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Fantasy ๐‘๐Ž๐†๐”๐„ ๐–๐€๐•๐„๐’ โ€” OOC

Updates for Gao Convenienceโ„ข

Antarin: Updated reputation and reason for boarding, rehauled personality, and added minor changes to history
Bec: Minor change to reason for boarding and rehauled personality
Thank-you for the update of the updates for me soldiers ๐Ÿซก whenever I see "edited at xx" I sit there clawing through the CS like a freak tryna find whats been added because I'm very nosy so you have all made my life very easy !!!!
Thank-you for the update of the updates for me soldiers ๐Ÿซก whenever I see "edited at xx" I sit there clawing through the CS like a freak tryna find whats been added because I'm very nosy so you have all made my life very easy !!!!

not me, with the silent updates that make everyone's life harder.

to break this habit:
- made some small changes throughout the cs to some phrases that sounded off to me
- edited all the bullet points in yuudai's lore tab except for his history
- added a playlist of songs that fit his vibe. (that vibe is so unapologetic longing and a dash of feeling deeply out of place)
- a pinterest board
- gave him some new habits
I didn't realize I posted in the interest check until it was too late, LOL. Nothing to see there. Imma keep it since Gao blessed it.
Prepare your fingers for some scrolling, friends. Doloresโ€™ CS is a rather long one. Sheโ€™s fully finished, but I might add more headcanons later. But anyway, a huge thank you to Gao for answering all my questions! Youโ€™re such gaot for that *slaps knee and runs away*.
Adding my own changelog to the mix:
-I literally put down a faction for Rosaline and then promptly forgot to mention it in her bio, that has been rectified in the form of a new revelation. (Albeit rather hastily written.)
I excitedly, and anxiously, await to see everyone's finished/updated character sheets as the deadline approached (my body shakes at a speed beyond light I am barely sitting on the edge of my seat)
Gave some minor updates to these sections:
- History (Revamped some details I wasn't really happy with)
-Reputation (Fixed details I favored more)
-Faction (Rewrote about her relations with them/pretty minor)
-Misc. Section (I rewrote some answers, but they're generally the same)
O Gao, kind and noble and fair and just and positively delectable lord of the RP, I present the following CS updates for your consideration:
  1. General reformatting of all sections
  2. More detailed description of his appearance
  3. More detailed description of his personality
Pending updates:
  1. Revision of his backstory
thank-you for the updates my little meow meows you have appeased my nosiness.
and it seems the deadline looms just on the horizon oo la la!! the boat is about to float !!!

anyone who needs an extension or wants one just in case, please do ask (I will say yes) (just give me some kind of signal that you're still interested). Extensions are so I can keep in mind who's working on their CSes vs those who have decided to silently withdraw. A few extensions have been given out already, and I'm willing to allow about a week during our Discord plotting stage for the late arrivals to trickle on in.​
Now I'm about to finish my character sheet in a few days. But seriously, do not give me any extension, I'm just increadibly lazy. I simply ask you not to start the process with my sheet and I'll get it ready when you'd reach it anyways:csmile:

Edit: I think I finished the sheet. It won't be the work of my life but I'm so ready to be assessed!
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heeeeaallo good morning vibrating the eyestalks today waiting for the deadline

good luck everyone!!!
Dawn of the final day, we've made it so far comrades. Rubbing my hands together maniacally in eager anticipation of all those scrumptious finished profiles
working on yanlin's cs now (not me procrastinating till last minute wow-)
Updated character goal for Antarin.

(Doing this for Gao convenience but also feel like I'm going HEAR YE HEAR YE, ANTARIN HATH BEEN CHANGED! ALL BEAR WITNESS TO MY ADJUSTMENTS AT THINE PACE!)
My beloved sovereign Gao Gao if I might humbly inquire how soon after the deadline might our fates be decided, and we be informed ๐Ÿ™‡โ€โ™‚๏ธ

A few hours at most! When the deadline arrives Iโ€™ll sit down to do a thorough read of all the completed CSes, reach out to propose a few adjustments if need be, then send out invites to the chosen crew. Another little announcement will be made once that process is completed just so nobody is left sitting in the dark wondering if gaogao forgot them.
Alas I wont be able to finish my character by the deadline, we've been without power the past couple of days due to a storm that came through. and for some reason I was not getting notifications for this.

Ding dong qrow is right it's Deadline time.

For those that are still working away on their CSes, godspeed to you. Iโ€™ll be keeping an eye on your progress over the next few days in hopes to allow late arrivals to slither in. This applies even to those that have not exclusively asked for an extension, so to dear Sav, you are still able to speedrun your way in if determined enough.

If you have not received an invite as of yet, do not fret. (I have actually not even started reviewing most of the CSes because I am very cool and well-prepared).

All applicants did very well, and it was delightful to watch you all arrive. The amount of effort put into characters, the creativity, and the level of writing had me twirling my hair and kicking my feet. It seems I have attracted a lovely and awfully talented group, and I am quite excited to finally get on that damn boat.

The first round of Discord invites for completed CSes will be sent out within the next few hours, and once complete I will make a final announcement (till next time) both here and on the interest check.

I will be seeing many of your inboxes soon [threat]​
Gao Gao does the Soothsayer role still need to be filled? I think I'm only going to focus on one character and I'm trying to decide between my custom role and the Soothsayer

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