• This section is for roleplays only.
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Dawn nodded at Aria's summarization at her photography skill. I guess that one way to see it.

"Making moment last forever... that sounds good." Dawn felt like something was tugging inside her mind, very deep down that not even her MeChip was able to reach. She dismissed the thought. "I don't want to forget something, someone, important to me anymore."

Talking about photography made Dawn feels more at ease around Aria. When the elf grabbed her hand she just naturally hold Aria's hand back, no excessive sweating or nervous fiddling involved.

Twie, I'm scared. It's the skullcracker...

Don't worry, Dawn. Big sis is here, hold my hand and keep calm.


"Listen, Aria. The principal is a... tentacle person." Dawn remembered the weird sensation she felt the first time they met. Well, they're not really interacting with each other, just the principal giving speech to welcome the tour group from Titania. Dawn thought she should at least gives Aria a bit of warning so the elf can prepare herself before meeting the unusual principal. "But he is a good person nonetheless..."

After looking into the hall for a moment, Dawn was easily able to spot the principal. He just so standing out. She lead Aria as they approach the principal.

"Hello Mr. Cult." Dawn greeted him casually. "I'm Dawn, the one from Titania, and this is Aria." She started by introducing herself and Aria.

"Aria didn't come to this place as student, but she can't go back to her world either. Could you give her the opportunity to live here?"

Now that she's talking about people that unintentionally came into this place, she suddenly remembers the floating boy. That boy also looks out of place and lost, considering his weird reaction to her question, she wondered if he also didn't come here as student.

Superfly47 Superfly47 Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 iWriteAboutNothing iWriteAboutNothing (this can be a good opportunity to let Dacey in. Especially since the topic would be relevant to his situation too.)
Zanma held back a snort of laughter, as her suspicions had been confirmed in all but a few words. Perhaps if she was any other Shadeling she'd have felt more concern for the display before her, but she was nothing if not a forward thinker. Even as Mr. Cult was speaking, she was already considering all the preparations she'd have to go through once she found her room. Raising a finger to her lips, she smiled and nodded as he took his leave. Even with the information she'd obtained, there was much more she'd have to investigate before she could truly get into her research.

Thinking this over, she gave a hum of thought throughout both the red girl's followup and Ragnar angrily taking his leave.

The only thing which called her back to the present was the approach of several other individuals, which preceded the red girl unwrapping her tail from around her waist.

One of the newcomer's labeled miss red as Arlosk, and from their first interaction Zanma could already grasp that they were cohorts of a type. A different cohort of a different type arrived right afterwards, his presence added onto Arlosk's seemed to quickly lead one of the other newcomer's eyes to wander.

"Ah... capabilities put on full display already, eh?" Zanma gave a shrug before shaking her head with a chuckle "What an impression..."

She supposed getting a feel for the students would be helpful, they were supposed to be from realms completely alien to her own after all. Right right, if form-changing races were completely different to how they were to the rest of these folks, then there was much she'd still need to look into. Arlosk's cohort had already questioned about her, and Asher proceeded to introduce himself.

"Well.... if we're just going to do introductions right off the bat." Zanma checked her nails with a humored sigh "My full name is Zanimasu Deredono and I desecrate corpses."

Pausing, she tapped at her chin for a moment as she rolled her three eyes, "I guess I do Shadeling stuff too, but it doesn't have anything to do with Corpses so whatever."
Mr Cult
interaction: Ace Cream Ace Cream Superfly47 Superfly47 iWriteAboutNothing iWriteAboutNothing (heeey ya here too soo join in)​
Mr Cult was stopped by another student while dawn was not able to see anything within the robs he was definitely smiling “oh yes hello there miss dawn, and hello miss aria“ he would give a little nod to aria as dawn explained the elven girls situation. A tentacle rising like a hand to stroke his “chin“ thoughtfully “well you see miss dawn miss aria here is in-fact a student well at least she in enrolled, as for accommodation the school has rooms for students it will not be hard at all for miss aria to get a placement she will need to just sign up” he’d reply cheerfully turning his attention to the ghost boy “ so mister Dacey how about yourself? Any issue with accomodation that need to be addressed or simply issues in general?”


interaction: myself GrieveWriter GrieveWriter EldridSmith EldridSmith jinxxes jinxxes
Evren had made himself known leaning against arlosk she smiled wrapping her arm around his waist to “well not sure at the moment~” she’d say to evren just before Zanma introduced herself fully prompting arlosk to laugh a little “Soo the Zanma lovely name there hey? I’m guess your a necromancer then? thought the way you put it does sound more fancy hey?” arlosk still ended up sounding like she was flirting with the shadowling and well she was in A sense “but trust me it’s not hard to attract people it’s just in my nature, ooh and I should introduce you all to evren such a sweet boyfriend“ she’d say with a smile pulling him closer to her “ though im Always open for a bit of flirting, sooo no need to look away I love the attention cutie“ she’d direct this comment at asher as he was starting at her “ but yes it is wonder full to meet you too I can tell your certainty the type that enjoys meeting new people hey?” her honey like words seeped form her mouth honesty it was easy to spot asher for the flirtatious type his bushing was adorable too “awww glad you think so, but in all seriousness I’m surprised you managed to make friends with telith so easy you sure you don’t have a little incubus in your blood~? Because you both make a adorable pair what do you think dear?” The part of the comment directed at evren for his imput but the rest of it was a genuine complement to asher mixed in with the flirting.

