• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern We All Break Sometimes (Main)



The Fish Market
Carter Zigmond
they can't break you if you're already been broken....

Carter hadn’t been up to much since labor day, she had spent a little time with Buffy that night. She owed him one after he had pretended to be her boyfriend to keep some one of her fathers co-workers off her back most of the night. Her and Tatum talk later that night, about Buffy and Ryker, and how the dumbass still hadn’t made it official. Though, Carter gave Tatum some shit for not making the move herself. Tatum mentioned something about a protest that Max was hosting.

She really didn’t know Max well, he was a freshman when she was a senior. She heard about a lot of his constant escapades. But never really bothered dealing with them, they never really came to fruition. But, she had a little bit before she had to catch her flight home and she wanted to see Tatum and actually spend time with her.

The walk over from her motel to the school was rather quick. “You know Tate, I never thought we’d be back here.” She smirked as she wrapped her arms around the other blonde. The two of them never had matching hair when they were in high school, it was a little weird to be blonde now, but keeping up with the red had become too much while she had been overseas. She no longer wanted to make the time for it.

“Did I hear her correctly?” Carter pointed towards Calla while she looked at Tatum, “You’re a Nordstrom?” finally she turned towards Calla, who stood in front of the two friends. “You know. I see it.” Carter nodded

“Hopefully you’re not as crazy as that old bat.” Carter chuckled, realizing that Calla had just lost her grandmother. “Sorry, that was insensitive... I’m working on it.” Carter grimaced awkwardly as she looked over at Tatum again.

“Yes, we will show you around. I promise the town isn’t as boring as it looks, you just have to know where to look.” Carter winked before turning around and waving over her shoulder. “Lets go. Come on, Chaos doesn’t wait.”
code by valen t.


Harper Anderson
why can't you trust me? because i can't trust myself...

This summer had not gone the way that Harper had wanted it to go, or rather maybe it had. She hadn’t worried about anyone else, she spent so many selfish nights ignoring her problems, her brothers problems, not getting back to Winnie any of the times that she reached out. Harper wished she would have reached back. Maybe then the two of them would be ignoring their own problems together and be at Max’s protest. Or worrying about how Max was handling Isa blocking him again… Selfishly Harper wanted this, just so she wouldn’t have had her fight with Zach…

“No… Me either…” Harper looked down at her feet. She was so afraid to leave high school, go to college. Everyone felt so much more ready than she could see herself ever being. She didn’t want to be the only one who stayed for the community college, but how could she leave?

Winnie was going to leave, she wasn’t staying to finish out the first day of school. And Harper wasn’t how she was supposed to convince her to stay. Harper wasn’t sure she could convince herself to stay. But Winnie deserved to leave more, she was going through so much even if she was pretending she wasn’t.

“I… I get that.” Harper wanted to convince Winnie to stay, to make it through the rest of the first day. “Just remember… I’m here..” Harper trailed off, she hoped Winnie believed her. Though Harper wasn’t sure herself, she had already failed Winnie throughout the summer. She wasn’t there.

Winnie turned to leave. “Monday then.” Harper nodded, as Winnie left Harper could feel the weight that had placed itself on her chest leave. She could go to the bathroom like she had, but she didn’t want to go back to class anymore. She didn’t want to see Zach, and be reminded that she didn’t even have him in her corner.

So, Harper took a page out of Winnie’s book. Harper was leaving, leaving Anchor Bay High School, just so she could feel like she could breathe again.


Harper made the drive to the beach rather quick, when the warm weather days started to fade, Harper liked to keep her board and an extra swimsuit and a backup wetsuit for if it was especially cold in the water. She wasn’t even sure if she wanted to surf. She just wanted to be in the open sea air. Somewhere she felt at peace…

It seemed like someone else had a similar idea to her…

--------don't type anything after this comment--------

code by valen t.
Processing. . . .

outfit: here

mood: happy

location: aquarium
Arthur says. . . .

Arthur was happy that Oliver seemed to relax as his face studied the new keychain. "I told you it wouldn't look like a crab. It's not like I'm some mean person you know.." she said to him as she looked at him facial features. Him trying to say axolotl was the cutest thing. Arthur just smiled and nodded. She didn't want to make him feel like he wasn't smart or didn't know anything. In fact Oliver is very bright and intellectual to her and she wants him to see that more.

"Yes I know what you're talking about! And i agree. Its cute right?!" Arthur exclaimed pushing her hair behind her ears. She was happy that he said he liked it. He like something she gave him and put a lot of thought into. She wouldn't say how long she stared at crab keychains for. One who would think looking at her history she was a crab fanatic.

Then she saw some people in the corner of her eye. Arthur knew Lemon from her popping in and out of social media,but Reid not so much. Only that him and Milo don't get along,but it was obvious to her why. Arthur said her polite hellos before they piled into the hour-ish long drive. Arthur made good on her promise and brought the word search that was filled with gruesome pictures and facts. Oliver said he didn't mind. Which she liked that she could be open and herself around him too. She didn't know Lemon or Reud that well yet so she wouldn't try and say anything too weird to them. She might scare them off..

There was decent conversation. It was light talk to get the time to go by and Arthur felt herself begin to relax in the seat.

When it was time to get out she stretched, texting Niila shortly after to tell him she would see him later. She would definitely make sure to take some pictures for him later...not to compare what fish looks like him.

She looked over at Oliver as they got closer and closer to the aquarium. He was holding onto the keychain and his eyes were so bright. He looked so happy! That in itself made her happy. "What is everyone here most excited to see? I know Oliver wanted to see the turtles~ what about you Lemon?" She asked trying to be friendly.

@Chimney Swift @Elf_Ruler
coded by kaninchen
mood :
I wanna throw up

location :
outfit :
mentions :
Dazzle Dazzle

interactions :
;; Jean

The water dripping off his hair and his skin felt like second nature. He felt like he could breath. His senses were clear while his mind was jumbled.

He felt like at beach he didn't have to pretend to be something he's not. He didn't have to pretend to not have feelings. He could let them go freely without a care in the world. He could do so much and yet it was like it was never enough and it couldn't fully satisfy him. He wondered always what that was,but he wouldn't find out until much later.

After he caught a wave he sat down on his board, wiping the water from his forehead before it came down to his eyes. He was looking around him. There weren't many people there to begin with,but he did notice a familiar face. She didn't look like she was in the best of moods,but he'll he wasn't either. Maybe company would be better right now? To vent to someone you don't know fully so they can't judge you? He figured he'd say something.

