• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
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Dayle Keller
Dayle Keller
Credit to: Neople, Dungeon Fighter

Rp'er General Info
Rp'er Name: Shatter Shard
Post Frequency: Active on Weekends, Unreliably Active on Weekdays
Discord Name: JackO Trades#4767

Character General Info
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 173 lbs.
Backstory: Dayle was born and grew up at the less desirable parts of the city of Ryken, being taken care of one of the small orphanages. Thrown into a dog eat dog world from such a young age, he quickly came to realize that showing vulnerabilities is nothing short of foolishness. He sharpened his tool of trade, his brawn, to become a thug and support himself with coercion, extortion, and threats. He was smart enough to recognize that joining a syndicate was a rewarding option, but the risks he would need to take in staying in one would slowly become tremendous in the long term. Besides, most syndicates do not let their people leave, and Dayle does not like people giving him orders.

Dayle would then spend most of teenage life committing crimes, including theft and physical assault, while simultaneously avoiding the eyes of both the syndicates and the authorities. Unfortunately, he was only able to do so much before a syndicate managed to find out who has been causing a ruckus in their territory; the Red Star Syndicate. Dayle prepared for the worst and was ready to fight for his life, but was surprised to get a calm and professional visit from Red Star. He was then given an offer knowing what kind of person Dayle was; he would need to act on their "requests" as a due, and would be paid in return as well as keep his independence. Otherwise, he can screw off somewhere else out of their territory, or get stomped on for staying. He had no power to stop them, and he does not want to risk it with the other powers in other territories, so Dayle had to swallow his pride and shook hands.

Recognizing the need for manpower, Dayle started to establish his own group, a gang with the goal of one day becoming a big organization. He recruited five dullards whose loyalty couldn't be bought, and set on his path towards the top of the underworld. A few more years later, Dayle would then hone his skills and developed his own Fighting Style, teaching his goons the basics, and using it to handle the "requests" much easier than before.
Current Life: Dayle lived in the slums of Ryken, in a sorry state of a shack along with his gang members. He is currently living off of his gang member's domestic skills, lending them to whoever needs them for some meager cash. He also occasionally gets "requests" which best uses his brawling skills in exchange for a few more days of finances. After a few weeks of deliberation, Dayle and his 5 goons finally named their little group; the Ignition Gang.

After Twisted Underbelly: Dayle went to cash in the "request", but the usual representative wasn't there. Instead, it was one of the high ranking executives that met him. His performance was seen and the executive approved of him, but the rest were not so sure about letting someone like him roam free. In order to remedy this, the executive took Dayle under his wing, and he was going to hear no objections from the gangster in front of him. Dayle could only take the executive's "kind offer" as he knew the others would try to put him down if he didn't have the executive backing him. The "request" was none other than a test to see if he was worth it, and apparently, he was. If he died, then that's one problem of their minds, but if he manages to succeed, then it was clear that such competence should be within their grasp. It was a setup to bring him in from the very start, and it left a sour taste in Dayle's mouth knowing that fact. However, he wasn't so sure if the whole of Red Star planned this out, or the executive was the sole mastermind behind all of this. The only fortunate thing to happen to him was the new batch of members he received, mostly thugs from Red Star. He was surprised to see fervent loyalty from them, but he supposes a reputation like his would earn him some followers. From now on, he will work under the syndicate's name.


  • Human | Thug | Unruffled | Underbelly Survivor | Crimson Troop

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 203
Points Spent: 308
Points Left: 0

[ A ] | 35 Strength
[ F ] | 0 Precision
[ E ] | 7 Intelligence
[ A ] | 35 Vitality
[ B ] | 28 Speed

[ C ] Character Grade

Skills and Abilities

  • [ E ] Fighting Style [Bonebreaker | Chains]
    • Brawling is commonly seen among street ruffians and generally undisciplined delinquents, and so Dayle uses this raw fighting style to give it his own twists. He is not afraid to use any object, tool, or weapon he can get his hands on, or use underhanded tactics to win a fight. However, he is in his best when using his Chains to get the job done.
    • Hellhound [Aura] F | Dayle can externalize his battle spirit and form it into searing hot aura around his body.
    • Chainz [Flexible] F | Dayle has no qualms impairing his opponents with a sudden whip from his chains.
    • Nope [Deflect] E | Dayle's battle sense allows him to dodge out of the way of an attack, or if possible, deflect it with the chains wrapped around his arms.
    • One Two [Linked] F | Dayle can use his Fists and Chains interchangeably.


  • [CD | 0 Post] Hot Stuff: Fighting Style [Bonebreaker] F, Hellhound [Aura] F| Dayle uses his aura to make himself more threatening, by creating a burning aura around his body. Be careful of touching that aura of his, it hurts.


    1. [ C ] Steel Chains x2 [Melee] | Two 15ft chains wrapped around Dayle's arms, and gives additional protection while it's on his arms. Can be unfurled to be used as a whip-like weapon. While wrapped, it acts as gauntlets.
    2. [ E ] Tough Skin [Heavy Armor] | Dayle's skin had developed a certain resistance against damage from the constant beatings he gets.

  • 35pts for Stats
  • 14pts for Minion F
  • 7pts for Leadership F
  • 14pts for Connected [Criminal: Thug] E
  • 7pts for Street Sense
  • 14pts for Fighting Style [Bonebreaker] E
  • 14pts for Steel Chains E

  • Acquired [Unruffled] Title
  • Earned 54pts
  • 7pts for Connected [Criminal: Thug] E to D
  • 14pts for Fighting Style [Dreadnaught] E, with Deflect F and Linked F
  • 14pts for Minions [Red Star Cronies] F
  • 14pts for another Steel Chains E

  • Earned 42pts
  • 28pts for Stats (STR to D to C, Vitality E to C, and Speed E to D)
  • 14pts for 2x Steel Chains E to D

  • Earned 38pts
  • 14 pts for Stats (STR to C to B, Vitality C to B)
  • 28pts for Minions [Red Star Cronies] F to D

  • Earned 69pts
  • Acquired [Underbelly Survivor] Title
  • Acquired [Crimson Troop] Title
  • Acquired [Divees Crew] Asset
  • 28 pts for Stats (STR B to A, VIT B to A, SPD D to B)
  • 7pts for Fighting Style [Bonebreaker] Core [Deflect] F to E
  • 14pts for Chains x2 D to C
  • 14pts for Tough Skin [Heavy Armor] E
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Tu Tao
Tu Tao



Rp'er Name: The Eccentric

Post Frequency: Every Two or Three Days

Discord Name: TheEccentric#2835

Equipped Titles:

- [Monster]
- [Murderer E]
- [Earth Sourcekin]
- [Totemist Apprentice]
- [Warrior]

Height: 5' 8

Weight: 500 lbs.

In the early years of his life, Tu was a hot-blooded youth. He'd spend hours every day, arguing with his friends about the thrills of adventure and its contrast with their job as bricklayers. He was pretty simple, a face you'd overlook in a crowd normally, though his more exotic appearance does catch a few more glances. Ancestors coming from outside of Ryken and all that.

