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Fandom Supernatural RP - Accepting Applications


(Ill do corrections to any spelling when I wake up.)

"Am I dead now?"

"Obviously not."


Walls cascadeing down Amethyst began to take direct control of her dream... Though, the entity seemed beyond her manipulation. "I can tell im dreaming now." Amethyst spoke as she slowly walked atop a prestinely calm and seemingly bottomless lake. With each step she felt the cool water against the bottom of her bare feet. The sensation made her skin crawl but was suddenly stopped as she felt a vibration through the water. Head turning she didn't see anything in any direction, just the water continuing on endlessly.

"Is this limbo?" Amethyst asked outloud, knowing it was out there somewhere. The reverberation picked up once more as she felt it emanate from below. The water shook once more and Amethyst could feel something moving beneath the water. Looking down she didn't see anything. More ripples began to form on the surface of the water. Ignoring it for a few more seconds Amethyst continued her slow walk. However, the ripples grew larger and larger. Kneeling down she ran her hand across the surface to feel heat. Watching closely the surface rippled again, only this time an image could see seen within the ripple.

Touching the center of the ripple she felt something grab the tip of her finger. Eyes going wide she tried to pull back but was unable to break the grip. Being tugged on she felt something grab her feet. Losing control of the dream Amethyst began to panic. Feeling the tug once more it all turned black. Amethyst felt her heart skip a beat as she was pulled under the surface of the water.

Rising up from the water Amethyst wasn't even wet. Patting herself she felt like she was stretched down to the atomic level. Her bones ached and she felt the physical strain of what just happened. However, flashes of light on the surface of the water began to catch her attention. Slowly looking up the glowing grew more and more intense.


Falling backwards at the sight of.... something she nearly began to puke. She felt her stomach twist and her mind scream. Closing her eyes she felt the pain begin to go away. Slowly opening her eyes Amethyst saw a massive black tendril begin to descend infront of her. Eyes focusing in on the tip of it she watched it cautiously.

Sitting on the surface of the water she began to back peddle to get away from the tendril. It didn't matter, she watched dozens.. if not hundreds more begin to descend from the sky. The sight made her chest writhe in pain. The feeling of dread washed over her before the movement of the tendril caught her attention. Watching it move closer and closer an eye finally opened on the end of it. The red iris stared out at her making Amethyst feel more and more uncomfortable. "You can stop now." Amethyst said thoroughly terrified.


She heard bellow from above as the tip of the tendril receded before coming closer. Eyes crossing for a moment as she tried to focus on the tendril it extended before it pressed on the middle of her forehead. Amethyst felt a surge of pain followed by the feeling of dripping.

Jolting awake suddenly Amethyst sat up now free from the chains. Feeling her body screaming in pain she began to wonder about the dream she had. Moving her hand from her chest Amethyst just laid back down on her back. Though she could move she still hadn't come back fully. She felt light headed and didn't have a good idea of where she was. Laying silently she could hear voices nearby and it was then that she began to remember the situation she was in.
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Thor almost smiled at Inari's response, the kitsune had always had problems controlling his emotions, and had gone from trying to provoke anger in Thor to revealing his own bitterness in mere moments. "Honor does not prevent me from being brutally honest, and I couldn't care less what you do to the Men of Letters after Hypolyes had been ended once and for all. And feel free to retaliate, but you will lose, and I won't go as easy on you as I did last time. I came here to see if you felt the need to do so now, but as you seemingly don't, I'll leave you to catch up with Brendan here." He nodded a greeting to the human before adding "I have a few that I have to stop by."

His next stop would be Elijah, of all the hunters, he had shown by far the most acceptance towards him from the very start, a rare trait among hunters, and in time Thor had even come to call him friend. Not to mention all the other qualities he possessed that had made Thor pledge to gift his sword to Elijah after killing Hypolyes with it.

As he searched the grounds for Elijah's presence, he felt something dark, seemingly bound by some manner Thor couldn't quite deduce without closer inspection. It had the darkness of a demon, though it was stronger and somehow different. He put those thoughts aside, sure that he'd soon have his questions answered. As he appeared a short distance behind Elijah, he saw that he was walking behind a woman, who he in part recognised and in part guessed was a leader of the British Men of Letters "I am gone a few hours and you manage to find some new evil unknown to even me, and bind it. This place never ceases to surprise me."