He got out of the water with his board and went in her direction as he got closer he finally got a name to a face. "Hey.. aren't you supposed to be in school Harper?" He joked around because obviously he was in the same boat. "We're you thinking about coming to surf or just walk around in the sand all day?" He said with a genuine smile. The first, after the events earlier, that he had let the world see.

coded by reveriee.
Myles Hawkins

"Standing in the doorway would only cause people to stare at me even more" he thought to himself so he walked towards the back. Hearing the question, he became shy but figured the only way to stop being so introverted was to actually talk to real people. He smiled and took the seat. He figured he had all the time in the world, why not stop and chat for awhile. He laughed along with her because he also thought his sunburn was a bit funny and because she said she was drunk. "Haha well Carson, I just moved in last night and when I set my bed up, I didn't think about window placement and I woke up like this."

When he finally took the time to look who was actually talking to him, he tensed up and his anxiety rose as well. His heart started beating faster and he became extremely nervous. It was bad enough to talk to strangers, but it was even worse when he considered them to be attractive. Myles thought this woman was so gorgeous, that he might actually flirt until he really assessed the situation. He was at a bar and recalled when she said she was drunk. He didn't want to give her the wrong idea so he just left his thoughts to himself.

Despite his morally correct decision, it didn't help his social anxiety or the fact that he forgot time existed and was starring at her. His face lit up almost blending in the sunburn and he jerked his head towards the counter. "So uh, what brings you to the bar?" Myles asked in a nervous tone. "Really, that's all you could come up with, you're a real genius Myles" he thought to himself. He turned to look at her again, "I'm Myles by the way"

Interactions: Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler
Calla Gilles

Calla couldn't hide the little smirk on her lips when Tatum began talking about her grandmother, and all she could do was nod, not wanting to break the spirits of what the town saw her grandmother as. Of course, Tatum could just be playing polite about the woman, her grandmother was known to be somewhat of a snobby bitch, but Calla couldn't care less if Tatum wanted to stomp and spit on the grave of the woman who let Calla bounce around foster homes. "I uh, yeah... She was something." Calla said with a nod, but her cheeks reddened some when another blonde approached. This town was so friendly, Calla was having a hard time adjusting to the way these strangers were approaching her.

When Carter called her grandmother an old bat she laughed, "don't worry, it wasn't insensitive, I've only spoken to her like, 5 times in my life. Also my last name is Gilles, not Nordstrom." She smiled a little, while she had loved her mother before her passing, the Nordstrom name was associated with her grandmother, "I hardly have any relation to her anyway, emotionally not... related." She smiled and began to follow the two girls. They seemed to energetic and full of life. All the other people that Calla had been close to in her life were dull and somewhat emotionless. Only one foster parent still calls her and checks up on her every once in a while.

"So, what's the deal with the protest? They all seem so young to be so passionate about whatever it is..." She told them in a polite way, obviously not wanting to bash the kids, "kids at my school didn't care for anything." She shrugged a little, all the kids at her schools ever did was bully her for being a foster freak or did drugs and drank in the bathrooms. The girl patiently drank the rest of her coffee before she threw it in a trash can they walked by and did her best to keep her luggage balanced as they walked along.

Mentions: Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler Dazzle Dazzle

Carson Hughes

Carson was intrigued he was brand new which mean he didn’t know anyone or anything about the town. Someone refreshing to say the least and that drew her in more. Her mind was buzzing from the alcohol, but she was unable to let him leave her attention, “Guess you have to learn that the sun can do some damage to a cute face.” Should she flirt? A questionable decision at best but she was drunk, and it didn’t hurt to shoot her shot at a new guy. She wasn’t expecting much from him, he seemed far too timid to want to say or do anything back with her.

Of course, he would wonder why she was at the bar, alone so she circled the straw in her drink, “Well Myles,” his name rolling off her tongue with ease, “I was told I was unattractive today so I thought going to a bar with so many interesting and attractive men I could make myself feel better. Plus, I didn’t expect to run into some cute newcomer.” None of it was lie but it was probably very direct. Most guys weren’t necessarily into a girl who was direct with her thoughts, but then again, the filter between her mouth and brain had begun to thin and she began to care less and less about what she said. She had no attachments to anyone; it was the joys of being who she was. As she waved the bartender over for another drink she glanced back at Myles.

Only one thought was truly swimming through her mind in the moment, “So what brings you to this small town? Running away from something or someone?” the words slurring off her lips. She would know what it’s like to become part of such a small town, but maybe he was different, maybe he was looking for a change and not running from anything. All she could do in this moment was enjoy how nice he was and how he didn’t seem to make her feel like so many other did. He made her feel like a normal bar patron getting to know someone just for the hell of it.

Mention(s): Interaction(s): AbatedBigfoot AbatedBigfoot

MOOD: Excited

OUTFIT: here


Yohan lion. lion.


Carson Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler

Myles AbatedBigfoot AbatedBigfoot

TL;DR: Jay is excited to meet up with Carson, though he can't say the same about this new guy
Jason Lowes
You were the last good thing about this part of town
Jason had a spring in his step as he pushed through the tavern door. He'd worked the early shift, which would have given him all afternoon to bemoan the fact that a new semester had started up again without him, and he was no closer to finishing med school than he was this time last year. However, the eldest Lowes brother had stumbled into an invite by Carson to meet up at the bar, and she was apparently already drunk as hell.

As much as Jay hated the guy, he supposed he had Yohan to thank for the day's suprising turn of events. If the man wasn't such a dick, Carson would probably be busy at work for the Cove House's opening night instead of daydrinking, getting trashed enough to agree to hang out with him.

Jay quickly spotted his ex at the bar, recognizing her long hair and the curve of her backside immediately. He wasted no time in striding over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. When she turned to face him, he couldn't help but grin at her pretty face, noticing alcohol still made her cheeks get slightly flushed in the most adorable way. "Hey, Carsy," He chuckled, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "You look pretty."

"What are we drinking?" His hazel eyes bouncing quickly from the empty glass abandoned on the bar behind her, then back to the young woman he held. Her slight frame felt so warm and good in his arms he did not want to let her go, instead wondering if she'd mind if he stole a kiss from her soft, invitingly glossy lips.

Before he could do so, his attention was captured by Carson's gaze flitting away from him to instead land on the fellow standing beside them. Just now realizing the dark-haired stranger had been speaking when he'd approached and grabbed Carson up in his arms, and he must have derailed their conversation. Jay wasn't the least bit sorry about it though. He was here now, so she wouldn't have to keep up the boring small talk with yet another rando trying to chat her up at the bar.

"Oh...hey, man," Jason mumbled in insincere greeting, paired with a chilly stare meant to act as this man's dismissal from their sight, still holding onto Carson protectively.
code by valen t.
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Tatum Browne

Tatum really had been surprised that both her and Carter had somehow ended back up at their high school after all the chaos they had caused. All the detentions, suspensions, principal office visits, it was a miracle they were even allowed to step foot on the property. But, now they were with a Nordstrom technically even though Calla denied being one. If the old broad was her grandmother that made this new girl one of them. Which really in this town wasn’t a far fetch to be related to one of the wealthy people because you either had money or you didn’t. There were very few who were in the middle and the disparity showed especially in the building, one complex was in the worst shape possible.

