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Dice Rifts Adventure OOC

Lore: Religion would be a much more focused skill subject than just Mythology. It's like saying you are studying World History compared to Europe during WW2. You will get some info from Mythology but much more detail from Lore: Religion. Does that make sense?

Next, I will say that the skill would fall into the Technical category, so you would get the +10% in addition to your Iq bonus.
The Mythology skill also provides a +5% to the Lore: Magic and Lore: Demon and Monsters skills, so I would say that you would also get the +5% to Lore: Religion too.
Cool! Thanks for the fast and thorough answer! Consider it chosen. =)
It's been a lot longer of a day than I thought, but I'm currently looking over where things had left off. Zeph is marked as level 7, though I'm not sure all the skills and abilities currently down on that sheet actually reflect that.

Were I not to play Zephiron, which is what I was already favoring when I first considered the question, my reflex was to reach for something with either strong psionic or melee capabilities. This little guy already has most bases covered from a power perspective. The only part where I thought he'd be lacking is the social arena. But with my understanding of Palladium, he could be competent at dealing with people both in a diplomatic or even hostile situation... provided he gets proper guidance and information ahead of time since he lacks more context about the myriad ways of the Megaverse than most.

Long story short, I'm rather content with past me's plotting for mapping out an adaptable character and I'd have a hell of a time trying to conjure a better one for my play style crunch wise. If y'all don't mind Zephiron popping back up as support, I'd like to keep him. I just need an idea of how much time has passed since... I think since the group went to barter with someone named Moloch?
Were I not to play Zephiron, which is what I was already favoring when I first considered the question, my reflex was to reach for something with either strong psionic or melee capabilities. This little guy already has most bases covered from a power perspective. The only part where I thought he'd be lacking is the social arena. But with my understanding of Palladium, he could be competent at dealing with people both in a diplomatic or even hostile situation... provided he gets proper guidance and information ahead of time since he lacks more context about the myriad ways of the Megaverse than most.
If you are looking for mental powers, the Mind Melter OOC is going to be your best bet for overall mental powers. The Burster is next on the list for strictly fire-based powers. There are a few races with advanced mental powers to them in World Book 30: D-Bees of North America that you could look at, too. Just depends on how you wish to proceed. But, looking at your dragon, he already has a good selection of mental powers, and will continue to add to the powers you have.
Long story short, I'm rather content with past me's plotting for mapping out an adaptable character and I'd have a hell of a time trying to conjure a better one for my play style crunch wise. If y'all don't mind Zephiron popping back up as support, I'd like to keep him. I just need an idea of how much time has passed since... I think since the group went to barter with someone named Moloch?
Keeping Zephiron is cool with me. We would just need to boost him up a bit (I believe that with 90,000 xp he would be 8th level), add a few spells, and perhaps some cool gadgets and TW stuff that he's been able to acquire. From the meeting with Moloch to now it has been a total of seven months, but if you would like an 'older' version of Zeph, we can easily say he has been in a dimension where time flows a bit faster, giving you the option of being several years to decades older. Or you can be the same youngin' hatchling you have been.
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Another benefit of sticking with Zephiron is that you can all swap spells around between one another in the six-month downtime before you start your new quest. I will allow Zeph to add from either Terra's or Snowfall's spell list a total of ten spells that he doesn't have. Snowfall can look over the spell list from Zeph and add up to five of his spells to Snowfall's list, and the same for Terra.
No need for accelerated aging, being almost a year old now is perfect for him to be a little more grounded and socialized than he was previously without sacrificing too many comedic relief opportunities.

As for spells, I'll have to go through the book again to see what I might be interested in, but any suggestions are welcome! Same with devices and gear. I recall we had gotten new swords from that pyramid too. I'm not sure if I ever added one to his sheet or not.

If it helps focus ideas, I remember wanting to transition from things that bolster personal power and more into ways to grant blessings to others for the direction I was hoping to push him. Much of the big attack/defense stuff that I saw within reach I tried to snag already anyway.
As for spells, I'll have to go through the book again to see what I might be interested in, but any suggestions are welcome! Same with devices and gear. I recall we had gotten new swords from that pyramid too. I'm not sure if I ever added one to his sheet or not.
Those swords were redistributed after Zeph left. We still have them (one for each of the PCs). We also have a NPC Elf magic-user, Morrolan. He's been solid so far.
As for spells, I'll have to go through the book again to see what I might be interested in, but any suggestions are welcome! Same with devices and gear.
I don't know what Zeph has for resources, but Moloch has been a huge help in getting us really good stuff that has been instrumental to our success, things like the Talismans of Psychic Dampening, Camouflage Cloaks, and P.P.E. batteries.