Safton Safton NanLia NanLia LucianGrey7971 LucianGrey7971
The Alpha bristled at Thor's words and his mood worsened as the god continued to talk down to him. The second the god vanished from sight, the mood completely changed. "Good to see things haven't changed," Kurama ran his hand across his now shaved head out of habit and smirked to himself. The god had seemed pleased with his unhinged emotions, most likely thought he was in no position to make a sound decision. Unfortunately for Thor, Kurama was in more control of himself than he had been in at least a thousand years and manipulating other's thoughts of him was easier than ever. "Ah, Councilman. I fee the need of explanationfor the display, I needed him to believe my emotions were clouding my judgement. Though it is quite unpleasant to have someone throw the death of an ally in another's face, especially when one is related to the dead. I shall have to add that slight to the other~"

The Alpha turned to face Brendan with a coy smile on his face, "I do understand that I have been absent, but it was necessary, I had some...upstarts to take care of before I could rejoin you. Though I have to admit, having you go out of your way to find me feels as though I am once again considered to be untrustworthy." The smirk faded into a neutral expression as Kurama watched Brendan's expression for insight into his true feelings on the Alpha

NanLia NanLia
"Oh, that's good." Chester said, nodding. "I was afraid I would need to watch where I slouched Holy Water around."
He glanced over at Tara, smirking a bit.
"It also doesn't help that Vampires let themselves become too mainstream in first folk lore, now pop culture. That can help attract some impressionable humans to willingly become a food source in the hopes of becoming a vampire themselves, but it also means a lot of people know taking off the head is a good place to start when killing one."
Though he felt a little guilty about it, Chester made a mental note of the djinn weakness. He kind of hoped that he wouldn't have to use it, but life did funny things.
"So yeah" he continued "don't try to take them on in a direct fight, capitalize on their vulnerabilities, and you should be fine."

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
Mackenzie watched intently as Will lifted and carried the girl into the cage; she didn't doubt it would not be a comfortable way to live for the time being and did fell some remorse for having to resort to it. But at least she won't be dragged out and fed on daily. She mused darkly. Dark eyes continued to watch the prone figure, Mac momentarily convinced she had awoken but the girl made no noise and no movement to indicate it. With Will safely out of the cage and the door locked, she turned to regard Arthur again. "I wouldn't suggest leaving to many too close to her, she's-"

"Dangerous, we know." Arthur huffed at the hunter as she felt it necessary to warn them. "This is what we do, dear, so just let us handle it. Alright?" He winked as the small woman before turning to her male counterpart. "I imagine you'll want to visit her in the morning, sentimental as you hunters often are. We'll make arrangements to let you back in and I'll speak to Director Brimely about sharing information with the colony on her condition, should we discover what she is."

As it were, Evelyn passed in close proximity to the men Brendan were speaking with. She certainly didn't miss the talk about her faction or its delegates, though made no outwardly reaction, simply stowed the information aside for later use. She had been under the belief that Vitae could be a safe haven for the Men of Letters during their dire need but clearly they had less than a handle on the 'others' that made the colony their way-station. One of the two men was either an angel or a pagan god, by how he simply disappeared, the other she knew by the name Brendan spoke - Inari.

Of course the Alpha Kitsune would be harboring old wounds and resentment, it was simply how the supernatural were. Prone to violent outbursts and wild antics; their ways were long done and such a mentality proved to Evelyn that they needed to be dealt with accordingly.

She stepped up to the encampment, taking a tablet from an associate and paging through the open files, reading over the reports from their transit and from the other chapter houses around the world Hypolyes had destroyed.
Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider
Safton Safton

Emile chuckled softly; Chase certainly had a way of turning some of his darkest moments into humor. He kept quiet when Chase moved away, not worrying about trying to make his sit back - the man was always moving and Emile wondered if he had some sort of attention disorder at times. He was surprised to hear the younger wolf speak openly about his hesitation with returning to the colony, all the more reason Emile didn't want to go, but said nothing. He knew the life Chase was speaking about - while never a hunter himself, he had spent his youth living among humans, pretending to be human and how much stress that could cause.