Though during this walk Tatum didn’t want to talk about the shitty part of town, she wasn’t part of that side instead she wanted to know more about Calla. “Max is the ringleader to most of the social injustices in town. He’s deaf so some of us have learned sign to communicate with him. Anyways kid is full of fiery passion and is as anxious as a tiny chihuahua. This time they are protesting about letting girls play on the football team. More power to them I suppose. I don’t really think I want to be around those boys. I can’t begin to imagine the smell. But if a girl wants to join why not.” She shrugged it off. To her it didn’t matter much but it was something worth fighting for when you really thought about it.

“So, Calla why had you only spoken to Mrs. Nordstrom a handful of times? Some weird bad blood in the family? Carter and I know about most of the families in the area” Most families with money liked to keep up fake appearances. Even her family did, Carters was the same way. Appearances were more important than what happened behind closed doors. What was said when you weren’t around to cover up a mistake. So, what made this appearance different? Why would she come now after her grandmother had passed? Calla was still a mystery, a puzzle worth learning.

Mention(s): Interaction(s): Chimney Swift Chimney Swift travelbypages travelbypages Dazzle Dazzle

mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
Ronan Myling Myling
Ashley tamarapasek tamarapasek
Ivy, Max Chimney Swift Chimney Swift
;; Dylan
The longer Dylan was in the gremlin duo’s company, the more relaxed he started to feel. The girls were so excited about the protest, they had even made a bunch of signs that had different slogans like ”DON’T NIX TITLE IX”. It was almost heartwarming how excited they were. Dylan felt the excitement passing towards himself and the anxiousness his nightmare had caused started to vanish.

This wasn’t Dylan’s first protest. He had taken part in some before this event, but not as many as he made people think. He had been part of like four or five protests before. But he remembered to always take videos and photos to put later on his Instagram account. He also sometimes informed about ongoing protests on his social media accounts despite not participating himself. After all, he had an image to keep up. He should take a lot of pics and videos of this protest too, Dylan remembered, but forgot the need as soon as he had remembered it.

Dylan kept listening to the chat of the gremlins, occasionally commenting something to their talk, but not really bringing anything new to the conversation. Soon their trio grew up with one new member as Ronan from ballet joined in. He addressed the gremlins as bald girl one and bald girl two. Bald girl two aka Ivy on the other hand addressed the boy as a hair boy. Dylan didn’t know what the bald-hair thing was about but it wasn’t the first time he heard the trio doing it. Whatever it was, it made the youngest Lowes brother chuckle a bit.

Dylan looked at bald girl two who gave the hair boy a sympathetic pat on the back with the giant foam hand she was wearing. His morning had been one hell of a morning so far. Breaking up with a crazy ex and getting hacked by him. Dylan has followed the drama on twitter but not commented anything. He liked drama but only when it didn’t hit too close home. However despite shamefully enjoying the shitshow, he felt a wave of sympathy towards the older male. He gave him a reassuring ”It will be alright.” type of smile.

Dylan chuckled once again as Ivy babbled about the protest and asked if anyone knew how to do molotov cocktails. “I think you need a glass bottle for that? But I would recommend keeping this sorta peaceful, but if they don’t listen to us, let’s open the doors to hell!” Dylan answered now as excited as the rest of the fellow protestors. The group of four grew up with one more member when the supposed leader Max Berkowitz joined.

Dylan nodded to Max and then remembered the thought of taking photos and videos of the protest for social media. “Oh, oh!” He made some excited noises before talking. “I have an idea how to gather more people and attention. We all should take photos and videos to post on social media!” He explained his idea. So Dylan took out his phone from his skirt’s pocket (yes it had pockets!). Dylan opened his notepad app and typed a short message to Max.

He had no intentions to teach himself ASL so this was the second best form of communication. ”Let’s take photos to post on our social media. Let’s take a selfie, I need the main guy for my Instagram post!” Dylan came closer to Max, with a big smile, showing the typed out text to him. After Max had read it, Dylan switched the notepad app to this beauty app where you could take pics with a filter that smoothed out one’s skin. Dylan and his dark circles really needed it.
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Myles Hawkins

Myles was too dense to notice that she called him cute. He was too busy admiring her face until she answered his question as to what she was doing here. First word to pop in his head was "damn" but Myles figured she was just drunk and was just speaking. He understood what that was like, he's the same way when he is stoned. At the same time he couldn't believe that someone could say Carson was unattractive. Myles really wanted to tell her how beautiful she was but he couldn't get the words out. His nerves would spike and his heart rate would speed up just at the thought of saying it. Then his confidence slightly rose when she called him cute.

Myles felt his cheeks warm up as well as had butterflies forming in his stomach. "Did she just say that to me?" He thought. Myles couldn't help himself but start smiling really big. She had said the first compliment. Now he was interested in her and wanted to keep talking, forgetting his original plans of finding directions. Myles figured she could show him around later if they became friends. When she waved the bartender over, he figured he would buy her a drink until he heard how bad her last sentence came out. Myles couldn't help the fact that he cared about people, even strangers. He needed to figure out a way for her to stop drinking. In an instant, he figured out what he had to do. Worst case scenario, he strikes out. He was new, its not like anyone knew the guy. When she asked what brought him there he quickly responded with "Well you of course." After the words left his mouth he stood up and leaned over to the , bartender before they made it to Carson. "Give them water please" he whispered. Then he sat back down and said, "This ones on me. Two shots of tequila please!" He raised his glass up, "Here's to me moving in and you becoming my first friend Carson." Myles said as he smiled. He downed the shot and coughed, he hated tequila but didn't want her to be suspicious.

Looking back at her, he knew he wanted to ask her out but he didn't know how. in fear of making it too awkward with the silence, he tried to speak but all he could do was stutter his words due to a knot forming in his throat. His heart rate started rapidly increase and he started to shake slightly before he took a deep breath. Carson was direct, maybe that was a hint. Myles figured he would just be honest. And with that he exhaled a "Fuck it" before looking her in the eyes. "I'm really nervous but I think you are really gorgeous and would like to know if you wanted to go something together. I want to know more about you." After he said that, he felt a calmness come over him but it left as quick as it came when another figure came into frame and put his arm around her and give her a kiss on the cheek. Myles' heart sunk, His excitement got the best of him and he fell for the puppy love. His smiled left his face and he just had a blank expression. "It is what it is" he thought. Before he had time to sulk in sadness, Carson glanced back at Myles and he went into high alert. Myles cautious nature made him not trust the man that was now in front of him.

