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The answer is Fireball
Roleplay Type(s)
1585790258447.png As you step through the portal the true vastness of this ancient school finally dawns upon you in it's full glory as the countless spires pierce the heavens as the great islands float about you. A great hall can be found as you walk past the courtyard where great animated shrubs and plants walk around entertaining guests and students. The headmaster in his hooded glory sits at the dais as the reception begins and the students begin to mingle.
interaction: open mentions EldridSmith EldridSmith
stepping through one of the portals was a pair of creatures one was a tall female her red skin horns and long tail let on that she was definitely a demon. her clothing or lack thereof... and rather curvy body did narrow it down to exactly what demon she was a succubus. the creature next to her... was different they wore what looked like leathery armour and a hoodie his clawed hands clicking together as he looked at the ground only 2 glowing orange dots could be seen withing the hoodie as it was covered by a shroud of darkness.

arlosk paused looking at the sheer scale of the school in aww the multiple spires and buildings, trailed up as far as the eye could see the strange bluey purple sky of the nexus illuminated the school's architecture and grounds in an eerie yet, beautiful way "this place is fabulous awww come one telith you should really look" she would say to the boy beside her bending down to get into his sight before cupping his cheeks and pulling his head up.

telith would have his head pulled up by arlosk muttering a "no" to her, but she still pushed his head up gasping in aww at the sight "wow... your right... it really is nice.." he said quietly the par walking into the courtyard where the shrubs that were carved into a verity of different shapes were serving the guests almost like butlers at a party arlosk patting telith on the head "noooow you have fun just go talk to someone," she said happily spinning around to make sure she found a spot where she was obvious... she was waiting for evren.

telith just sorta decided to mingle...and wait a little to see who else showed up

A sleek metallic pod appeared through one of the portal. It was an odd looking objects compared to the more magical nature of the rest of the school. The pod hissed as it's door slowly opened and it vomitted two person into the hall. One was a woman in her thirties with a pair of curved horns on her head, the other was Dawn. They both looks like as if they just seen a nightmare as they walked unsteadily at the hall.

"M-mrs. Jura.... I-I said we shooouldn't come here in such a tight time......" Dawn said with a shaky voice while stumbling upon a table. She drank the provided glass of water to calm herself.

"T-timezoonnne diff-fference, can't be helped." No less shaken, the woman tried to compose herself and tried to make herself looks like a professional businesswoman. "I-I will go to the embassy office. Y-you go mingle with other students." The woman wobbled away, leaving Dawn by herself.

Mingle what?? Dawn snarked inside her own thought. She felts like jelly right now so she just sat on the available bench and tried to keep her shaking not that obvious.
The scene in front of Dacey was only too familiar to him. All around him, for miles into the distance: was fire. The flames seemed to sadistically dance over the limbs of the trees around El Castillo, feeding off the energy tucked away for safekeeping within the hardened flesh of the plants. The flames ate away at the energy, coaxing it out of the wood, turning it black and lifeless. Much like how the locusts would ravage a corn harvest, the flames seemed to almost drain the vegetation around the temple empty of their hard-earned reserves. Loud snaps, like the crack of a whip, rang through the empty jungle as branches fell from the dying trees, crumpling merchant shops and dwellings. Disembodied screams would cut through the noise of the raging fire, only to be cut short without warning. Dacey was only too familiar with this environment. He could never quite figure out why, but he knew he had to run towards the temple. The flying ash and clouds of smoke were of no consequence.

Hearing the sounds of gunfire behind him, he took that as his cue and took his first step forward, slowly and methodically. Even as his world crumbled around him, he remained strangely calm. When he had seen the chaos during his natural life, he remembered being terrified. He remembered his heart racing, blood leaving his chest and making him feel light as it rushed into his arms and legs in a desperate attempt to keep him moving. Dacey couldn't quite remember exactly how many times he has had this very same nightmare. It was too many times to count, much less to stay afraid. After all, it was almost over. Even as the air seemed to thicken around him, he was calm, counting the seconds. Eventually, his body slowed almost to a halt, and he began counting down the seconds. Three. Two. One. The sound of the gunshot was quiet and weak as the world around him already began fading to white. Even so, he wasn't afraid. He knew he'd wake up soon. Dacey watched curiously as the floor came up to meet him, and he fell through. It woke him up with a start as he now fell unceremoniously onto his face with a surprised grunt.