At the last, Chase finally said something Emile knew couldn't be from anywhere but from his heart. He reached out to take Chase's hand and squeeze it firmly; he had no way of consoling the thought - he had no idea if it was even a possibility? How long could that scent last? Even if it hadn't been cleaned up, would it still smell like his father? He shook his head and sighed, turning the thoughts away. "Then I suppose we'll just have to make sure you're too busy to wander around too much." He said quietly. "I'm sure they need help with hunting, since a great number of their people left. We can talk to Brendan in the morning, if you want? And see if he has anything?"
Crono Crono

Ashley-May looked up from the yellowed pages of the books she had dug out of Eli's belongings; one of the many things he had managed to save from his flight from England and one she was thankful for. The book of lore was about resurrection, mostly theory, and how it pertained to all beings found on Earth. She had hoped she might divine something useful out of it, maybe a way Heaven could bring Thor back. He was an ally and a friend, and, as much as the god had hurt her feelings, she was upset that he had been taken.

She frowned at Addy, nodding and setting the book aside. "Yeah, of course. What's up?"
Safton Safton

Brendan frowned after Brimely as Inari went on about Thor and posturing; he didn't understand the point of it, in gods, animals or hunters, but it played some purpose to their daily lives - he had just never seen the need himself. That frown, however, turned to the Alpha as he seemed upset he'd come to greet him. "I had been notified by the gate guard you'd requested to see the Council." He removed the phone from his pocket to check the messages, sassy as they were, to verify. "If that's incorrect then I'll bring it up with him tomorrow."

He looked back to the Kitsune. "How can we help you this evening?"
LucianGrey7971 LucianGrey7971

Kurama lulled his head to one side then to the other as if mulling over Brendan's response, his eyes locked on and followed after Evelyn turning back to face the Councilman. He made a mental note to have a... conversation with her about the dead that had piled up. He might have reverted to his old ways but that did not mean he would dishonor the Vitae by attacking the men of letters within their hold. "I will ask only once, and please... answer me truthfully, did you or the one known as.... what was it... Elijah? The man of letters who had been here since I showed up? Did either of you know about the torturing and slaughter of my people?

"As you no doubt overheard, I have a festering wound to mend and it starts the moment my brother is dead. Not when the threat of Adam subsides, the moment Hypolyes' head hits the ground and his heart stops beating. In that very moment your allies become the fixation of my ire. I respect you and your camp enough to give you a fair warning. Having said that, it would seem you still have a dragon slaying weapon in your possession... and he knows this. He will be cautious of you while you have it. What might your plan for dealing with him be?"

NanLia NanLia
Elijah 2.jpg
Elijah froze, mid-step, upon hearing a familiar voice. He turned on his heel in surprise, eyes widening at the sight of Thor a few feet behind him. He staved off the rush of relief he felt, crossing his arms as casually as he could. "That's high praise coming from the God of Thunder himself... back from the dead, no less," Eli said, staring Thor in the eye for several moments before his facade finally broke into a grin. He stepped forward, clapping the deity on the shoulder. "Mac said you had fallen against Hypolyes," he said quietly. "We thought..." his voice trailed off and he shook his head to clear it. "When did you get back? I suppose you'll be needing your hammer, as well?'

William Main.jpg
William gave Arthur a sideways glance as the man addressed him. The Man of Letters was giving him a frankly patronizing look of his own, the word "sentimental" spoken in a tone that indicated something between pity and disgust. Will's flat glare lingered on him a moment longer before he turned away, biting his tongue. He could deal with their newfound allies being raging assholes -- so long as they were good at their jobs and trustworthy (the former he didn't doubt for a second, the latter remained to be seen) he would cut them some slack... for now.

Will returned to Mackenzie's side, looking down at her with an inquisitive glance. He was wondering what she made of their new "partners". Her attitude toward them thus far had been cordial enough, though she hardly had the same history with them that she did with the Pack or Northerna.

Addy gave Ash a small smile, stepping inside and shutting the door behind herself. She came to sit down on the bed alongside her friend. Her glance roamed over the book and she gave Ash a sympathetic glance. "For Thor?" After the blonde nodded hesitantly, Addy's smile returned. "You won't be needing it. Our resident Norse god just showed up at the door a few minutes ago. He was dead, but he's back... resurrected, but by who or what even he doesn't know." Adelaide reached out to take Ash's hand in her own, squeezing it comfortingly. "He's gone now... but I figured you should know."


Thor smiled back at Elijah and gave the Brit a friendly clap on the shoulder back, though perhaps slightly too hard as he saw Elijah's knees almost buckle "I did, too my shame I became too eager to finish him off and underestimated his speed at a crucial moment, however something decided that my work here wasn't done, and brought me back as well as restoring my power. I managed to pull Odin and Baldur from the other side, but they will have to regain their strength in Asgard before they will be ready to announce their return. In any case, I regained physical form perhaps two hours ago and swung by a building belonging to Minotaur on the way here. As for the hammer..."

