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Tarmagon Tarmagon
(Esme thinks Kyle's asking too much, lol.)

"I imagine this ball will only last for a few hours," Kyle said. "From here on out please limit your wearing of them to no more than a few hours at a time. I've shortened the heels until they are no taller than the boots I shall be wearing, but I still wish you to limit yourself a bit. And to set your mind at ease, no lifting, no twirling, though I do wish to teach you a simple pirouette, and don't give me that look! If you'd care to put on a pair of comfortable shoes, I think that we should move up to the roof for a short lesson."

"Hey, you're the one who said, and I quote, 'as much as you can to become comfortable in them.' But if I only have to wears them for a few hours, it's better than the original suggestion." Esme was really just being a bit nit picky since she still wasn't exactly keen on dancing still. "Glad to hear about no lifting or twirling, but seriously... a pirouette? Why would I need to learn that? It's not like I am learning to ballet dance." She sighed unhappily about the direction this was going. She went to her room and slipped on a pair of trusty sneakers before she reluctantly went up to the rooftop with Kyle, wondering if it was possible to call off the dance lessons.

"Look, as much as I appreciate you wanting to teach me to dance, this just all seems overly excessive. I was just expecting to be shown a few basic steps that would help me survive, but this it starting to border on a bit too serious for my liking, talking about learning to pirouette when no one but professional dancers do such a thing. I mean, I'd rather do that whole partner-turn thingy than be expected to pirouette. Unless you're doing this for your amusement, and if so it's not funny."

She crossed her arms over her chest, looking a bit petulant as she stood there clearly upset with just the suggestion of having to learn something beyond what she considered the basics. Weren't there just like four steps or something that she could learn and just repeat them in a cycle and call it 'dancing?'
Kyle could tell Esme was about to dig her heels in about learning even the basics, but did she have to be rude about it?

"I think that a review of my actions would find that I don't, 'do things for my amusement' at the cost of others, " Kyle said. "Though I must be honest, the War of the Pillows was entertaining. That was a team effort however, and so is dance. And you cannot, in all honesty, tell me you have never turned on one foot. Goddess Esme, I'm not talking ballet, just this. "

Kyle pushed off with one foot, pivoting around his other as though he were turning to walk away, then repeated the motion so that he wound up facing Esme once more.

"You do it almost daily I should think, " he said. "I certainly do. For now though, the first lesson is simple, just walk with me."

Kyle reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, starting the playlist he had put together, then dropping it into his pocket. Esme looked, well Kyle want entirely sure what she was thinking, but this certainly wasn't what she had been expecting. Kyle started walking at an easy pace, letting the rhythm of the music time his steps.

"Walk beside me please", he said beckoning to Esme. "Take your normal stride. I shall adjust my steps to match yours. Let the music set the pace."

Fable Fable
(Esme really hates anything not her own idea it seems. )
Tarmagon Tarmagon
(Happy Mass Consumption of Food Day. X3 )

"I think that a review of my actions would find that I don't, 'do things for my amusement' at the cost of others, " Kyle said. "Though I must be honest, the War of the Pillows was entertaining. That was a team effort however, and so is dance. And you cannot, in all honesty, tell me you have never turned on one foot. Goddess Esme, I'm not talking ballet, just this. "

Esme frowned slightly as she watched Kyle move, giving her an example of what he meant. She was now regretting using the dictionary to help him learn modern language because that wasn't a pirouette. Even after doing that spell thing with the dictionary so much seemed lost in translation still. If she has grabbed her phone, she could have tried to show him that what he was asking for was different than what he was explaining now.

"You do it almost daily I should think, " Kyle said. "I certainly do. For now though, the first lesson is simple, just walk with me."

"Yes, I do turn to change my walking direction, but I don't pirouette to do so. It's just a natural turn without all the fancy arm or leg positioning," she said, trying to work past whatever this miscommunication was. Esme stood there as Kyle toyed with his phone for a moment, starting up some music before putting it into his pocket which muffled the sound. She wasn't sure what his plan was after he started walking.

"Walk beside me please", Kyle said beckoning to Esme. "Take your normal stride. I shall adjust my steps to match yours. Let the music set the pace."

All she could do was shrug to herself and see where this was going. Esme moved to start walking next to Kyle, not trying to match the rhythm of the music or Kyle's own steps. "I could have brought a portable speaker for you to use with your phone. You could even keep it in your pocket since it's bluetooth connected." She continued to walk, until she started getting close to where the roof ended, then she just turned - no pivot - and walk back the other direction. She had no idea how to match her pace to the music, well she had an idea, but honestly she felt silly doing this.

"'I'll be honest, I find this so awkward," she admitted, trying to match match her steps to the beat of the song. After a short moment she found found a pace that she thought worked and went with it, "Are dances where your from really that complicated? You may is sound like a battle to the death or something." She was trying to joke, lighten the general mood since her accusation of him doing this for personal entertainment seemed to upset him.
"'I'll be honest, I find this so awkward," Esme said, as she finally started to match her steps to the music. "Are dances where your from really that complicated? You may is sound like a battle to the death or something."

"Once more, allow me to answer in order, " Kyle said, shortening his stride a bit to match Esme's. "Your offer of a speaker is appreciated, and I would be grateful if you would bring it next time. And, I'm trying but it very difficult to pick the proper word when there are so many with multiple meanings. Just don't assume the absolute worst possible meaning for anything I say? "

As he spoke, Kyle allowed his steps to carry him slightly closer to Esme. He didn't quite crowd into her personal space, but he hovered right at the edge of it. The music changed, quickening slightly, and Esme adjusted the speed of her pace. Kyle matched her pace as he continued to speak.