interaction: jinxxes jinxxes (myself) EldridSmith EldridSmith GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
telith was happy to get the hug for arlosk it was nice Telith eyes going bright green as arlosk spoke “I mean.. i guess.. so.. yeah.. ashers really nice” he’d reply a little sheepishly evren showing up made Telith smile a little and wave “hey“ he’d quickly say his attention changing to zanma introducing herself “oh umm... im Telith... umm.. eater of energy... I guess...“ his eyes went orange again god.. he’d just said the stupidest thing.. he moved much closer to asher after this not wanting to sound any more stupid. Arlosk brought up asher quickness to make friends with telith, his eyes going back to a bright green colour “I mean. maybe... he does remind me of you alot.. and.. you.“ the next comment made Telith pause awkwardly leaning on asher a little bit in the process “you... think.. so.. I mean... never mind...”
[div class="root"] [div class="flexcontainer"] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="seikamainL"] [div class="seikaIMG" style="background: url('https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/f695ab46-ecdd-444b-ae49-c9a930737e69/dajpeoz-3084df0f-a6da-49ec-9ef5-21c91cb486a2.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_1434,q_80,strp/will_solace_by_cookiecreation_dajpeoz-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTQzNCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2Y2OTVhYjQ2LWVjZGQtNDQ0Yi1hZTQ5LWM5YTkzMDczN2U2OVwvZGFqcGVvei0zMDg0ZGYwZi1hNmRhLTQ5ZWMtOWVmNS0yMWM5MWNiNDg2YTIucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.dNhyyQg7Fg2jQLc5SQF0a1FjCEy0CMrbiUmXXNj5o5E') 50% 25%/400px 600px no-repeat;"] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="scrollbox"] [div class="EN"] Asher Quinn [/div] [div class="indented"] [div class="accentheader"] location [/div] Courtyard
[div class="accentheader"] tags [/div] Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 EldridSmith EldridSmith GrieveWriter GrieveWriter [/div] [div class="bodytext"] Desecrate...corpses? Asher didnt like the sound of that. Probably not for the reason that might be thought though. Asher actually did awful with horror. He wouldnt be too scared with it when actually faced, but he was rather easy to get nervous with stories. Of course, he refused to admit that sort of thing. Scary movies were funny with that, laughing off the fear until he was hiding behind someone as it got intense. He wouldnt be able to recit the plot of any scary movie. Zanma herself interested Asher though, he never really heard of a shadeling before and he wasnt really sure what that would pertain to. He wanted to find out more.

At least Arlosk was able to distract him with her comments. "Ha, I'm pretty sure I dont have any incubus in me." He mused, "its just the sun elf and the extra shine~" he winked, "gotta be careful or I'll snatch away all the attention you're getting~" he teased Arlosk, gently tapping her nose. It wasnt serious of course, theyd probably be more likely to double team someone actually. He just liked competitive comments.

And then, as if he hadnt just made a declaration he could get more attention than her, he smoothly slid over closer to zanma, passing by Arlosk with a cheeky wink. "Shadeling stuff? I dont think im familiar with that." He hadnt seen her little shapeshifting game after all. [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
code by @Nano
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Noticing the two women were becoming uncomfortable with his presence, as most sane humans tended to be when near the undead, Dacey quietly glanced over the people that were currently there. Two giants, some kind of humanoid, reptilian figure talking to a succubus... It was a lot to take in, to say the least. He remained quiet as the girls kept talking, trying to process all this new information. There were some creatures here he had never seen in his existence, and that was saying something.There were just too many new things to make sense of. It had been a while since he had actually felt at a loss for words, yet that was exactly where he found himself at that moment. He was downright alarmed when he noticed one of the giants melt into what looked like some kind of demon, but his eyes widened to downright saucers when he saw an eldritch beast just appear behind the demon. Dacey kept a close eye on the pair as he looked for an avenue of escape. Unfortunately for him, he had looked much too late. The eldritch creature was approaching them.

He was ready for a fight until he heard the creature refer to them as students. Wait. What? In truth, Dacey was starting to remember a dream he had in which he had taken some form of examination, but that couldn't have really happened. He was positive. It was just a dream. Right? The creature asked him if he had any questions. Dacey had many, but he quickly decided on the two most important ones first. "What's your name? What is this place?" He was hopelessly confused and more than a little alarmed that he had somehow managed to enroll himself into some kind of school without any conscious knowledge of it.

Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Ace Cream Ace Cream Superfly47 Superfly47
1586920395379.png Sunshine boy was staring at Arlosk a little too intently for Evren's liking, and Evren proceeded to icily glare at him as he leaned against her chest. "I'm Evren, nice to meet you." He says with a cool smile to the rest of them after making his point clear to Asher. "Not many necromancers from where I'm from where we're from. Mostly elementalists, demon magic users, and the standard magic types." Evren says, his body cooling down the area on it's own due to his ice elemental bloodline passed to him from his no good father he never met.
jinxxes jinxxes Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
pink girl.PNGAria had no idea what a tentacle person would be like. Elfs aren’t sea creatures and prefer to avoid the water whenever possible. Aria knew that Dawn was there to protect her so Aria didn’t need to worry so that much.

When Aria saw Mr. Cult, the tentacles didn’t seem so scary. They were like little arms. Mr. Cult was nice, Aria was relieved to learn she was already a student. While it might seem strange for Aria to not know her own situation, she preferred to let her parents handle all the details while she could go outside and just have fun.

Aria gave Mr. Cult a hug when he offered to get a room for her. “Oh, sorry.” Aria stepped back, “I just appreciate you giving me a home.”

When Mr. Cult turned his attention to Dacey, Aria gave Dawn a hug. “Thanks for watching out for me, I really appreciate having a kind and brave friend like you. I hope you have accommodations here too. If not, you could always stay with me if need be.”

Ace Cream Ace Cream Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3

Well, that was easy. Dawn thought to herself as she listened to the principal's answer. Very convenient, and Dacey the floating boy was here too, still looks as confused as before but Dawn would let the principal handle him.

Dawn was surprised though when Aria gaves the principal a hug. She couldn't have thought of hugging those wriggling mass of tentacles so she might just underestimated Aria. The elf got one point of guts on her eyes.