As the deity lifted his hand slightly, Mjölnir materialised in his hand to a faint sound of thunder somewhere far away. It's runes were still glowing slightly since the reunion, but it's light was slowly fading. "I recovered it from Adelaide just a few minutes ago, I was glad to see she had treated it with respect. But in any case, what have I missed? And what is it that you have managed to catch?"

Safton Safton

Chase chuckled softly considering just moments before the man had mentioned that he'd need to occupy himself while Chase was hunting, and now here he was pushing Chase to go and offering to help him set it up. His right hand patted the mans leg gently a few times and smiling, "Whoa there cowboy, I don't think I need you there using your Alpha status and presence if I try to get something going." It was possible this wasn't Emile's intent but more at just trying to be there but his title as Alpha came with a weight to it. "Though it's charming all the same." His hand switched from patting to gingerly running his fingers up and down the leg like he'd done the back earlier, almost unconsciously once again. It was clear the man just wanted to be helpful and this wasn't necessarily him telling his boyfriend no, just that it wasn't necessary. "And I might have already spoken to Will about it, who said he'd bring it up with Elijah." He admitted with the smile unfading.​
NanLia NanLia
Tara groans, falling back against the couch. “Oh do not get me started about the fans. If I felt safe feeding directly from someone, which I don’t, I certainly wouldn’t go about it like that!” Ginny snickers. “It also helps that Djinni are more rare in America, and tend to be more subtle.” Tara sighs. “I’m just so done with so many people. I almost prefer the ones who want to kill us.”
Mackenzie glared at Arthur, rankled by the commentary but knew better than to confront the Men of Letters in their own encampment outnumbered. She was satisfied that they would keep the girl contained for the time being and there was a chance that they would share information discovered. She knew very well that she would come back and follow up in the morning. She knew Will's presence nearby was meant more to keep her calm and quiet than it was to protect her from them. He paused a moment, considering pushing Arthur further but decided against it, nodding back towards the Beast.

She opened the drivers side door, sliding across the bench to the passenger side to let Will drive. She leaned forward to grab the small leather bag from beneath the seat and drag it out between her feet.
Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider
Ashley-May frowned as Adelaide started to tell her the research wasn't necessary. She shook her head, a small sigh; she had expected this from Eli, actually. She knew it was matter of time before someone told her it was pointless to look into his; that there wasn't a way, but of course they didn't know what she did. She wanted to do this, wanted to find whatever she could - even if it couldn't help Thor it might help others they will lose; Mac wasn't shy in sharing that plenty more will die.

She blinked at Adelaide, silent for several long seconds after the witch spoke, Ash's frown still set. "Pardon me?" She didn't believe she heard Addy correctly until she nodded, smiling. "He's here?" She felt conflicted, for a second, before she was throwing her legs over the edge of the bed. The god was back, had enough time to retrieve his hammer from her home and didn't bother to knock on the door and let her know!?
Alator Alator
Safton Safton

Brendan's frown deepened as Inari went on to question their knowledge of the Men of Letters but as well as plainly advise of his future intent. He inhaled deeply before exhaling slowly, considering his words carefully. "I am well and truly sorry to hear this, Inari." He spoke softly, disappointed. "I had thought - hoped - that you and your kinds would join our makeshift alliance for good, but hearing that isn't the case saddens me." He calmly clasped his hands behind his back as he continued. "I am certain you are aware, that up until a few days ago Vitae was party to hunting and slaying all kinds of supernatural beings, Kitsune included. The Men of Letters have only just joined our alliance this very day. Vitae will stand by its allies, so long as they remain true and I honestly regret to hear you will be parting ways from us."

He waited a moment to make his point clear. "Until that day comes, Inari, you are welcome within our walls and our homes, but I assure you: if you choose to continue on this path we will not be so hospitable."
LucianGrey7971 LucianGrey7971

Emile chuckled softly and smirked, of course Chase would presume he'd bully his way through the Council to get his love what he wanted. He may not have been entirely wrong, he'd had plenty of experience with dealing with a council back in Borseti but here he was in a unique position. His pack didn't live here, while some would remain, he didn't want to push any of his own agenda on the people that lived here. He raised an eyebrow as Chase admitted to possibly have been setting up his own pursuits while visiting at the colony. This was no surprise to Emile, in fact he had honestly expected Chase to have done something similar sooner.

