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Fantasy Empty Brook OOC [Closed]

I do too but I don't wanna leave anyone behind I mean if worse comes to worst we can improvise I just know what it feels like to be behind and confused but I supposed we could fill them in.
I do too but I don't wanna leave anyone behind I mean if worse comes to worst we can improvise I just know what it feels like to be behind and confused but I supposed we could fill them in.
I would say pm the peeps we're waiting on and ask if they'd be okay with starting on the bus. If not, I'm sure we can all wait and continue our shenanigans lol
The bus will likely arrive tomorrow though since it's Friday leading into the weekend, actually yes most definitely the bus will arrive tomorrow at the latest if we don't get word back today, we do have to move on at some point but I will make sure those who aren't with us yet can start and not feel confused.
Coco Adel Coco Adel

Heya, you still accepting? I know the check says yes but I gotta ask seeing as how you guys are waiting for someone to finish their CS.
We are but be warned the bus is coming tomorrow I am still willing to accept people but after tomorrow people are just going to have to jump in and get in where they fit in. I'll try to make sure they aren't confused but we do have to move on at some point. At the moment its just been everyone meeting up and getting to know each other a bit but we haven't gotten to the main plot yet.

So in short yes we are still accepting and you are more than welcome to join. 😊
We are but be warned the bus is coming tomorrow I am still willing to accept people but after tomorrow people are just going to have to jump in and get in where they fit in. I'll try to make sure they aren't confused but we do have to move on at some point. At the moment its just been everyone meeting up and getting to know each other a bit but we haven't gotten to the main plot yet.

So in short yes we are still accepting and you are more than welcome to join. 😊
May I recommend that starting tomorrow, the RP is closed for new people? We wouldn't want a huge swarm of people for this kind of RP I feel, we do have enough players and much more would utterly upset the balance of things.
Actually, that's a good idea I think I'll actually close it today and Plastic will be our last newcomer. Idea Idea
We are but be warned the bus is coming tomorrow I am still willing to accept people but after tomorrow people are just going to have to jump in and get in where they fit in. I'll try to make sure they aren't confused but we do have to move on at some point. At the moment its just been everyone meeting up and getting to know each other a bit but we haven't gotten to the main plot yet.

So in short yes we are still accepting and you are more than welcome to join. 😊

Yeh, that's cool. I wouldn't want the rp to stall because of me.


Actually I would much rather jump in later and treat it as if my character was somewhere there with the other kids. That way I can take my time with the cs, if that's ok ^-^
Yeh, that's cool. I wouldn't want the RP to stall because of me.


Actually, I would much rather jump in later and treat it as if my character was somewhere there with the other kids. That way I can take my time with the cs if that's ok ^-^
That works just fine and welcome 😁
Is there any chance one of my best friends can join? Ik it's closed but I thought it never hurts to ask. Dw I understand if they can't join <3
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Is there any chance one of my best friends can join? Ik it's closed but I thought it never hurts to ask. Dw I understand if they can't join <3
Well, I suppose if it's just one more then it's fine, but they'll be the last one.

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