"And I'm sorry, but learning to move with someone is a bit awkward, hence this exercise up here away from prying eyes. As to dances I am familiar with on my world, well there are simple, complicated, and yes, dangerous ones. I'm not a Sword Dancer and never wish to be one. I know how to perform the High Court step dances, and I despise them. I do enjoy the shamanistic story dances, as well as the Celebration dances. "

Kyle' voice turned a trifle wistful as he spoke. If there was anyone besides his mother he missed about his world, Shaman Belvarin would be that person. The old, even by his people's standards, shaman had been demanding, but also quick with praise when a lesson was mastered. Shaking off the memories, Kyle returned his attention to the present. Taking a long step to place himself slightly ahead of Esme, he pivoted to face her, now walking backwards as he continued to match her steps.

"Please guide me, " he said, holding his hands out to Esme. "Just squeeze my hand and I will turn in that direction. "

Fable Fable
(It's all about trust and learning to be comfortable moving in synch with someone at this point.)
Tarmagon Tarmagon
(Kyle, thy toes are gonna get bruised at some point, lol.)

"Once more, allow me to answer in order, " Kyle said, shortening his stride a bit to match Esme's. "Your offer of a speaker is appreciated, and I would be grateful if you would bring it next time. And, I'm trying but it very difficult to pick the proper word when there are so many with multiple meanings. Just don't assume the absolute worst possible meaning for anything I say?"

"I can't make any promises, but I'll try. I'm a pessimist," she said with a laugh. "A firm believer in Murphy's Law. Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong."

"And I'm sorry, but learning to move with someone is a bit awkward, hence this exercise up here away from prying eyes. As to dances I am familiar with on my world, well there are simple, complicated, and yes, dangerous ones. I'm not a Sword Dancer and never wish to be one. I know how to perform the High Court step dances, and I despise them. I do enjoy the shamanistic story dances, as well as the Celebration dances."

"They have sword dances here as well, though they are probably completely different from the ones practiced where you're from. You keep mentioning your dislike of what you call High Court dances, but I have to wonder if they really are that bad. Then again, I might be trying to compare them to something I know and totally not even close to understanding what it actually is."

Esme glanced over at Kyle, then watched him as he moved ahead of her, turning to face her and walked backwards. "Please guide me," Kyle said, holding his hands out to Esme. "Just squeeze my hand and I will turn in that direction." She hesitated, not in her steps, but in reaching out for his hands, but eventually she did though her grip was fairly light. She didn't squeeze his hand until they had taken a few steps with this new positioning. She gave his left have a tiny squeeze, awkwardly turning with him and nearly stepping on his foot. She flushed slightly in embarrassment, but kept her mouth shut and simply tried again, squeezing the same hand, this time moving a bit more in sync.

"It's hard to know which foot to use unless I stare down at our feet," she commented. "How are you even supposed to predict which foot someone is going to use when they turn?"
"At first you are not, " Kyle said with a grin. "Hence the slight distance between us. For now, do not worry about adjusting to me, I shall adjust to you. This day is devoted to me learning you. On another I shall be the subject and you the one learning. The steps do not really matter so long as we move together. Did you even notice when the music changed? You adjusted the speed of your steps without thinking. That is part of this as well, do not overthink, simply go with the flow."

Kyle gave Esme''s right hand a gentle squeeze as he turned his body slightly, paying close attention to how she responded. He was able to keep his feet well clear of her turn and smiled warmly at her.

"Despite what you think, this will be the most difficult part of the process, " Kyle said as he let Esme guide him about the roof as she would. "Although this, " he gave their hands a gentle shake, "Was probably one of the hardest things you've done lately. I hope you can come to trust me. "

The tempo of the music changed again, slowing slightly and Kyle shortened his steps ever so slightly, drawing himself about an inch closer to Esme before mirroring her again.

"So, tell me a little about Esme that I don't know, " he said. "And I shall endeavor to assuage your curiosity without giving you, information overload? "

Fable Fable
(Happy demon is smiling inside. )

"At first you are not, " Kyle said with a grin. "Hence the slight distance between us. For now, do not worry about adjusting to me, I shall adjust to you. This day is devoted to me learning you. On another I shall be the subject and you the one learning. The steps do not really matter so long as we move together. Did you even notice when the music changed? You adjusted the speed of your steps without thinking. That is part of this as well, do not overthink, simply go with the flow."

Esme nearly scoffed at him telling her to go with the flow. Easier said than done. Going with the flow was something only people who had leisure time could afford to do it. She was too busy trying to survive without any financial help from her mother. Of course having to take time off from work didn't help her at all, but she didn't have much choice. She mentally shook herself to not let her mind wander to things currently out of her control and back on trying to the dancing, well... walking lesson.

"Despite what you think, this will be the most difficult part of the process, " Kyle said as he let Esme guide him about the roof as she would. "Although this, " Kyle gave their hands a gentle shake, "Was probably one of the hardest things you've done lately. I hope you can come to trust me."

She adjusted her pace as the music changed, not really taking notice of Kyle inching a bit closer to her person. She was more focused on what he had said. She could say that she trusted him, to a small degree. She trusted him to not throw her off the roof. She trusted him to not crush her foot as he was trying to teach her to dance. However, that didn't mean she felt awkward holding his hands. Other than Liz physically assaulting Esme with affection, she rarely touched others because there wasn't really a need to.

"So, tell me a little about Esme that I don't know, " Kyle said. "And I shall endeavor to assuage your curiosity without giving you, information overload?"

