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Realistic or Modern Tinted Mirrors


Special Title
Twinkles of starlight danced across the night sky, twirling around each other in a dance of eternity. In perfect harmony, choreographed throughout eons they inspired wandering eyes to glance up and wonder. She stood far below, pale arm reaching up, dipping into the pool of darkness. Yet, her fingers failed to reach the stars, they always fell short. Her pretty dress shimmered as they did, her tiara sparkled as they did, and her glass slippers twinkled as they did. If only she had the capacity to shine amongst them, there were times she felt more, as a whole.

Alas, those hollow whispers were offered by cruel dreams.

Síofra had struggled to ignore the heckles within her dreams all day. They pervaded her every thought, eyes instinctually glancing up, catching sight of dull wooden varnish and Victorian-esc lights that wobbled and swayed. A far cry from the stars. She blew a gray strand of hair out of her face, an oddity that relaxed between a sea of brunette fibers.

Most teenagers would obsess over such a prevalent flaw, Síofra thought it looked kinda cool. Of all her problems, the latest and biggest would have to be-

“Bridget! You lazy-butt, have you carried anything noteworthy?” Síofra called for her little sister, casually sauntering into their dorm room with the final box of her sister’s garbage. With a light grunt, she set it on the bed opposite to hers.

Boarding school must have scared Bridget mightily to get them put in the same dorm, despite being two grades separated. She snorted at the idea of her twerp sister balling her eyes out in front of the headmaster, begging to dorm with her older sister. That was her assumption, at least.

At first glance, to even tell they were sisters could be difficult. Síofra stood out as a tall girl, with flowing silky brown locks, and an aptitude for flair like no other. Her striking emerald eyes gleamed like a foxes, putting her cohorts off-balance. Bridget’s oversized glasses did little to augment her green irises, “I know, I know. You have the weakest little nerd arms. Counter-point,” With the finesse of an experience annoyance, a lanky arm pounced on its prey, ripping dorky glasses from dorky face. Síofra held her prize far above her head, casually placing a hand on her hip, “If you don’t start organizing to pull your weight, you won’t see a thing. Cause I’ll keep these.”

An involuntary snort ruptured Síofra’s nose, she took way too much humor out of this.
usagi froggy usagi froggy

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