Interactions: Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler Qwertycakes Qwertycakes
mood :
Mixed emotions

location :
outfit :
mentions :
Jean .Curious.Nat. .Curious.Nat. Jesse Qwertycakes Qwertycakes

interactions :
Max, Chimney Swift Chimney Swift

Dylan Myling Myling

Ivy Chimney Swift Chimney Swift

Ash tamarapasek tamarapasek

;; Ronan
Ronan’s smile widened a bit when he heard his nickname yelled by Ivy. Hair boy was one of the dumbest things he had ever heard, but it was silly and harmless. Something that happened on a daily basis and was kind of reassuring in a way. Ronan liked that he was treated like before despite all the shit that had happened.

Breaking up with his abusive ex and getting hacked by said ex, then a friend rampaging on twitter about the hacking. Ronan was shamed for the two things 1)the hacking and 2)the break up becoming a public shitshow. At least no one knew that he had just rejected a dear friend. At least part of his life was private. It didn’t make him feel a lot better.

So when Ivy gave Ronan a sympathetic pat with the massive foam hand she was wearing, the boy didn’t know whether the gesture made him happy or angry. In a way it was nice to be acknowledged. It was nice for people to notice he wasn’t doing fine and getting treatment based on that. However a big part of Ronan just wanted to pretend like nothing had happened and continue living his life as before. Before meeting Jesse, before all the shit happened.

And no matter how hard Ronan tried to act normal, there was something off in him. He was a social introvert. Someone who liked being around people but wasn’t a total social butterfly. Today his social interaction skill, however, seemed to be even worse than normal. He wasn’t able to grasp what the other protestors were talking about. He was unable to take part in their conversations so he just stayed quiet.

His attention was elsewhere. Mostly Jean since rejecting him had been the most recent part of the shitshow his life had become. Even though Jean didn’t admit it to the younger boy, he was clearly hurt by the rejection. Ronan felt bad about rejecting him and it made him regret his decision. Should he have lied about his feelings instead? Say that he wasn't ready for another relationship but Jean had a change in future?

But wouldn’t it be even a shittier thing to do? Start dating someone and then eventually reveal that ”Oops, I never actually loved you.” THat would surely hurt more. And Ronan should know since that was basically the thing between him and Jesse. Jesse never loved him, he just used the younger one for his own gain. Ronan wished he would have realized it earlier.

Only Max’s presence was able to bring Ronan’s attention to the current happenings. His friend seemed a little off as well. Max was clearly stressed about the protest. He was such a worrywart. He was prone to worrying so much that it was almost funny. He had once told Ronan that he never named his plants because he was afraid picking a dumb name. Max seemed like he needed some space, but he wasn’t given that. Dylan immediately attacked him, babbling something about taking photos for social media.

It made Ronan a little annoyed; he was sure Max didn’t want it. He wouldn’t want anyone to take photos of him when he was being so stressed out. He would probably worry about someone seeing the pics and making fun of him. “Dylan, back off.” Ronan said a little too strongly. He realized his mistake and tried to make his tone a lot more calmer, a lot more friendlier. “The protest hasn't even properly started yet. You will get better photos later. I promise.” He said to the youngest Lowes trying to smile a bit to soften his speech even more.

”Are you okay Max?” He then signed to his friend. Ronan had teached himself a bit of ASL after befriending Max but he was by no means good at it. He moved his hands slowly, while trying to remember how certain signs went. ANd when he didn’t know something he improvised and moved his arms randomly in a way that made only sense for himself. Even now he forget how to say “okay” in ASL so he just put his thumbs up.
coded by reveriee.

Carson Hughes

The liquor had Carson feeling loose and she was enjoying the music in the bar, the company in front of her, and the overall atmosphere of feeling more like herself again. Could it all fall apart with just one too many shots? It was a possibility, but it wasn’t like she had just learned that the boy she was dating liked her best friend and then her other best friend kissed and ditched her, so the self-pity drinking should at least be a little less. Though the second she had heard Myles’ cheesy line she couldn’t help but laugh, it seemed like she was just going to be surrounded by guys that were a bit sillier than what she was used to. It wasn’t a bad thing just a new flavor that she would have to decide on how she felt. As the next shot came, she scrunched her face in confusion, “You have to try harder new guy. You aren’t the first to water shot me, but I’ll take the hydration.” Jonah and Dee had both made her take water shots on more than one occasion. It wasn’t like she was messy, but water wasn’t bad.

Someone in her drunk mind she did feel bad for skipping out on Dee’s performance but really it was for the best. She didn’t want to cause a scene while her friend was performing so the bar was a safer option for everyone. For a split second she had forgotten that Myles was talking, and he was asking her out? A pleasant surprise to say the least, considering that she wasn’t exactly one to date, “You buy me a real shot, and I’ll tell you all about me when I’m sober.” Once the words left her mouth, she felt another presence and turned to see Jay. She hadn’t actually expected him to come out to the bar but there he was.

His embrace felt nice, but she was in comfortable company of someone she would like to get to know better. “Hi Jay.” Her smile was wide, “I’m drinking whatever shot Myles buys me. You have many shots to drink.” She could sense the tension in the two males, “Myles, this is my friend Jay. Jay this is my new friend Myles. He just moved to town and doesn’t understand how the sun works.” She still couldn’t help but laugh a little about the sunburn.

As her gaze flitted between the two males, “Listen, I’m not about whatever this awkward silence is. So, I think you two need some shots and some really bad karaoke. You can’t say no because you both are too tense.” Expecting karaoke to happen between the two boys seemed a bit much but once they got some alcohol they’d loosen up. Maybe.

Mention(s): Interaction(s): AbatedBigfoot AbatedBigfoot Qwertycakes Qwertycakes

MOOD: Irritated, worried, guilty

OUTFIT: Plaidipus

LOCATION: Some guy's apartmemt

Josephine tamarapasek tamarapasek


Kennedy @purplecowdutch

TL;DR: Trying to fix something
Alexei Milyukov
My heart is yours to fill or burst, to break or bury
Or wear as jewelry, whichever you prefer
"Are you fucking kidding me? Two grand??" Alexei hissed back, eyes narrowed as he glared at Kennedy in disbelief. "You know, you actually have the chance to do something good for once? And give something we stole back to its rightful owner. But why would you care about that, right?" He jeered in a harsh whisper, trying to keep his voice down so not to draw attention to their little spat.

Alexei squinched his eyes shut for a moment to think on the right decision, rubbing harshly at his temple as if this might make his brain work better. He would give anything to get that necklace back for Josephine, and while it would make a considerable dent in his savings, he was willing to pay what Kennedy was asking. Though he knew Jo would kill him for spending that much money on it.

