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Fantasy uncharted land

Ben wasn't looking at the guard. he was staring at the dark corner as if a snake could crawl out of it anytime.
The guard untied Ben’s cell before opening it up. Other guards watched his every move as their fellow guard walked into Ben’s cell.
(There are 3 of them, right?)

Ben left the cell immediately but didn't make any hostile moves. "It has a hole there... I'm not going back in that cell again unless I see its corps." He said and stood away from the cell.
Ben had succeeded to gather all three guards at his reach. He had to finish them quickly before they could yell for help. He waited till all of them were close enough then kicked one of them flying back to knock the other two down. Next move wad to grab heads of two and hitting them together so they'd black out while the third was still under their weight. And after that he could slam the head of the third to the floor to silence him as well. If he succeeded, he would be able to untie ropes of bars they way guards did and free men in the cells.
The other guards were quickly subdued as a couple of them wound up with red-stained fur in farious places. Only one remained consious albeit with Broken horns that had been grounded to stubbs as he lay limp. Ropes were tied to the cell via iorn posts that had been grounded into the brick floor. The ropes had the thickness on par with maritime ropes & the railings of some footbridges.
Ben picked weapon of one of guards and tossed burning parts to a corner of stone walls quickly to keep the fire under control or it could make too much smoke. He used the same tool to open the bars that had turned hot in process. "The war chief might be imprisoned in the other temple. I've to save him. Can you guys help me do it the safest way?" He asked captives whom he had released from cells.
“We better do it quick before they regain consiousness” said one of the imprisoned warriors pointing to the shambling pile of bodies.
Ben nodded then went to bodies and pushed them into a cell and bent one of metallic weapons to keep the bars closed with. "We've to go to the other temple secretly. Isn't there a secret passage between them to use?" He asked.
“Maybe” said the warrrior having only been there for a couple of hours. I don’t know any other exits besides the one that goes outside!”
"There might be something in the other room in opposite side... but it doesn't worth the risk it takes." Ben said then pushed the exit door slowly to peek to the other side and see if it's safe to pass.
The other side was a citiczen’s prayer room with high ceilings, a large alter and a fire pit. there are two flights of staircases. One leading up while the other leading downwards. The room was completely vacant as there weren’t any valuables to hide.
"Do you remember to path you came from? Should we go up or down?" Ben asked the others since he had forgotten.
“We went in from the side, not through here!” exclaimed the warrior “Knowing how these things are shaped, let’s go down!” said another warrior.
Ben nodded then went to the empty room and hurried to the staircase. He peeked ahead each time to make sure they weren't going to be caught by surprise. Like this, he started going down the stairs.
The clopping of yansi hooves can be heard in the distance as all the warriors went downstairs. Below the pyramid’s stone floor was a long and narrow hallway carved from dry dirt with wooden supports on either side. The hallway split in two opposite directions that went beyond the stone ceiling.
After hearing the clopping sound, Ben listened carefully to make sure the path he chose was silence. He took the right hallway and proceeded cautiously.
The path would lead to another hallway with holes through the dirt cieling for ventillation creating random bright spots in the tunnel. The bright spots would disipate as their feet would be touching adobe bricks again. The hallway would end with a largecurtain of stone beads.
Ben carefully looked through the beads and spied the other side hoping that they were going to be out soon.
The other side served an armory chocked with all manner of weaponry enchanted or otherwise on wooden bartops. Yansi guards, however patrolled the rows as part of their rounds as the closest one turned towards Ben once he heard the curtain rustling.
The guard walked closer toward the beads causing him to deviate from his usual rounds. He kept walking until he himself walked through the beads “HEY!” he exclaimed “There’s humans in here, Get’em!”
ben punched the guard in face and ran back. "To the light holes... I'll throw you up before they get you." He told the others when they were running away from weaponry.

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