Snowfall has recently learned how to cast spells in a big way, Terra has changed her O.C.C. from Battle Controller to Tattooed Undead Slayer (Gradicus's O.C.C.) and Eron has just gotten cooler and crazier (plus the symbiote he recently earned is an absolute trip!). So, as far as spells are concerned, Snowfall's are largely utilitarian and buffing spells (he remains a support character with healing and mostly ranged attacks). Eron and Terra are the melee monsters of the group (especially since we no longer have Terra's constructs).
Financially, I'm not sure what sort of resources there'd be for upgrades but strategically...

Zephiron at level 7 has 170 PPE and 143 ISP naturally before the level up bonus for the next level. Along with a plethora of Powers and Spells like Shadow Meld, Resist Damage, Exorcism, Armor of Ithan, Power Weapon, and Lightning Arc.

I only have down the polearm WP but if we're changing and updating things, we could make some adjustments for expanding weapon options. Without any additional skills or changes, he's pretty comfortable in melee range same as Eron and Terra.
Rykon Rykon Terra has one of the Atlantean talismans of armor that give out 100 MDC for ten minutes up to three times a day that I feel that I don't need as much anymore with her conversion to an Undead Slayer. You are more than welcome to have it to boost Zeph.
In my opinion, that polearm is going to be your best bet to stick with as far as a melee weapon. It is a rune weapon and therefore it's indestructible and can be used in either your dragon or human form.

As far as fundage, I'll let you get a lump of 3,000,000 credits to be able to buy stuff. I also recall that Terra did purchase something like six of the talismans to block your ability to be detected by psychic senses so that most likely can be added to Zeph's sheet.

My biggest suggestion is to make sure you look over Snowfall's and Terra's magic spell list and see what you might wish to add from their libraries to your own, and then you can add to that a PPE battery or two and really get into it magic-wise with the rechargeable batteries.
Looking at the book, Zeph should also be able to add at least two more skills to your sheet, so think about what you might wish to add.
Sherwood Sherwood Could I get a d6 roll from you please for Snowfall's M.D.?

EDIT: Oh, and another d6 for his Chi?
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And for purposes of making things easier for everyone, we will say that Zephiron arrived in Eris Nova with Brazamal when he first arrived about a month ago, then the elder dragon went back to Dweomer before returning for the bar's grand opening. This will give everyone time to swap spells about and will allow Zeph to be present for the arrival of the three gods. Does that sound good to everyone?
And for purposes of making things easier for everyone, we will say that Zephiron arrived in Eris Nova with Brazamal when he first arrived about a month ago, then the elder dragon went back to Dweomer before returning for the bar's grand opening. This will give everyone time to swap spells about and will allow Zeph to be present for the arrival of the three gods. Does that sound good to everyone?
Forgot to reply to this with "I'm down with that!"
Speaking of spells, Purr Purr any thoughts on what spell you'll pickup for your level boost?
Psychie Psychie Yes! I'm going with Speed of the Snail instead of Desiccate (that word is spelled with two "c"s and not two "s"s? What the heck!) the Supernatural. If you're interested as to the why:

1. Desiccate's a damaging spell and Snowfall is more of a debuffer.
2. For the same P.P.E. cost, he can nerf 6 targets instead of 1 and unlike D&D, Palladium Saving Throws simply don't change that often!
3. Snowfall's personality - if he's up against 6 jerks and during the course of combat, he can throw Speed of the Snail and then use his Blinding Tattoo and (if the dice are willing), he can slow and blind them all in about 15 seconds. Then, since they can hear, he can maybe talk them out of Snowfall having to kill them? =)

What is Terra taking?

Sherwood Sherwood With Snowfall having Right Brain Memory Techniques, might he be able to learn Terra's new spell?
I'll have Snowfall's full gains for 9th level up hopefully by tonight (I've been waiting for him to hit this level - it's probably his best-ever in terms of raw gains).
Good question. Sherwood Sherwood , do I still have the ability to add a spell per level as I go up, or has that been replaced with the tattoos that I get?
You do not get the free spell automatically as you level up since that has been replaced with the tattoo magic. You can still learn new spells as standard from the others.
Sherwood Sherwood With Snowfall having Right Brain Memory Techniques, might he be able to learn Terra's new spell?
If she had picked up a new spell due to leveling up, yes you could. As it is, you can swap spells with Zephiron and pick up another five from the dragon dude.
If she had picked up a new spell due to leveling up, yes you could. As it is, you can swap spells with Zephiron and pick up another five from the dragon dude.
Re: Zeph. Yeah, you said that. It was Terra I had no answer for. But! Speaking of answers! It's physics time!!

Mr. GM Sherwood, sir... Sherwood Sherwood In your Palladium Rifts game, is cold counted as a form of energy (specifically in regards to the Impervious to Energy spell)? =)

(Just so everyone understands; I'm NOT going for a "gotcha" as that's not my style - I'm asking because I've got a tattoo coming to Snowfall and I am seriously considering taking Animal/Beast Breathing Ice (Secrets of the Atlanteans, page 148 in physical copy). I have found my own answer for any future Rifts games I might take on, but I'm not running this game, hence my curiosity). =)

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