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Fantasy The Gods Dramatis Personae



A Repository of Characters

Name: Hathor, Venus, Aphrodite, Freyja, Lada

Epithets: The Turquoise Lady, Mother of Mercy, Lady of Love, Romance Incarnate, She-Who-Sows, Mistress of the Skies and Stars, Golden One

Divine Hierarchy Rank: Major God/Divine Family.

Iconography/Symbols: Bulls Horns around a Sun Disk, Gilded Dragon, Lioness


Love: Hathor is the prime Goddess of Love and as such she is Lord over such relationships. Able to determine their success or failure based on her will and designs.

Romance: As the prime Goddess of Love, she also oversees Romance. Judging romantic actions and gestures.

Mercy: Hathor also bears the dominion over Mercy as it relates to kindness and love. Therefore, able to intercede or influence merciful actions and consequences.

Fertility: While not the only fertility Goddess Hathor is specific to sexual fertility and procreation.

One of the Sky Goddesses: She a daughter of Ra and as such able to influence the skies.

A Daughter of the Nighttime Sky: She is a daughter of the Gaian Goddess and as such also oversees the Stars in the nighttime sky.

Abilities and Powers:

Like all the Gods she can change her form and possesses strength and speed far beyond mortal man and woman. Similarly, as a God she is able to endure pain and punishment to her form far beyond that of a Human and survive injuries that would cripple or kill a Human. Similarly, as with all the Gods she can survive the vacuum of space and even orbital re-entry. However, her numerated powers are below:

Amokinesis: Hathor may manipulate the emotions of desire and lust within Humans and lesser beings.

Speak to Animals: Like many Gods she can and does retain various animalian servants and pets. Able to converse with them.

Teleportation: Like all the Gods she may teleport to those who conduct prayers and offerings in her honor.

Clairvoyence: Hathor, through the usage of offerings made in her honor, may use them to learn of possible events occurring elsewhere or even learn of possible futures.

Transformation: Hathor is able to transform her form into a regular human sized woman and alter her appearance. She is also able to transform at whim into a variety of creatures.

Immaculate Procreation: Hathor is able to induce pregnancy and even, through use of her own essence, able to impregnate even an infertile mother into bearing child with a touch.

Tears of Mercy: Through her tears she may heal even the gravely injured or induce a painless death.

On Love's Wings: Hathor being one of several Goddesses associated with the Sky is able to fly and manifest jeweled gilded wings to soar into the sky and even traverse across the void between worlds.

Gilded Biomancer: Being a daughter of the powers of creation she is able to subcreate like the other Gods and thus strengthen her servants or chosen champions by empowering them with portions of her power. Often such servants become more beautiful as a result and unearthly in their aura. Donning gilded artifacts or turqoise garments in Honor of their patron.

Demesne: While like all Gods, Temples are considered "Houses" of the chosen deity enthroned there (statues or art depictions), however, like many of her siblings and peers she retains a specific abode as a primary stronghold. The Garden City of Ishtar.

Ishtar can be located on Earth and typically within the Atlantic Ocean or Mediterranean but by the will of Hathor it may "lift" and become a floating city. Even capable of traveling through space to relocate to locales such as the Moon or Mars. The advanced technologies of the city allowing a protective quantum field to exist around its perimeter as it travels.


Hathor is a daughter of the Chief God Ra and the Chief Goddess Gaia and over the following two hundred and fifty years has remained a popular Goddess. In no small part to the aspects of life she oversees. However, she is rather aloof to the various politicking and squabbles of her brethren. Preferring to enact her own agendas and schemes in the great games of the Gods. Hathor is genial, playful, if haughty and arrogant in her abilities.

Clergy of Hathor & Mortal Servants:

The Clerics and Priests of Hathor are seen in just about every Human city and are particularly numerous. Wearing white robes and necklaces of bull's horns or wings complete with gold eye makeup and hair adornments. The Clerics and Priests of Hathor observe the spiritual health of their flocks regarding love, romance, fertility, and sexuality. As such the majority of her Priests and Clerics are women. Indeed, the upper echelons of the Hathoric Priesthood (High Priest/esses), and the Nine Hierophants, are almost all women and bear turquoise robes and elaborate headdresses.

