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Fandom Guildmaster NPCs

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So What’s This Story About?
The year is x780. Guild life goes on as it has for the past years. Members carry out their missions with excitement or boredom depending on the mission - as they usually would. Tension between Fairy Tail and Raven Tail seems to have come to a momentary calm in which the two guilds have simply agreed to avoid one another.

Current eyes watch three primary missions. Royce Obertuck - an S-Class criminal and former Raven Tail guildmaster - is being transferred to a higher security prison after multiple escape attempts; this transfer is one giant opportunity though. The question remains… who is lurking in the shadows to take advantage of it? Liam Portian - a scientist working in magic expansion - seeks to study a meteor that recently crashed. People have been disappearing near it, though. Can mages help him get his hands on it? More importantly, what else will they discover? Last, but not least, a demon book has been stolen. That’s never a good thing. Who runs with Book of Vongraw? What might they unleash and who might also seek these treasures?

These fates all draw nearer.

Something is coming, though. Can the world really expect to stay this calm when a solar eclipse - the first in centuries - hangs overhead? One thing is for sure: villains are not planning on allowing this calm to last.

Most importantly, will Fairy Tail be strong enough to face what’s coming? And will the other guilds be ready to aid them? Can the other guilds even afford not to?

Fates are eclipsing. The moon could very well darken them forever.
Astrid Ceral (Fairytail Guildmaster)
  • Lady Warlock

    Anime RN
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    Basic Information
    Astrid Ceral


    She’s in her 50s. She doesn’t say the number out loud.


    Hair Color:

    Eye Color:

    Personal Details
    Character Flaws:
    Stubborn as a bull
    Loud enough to wake people up when they’re in the next building
    Struggles letting go of broken friendships; she wants to believe she can get them back
    Believes there is good in everyone which can lead her to be reckless

    Character Strengths:
    Good at judging first impressions
    Protects everyone she can
    Is far more defensive than offensive
    Loyal to a fault
    Follows her heart

    Collecting shields
    Fancy clothes - she actually makes clothes now, too
    The cloak her mother left her
    Meeting new mages - she still tries to learn something from everyone she meets
    Magnolia and Fairy Tail

    Black magic
    People who disrespect youth for their lack of experience
    Raven Tail - in her mind, the guild stole her friend
    Rain without an umbrella
    Abstract art
    People who disrespect her guild
    Astrid is a very motherly soul who protects each and every one of her guildmates and also every single innocent soul from anything that could tarnish it. She believes in simplicity where it is possible and sometimes simplicities involve overdoing things. After all, restraining oneself is a complicated business. As such, she is fully aware that her guild is one to go over the top with a lot of things and she’s not going to be the one to stop them even if it does make things more complicated for her at various points in her lifetime.

    She is also the kind of person who usually manages to get good first impressions of new people that she meets. The heart is the soul of Fairy Tail, after all, and since she is it's shieldmaiden, she sees the hearts of everyone she guards. She is a very hard person to lie to, not because she is good at catching lies, but because she is simply so sincere herself that it can tear at another person’s heart when they try to tell her a lie.

    Stubbornness and impatience are her main flaws, though. She’s loud in an argument - although not rude - and she doesn’t back down from anything, not even a screaming match with her own guildmate. She’s surprisingly restrained even then, though. None of her words ever seem to manage to cause lasting harm and that’s intentional. Furthermore, she is not one to let things happen slowly. She’s always egging on the inevitable, trying to get the world to “just get on with it already.”

    Somewhere between Dawn City and Crocus lies the Weaver’s Guild, suppliers of a majority of the popular clothing brands sold throughout Fiore. The members of the guild are proud of what they can do and they’re glad and happy to provide clothing for a large majority of the nation. Among the Weaver’s Guild were two members who fell in love and were married - in clothing they made, mind you. They became some of the most popular leaders within the guild as well because of their unique abilities. Marcus and Vianna Ceral had discovered a brand of magic that allowed them to weave things in a so much more efficient manner and they tried to pass it on to the rest of the guild, hoping to improve everything. However, they were soon disappointed to learn that very few others in their guild had any aptitude for magic at all; thus, they could not be taught.