"Shocking." He teased, wrinkling his nose at the younger wolf. "I never, in my many years, expected that you might be deceitful enough to go behind my back, and the packs!, to suss out hunting opportunities for yourself." He sat up, his hand slipping around Chase's side to pull the man closer and delivering a quick kiss to his cheek with a growl. "How should you be punished?"
Crono Crono

Elijah was surprised -- floored, really -- by Thor's casual tale of how he had survived what seemed to be a certain death at the hands of the dragon. He began to ask about his visit to Minotaur, only to think better of it. He could only imagine a few potential outcomes for that encounter, none of them pleasant for those residing there. He smiled at the sight of Mjolnir returned to its owner before answering Thor's question. "The highlights? The Men of Letters are here in force now and likely will be for some time. It wasn't my idea, but we'll all make the best of it for the time being -- if nothing else, they have worthwhile resources."

He turned and glanced toward the encampment. "As for what we managed to capture... I'm honestly not sure. It's a young girl, Amethyst is her name. Possessed, most likely, or possibly cursed. She's serving as the vessel to some unspeakable power, an entity even she doesn't have a name for. We're investigating the possibility that it may have come to her down familial lines: her father was involved in the occult, somehow or another. Whatever 'It' is, It's powerful. It's no demon. It acts through her, but not at all times. I-- I've never heard of anything like it." Elijah sighed, shaking his head. "Mackenzie received a vision of her laying waste to a school in town, we caught up to her on the road when she was back to 'normal'. She went unconscious, allowing us to bind her with Hypnos's chain. She's in the hands of the Men of Letters for the time being."

Will Looking.jpg
William took his seat behind the wheel of the Beast, firing it up. After turning around to head away from the encampment and back toward the house, he paused and glanced toward Mac's legs -- more specifically the bag in the floor between them. "What's that?" he asked quietly, eyebrow arched.

Adelaide's eyes widened and she gently reached out to grasp Ash by the wrist. "Ash, wait!" she said quickly. "Yes, he was here. And he's not anymore -- he did his disappearing thing. You'll see him soon, I'm sure. You should relax, not go chasing a thunder-god around Vitae in the dark," the psychic remarked with a smile.


There was mild rolling of the eyes as the man sitting next to him teased him. Chase outright barked a laugh in Emile's face as he was pulled closer by the other man as a willing participant, "That's what they say at the start of every bad porno imaginable." He spoke, returning the tease. The mood sliding away from the more emotional and difficult to being more lighthearted, though he suspected it would transition back. Chase nodded towards the kitchen area where Ashley's gift basket resided, "We do have that collar and leash now." The man had to hold back a chuckle to continue, "That sounds like punishment enough. What say you oh Alpha, my Alpha." Chase gave a mock salute considering he was replacing the word Captain with Alpha. "Though after you had your fun embarrassing me at breakfast I'm not sure if I should be the one being punished or not."
NanLia NanLia
Tara's last sentence got a chuckle from Chester.
"They do tend to be the most honest, I've found." He replied.
So, Ginny should be fine in the raid, and the humans would likely be well trained and prepared. That just left Chester himself. The truth was he had already prepared for this well in advance, but it paid to keep his plans appearing...well, chaotic. He got up and went into Ginny's kitchen.
"I don't suppose you have any salt around?" He asked, looking around. "Might need some myself to deal with the demons."

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood

Taking a deep breath Amethyst sat up once more. Feeling an energy running through her Amethyst actually smiled. Placing both her hands on the floor of the cage she began to concentrate. Small reverberation emanated out and pulsed against the matter directly beneath her. Pulling her hand up the material began to flow up like a reverse waterfall. An audible clicking popped off as she removed the small ball from is connection to the floor. Using her other hand a small symbol formed before Amethyst began to blink. Witch sight returning to her everything began to develop a almost ethereal haze.

Despite her vision returning she was limited to the small area inside her cage. Unable to see beyond the bars she tried to focus inward. She could still hear voices but sitting there not doing anything was something she didn't want to do. Now with her ability to see having semi-returned she began to shape the ball of metal into something a little more complex. Flattening it out and stretching it with her bare hands she finally made a small sheet of metal about three millimeters thick. and two feet long. Setting the piece of metal on the floor she then dragged her cot over it for increases support.​

Thor sighed at the mention of the Men of Letters "You have my word I will not start anything with your kinsmen for what they did to Abiagail and more, but I ought to warn you that my patience with them is thin, if anyone starts to act up I can't promise I won't place them on some faraway mountaintop in the Himalayas or something of that kind." He smiled at the thought, but it was clear that the deity was being serious with the threat.