Mortal servants such as Hathorian Guardsmen bear the iconography of the bull and sun. Armored in golden panoplies with turquoise markings. The Mortal militants of Hathor are ubiquitous as guards of her Temples. Others, her Temple Guardians, are elite warrior monks who have been fashioned power armor with the helmet shaped like a dragon. Internally, vacuum sealed, and given many instruments including multi-spectrum optics, reinforced armor, and synthetic muscles.


Blessed Servants:

Just as any God has mortal servants Hathor has over the many decades used her powers to create classes of servants that stand out. Early on in the rule of the Gods she crafted metallic lionesses as wards and messengers. Followed by the elaborate biomantic forging and creation of the Dragons. Originally symbols of the Sun and Mercy they have become some of her most trusted and iconic servants.


Name(s): Caedes, Hades, Pluto, Anubis, Satan, Yama

Epithets: King of the Underworld, Lord of the Dead, Lord of Death, Judge of souls, Forsaken one, The Blight

Divine Hierarchy Rank: Major God/Divine Family.

Iconography/symbols: Goat skull, Jackal, Bident, keys, blue flames, wilted flowers, scales, gargoyles.


Afterlife: Caedes is the god of the Underworld. The ruler of the dead and the order keeper of souls after their life on earth.

Death: Every human has their time on earth. And Caedes decides when they time is to end. Likewise, the death of all living things is decided by him, from crops to small animals.

Decider: All souls enter the Underworld. But whether they wither in the wasteland, drown in the endless sands, or bask in the field of wheat, is weighed by his judgement.

Hate/rage: Caedes' fires are the source by which hate and rage are fueled within the souls of man.

Son of Ra: As a son of Ra he is able to push his father away. Creating the winter, the frost, and the dead season.

Powers and abilities:

Has all the resilience and strength of the other gods, from being able to exist in a vacuum to extreme durability and strength. specific powers listed below.

Deathtouch: Can separate a soul from its mortal form with nothing more than a touch.

Odikinesis: Can control and inspire hate and rage within humanity.

Speak with dead: Caedes can commune with a corpse of any being. summoning its soul back within it's form to speak with it for a time. Able to understand it's answers regardless of its language.

Instant transmission: Can appear wherever he is needed. Either by prayer or by death itself.

precognition: Is aware of future events that occur around and leading to death.

The Fires of life: Caedes is pyrokinetic, able to summon the blue embers of the soul when life leaves the mortal coil.

From ash and dust: Limited creation capabilities as a Major god. Only truly capable of this level of created from destroyed material. His Castle within the Underworld is made of compacted ash.

Demense: Caedes lays claim to many graveyards and crypts. Any that bare his name, symbols, or likeness. As well, his castle in the underworld, The Dreadstone Fortress, with its black compacted ash walls is where he calls 'home'.



Caedes is a jilted and somewhat emotional God. Feeling slighted and insulted with being tasked with ruling the Underworld, and being the God of Death. He looks upon his fellow gods and sees them all having the people worship them, and love seeing them. yet the greatest wish any human ever has for Caedes is to never know him. And yet despite his hatred for his position he does it dutifully to a spiteful perfection. Most of the time at least. He is humble, filled with rage and jealousy, often speaks with sarcasm in his tone, and holds little for any other god that is not Hathor.

Clerics & mortal servants: Where so ever there is a funeral procession, there is a servant of Caedes. Calling upon the god to help guide them to the land beyond. Praying for mercy in his judgement on their eternal soul.

There are other, cult like venerators of death that also serve at Caedes' will. Though he largely rejects them unless they serve his personal goals. They are less common, as they are generally shunned as dangerous cultists by most of society.

All servants of Caedes either accepted or shunned, will oft wear black or brown simple and modest robes.

Blessed servants:

The reapers, lesser guards of the fields of wheat that cull the unworthy that manage to enter the higher realm of the Underworld. As well as being loyal fetchers of souls that refuse to accept their end.

Name: Amphitrite, Salacia, Thalassa

Epithets: Sea-born, She of The Golden Spindle, Siren of The Sea

Divine Hierarchy Rank: Minor God

Iconography/Symbols: Dolphin, Trident, Seal, Seaweed, An upside-down Crescent moon with a Star atop it


Ocean: Being blessed, and given the gift of overseeing the Ocean’s she has always felt connected to by the deity she worships, she oversees all of Earth’s Ocean life. She nurtures, and protects all who dwell, big or small, within her water’s.