"I have a room, my goverment handled that." It's been awhile since Dawn arrived here so the servants should have finished moving her luggages from the interdimensional pod into her room. "Don't worry about me, Aria. Rather, do you not bring anything with you?"

Superfly47 Superfly47 Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 iWriteAboutNothing iWriteAboutNothing
Mr cult would give dacey a bit of a smile.. well that same feeling that if one could actually see his face would be a smile. It seemed the boy was a little lost understandable with his particular situation “mister Dacey is it? well regardless id be happy to answer questions my name is cue unsettling eldritch noises But to put it simple people call Me Mr Cult, as for what this place is.... well it’s a collage situated within the nexuses point between worlds and planes.. don’t ask me how it got here or who built it.. iv only been running the place.. for a few moment... wait no I mean years oh time is such a pain isn’t it? Regardless your a student here mister Dacey please feel free to ask any other questions you may have.” he‘d respond rather cheerfully to the ghost boys question the turning back to aria. “Oh it’s fine miss aria I’m simply doing my job to accommodate the students“ he would reply happily “now it seems you and miss dawn get along rather well, hmm miss dawn would you take issue with prehaps sharing with miss aria here?” He would ask curiously
Zanma's inky hair seeped down out of her hood like an ooze, several eyes appearing on them as she took note of the plethora of odd stares going around.

The eyes darted from one to another, observing the invisible struggle taking place. Zanma tilted her head to the side as she watched, folding her arms with a subtle hum reverberating behind her ever-present smirk. Arlosk's flirting aside, the introduction of her 'Boyfriend' preceded a somewhat slow but noticeable lowering of temperature. Such things were nothing for a Shadeling, they were too adaptable for something like this to threaten them, but she noticed that it sped up the longer that Asher and Arlosk's play-flirting went on.

Eventually one of her eyes caught sight of the glare that Evren was giving him, causing Zanma to hum quietly. But before she could mull over the juicy little tidbits of information she'd gleamed, Asher approached displaying interest in what she'd casually labeled as Shadeling Stuff. Ever since she'd brought it up, the others in attendance had shown more interest in her necromancy. But it seemed like this one was hung up on the other part of her simple introduction.

"It's all in the name..." Zanma gave a bored shrug "we crawl out of the shadows to walk the realm of shadows and yadda-yadda, boring stuff."

Looking over towards the towering visage of the College nearby, she tilted her head to the side "I didn't come here to hone my shadow-walking or get better at mimicking others, I already do all that by nature."

Turning back, she held up a claw and looked over her claws with a grin, "But exploring the wide world of summoning remains and turning them into my Rotting little babies?"

Zanma raised a hand to run it through her own hair. The moment she lowered that hand, her hair pulled back up into her hood like numerous little tendrils. With one hand on her hip, she failed to stop herself from snickering, "Oh yeah... all kinds of fun there."


interaction: EldridSmith EldridSmith jinxxes jinxxes
"hmmm~~ well then your definitely a little ball of sunshine then cutie" arlosk would say with a little giggle to asher "don't worry im sure there is enough attention for the both of us" she then replied with a little smile she liked asher a lot though not in the same way as she liked evren, asher would be fun to flirt with heck maybe they could tag-team someone just to see there reaction she could already see evren was getting annoyed the air began chilling and he gave asher a death stare. arlosk would stroke his head a little bit giving evren a smile "aww sweetie, come one don't worry about him, there just as bad of a flirt as me its just some mutual flirting" she'd say to him with a little fake frown then pulling evren into a hug his head firmly smooshed onto her chest "hey, how about we just spend some quality time together tonight? hmm? your getting all chilly and I think you need to warm up a little just you and me" shed whisper into evrens eyes her words heart-meltingly sweet.

interaction: jinxxes jinxxes GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
telith would chuckle a little with asher booped arlosk nose before going off to talk to zanma... now telith paused for just a moment trying to think... he should really meet more people now normal that involved arlosk dragging him around.. but. now there was asher.. so? he could just follow him, right? he was the sociable type.. with that telith would decide to follow alongside asher as he asked zanma about shadowling stuff. telith would normally be frighted by meeting a new person but he was mostly calm eyes a white colour as he kinda just listened in to zanma reply " huuu... shadowlings sound... like umm.. one of my uncles... kinda.. hes like a big shadowy thing... can you do like shadow puppets to?" telith would ask only to realise how stupid that sounded looking down at the ground awkwardly god why did he ask that? it was super dumb...
[div class="root"] [div class="flexcontainer"] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="seikamainL"] [div class="seikaIMG" style="background: url('https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/f695ab46-ecdd-444b-ae49-c9a930737e69/dajpeoz-3084df0f-a6da-49ec-9ef5-21c91cb486a2.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_1434,q_80,strp/will_solace_by_cookiecreation_dajpeoz-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTQzNCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2Y2OTVhYjQ2LWVjZGQtNDQ0Yi1hZTQ5LWM5YTkzMDczN2U2OVwvZGFqcGVvei0zMDg0ZGYwZi1hNmRhLTQ5ZWMtOWVmNS0yMWM5MWNiNDg2YTIucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.dNhyyQg7Fg2jQLc5SQF0a1FjCEy0CMrbiUmXXNj5o5E') 50% 25%/400px 600px no-repeat;"] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="scrollbox"] [div class="EN"] Asher Quinn [/div] [div class="indented"] [div class="accentheader"] location [/div] Courtyard
[div class="accentheader"] tags [/div] GrieveWriter GrieveWriter EldridSmith EldridSmith Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 [/div] [div class="bodytext"] He was a bit sheltered in regards to others, he understood wjat necromancy was but he didnt know what shadelings could do. Though the talk on necromancy and the fact that the air got colder with Evrens presence sent a shiver through his body. His arms wrapped around himself and he sent a pout towards Evren. You better not be doing that on purpose. Asher thought to himself nefore looking back to Zanma. "I've just, only been around elves before so I dont really know much about anything else." He gave a little nervous laugh. It wasnt out of fear of zanma herself, just the thought of zombies amd scary stories. He would not like to fight against her. No way.