"What the hell...?" he barely had time to notice the portal closing behind him before he realized he wasn't near El Castillo. "Wait, where a-?" He was left speechless at the shear size of the buildings in front of him. With the large, foreign structures and sweeping bridges connecting each floating temple, he could do nothing but stare in awe and disbelief at floating islands and the large, lavish gardens that surrounded what could only be a courtyard. Curiously, he quietly floated his way towards the gathering crowd and the sentient shrubbery. There, he looked around for someone to talk to to figure out what was going on. he saw a young woman with straight, white hair who looked like she knew what she was doing there and approached her. "Hi! My name is Dacey, if you can see me. What's your name?"
Ace Cream Ace Cream
[div class="root"] [div class="flexcontainer"] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="seikamainL"] [div class="seikaIMG" style="background: url('https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/f695ab46-ecdd-444b-ae49-c9a930737e69/dajpeoz-3084df0f-a6da-49ec-9ef5-21c91cb486a2.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_1434,q_80,strp/will_solace_by_cookiecreation_dajpeoz-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTQzNCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2Y2OTVhYjQ2LWVjZGQtNDQ0Yi1hZTQ5LWM5YTkzMDczN2U2OVwvZGFqcGVvei0zMDg0ZGYwZi1hNmRhLTQ5ZWMtOWVmNS0yMWM5MWNiNDg2YTIucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.dNhyyQg7Fg2jQLc5SQF0a1FjCEy0CMrbiUmXXNj5o5E') 50% 25%/400px 600px no-repeat;"] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="scrollbox"] [div class="EN"] Asher Quinn [/div] [div class="indented"] [div class="accentheader"] location [/div] Entering the School
[div class="accentheader"] tags [/div] Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 [/div] [div class="bodytext"] Asher's eyes couldn't stay in one place as he stumbled out of the portal. Everything was just so..... amazing. Some people were already there, beginning to look around and mingle for the start of their new adventure. So many new people to get to know from many different places, Asher loved making new friends. This was already a paradise for him, he was only missing a beach for this to be perfect. But he could get over that.

As the excitement in him rose, his powers had to flare up. A light sparkle began to surround him, it was never anything super bright. It was most comparable to a light cloud of glitter over him. Who to go to first? The options were just piling up and pulling him in a million different directions.

His eyes very easily caught onto a succubus, who he'd of course be curious on with his flirty nature. But Asher also tended to gravitate towards people who were more reclusive, which seeing the hooded figure drew his eye. Then there was people starting to gather in groups, which of course the more people together the more he could talk to. He was very quickly brought back to square one in his decision of interaction. Maybe he should wait and see who would come to him? No, he'd be too impatient for that.

In the end, he chose by random chance. It was definitely something silly as he closed his eyes and twirled around for a moment. He planned to go with whoever his eyes landed on first. Telith was the one turned to. With a smile, he moved over to greet and try and make a new friend. "Hey there, I'm Asher. What's your name?~" He asked, still having those little flecks of light bounce off him. [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
code by @Nano
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Dawn was still resting on the bench when a floating boy approached her. Yeah, floating. Though after seeing a moon-sized eye monster and walking shrubberies, she was content to not knowing another strange otherworldly stuffs for the rest of the day so she wouldn't ask about that.

"I definitely can't see you, Dacey." She replied the boy's question with a sarcastic answer while looking at him right in the eyes.