In his mid-20s, he heard rumours of an ancient tomb being discovered on a mountain near his village. With fantasies of discovering treasure bouncing in his head, he snuck out alone to investigate. Along the way, he caught wind of the kingdom sending its forces to explore the tomb, to which he replied with a sudden panic. Not wanting to be caught, but at the same time coming back home with nothing, He squeezed into the tomb and recklessly grabbed the first thing he assumed to be valuable. It was a case with a scroll inside it, though the text was written in a language that traced back before Ryken's establishment.

After successfully fleeing, he hid in his house for days, wishing Ryken's forced don't find him. Luckily, they didn't. When he calmed, he immediately inspected the scroll. Not making any headway in understanding it, he spent the next several years asking various experts and sages to translate randomly chosen words from the scroll. The undertaking was a test of his patience and wealth, but eventually, he broke the code. It was a training manual, one that would give the practitioner the ability to tear the world in half. Exhaustion was replaced with excitement, and blindly, he trained in the manual.

The practice was hard, and the side effects, harder. Literally. As he undertook this challenge, he soon began to feel his joints stiffening. At first, he alluded this to his body adjusting to the strict regiment the manual requires, but when his toes began turning into stone, fear set in. He ceased his training and tried to look for a cure. More years pass, the young man turned into a sour middle-aged rock that cursed the world for betraying his expectations. No cure was found, and he had already wasted 30 years on this endeavour of his, starting from when he obtained the training manual.

Having given up on finding a cure, he wallowed in despair and tried multiple times to end his life. Unfortunately, no blade nor hammer could destroy his now earthen body. Mindlessly, he rushed into bandit dens and fought with dangerous animals, but they collapsed in front of his superhuman strength. The more he fought, the stronger he became. One day, he just decided to stop fighting, and quietly rested. Flashing memories of the years bounced in his mind. While in this meditative state, he met an old man who wandered into the cave he dug with his own hands. The old man took to questioning Tu, but the stoneman only gave nods and shakes of his head in reply.

This relationship continued for several weeks, the old man coming and going as he pleased. Eventually, he stopped visiting, though he left something at the mouth of Tu's cave. It was instructions, to continue his study of the training manual. Doubtful hope bloomed in his chest when the instructions promised he'd regain his human state when he achieved mastery of the training. With nothing left in his life to pursue, he just shrugged to himself and decided to follow the instructions on a whim.

A new goal in front of him, Tu left his seclusion and began wandering. He hadn't properly interacted with anyone in years, with the time spent with the old man barely qualified to be called communication. His appearance partnered with his cold and taciturn demeanor, it didn't take long for a lot of people to mistake him for a monster. No loss of love there though. The wilderness outside of the tight cities was more refreshing, and the trees didn't remind him of his past unlike the brick structures in settlements. Right now, he needs sparring partners, and enemies to crush, and those are easier to find in the lawless stretches of forest and plains.

Acquired Titles:
  • [Murderer E]

  • [Earth Sourcekin] - Monster Title and at least two Resistance or Resilient skills appropriate to the element you wish to represent - Sourcekin are beings of the natural world, though in a more physical sense. Elemental forces are infused within them, giving them an innate protection against the various influences in the world, depending on what element they contain. Tu has a sturdy physique that blocks against mundane metals and attacks, caused by his bulky earthen form.

  • [Totemist Apprentice]

  • [Warrior]

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 30

Points Spent: 126

Points Unspent: 9


Strength - D

Precision - F

Intelligence - F

Vitality - C

Speed - F


Resistance [Bludgeoning] F
Resistance [Slashing] F
Resistance [Piercing] F


Seven Totem Apocalypse E

First Totem: Crack - F - Quake - The Apocalypse can begin in many ways, but the Seven Totems ensure the very surface of the world itself cracks first, making it unlivable.

Second Totem: Pressure - F - Spreading - As the world collapses inwards, pressure builds up as more things pile on top of each other in the are wreckage.

Super Strength F - 200lbs (average equipped human)


Jumping E - vertically 10yrds/horizontally 33yrds
Tunneling E - 3ft/6seconds


  • Bring It Down - Seven Totem Apocalypse E, First Totem: Crack F, Second Totem: Pressure F, Tunneling F, Super Strength F - Tall towers and immense castles will fall one day, you're just helping them reach that day faster. Using the Seven Totem Apocalypse, you smash a part of the structure with a resounding boom. The force of your blow disturbs the foundation of the structure. Smaller and weaker structures can instantly crumble from this strike, while larger and sturdier ones can be damaged, but remain standing. The scope and gravity of the effect are decided by the Narrator. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

  • Bulldoze - Super Strength F, Tunneling F - With your super strength, your ability to move earth and rock is great. You can easily move large boulders and other similar obstructions out of the way, regardless of whether you are moving on the surface or tunneling through the ground. You can move througha foot of earth every 6 seconds. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

  • Collateral Calamity - Seven Totem Apocalypse E, First Totem: Crack F, Second Totem: Pressure F - The Totems can stand alone, but together, their power becomes greatly magnified. Slamming the totem onto the ground, a shockwave erupts outwards from you, targetting all creatures in a 10-feet radius around you. The terrain around you becomes cracked and unstable, becoming difficult to traverse. If done on top of a surface that has sizable space below it, may collapse the floor and cause you and the creatures around you to fall. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

  • Mantle Breaker - Fighting Style: Seven Totem Apocalypse E, First Totem: Crack F - The First Totem gives insight on how to crack the world, if combined with strength, the world will shatter. With a great swing of the totem onto the ground, you create a small fissure as a shockwave hits the target. The target then falls in the 10-feet deep fissure. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

  • Mighty Leap - Jumping F, Super Strength F - You can cross leap over short walls and wide chasms, and you can even do it with extra burdens. You can leap 3 yards high and 10 yards far, even when you're carrying heavy creatures or objects. As long as the additional weight does not surpass your Super Strength range, you can jump with it. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

  • Movement of Heaven and Earth - Jumping E, Tunneling E - Whether it's above or below the earth, you can travel with great ease. You can leap 10 yards high and 33 yards far, and you can dig through 3 feet of earth for every 6 seconds. You take no falling damage as long as you fall within the range of your jump, and you can instantly dig out spaces on walls when you land or hit them. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

  • Self-Burial - Super Strength F, First Totem: Crack F, Jumping F, Resistance [Bludgeoning] F, Tunneling F, - Sometimes running away is difficult for a bulky man of stone, so the next best thing is to assure your life through protection. With a mighty leap into the sky, you crash back down onto the ground with a resounding crash as you rely on your heavyweight, the momentum, and your strength to rip the ground asunder. You make a 15 feet deep hole that quickly becomes covered by the stirred earth around it, covering you in dirt so you can be protected for a while. This does not assure there will be a suitable amount of air in the hole you made for survival. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

  • Weaponsbane - Resistance [Bludgeoning] F, Resistance [Piercing] F, Resistance [Slashing] - With skin of stone and a heart of steel, you reduce the damage of Skills and Abilities that deal Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing Damage. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown


Seven-Segment Totem E
- A large and thick totem he built over the years with his body. Much like a human would, he'd regenerate from wounds eventually. Though interestingly, the stones broken off from him remain stone. After decades of self-harm and battle, he amassed enough to create a totem, which then transformed. Not understanding what it meant, he just shrugged and went along with it by using the totem as his main weapon.


