just scrape against the grip and he falls, the last thing Elora sees of his features being an expression of surprised shock... The last thing he sees is Elora mouthing his name before the darkness envelops him. The sensation of falling into the darkness sets in quickly and his eyes widen, his heart hammering wildly, and where adrenaline and shock once was, terror slowly twists itself into Don's gut as he keeps on falling, with nothing to catch him; no water to keep him still, no current to push him up, and no way for him to do anything but be helpless as he most assuredly sinks down towards an impact and his resulting end.

Of course, plans change. At first, Don could barely react to Elora's dive down to him, or to the way her body... changes. In all honesty, he can barely bring himself to focus on anything other then the concept of gravity being so horrifically introduced to the man. Even so, at least, his body understands what's happening even as his mind reels; with one of her arms wrapped around him through her mid-air catch, the man slams his palms into the wall, eyes wide, heart banging like a set of drums at a festival, and his claws grinding down against the 'rock' along with Elora's own effort. Breathing shakily, the man follows her words to a T, clambering up her back a tad firmer, and assisting where he can in the climb back up. Once they reach the top, Don rests in a low crouch, his breathing slowly steadying from his belt. He looks to Elora, resting against the wall, and he offers a very sincere nod of his head, and a deep-voiced, "Thank you".

Taking their time in recovery, it gives Don a chance to check the others. Xaira, Caddigan, Theo, the psychic, and the others... all safe. The man lets out a silent sigh, claws digging into the floor beneath him as it leaves him, though... his eyes linger on Qerres. His vision has always been better in the dark, so seeing them all wasn't too difficult, but the demon woman... she's shaken. Enough that, looking at her, he can see the dopey grin as a cover for her vulnerability, a facadรฉ to hide the emotion she must be feeling or to try and bury it deep and not feel it at all; fear. Don looks away from Qerres, slowly pushing himself to stand with a slow huff, brushing down his trousers with a shake of his head. With that said and done, he waits for the others in silence for them to move on together, as a unit.

Absolutely refusing to stay near the open gap that had nearly been the site of his demise, Don pushes into the room behind Elora towards the casket, not minding what happens next so long as it isn't heights related. He doesn't say a word as he helps to try and move the casket, taking the weight of it by no small margin with the others, his surprisingly bulky and defined muscles becoming only slightly become taunt and defined under his scales; he's strong in his own right, and with help in addition, it's a piece of cake to hold... Though, with the casket falling and the creature within slithering out, his eyes lock onto it with only a single word in mind; finally.

Throughout the fight thus far, Don had been afforded little opportunity to get involved; the creature when freshly awakened was almost berserk, blind with rage, moving like a hurricane fresh from a bottle and with the same amount of brutal unthinking effectiveness, so, he held back while the others distracted it, waiting for an opening... and lo' and behold, Elora is that opening. When she fires off her bullets, tearing off another scale and making an even larger target, Don's eyes latch onto the bare skin now revealed and vulnerable. His hand gripping his half-spear tighter then ever, he takes in a deep breath... and dashes forward, a burst of speed to add for momentum, cocking his arm back as his feet touch the floor, solidly, and with the man using the thumb of his spare hand as a rudimentary crosshair, the years of 'training' his sire broke his body with over and over again running through his mind, Don's shoulders and arm go taunt once more as, with a mighty grunt of effort, the man throws the spear with all his strength straight toward the creature so distracted with Elora, aimed right for it's scaleless spot.

Donald Sapien ID.png

"Hate to say it, but She's right. If these chains were strong enough to hold that thing back, it wouldn't have gotten out of the casket in the first place. Theo grunted, pulling himself to his feet. His whole body ached, though he didn't think he had any broken bones. Some internal bleeding and bruises, very likely. The room swam slightly- the knock to his head making everything somewhat woozy- but he could make things out well enough.

And what he could make out was Qerres attacking the creature head on. It seemed she'd managed to latch onto its upper body and was attempting to pummel it- or at least its scales- into oblivion. This presented a slight problem, as Fire magic was much more of an AOE deal than anything else, and pinpoint precision wasn't something he'd be able to manage on a creature thrashing around with a demon on its back. He hesitated, trying to think of the best way to burn the snake into a roast without adding a demon steak to go with it.

Theo's eyes followed the pair as they fought, and as they passed near to the now broken casket he suddenly got an idea. With the casket thrown to the side, the exit hole in the center of the room was now uncovered. It was fairly small, clearly a one-person-at-a-time deal, which wasn't ideal for a group, but it also seem too small for the snake monster to fit in after them. If they could just find a way to keep the snake busy enough while they slipped through... Well maybe there was a way, but he'd need to test it first.

Maneuvering to the center of the room near the exit -if this worked it'd better to be in position now rather than later- Theo knelt down and placed both hands on the ground. Sparks- a solid red hue of light flared below his palms before a carpet of flames spilled out from beneath them. The flames- which coated the ground in a thin but solid layer, snaked along the ground toward the monster. They fanned out, surrounding the floor where Qerres and the snake were fighting. Unlike the demon - who was elevated on the snake's back in any case - the snake's body meant it was unable to jump over the flames and would have to move straight through them, burning the underbelly it relied on to move along the ground. Only one section of area was safe, or at least safer, from the flames, a direction that would push the snake toward the wall and edge of the room.