    The guild continued on as they were in that situation, and Marcus and Vianna kept their newly discovered magic running in the ways that they could. The couple also soon welcomed a new member into the guild when they had a child - a daughter who they named Astrid. Their excitement only grew as they wondered if she too could have their aptitude for magic and that excitement drove them throughout the time they spent raising her.

    Their daughter grew up like they would’ve expected any child to, as well. She loved being around guild members and she was always fascinated by all the pretty things that the people around her could make. That became apparent as soon as she could walk. Her parents also discovered around then that she did have the aptitude for their magic and they started teaching her with great enthusiasm.

    However, having aptitude for weaving was not enough. As soon as they started teaching her, Astrid quickly lost interest in it. What her parents did was cool, but the child was too impatient and didn’t have the will to keep pushing through how difficult it would be to master such a magic. She rebelled against their efforts. Around the same time, too, she started learning about the magical guilds of the world. Astrid told her parents that their magic was useless compared to what real wizards could do when she was only six years old and she said she wanted to be a real wizard, “unlike them.” Her words were harsh, but her parents decided to let her be what she wanted to be. They helped her to get to Magnolia and to Fairy Tail. Her mother even went with her for a time, but it wasn’t for her. Leaving Astrid at the guildhall after living with her for two months, Vianna left her daughter with a cloak she’d woven herself. Its qualities were things Astrid wouldn’t learn until years later, though.

    What Astrid did learn was that she wanted a magic that could actually do something, that could show how powerful she was and that she could fight with. That was where her first guild friendship started growing. Royce Obertuck became a good teacher to the young girl and he gave her a shield that he said was imbued with all the power of all the fairies in the world. Of course, no one knows if fairies exist, but it sounded pretty cool to the six year old girl and she started learning to use it to defend everyone.

    Her other guild members told her of a magic called requip and that if she wanted, she could collect many weapons and learn to use them all. Surprisingly, considering that she wanted to learn to fight, Astrid decided that she was only going to collect shields to defend everyone with and as she learned more and more, she collected more shields. Not only that, but she developed her own way of manipulating the requip so that each shield had it’s own unique properties that varied depending on who had gifted her the shield. She became the shieldmaiden of Fairy Tail. Times were happy.

    Alas, that could not last. Astrid had been out on a mission when the Black Magic Fiasco happened. She was with Royce and when the two of them came back, Royce was quick to conclude that it had been their guildmaster’s work. Astrid never asked how he knew, she trusted him, though. They spent the next two years trying to help rebuild Magnolia because it was a home to the both of them. Astrid didn’t realize how much attention Royce was paying to the destruction, though. After those two years, the remaining Fairy Tail members reconvened at the guild hall’s ruins and everyone seemed to think the guild was no more.

    At the age of 10, Astrid wouldn’t have it. She stood up for the guild, hoisted her shield with the Fairy Tail emblem, and proclaimed that she would always protect the guild. It was her home. It was her family. Although she was by far the youngest present, everyone rallied around her and she became the new guildmaster. Her power was negligible, but her family was behind her and together, they strived to rebuild and begin again. Actually, they were beginning anew. Unfortunately, only a year later, Astrid had to outcast her closest supporter and ally. She already understood at such a young age that black magic was not something her guild would have any part in and that meant Royce had to leave.

    Fairy Tail would continue on without him and in the coming years, Astrid completely reshaped the role of the Fairy Tail guildmaster. Although she was their leader, she was the least experienced and she learned little things from every single one of her guildmates. Over time, she started exploring her family’s magic again as well, thinking that maybe there was a point to it. If nothing else, it would teach her patience, a virtue she lacks even to this day. Her heart and soul never left Fairy Tail and she became a warrior to be reckoned with. As guildmaster, it wasn’t required, but Astrid still went through the S-Class trials and passed them all on her own. Her guild cheered for her that day.

    When Raven Tail became more and more prominent, Astrid watched them. She hated Royce for putting himself in a position that opposed her even though she still clung to their tiny thread of friendship where she could for as long as she could. It was actually Astrid that initiated the investigation into the guild in the first place because she wanted to find that they were up to nothing at all. She wanted to be able to rekindle that friendship. Her faith failed her there.