"There wont be any zombie uprising, right? Not gonna end up having to fend off the undead?" He made a little half-hearted joke. But he really was so easy to actually spook with that sort of thing and already on the verge of ready to whine from the cold. "Friendly necromancy right?" Of course she had used the word desecrating for the corpses. And there was just a plain darkness to using such things. But his whole reasonings were rather childish in nature, he wasnt even painting zanma as a bad guy with it. More like the undead going out of control by themselves. He probably sounded more ridiculous with his question than Twlith believed his was. Telith had made a genuine connection with questioning abilities. Meanwhile asher was mentioning a stupid zombie apocalypse practically, with a little pout playing on his face as he shivered. [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
code by @Nano
[class name="root"] --bg: #fefefe; --accent: #b54434; --grey1: #656765; --grey2: #aaaaaa; --grey3: #e8e8e8; --text: #878787; --s1: 45px; --s2: 35px; --s3: 25px; --s4: 1.0em; --s5: 0.9em; --JP: 'Sawarabi Mincho', sans-serif; --EN: 'Work Sans', sans-serif; --LH: 125%; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; margin: 0 auto; padding: 50px 0; background-color: var(--bg); font-size: initial; [/class] [class name="flexcontainer"] flex: 1 0 100%; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; margin-left: -20px; width: 100%; max-width: 840px; [/class] [class name="flexbox"] flex: 1 0 300px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 20px; width: 100%; max-width: 400px; height: 70vh; max-height: 650px; background-color: var(--bg); overflow: hidden; position: relative; [/class] [class name="seikamainL"] box-sizing: border-box; padding: 25px; border: 1px solid var(--grey3); background-color: var(--bg); [/class] [class name="seikaIMG"] display: flex; flex-flow: column-reverse nowrap; width: 100%; max-width: 348px; height: calc(70vh - 52px); max-height: 598px; background: url('') 50% 25%/400px 600px no-repeat; [/class] [class name="JP"] font-size: var(--s1); font-family: var(--JP); font-weight: 500; color: var(--accent); line-height: 100%; [/class] [class name="EN"] font-size: var(--s2); font-family: var(--EN); font-weight: 900; color: var(--grey1); line-height: 100%; [/class] [class name="scrollbox"] padding-right: 18px; width: 100%; max-width: 400px; height: 70vh; max-height: 650px; background-color: var(--bg); overflow-y: auto; [/class] [class name="bodytext"] margin-top: 25px; font-family: var(--EN); font-size: var(--s4); text-align: justify; color: var(--text); line-height: var(--LH); [/class] [class name="indented"] margin-top: 25px; margin-left: 20px; width: calc(100% - 20px); font-family: var(--EN); font-size: var(--s4); text-align: justify; color: var(--text); line-height: var(--LH); [/class] [class name="accentheader"] display: inline-block; font-family: var(--EN); font-size: var(--s4); line-height: (--LH); color: var(--accent); text-transform: uppercase; [/class]
pink girl.PNGAria was surprised when Dawn mentioned her government handling her room. The only experience that Aria had with government was the local noble lord. This meant that Dawn must be nobility, at least in Aria’s mind. Aria wasn’t sure of what to make of Dawn now as Aria now viewed Dawn as nobility.

Aria thought this could explain why Dawn is so confident. People who are noble are just viewed as better, at least that is what Aria was taught to think. Aria began to worry if Dawn knew that Aria was not noble. Aria feared if Dawn would still want to be friends with a commoner.

Dawn asking if Aria had anything with her answered that question. Aria only had her bow and arrows that she always took with her into the woods since a predator could suddenly appeared. Aria looked down and just shook her head in embarrassment for being poor. This thinking was foolish on Aria’s part since Dawn went to Mr. Cult because Aria was poor, but when Aria worries she often overlooks things.

When Mr. Cult said to Dawn “would you take issue with prehaps sharing with miss aria here?” Aria worried that Mr. Cult meant would a noble like Dawn want to be associated with a commoner like Aria. Insecurities about whether Aria belongs is an issue Aria clearly faces.

Ace Cream Ace Cream Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3

Mentions: EldridSmith EldridSmith Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Superfly47 Superfly47 jinxxes jinxxes GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Ace Cream Ace Cream iWriteAboutNothing iWriteAboutNothing
Interactions: Open

Ugh…There’s so many people here already being buddy-buddies with each other…

Away from the several groups that were formed stand a rather small woman, whose long and thing pitch black hair hang down to her ankles. Her clothing being a traditional yukata with dark colors being held tightly together by a yellow waist-ribbon around her figure. With her arms crossed together and her right foot gently tapping the dark, grainy ground of this strange place she came to, Akira wore along her vibrant yellow hues an annoyed look in her face, eyeing all of the current members that were interacting with each other in their respective groups. ‘Is this the place I applied to? It’s so…Not what I expected’ The tanned woman thought to herself, her feline-like eyes now navigating through the fantasy world she came from the portal she walked into with her eyebrow raised. “Well…As long as they have any dorms then I’ll handle being in this weird, floating place…” She muttered to herself, proceeding to inspect the people that she could see from afar.