Theo's plan was fairly simple: if he could use a carpet of high-heat flames to force the snake in a direction, he could keep the monster away from the exit long enough for the to escape. He'd use a proper wall of flames, but Theo wanted to be sure he could remove them in time if Qerres got thrown in the wrong direction. If the snake didn't follow the direction he was trying to force it, he'd simply burn the flesh the snake was 'standing' on and severely limit its maneuverability, as well as force it to cause self-damage by dragging its burnt body along the ground.
Last edited:
Dungeon Instance #2.2
( Back to our regularly scheduled program where I try to torture and kill all your PCs. )

Tristan's Team

Tristan heard Jasper when he said he was blinded. He would have tried to use hand signals otherwise to tell him to just stay where he was and hope the thing really was unable to see. It was hard to see if it really had ears, though it didn't seem like it did, but it was better safe to assume it could hear as it could not seem to see. Tristan wasn't going to take the risk of trying to whisper any further orders. If Jasper could just stat quiet and still then he'd probably have a chance of not finding out what this creepy thing cold do.

While he had been distracted by Jasper, Brass had wandered off and before Tristan could try and grab him and halt his movement it was already too late. Instead of a fist full of fur all he got was air as his fingers grazed over Brass's hair. Tristan's eyes jumped back and forth between the potential foe and Brass wondering if this was about to go even further south for his team. The figure drew near the alter where the skull had been 'offered.'

Sang spoke out telling Tristan to go fetch Jasper and his quickly lifted a finger to his lips to tell her to be silent. If he had been allowed to speak he would have told her to kindly shut the fuck up. The figure had turned in Sang's direction as she had whispered. There it stood now with it's face in their general direction now which made a chill go down Tristan's spine. Honestly, did none of this idiots know when someone lost one sense all others were heightened? Even worse was this was a supernatural entity!

Then an idea struck him. The banshee was back at the base of the stairs. He wasn't sure if this idea was going to work, not in the slightest and it could also more problems. He tapped on Kirill's shoulder to get his attention and desperately hoped the idiot would understand what he was trying to relay. He pointed over to the banshee which stood guard and blocked their path and then to his ears and then to the eyeless creature that was 'staring' at them.

He then used his fingers to try and indicate he wanted Kirill to carefully and quietly - exampled by him using two fingers to indicate walking slowly and tiptoeing - to the banshee to trigger her; which he showed by covering his ears and then expressing a fake grimace. Tristan then proceeded to tell him to run over to where Brass was. He then tapped on Sang's shoulder and pointed to Jasper who was currently unable to do much of anything in his current state.

He pointed then to where Brass was standing to tell her to bring Jasper over to Brass. The idea was to use the banshee's scream to harm the hearing of the creature and for them to take advantage of it being temporarily unable to hear to get to where Brass was. The last final bit of orders was given to them all where Tristan pointed to his ears and then plugged his fingers in them trying to tell them to try and muffle the banshee as best as they could. Jasper was going to suffer since he couldn't see what this plan was, but it was the best Tristan could come up with right now.

Elora's Team

Qerres's talons did nothing to the scales unless she slid them underneath and yanked them off. While she managed to wrap her legs around it and punch it over and over again, the blunt force really didn't bother it as the scales absorbed the energy of them impact. Picking off one scale with force would work, but trying to go at them in this manner wasn't doing too much other than making the thing pissed off. It's tail flailed angrily as it wriggled and tried to throw her off, even going so far as to slam its back into a wall to try and crush her.

A spear was thrown at it, but with all the crazed and unpredictable movements to hit such a small mark the spear hit a nearby scale and missed, falling to the ground harmlessly. It hissed and spat out venom and where the venom landed it began to sizzle as it ate away at the stone. "This thing needs to die now," Elora shouted when she realized this thing was much worse than a giant snake with hardened scales. It could spit out acid.

Theo's flames then came to life across the floor around the snake. It coiled up its lower half in reaction to the threat while still trying to get Qerres off of it. While Theo was right in that the snake couldn't jump over the flames exactly, that didn't stop it from using it's muscles to recoil slightly and then lunge forward in a snake-like strike, using the momentum of the movement to get over the flames without little damage to its underbelly.

Because this was type of movement wasn't intended as a jump, the create was unable to fully control it and ended up colliding into the opposite wall head first. The impact cracked the stone and threw Qerres off its back. It was now prone and a bit dazed, slowly moving to get back up and shaking its head as its vision had become unfocused.

"Theo! Burn it!" Elora shouted. This might be their only chance to stop the damn insane thing, and with Qerres off its back Theo could focus his fire attack on it. "Everyone back up from it."