He thought for a short while before resuming "As for this girl, I suppose I should take a look. This sounds like nothing even I have encountered since the stars were created. If it can be bound by Hypnos' chain, it might be anything from some form of a primordial spirit like myself to the remnant of some evil spell that took on a life of it's own. In any case from what you've described I'm quite confident I can overpower it in my current state and possibly even destroy it judging by the fact that it's bound by the chain, as well as living as a parasite. However I'd rather not do it when it's still in the girl, I fear it would destroy her too. If we're lucky I might be able to communicate with it and force it out without harming the girl. I'll have to reunite with the others afterwards."

Safton Safton
Ginny goes to one of the cabinets, pulling out a shaker full of pink rock salt. “Sorry, this is all I’ve got. Never really got to learn to cook, so I generally eat with everyone else.” She says with a shrug. Tara tilts her head, watching the two. Her life is getting harder and harder to understand. She doesn’t understand how Ginny is so casual about all of this. Then again, Tara was human not long ago.
"Was I not an ally of yours first, or is it because I am a child of Eve that you would turn your back on me? My kind will always be thought of as monsters in the night that need to be put down. I will only caution you, the Kitsune you killed did not follow me, those who did were under strict orders to desist in hostile actions against you AND the Men of Letters. Your allies went after MY people they captured Kitsune who did nothing to fight back. They tortured and experimented on MY followers to draw my attention while I tried to keep diplomacy between us a thing. They slaughtered MY children while I told them to supply the Vitae with any information that might help. You are choosing to protect murderers, not slayers of the mindless Gumiho who prey on humanity, murderers who attacked Kitsune who did not kill in their homes."

The Alpha spoke calmly to Brendan, he did not expect the councilman to listen but he was going to emphasize to the man who he was siding with. He kept his eyes on the man as he spoke before letting out a small sigh. "It is understandable that you would be unwilling to turn on your kin at the behest of another creature... but that is exactly what I am doing. I implore you remember that when the time comes."

NanLia NanLia
Mackenzie bit in the inside of her cheek before smiling mischievously at Will. "Bad things." She answered simply before leaning down to pull the string top of the bag open. Dipping her hand inside to removed a pack of cigarettes and a small zippo lighter that had once been her mothers. Removing a single cigarette from the packs he tossed the remainder on to the dash, lighting it with one hand whilst the other rolled down the window. "Ash kept throwing them out," She explained through gritted teeth as she held the carbon filter between them. "Convinced that they'll be the death of me." She rolled her eyes, leaning back on the bench. She exhaled the cloud of smoke through the open window, holding the cigarette between her fingers. "I don't do this all the time but there are some days I just need one. Just one. So I don't kill someone."

Ashley-May jerked to a stop, turning to narrow her eyes at Addy for preventing her tirade. She huffed at the imagery, annoyed that her emotions got the better of her. After a minute she conceded to return to the bed, slapping closed one of the tomes (and regretting it, because it certainly looked ancient) and leaned against the head board. "So how did he do it? How did he fake his death?"
Safton Safton

Emile grinned, more than content to have thrown off Chase with his commentary, to be perfectly honest, he wasn't certain how it would translate into English and was more than happy to hear that the context hadn't been lost. He was, however, caught off guard by the suggestion of the leash and collar his friend had sent as a 'gift' and snort laughed at the thought of it. "You know what," He said through his laughter. "You bring that thing up far more often than I do. Are we treading close to the truth about a kink here?"

He knew better than to press; not wanting to border on annoying his love. He knew very well Chase would have called him out if he had truthfully embarrassed him - Chase never held back. "Truth be told, since I imagine Manitou's gift will wear off eventually, I want to know more about you." He shrugged, smiling. "I know you've told me parts, but ... English has always been difficult for me and I'd like to hear - and understand - everything to do with you."
Crono Crono

While Amethyst was certainly unattended within the military tent, she certainly had not been un-monitored. The Men of Letters took precautions learned from previous errors when handling new, unidentified, species. Within the tent around the cage were a series of monitoring systems: infrared illuminators, infrared digital audio and video surveillance, thermal imaging, geiger counters, EMF meters and anything else they thought might be of use to determine just what they were dealing with. All of these systems were monitored constantly by a research team, dedicated solely to watching and recording even the slightest of changes.