    With that hope gone, she holds her guildmates even closer and even as age consumes her slowly, she still appears youthful, and she’s still the Shieldmaiden of Fairy Tail. Astrid always will be.
    Guild & Magic
    Guild: Fairy Tail

    Mage Rank: Guildmaster

    Tattoo Location: Right ankle

    Guild Tenure: 40+ years

    Opinion of Guild: They’re all behind the shield in her mind. And anyone behind her shield is someone she’ll protect.

    Magic Abilities: Shield Requip Magic & Weaver’s Thread Magic

    • With this combination of magics, Astrid has both an offense and a defense. Her shields, naturally, are the defensive side of things and each shield has its own unique properties. Weaver’s Thread Magic is actually something she made offensive. She can use it to restrain opponents and she can even interlace the threads within an opponent's body doing terrifying damage.

    • Weaver’s thread is so thin that it is hard to see making it hard for opponents to defend against.

    • She can carry all of her shields at once with her requip magic without having to worry about their weight or having the space to hold them.
    • Shields can be broken and although hers are stronger than most, it is still possible to shatter them or attack around them.

    • Speed is hard for her to keep up with in quite a few different situations. A shield is only helpful if she can get it in front of the attack in time, after all. Her reflexes are quite high, but anyone with augmented speed will have an advantage.

    • Thread magic itself requires very heavy concentration when used in the ways that Astrid tends to use it which means that she is vulnerable when using it. Her first attack tends to involve restraining her opponent for this reason.
    Level of Expertise: Expert in both - she’s actually taken the Weaver’s Thread Magic further than anyone else in history.

    Battle Equipment: An extensive collection of shields, each with their own magic properties (will list as they are revealed)

    Other Items: The cloak from her mother is capable of granting her invisibility if she wishes it.
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    Kolton Luhren (Raventail Guildmaster)
  • Kolten Luhren
    Basic Information

    Name: Kolton Luhren

    Gender: Male

    Age: 29

    Appearance: Although he is pictured to the right, there are a few other notes to Kolton’s appearance as well. He has a firm abdomen, and he knows quite well that he could have every girl in Fiore crawling after him. However, Kolton never puts his body on display and he is always wearing clothes that attempt to conceal how attractive he is.

    Height: 6’3”

    Hair Color: Blonde

    Eye Color: Green

    More Real Information
    Personality: Kolton is not a man who believes in redemption or who believes that it’s possible to wipe negative aspects from one’s ledger. He believes that if anyone gets red on their ledger by intention or by mistake, then they have to work that much harder in order to overcome the red and then they need to sustain that new standard forever to be able to be in the right. That is how he has lived his life. He’s worked to make himself a better man after each and every mistake he’s ever made and as the Raven Tail Guildmaster, he’s been working to do that with the guild over the past seven years.

    He’s a rather firm man. He makes decisions and he sticks with them, but he does think them through before he makes them. Very rarely will he change his mind on something and Kolton will also very rarely be out of the know on anything important. With a strict decisiveness, Kolton has either politely requested that anyone who supports what Royce was up to or that anyone who disagrees with him to leave the guild and he’s been keeping everyone who stayed on the Magic Council’s good side.

    As much as he cares for his guild, he’s also not one to coddle them or to show too much sympathy towards them either. Kolton tells things as they are without really trying to soften anything much and he is rather blunt. The truth is that he does care. He’ll celebrate their victories with them. When his guildmates fail, though, Kolton will simply encourage them to move on and to take on the next job. That being said, he also knows the members in the guild who he can send other members to when they need more sympathy in their sorrows.

    Character Strengths
    Knows his guildmates’ strengths and weaknesses well
    Believes everyone and everything can be rebuilt from nothing
    Likes to keep everyone focused on clear goals
    Character Flaws
    Not very sympathetic
    Doesn’t really understand the concept of resting
    Good at lying
    Always seems fatigued

    Rain and snow
    Having a family
    Meals with effort put into preparing them
    Fast and effortless meals
    Thunder and lightning
    Trapping people in his chains
    People who distrust Raven Tail due to their past
    Any trace of black magic left in the guild
    People who hurt his family

    Kolton was born in the war torn country of sin to a mother who wasn’t quite sure who his father was because times were hard and brutal and very very abusive.