The more troublesome ones that annoyed the woman with just looking at them were the couple that could get it on in the open if riled up enough. ‘Can’t they just keep their hands to themselves? Sheesh…’ Akira sighed in her thoughts. The demon-looking woman with the big chest seemed as the one doing most of the flirting while her ice boy in a leash encouraged it; A duo Akira would prefer to not interact with. She proceeded to look at the other two who were being flirted on. One of them was a tan skinned boy with blonde hair, who seemed rather like the most normal out of the two, while the other creature was the one Akira was most interested in from her appearance alone. ‘Interesting…’ She thought, eyeing her body to spot how many of those eyes she carried on her. A sly smirk appeared in Akira’s thin lips, looking away from them as she thought on hopefully battling such strange creature. ‘I wonder how much her hair with those eyes would be worth…I’d love to take some with me and sell them~’ was what she had in mind before inspecting the other group farther away. “Huh…?”

Her eyebrows furrowed at bit at seeing the strange hooded creature with the tentacles slithering from under the hidden figure. “Gross…” She muttered to herself, feeling squeamish at the sight of them moving around. Only for money Akira would dare to touch one of them or even be closed to him, unlike the group. All three of them had white hair, so Akira thought at first that they were siblings until she noticed their race were different from each other. “An elf…A robot? Interesting~ That could give me some bucks…And…huh, a human? Another rather normal-looking one…Boring~” She shrugged to herself, smiling cunningly at his appearance, ignoring the fact that she was also just a normal human at first glance.

‘I’m getting bored of these people. I’ll just try to keep my distance for now’

After this, she exhaled through her nose, uncrossing her arms and walking slowly between the crowds and past them, seeing a rather tall rocky hill and deciding to climb it, sitting on the top of it to look down at the people and have a better look at her surroundings. This place truly was weird looking, but also meant that there could be riches in here. ‘Ahh~ Maybe I’ll throw away this crime-less life and start stealing’ she half-joked to herself, reflecting on her poor economic living conditions while seeing the building outside. Afterwards, she was lost in thought as she planned how she should amuse herself with her future pranks in her stay from now on.


"Sharing, as in, sharing the room? Hmm..." Dawn was thinking about the principal's suggestion for a while.

"I guess I don't mind. Though, I'm more active at night so I might make some noise when you sleep, also, the place would be quite cramped since I bring a lot of items. If you're okay with that, do you want to share a room with me?" Dawn asked Aria, oblivious to the elf's inner turmoil.

Superfly47 Superfly47 Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
1585279326196.png Evren's frosty expression towards Asher was quickly melted by Arlosks sweet talking. "Mmmm sounds good." He still didn't really like her flirting with guys, but she couldn't help it sometimes and he understood, but if it happened too often he would mention it to her. He looked back at the shivering Asher with a trace of contempt, this was just his subconscious release ofcold air, this kid would be absolutely screwed against him in battle. He suppressed his icy aura back to it's norm, which was a cool autumn breeze instead of the winter chill he released upon Asher unintentionally. Zanma for the lack of a better term was a complete freakshow. She was chill, but she treated magics with heavy restrictions in his world as playthings which was rather concerning. After mulling this over he proceeded to kiss Arlosk in front of Asher to show him that she was his. He was possessive like this and nothing was going to change that.
Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 jinxxes jinxxes GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
Zanma would be lying if she said she wasn't having some modicum of fun with this little back and forth. If it wasn't Evren's increasingly defensive posturing it was Asher slowly freezing to death over there. He was no doubt taking the cold far worst than any of them, which Zanma always found interesting to view. Though she was able to pretend to be afflicted by extreme cold or heat in order to keep up appearances, there was just something about the real deal that really reminded her of how good her acting was.

Then there was that Telith guy in the hood, who shared Arlosk's oddly specific trait of referring to Shadelings as Shadowlings for some reason. Zanma had found this tidbit somewhat strange for a while now, but his recent words allowed her to form a fairly concrete hypothesis. They were clearly friends, and if he was used to calling creatures like his uncle Shadow-Like instead of Shade-like then there was a pretty good chance that it was just another result of their Realms being far removed from hers. Even so, that comment about Shadow Puppets made Zanma narrow her eyes in confusion before she lifted two fingers.

"Pfft, Seriously?" she snorted with laughter as she curled her fingers like bunny ears and bounced her hand around "Like making a rabbit on a cave wall? Camp Fire story style?"

Those were the Shadow Puppets that she was familiar with, having seen many adventurers utilize them at night while she was posing as one of their party members. But given the misunderstandings so far and the way Telith seemed prone to tripping over himself while talking, she was willing to bet he meant something more mystical in nature. Looking at it from that angle, she supposed he could've been referencing some kind of control that his uncle could command over people using their shadows.

"Shadelings ain't like your Shadow Guy or whatever you wanna call him," Zanma waved it off, drinking in Telith's embarrassment as she gave another yawn "we hide in shadows and can turn into perfect copies of anyone... that's pretty much it."

She probably would've continued letting him stumble through the conversation if Asher hadn't started speaking absolute nonsense. Zombie Uprising? Friendly Necromancy? Zanma had to fight to keep her snickering from evolving into full-blown laughter. Last time she checked, creatures needed some kind of willpower to rise up against anything. The only will that her Children of Rot had was her own. Only amateurs dealt in controlling things that could turn against them. Even though she wasn't a Lich Queen just yet, Zanma liked to believe she was far from an amateur in this field.

"Don't be stupid, man. My children couldn't even, like... conceptualize the idea of disobeying me." she waved off his concerns before jerking a thumb toward's herself "So if there's any undead takeovers then I'm gonna be running 'em."

She lowered her hand before glancing to the nearby school building, "But not here, not now. Nowhere near able to raise armies like that, so gimme like..."

Pausing for a moment, Zanma tapped a finger to her chin in thought as she did some quick math. During this time she noticed Evren's aura of cold receding noticeably now that Asher's attention wasn't on Arlosk.

"Nine Years to a Decade... maybe?" she finished before grinning wide "Then I'll prolly be out there subjugating the crap out of whole realms... its gonna be pretty sweet."