Abilities and Powers:

Being a gifted God, Salacia does possess heightened speed, and strength, even if not at the scales of a Major God. To make up for this, she utilizes the sea, but does not abuse it. She harnesses the sea with careful consideration, after all, it is not just her sea, but all of those who overlooks. As such, the powers she has been able to attain are listed below:

Shifter of Man and Sea: Salacia possess the capability of shifting from human legs, to that of a translucent fish tail. The colors ever changing, from a gradient of blue to purple with some reds, to green and shimmering yellow. However, being limited of the variations she may take, this form can go a step further, of looking more akin to Merfolk than human to allow for greater speed and movement underwater.

The Sea Queen’s wrath: She is able to create waves at will, be it strong or weak, to things such as typhoon’s or hurricanes. She has not perfected this power however, and grander the wave, the heavier toll it takes upon her.

Bender of the Sea: Along with crafting waves, she is able to form the water into whatever comes into her imagination. Such things like miniature ships, or figurines made out of pure water. This does not take as much energy out of her, and is a way to casually practice her skills.

Water transportation: Align with water, wherever there is water in the world, she has the ability to rise up out of it, as long as there is a connection with another person who believes in her with it to allow easier passage.

Telepathy: Those who are her devoted servants, are made of her creation, or even enter the water’s, she possesses the ability to telepathically connect with and speak with in their minds. Of course, this is limited only to those who worship her, which are typically fisherman and the sort. However, this allows her to aid those who do require help, no matter how big or small.

Fish talker: Salacia is capable of speaking with any sea creature, coming out as gurgles to the average human.

Siren’s call: Salacia is able to produce a hypnotic song, luring and leading those who she believes worthy towards grand treasures that have come lost at sea. Or, for those who are fisherman, she may lure them towards a larger pool of fish with her song’s.

Dolphins call: The variation of Siren’s call, she possesses the ability to make a high pitched, dolphin-esque call, alerting sea-creatures who are near of danger, or to come to her aid.


The city of Atlantis, a fisherman’s haven, and the average ocean fanatic’s dream land.


Atlantis isn’t as developed compared to other domains. Existing in the middle of the ocean on Earth, and Salacia herself only being around for three centuries or so, most inhabitants of the city are those who are a mix between human and sea creature, sea creature themselves, and a few less than a thousand human’s or so. However, many come here and see it as an escape in a sense, which provides fantastic schooling (The capital being mostly well known for hosting a grand performing arts school with many possibilities) and many opportunities across a wide spread of jobs.

Her place of worship exists just under the main capital, a giant glowing tree existing within a cavern, made out of coral, pearls, clams, shells, and the like:

Many go there to pray, and offer objects and treasures to the tree. Along with this, under the city, are where the more “Nightlife activities” are. You may most likely be able to find someone relaxing after a hard day of work at the underwater bar, or throwing a party with millions of jellyfish, music provided by dolphins, and so on.


Salacia, for her people, come across empathetic, caring, fun-loving, and warm. Which, of course, is how she wishes to be seen as for her people. For those who meet her and see the mature side of her, they know who her as responsible, mature, and a sensible woman, preferring to solve things with peace until violence is entirely necessary. However, for those she despises, they know her as a righteous woman, as if she is the very storm rapping and barring down their door. She hold’s a place of disdain and distaste for a handful of Major God’s however, particularly towards the Lord of Death himself.

The gilled Servants of Salacia:

At first, Salacia had none who could hear her call. So, out of desperation, she had begun to breathe life into the pre-existing creatures of the Ocean. Of course, she was limited on exactly the number she could breath life into, let alone, the amount of life. However, as people began to steadily hear of her and praise her, most servants of Salacia would come to be sea-folk, humans with heavy features of all kinds of creatures from the depth’s, from sharks to fish, to even octopi. There are also variations that appear more sea than human, such as a walking shark man, etc.


For those that do leave the capital, they band together to form groups and preach Salacia’s word to grow her following, singing songs that have come from the capital itself. However, for the most part, people do not enjoy the thought of leaving, preferring to be closer to the ocean, finding work, and settling down. Most, running their own businesses.