As the girl started to channel her abilities, to what end they didn't know, the sensors went wild. Data pouring in from a variety of monitors, enough so that the team flagged their superior, Arthur. Receiving the data on his he scanned through it for only a few seconds before charging off to find Brimely. "Evie," He said, breathlessly as he found her reviewing some of their delivered cargo, ensuring everything was in order. "You need to see this."

Evelyn frowned briefly before shaking her head. "It can't be: we shut down his work years ago. How?"

"I don't know, but there isn't another answer."
Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider

Brendan frowned deeply and Inari continued on with his rant. While civil bordering on polite, Brendan certainly didn't mistake the underlying threat the Alpha was clearly making towards his people and his allies. "I'll have to correct you on some of your misconceptions, friend: Vitae has been an ally with the Men of Letters since nearly her birth. Spanning nearly three decades, we have gladly shared information and assistance with our allies overseas and they have done the same for us." He paused, looking over the Kitsune carefully. "I, at no time, will refute an alliance with anyone that we've declared with, so long as they agree to the same terms as all of our other allies."

"At this time, as the Men of Letters are taking shelter under our protection, they have agreed to cease and desist their previous mantra of capture, dissecting and killing any non-human species - and human for that matter, and have agreed to assist in the betterment of our alliances with our new allies with the hope of building a better future - together. If you choose to step away from our alliance then you are stepping away from not only Vitae but Borseti, Notherna, the Men of Letters, Heaven and the Pagan gods, Thor, Hypnos and Thantos. I truly hope that you reconsider your decision. Please know our door will always be open for allies."
LucianGrey7971 LucianGrey7971
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Elijah pursed his lips. "The Men of Letters are not my kin anymore than yours," he said, firmly though managing to keep any edge free from his voice -- he knew Thor had meant no offense. His tense expression was replaced with a smile as he continued, "If it comes to dumping them in the Himalayas, I'll be there to bid them bon voyage." However, the light expression disappeared as Thor remarked on potentially being able to save Amethyst from whatever was using her. "I hope you're right," he remarked, gesturing for the deity to follow as he made his way toward the Men of Letters encampment.

William narrowed his eyes at the sight of the cigarette balanced between Mac's fingers. He considered snatching it -- and the small carton it came from -- and disposing of them both on the spot. But he knew that wouldn't go over well with Mac, who possibly had even more squirreled away and might light up more out of spite. Will was no stranger to nicotine in all its forms; many of the Green Berets had had served alongside were avid smokers or tobacco chewers. As their medic, he had patched them up from burns, bullets, and shrapnel, but often felt powerless to pry the cancerous vice from them.

Will reconsidered his approach, pursing his lips before smirking. "Give me that," he said mildly, reaching over to pluck the cigarette from his fiancee's lips. Rather than toss it out the window, he brought it to his own and took a long drag from it. "I'm supposed to be keeping you safe, remember?" he remarked, exhaling a cloud of smoke. "I'm not going to let these things finish what Mur started."

Adelaide shook her head at Ashley-May's query. "He didn't. According to Thor, Hypolyes did kill him like Mac said. But someone -- or something -- brought him back from the other side. He's not even sure what it was." Addy shrugged helplessly. "It's all a little out of my league."

As Thor followed Elijah toward the Men of Letters encampment he began to focus his power on the strange entity, attempting to find out as much as he could. During their conversation Thor had felt a strange surge of power, it wasn't by far the strongest force he had ever felt, but it was certainly among the strangest to him. As they walked in to the encampment, the deity noticed a fervent activity, the man Thor had been close to killing - Arthur, was engaged in a fervent discussion with the British Director. Thor ignored the two of them and entered the tent that had been set up, from which he could feel the entity's presence. He really couldn't bring himself to ask for admission to the Brits who had merely been allowed to assume the role of jailkeepers.

The girl couldn't be older than eighteen, an age where many human were attempting to find their place in the world, yet some cruel twist of fate had caused this girl to be a vessel of some malicious being and thus needing to be bound and caged. As she didn't seem to have noticed him entering, he spoke "Hello girl, you do not know me, but I have come to help uncover what is living inside you, and help you if I can.". While speaking he began to gently probe her mind, carefully not to cause her discomfort and possibly panic, as well as to be ready to swiftly subdue any resisting attack from the entity.