Chest with Straps
A sizable wood and iron chest with leather straps. The chest can be worn like a backpack, and although it's clunky and bulky, he prefers it over smaller backpacks that can easily tear.
Tattered Gi
Training clothes he wore when he was still excited to learn the ancient martial arts. Much of it has long weathered away since he couldn't care less about hiding his form at this point.
Bronze Belt
An old family heirloom, his father told him that their family stretched back generations. This bronze Belt was cast by a distant ancestor that fought bravely in the old wars. It has an impure jade plate on it, serving as a replacement to the pristine one that was sold a few generations ago.
Fortune Talismans
Wooden panels he carved a few years back, he hangs them on the outstretched rocks that protrude from his body.
Trophy Satchel
A small bag usually hidden in a corner of his chest. Inside are small shards of broken weapons and mementos from slain foes.

Change Log:
March 27th: Finished Strike on Ryke - 23 Points Received
• Stat Improvement - Vitality D to Vitality C - 7 Points Consumed
• Skill Creation - Movement of Heaven and Earth E
• Skill Improvement - Jumping F to Jumping E - 7 Points Consumed
• Skill Improvement - Tunneling F to Tunneling E - 7 Points Consumed
Conclusion: Consumed 21 Points, Unused 2 Points; Character Grade Upgraded to E

April 3rd: Isekai He'll Marketplace - 7 Points Reward from Mitsunari
Conclusion: Unused 9 Points
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Image by Josh Corpuz | Theme: Alto’s Adventure

  • Rp'er Name: Durado
    Post Frequency: Every few days, but more frequent if able
    Discord Name: Durado#8016

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Rp'er Name: RavenSong

Post Frequency:
2-3 times a week minimum, but every other day is common (I usually post at night PCT)

Discord Name: RavenSong#4209

Equipped Titles: [Human] [Ryken Student]

Height: 5’6

Weight: 128 lbs

Character Goals:
-Creating/becoming part of a witch coven
-Changing the course of history through risky yet significant magical breakthroughs.
-To become the most accomplished witch ever known


Scyllas previous life was one of monotony and routine, keeping up financially in the never ending world of the ordinary.
Until the fated day she’d die, shed dream of traveling, of being far away from everything she’d known; somewhere she could truly be happy. Or at the very least the freedom to do so, maybe by going against the cultural influence that demanded years of labor for no guarantees.

The years would pass, until one day a car crash ended her life.

Current Life:

Since Scylla awoke in "the world of white", and spoke to God, she desired more than anything to live her next life to the absolute fullest. It wasn't exactly everyday (or was it) that people got a second chance at life.


Astonished and immensely intrigued by mana, Scylla decided to dedicate her life to the development of this chaotic or "creative force" by designing and practicing archaic forms of ancient spells.

Acquired Titles: Human, Lamented Outlook, Ryken Student

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 81

Points Spent: 182

Point Total: 4


Strength - E / 7

Precision - F

Intelligence - B / 28

Vitality - F

Speed - F
Character grade: E


  • [Magic Affinity] D
  • [Witchcraft Affinity] F
  • [Wind Affinity] F
  • [Fire Affinity] F
  • [Persuasion] F - The ability to convince people to see new perspectives, consider other alternatives, change their minds, make different decisions, and even modify their actions.
  • [Healing] E - You may apply may use magical or mundane means to aid others through their suffering. Healing and what can be healed becomes more powerful with higher ranks and when combined with other skills like magic. - E - cure one common disease at a time, non-lethal poisons
  • [Magic Targets]
    • Magic Targets E - up to 5 targets simultaneously
  • [Magic Range] E - Character has found a way to make their magic affect targets up to 30ft away
  • [Spell Duration] F - Character has found a way to make the effects they cause with their magic use to last longer. Increase duration of effect on target to 1 minute in roleplay time. Narrator decides how many posts that will equate to. This holds true for Upgraded versions of the skill.
  • [Control Environment] F - Grants character ability to control air and lighting immediately around their body to adjust things like humidity, sound, smell, temperature, and lighting. Useful in hazardous conditions.
  • [Seduction] F - A character with this Skill is adept at exploiting their sex
    appeal. Whether or not the target of this skill responds will depend on their own romantic
    inclinations and sexual preferences.
  • [Weaken] F [Strength] - Ability can only weaken a creature once per ability duration. Cannot be stacked by same user. Duration of effect can be improved with duration skill.Character has extensively studied and trained to reduce target effectiveness in a specific area. Lower [stat] by 1 grade for one of their posts. Upgrading the skill increases amount stat can be lowered.
  • [Energized] D - Only applies to abilities of equal or lesser rank
    Reduce post cooldown of abilities by 1
  • [Appraisal] E


  • Spectral Blast - Magic affinity E - Witchcraft Affinity F - Magic Range F - Energized E - concentrates necrotic magic into a skull shaped sphere that is hurled at a target, ghostly screeching as it connects- grade E - 0 post cool down [Energized E]
  • Curse - Magic Affinity E - Witchcraft Affinity F - Magic Range F - Magic duration F - Energized E - painfully afflicts a target with black magic over period of time. Grade E - 0 post cooldown - [Energized E] (1 minute)
  • Micro Climate - Magic Affinity E - Control environment F - Magic Range F - Duration Magic F- Energized E- A wavy transparent stream of magic creating an area where Scylla can manipulate the environment. - grade E - 0 Post Cooldown [Energized E]
  • Mending Stream - Healing E - Magic Range F - Spell Duration F - Energized E- A pulse of divine energy emits from casters focus, taking the form of a white, stream like cloud at the casters hands before it's directed towards the target. -Grade E- 0 Post Cooldown [Energized E]
  • Shadows - Magic Affinity E - Witchcraft Affinity F - Magic Range E (30ft) - Multiple Targets E (5 Targets) - Energized E- Amalgamates necrotic energy into the form of five shades, with a quick incantation sends them flying towards the targets, inflicting acid like damage. - Grade E - 0 post cool down [Energized E]
  • Living Nightmare - Magic Affinity E - Weaken F [Strength] - Magic Range F [10 ft] - Afflicts target with a strength weakening magical sickness, temporarily reducing [strength] stat. - Grade E - 0 Post cool down - [Energized E]
  • Flaming Twisters- Magic Affinity E- Wind Affinity F - Fire Affinity F - Magic Range E - Magic Targets E (5 targets) - Duration magic F (1 minute) - Energized E - - Scylla's short staff comes to life emitting magical power. She mutters the name of the ability before black clouds form above their targets and with a final swipe of her staff, tornadoes come rushing upon targets. - Grade E - 0 post Cooldowns [Energized E]
  • Fire Arrows - Magic Affinity E - Fire Affinity F - Magic Range E (30ft) - Magic Targets E (5 targets) [Energized E] - Scylla emulates the motion of firing a bow with her staff, charging her magical power before repeating name of ability, sending fiery arrows at great speed towards targets. - Grade E - 0 Cooldowns [Energized E]
  • Charm - Persuasion F - Seduction F - Scylla attempts to charm another character/NPC into telling or doing what she wants. - Grade F - 0 Cooldowns


  • [Catalyst] - Short hickory Staff


  • Bedroll
  • Rations
  • water skin

  • Assets:

Change Log:

  • Gained 38 points : Twisted Underbelly
  • Twisted Underbelly [Optional Title Obtained] Lamented Outlook - Your actions and choices have shown people around you that you care little for others, while being capable and willing to cause violence, you just choose not to. People will be wary of you and most likely try to interact with you as little as possible.
  • - 7 - Strength F > E
  • - 14 - Energized E
  • - 7 - Weaken F [Strength]
  • - 7 - Seduction F
Points left = 3

Welcoming Party

Gained 43 points + 3 left = 46 Total

- 7 - [Fire Affinity] F
- 7 - [Lightning Affinity] F
- 7 - [Magic Affinity] E > D
- 7 - [Energized] E > D
- 7 - [Persuasion] F
- 7 -[Magic Targets] F > E

= 46 - 42 = 4 Points Left
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Jareth Fletcher
Jareth Fletcher

Theme: I Think I Saw a Ghost - One Hope
Rp'er Name: Clyvelle
Post Frequency:
Daily to Weekly
Discord Name: Clyvelle#4402
Current RP: Chapter 1: Metamorphose
Goals: I want to see Jareth's personality become more assertive. Jareth wants to escape and understand what has happened to him.
Equipped Titles: |Human|MIA|Scorned|Sandman|On the Wind|Mazerunner|
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Backstory: Jareth lived in seclusion with his parents, who were former zealots. They were eventually found out and murdered by their fanatical brethren. Jareth, along with a handful of other children, was captured and used in a ritual to the zealot order's deity. Before the ritual could be fully realized, a militia hired by a local noble stormed the area, stopped the ritual, and rescued the children. Jareth was taken with the others back to Ryken where he was placed in an orphanage. He was thought to be insane as he was reasonably not himself after the murder of his parents and involvement in a horrendous ritual. It wasn't until a glassmaker caught his attention that anyone realized how normal Jareth could be. He showed great promise in the art, and soon became an apprentice at the artisan's shop.
Current Life: Having established himself as an apprentice, Jareth lives a comfortable, albeit meager, life. Most of his days are spent running errands for his master, Nolan Isthmus, while perfecting his own skills when there's time. He actively avoids spiritual places, such as temples and even graveyards. The trauma is now years behind him, but the nightmares still haunt his pillow at night. He also has learned to walk the other way when certain individuals are approaching. Some of the adults trained their children to avoid the ones involved in the ritual, fearing any number of supernatural disasters. This instilled avoidance evolved naturally, yet aggressively, into unadulterated hatred for the "omen children".
Acquired Titles: Human|Eyeglass Adept|Scorned|Ryken Adventurer F|MIA|Sandman|On the Wind|Mazerunner
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 309
Points Spent: 308
Points Not Spent: 106
Strength - F
Precision - B (28)
Intelligence - C (21)
Vitality - C (21)
Speed - D (14)
Movement (0)
  • -
Mental (0)
  • -
Martial (0)
  • -
Magic (98)
  • Magic E (14)
    Prereq: E Grade Intelligence

    Character has become aware of the mana in their body and can now learn to channel it. May be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities. Required to cast spells. Requires Catalyst item. This skill must be higher than any of the other magical skills acquired to enhance a spells effects. Ex: Duration, Targets, Area, Range, etc
  • Magic Domain [Earth] F (70)
    Prereq: Magic E

    Max limits:
    Range 10ft
    Aoe 10ft radius
    Target 2
    Duration minute

    The character is a scholar of magic that has specialized and generalized in a particular area. It has allowed them to develop or learn an area of magic to the point where they can twist and mold it to accomplish their whims within the limits of their domain as opposed to the mundane limits of typical magic.

    Magic domain allows the user to create a school of magic and get a suite of abilities per grade based within the limits provided. However, it differs in that the type can be much more varied and complex. Additionally the abilities possible becomes anything that can be narratively tied to the type chosen.

    Type may not be [everything] and similar mass inclusion terms.

    Work with mods and narrators to discern what terms and resulting powers make most sense for character and narrative. This is mainly for those with complicated magic needs and it's unclear what type or set of skills would be necessary to make the ability possible.
    When making abilities: include magic skill and magic domain skill.

    Additional limits may be imposed depending on nature of powers. Generally powers that ignore the IH system and its mechanics will be vetoed: Instant Death, Invulnerability, Undying, Unblockable, Unbreakable, etc terms that imply perfect and complete negation of things that suggest God levels of ability.
  • Energized F (7)
    Prereq: E Grade Intelligence
    Note: Only applies to abilities of equal or lesser rank

    Reduce post cooldown of abilities by 1
Sense (14)
  • Supersense [Tremorsense] E (7)
    Prereq: E Grade Intelligence

    Character has an additional sense. Upgrading the skill increases effective range of the sense. Each time the skill is taken, a new sense may be added. Some senses possible with this skill: echolocation, tremorsense, x-ray vision, microscopic vision, etc...
    F - 10ft radius
    E - 100ft radius
    D - 1000ft radius
    C - 1 mile radius
    B - 10 mile radius
    A - 100 mile radius
Defensive (56)
  • Change State F (21)
    Prereq: Vitality E

    Character can change their state of being to a different state of matter for a limited amount of time. While changed, they may ignore certain physical requirements like breathing or eating. When they turn back into their regular forms, any damage or fatigue accrued that has not been resolved will impact the body.
    • Change State F - can change into a liquid. cannot pickup solid objects. Cannot apply force greater than a gentle wave. Takes half the damage normally incurred as appropriate by narrator.
    • Change State E - can change into a gas. cannot affect things with more than a gentle wind. Is only minorly affected by attacks that don't affect the entirety of the character as determined by narrator.
    • Change State D - can become Incorporeal. Like a ghost, the character loses physical substance. Can pass through solid objects and is immune to physical types of harm. Can't interact with the physical world despite still being visible.
    • Change State C - can become a type of energy. Light, sound, electricity to name a few. At narrator discretion, more abstract forms of 'energy' are possible.
    • Change State B - allows for stronger abilities made with the skill
    • Change State A - allows for stronger abilities made with the skill
    • Change State S - allows for stronger abilities made with the skill

  • Resistance [Physical] F (21)
    Pre-req: E Grade Vitality!
    Note: While immunity is not possible for fairness, if the skill and vitality are high enough, it's as good as in most cases.

    Character takes reduced damage/pain/debuffs/setbacks when hit by an attack, technique, or hazard using same/similar element
  • Regeneration F (7)
    Pre-req: E Grade Character!

    Character automatically starts to heal itself if the character is not killed and the body is not destroyed. Does not apply to Mental 'damage'. This includes regrowing severed appendages. Amount of vitality recovered is equal to the grade of skill per combat round.
  • Resilient [Fatigue (caused by hunger, thirst, lack of sleep)] F (7)
    Pre-req: E Grade Vitality

    Character's body is adapted to survive in a hostile environment or condition. May choose a new environment or condition each time skill is upgraded or taken. Examples: space, underwater, desert, Aging, Fatigue (caused by hunger, thirst, lack of sleep) etc
Miscellaneous (0)
  • -
Secondary (35)
  • Artisan (Eyeglass) D (21)
    Pre-req: E Grade Precision!

    Artisan's are skilled professionals that can take materials and turn them into products. Generally artists and craftsmen, they gain tools necessary to perform the trade/craft and can craft items of the same grade for free. A starting asset an artisan may have is a Master npc and Shop with which they may practice their craft. Ex: Artisan Blacksmith F can craft F grade swords. Orichalcum and Mithril items get a 7 point deduction to purchase at F grade and a 7 point deduction per upgrade.
  • Focus E (14)
    Pre-req: E Grade Character!
    Note: Each grade of Focus enables a character to use 1 additional magic item at a time.