    Sin’s government is run by a small group of elite hoping to create weapons that can match the powers of magical users and to do that, they need to gather their own magical users. Decades ago, most of their magical population fled to Fiore so finding magical users isn’t an easy thing for them. The government has resorted to taking children when they’re young and hoping they can draw some magical potentials out of them. Kolton was taken from his mother when he was two. He barely knew the woman and to this day, all he knows for sure about her is that her name was Katherine.

    As a young boy, he was taken to a camp. He was fed slop for food, he was kept in a cell and he was tormented on a daily basis. They were trying to unlock magic potential in anyone who had it and when he was eight, in a private session, Kolton unlocked his. It was chain magic first and it terrified him because chains were something they used - the guards and the people who tortured him used chains. Kolton wanted nothing to do with them. The guard reported him and then Kolton was beat brutally so that the magic could be shown to the superiors. Kolton restrained it with every bone in his body and the guard was killed for lying. No one believed that Kolton really had magic and while he wasn’t being watched, Kolton tried to figure out if he could do anything that wasn’t horrifying. It took him three years after that to discover his affinity for illusion magic when he was probably doing it all along without even realizing it. He was talking with a younger child who started seeing home whenever Kolton was trying to describe what he thought a home would look like.

    He doesn’t remember his own home so home has always been something his imagination made up. The younger children always thought Kolton’s home was beautiful. They thought it was so pretty that they could actually see it, that they could hear it, that they could even taste the food. “It’s like magic when you describe it, Kolton,” someone had said to him. That’s when he realized that it was. What he was doing really was magic and then he started exploring it further. He wanted to see what else he could create so vividly that everyone thought it was real. And he did. Kolton started using this power to take away the pain of people who came back from being tortured.

    Life got better, but the guards noticed that they were all more cheerful, that they feared things less. They knew that something was going on and the torture got worse. The guards hoped that someone would just give up who it was and what was going on. And people did, but Kolton was there when it happened. He hid it. He made it so that the guards heard something else instead and slowly, he learned just how far he could push his power. Finally, he decided to use it. Kolton made all the guards around them see absolute blackness and he let as many people as he could out. Kolton was the last to run, but his illusion faded towards the end. Everyone else was out, but the illusion faded before he could escape. Surrounded at fourteen, Kolton unleashed his chains for only the second time in his life and he whipped at everyone he could.

    As he was running away, Kolton noticed that a child was dead. He’d killed them. Kolton got red on his ledger and ever since then, he’s been trying to wipe it clean. He ran to the one place he knew it was safe for mages to be and that was Fiore. Wanting a guild that wouldn’t ask many questions about who he was or where he came from, Kolton joined Raven Tail at age fifteen and he’s been trying to become so much stronger that it puts him above his sins. He’s also been trying to mold Raven Tail into the home that he imagined he would one day have when he was trapped in the camp.

    When someone dared accuse his new family, Kolton didn’t know about anyone enough to really jump to anyone’s defense, but he felt aweful about what everyone was going through. He simply worked through it. He kept taking missions, kept learning to control his magic, and kept himself in control. It was within that time period that Kolton became an S-Class mage and then, when two other mages approached him about it, Kolton was on the team that turned Royce in. They all agreed they didn’t need that negativity tearing into the guild and they wanted to get out of that haunt.

    One thing surprised him, though. The two mages who helped him turn Royce in insisted that Kolton take on the position of guildmaster afterwards. The magic council even agreed that Kolton was the best fit. He stepped into the spot and he’s had the guild hard working to rebuild from ground zero since then.

    Guild Information
    Guild: Raven Tail

    Mage Rank: Guildmaster

    Guild Tattoo Location: Left palm

    Guild Tenure: 14 years

    Opinion of Guild: Kolton is firmly of the belief that without the mages of Raven Tail, the country as a whole would suffer because there’s a lot of good that Raven Tail is capable of doing and there are many Raven Tail is capable of saving.