He opened his eyes once again to the blonde still glaring at him, suddenly struck by the look on her face as she nervously clutched the pendant like someone might try to snatch it away from her at any moment. He'd never seen her look quite so angry and hurt before, and that was really saying something for a relationship as toxic as theirs.

Alexei knew how much she'd loved that necklace since he gave it to her, the stolen accessory sort of an unspoken symbol of their passionate, pernicious love. And as much as he desperately wanted Josephine to have it, in that moment he couldn't bring himself to keep demanding it back from his ex, even if he paid her off. Truly, he hadn't a clue what to do about this cursed piece of jewelry anymore; all he wanted to do was get the hell out of there and pretend he'd never heard about it. Kennedy was right, this was one of his all-time stupidest ideas.

"Everything okay?" The cop wandered back in, breezing through the tension to perch cautiously on the couch beside Kennedy. Alexei didn't answer him. "I'm sorry," Finally finding his voice again, Alexei mumbled the words hoarsely to his ex-girlfriend. "Just forget it. I'm...gonna go," He stood quickly and headed for the door to make a hasty exit, not even waiting for the officer to show him out.
code by valen t.


LOCATION: Seaside Tower Apartment Complex, 7894 Pritchford Lane



TL;DR Fire at the Tower, chaos ensues.

The Fire at the Seaside Tower Apartment Complex

"All Engines, All Stations. Code 3 Structure Fire, Immediate Response Needed..."

The day wasn’t anything different from the day before it or the day that would come after it. The sun had been hidden behind grey clouds when it rose, never showing for more than a few seconds before slipping back behind it’s veil again. The rain came in waves, gentle at first then slapping against the buildings with some force, flooding the streets with murky puddles of rainwater, dirt, and engine fluids. Thunder rumbled in the distance and distant flashes of lightning popped across the sky in spectacular fashion, the worst of the storm cells was crossing the center of the state while Anchor Bay was getting the wings of it, the weatherman was actually right for once during his morning broadcast.

Class C Fire: Electrical equipment, appliances and wiring in which the use of a non conductive extinguishing agent prevents injury from electrical shock.

The lightning came closer to the town, sending echoes of thunder that shook buildings to their foundations when finally… The lightning found its target, sending a flash of extreme light and heat up into the air as the bolt hit a transformer. The electricity crackled through the air and the transformer whirred for a moment, the metal box rattling, before a massive boom shuddered the entire block as the faulty ancient machine heaved a final time and broke into a million pieces. The effect was immediate as the rolling waves of powerful electricity shot down the power lines stretching in all different directions, rolling blackouts stretched through every part of the city as buildings with backup generators kicked in to start.

“This is Anchor Bay 911, what is the exact location of your emergency?”
“Seaside Towers, there’s smoke everywhere.”

“This is Anchor Bay 911, what is your emergency and where are you?”
“7894 Pritchford Lane, the whole building is going up!”

“This is Anchor Bay 911, are you also calling about the fire?”
“Yes the flames are breaking through the windows, it so bad, we need help now”

Across all three fire stations, the ear splitting tones that all the firefighters had been used to came ripping through the walls, with the voice that followed in a more panicked tone then they were used to, “All Engines, All Stations, Code 3 Structure Fire, Immediate Response needed from all units.” The scramble began immediately with doors being thrown open, gear put on halphazardly with the intent to right it while they were on route, and the cry of the sirens as they began to peel out of their stations.

“All available officers to the seven thousand block of Pritchford, we got a fire guys and girls, and it’s fucking bad.” It wasn’t the first time someone swore across the police frequency but it conveyed the sense of emergency that was needed, sending every available unit careening across the city.

code by valen t.
MOOD: ...


LOCATION: Seaside Towers Apartments


OdinsTwoWolves OdinsTwoWolves

TL;DR ...
Oliver Dreyfuss
How lonely it is, to be drowning in a place where everyone can swim

Minutes after the old electric transformer box broke down with a crash on Pritchford Lane, the building went up in smoke.

Like deer fleeing a forest fire, the three Dreyfuss sisters grabbed their things and ran wildly for the stairs, leaving mother and son staring at each other as the building crackled with flames.
Eileen, the selfless hero of a mother that she so evidently was, tried to grab her teenage son's arm to pull him out. He slapped her away and screamed. She shoved him backward in response, hissing in disgust as she herself began to show signs of panic. This was her home, her refuge, and as it all burned down around her son remained ungrateful. She tried to save him. She tried. She had done her duty as a mother. If he wanted this, so be it.
She never wanted him anyway. Not after what he did.
"You don't want to leave!? After all that I've done for you! You want to stay here and die, Oliver!? Fine! You want to die, then die. Sit right there and die."
And she coldly turned and disappeared into the smoke-filled hallway, the door slamming behind her.

Oliver's teeth tore at his fingers. Bloody cuts and bite marks riddled his arms like red flecks of paint. Smoke fumes filled his lungs with every ragged breath, making him gag.
He could hear the flames roaring over the mechanical screech of the smoke alarms, the sirens of the firetrucks wailing outside, people screaming and barking orders… a cacophony of terrible noises that hit him like a wall of sound, like bricks crumbling over his head…
It hurt.
It was excruciating.

Seconds from now, he would be out cold on the floorboards. It was a miracle that the boy was still standing. He didn't even know how much smoke he was taking in any more. He couldn't feel himself coughing and gasping for air.

He couldn't save himself. His own fight-or-flight reaction was killing him. His brain could no longer think, only react in a blind panic.

The door cracked open, falling off its hinges with a heavy thud to the floor. Smoke poured in from the outside, shrouded the figures who burst into the apartment in its sepulchral haze. Voices. Voices he didn't know. More yelling.

There was a click. A flash of steel in the dark.
The sickening rip of metal tearing fabric and stinging skin.

Oliver didn't even realize what he had done, or who he had stabbed. It was too dark, too much smoke, too much noise...
All he knew at that moment was fear. He didn't even know of what.

code by valen t.

Carson Hughes

The time at the bar with Myles and Jay had been fun but, in the end, Carson had gone home alone, back to Mildred the only person she felt comfortable with. Of course, Mildred wasn’t surprised about the reason behind going to the bar and not going to her new job. Carson had decided for now that working at The Cove wouldn’t work out for her and keeping Yohan out of it was the only way for her to do what was best for her. So, that’s what she did. She had continued drinking wine with Mildred talking about the new guy Myles and how he had asked her out, but Jay had kind of cut them off in the middle of them getting to know each other. Though, Carson knew she still had feelings for Jay it didn’t mean she wasn’t going to figure out what was best for her path in life, and she was glad to have a person like Mildred that she could talk things through. This old lady had been her saving grace.