    The ability to concentrate in stressful situations, and the knowledge of techniques to center the mind and spirit. Can be an important skill for mages and marksmen. Allows character to ignore varying degrees of distraction as it levels up to improve ability effectiveness even while moving or under threat.
  • Palm Strike - Magic E - Jareth performs mana-infused palm strikes to deliver melee magic damage - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Sand Whip - Magic E, Domain F (AOE 10ft radius), Focus E - Jareth conjures a tentacle of sand that lashes out at target within radius - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Spike (air) - Magic E, Domain F (Range 10ft, AOE 10ft radius), Focus E - Jareth conjures spiked projectiles of sand that launch out in a radius - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Spike (ground) - Magic E, Domain F (Range 10ft, AOE 10ft radius), Focus E - Jareth causes spikes that extend up to 10ft to erupt from the ground at a point within range - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Muddle - Magic E, Domain F (Range 10ft, Duration 1 minute), Focus E - Jareth casts a cloud of sand at his opponents eyes to obscure their vision - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Scatter - Magic F, Change State F, Focus F, Energized F - Jareth utters the command word and disperses into sand - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Mage Armor - Magic E, Domain F (Duration 1 minute), Focus E - Jareth surrounds himself with densely packed sand for the duration - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Wonderwall - Magic E, Domain F (Range 10ft, AOE 10ft, Duration 1 minute), Focus E - Jareth raises a wall of sand for the duration - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Tremorsense - Supersense [Tremorsense] E, Focus E - Jareth passively senses vibrations in the ground within 10ft/100ft radius while being aware of surroundings - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Earth Walk - Magic E, Domain F (Duration 1 minute), Focus E - Jareth melds into an earthen surface and moves about its area freely - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Sand Garden - Magic E, Domain F (AOE 10ft), Tremorsense E, Focus E - Jareth creates a layer of sand on the ground centered on him within range as he actively perceives creatures in contact with the area - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Sweep - Magic E, Domain F (Range 10ft, AOE 10ft radius), Focus E - Jareth conjures a tentacle that sweeps horizontally across the field, batting creatures and objects aside - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Dust in the Wind - Magic E, Domain F (Range 10ft), Focus E - Jareth disperses into sand then reforms at a point within range - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Sling E (14)
  • Catalyst E (14)
  • Leather gloves
  • Eyeglass Tools (pliers stolen by Trent)
  • Glasses
  • Cloak
  • Messenger bag
  • Dumpy Cottage
  • Access to eyeglass workshop from Eyeglass Artisan title
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for.)
  • Prologue: Is that sand on your shoulder? - +25 points and acquired title [Scorned] - Your character is seen as a pariah by the general public. You'll have increased chances of drawing the aggression of those around you. You'll also have increased chances of drawing the aid and support of characters that witness your hardship.
  • Point Expenditure: 7 points for Sling F, 7 points for Precision C, 7 points for Vitality D
  • Title Change: Equipped [Scorned]
  • The Birds and the Horned Rabbits - +28 points and acquired title [Ryken Adventurer F] - character is an adventurer of the ryken adventurer guild. known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable. F grade characters are still learning the basics. They may not be fully equipped or able to handle many quests by themselves.
  • Point Expenditure: 7 points for Precision B, 7 points for Vitality C, 7 points for Artisan (Eyeglass) D, 7 points for Sling E
  • Title Change: Eyeglass Apprentice changed to Eyeglass Adept
  • Lens of Truth - +23 points and acquired title [MIA] - character has been reported missing and faction(s) have mobilized to find them. More NPC's and PC's may invade threads of character wearing this title to try and find them.
  • Point Expenditure: 21 points for Change State F
  • Respite From the Truth - +22 points
  • Grouped individual physical resistances into one item "Resistance [Physical] F (21)"
  • Point Expenditure: 7 points for Regeneration F, 7 points for Resilient [Fatigue] F, 14 points for Supersense [Tremorsense] E
  • Summer Writing Prompt - +7 points
  • Added ability "Scatter" and "Tremorsense".
  • Changed character picture.
  • Chapter 1: Metamorphose - +100 points and acquired titles [Sandman] - character's body is made of sand. Is likely to leave sand behind wherever they go. Has an easier time staying together in moist environments and less windy days. Even when solid, can give off the impression they may blow away at any moment. [On The Wind] - character is considered missing or actively avoiding being found. Can make it more difficult to establish trust with those they come in contact with. Those that know them already will not immediately recognize them.
  • Point Expenditure: 14 points for Magic E, 70 points for Domain [Earth] F, 7 points for Energized F, 14 points for Catalyst E
  • Added several abilities divided into 'Offensive', 'Defensive', and 'Utility' sections.
  • [9/24/22]Chapter 2: A Red Wind Blows in the Desert, Part 1 - +36 points and acquired title [Maze Runner] - character has ran for their life in a confusing and trying place and situation. Character is more likely to perform better in confusing settings in the future where passive senses are not sufficient for getting through something under pressure. Increases ability to think on ones feet and improvise. More prone to finding themselves in similar difficult situations.
  • [10/20/22]The Threads Gather - +40 points
  • [10/22/22] Cosmetic changes to skills, added explanations and prerequisites of skills
  • [10/27/22]World RP Wager - +28 points
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Commissioned Art by Feerocomics. Do not steal or use as your own. This character belongs to me.​
Real Name: Arashi Sato
Theme: N/A
Rp'er Name: Metty Metty
Post Frequency:
Depends on how busy I am with other rps. I post either between once a day, sometimes every two days and sometimes every three days depending on motivation.
Current RP: N/A
Discord Name: [will give out privately. I am on the discord for the rp itself]
Equipped Titles: [Beast] [Dragonoid]
Age: 25
Height: 7"7
Weight: 308lbs
Stormbreaker, born as Arashi Sato, was a native of Japan in the era of superheroes and supervillains one hundred years after All for One had his rein of terror over Japan before Deku stopped him. Stormbreaker grew up becoming obsessed with the old heroes of Japan, taking a huge like to Endeavor, the Flame Hero, in particular once her quirk had manifested. Growing up, she eventually could join UA and become a hero after graduation. One choice that she regrets later. She quickly rose to the Number 4 spot of Japan in her thirties, having a daughter who she eventually neglected and abandoned for her husband to raise.

It all ended when she had literally encouraged two villains to go after her after she went to hospital for her wounds occupied on hero duty. Coming back by the hospital, two villains, who ended up killing her second in command of her agency before nearly killing her and vanishing after ambushing her. By the time backup arrived to help her, she was dead.
Current Life:
Arashi was born as a Dragonoid in her next life, a type of dragon which took on mostly humanoid features rather than being born in dragon form. However, because of her race, she could not shift like many true dragons into pure dragon form. Her race could only transform into a pseudo dragon form that gave the strength of a dragon while humanoid. Growing up with the knowledge of that, Arashi tried her hardest to manifest her hidden Draconic powers, unable to do so. She was outcast by the rest of her people at 10, as she didn't seem to able to manifest it. Arashi didn't know her parents growing up and was quite distant from many of her species, preferring to focus on what she could do with the strength and regeneration granted to her by her species.