    Magic Information
    Magic Ability: Illusion Magic
    • This grants the mage the ability to manipulate the senses of any living being. The more senses they seek to manipulate at once, the more concentration required.
    • Kolton can create distractions that interrupt people in the middle of fights.
    • He can commandeer and manipulate a person’s senses to put them off of their prime fighting game.
    • This magic grants the user the ability to induce emotions quite easily which can further make them difficult to fight.
    • Illusions aren’t real. They aren’t capable of actually doing physical damage at all.
    • If the person knows it is an illusion, it can be easier to fight through it although it will still not be as easy as fighting without the illusion.
    • There is extensive concentration required in manipulation of multiple senses for an extended period of time which can leave the user vulnerable.
    Level of Expertise: Expert

    Magic Ability: Chain Magic

    • The magic allows the user to restrain their opponents.
    • Chains can be used offensively like whips.
    • A solid wall of chains could be used defensively, as well.
    • The chains the user casts can be broken.
    • Chains can be long and lanky and thus slow and dodgeable.
    • There are limits to how many chains a user can control at one time.
    Level of Expertise: Proficient

    Battle Equipment: A saxe knife

    Non-Combat Equipment: Colors charm
    Jasmine Vekron (Sabertooth Guildmaster)
  • Jasmine Vekron

    Name: Jasmine Vekron

    Gender: Female

    Age: 34

    Height: 6’2”

    Hair Color: Blue

    Eye Color: Blue


    Character Strengths:

    Character Flaws:



    Jasmine grew up on a family farm built into terraces on the mountains north of Crocus. There were a few other farms in the neighboring areas and those were some of the only people Jasmine was ever able to socialize with. Most of what she learned growing up was related to farming because both she and her older brother were meant to take over the farm someday. There was very little else for them to learn beyond things that related to farming because there wasn’t much that actually threatened their livelihoods either. Their farms were carved into the mountainsides using magic that few others could replicate and that no bandit was silly enough to try and destroy.

    The terraces were created using magic. Earth magic ran in their veins and both Jasmine and her brother learned some of it, too. They learned enough to farm the land and that was really all that they learned about magic; it was enough for both her and her brother - Jameson - to be content. They were growing up just as they were supposed to and they were happy with that.

    Things went wrong when Jasmine was twelve. Crocus was attacked by a man named Loren Uelain and he nearly destroyed the capital with a shadow demon weapon by his side. The man fought with shadow fire - a fire that cannot be seen, but that burns with a fury nonetheless. The fire wasn’t contained in Crocus and because no one could see it, the flames raged up into the mountains, melting ice-caps and sending endless rivers flooding down the stone while the fire continued to spread on and on. Their terraces were flooded and their crops were destroyed, and that wasn’t the end of it, either. Shadow fire spread through the mountains, destroyed their farm lands and started tearing through the homes of the neighbors.

    Jasmine, Jameson, and both of their parents tried putting up walls against it, walls of solid earth and rock and mountain stone. None of it could stop the shadow fire, though. Flames that they couldn’t see still managed to maneuver around the walls and barricades and their homes were demolished. They kept trying to fight the fire and it resulted in casualties. Jameson, along with her mother, were both burned in the flames and Jasmine was left to run with her father. Even then, though, they didn’t make it far before the terrors followed them. Soldiers from Crocus came up into the mountains, wielding intense water magic to fight the shadow fires after Loren Uelain had been caught and they didn’t really have any liberties to be careful with their fight. A piece of the mountain cracked and broke. Jasmine’s father fell to her doom. She was orphaned at twelve and she hid in what remained of the farmland even though it couldn’t be called a farmland anymore.

    Days past and people came up into the hills to clean up what had been destroyed, and to assess the damage. Jasmine blended in with what was around her and it took them two days before they found her. She was terrified and crying. No one quite knew what to do with her, but a mage from Sabertooth stepped forward. He offered to bring her to his guild until they found a better place for her to be - no one really knew who she was at the time or what she was capable of. Although she didn’t expect it, Jasmine found a home at the guild hall and she unveiled what little magic she knew. Instantly, she was invited to join, but she declined at first. She wasn’t sure she wanted to stay so close to where her home had been. However, she also had no intentions of leaving right away.

    With nothing better to do, Jasmine immersed herself into magic and started working on developing her earth magic further. She wanted to be able to contain fire if she ever needed to do so again, and she quickly discovered so much more about what she was capable of. Somehow, she discovered another magic along the way as well. Jasmine learned that the soul of her brother had somehow followed her, that she could give it a home and keep it by her side if she really wanted to. She had soul magic as well as the earth magic her family had taught her.