As the days had passed Mildred had quietly knocked on Carson’s door, “Carson? Dear?” Carson turned to face the old lady ready to hear. “I heard around town, and I thought you should know that Jason is at least staying at Ellie’s place. I can’t say for sure about the relationship, but the town has eyes everywhere and my ears have heard a lot.” Carson could feel her stomach drop and the pain replaced with anger. How could he do that to her? How could he flirt with her say he was still in love but then be with Ellie? The same woman he left her for, broke her heart for?

That was when Carson enacted her plan, walking past Mildred and straight for the fridge. Eggs. She needed eggs. Upon opening the fridge, she saw deviled eggs and she knew Mildred had brought them back from her last book club. Carson grabbed them along with the carton of eggs. Now all she needed was the two little troublemakers to help her out. She knew Ellie didn’t live too far from the gas station and she wasn’t sure if Jason was working or if he was home. Either way she was destroying his car. He didn’t deserve to get away with the pain he caused her.

It didn’t take her long to make it to the gas station, now all she had to do was wait for her cohorts to come and join her in helping with the destruction of a car. She didn’t care how angry Jason got with her about his car, he deserved every bit of anger that she had held him. Every broken moment he had caused her to feel, every moment of confusion, and for destroying every attempt for her to figure out what she wanted and if he was even in the picture.

Mention(s): Qwertycakes Qwertycakes AbatedBigfoot AbatedBigfoot Chimney Swift Chimney Swift tamarapasek tamarapasek Interaction(s):

Processing. . . .

outfit: here

mood: frightened

location: work>home
Arthur says. . . .

God no...no please..please make it stop!

Arthur wished it was a regular day. A day where she would pass by the cemetery and think of death or even skip on over to Niila's to see him. This was not one of those days. Arthur and Niila didn't make any plans to see each other because she had work that day. Why didn't she just call in like any normal person? It wasn't that bad earlier..that's what she told herself while the owner was seen hurriedly closing up shop.

"Arthur you have a ride home or something?" The elderly man asked her. She nodded as to avoid the awkward can I take you home question. She watched everybody leave and she gripped onto the bottom of her sweater. Well it was Niilas,but she stole it from him.

After she watched all the cars going away
she felt her body shivering as the thunder roared in her ears. The one day she doesn't bring her earphones is the day she needed them the most. Even her car was in the shop so it wasn't even like she could drive at the moment.

Maybe...maybe calling Niila will help?

But as she called Niila he didn't pick up. That's when she breathed in deeply. It tasted of wet smoke which made her look up at the thick gray clouds.

"There's a fire? When..no no more importantly where????" She mumbled to herself.

She walked faster to get home. She even continued to text Niila to make sure he was okay. She hoped he wasn't caught in whatever was going on..that he wasn't hurt.

The thunder seemed just to get louder and louder that she had to stop and kneel down, holding her ears. Tears kept coming down her caramel eyes as she shook. She was scared she didn't want to move, but...how else was she going to get home. Everybody seemed to be preoccupied with the fires to even notice her. She was alone.

For a 20 minute walk from work to home it took her an extra 20 to just get home. She was even struggling to get inside her home. The keys she had jiggle in her hands. Her hands felt numb and she wasn't sure if it was because of the cold rain that was constantly on her body since she forgot an umbrella or because of her fear that surrounded her.

The door please just go in- just please I-

The keys dropped to the ground. "Fucking--!" She cried out while banging her fist on the door. She knew she needed to calm down and her hyperventilating wasn't going to help..

After she took a moment to catch her breath before she picked up her keys and finally got into her home. She unlocked the door and quickly shut it once she was inside.

Was she fine after? No. She could still hear the loud thunder outside. Her lungs even started hurt from crying hard and breathing in smoke. Then she was worried if Niila was okay because the news was just talking about what was going on.

God no...no please..please make it stop!

Her body slumped down the front door. She couldn't move anymore, she held herself tightly to make her shaking body hopefully stop. All the while her phone was next to her unknowingly on silent.

coded by kaninchen
MOOD: Eggcelent


LOCATION: Gas station
Ashley tamarapasek tamarapasek

Carson Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler

TL;DR The gremlins egg Jason's car
Ivy Dawkins
Don't threaten me with a good time

In the last couple of days since school started, Ivy had been unceremoniously carted off to go live with some foster family in the nicer part of Anchor Bay. Lucky for her it was hardly a move, and she was sure that she’d be back at her musty old group home before the month was out.

This placement wasn’t going to last. They never did. In a way, Ivy preferred it that way. She didn’t want any of these boomer middle-class childless couples getting too clingy with her. Just the thought of them getting all teary-eyed and going ‘we think of you as our own’ gave her blood clots and heart murmurs. The thought of seeing these sorts of people as a family was a disgusting farce.
After all, they never really loved her. They loved the idea of her. They loved the way loving someone as wretched as her made them feel about themselves.

For right now, the new charge was a little older woman named Helen with bleached-blonde hair and a collection of horrifically ugly sweaters, and a husband named Chris who was so boring and still that Ivy considered him to be the personification of a piece of wet cardboard. Typical. Definitely not the worst temporary parents Ivy had ever been placed with. In a way, they reminded her a lot of her childhood adoptive family. Not that that was a good thing.

When Helen woke up on Saturday morning to find her foster child surrounded by a mess of eggs, frying pans and eggshells covering every surface in the kitchen, she gasped dramatically and clutched her chest as though she were going into cardiac arrest from the shock.
Obviously, no one had filled her in about Ivy’s little mission.
“Sweetie, what are you doing with all those eggs?”

“Seagulls.” Said Ivy inexplicably, without missing a beat.

“Seagulls?” Helen fidgeted nervously with the chain on her eyeglasses. Ivy could tell she’d never fostered teenagers before. Probably thought she was doing god’s work saving the youth or something. Well, that wouldn’t last too long.

“Yeah. A whole flock of ‘em down by the wharf. Saved me from a deadly roller skating accident, so me and the girls are going to go serve them some brunch to pay respects.” She began to slip into a ridiculously fake 50s mobster accent, making emphatic gestures with her hands as she continued to dump scrambled eggs into a resealable plastic bag.

“Ivy, we’re going to have to call your social worker about this.”

“Whatever, Barbara. Ciao. Give Mrs. Kowalski the finger for me at church,” Ivy threw the bag of eggs into her purple glittery backpack, along with the two fresh cartons of raw eggs she’d pilfered from the fridge, waved goodbye to the stunned lady, and sashayed out of the room.

“My name is Helen–”
But Ivy was gone, leaving the kitchen door of the little seaside house still hanging open.