Using the skills of her previous life and her natural affinity for fire where she came from, Arashi took up fire magic and eventually gained enough money, doing odd mercenary jobs around the world. With enough money, she eventually bought armor, and referred to herself as Stormbreaker, rather than her real name, to prevent people from knowing her identity.

Although there thing stuck in her mind. That odd memory of another world, one that wasn't her own. One that wasn't Earth. One that was a fantasy world like the one she lived in currently. Her memories were really vague of the place other than somebody named Cecelia, who was apparently her "half sister...?" and something about her being some sort of bodyguard to somebody named Rai and hero to the people there who had saved people. One thing was certain: she couldn't get it out of her mind this entire time, leaving her to ponder things.
Acquired Titles: [Beast] [Dragonoid]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 65
Points not spent: 9
Points Spent: 161
Strength | B Grade | 28 Points [7 at creation]
Precision | F Grade | 0 Points
Intelligence | D Grade | 14 Points
Vitality | B Grade | 28 Points [7 at creation]
Speed | D Grade | 14 Points [7 at creation]

Stormbreaker's Character Grade:
  • F - Less than 35 [at character creation]
  • E - 36 - 69
  • D - 70 - 104 [as of 9th of August/current] [84 points in total]
  • C - 105 - 139
  • B - 140 - 174
  • A - 175 - 209
  • S - 210

  • [Fast] (Draconic Speed) | E Grade | 14 Points
    Stormbreaker can run up to 24mph.


  • [Magic Range] | F Grade | 7 Points
    Stormbreaker can launch magic up to 10ft away from herself.
  • [Explosive Fire Affinity] (Draconic Flame/Napalm) | F Grade | 7 Points | Known as Draconic Flame/Napalm IC
    Stormbreaker has a magic affinity of explosive fire which she can use with or without explosions. Allowing her to control explosive fire magic.
  • [Magic Affinity] | E Grade | 14 Points
    Stormbreaker realized the mana in their body and learned to harness it to use magic. Required to cast spells. The skill must be higher than all of the other magic skills to enhance the effect.
  • [Feature: Dragon Tail] | Auxiliary | 0 Points
    Stormbreaker has a dragon-like tail.
  • [Feature: Draconic Teeth] | Auxiliary | 0 Points
    Stormbreaker has draconic teeth.
  • [Appraisal] | F Grade | Auxiliary | 0 Points
    Allows Isekaiers to know information about an object or character if the said thing is not above the character's appraisal. Characters will need other skills to further it on. If the grade of appraisal is equal to or greater than the character grade of the target, then the user can learn about the target's titles.
  • [Regeneration] | F Grade | 7 Points
    Stormbreaker can regenerate wounds and severed limbs even while unconscious. Amount of vitality recovered is equal to grade of skill per combat round. 2 vitality is at F grade.
  • [Language - Common] | F Grade | 0 Points [Character Creation] | Auxillary
    Stormbreaker can speak Common fluently.
  • [Language - Japanese] | F Grade | 0 Points [Character Creation] | Auxillary
    Stormbreaker can speak Japanese fluently.

  • Hit and Run | [Fast E] | E Grade | 1 Post Cooldown
    • Using her speed, Stormbreaker launches an attack towards her foe before running away at 24mph.
  • Draconic Speed | [Fast F] | F Grade | 0 Post Cooldown
    • Allows the user to dodge critical damage.
  • Draconic Speed Burst | [Fast F] | F Grade | 0 Post Cooldown
    • Allows the user to sprint forward to get out of situations and for general use. The top speed is 12mph.
  • Draconic Speed Burst: Boost | [Fast E] | E Grade | 1 Post Cooldown
    • Allows the user to sprint forward to get out of situations and for general use. The top speed is 24mph.
Support: N/A

[Explosive Fire Affinity]
  • Draconic Flame: Fire Sword | [Explosive Fire Affinity F], [Magic Affinity F] | E Grade | 0 Post Cooldown
    • Allows the user to surround the sword on fire for extra damage.
  • Draconic Flame: Fireball | [Magic Affinity E], [Explosive Fire Affinity F], [Magic Range F] | E Grade | 1 Post Cooldown
    • Allows the user to create a ball out of fire and launch it.
  • Draconic Flame: Flamethrower | [Magic Affinity E], [Explosive Fire Affinity F], [Magic Range F] | E Grade | 1 Post Cooldown
    • Allows the user to create a stream of fire of 10ft to fire off at the foe.
  • Napalm Explosion | [Explosive Fire Affinity F], [Magic Affinity E], [Magic Range F] | E Grade | 1 Post Cooldown
    • The user launches explosions using Explosive Fire Affinity 10ft away.
  • Napalm Explosion: Impact | [Explosive Fire Affinity F], [Magic Affinity E] | E Grade | 1 Post Cooldown
    • The user launches explosions using Explosive Fire Affinity with close range.
  • Draconic Flame: Grip Strike | [Explosive Fire Affinity F], [Magic Affinity E] | E Grade | 1 Post Cooldown
    • The user grabs onto the foe and blasts them with fire.
  • Draconic Flame: Jet Impact | [Explosive Fire Affinity F], [Magic Affinity E] | E Grade | 1 Post Cooldown
    • User creates flames in both hands, combining them into a fireball and launching it at the foe directly.
  • Draconic Flame: Flame Wall | [Explosive Fire Affinity F], [Magic Affinity E], [Magic Range F] | E Grade | 1 Post Cooldown
    • The user creates a wall of flames in front of them about 10ft away.
  • Draconic Flame: Close Flame Wall | [Explosive Fire Affinity F], [Magic Affinity E] | E Grade | 1 Post Cooldown
    • The user creates a wall of flames in front of them.
Support: N/A
  • Magic Catalyst [Organ] | E Grade | 14 Points
    • Stormbreaker's magic catalyst is an extra organ inside her body that allows her to produce the element she chooses, in this case, fire for now.
  • Heavy Iron Armor | F Grade | 7 Points
    • Iron Armor. Includes a helmet to protect her identity.
  • Iron Greatsword | F Grade | 7 Points
    • Stormbreaker has a black iron greatsword she carries around to defend and fight people with, although she prefers to use her fists.
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • [putting this reference here for further reference cause I will forget - stuff like a house etc]
Change Log:
  • 1st November 2022 - Added 7 points from [Isekai Hell] Let's Make Cool Abilities!
    • Done nothing with them so far.
  • 9th August 2022 - Added 7 points from [Isekai Hell] Summer Writing Comp.
    • Used 7 pts to upgrade Strength from C to B.
  • 1st August 2022 - Changed some minor things for just ease of access, mainly because I can't count.
    • Changed PFP pic to her face, don't have a reference for the armor.
    • Added Character Grade numbers, since I can't count lol.
  • 31st July 2022 - Changed a few things for sheet approval.
    • Removed Regeneration from her abilities.
    • Changed some names:
      • Changed the name of Fast Regeneration to Draconic Speed.
      • Changed Fire Sword to Draconic Flame: Fire Sword.
      • Changed Fireball to Draconic Flame: Fire Ball.
      • Changed Flamethrower to Draconic Flame: Flamethrower.
    • Added a bunch of new abilities and listed them. There's a lot of new ones in Fast and Explosive Fire Affinity.
    • Clarified that Flamethrower is 10ft.
    • Changed the name of Fire Affinity magic to Explosion Fire Affinity magic.
    • To that extent flavor of said Fast and Explosive Fire Affinity as referred to Draconic Speed and Draconic Flame or Napalm respectively.
    • Added Languages she knows through character creation, those are Common and Japanese.
  • 29th July 2022 - Updated with Points earned from [Isekai Hell] Dictation of Wills.
    • Upgraded Vitality from E to B. Used 21 points.
    • Upgraded Strength from E to C. Used 14 points.
    • Upgraded Speed from E to D. Used 7 points.
    • Upgraded Fast from F to E. Used 7 points.
    • Used 49 points out of 51 total. 2 points leftover.
    • Made Equipment look nicer, and I obviously forgot to add the 7 Points I used for the greatsword upon creation, so I fixed that. Added Flavor text for the rest of her equipment.
  • 28th July 2022 - Removed Current RP since she's in none.
  • 17th June 2022 - Basic tidy up. Made it look nice.
  • 7th/8th June 2022 - Added Current RPs and added the one she's currently in. Added Appraisal F to the sheet since it's a default Isekaier skill. Made Sheet look nicer.
  • 3rd March 2022 - Fixed some things to make this sheet approved. This is the only edit to the sheet so far.
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Download (6).jpeg
Rp'er Name: Laszalet
Post Frequency: Daily to weekly, depending on the post requirements
Discord Name: PM if absolutely necessary
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Discovering himself, Creating his own identity
Equipped Titles: Human, Solemn Traveller
Height: 1,73m (5'6 ft.)
Weight: 67 kg (147lbs)
Standing at the peak of his existence, Vasimur was once known as a powerful archmage, kings and nobles kneeled before him just to garner his favor. He had always been amused at how fast they had changed their attitude once he had acquired his powers. After all, many of them had treated him once before his ascension as a nuisance, most of them who had previously declined to help him in times of need, did not even remember him. Yet how could he not understand their actions?
Oh he did understand why they had acted as they did, he even emphasized a bit, almost shedding a tear when deciding to erase their very existence from the very planet. They were after all just acting based on what had always been the case: That the strong may trample on the weak, and yet they seemed in their last breaths so unwilling to agree with the very principle they ruled upon. He pitied them, for they never had or would have the chance to understand the error in their thinking.

