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Zhou is gonna have some moment with Zhu.
Zhu: Psst. Hey. Wanna trade roles with me?
Zhou: But Lord Dao sa-
Zhu: Shhhhh. Let's go.
She definitely wants to trade so bad, but with her current mission she can see some action at least. She may seethe later when left with nothing to do though
The Zhu and the Zhou. May the best bootlicker win. :V
Now that's a competition Zhu has a clear chance to win! Better make your move fast, Zhu is already groveling before lord Dao
Also yeet, it’s the day I celebrate my birth in this meh world!
Happy birthday! And it's so close to the new year too!
Wait so uh I kinda confuse on what to write now

Is there a censorate office? Or are they like, just thrown into the street 'be guards'

Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59
Yes. There is a building dedicated for the Censorate branch called the Bureau of Security. Located near the eastern gate of the city. Make your way there and someone will greet you and the rest of the cast involved.
happy birthday to Funnier president!

And well. No other way around it, time to read and write a lot lmao. I had started to reply last night but passed out u.u

well, can't complain about more content~
So she has to meet that face one on one?!
Aili Si - in constant misery and sleeplessness due to circumstances.
Dao - sees it happening.
Aili Si - in constant misery and sleeplessness about talking about it.
Dao - ok.
Aili Si - works up courage to speak:
"So um," finger fidgeting with straight face, "could I have my brothers live here?"
"Because, um, I feel like someone could walk into my room at any time..."
"Oh, I'll tell the servants not to then."
Aili Si - in constant misery and sleeplessness due to circumstances.
Dao - sees it happening.
Aili Si - in constant misery and sleeplessness about talking about it.
Dao - ok.
Aili Si - works up courage to speak:
"So um," finger fidgeting with straight face, "could I have my brothers live here?"
"Because, um, I feel like someone could walk into my room at any time..."
"Oh, I'll tell the servants not to then."
Such brilliant leadership, says Yu, seeing Cang in pain
Aili Si - in constant misery and sleeplessness due to circumstances.
Dao - sees it happening.
Aili Si - in constant misery and sleeplessness about talking about it.
Dao - ok.
Aili Si - works up courage to speak:
"So um," finger fidgeting with straight face, "could I have my brothers live here?"
"Because, um, I feel like someone could walk into my room at any time..."
"Oh, I'll tell the servants not to then."
To be fair Chienying would straight up just forbid any servant from entering since his played personality is distant and firm like that xD
Yu will keep him warm, he just needs more oil and a flame

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