"Dawn's the name... You a new student too?" She extended her slightly shaky hand towards the boy to offers him a handshake.

iWriteAboutNothing iWriteAboutNothing
1586381469298.png Evren grinned as he saw his girlfriends sexy body right out of the portal. He got up behind her and picked her up in a princess carry, kissing her. "That's payback for not waiting for me." He says with a teasing smile as he sets her down, leaning against her ample chest. College was going to be a blast with her around. "I was late because I managed to get us a couples room." He says in a bit of a huff since she left him behind. He was definitely going to pay her back for that tonight... but for now they would mingle. "Let's go find some people to chat with shall we?"
Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
pink girl.PNG
Aria was frantically running through the forest as elfish assassins were chasing her. An arrow was fired and she rolled just in time to dodge it. She turned past a giant rock and straight into the path of an assassin. He smiled and fired an arrow at point blank range at her. His smile disappeared when the arrow went straight threw her like she wasn’t even there.

The assassin put his hand through her and discovered it was pure air. In the distance he heard a girl giggling and she said, “Looking for me.” The girl looked exactly like Aria. She was in fact the real Aria, who used her power to create a fake double of herself to draw attention from the assassins. Aria waved at the confused assassin as she strolled into the portal.

The new surrounding were a complete shock to Aria. She lived in a forest and was warned by her parents to never venture out of it as the outside world was full of monsters who eat elves for breakfast. The creatures she discovered certainly were strange. She initially went to hide and observe them.

To her surprise, these foreign creatures seemed rather nice. She wasn’t sure if they were actually nice or were just acting this way. Aria decided to find out, she nervously approached the creatures. The girl with the white hair looked the most like an elf and Aria decided she would be the safest. Aria cautiously approached her and said “Hi, I love your hair. I’m Aria.” There was a tall, hovering boy nearby which made Aria nervous and all Aria could muster was a weak wave.

iWriteAboutNothing iWriteAboutNothing Ace Cream Ace Cream

Another person approached her and the floating boy, this one was a girl with pointy ears, and the first thing the girl did was complementing her hair. Simple words that actually caught Dawn off guard, "Y-yeah, I like my hair too." She replied awkwardly.

"You a new student too?"

iWriteAboutNothing iWriteAboutNothing Superfly47 Superfly47
Location: Courtyard
Yet another portal opened, only nobody exited for a good long while. It merely stayed in all its swirling glory as numerous new students passed by on their way to the great hall. Several of the animated shrubbery took note of the portal for a moment, but most would get caught in entertaining other arrivals. Through it all that portal just kept spinning there, but eventually a figure emerged from it.

It was a large man with gray skin that was torn in numerous places. No blood seeped from his wounds, and he didn't react to them at all. Instead, he hefted a large chest in his arms before turning and scanning the area with pale white eyes. Those pale eyes locked on a pair of passing students, the man giving a moist groan in their direction before turning and lumbering back towards the portal. Holding the chest in his arms tighter, he disappeared back into the portal.

Approximately two minutes later, he reemerged with a tall lady following behind. She stood to the side with a plate and a knife as several more large figures emerged from the portal. Zanma twirled the knife in her hands before turning it towards the filleted fish on her plate and cutting in. Cutting the fish into bits and then using the knife to ferry the, into her crooked smile of a mouth, Zanma watched as nine other undead servants lumbered out of the portal carrying crates, sacks, two of them were even hefting a rather large coffin.

All of it was stuff that she couldn't risk leaving in Tyre, what with the whole war thing going on in there. From books to beakers and bodies, not to mention a number of ingredients she'd need for her more unconventional training. She'd basically just packed up the majority of her possessions, as she was certain she wouldn't be heading back to Tyre for a good long while.

While some might feel saddened by the change, the smile on Zanma's face was unmistakably gleeful as she finished devouring the rest of her fish.

"Line it up lads..." she ordered while licking the last of the salty remains from her knife. She proceeded to walk along the line of assembled undead and doing a headcount, pointing the knife towards whatever they carried to take inventory as well. She paused on the tenth zombie and tilted her head to the side before glancing back to the portal. Twirling her knife in her hands, she thought for a moment before angling it away and instead lobbing her plate into the portal.