For the most part however, her people are typically seen become performer's, or singers of some kind, utilizing their unique gifts to polarize the masses.

The Mighty Phylakes of the Sea:

However, despite the peace Salacia wishes to maintain, all is of course not peaceful in Atlantis. Typically, this would result in them being “Cast out to Sea”, a play on words where the individual in question is banished and exiled from the Ocean’s. However, as much as Salacia herself tries to protect her people, she knew, eventually, she could not maintain this alone. Enter, the force she dubbed the Phylakes, who are recruited among the people of the capital, wielding tridents encrusted with pure gold and aquamarine. The tips themselves are sharpened gemstones, being infused with the modern energy, glowing radiantly in the water.

Of course, outsiders or rather, human’s, are unable to be a part of this force. And despite the demeaner of Salacia, it takes great training, mental and physical, to be among their ranks.

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Name(s): Sachiel, Ame-no-Uzume, Xochiquetzal, Urvashi, Terpsichore

Epithets: Lady of the Dance, Merciful Melody, Terpsichore of a Thousand Roles, Mediator of Mankind and the Divine

Divine Hierarchy Rank: Minor goddess

Iconography/symbols: Carnation flowers, musical scores, dancing shoes, musical instruments (but especially bells and tambourines)


Worship: Sachi supports those who praise the major gods, particularly with song and dance. She often appears to lend her voice to services and festivals that have a buoyant mood.

Song and dance: Sachi is a patron of those who compose songs and dances, perform them, and those who party to them. The faithful often request inspiration from her, and thank her for successful performances.

Mediation: As a symbol of peace, Sachi often serves as a messenger and diplomat of not only the gods, but also between groups of humans and other beings. When there are people whose voices are not heard, they may call upon Sachi to speak on their behalf.

Void: Being a rather active goddess traveling between the settlements of man, Sachi also has the opportunity to watch over the space outside the atmospheres, the silence serving as a counterpoint to her melodies.

Powers and abilities:

Has all the resilience and strength of the other gods, from being able to exist in a vacuum to extreme durability and strength. specific powers listed below.

Sway the Heart: Sachi's song and dance, when witnessed, can sway the emotions of various beings all the way up to other minor gods when witnessed, though it is far more effective upon mortals.

A Thousand Faces: Sachi can effortlessly change her appearance and clothing at any time, as well as shrink down to human scale and back, though unlike some other metamorphic gods she cannot adopt forms other than humanoid.

Voidflight: As a busy goddess, Sachi can transmit herself through the void of space at a rate that is far from instantaneous, though far in excess of any current human ship.

Messenger's Tongue: Sachi can understand and make herself understood towards any being that would understand language, including domestic and trained animals but not wild, as well as supernatural beings associated with the gods and any alien entities that may appear, if they have their own language.

Martial arts: While not her primary solution, Sachi's mastery of movement allows her to replicate many fighting styles of mankind's history in order to protect the faithful. In any event, she never uses any weapon that could be lethal, nor intentionally strike to kill.

Sachi does not have a personal domain, though theaters are often consecrated in her name, and temples that worship Hathor or the Pantheon of the major gods as a whole may have smaller shrines set aside for her.


The Lady of the Dance is of unclear origin, though those that occupy her role have existed since the Egyptians sang with Hathor, and the Nine Muses inspired the artists of Greece. She returned with the resurgence of the major gods, buoying the hearts of man with song and dance as they unified and sought their place among the stars. She can be wild and exuberant, or serene and graceful, though the core of her nature is kindness. She never approaches a being with prejudice, as is her duty, and she always seeks solutions of the heart before taking further action. To that end, she tends to be a more passive figure among the gods as a whole, rarely making decisions of policy and governance, nor contributing to the movement of the Pantheon as a unit. As such, she may come across as flighty and uncommittal, though her main inclination is to encourage humans to move on their initiative, to their own beat.

Clerics & mortal servants:
Similar to the lack of a personal domain, Sachi does not maintain a major clergy, though again many devout performers, musicians, and civil servants may profess belief in her and display her holy symbols in their places of work. In particular, the Black Carnation party is a minor Saturnian political group representing passionate explorers and scientists who advocate for searching at the edges of the solar system for means to bridge the gap between the Sol system and its neighbors, seeking out first contact with other species.

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