"You're asking me to talk about myself?" she asked with a quirked brow. "Honestly, I don't know what to even tell you. I could always go with favorites. Like... my favorite color is cobalt blue. You already know I am a coffee addict. My favorite candy is Reese's peanut butter cups. It'd be easier to answer questions you have about me rather than me trying to sum myself up or something. As far as me being curious, hmm." Esme paused, not sure what to ask about. "You always seem to talk about the bad things about where you're from. So, your challenge sir is to talk about something you really enjoyed from there. But, should you not want to accept that challenge, then... what is your favorite flower?"
"Well, " Kyle said as he added a tiny sway to his body. He was pleased to see Esme unconsciously doing the same to keep her body on the same plane as his. "I'm not certain my favorite flower has an analog here. There's a tree we call mizinki that produces a fruit that is not only delicious, but very useful in many cordials and balms. Before it develops fruit though, the mizinki tree produces brilliant scarlet flowers with cores that look as if they were dusted with gold. They only open for a few days, but during those days they are spectacular."

Kyle could feel the corners of his lips turning up in a smile as he remembered the intoxicating scent of the blossoms, and a quiet chuckle escaped his lips.

"I wish you could smell the orchard when the trees are in full bloom," Kyle said. "And to see a storm sweep down from the Branndir mountains. My world does have its beauty, and it even has a few who don't play the games of power and prestige. I still have hope for my world and people, but when you are long lived and steeped in tradition, charge comes slowly. Here things change in an eye-blink, often for ill, but also for good."

Kyle eased another fraction of an inch closer while Esme listened to him speak, smiling as she handled another music shift seamlessly.

Fable Fable
(The armor cracks without a thesaurus's worth of extraneous data. )
Tarmagon Tarmagon
(Esme's trying to be rational. X3 )

"I don't believe there is anything like that here, well, a red flower with cores of gold dust, as far as I know of at least. I was actually going to try and be all witty and use your favorite flower to try and define your personality. So much for that plan, but it really does sound nice. If you ever get the chance, you should to to Alaska during the winter and skip stones on the lakes. They make an interesting sound, sort of like the inside of a slinky, but not quite the same."

Esme noticed Kyle decrease the distance between them this time, but since he was still an appropriate distance away still she tried to not let it bother her. He was just trying to teach her to dance, she told herself. She was getting anxious for no logical reason.

"There are places here that still hold fast to many of their traditions, but embrace modern changes as well. But yeah, I guess I could imagine there not being a rush to change anything when you don't have the pressure of time working against you. Thinking about it... I've really only existed for a nanosecond compared to you. Ah, sorry, I couldn't hold back the pessimism long it seems. So, subject change then. Hmm, I can pretty much state that your favorite food, at least here, is spicy. Oh! I have an idea, teach me some swear words in your native tongue!"

Esme smirked up at Kyle after issuing her request. She was honestly more curious about what language she actually spoke, and swear words were something more amusing to translate than common phrases..
Kyle noted a slight tension across Esme's shoulders as he completed his last approach. Something about physical proximity made her nervous. She had to know she was safe with him, didn't she? Then again, maybe she didn't. The whole cultural differences thing. Shaking his head, Kyle decided to humor her before addressing the difficult problem.

"Well, " he said, thinking hard about word meanings. "There are a few I think translate well, but many rely on knowledge of my world and its workings. Let's see, using the most common swears I have heard on this world... Vere t'hagar would translate into 'mother-fucker', t'haga into 'fuck', and zesh into 'shit'."

Kyle actually blushed as he translated the curses. Something about using the foul language in front of Esme bothered him in a way he couldn't define. Despite his discomfort though, there was a bigger issue to address, so he let go of one of Esme''s hands long enough to stop the music before recapturing it. Looking straight into the young woman's eyes, he tried to show her the truth of what he was saying.

"You do not have to fear me Esme. I do not know why my proximity bothers you, and I do not know how to help you overcome it. I will need to be closer than this before we are ready to assay dancing, but I don't wish you to be uncomfortable. If there are doubts I can address, ask. I will answer as best I can. I will not lie to you, ever."

Fable Fable
(Confused demon still can't process the whole 'hang ups' idea in human terms, but he's trying his hardest."
Tarmagon Tarmagon
(Dramaaaaaa~ And yes, I torture my OCs >_>;;; I like having complicated characters. )

"Well, " Kyle said, thinking hard about word meanings. "There are a few I think translate well, but many rely on knowledge of my world and its workings. Let's see, using the most common swears I have heard on this world... Vere t'hagar would translate into 'mother-fucker', t'haga into 'fuck', and zesh into 'shit'."

Esme was amused by how he seemed bothered about using vulgar words. Here, they were pretty much used to accentuate. That didn't mean that those words could be said whenever or wherever. She didn't poke fun at him about his apparent shame in teaching her swear words. He might of felt like he was teaching a child or something for all she knew. She had expected it when he let go of her hand, watching as it went to cease the music playing on his phone before quickly grabbing her own once again as though the action had never occurred. She gave him a quizzical glance as she wondered why he turned off the music.

"You do not have to fear me Esme. I do not know why my proximity bothers you, and I do not know how to help you overcome it. I will need to be closer than this before we are ready to assay dancing, but I don't wish you to be uncomfortable. If there are doubts I can address, ask. I will answer as best I can. I will not lie to you, ever."

Esme's body tensed from head to toe and she stumbled slightly, but stayed upright. "It's... complicated, and nothing you can help with. The only way I think I can even explain my.. aversion is saying it's bordering on a phobia; an irrational fear. I-It's not as bad as it used to be, but it's still there." She felt the all familiar panic start to build. "It has nothing to do with you personally, s-sorry I need a break." She pulled her hands away crossing her arms over her chest and her body language radiating a defensiveness.