Seconds later, a shorter zombie stumbled through with shards of the broken plate sticking out of her head. Groaning, this zombie awkwardly got into line as the portal closed behind her, arms locked around a number of scrolls. With all of her following assembled, Zanma did her headcount/inventory again, smiling once she was sure that was everything.

"Good... good," she cooed before approaching two of the zombies and hopping onto the coffin they were carrying "Pretty sure we're required somewhere, kiddies."

A chorus of wet groans and snapping jaws erupted from the group of undead, silenced only as Zanma raised a hand and gestured towards the passing students. Several of said students eyed the following of animated corpses with reactions ranging from confusion to horror to interest. Whatever their stance was, Zanma waved towards the trail of them.

"Follow," she ordered before gesturing with the knife "the likelihood that they know where to go shouldn't be understated, kids."

And so the procession of zombies trailed after the other students, the rather large groups sticking out like a sore thumb. Zanma merely reclined on the coffin, picking the remaining bits of fish flesh from her teeth as they drew closer to the courtyard. By the time they arrived, Zanma ran a long tongue along her lips before spinning the knife around and jabbing it into the coffin.

With her hand now unoccupied, she raised it and said "Hold up." before her undead could get to the assembled mash of mingling students "Off to the side, I don't want any of you kids bowling those youngsters over."

The zombies followed her whims, stepping over to one side of the courtyard, out of the way of the rest of the student body. Having completed their most recent orders, the zombies just stood there with pales eyes locking onto anyone who happened to draw close by. Similarly, Zanma was also looking over the students and even what faculty she could see. Leaning back on the coffin, she casually let her legs dangle off the edge of it as her hair leaked and stretched from her hood and her eyes scanned her surroundings with humored patience.
GM post
As soon as Zanma finished with the knife and the zombies began dispersiing they vanished, a spectral voice announcing to them they would be found in her room.
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
Arlosk would wait. getting a little bit impatient with Evren that was until she was suddenly swept off her feet being pulled into a kiss she already knew who it was hugging evren her tail coiling around him she giggled looking at him with a smile as she got placed back down "weeell, I just wanted to surprise you but looks like you got me instead" she said with her usually honey-sweet tone as he leaned on her chest her tail remained coiled around him "oooh a room~~? thank you, sweetie, now we will have somewhere privet " she'd reply happily hugging evren against her chest more "yeah sounds good hmm~" she would look around to see what options there where... unfortunately she couldn't find anyone... was interesting arlosk frowning " hmm sooo evren.. maaybe? you can decide this time, i just can't pick who to talk to" she said
1586406297963.png Ragnar burst out of the portal with his giant stature looming over the rest of the students. "HAHA!!! Finally arrived!!!" He boisterously booms as he spots a lone dark figure... who looked far too skinny. "Hello there! Come let us get to know one another and enjoy the food! You look like a twig, best to get some muscle on you!" He proudly declares as he brings his newfound acquantence over to the buffet... which was only about 50' away. "I'm Ragnar, nice to meet you!" He says with a large smile as he begins munching on an entire lambs leg. "Mmph, this is good!"
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
1586408967443.png "Mmmmmm." Evren smiled as he leaned against Arlosks bountiful chest as she spoke to him in honeyed tones and giggled, she truly was the best. "Hmmmm let's see if we can get that cute elf over there to join us." He says before whispering in her ear. "I know you've been longing for a threesome, to have fun with a few girls too. If you can reel her in I'll let her join us tonight." He says with a seductive grin. Arlosk was his one and only, but he could tell what she wanted, not mentally, but physically due to her succubus heritage. The elf girl was cute enough for him to compromise as a celebratory treat for Arlosk.
Interaction: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Mentions: Superfly47 Superfly47
interaction: jinxxes jinxxes
Telith was kinda happy to just stay alone and watch the party, seemed one girl had made a grand entrance... it was interesting and had distracted Telith long enough not to notice someone had approached him being a little startled he jumped back just a little bit some sparks flickering in the air around telith by the way they spoke he’d though one of his relative had snuck up on him.. it turned out it wasn't the case. Telith would loom up at the boy face still obscured form view by the inky blackness orange eyes shifting to a white colour “hi...umm... I’m Telith...soorry... you startled...me..” he would stutter out awkwardly.
[div class="root"] [div class="flexcontainer"] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="seikamainL"] [div class="seikaIMG" style="background: url('https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/f695ab46-ecdd-444b-ae49-c9a930737e69/dajpeoz-3084df0f-a6da-49ec-9ef5-21c91cb486a2.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_1434,q_80,strp/will_solace_by_cookiecreation_dajpeoz-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTQzNCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2Y2OTVhYjQ2LWVjZGQtNDQ0Yi1hZTQ5LWM5YTkzMDczN2U2OVwvZGFqcGVvei0zMDg0ZGYwZi1hNmRhLTQ5ZWMtOWVmNS0yMWM5MWNiNDg2YTIucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.dNhyyQg7Fg2jQLc5SQF0a1FjCEy0CMrbiUmXXNj5o5E') 50% 25%/400px 600px no-repeat;"] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="scrollbox"] [div class="EN"] Asher Quinn [/div] [div class="indented"] [div class="accentheader"] Location [/div] Courtyard
[div class="accentheader"] tags [/div] Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 [/div] [div class="bodytext"] "Oh no, im sorry about that!" Asher apologized quickly, figuring he was right to choose the most shy-seeming one. He was distracted pretty quickly though as he saw Telith's eyes change colors. He leaned in a bit, examining how the orange bulbs turned white. "Oooh, Is that your eyes doing that?" He asked curiously, and with a cheeky grin he made two balls of light. "Now we match~" he added in with a playful wink.