Mentions: EldridSmith EldridSmith Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Interactions: EldridSmith EldridSmith (kinda)

As much as she tried to ignore the several makeout sessions the demon-looking girl and the ice boy in a leash had from occasion, they were still visible in the corner of the small woman’s eye. With second-hand embarrassment painted on her face, her cheeks were painted a small rose tint which caused Akira to feel her face burning up. ‘Have those two no shame at all?!’ she exclaimed mentally, groaning in annoyance as she jumped down onto the ground, her body feeling squeamish at the thought of what those two were doing now that she was giving them her back and were far away.

“Ugh…Those horns aren't the only things “Horny” between that woman and man…” she groaned to herself in disgust, finally walking away from the courtyard into the building. As she entered, not only her tan skin felt the refreshing temperature from the AC, but also her nose caught up a rather delicious scent from nearby. ‘Food…?’ she thought, immediately having her head turn to the room where the food was coming from. Akira gulped once she felt her mouth watering at the thought of food, acting as she hasn’t had anything to eat in a week. Truthfully, she rations whatever she can buy everyday and some days she doesn’t eat to save her resources in extreme occasions, so eating a meal almost everyday would satisfy the small woman.

Without debating it much further, Akira decided to walk into the cafeteria. Her nose was impacted suddenly with the strong different scents of food being served, which caused her mouth to start watering much further. 'T-this is heaven…’ she thought to herself, her feline-like eyes brightening at the sight of all this food. She was going to take all of it, or so she thought until a figure hard to miss caught her attention. He was huge and muscular, and most importantly, he was taking HER food, which Akira immediately felt an urge to mess with such a strong-looking creature. ‘Well…The bigger it is, the harder it falls~’ she thought, having one of her hands cup her cheek while she found an empty place to seat, staring at the giant with a cunning smile.

As she sat down, she kept her cheek resting on her hand, keeping her eyes on that tray of food he was carrying, she decided to cast her blinding spell on the giant, whispering the words needed to start it while her free hand moved very slightly. A small sphere of dark matter started forming from the tip of her index finger, and so Akira flicked it towards the redhead at a quick pace. If he was to get by this, it would feel as if a mosquito bit him and suddenly after a few seconds his vision would be of a complete pitch-black environment. This would only last for only 5 seconds, but that was the time needed for Akira to take his tray of food and keep it for herself.

As she flicked the spell, her mischievous smile only grew a bit and waited for the moment he got blinded, being extremely confident on her powers that Akira didn’t even consider the fact that he could dodge it, as she looked down on everyone.

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pink girl.PNGAria never considered her living arrangements. When she left the forest for the portal, she was running for her life, so she didn’t have time to consider these details. With Dawn being nobility, Aria wasn’t sure if Mr. Cult was expecting Aria to be a servant.

“What do you mean by active at night?” Aria wasn’t sure if that meant exercising active or something else. “That’s fine, when you live in the forest like I did, you get used to hearing lots of sounds when you sleep.” Aria decided she wanted to be roommates and then she got excited with all the possibilities and all the fun they will have. “Yes, I would love to!” Aria exclaimed as she hugged Dawn. “We’ll have so much fun.”

Ace Cream Ace Cream
[div class="root"] [div class="flexcontainer"] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="seikamainL"] [div class="seikaIMG" style="background: url('https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/f695ab46-ecdd-444b-ae49-c9a930737e69/dajpeoz-3084df0f-a6da-49ec-9ef5-21c91cb486a2.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_1434,q_80,strp/will_solace_by_cookiecreation_dajpeoz-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTQzNCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2Y2OTVhYjQ2LWVjZGQtNDQ0Yi1hZTQ5LWM5YTkzMDczN2U2OVwvZGFqcGVvei0zMDg0ZGYwZi1hNmRhLTQ5ZWMtOWVmNS0yMWM5MWNiNDg2YTIucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.dNhyyQg7Fg2jQLc5SQF0a1FjCEy0CMrbiUmXXNj5o5E') 50% 25%/400px 600px no-repeat;"] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="scrollbox"] [div class="EN"] Asher Quinn [/div] [div class="indented"] [div class="accentheader"] location [/div] Courtyard
[div class="accentheader"] tags [/div] GrieveWriter GrieveWriter EldridSmith EldridSmith Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 [/div] [div class="bodytext"] He at least felt a little better as Evren tried not to make it so cold. Asher made a mental note to have a jacket on hand more often for that. As to the kiss that was used as an attempt to show that Arlosk was taken he gave a smile. He got the message, his flirty personality might still pop into play but he'd make sure Evren knew that he wouldn't dare step out of bounds. Though his eyes widened at Zanma's comment on taking over realms after the next decade or so. He sure hoped she was joking. Someone wouldn't be accepted here if they planned to do bad things like that....right? Yeah, no way. He shook it off from bothering him, taking it as a joke and stuck his tongue out immaturely at her. "Well if you invade my realm I'll bake you some sweets for the long trouble~" He deflected into something dorky and cute.

Though another realization seemed to hit him. The wide eyed surprise turning into wide-eyed excitement. "Wait, you can turn into others?" The sparkles started up again. "Do me, do me!" He looked like a puppy who was having a treat held above his head, just waiting for the drop. He didn't know she was told not to be doing that, of course, he also probably wouldn't care. He was giving permission anyways for her to take his form, that should be allowed then. At least, that would be his logic behind it to try and weasel out of trouble. [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
code by @Nano
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[div class="root"] [div class="flexcontainer"] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="seikamainL"] [div class="seikaIMG" style="background: url('https://data.whicdn.com/images/233222924/original.jpg') 50% 25%/400px 600px no-repeat;"] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="scrollbox"] [div class="EN"] Oliver Castro [/div] [div class="indented"] [div class="accentheader"] location [/div] Courtyard
[div class="accentheader"] tags [/div] Mera Mera EldridSmith EldridSmith [/div] [div class="bodytext"] Reddened eyes scanned the unnatural surroundings. Quinn's arrival was rather sudden, but needed. Without this he'd be forced to go home again, an idea he always pushed off for as long as possible. His pale hand grasped at his thin wrist, trying to calm his body from shaking after travelling through the portal, he did not like the feeling of it. Though he had to fully expect to hate just about everything here, being surrounded by the supernatural when his own heritage caused such an issue in his life.