Safton Safton NanLia NanLia Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider

Chase smirked at the insinuation that the conversation was creeping closer to a kink, "I only brought it up because of how red your face got earlier on the subject. You can't expect me not to capitalize on something that got that kind of reaction, can you?" With the conversation shifting once again he considered Emile's thoughts on when Manitou's blessing would wear off and he'd no longer be able to understand French. Admittedly Chase wasn't too bothered on the subject, it was almost disconcerting being able to speak with Emile so clearly without having to elaborate somehow. But he also understood how the other man got frustrated by the language barrier, far more than Chase did. Though he shook his head with a smile, "I don't think I'm that interesting." He remarked jokingly then took advantage of his new position since Emile had pulled him in moments ago, adjusting slightly so he leaned and rested against the other man more. Though he couldn't deny the mildly romantic way Emile had worded his genuine interest, maybe it was just the way it was spoken in French but it was amusing to say the least.

He felt like they had plenty of time to learn more of each other but he understood why Emile wanted to take advantage of the gift while they could. There was a content huff from Chase as his eyes focused on nothing in particular in the room before he shrugged, "What do you want to know?" The subject ranges were too large and he wasn't entirely sure what to speak on. "That since I couldn't go for sports I opted instead for drama, but was shit at it and always ended up standing there as a tree or something that didn't require my acting on stage? That I was pretty damn good on the trumpet but got kicked out of band because I couldn't stop breaking out into my own solo's at practice?" Realizing he was lingering too far too much on a given subject and place in time he adjusted slightly, "Or that I have a GPS tracking chip embedded in my shoulder so Joe could track me should we get separated on a hunt? If you hand me food with broccoli in it I'm more likely to throw it in the trash because that shouldn't ever be ingested by any living creature." Chase looked at the man out of the corner of his eye, waiting for a guiding subject of interest after his small tangent of borderline useless information.​
NanLia NanLia
"Ah, thank you." Chester said, taking the offered pink rock salt. "This should do nicely. Add a little insult to injury."
The shaker disappeared somewhere on his person. The horseman noticed Tara's look and grinned.
"I know that look." He said jovially. "Still a bit much to take it all in? And just when you think you have a handle on it, more gets dumped in your lap. Don't worry. You'll get use to some of it. Though, the moment your comfortable with everything, that's when you're in real trouble."

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
Tara takes a long breath. “I was doing okay. I was adjusting to life in the nest, I was starting to get to know the other members. Things were good! And then all of this… what am I supposed to do with all of this?” She mutters. Ginny sighs, going to hug her. “I sometimes forget that you’re so new. You haven’t learned to roll with the punches yet.”

Turning to face a voice Amethyst didn't know what to say. Should she tell them it was a fruitless attempt or should she at least let them try. Her thoughts were pushed aside the second she felt a piercing pressure on her mind. While nothing painful she could sense the intrusion like a dog smelling out a fugitive. Feeling the direction of the intrusion Amethyst turned her head and met the gaze of Thor despite her blindness. Despite knowing what was happening Ame didn't relent her mental defenses "That's not a good idea." Amethyst spoke to him as she finally broke the gaze. "I mean if you really do want to get into my head all you had to ask. But, I do have to warn you to mind your head." Ame said unable to hide a smirk.

Now able to feel her surroundings again Ame felt another intrusion. Relenting her mental barriers she felt it break into her mind. The information available to Thor seemed scattered shattered and completely dysfunctional. Parts of her memories are broken and several seemed entirely walled. However, a childhood memory of objects with the Men Of Letters symbol on them seemed mostly intact. After a minute Amethyst's mind began to violently fight back. Despite not doing it herself the entity had detected the intrusion.


All of Ame's mental images were replaced with a massive lidless eye. Gazing around it finally focused in on the intrusion. Staring at the mental image of Thor it didn't move at all but simply studied the intruder. As if on que the mental attacks nearly unbearable making Ame break the connection. Coming back Ame gasped and clutched her chest. The strain put on her mind by the entity seemed to have left its mark. With a headache that could sink a battleship Ame turned away but spoke up one last time. "You try to find out what the enemy within is. You wont find it, its the enemy without. You aren't approaching this correctly." Amethyst mumbled out at the end before putting her hands on her now throbbing head.

NanLia NanLia
Safton Safton
Alator Alator
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