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    Below you will find our Cast, as well Available Roles.
    Interested in joining? Please use the links below and send all DMs to AntarcticRomantic (Skyy):

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    Available Roles
  • Available Roles
    These are flexible concepts based on desired plot devices or character balancing. You may change their Alias, Nationality, and Face Claim to suit your desires.


    The General of the Blood Sisters, The Judge is a curious member of the order. Unlike her fellow sisters-in-arms, she is often calm, quiet, and observant before making a move. All things in her life have a purpose, and all things are done with intention. She is a healer among them, but also one of the strongest. She is reviewed as Holly's right-hand and bodyguard, which she takes in stride. Her biggest flaws are her pride and often snarky attitude.


    This role has a unique fully-fleshed concept currently written-- just drop in and play! Or, you may create your own! The choice is yours!
    Send Skyy a DM to see the concept and learn more!


    A soldier through and through, Notos is what is expected out of years of military training and education. His reputation for precision on the battlefield is admired and envied but he is oftentimes overlooked by the Patriarch, Jonah Lancaster, for his flashier counterparts. He has a steadfast allegiance to the Order and their mission, believing the success of their operation will ensure the safety and perseverance of the mortal race for generations to come. Another graduate of the Academy of the Holy Order in Bristol, England, this Templar has a dark, romantic past with René "Ephemera" Troxler prior to entry into the 84th Legion, and is also the brother of Marcus Sideris.


    An established member of the vampire community who gives the appearance of being in support of Cecile’s sovereignty, but behind the scenes is quietly taking steps toward staging a coup. He lies in wait for an opportunity to seize the throne in the name of the greater good. A believer in the supremacy of vampirekind and their potential to guide humanity into a better and more prosperous age, he has an interest in restoring the fixed twilight. Lacking in physicality and brute strength, but quite skilled at keeping mortals--and young, impressionable immortals--under his thrall. His goal is a temporary alliance with Cecile Bellerose, but is an in-house threat to the peace between vampire and beastkind. He bears an old grudge toward the Templar Order and potentially those of Chastel ancestry.


    Vampires are known widely to be willowy noble-folk, aristocrats and thieves. Slender of stature, sly, quick on their feet. Sabotage and subtleties are their calling card. So, it comes to a surprise to many when one enters the scene who is cut from a different cloth.
    Broad and loud, The Muscle is anything but a shadow in the dark. They live for the thrill of conquest. Tactical and driven, they rarely answer to anyone but themself. They have strong disapproval of the way their race has been ruled under the Paradin Twins and have little faith in Cecile Bellerose's leadership. A warrior long-fought with the werebeasts, however their vendetta with the Templars seems to run hotter, and deeper.


    An immigrant displaced by the Templar campaign in Britain. His rough-and-tumble appearance is in sharp contrast to his second shape. Works as a gardener and can sometimes be sighted tending the city’s parks. Occasionally moonlighting as hired muscle, he is at Maeve Donovan’s beck and call and will help whenever she requests it. He was referenced recently in an article run by the New Orleans Bee, but is the name listed a false one given for privacy’s sake?
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