"I told you that certain things... trigger a knee-jerk reaction. As much as telling you why is going to hurt, I want you to understand since I don't want you to think you're at fault. My freshman year I started dating a guy after a month of him pursuing me. I thought he was a sweet guy and after about six months," she paused, feeling extremely uncomfortable saying this and she looked away, "Well, the polite way to put it would be that we became 'intimate' which I'd never done before. He pretty much vanished after that and because I was confused I sought him out at one of his fraternity's parties. I was stupid and confronted him there and he just laughed, told me I was just points in a game to sleep with as many girls as he could. He told me about how many others he'd been seeing while with me, and that being a virgin got him bonus points with his fraternity." Esme's voiced wavered and her eyes watered, making her take a moment before speaking again, "As if that wasn't bad enough, he suggested I sleep around and get some experience, which I guess was some signal since the next moment they were just.. all around me, some of the frat guys at the party, just grabbing at me. Liz was actually at that party and managed to get me out of there, and I've been staying with her ever since. And before you think I am uncomfortable because of some comparison between you and those bastards, it's not that. It's like... PTSD, something brings up the memory and all that fear comes back."
When he spoke, Kyle could see the tension in Esme spike upwards as she pulled back. Before he could ask what he had done, she began to speak.

"It's... complicated, and nothing you can help with. The only way I think I can even explain my.. aversion is saying it's bordering on a phobia; an irrational fear. I-It's not as bad as it used to be, but it's still there. It has nothing to do with you personally, s-sorry I need a break."

As Esme stepped back, clearly struggling with an internal conflict, Kyle also stepped back. He clasped his hands behind his back, making himself as non-threatening as possible. He couldn't keep the concern off his face, but he tried to convey that he was listening and not judging. Something about Esme's voice was causing a lump of dread to form deep inside him though, making it an effort to look normal. As Esme took up the thread of her tale, the dread became icy, transforming into despair. When she revealed the person's, Kyle wouldn't even think of the person as male or human, final words and their result, the world turned red.

"He... Goddess! How? Even..." Kyle couldn't form a complete thought, much less speak aloud. "Such a gift of grace, used as a token in a game?! And to..."

Kyle's thoughts continued to whirl chaotically as his fury manifested itself upon his body. He could feel the battle rage trying to shift him, turn him into a killing machine with but one purpose, destroy the defiler of that most sacred gift. He managed to prevent most of the change, but he was certain his eyes were pits of purest blackness, promising ruin upon whomever beheld them. When a few words did manage to slip past his lips, Kyle barely knew his own voice.

"Does the piece of excrement yet remain here? There shall be a reckoning such as to make the very gods tremble," he managed to bite out, each word colder than the heart of a glacier and filled with the promise, not of death, but of absolute dissolution. "He, it..." Words failed him at last, becoming an inarticulate sound of rage that was itself choked off by the hurricane of emotion blasting through Kyle's being.

Esme flinched at the tone of Kyle's cold voice, her gaze still turned away from him, now worried about what she'd see if she dared glance at him. Even as the words choked off , she couldn't will herself to face him.

"He still goes to the same university, though an entirely different area of the campus, thankfully."

Kyle pulled sharply away from the precipice of his rage when Esme flinched at the sound of his voice. This was wrong of him. Esme had been through hell, bared her soul to him so he could understand, and he gave her cause to fear him? No, no, no! A thousand times no. She deserved better. He would be better. Something still smoldered deep inside of him, something that wouldn't be denied, but it retreated with a predatory growl that only hew could hear. Color flowed back into Kyle's eyes as the thunder in his ears faded away. Taking a steadying breath, he marshaled his thoughts before speaking.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly. "You shared something with me that should never have happened in the darkest of the Nether-Hells, and I repay you with fear. I am unworthy of your company, much less ever having the hope of friendship. How can you tolerate me, knowing my demonic origins? "

"Your origins have nothing to do with what happened to me," she replied clutching at herself, "I had my assumptions regarding you, what being a demon made you based on limited information. At first you seemed to fit it, talking about a Pact and that form, speaking strangely; arrogant even. I told you, I'm a pessimist, so I was just waiting to see you reveal something that confirmed my beliefs, but each conflict we've had made me doubt and I wondered if perhaps I was just trying to validate my own close-mindedness. At one point I wondered if you could even lie to me because of the Pact thing. When you mentioned you were willing to tell me your True Name, it made me wonder why someone who could be lying would willingly make themselves... vulnerable."

"The Pact does not prevent me lying to you, " Kyle said, his voice full of wonder at Esme's words. "I cannot say what it is that prevents me, but there is something about you that demands, honesty in all things. More than that, it demands that I better myself, that I rise to a level worthy of your company. I do not understand, and I find myself not wanting to, merely to do. As for my True Name, something tells me you are worthy, and deserving. That is enough for me. Now though, I fear for ever being able to dance with you. And, that fills me with sadness. "

Fable Fable
(Sorry for the novella, hope it's okay. )
Last edited:
Tarmagon Tarmagon
(Nothing wrong with a good novella. This took longer to write for something so short cause I forgot about my laundry. >_>;; )

"The Pact does not prevent me lying to you, " Kyle said. "I cannot say what it is that prevents me, but there is something about you that demands, honesty in all things. More than that, it demands that I better myself, that I rise to a level worthy of your company. I do not understand, and I find myself not wanting to, merely to do. As for my True Name, something tells me you are worthy, and deserving. That is enough for me. Now though, I fear for ever being able to dance with you. And, that fills me with sadness. And, that fills me with sadness."