Putting his shades down, he had the balls in front of his eyes. Of course, even if he gave off the light he wasn't stupid enough to look at them. No way, he learned that lesson before. "I can't see like this at all." He had to point out with a chuckle, and thus why he didn't keep them there long. It was just for a cute little joke. He took to twirling them instead as he looked over Telith. Of course he was curious on why he was hooded, but he wasn't so dense that he would ask that so suddenly. So, he made the little comment of what he could see and showing interest. [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
code by @Nano
[class name="root"] --bg: #fefefe; --accent: #b54434; --grey1: #656765; --grey2: #aaaaaa; --grey3: #e8e8e8; --text: #878787; --s1: 45px; --s2: 35px; --s3: 25px; --s4: 1.0em; --s5: 0.9em; --JP: 'Sawarabi Mincho', sans-serif; --EN: 'Work Sans', sans-serif; --LH: 125%; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; margin: 0 auto; padding: 50px 0; background-color: var(--bg); font-size: initial; [/class] [class name="flexcontainer"] flex: 1 0 100%; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; margin-left: -20px; width: 100%; max-width: 840px; [/class] [class name="flexbox"] flex: 1 0 300px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 20px; width: 100%; max-width: 400px; height: 70vh; max-height: 650px; background-color: var(--bg); overflow: hidden; position: relative; [/class] [class name="seikamainL"] box-sizing: border-box; padding: 25px; border: 1px solid var(--grey3); background-color: var(--bg); [/class] [class name="seikaIMG"] display: flex; flex-flow: column-reverse nowrap; width: 100%; max-width: 348px; height: calc(70vh - 52px); max-height: 598px; background: url('') 50% 25%/400px 600px no-repeat; [/class] [class name="JP"] font-size: var(--s1); font-family: var(--JP); font-weight: 500; color: var(--accent); line-height: 100%; [/class] [class name="EN"] font-size: var(--s2); font-family: var(--EN); font-weight: 900; color: var(--grey1); line-height: 100%; [/class] [class name="scrollbox"] padding-right: 18px; width: 100%; max-width: 400px; height: 70vh; max-height: 650px; background-color: var(--bg); overflow-y: auto; [/class] [class name="bodytext"] margin-top: 25px; font-family: var(--EN); font-size: var(--s4); text-align: justify; color: var(--text); line-height: var(--LH); [/class] [class name="indented"] margin-top: 25px; margin-left: 20px; width: calc(100% - 20px); font-family: var(--EN); font-size: var(--s4); text-align: justify; color: var(--text); line-height: var(--LH); [/class] [class name="accentheader"] display: inline-block; font-family: var(--EN); font-size: var(--s4); line-height: (--LH); color: var(--accent); text-transform: uppercase; [/class]
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EldridSmith EldridSmith
Location: Courtyard
Zanma hopped off the coffin and looked around mere moments before her small following of undead disappeared along with all the luggage they were carrying. Apparently they had already been spirited away to her local abode, which she considered a convenience. While her zombies knew better than to step out of line, she wasn't exactly confident that necromancy wasn't taboo to some of the other students. The last thing she wanted was a huge undead brawl kicking up so soon, she'd have to summon replacements and there was a risk that her belongings would get damaged.

