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Mentions: Kanaye/ Do_it_4_the_VINcE Do_it_4_the_VINcE

He sure was talkative for someone tied to a toilet.

Hansuke reconsidered the bottle in his hand, then put it down in the sink as the Dove ranted at him. There was a good chance it would break if he tossed it, and it happened to be his only one (he really needed to go to the store sometime soon). He pushed aside the shower curtain and grabbed a shampoo bottle instead. It was heavier. Before he could decide which body part to hit to cause the maximum non-lethal damage, the Dove changed his tone.

He blinked. Aka-chan? "Look, old man, if that's some Dove friend of yours then she's probably busy digesting in Bone Snapper's stomach right about now. You should focus on yourself. You're at my mercy here. But if I wanted you dead, I would've cut out your vocal cords before you woke up. You're the noisiest hostage I've ever had."

He tossed the shampoo bottle up and down, thinking. "No, I want to make a deal. One that can benefit both of us. I saw the way you charged into Antique. Very suicidal, by the way. Whoever you were after either got away, or got you into the situation you're in now. Either way, we both want to kill certain ghouls, and we can help each other do it."

She jerked as she felt herself being lifted - her vision of the crowded CCG Investigators and the cars and buildings blurred. The confusion lasted only a few seconds - and the ghoul found herself situated on the landing of a balcony just above the Wendigo's head. Heights had never been an issue, thankfully. Zena leaned against the railings of the small escape, gritting her teeth and almost maddened. "What are you doing?!" staring after it. Daft thing.... the beast did not break its gaze from her for a few, fatal moments. "Saeko..."
But her thoughts were soon shattered by the shriek of the beast, clawing at its own eye in pain, followed by a shrill cry from its wife above. She gripped the railings.
I can't just stand here, dammit.

Her field of sight glazed over the opposition. She realised that there was no further sign of the other ghoul from before. Perhaps she had already fled the scene. The elusive figure from the rooftops was nowhere to be found either.
She strained herself to see beyond the kakuja - almost leaning over the railings. There was a woman, and a male investigator - both white-haired, braced for action, and it was to them that the Wendigo poised its attention upon. The faces of which Zena could not discern from her position.
Another investigator gathered towards the side of the Wendigo whilst it was distracted, drawing a large quinque in the hope of succeeding in an unforeseen attack.
Not a chance.
If Saeko knew her wife at all - she knew that Zena wouldn't and couldn't stay put, ever. No matter how much Saeko felt she needed protection. She hoisted herself onto the railings, pushing herself into the open air and shooting straight down towards the Investigator - wings accelerating her speed.
In the next instant, the whistle of air sounded as Zena fell upon the man with a swift, forceful kick to the face and the crack of the neck and cheekbones. He fell with a winded, ragged breath. There was no way the ghoul could land herself steadily - rolling and skidding across the ground in a cloud of dirt and stones.
That...ought to do it..


"Ah..." The Investigator grinned as the Wendigo addressed him, stepping away from Akito and decidedly leaving his briefcase at her side."You sit back and watch the show."
He couldn't help but feel apprehensive. The scars on his face told their own story. And somehow, watching the bone-clad beast draw towards him made his skin prick as though being teased by needles once more.
"And so, we meet again!" Sirus took one pace back and slowly kneeled towards the ground, leaning on one hand. His eyes flashed a jet black - his cold, crimson irises staring wildly from his sockets. "I don't usually resort to kagune use off the bat...but I do- I feel completely charged with it."

For a short moment, his attention wavered from the beast approaching him to a loud thrash from behind the Wendigo, a cry, and the subsequent appearance of a winged woman rolling across the ground as the obviously guilty party. What the hell?-
Perhaps his attention should have been focused more on Saeko. But instead, he did not blink as he stared after the woman in question, completely without expression. The flailed wings of the woman made his skin crawl with shock, the woman attempting to lean herself up. No fucking way-
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This feud between Saeko, Sirus and the CCG had long been fueled for two years. Her wife's brother, a CCG slave. To believe they actually allowed a Ghoul to become an investigator was still beyond her. The Wendigo's kagune sacs bore more kagune tentacles, preparing for her next attack. Lunging towards Sirus, the Wendigo paused at the sight of a white and blue blur. Just as Saeko's wife collapsed against the floor, The Wendigo got distracted. Letting it's threatening roar out, it's back legs pushed itself off the ground. It landed just over Zena's body, in a protective stance just like a wolf would protect it's mate. Stupid wife, she didn't need to risk her life for Saeko. In her own mind, she believed she was replacing and that Zena wasn't. Zena shouldn't risk her life for someone as insignificant as Saeko. "Zena," The distorted voice let out. "You must not risk your life for me," It's large, bone clad head nudged Zena's body gently, it's hand picking up the delicate body of the wife and putting her on her own feet. "Hideaki needs you..." It's distorted voice said almost gently, it's beady red eyes scanning over Sirus.
The body of The Wendigo slowly liquefied, almost as if it were fresh tar. Leaving the pool, a distorted body figure emerged. Bones crunched, snapped, and fused while it returned to a natural human body shape. Saeko's sanity returned, though her body had physical changes. Every time she left The Wendigo's body, her clothes were gone and only the black liquid masked her body. Her hair returned to it's unnaturally long and messy length. There was no difference between Monster, and Saeko when it came to her. "Please think before attacking. You know I can handle myself dear... But it's alright," Saeko glanced at her wife, giving a wink. "You can make it up to me tonight..."