Esme swallowed the lump her throat, a symptom of trying to keep her emotions in check. She took a small shuddering breath before she hesitantly glanced at Kyle. He seemed to have gone back to his normal demeanor for the most part. She hated this weakness in herself and she desperately wanted to shove back everything that had surfaced, but it was out now. "Worthy," she said, shaking her head slightly, to herself. "I don't get that at all. As far as dancing with me, I thought learning to dance with you might help wear down the anxiousness. Sort of like, repeated exposure to allow myself to, not adjust, I guess increase my comfort level. I would have preferred to keep my past a secret, but you kept thinking it was all because you were a demon, which it isn't. I'm not saying that it was never a factor before, you nearly made me piss myself when you first showed up all black and towering over me. It's not the best first impression or introduction."

She turned to fully face him, still feeling the effects of her flight or fight response, though it wasn't nearly as bad as before. "If you want to stop the dance lessons, I'm not going to argue about that decision. I'm willing to keep trying. If I am going to dance, I may as well have a 4,000 year old demon teach me." The last words were meant to try and lighten the tense mood weighing down on her. She didn't want to make others upset because of something that happened to her.

"I am going to tell you another secret, and should you dare tell Liz you might find yourself written on with a sharpie," she warned, cheeks slightly flushing, "I want to try and have fun at the gala. I don't know what to expect after we go to New York. My life could go to hell, or it might not, but I want to at least have one night where I can be distracted from my life." She cleared her throat, trying to will herself to not be embarrassed by what she had confessed and held out her hands, waiting for them to continue their lesson where they had left off. "So, learning to move together, shall we continue?"
Kyle stared for the barest fraction of a second at Esme's outstretched hands , then gave her a bow worthy of the King's Court. Tapping his phone back to life, he took Esme's hands with a gentle smile.

"My Lady," he said, "The honor is mine."

After a few hesitant steps, Esme seemed to find her center, and her steps fell into time with the music. This time Kyle made no attempt to move closer, he just studied Esme and the way she was moving. Two changes of tempo later he finally spoke.

"For now, I leave our proximity in your hands. You may come closer if you wish, or not. Rather than push, keep yourself comfortable. And once your problem with your back is solved, may I offer you my services dealing with that which shall not be named a man?"

Before Esme could get the wrong idea, Kyle hurried on.

"I'm not offering anything unjust!" He hastened to assure her. "And nothing injurious, save to his pride. Imagine one such as he finding himself always rendered impotent just as he approaches the pinnacle of his pleasure. I rather think that a fate worse than death. Only by placing the needs of another before his own could the curse be lifted. I could even give you a 'two for one' deal and include, Jerk Off Jack was it? in for no extra charge?"

Kyle grinned mischievously at Esme, trying to lighten her mood and just maybe start to wear away at the horrible feelings she was carrying.

Fable Fable
(Short as well, but he's hoping she'll at least smile. And the offers legit. )
Tarmagon Tarmagon
(Oh man, that curse is great, hahaha. X3 )

"I'm not offering anything unjust!" Kyle blurted out. "And nothing injurious, save to his pride. Imagine one such as he finding himself always rendered impotent just as he approaches the pinnacle of his pleasure. I rather think that a fate worse than death. Only by placing the needs of another before his own could the curse be lifted. I could even give you a 'two for one' deal and include, Jerk Off Jack was it? in for no extra charge?"

Esme's eyes widened as Kyle suggested cursing her ex-boyfriends with impotency. She could help but laugh out loud at the thought of this crazy scheme of revenge. "As much as that would be hilarious, and very tempting, there is an unfortunate flaw in your plan. There is a medication that is produced... for impotent men. Believe me, I've had my dark moments of really wishing bad things on them, but to actually go through with them, it's not something I think would ultimately make me feel any better, as funny and deserving it may be. I'd rather find some way to be happy and just move on than to be stuck where I am currently at. Also, with the way his true nature is, he's probably going to be miserable for the rest of his life."

She continued to move with Kyle as they had before, squeezing his hands when she indicated she wanted to turn. "As for moving closer at my own pace, I can work with that. If I am able to get close enough to tickle you without nearly having a panic attack, there may be hope for me yet." After a few more rounds around the roof and a song later, she inched closer towards Kyle, not by very much, not more than two inches and stopped there.

"What other natural differences are there? Where your from compared to here. Is the sky there a different color? I wonder if there are any shared constellations."
Kyle was a bit disappointed that Esme thought so little of his talents that his work could be defeated by a mere pill, but he didn't let it show in the slightest. In truth, he was far more impressed with her overall attitude of 'move on' than he was disappointed. Despite her self-deprecating attitude, Esme was worthy of admiration, even if she couldn't see it. He wondered how many humans could make such a statement and mean it. He definitely knew there were far, far fewer of his people that could.

"As for moving closer at my own pace, I can work with that. If I am able to get close enough to tickle you without nearly having a panic attack, there may be hope for me yet."

Kyle smiled encouragingly as Esme managed to close the distance slightly after a few minutes. He didn't want to spook her with overt displays that could be misinterpreted as flirting and trigger a negative reaction, even as a part of him, buried deep down inside, hoped that a day might come where he could.

"What other natural differences are there? Where your from compared to here. Is the sky there a different color? I wonder if there are any shared constellations."

"That I could not say," Kyle replied after a moment. "In all my years I have never turned my attention to astronomy. The light pollution is bad enough here that seeing all but the brightest stars is difficult. Perhaps if we find ourselves somewhere away from the city we can compare notes. As for the sky, I'd have to say that it is perhaps a lighter blue than the sky here. Why that is, I cannot say. One major difference is our moons. Ivrin is large, though not quite as large as your moon, and moves slowly across the sky. Nymrir is much smaller, and moves quite a bit faster, making two circuits for every one of Ivrin. Ivrin is pearlescent, shimmering with a rainbow of colors, while Nymrir is a deep crimson. Normally, they do not cross one before the other, but when Nymrir crosses the disk of Ivrin, it is considered an ill omen."