She was already thinking of a backup plan should this one fail. The scales were troublesome and the few that were removed didn't offer much area to wound it and even if the did it wouldn't kill it. She looked at its face, particularly focusing on its mouth. There were no scales there. Her eyes went to the lost spear and then to Don. "Grab your weapon, the second it opens its mouth go through it and hit its brain with the spear through that path."
Calliea doesn't like this. This creature had no eyes. Just a mouth and ears. Now usually nothing creeps her out, but this.....really fucking creeps her out. She doesn't like this at all. Has she thought that yet? Calliea figures since it has no eyes, its other senses are better and sharper. It's the same for every other creature on this planet if one sense is gone, you strengthen the others. It's a basic rule of survival plus she once met a blind elf, and he was a force to be reckoned with. So never underestimate anyone.

Calliea looked at the creature. and then looked at Tristian. He must have figured it out already as he telling everyone to be quiet. She nods slightly. She carefully takes out her bow, just in case. Tristan starts to quietly give out orders. Slowly and surely she begins to understand the plan. To harm the creature hearing, they are going to trigger the banshee who is going to scream at the top of their lungs. Elf ears are a bit more sensitive which is why they tend to avoid banshees. A lot. She sighs and covers her ears, closing her eyes. She might be in a bit of pain in a moment. She looked at Kirill, this little demon better do his job right or they are again all dead.

Calliea sighed, she just wants to get out of this damn place. She is so...done with everything in here....but the fighting was fun as hell. She smirked. That is true...very true.

Felicia glanced to Elora as it seemed the initial plan wasn't likely going to work. Truthfully she was a bit unsure of the initial plan though it had seemed reasonable enough given the chains could be repaired that it might. She kept her distance not wanting to get herself too close to the creature lacking much in agility compared to the others. Sure she could levitate herself around rather quickly if needed it wouldn't be able to match the flexabiity of ducking and weaving like the others... and the room itself wasn't exactly large enough for her to take advantage of flight at all. It was only made worst when Felicia noticed the creature spitting out venom as it left her feeling even more uneasy about her limitation of movement in the room. She simply cleared her head suppressing that thought to retain focus.

She looked to Elora in thought before shaking her head a bit. While they could peel at the scales as long as it was connected to the snake creature there was no way for her to peel piece by piece from the creature. Her powers tended to lack complete control over an unwilling participant as it was making such a percise movement unlikely unless it was somehow docile to being with.... something she highly doubted for how aggressive it seemed to be. Ripping out the scales was extremely precise and while she could do things to living creatures... horrible things considering the brutality of it... it tended to be limited to crushing a living being within itself much like she could with objects.

She heard Elora's new plan focusing on the snake once more herself. While she doubted her powers would work on the creature completely, she figured it might be worth a shot. She focused on the creature holding her hands up as her strange red glow took hold over the snake like creature. She kept her hands locked in place, clutching it in a fist attempting to squeeze the creature with her powers and retain it as best she could. Even if it could resist most of her control, any little bit that could help slow it down might be helpful for the group to take the creature down for good.


Location: The Serpent's Den.
Fable Fable Morzone Morzone baddervibes baddervibes DapperCat DapperCat

location: The Labyrinth
addresses/mentions: Thatguynameded Thatguynameded
Qerres' claws barely gained hold under the scales, managing to stay atop of the monster for the time being. She didn't feel pain as her strong fist smashed into the side repeatedly- but she did notice it had little to no effect. A set of calculated abyss eyes flicked across its body. But she was too late to do anything before she felt a tough wall hit her in the back.


She gasped for air, practically choking on the impact it had on her lungs. If it weren't for the claws still slightly peeled into the creature she would have fallen off right there and then. This had happened before. How did these motherfuckers know exactly what spots she had experienced a previous bodily trauma?!

A surge of rare frustration reared its head within her whilst trying to regulate her breathing. The wheezing didn't stop, but if there was anything Q was- it was tough. She didn't let anything stop her. A blessing and a curse, as it would definitely be her death one day. If the alcohol didn't get to her first. She pulled one of her hands back, claws fully taken out of the snake as she tried to grab a hold of one of the scales- another- another-.

Until the massive thing jumped. Qerres hadn't noticed anything around her, her own breathing taking up most of her hearing. So when her fingers tried to latch onto yet another scale, suddenly her whole world came to a ringing stop. One moment she was high up in the air, the other she felt herself crash onto the floor.

Darkness enveloped her.

A vast blackness, eyes, faces surrounding her. They judged her. Not wrongly so either. Tendril-like arms began to pull on her limbs, curling around them with unearthly howls. They began to pull her down. The floor had begun to bubble, swirling around her as she slowly drowned. Good, she thought. Good-.

But as if she was just dropped from a height all over again, she gasped with a wheeze as she lifted her head up off the ground. Luckily the second blow had only given her a concussion, even if it was a rather painful one. The woman tried to immediately raise herself to her feet, claws still pulled out of the tips of her fingers. Now, two puncture holes had appeared, one on each of her arms. Blood slipping out.

She needed to recover- just a second. Maybe two. Her eyes darted around to get a hold of her surroundings. Fire on the floor. Someone shouting. Who? Who knew. Everything sounded dull right now.
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