It didn’t take the girl too long to find the gas station where she’d promised to meet her best friend and Carson, who had invited the two delinquents out to help her exact a cruel revenge on her ex’s car. Carson was already there, lingering by the cars at the station. Ivy leaned against the wall next to her, assuming a casual pose. She drew a short drag off her sparkly green dab pen before putting it away, blowing a breath of watermelon-flavored steam out through her teeth like she was in some sort of commercial.
“Ashleghyn should be here any sec. Is this the one?” Ivy hip-checked the nearest vehicle, patting it like it was a horse. “I hope the man’s good at cleaning. Scramble’s a bitch to get out of the AC.”

code by valen t.
Calla Gilles

The day started off pretty normal. Calla had been spending a lot of time with Carter and Tatum but also packing the junk her grandmother probably thought were treasures. Obviously, Calla had kept the valuable stuff, but everything else from news paper clippings to old toys were all worthless to her. Her parents were dead and there was nothing she could do to make herself care about the things that used to be her mothers. So, while cleaning the house was a slow project, it was pretty easy to decide what was junk and what was not, which was basically jewelry and potentially electronics and other junk she could sell. Currently, her, Carter, and Tatum were working on the basement. Calla had pretty much gotten the top floor done, but between the main and the basement there was still a lot to go. "Do you girls want some?" Calla asked as she uncorked a bottle of Rose. She was still learning a lot of the people of the town, so far she new that Tatum was not too far out of high school, Carter had been living abroad, and a bunch of other little things. But, their lives, so far, seemed to be a lot more interesting than Calla's.
"Help yourself, also let me know when ya'll get hungry so I can order food later." Calla offered to the girls and poured herself a glass, setting it on a rustic old coffee table before plunking herself back on the ground to sort through a bunch of old photo albums. While they were interesting, she didn't want to keep any of them. She never had her family to start, she didn't need them now. Just as she began chucking a bunch of the sorted ones into the throw away box the power went out, "well, this is an interesting turn... Hold on, I know where the candles are." The girl hopped up and jogged up the stairs from the basement to the china cabinet that was filled with Bath and Body Works candles... Which were there probably to hide the smell of cigarettes in the house. Grabbing a few, she went back down the stairs and set them around, lighting each one, "do you girls know what's going on?" She asked, sitting back down on the floor where her wine was, hastily taking a sip as she waited for a reply from them. If anyone knew what was going on in the town, it would have been one of them. It was pretty clear from Calla's stature around the two girls that she was becoming pretty comfortable with them.
Mentions: Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler Dazzle Dazzle





TL;DR It's bad, all bad

Rhys Price

"Just bad, all bad, that's how the day started and that's how it'll end..."

The fire engine heaved Rhys’s body around, his long fingers kept tightly wrapped around the phone as he sent message after message to Astraea, praying to every single god he could think of that there would be some sort of answer before they got to the Tower. His throat was tight, fingers clammy, the sweat was already starting to drip down his forehead and they hadn’t even jumped into the flames yet. Finally, there was an answer, his phone vibrated and all he saw was that she was down by the cafe, “Thank fucking Jesus…” He hissed out quietly and tossed the phone down, rougher than he meant to as it bounced against the dashboard then went tumbling down to the floor. “Fuck it..” Rhys shook his head and keyed up his microphone to speak to the team in the engine with him, “Everyone ready? Building’s already engulfed, so get inside and get everyone you can out, there’s a team already up top so start from the bottom and go up, up, up till we meet up.” There was a chorus of “yes sir” and all Rhys could do was take a deep breathe, always on the rescue teams, always walking into the fire and never on a hose, part of him was wondering why the hell he was like this, but then the engulfed building filled up his vision and there was no time to go on a soul searching journey.

They moved fast, axes broke through flimsy front doors to open apartments as the two teams worked up and down toward each other. Walking wounded carried the wounded, most people had thankfully started to run before it got too bad and soon the firefighters would need to leave before the situation regressed further and further.

“Mayday! Mayday! Fireman down! Mayday!” The screeching voice coming through his radio made Rhys jerk his head as his ears started to ring, but he careened through the stairwell door and started running up the steps two by two to get to the floor where the down fireman was, hearing the heavy foot falls of the others behind him.

“Oh fuck! It’s Danny, fuck fuck fuck..floor 5, floor 5” The voice coming over the radio was panicked and heavy, breathing quick gasps, “He’s been stabbed!”

Rhys almost felt his feet stop as they hit the deck of the fourth floor before his mind started kicking back into gear as he went moving on up the steps, trying to fathom the words that had just passed through his ear and into his brain. Stabbed? Stabbed. He was sure he heard stabbed and then the door to the fifth floor was there and as soon as he did, there was Daniel being dragged through by another. “Get an ambulance,” Rhys stared at one of his team members before snapping “get a fucking ambulance Turner!” He shouted over the noise, sending one of the firefighters nearly tumbling down the stairs as they did. Deep red was seeping through the yellow fabric around Daniel’s stomach, his head rolled around like it was a messed up tilt a whirl, “Get a limb everyone, lets go, lets go..” Rhys kept himself calm and going, even though everything inside him was capitulating like a ship in the night, making his stomach heave till he thought he was going to throw up inside of his respirator, channeling all his energy into heaving the unconscious body into the air so they could start moving down the stairs as fast as possible to the hopefully waiting ambulance Turner was supposed to hail.

“Hold on Holy Ghost… Hold on…”

code by valen t.
MOOD: ...


LOCATION: Seaside Towers Apartments


OdinsTwoWolves OdinsTwoWolves

TL;DR ...
Oliver Dreyfuss
How lonely it is, to be drowning in a place where everyone can swim

Still not realizing he just knifed one of his rescuers, despite the bloody weapon still clutched in his pale bruised hand, Oliver finally found his instinct to run.

He didn’t know where he was going after he tore out of the house, through the smoking and crumbling hallways, out onto the sidewalk and past the blare of the firetrucks and ambulances and the crowding people. He ran past all of it and barely registered anything other than the feeling of his feet on the pavement. And that it was cold now… so much colder now that he was far enough away from the flames.

It was still raining in icy sheets from the storm that hit last night. The howling winds made the telephone wires overhead whistle and creak and sent the rainwater rushing down the streets in rivulets. He had no jacket. He had nothing with him but the clothes on his back and a now-bloodied switchblade. Everything else was left to be burned to ashes.

If anyone had tried to stop him, they weren’t fast enough to catch him before he darted around the corner and ran across the street into a corridor between the buildings, disappearing from sight.

He had no home here anymore. His family had nowhere to force him to return to now.
But if his mother ever found him…
He couldn’t stay here. No, not here in Anchor Bay.