He was already deciding in his head what lies he'd use on what exactly he was. Even though there were plenty more.....disturbing looking people here, so much that he wasn't even sure if the word people would apply, he did not feel like going down that rabbit hole of his life. It was simply easier to lie to these other students and avoid thinking about it as much as possible. Or he could just tell them to fuck off. That was always a pretty solid plan.

There were far too many people chatting amongst each other for his liking. Way too many friendly looking faces. But, they'd probably make easier targets. Then again, he had to remind himself that these weren't just humans. Who knew what kind of abilities they had that might sense him if he was just trying to do the silent sneak approach. He'd probably have to play nice to ensure he wasn't suspicious in that case. The best targets for that seemed to be in the largest group, of course since they were all friendly. And Oliver found that to be not worth the trouble. Way too many people in one place, a scowl crossed over his face just at the idea. Sitting and people watching seemed to be the better course of action. There seemed to be another girl doing that as well anyways. He liked her eyes, he felt like she was looking at everyone else the same way he was. Of course, that meant he'd be on watch for her. He knew better than to just dismiss people like that.

Maybe some annoying and clueless extrovert would approach him, he could play the shy card and have them wrapped around his finger thinking he was all sweet and innocent. That was what he liked to rely on the most, it fit his look a lot. At least, once he put on the face for it. Right now, his lips quirked up in a grin that looked far more troublesome than anything else. Sure the place was weird, he'd probably have some issues adjusting, but he saw promise that it could be fun and profitable. He had to wipe that look into a more neutral one though so his character wouldn't have any questions. If she was watching him, the small girl may have been able to see, but he wasn't worried about just one person, but she ended up moving off with a flustered look on her face. He followed her gaze to the scene, scrunching up his nose in just as much contempt. PDA was not his thing. That shorty had the right idea. It was better to move on and explore.

The feast was certainly something, he wasn't surprised that he saw a big man there for it. Oliver had a small stomach so he wasn't too enamored with the food. He'd just have a small plate to pick off of at some point. But there was something way more interesting than food that caught his attention. He watched Akira send a spell Ragnar's way. To which Oliver slunk a bit in the background to observe. What was she doing? Trying to pick a fight? He didn't see the reason she might be pulling something like that. [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
code by @Nano
[class name="root"] --bg: #fefefe; --accent: #b54434; --grey1: #656765; --grey2: #aaaaaa; --grey3: #e8e8e8; --text: #878787; --s1: 45px; --s2: 35px; --s3: 25px; --s4: 1.0em; --s5: 0.9em; --JP: 'Sawarabi Mincho', sans-serif; --EN: 'Work Sans', sans-serif; --LH: 125%; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; margin: 0 auto; padding: 50px 0; background-color: var(--bg); font-size: initial; [/class] [class name="flexcontainer"] flex: 1 0 100%; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; margin-left: -20px; width: 100%; max-width: 840px; [/class] [class name="flexbox"] flex: 1 0 300px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 20px; width: 100%; max-width: 400px; height: 70vh; max-height: 650px; background-color: var(--bg); overflow: hidden; position: relative; [/class] [class name="seikamainL"] box-sizing: border-box; padding: 25px; border: 1px solid var(--grey3); background-color: var(--bg); [/class] [class name="seikaIMG"] display: flex; flex-flow: column-reverse nowrap; width: 100%; max-width: 348px; height: calc(70vh - 52px); max-height: 598px; background: url('') 50% 25%/400px 600px no-repeat; [/class] [class name="JP"] font-size: var(--s1); font-family: var(--JP); font-weight: 500; color: var(--accent); line-height: 100%; [/class] [class name="EN"] font-size: var(--s2); font-family: var(--EN); font-weight: 900; color: var(--grey1); line-height: 100%; [/class] [class name="scrollbox"] padding-right: 18px; width: 100%; max-width: 400px; height: 70vh; max-height: 650px; background-color: var(--bg); overflow-y: auto; [/class] [class name="bodytext"] margin-top: 25px; font-family: var(--EN); font-size: var(--s4); text-align: justify; color: var(--text); line-height: var(--LH); [/class] [class name="indented"] margin-top: 25px; margin-left: 20px; width: calc(100% - 20px); font-family: var(--EN); font-size: var(--s4); text-align: justify; color: var(--text); line-height: var(--LH); [/class] [class name="accentheader"] display: inline-block; font-family: var(--EN); font-size: var(--s4); line-height: (--LH); color: var(--accent); text-transform: uppercase; [/class]
1587160517472.png1587160788720.pngCompletely unaware of the spell about to befall him, Ragnar dropped a piece of lamb which he quickly dropped down to catch as the spell wizzed by Chester who was summoning more plates for the students to enjoy. He quickly flew down to the little girl with a frown. "Tsk Tsk girl, already causing trouble? That's my job!" Chester declares as he shrinks her down to be as tall as himself, a measly 6 inches tall. "Now tell me your name or you'll already be in trouble."
Mera Mera (and since you're watching jinxxes jinxxes )
interaction: jinxxes jinxxes GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
“Well.. umm.. kinda.. not really....” Telith would reply sheepish leaning aginst asher awkwardly “not really like rabbit on a wall.. bigger like... umm...er...well there kinda alive and they a like puppies but people get scared of him and them... err I don’t know why..” Telith would finish of stuttering “hang on I got a idea I could just show you.. what I mean yeah... but.. please don’t laugh“ Telith would say before raise one clawed hand and placing out another as rainbow colours streams of energy flowed of his raised claws Telith making slight intricate movements the energy began to solidify into two small statues, one was a black robbed entity and the other was a unsettling black shadowy mass not to dissimilar form Zanma but less humanoid both made form a single perfect piece of black onyx. “See there is.. my uncle.. and his shadow puppet.. yeah.. umm.. oh yeah..errr... where are my manner.. I should yeah.“ Telith would stutter our confusingly before proceeding to do the same process producing two small statues one of asher and one of Zanma that where very life like but entirely made of different coloured gemstones “tada..umm... but yeah.. sorry about calling you a shadowling... I’ll get it right.. nextime... and err so undead.. they taste kinda good.. actually so.. some more around would be cool”
1587161380942.png Ferron was walking around the students and getting to know them before he happened upon a lovey dovey pair that made him grumpy as he was still single even after all these years. "Oy oy break it up afore ya make everyone sick to the stomach. Flirt or fuck in yer room but not here." The old dwarf grumbles as he separated the two forcefully.
Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 jinxxes jinxxes GrieveWriter GrieveWriter