But how did one such powerful entity seemingly without equal pass away, you may ask? It was neither a trusted follower nor an enemy army that ultimately spilled Vasimur's demise. It was the very reason he so desperately tried to change the system which he viewed as corrupt: An Illness without cure. Yess all it took to take down the mightiest of a planet was but a simple ailment. At least he had always been aware of his own fate. He was well aware of how little time he would have to accomplish anything at all. So if you go out, why not aim for something big, right? So he thought. And just based on the knowledge that he may not walk for much longer upon his world, he did set out to shape the world according to his views.

Vasimur slaughtered thousand of nobles, be it dukes, kings or emperors, and millions of other entities, all who stood in his way of achieving his goal had to be removed. It took almost a decade for him to finally lay the foundation for that which would allow the fulfillment of his goal. A new government had been created, one which ruled over the known civilized world. But that had just been the first step to success and yet, it was the last he could take. So strongly he had wished to achieve his goal himself, his condition prevented it. He was at the end of his life and had but one final task to accomplish:
Choosing the ones who would follow in his footsteps and hopefully succeed where he could not.
Worrying about whether his successors would be able to do what he could no longer, he hazed one last time upon what he had created and finally entered his eternal rest. Or so he had thought.
Current Life:
While the idea of different worlds as well as an immensely powerful entity capable of changing reality wasn't foreign to him, Vasumir still wouldn't have expected, that at least according to the entity called [god] he himself still had business unfinished. Even more astonishing was to him, how different from his own the world was the [god] was going to sent him to. And yet it had similarities, even there existed many different forms of magic and yet, there were so many more creatures, he had not heard of. Elves, Ogres and many more. Turly just what would await him in this new life? Just which challenges would he have to face once more? He probably wouldn't find out until some time, or so he thought. But he had soon to realize, that his new life did not only come with blessings, but also with the loss of most of his abilities. His knowledge was barely applicable to this current world and his so praiseworthy magic was now almost completely useless, for while the world possessed magic, the very feeling when using it was alien to him. Yet at least some familarities existed, which allowed him to at the very least feel mana, it certainly still would take him some adjustments and time to be able to once more wield magic at all, and even longer if he wished to reacquire his former abilities.
Acquired Titles: Human, Solemn Traveller
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 102
Points Spent: 203
Points Not Spent: 4
Strength - C
Precision - C
Intelligence - A
Vitality - C
Speed - C
  • Magic C
  • Etiquette E
  • Regeneration F
  • Academia F
  • Arcana F
  • Componentless Magic F
  • Impress - Etiquette E, Academia F, Arcana F - Vasumir tries his best to shift someones opinion about him into a more positive one, by displaying his extensive knowledge properly and impressing his conversation partner - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • N/A
  • Fancy Clothes
  • N/A
Change Log:
  • Character creation - spent 105 points
  • (24/4/22)
    • Gained 37 Points from The Twisted Underbelly and obtained title Solemn Traveller - Your mannerisms and speech tell those around you that you are dignified and regal, you may not be of nobility or have that blood in you, but you do have that temperament. Coming from unknown places and have seen many more, you are seen as respectable in people's eyes. Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The Twisted Underbelly
    • Reduced Weight to 67 kg, because of the stress he had to undertake
    • Equipped title Solemn Traveller
    • Acquired Skill Componentless Magic F for 21 Points
    • Increased Intelligence to A for 7 Points, and Strength to E for 7 Points
  • (5/7/22)
    • Changed Vasumir's Goals to Discovering himself and Creating his own identity
    • Gained 65 Points from Badgers, Bees, and... Werebadgers? - [Isekai Hell] Badgers, Bees, and... Werebadgers?
    • Increased Speed to C for 7 Points, Vitality to C for 7 Points, Strength to C for 14 Points, Precision to C for 21 Points, and Magic to C for 14 Points
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Cleo Rom
Cleo Rom


Rp'er General Info
Rp'er Name: Shatter Shard
Post Frequency: Active on Weekends, Unreliably Active on Weekdays
Discord Name: Baptosay Gonzales#4767
Current RP: None

Character General Info
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 132 lbs.
In his previous life, Cleo was the young owner of an enterprise in his world. He started as nothing but a boy in the streets, then a graduate, and then into a respectable CEO who was loved by people. He had the pride of someone who had achieved many, but also the humility from being someone who hat to climbed their way up from the bottom. From this came his wealth, and with his wealth he would give his father everything, the single reason why he was able to sit at the top in the first place. Grateful for his support, the only person in the whole world he could call his "greatest best friend", he would spare nothing if it meant giving back the unconditional support and unhappiness he has received from him. It was until his father was struck with an incurable disease that he fell into despair. He threw his money to anything and anyone just for the slightest hope of curing his father, yet his wealth failed him. Cleo kept on visiting his father, until their very last conversation.