All in all it would've been a huge waste of her time, a waste that was now negated from the realm of possibility. Now she could focus her attention elsewhere. Or at least, that's probably what she would've been doing if she wasn't getting dragged towards a table lined with concessions by some big dude. Apparently she was far to skinny for his liking, so he decided that she needed to eat. Zanma's three yes blinked one after another as they reached the buffet. Her newfound acquaintance introduced himself and proceeded to dig in.

"Too skinny, eh?" she noted as she reached over and patted him on the elbow "In comparison, perhaps."

She walked around him as she continued speaking, "I've already eaten, but there would be no way those paltry fillings could be enough for one of my size."

In the midst of her walk, her voice changed, and soon a beefy hand patted Ragnar on the shoulder right before a carbon copy of him reached forward and took another leg of lamb.1586406297963.png

The Ragnar doppelganger leaned against him as he also sank his teeth into the leg of lamb, swallowing loudly before giving an uproarious laugh, "It would seem Ragnar speaks the truth today, I can feel the strength of a thousand fine steeds coursing throughout my body."

Tearing the last of the meat from the bone with a loud chomp, he proceeded to snap the bone in half before tossing it in as well and going for another, raising two legs of mutton and tearing chunks out of them as well. In the midst of his violent gorging, 'Ragnar' looked to Ragnar and gestured with one of his legs of mutton, "You should pick up the pace as well, Brother. Wouldn't want such hearty musculature going to waste on slow eaters now would we?"
pink girl.PNGAria smiled at the white hair girl and said, “I’m from the forest. Where are you from?” Aria leaned in closer and whispered, “Some of these creatures are scary looking.”

Out of the corner of her eye, Aria noticed a cute boy with blue hair starring at her. He looked like he was involved with a demon like girl, so his interest in Aria was likely not romantic. Aria was worried that they wanted to eat her. She stepped closer to the white haired girl and the floating boy. The floating boy was looking safer since he didn’t try to attack her, yet.