But he knew he couldn’t get far. He was barely a few blocks from the bridge when the adrenaline coursing his veins wore off suddenly, and in an instant, the burning in his lungs hit like a gunshot.
Had he even taken a breath since he escaped the apartment? Now he could barely get air between smoke-induced coughs. The poor teenager stumbled blindly into a brick wall, unable to balance himself.

He could feel his heart beating in syncopated triplets.
His head spinning.
His knees giving out.
Then he could feel nothing at all.

He’d stay in Anchor Bay for the night.

code by valen t.

Tatum Browne

Tatum had been spending time with Calla getting to make a new friend, which was something she hadn’t done in a while. Maybe due to the fact of all the trouble she got in, maybe because of rehab but it didn’t matter she was glad to be creating another relationship in such a boring town. Sure, she loved Anchor Bay but that didn’t mean she didn’t find the town extremely boring. Going through the old Nordstrom house was something that she had never expected in her entire life but all she could see was that the old lady kept everything. It was amazing that the house didn’t look like a hoarder had lived there.

As Calla offered wine Tatum declined, “I’m good, I don’t actually drink anymore. Long story.” Tatum shrugged as the lights began to flicker and finally, they were plunged into darkness. “The storm has to be getting bad. Hopefully everyone else is okay. We haven’t had a bad storm like this in a long time.” Tatum couldn’t remember the last time she had gone through a storm that knocked out power. Not that she was scared but it did mean they would probably be in the house for a while.

Her eyes noticed the photos by Calla when she came back with the candles, “Not keeping any family photos? Can’t say I even knew someone like your grandma even had a family to keep photos of, so it makes sense. She didn’t exactly seem like a sentimental person.” Tatum wasn’t trying to be mean, but everyone knew Mrs. Nordstrom as one of the meaner old ladies of the town and so to even imagine her having a family was something of a shock. Some new person coming into town and changing their perception of the woman that all the kids agreed to stay away from and make the villain of their stories.

Mention(s): Interaction(s): travelbypages travelbypages Dazzle Dazzle


Lemon Pierce

Skipping school had been nice for Lemon but after all the adventure and running around along with stressing about school, Lemon had been home sick for the day, resting. She had turned on her favorite drama soap and let the episode play as she worked on some homework while drinking her tea and eating her soup. She was going to bunker down for the storm, her mom was with Jen at Reid’s house something about taking over some food and pictures that she thought Aunt Jen would enjoy and her dad had been called into work and Lemon had lost interest on the reasoning because she didn’t really know what her dad did. But something had gone on the fritz at work and her dad had to go and fix it, so she was home alone during the storm. It wasn’t a bad thing, but it wouldn’t been nice to have her parents with her.

As she scrolled through her social media a post from Max had caught her eye and she was confused as to how a fire could exist while it was raining. They had gone back and forth until some stranger had said an apartment had gone up in flames. Lemon knew Oliver lived in some apartment buildings and she was worried that it could be his place. So, she messaged him, and he didn’t respond. Didn’t even look at it after ten minutes and she got more and more stressed. As the minutes ticked by Lemon gathered herself up slipping on her rain boots and getting the keys to the truck. The rain was pelting her as she opened the truck and climbed in. She could drive in this she would just need to take it slow. She was going to find Oli, and nothing was going to stop her. So, towards the smoke she drove, carefully driving trying not to let the truck be pushed off the road. The wipers were going full blast and she could barely see in front of her, hearing things hit against the truck and seeing a few small branches go past her. It was fine.

All Lemon had to do was locate where Oliver was and make sure he was safe. She would be fine as long as she knew that her friend was also safe. The roads were barren of cars with everyone hiding from the storm which meant Lemon had the roads basically to herself. Every so often she would stop the truck to collect herself and then continue, she wouldn’t let her fear stop her from finding Oliver. Her driving continued and she knew locating him would be nearly impossible and she decided to try and call him in hopes of him picking up. As the storm got worse Lemon had to find cover to protect herself and the truck and the only option she could find was a bridge so that was where she decided to pull off and try to call Oliver.

Mention(s): Chimney Swift Chimney Swift Interaction(s):
MOOD: ...


LOCATION: Some back alley in Anchor Bay...


Lemon Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler

TL;DR ...
Oliver Dreyfuss
How lonely it is, to be drowning in a place where everyone can swim

Oliver finally blinked his eyes open and found himself staring up at the empty sky, the surrounding buildings turning into nondescript blurs in his cloudy peripheral vision.

The first thing he noticed, after the dull ache at the back of his head and the dry burning sensation in his lungs and throat, was the smoky haze over the view above. He could still smell soot and burning wood and brick– he really was only a few blocks from his old home, or what remained of it. That thought alone sent an icy chill down his back.

He knew he was far too weak to travel right now, and didn’t have the stability of mind to plan a journey out of state to wherever he was going to try to make a living as a feral vagrant. He had some ideas– he’d spent most of his childhood foolishly dreaming of running away, but now that he was older he’d turned those wishes into a premeditated desire to survive without his family.

Because he knew, deep down in the darkest tunnels of his brain, that it had only been a matter of time before he was in this position. His mother’s “care” could never be relied upon, and he had a roof over his head only as long as she decided that he did.
It was like she’d always told him: he was lucky she’d been so kind. He owed her his life.
Those were empty, painful thoughts.

Still unable to pull himself to his feet, Oliver propped himself up on his elbow to assess his surroundings. He didn’t quite remember where he’d ended up anymore, not after he’d passed out, but it quickly came back to him. He’d fallen in a small dead-end alley that gave him a bit of shelter from the wind and rain, though his clothes were still soaked and chilling him to the bone. Not a good start if he was supposed to be living out here for the foreseeable future. He’d have to get his hands on new clothes somehow… which inevitably meant stealing and risking getting caught. And if he got caught, he’d get sent straight back to his bleak nightmare of a family or into the broken foster care system.
…or to juvie, for stabbing a firefighter.

That memory finally cracked open. Stunned, as if begging for it not to be true, Oliver’s hand dashed for his knife and he clicked it open, feeling it stick with blood and seeing the darkened stains creeping along the blade. He turned white, muttering to himself as he hurriedly started cleaning it off, knowing that it wouldn’t be enough if anyone had seen what he’d done.
He needed to leave town now.

As Oliver finished fretting over his knife, tucking it back into his pocket, he heard his phone’s soft mechanical ring. He hadn’t even realized he’d brought his phone out with him, though already he was terrified of who was calling him. What if it was his mother? One of his sisters? The police?
Lemon’s name and number flashed on his screen in blocky lettering. An instant wave of relief washed over Oliver… a friend. Though he couldn’t bring himself to tell her that he’d be disappearing from town and likely never seeing her again.
He took the call and held his phone to his ear without saying a word. She’d know he was listening.

code by valen t.

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