Mentions: EldridSmith EldridSmith jinxxes jinxxes
Interactions: EldridSmith EldridSmith and jinxxes jinxxes (kinda)

‘Just a bit more…Come on…~’

With her thoughts already being filled with countless of ways she could use up that time the airheaded giant couldn’t see her. She was going to get all that food no matter what…Only in a perfect world. Her eyes were so fixated on her small sphere that she didn’t even bother seeing the giant kneeling down and dodging the spell altogether, only finally noticing that she had missed him when she met her feline eyes with a small, floating bug coming towards her.

The urge to laugh was overshadowed by the baffled feeling of her spell missing such a big target. Soon, her surprised turned into fury once she saw the giant walk away with all that food, she mentally owned. “tsk…” she silently clicked her tongue, following the giant with her gaze as he kept walking away. Soon, her ear caught a small voice apparently speaking to her. Her head turned to face whoever was speaking to her, but she only found an empty room.


She raised an eyebrow, already annoyed that her plan failed and now having to deal with her mind playing tricks on her. She scoffed a bit as her vibrant yellow hues searched the room, stopping at the sight of a dark figure. Locking eyes with intense irises, she glared at him. His eyes were interesting, to say the least, but this third person most likely was a witness of her action, and more importantly a witness to her horrible failure at doing such. Akira kept hearing that small voice of his to her side, so she discarded the uninvited person as the source of this once realizing his mouth wasn’t moving.

Suddenly, she was blinded with a white light and unable to see for a few seconds before she recovered her sight, jumping at the sight of everything seemingly having increased 10 times its size, even the frail-looking edgelord in the background was huge! ‘Um…What?!’ Akira rubbed her eyes a bit in hopes that her mind was just playing tricks on her, but as she had her eyes covered, her ears were finally able to understand the unknown male voice next to her. At last, she understood the situation she was in after he nagged at her. ‘This is a teacher. Tsk…I should’ve been more careful with the people around here before pulling my taunting’ she thought to herself, as she bit her bottom lip to prepare her act. She couldn’t be getting in trouble and being caught already. Her ego prevented that.

Looking up towards the blonde fairy with a hopeless look, her eyes were already filled with crocodile tears, her cheeks blushing as her nose sniffed. She was pulling her crying trick again. Of course, this hurt Akira to do internally as she detested the idea of being thought of as a weakling, but she knew very well sometimes she had to do this. She would much rather be an asshole to everyone, though.

‘How dare you turn me into the size of a little bug like you, mosquito?!’
“Ahh…I’m so sorry! I-I’m Akira Nanao…I just got here and was bored…S-so I was playing around with my powers before it slipped! I didn’t mean to hurt anyone, Mr…? I don’t know your name…Excuse me”

She spoke in a trembling voice, sounding like she was in the bridge of crying her eyes out as her small body was trembling. ‘Calm down, Akira. This could be a good thing’ she consoled herself mentally as she looked up at the fairy with long, beautifully blonde hair. The now minuscule woman thought on how much pixie hair would be worth, knowing some witches used them in their recipes, but she couldn’t get her hands on something like hair just yet. Her mind was planning on multiple ways to taunt someone with now her small size, while her exterior seemed more of a hurt kitten with her feline-like gaze and her teeth biting her bottom lip.

[div class="root"] [div class="flexcontainer"] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="seikamainL"] [div class="seikaIMG" style="background: url('https://data.whicdn.com/images/233222924/original.jpg') 50% 25%/400px 600px no-repeat;"] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="scrollbox"] [div class="EN"] Oliver Castro [/div] [div class="indented"] [div class="accentheader"] location [/div] Buffet
[div class="accentheader"] tags [/div] Mera Mera EldridSmith EldridSmith [/div] [div class="bodytext"] Staying back and watching was definitely a good idea. Showed just how messing up would treat you. Though by that comment on saying that was his job, he didn't think she'd be getting in trouble too much for that first offense. It probably wasn't worth trying anything right now, after all, he didn't have to steal here. It really was just habit though. His hands felt like they needed to be doing something to occupy them. Oliver bit at his cuticle as he thought, trying to make his decision. There weren't any good options here anyways, were there? The big guy looked like he only had a sword. Then there was now two tiny people.

Perhaps if he saved the girl he could get her to owe him a favor instead. Favors were a good safety net, gotta form connections somehow. Though as she started her fake crying he nearly through away the whole idea. Sure he pulled tricks like that himself sometimes, but he was hypocritical enough to hate it when someone else tried it. Plus, since he watched her the whole time, he knew just how fake it was.

He'd try and give her an opening, moving to the buffet table to grab himself a plat of food and then 'accidentally' stumbling and dropping when he was a bit closer to them. [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
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