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Fantasy Empty Brook OOC [Closed]

Omfg are the Noctotitan and Wendigo going to give me fucking nightmares

EDIT: And the friggin Kelpie
Omfg are the Noctotitan and Wendigo going to give me fucking nightmares

EDIT: And the friggin Kelpie
Well you're likely going to be seeing some of those in this RP at some point, but yeah Kelpie is nightmare fuel
Also, I feel like this is appropriate for the current situation:

Wish I could say same; v; my email notifications seem to just not be working
Well it's more so because I have a decent but of apps on my phone and I guess a ton of people we're posting on MeWe so it decided to inform me of every single one 😆
Yeah, now it seems it automatically updates the page -Mork- -Mork- . Don't know when it started either, but it did happen in the past so I was quick to catch on this time around.
So anyone in particular planning on going next? I'm not just wanna make sure someone isn't trying to make a post and has to worry about being bombarded by unexpected new posts 😆
I prolly should make a Vee post, but I sorta wanna just wait for the peeps we're waiting on so we can get to the bus lol

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