Kyle forbore to mention that he had been born during such a crossing. On his world, being born under an ill omen carried far more weight than he imagined it did on this world, but why take chances?

"So, tell me something new about yourself," he said after a moment. "And preferably something pleasant. There have to be some moments of brightness hiding somewhere in your life."

Fable Fable
(And I'm back. Thanks for your patience.)
Tarmagon Tarmagon
(Welcome back~ )

"Hmm, the sky thing might be because of smog here, only thing I can think of to explain that. I'm not really an astronomer either, I only really can identify Orion, so any note comparisons would have to come from some sort of guide. If you have different moons though, I sort of doubt there are any shared constellations, but don't quote me on that later if there are. But, two moons huh? And an ill omen? Sounds like some astrology quackery right there. If astrology was true and people were really defined by it, I'd be promiscuous, which obviously is far from the truth."

Esme kept herself moving to the changing songs, growing more comfortable with the movements and not really even thinking about her footing, though it was probably because Kyle was adjusting to her rather than the other way around. She could only hope that once other elements that were introduced, she'd be able to adapt and keep herself from looking like a fool.

"Something pleasant... ," she nearly laughed. "The only good times I remember are when my grandmother was still alive. She's the one who got me interested in things like floriography. I even had a geeky mineral collection. She never let anything bother her, at least that's the way it seemed. When my mom went back home so my grandmother could help after she got pregnant, in a small town of very conservative families, it was a pretty big scandal. She just took everything in stride and it was always so hard to stay in a bad mood when she was around. Does that count? I mean, I always liked doing nature stuff, like going to state parks, going on hikes, that sorta stuff."

She only had small little moments she could really talk about. There wasn't anything so great that happened that it overshadowed everything else in her life. Just tiny moments where she felt some form of peace or contentment. "I remember going camping once, nothing probably what you think camping is. There was a really nice lake with a small stationary dock that floated in the middle. Just being able to lay down on it out in the middle of nowhere and just enjoy the warmth of the sun and the sounds."

Esme flushed slightly, embarrassed by her moment of being sentimental. "I just thought of something," she said as a thought struck her, "Besides you, there are maybe only two other people at the gala I would even dance with. Basically, just going to say don't feel like you have to dance with me all night."
"I just thought of something," Esme said as a thought struck her, "Besides you, there are maybe only two other people at the gala I would even dance with. Basically, just going to say don't feel like you have to dance with me all night."

Kyle snorted quietly as Esme delivered her statement. He didn't know how things went upon this world, but on his world it was expected that you would move around any social gathering. It was one of the things he didn't care for at all, and he was hoping that things were different here. In his mind, you went to a gathering with the one you wanted to spend time with. You might share a dance with another occasionally, but to drift about like a vzink over mizinki blossoms was nothing short of churlish.

"I rather doubt that either of us would have the stamina to dance all night," he replied with a crooked smile. "And I'm quite certain that your feet, not to mention mine, would protest most vehemently. As to dancing with others... is it common practice upon this world to forsake the one you arrived with in order to circulate among those others who are attending the gathering? I do confess that I do not look forward to this nearly as much if that is the case. It is common practice upon my world to do so, and that is yet another reason that I dislike social functions. I suppose that I am something of an oddity, but save for perhaps a dance or two with a friend, the object of a ball is to enjoy the company of the one your have chosen to attend with."

Kyle hoped he hadn't offended Esme, or broken some kind of taboo on this world, but there it was. He would attend, and do his best to make Esme's evening as pleasant as possible, but he didn't look forward to the possibility of having to spend most of the evening with others.

"I'm sorry if my attitude seems prudish," Kyle said after a moment. "My intention is to make your evening as enjoyable as possible, so if you could instruct me on the proper etiquette for these events here, I shall set aside my notions of propriety and hew to the norms of this world."

Fable Fable
(Uncertain demon hopes he hasn't put his foot in it.)
Tarmagon Tarmagon
(Demon is all good.)

"I'm sorry if my attitude seems prudish," Kyle said after a moment. "My intention is to make your evening as enjoyable as possible, so if you could instruct me on the proper etiquette for these events here, I shall set aside my notions of propriety and hew to the norms of this world."

"It's not prudish, and I wasn't suggesting we dance all night, that'd be a curse on our feet. It's a social gathering here, so yes, having to mingle and socialize with others is part of the ordeal. It's not a requirement, though you might find people approaching you, asking you things about yourself. This gala is a bit of a mixture between business and pleasure. Don't be shocked if the most common questions you get are 'What business are you in?' and 'Who did you arrive with?' I had a bit of fun with that, I'll admit. Whenever someone asked what business I was in, I always made up something absurd, like... cat wrangling. As far as strictly sticking with the person you came with, you don't have to. It's not offensive to occasionally go dance with someone else, usually. It depends on who you go with. A guy tried to ask me to dance at the first gala, the girl he came with pretty much had a fit over it even after I declined. Honestly the reason I brought it dancing with others is because you are going to be asked Kyle. You're a handsome guy, I imagine you're going to get quite a few offers."

She felt a bit bothered by the fact that she knew Kyle was going to more than likely be assaulted for dances, but she kept that to herself. She had no reason to be bothered by it at all. She tried to rationalize this by focusing on the idea that she'd get pestered by random people to dance. It would be inconvenient for her. Yes, that's why it bothered her...clearly.