    Immersing herself in studies, two years past like nothing and Jasmine was learning more and more about magic every day. By that time, she did consent to joining Sabertooth. After all, they were the guild that had helped her learn so much. Followed by her brother’s soul, Jasmine sought vengeance for her family. Although Loren Uelain had been arrested and locked far away, the demon who’d helped him threaten Crocus and ravage her home still roamed free and Jasmine meant to catch the demon - Zajaar was his name. She sought him out on her own, and fought him again.

    Once more, Jasmine didn’t stand a chance against shadow fire. She found the demon easily enough, but his fire was too strong. Her whole right arm was burned and she wound up cowering in the woods, once again blending in and becoming too difficult for the demon to find. With dirt over her skin, Jasmine was - and still is - very good at becoming a part of the earth. The now Sabertooth mage didn’t want to blend in and hide, though. She wanted to have to face him because she needed to know she had the courage. She needed a chance to actually be forced to remain in a fight even beyond the point where she thought she stood a chance.

    After making it back alive - albeit injured - Jasmine dyed her hair blue when it had been brown for the longest time. She was determined that next time she fought the shadow fire demon, she would not be able to just hide from him anymore. She didn’t want to be that kind of coward because that never was what she believed Sabertooth was meant to stand for. She wants to adequately represent her home because she’s highly grateful to them.

    It would be four more years before she would actually encounter him again, and in that time, Jasmine returned to working on strengthening herself so that if she encountered Zajaar again, she might be able to stand a better chance. Her guild members encouraged her and helped her to learn more about the world since her former knowledge had been more specific to farming and the knowledge that entailed. That level of education left a lot to be desired as far as knowledge about the world. While learning magic control and more in regards with the rest of the world, it was hard for Jasmine to really focus on too much else. She made friends in the guild and she went on missions and she helped to maintain Fiore in relative peace.

    Jasmine also collected more souls along the way. She aided in the defeat of a dark guild, and she collected more souls along the way.

    Finally, after so long of being unable to find him, Jasmine stumbled upon Zajaar for the third and final time. Using her earth magic to suffocate the fire he was made of, her souls surrounded the earth dome and sucked the soul out of the demon, returning it to the mages who could lock him back up. Zajaar was returned to the Book of Vongraw. Jasmine returned to Sabertooth with her goal completed and she wasn’t sure what to do then. The guildmaster suggested she devote the rest of her life to keeping people safe so that no one else ever went through it again and that became Jasmine’s new goal.

    She worked her way up to the position of guildmaster and she works to ensure everyone in the guild works towards keeping the world safe and that no one is a coward. No one in Sabertooth is known to run away from a fight.

    Guild: Sabertooth

    Mage Rank: Guildmaster

    Guild Tattoo Location: Back of right shoulder

    Guild Tenure: 18 years

    Opinion of Guild: Jasmine is eternally grateful to Sabertooth for saving her when she was lost in darkness, and she doesn’t believe she can ever repay that debt, even by acting as guildmaster and even by saving everyone in the guild more times than she can count.

    Magic Ability: Earth Magic

    Advantages: There is earth almost anywhere for her to manipulate so she very rarely is without supplies to work with. Sand is also encompassed within the element of earth as far as Jasmine’s magic is concerned. Earth magic can be used to build up strong defenses and to block a plethora of different brands of attacks. It can produce solid offensive attacks. Earth domes can suffocate fires and rocks can make formidable weapons when manipulated correctly.

    Disadvantages: Oftentimes, to be effective, one needs to manipulate a large quantity of earth at once which can be energy consuming or distracting or both. In the water, there isn’t much to work with. Magic attacks can work around the earth barriers if there are any established.

    Proficiency: Expert

    Magic Ability: Soul Magic

    Advantages: Souls can be stored in any type of object and when an object is destroyed, the mage is capable of moving the soul to a new object. Blasts of soul energy can also be quite powerful and the soul objects move around quite flexibly and quickly.

    Disadvantages: The souls can’t meander too far from their mage. Each mage can only manipulate so many souls at once. They are often stored in objects that are too small to block large scale attacks and the objects can be destroyed.

    Proficiency: Proficient

    Combat Weapons: None

    Items: None
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