EldridSmith EldridSmith Ace Cream Ace Cream iWriteAboutNothing iWriteAboutNothing
interaction: jinxxes jinxxes
“no.. no it’s.. fine i.. get spooked by people easily...” Telith would respond apologising back. When Asher leaned in to look at Telith eye the boy froze up staying totally still until Asher asked him about the “yeah.. they change colour” he would say without much of a stutter it quickly became a little chuckle at the little light trick Asher pulled off a
large white semi-circle made of sharp teeth emerged from the inky blackness as Telith smiled at them “that pretty cool, my eyes naturally glow though.. kinda give away how I’m feeling... you know hard to tell without seeing someones face right?” he’d replied while Telith was still kinda worried he’d push himself to just talk casually and there was something about Asher that reminded him of arlosk the why he moved and talked made telith more comfortable so that was a bonus.
[div class="root"] [div class="flexcontainer"] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="seikamainL"] [div class="seikaIMG" style="background: url('https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/f695ab46-ecdd-444b-ae49-c9a930737e69/dajpeoz-3084df0f-a6da-49ec-9ef5-21c91cb486a2.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_1434,q_80,strp/will_solace_by_cookiecreation_dajpeoz-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTQzNCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2Y2OTVhYjQ2LWVjZGQtNDQ0Yi1hZTQ5LWM5YTkzMDczN2U2OVwvZGFqcGVvei0zMDg0ZGYwZi1hNmRhLTQ5ZWMtOWVmNS0yMWM5MWNiNDg2YTIucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.dNhyyQg7Fg2jQLc5SQF0a1FjCEy0CMrbiUmXXNj5o5E') 50% 25%/400px 600px no-repeat;"] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="scrollbox"] [div class="EN"] Asher Quinn [/div] [div class="indented"] [div class="accentheader"] location [/div] Courtyard
[div class="accentheader"] tags [/div] Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 [/div] [div class="bodytext"] "Oooh then what does white mean?" He asked with great curiosity, his touchy side starting as he took Telith's hands in his. He just always got close to people. the half-elf kept a friendly eye contact, though why wouldn't he when they were on the discussion of his eyes. "And they were orange before, right?" Asher hadnt even stopped sparkling since starting the conversation, he just adored making friends.

This was actually the first time he was noticing he was still shining. "There's no color change for specific emotions buuuuut when I get excited I can't control my light too well. Makes a cool party trick though~" and also his own demise at parties as any game that required a poker face put him at a disadvantage. He got a bit too competitive, even if he kept his face straight there had trouble holding it back. He thought it was nice to share that since they were in similar boats, wasn't too easy to hide emotions and the fact he was still sparkling like crazy while talking to Telith spoke wonders that he was definitely enjoying the conversation. [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
code by @Nano
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1586489052224.png Ragnar grins from ear to ear as he turns to see a clone of himself. "HAHAHA, You may look like me and eat like me, but are you as strong as me? COME LET US FIND OUT!!!" He says finishing his lamb leg and heading to the sparring ring. His cloak discarded to reveal his bulky muscles. His sword enchanted to be (and registered as) non-lethal, not to mention it's size changing abilities. "Come let us have a good tussle before school begins! It's always the best way to get to know someone!"
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
Dacey was surprised. Usually, being a ghost and all, people who visited El Castillo could't see him. It seems like that's not the case here, he thought to himself. Then, almost immediately: kind of a snarky response, isn't it? The girl mentioned her name was Dawn and asked him if he was a new student. Confused, he could only get out a "what?" before another girl joined them. This one must have been from a far away land, because her features were distinctively different from Dawn's. Her pointed ears and more angular face were traits that Dacey was not aware happened in humans. Or at least, that's all Dacey could assume she was.

The new girl nervously complimented Dawn's hair, to which Dawn responded in almost the same way that she had responded to him. A bit aloof or awkward. Aria seemed unfazed, and continued. Dacey learned that Aria was from the forest and that she was apprehensive of the crowd that was starting to gather. Dacey noticed that she was a bit uneasy around him, which he was used to. It was one of the better responses he got. Most tourists visiting EL Castillo would run or scream if they saw him in the ruins. Nervousness was okay enough, in his book. With what he assumed was a warm smile, he decided to ask Aria "are you unfamiliar with all this as well?"

Superfly47 Superfly47 Ace Cream Ace Cream


interaction: EldridSmith EldridSmith Superfly47 Superfly47
arlosk quirked an eyebrow at evrens suggestion to begin with "hmmm she does look cute~~" she'd say quietly, her smile turning devious as he explained why given evren a kiss on the lips "awwww~~ thankyou sweety but you always know you come first" shed say happily giving him a quick hug "noooww let's see if I can catch this cute little fish" shed giggle a little open a portal underneath herself arlosk dropping behind the elf girl "heeeyy there im arlosk what's your name cutie?" she'd say with a sickly honey-sweet tone that was both flirt and seductive.