"Don't worry so much about etiquette. As long as you don't dance on the tables, get into a fight, or so drunk you pass out, it doesn't matter. And don't just focus on me having fun if it's at your own expense. Oh, I almost forgot.
Do not trust Liz at the gala if she asks you for a favor." Esme became very serious. "She might try and auction you off for a date to someone. She really good at dragging people into that. I've witnessed it enough times."
Kyle chuckled as Esme described her 'occupation'. Cat wrangler indeed.

"There is a saying on my world," Kyle said. "Never try to out stubborn a cat. I imagine they are quite as willful here as there."

Kyle used his banter to cover up the warm glow he felt inside at Esme's next words. She found him handsome? He knew his form wasn't flawed, but he always considered himself of average appearance. Esme's comment made him strangely light hearted, and for once he didn't feel any need to worry about why something was said. Kyle basked in the unaccustomed freedom to feel and the warmth her words had kindled.

"Don't worry so much about etiquette. As long as you don't dance on the tables, get into a fight, or so drunk you pass out, it doesn't matter. And don't just focus on me having fun if it's at your own expense. Oh, I almost forgot.
Do not trust Liz at the gala if she asks you for a favor." Esme became very serious. "She might try and auction you off for a date to someone. She really good at dragging people into that. I've witnessed it enough times."

"Well," Kyle said, trying for a bored, aristocratic air. "I rather doubt that tables make for acceptable dancing surfaces, drinking to a stupor had never been my favorite pastime, and as for battle..."

Kyle's voice trailed of for a moment, and when he spoke again the affected air was gone as of it had never existed.

"If anyone offers you physical harm, I shall do whatever is required to make them see the error of their ways."

Kyle kept his face absolutely still for a moment, then grinned.

"Of course, if they just use words, I shall stand by the wayside and collect wagers on how fast you will destroy the poor fool. Fifty percent to you of course."

The rest of Esme's words registered then, and Kyle frowned.

"What do you mean, 'auction off '?" he asked. "I am not livestock to be sold, nor bondsman to her. Whatever would make her think something like that? "

Fable Fable
(Demon is getting confused again. )
Tarmagon Tarmagon
(Dang mortals and their weird galas!)

"Well," Kyle said with a bored, aristocratic air. "I rather doubt that tables make for acceptable dancing surfaces, drinking to a stupor had never been my favorite pastime, and as for battle... If anyone offers you physical harm, I shall do whatever is required to make them see the error of their ways. Of course, if they just use words, I shall stand by the wayside and collect wagers on how fast you will destroy the poor fool. Fifty percent to you of course."

Esme laughed at the snooty act Kyle put on, it was pretty impressive. He'd probably manage to intimidate a few putting on airs like that, which would be interesting to observe. There were a few people sure to do what she called the one-up-reply, constantly trying to fluff themselves as though they were of more importance.

"What do you mean, 'auction off '?" Kyle asked. "I am not livestock to be sold, nor bondsman to her. Whatever would make her think something like that?"

"Ah, there is a small event, completely voluntary mind you, where people can basically auction off their time you could say. The money then goes towards the charity and the volunteer just has to spend time with the winner, usually a date or something. Liz is pretty good at getting people to go for it. However, I figured she might try it with you under the guise of a favor, and you not knowing any better about her plotting could find yourself on stage.
You deserve a fair warning."

She paused, it wasn't that she hadn't noticed his statement about her being possibly physically harmed, she just wasn't exactly sure how to address it. "I also very much doubt I'll be in any physical danger. I may be a damsel, but I know few things. Oh, and make it sixty, I'll be the one verbally ripping them a new one, I think that deserves an extra ten percent."

Esme looked around and noticed it was getting pretty dark outside, how long had they been up here practicing? "We should probably call it a day on the dance lesson. I think the music stopped playing a while ago, you might've drained your phone's battery." She stepped back, releasing Kyle's warm hands, one of them moving to brush her hair to the side. "Think I'll manage to get this dancing thing down in two weeks?"
"Ah, I see." Kyle said, his puzzled tone making it obvious that he really didn't, but if Esme wasn't implying any kind of permanent arrangement, he wasn't worried.

"I also very much doubt I'll be in any physical danger. I may be a damsel, but I know few things. Oh, and make it sixty, I'll be the one verbally ripping them a new one, I think that deserves an extra ten percent."

"I meant no insult Esme," Kyle said. "I am quite certain that you can hold your own in any situation. I did not mean to imply that you could not. Consider it a very pointed statement that, 'I have your back' I believe is how you say it. I will freely admit I have a protective streak, and you seem to bring it out in force." Kyle shrugged before continuing. "It's, you would call it a hangup I think. There, was a person who was important to me. I wasn't able to protect her. I swore never to let such a thing happen again. It makes me over-protective sometimes, and for that I'm sorry. I'll try and work on it."

When Esme released his hands, Kyle noticed that the music from his phone had indeed stopped, and the sky was the crimson of a fading day.

"Think I'll manage to get this dancing thing down in two weeks?" Esme asked.

"I do indeed my lady," Kyle replied with a smile. "For now though, you are quite correct. I do believe this day's lesson is completed, and completed well."

Kyle moved over to the roof door, holding it open for Esme before following her back to the apartment. Once they were back inside, he connected his phone to the charger then turned to face Esme.

"So, perhaps for tomorrow you can choose the music," he said. "We shall repeat today once more, then we will reverse roles upon the next day, with you learning to adjust to my movements. For now though, who's turn is it to cook?"