"This uncle doesn't deserve your life anyways."

"Ridiculous..." Akito stood on top of the van, jumping down. "This is what happens when we allow ghouls to fight ghouls. They get distracted..." Akito mumbled, bringing her hand up to her pale lips. Biting the brown glove and pulling it off to reveal the dark silver kagune steel that made up 80% of her arms. "You did not wait for orders, Sirus. You are still not able to act on your own. You got distracted, riled up and used your kagune when you did not need to." Akito said, walking towards the battlefield. Situations like this is what causes Akito to step into instructor mode. Being in charge of the Ghoul boy, she had to protect her reputation and Sirus. He was a threat to her, himself, and CCG. "These are all traits of a common ghoul, not a human, Correct? Weren't you taking steps towards getting rid of your ghoul life, and stepping into the human life. Am I wrong?" Akito asked, her pale blue eyes glaring at Sirus below her white eyelashes. "You are still new in this life. Continue to learn, and not act without thinking."

Her eyes scanned the area, quickly following a white and red blur. Bone Snapper's kagune flew an attack towards Sirus, only to have it blocked by Akito's prosthetic arms. Any other steel besides kagune steel, her arms would be destroyed by any S rank Ghouls kagune. "Have you not learned what she did to you? The torture she enacted on you in revenge for your greed? No matter... You can write a reflection paper later." Akito grabbed the suitcase, clicking the button and revealing a large sword that was the size of her. Half her weight, Akito was formidable. She could use her arms along with her sword for a combination of defense and offense techniques. "She's not an opponent to mess around with. Breathe in, Focus. Remember what I told you Sirus... You must act like a human CCG investigator..."

Her eyes evaluated her opponents, voice lowering so only Sirus could hear. "Bone Snappers mate is weak... Bone Snapper will mostly focus more on defense and less offense to protect her mate... Let's take down Bone Snapper first. I'll distract her, I want you to flank and target Bone Snappers kagune. We must weaken her over time, tire her out slowly so that we don't tire ourselves out. Make consistent, even attacks... Understood?" Akito nodded her head, aiming her sword towards the two ghouls. "The feud between us will end here, along with your reign over Osaka..."
Kanaye stared at the ghoul as he was speaking. So many thoughts went through his head at once when he was offered the chance to work with the ghoul. He couldn’t, he can’t work with him. Why should he work with the creature keeping him captive? Besides, Kanaye always had an unofficial rule about working with ghouls, and now he was being asked to break this very rule. It’s insane. It’s out of character for him. There’s no way he could accept this deal.

But... Kanaye was also never captured by a ghoul before. He’s trapped in a situation where he couldn’t possibly hope to get out. He’s at this ghoul’s mercy and there’s seemingly nothing he can do about it. Even putting that aside, he had another thought that was slightly troubling him: what would happen if Kanaye said no?

Morton’s Fork has now come into effect, and Kanaye needed to decide, now or never.

“Okay, ghoul. You want me to work with you, right? If that’s going to happen, then the first thing I want you to do, right now, is let me go. Get these ropes off of me, and then we’ll discuss helping each other. Otherwise, I’m not gonna do a damn thing for you. You may as well just eat me and get it over with.”

Kanaye sat in anticipation, waiting for the ghoul’s answer. Let’s just hope this works.

Mentions: Kanaye/ Do_it_4_the_VINcE Do_it_4_the_VINcE
"Bossy, aren't we? You sure changed your tune fast,"

Grinning, Hansuke tossed the shampoo bottle in the tub and moved closer to the dove. Before he untied him, Hansuke slammed his foot against the wall next to the dove's head, hard enough to crack the tile. He leaned down. "Maybe I will eat you, if you keep asking for it. You'd make a nice dessert after the night I had. Don't push my generosity." He pushed back and untied the ropes around the dove.

"Remember, I could've left you tied to that toilet and let you starve until you agreed. Or tortured you," Hansuke said, moving back to lean against the door. "So, with that in mind, consider your next move carefully, old man."

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