interaction: jinxxes jinxxes
to say telith was a little surprised when asher grabbed his hand was a little bit of an understatement teliths eyes suddenly shifting to orange then back again as he jumped back a little... however telith was grabbing ashers hand "sorry.. bout.. that.. just a little jumpy still" he chuckled awkwardly walking closer to asher again "but anyway...white means like... normal? I suppose? orange is... well.. scared.. frightened... yeah.." he said a little awkwardly looking down at the floor as a little lock of red hair fell out of the darkness telith not exactly noticing them as he looked back up at asher where he did notice he was shining too telith giggling a little "oh hey yeah.. you are, when I'm excited I kinda do too, but its a lot more extravagant.. kinda like fireworks.. but zappy... umm I know this is gonna sound weird but.. do you mind if I get closer to you.. umm.. not.. normally.. something I do.. jsut.. your.. not that scary... well not as bad as other people" telith closed his eyes thinking hed end up getting rejected or just told to go away.

Dawn was dumbfounded by the floating boy's strange response but quickly dismissed it, she didn't want to concerns herself with someone else's business. The elf girl Aria said she came from the forest and whislerly expressed her tought about some creatures looking scary, which Dawn couldn't deny. The principal was a tentacle-person and just a few minutes ago someone just passed by while marching with their squad of zombies.

"Yeah." Dawn whispered at Aria with the same whispered tone. "But don't show any fear when interacting with them. Some might think that you're an easy pick."

Then someone else came out of a portal. This one was a succubus and seems to be particularly interested in the elf girl. Dawn intended to just let Aria deal with the succubus by herself but then she just straightly tries to flirt with Aria. Dawn's mental alarm screamed. Pervert! Playgirl! Do you think I didn't catch a glimpse of you kissing that boy over there!

she didn't want to concerns herself with someone else's business. Dawn grabbed Aria by the hand and tried to draw the elf's attention while staring intensely at the succubus, subtly trying to make her back away. "Aria, have you seen the academy's garden? Let's go there, I think you will like it."

iWriteAboutNothing iWriteAboutNothing Superfly47 Superfly47 Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
[div class="root"] [div class="flexcontainer"] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="seikamainL"] [div class="seikaIMG" style="background: url('https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/f695ab46-ecdd-444b-ae49-c9a930737e69/dajpeoz-3084df0f-a6da-49ec-9ef5-21c91cb486a2.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_1434,q_80,strp/will_solace_by_cookiecreation_dajpeoz-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTQzNCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2Y2OTVhYjQ2LWVjZGQtNDQ0Yi1hZTQ5LWM5YTkzMDczN2U2OVwvZGFqcGVvei0zMDg0ZGYwZi1hNmRhLTQ5ZWMtOWVmNS0yMWM5MWNiNDg2YTIucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.dNhyyQg7Fg2jQLc5SQF0a1FjCEy0CMrbiUmXXNj5o5E') 50% 25%/400px 600px no-repeat;"] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="scrollbox"] [div class="EN"] Asher Quinn [/div] [div class="indented"] [div class="accentheader"] location [/div] Courtyard
[div class="accentheader"] tags [/div] Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 [/div] [div class="bodytext"] "Of course I dont mind~" asher hummed. He had gotten a little nervoud that he was too touchy when Telith jumped, but the fact he came right back was cute. "I hope we come to a point where I can see those sparks then, even if it means I get zapped~"

His hand reached out to gently take the red lock of hair the fell out of the darkness, twirling it lightly around his finger. He made sure not to do it tight enough that if Telith jumped away it would come right off and not get pulled. "Your hair' s pretty." He complimented, then gave a dorky grin as he continued with a joke. "Im not gonna get my hand bit off if I tuck it back in, am i?~" he obviously wasnt serious about being worried for that as his hand was chilling by the magical darkness. Rather, he was using the joke to check for permission to do it. After all, he didnt know exactly why Telith had the hood of darkness, and he wasnt going to pry on that so suddenly when they just met that day. [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
code by @Nano
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