Fable Fable
(Hungry demon has returned.)
Tarmagon Tarmagon
(He is the sole reason for the increase of profits in overly hot peppers in the area, lol.)

"I meant no insult Esme," Kyle said. "I am quite certain that you can hold your own in any situation. I did not mean to imply that you could not. Consider it a very pointed statement that, 'I have your back' I believe is how you say it. I will freely admit I have a protective streak, and you seem to bring it out in force." Kyle shrugged before continuing. "It's, you would call it a hangup I think. There, was a person who was important to me. I wasn't able to protect her. I swore never to let such a thing happen again. It makes me over-protective sometimes, and for that I'm sorry. I'll try and work on it."

Esme quirked a brow as Kyle explained that he hadn't been trying to be insulting, admitting to having a bit of a problem with being over-protective. So far, it'd mostly just been words about possible reactions to situations, and she couldn't fault him for a hang-up when she had her own massive one. Some things were hard to shake off and as long as Kyle wasn't trying to lock her up for her own protection or anything extreme, she'd let it slide.

She watched him as he moved to hold open the door, shaking her head to herself, but not saying anything. She walked past him and made her way down the stairs to the apartment. Once inside, she situated herself on the futon, sitting cross legged and leaning back. She closed her eyes, though her ears picked up on Kyle moving around, his phone letting out a small beep to indicate it had been plugged into a charger.

"So, perhaps for tomorrow you can choose the music," Kyle said. "We shall repeat today once more, then we will reverse roles upon the next day, with you learning to adjust to my movements. For now though, who's turn is it to cook?"

"If you want, I don't mind either way about the music. My playlist eclectic. And cooking? I was just thinking of ordering take out, Chinese specifically. They have some spicy dishes you'd probably be satisfied with." Esme opened her eyes and got up, moving into the kitchen, spending about five minutes searching around in various locations before finding the menu for the Chinese restaurant she usually ordered from. She already knew what she wanted, so she presented the menu to Kyle to peruse through. "The more of the pepper symbols next to a dish, the hotter it is. Unless you'd rather eat something else, but I am still going to get something from here and watch something terrible on TV. Or maybe just binge on Youtube videos. Maybe teach you poker."

She smirked at Kyle, imagining her teaching him to play cards actually seemed kind of fun, "Or other card games like Go Fish, War, Black Jack."
Kyle perused the menu Esme offered him with some interest. Most had perhaps one or two of the little pepper symbols beside the, but a few had three. One in particular caught his eye, chicken with red peppers. It had three of little pepper symbols, but after the pepper symbols was a peculiar phrase, 'may be prepared ma la, order at your own risk'. Kyle considered the possible implications with a smile.

"I should like to try this one I believe," he said, pointing the item out to Esme. "Please request it ma la if you would."

Esme looked at the menu, then the little warning post and shrugged.

"After seeing you eat ghost wings, I don't think this will bother you in the slightest," Esme said, grabbing her phone to place the order.

While Esme took care of the dinner preparations such as they were, Kyle thought about the rest of her plans for the evening. He shuddered to think about what she might mean by terrible. His first exposure to something called MST3K had been, interesting, but he wasn't in any particular hurry to repeat the experience. Videos might be okay, but who knew whether or not they could agree on anything. Cards, well he didn't know the games of this world, but it was interactive. Maybe.

"Methinks the lady doth look forward to this a bit much," Kyle said, shuddering in mock terror. "Promise me you will not take advantage of a poor, inexperienced soul as you endeavor to teach me these games."

Fable Fable
(Be kind to a poor demon.)
Tarmagon Tarmagon
( I adore MST3K, the original :p "The clearest weather Earth has ever had." Yup. I'm a nerd. >_>; )

"Methinks the lady doth look forward to this a bit much," Kyle said, shuddering in mock terror. "Promise me you will not take advantage of a poor, inexperienced soul as you endeavor to teach me these games."

Esme grinned deviously, "No promises. I can only assure you that I won't cheat, sir." She ended up laughing, unable to keep herself from imagining Kyle's reaction to something like strip poker. "I'm not the best at things like poker, so I wouldn't be the best teacher regarding that. I think War would be a good place to start as far as teaching you card games. However, that will have to come after we eat, if we even have the will to do so. You might end up wanting to just laze on the futon afterwards."

The delivery of the food was fairly quick since the restaurant wasn't very far. Fifteen minutes after she had placed the order, there was a knock on the apartment door, which Esme went to answer. After a quick and friendly exchange with the delivery person, Esme paid for the meal and gave a tip. Esme took the plastic bag that was heavy with food into the living room, placing it on the teeny tiny coffee table. She rummaged around, mistakenly opening Kyle's order and leaned back, reeling from the hit of spice that assaulted her senses, her blue eyes watering. "Woah, that is overpowering," she commented, quickly closing the takeout box it came in.

"I think I singed off my eyebrows there," she joked, pulling out the takeout box that had her own, non-spicy order of sesame chicken. She opened up the various containers that had the rice and sides that came with their orders, before snagging a pair of wooden chopsticks. She slid the paper off of them and pulled the two thin wooden sticks apart before pausing. She couldn't remember if he'd ever used chopsticks here, he could have done so before when she wasn't around.

Esme expertly used the chopsticks to pick out a piece of glazed chicken and pop it into her mouth. Why did fried food have to taste so good, she wondered as she savored the flavor. She grabbed the remote to turn on the television, channel surfing for a bit before deciding to stop on a show called Cutthroat Kitchen. It was a cooking challenge show, only with the additional element of player based sabotages. She set down the remote and glanced at Kyle, "Want to try it?" She asked this after she had swallowed her food, holding out the folded white container in his direction.

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