"The world is unfair, and we were given with nothing but the rags on our bodies. You were an unknowing child back then, and I couldn't bear to see you grow up without knowing luxury, and knowing only bitterness at this terrible world. So I did everything, the best I could, and seeing you become the man you are now make me feel, so proud." He said weakly, his withered body laying on the hospital bed. "The person that you are, hone it. The money you've earned, cherish it." He held the trembling hand of his son. "Those are my proof, to the world, that I succeeded in my duty." The eyes of son and father locked, but one closed theirs first as the strength from their hand was lost, before the other closed theirs as tears streamed down their face. His father, was taken too early, when he was too young to go away.

Since then, Cleo slowly lost the joy in his heart, but he kept his façade as the CEO. He would never let the dying wishes of his father be left undone, and so he tried his best to keep himself together. He became a greater person whose smile hides his sadness, and a person whose helping hand feeds the guilt of being unable to do anything for his own father. His money was his only comfort, and no matter how much he wanted to connect with others to recover, the fear always crept up inside him. One day, they too would leave him. One day, not even his money can save them. One day, they will die, like his father. Those thoughts continued to swim around his head when he talked with others, closing his heart for a long time, until the day came when an accident claimed his life.
Current Life:
Cleo grew up among the peasants outside the city of Ryken. The village he was raised in noticed his incredible business sense, his inexplicable arithmetic skills, and the ability draw in people to him. As a child, he had was always showered with praises, but felt something missing inside despite the affection given to him. He was grateful for their appreciation, but the strongest kind of connection he had was the feeling of longing and familiarity at the sight of coins. It has always been that way for the past years that he grew up, and as he honed his skill, he decided to become a merchant. He begun his step towards the wide world, and he was going to chase the only thing that could explain the hole in his heart.

A Short Road:
His first endeavor as a Merchant was both eventful and uneventful. Nevertheless, his first step towards his goal has been realized, and he will only go forward from here on out. Wealth shall be his final goal.

Lens of Truth:
His first visit to the Duchy was interesting to say the least, and he was able to experience magic in its glory. The trip was frankly helpful in some ways, in regards to his position as a Merchant. New ideas and business opportunities developed in his mind, and his prominent rise in the Merchant's Guild will only serve to further his own dream. However, after that particular trip, he was left with a realization that his infatuation with a certain guide was very uncharacteristic of him. Certainly, everything in this world have two sides.

Intermission 1:
Now that he had risen in the ranks of the Merchant's Guild, it was high time for him to finally make a company under the guild. For now, he doesn't have a base of operations, and have instead hired guards procured from Ryken's Military. Adventurers could've been feasible, but what Cleo needed was a loyalty not placed upon wealth, but ideals. With that in mind, he founded the Blue Quill Company and hired several guards to protect him in his future endeavors.

Let's Schmooze:
A deal has been struck, and now Cleo is under the pressure of time. In these remaining 5 months, he has to show has value in order to solidify his connection with the duke. After all, Linneus seems to be a valuable ally, and Cleo would hate losing such an opportunity. With that in mind, Cleo pushed forward into the first step of his plan, an HQ. He was able to buy a decent building in Ryken, and now he hopes on an endeavor for the next step. It was time to hire a workforce.

1. Accumulate wealth and become the richest person alive, or at least close to it.
2. Create a Free Market not supervised by a higher power, but by the markets themselves.
3. Bolster worldwide economy, to the point that free trade between nations all over the world is convenient, beneficial, and commonplace.
4. Find a way to soothe the emptiness in his heart.


Human | Trader | Stouthearted | Merchant | Closer
Human | Trader | Stouthearted | Merchant | Closer

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 107
Points Spent: 224
Points Not spent: 2

[ F ] | 0 Strength
[ D ] | 14 Precision
[ A ] | 35 Intelligence
[ E ] | 7 Vitality
[ D ] | 14 Speed

Skills and Abilities
[ D ]
He can "sense" the value of everything, from the rocks to the ground, to the trees that grow everywhere.​


[ E ]
Educated [Merchant] (Business, Persuasion, Insight)
With all the times of negotiations and dealing with many kinds of people, he had become an excellent merchant with a knack for business. With his mind to calculate, mouth to compel, and eyes to evaluate, Cleo does not live his work without using these.​
[ E ][/font] Wealth
He was able to accrue wealth using his business acumen and thrifty lifestyle. This allows him to buy things of the same or lesser grade without putting a dent on his finances.​
[ D ] Asset [Merchant's Guild]
He had joined the Merchant's Guild due to the overwhelming benefits the organization holds. He was able to rise among the ranks with great speed despite his young age.​
[ D ] Asset [Blue Quill HQ Business Building]
He was able to purchase a property that acts as his company's base of operations in Ryken. It is a reception building with offices and rooms where employees could work and take breaks. It is mainly a building for retail and administrative purposes.​
[ F ]
Minions [Blue Quill Guards]
He has a number of guards affiliated with his company, Blue Quill.​
[ C ] | 21 Strength
[ F ] | 0 Precision
[ F ] | 0 Intelligence
[ C ] | 21 Vitality
[ F ] | 0 Speed
[ E ] Fighting Style [Standard Swordsmanship]
Blue Quill Guards are competent swordsmen on their own.​
  • Accurate: Their swordsmanship allows them to attack precisely and hit enemies that are faster than themselves.
  • Deflect: Their swordsmanship allows them to defend against physical attacks much better than others.
—Grade F—
[CD | 0 Post] Sword Trajectory: Fighting Style [Standard Swordsmanship] F, Accurate F | The guards' training allowed them to predict enemy movement to a certain extent. As long as there are patterns, they can attack enemies even if they are faster than themselves.​
—Grade E—
[CD | 1 Post] Parry: Fighting Style [Standard Swordsmanship] E, Accurate F, Deflect F| The guards can stop physical attacks and deflect them away, and can even do so against faster attacks.​
  1. [ E ] Steel Sword | The guards are equipped with standard steel swords provided by Blue Quill.
  2. [ E ] Steel Shield | The guards are equipped with standard steel shields provided by Blue Quill.
  3. [ E ] Steel Plate Armor [Heavy Armor] | The guards are equipped with standard steel plate armors provided by Blue Quill.
  1. Blue Quill Token | A token that allows the guards to show their affiliation.
  2. Blue Quill Uniform | The guards wear the Blue Quill uniform underneath their armor, and have their armor decorated with the Blue Quill emblem.
  3. Outdoor Kit and Supplies | The guards carry the supplies needed for outdoor stay and travel.
  1. None currently.

[ E ]
[Educated] Business
He knows how business and trade works, and knows complicated arithmetic.​
[ E ] [Educated] Persuasion
His interpersonal skills gave him a compelling voice.​

[ E ] [Educated] Insight
His years of dealing with other merchants and shrewd bastards honed his senses to human intent and demeanor.​

[ F ] Etiquette
He has a very good and polite mannerism, and its hard for him to break his own expression.​

[ F ] Perception
He spot things many people wouldn't be able to, such as marks or tear on materials, or maybe the actual material an item is made out of.​

[ F ] Empathy
He has interacted with a lot of people over the years that he becomes sensitive to changes in emotions and moods.​

[ F ] Leadership
He is good with communicating his ideas and goals, and his friendly presence makes compatible people flock to him​

—Grade F—
[CD | 0 Post] Info Absorption | Business F, Perception F, Insight F, Empathy F | Cleo's skill as a social person allows him to find out what a general populace wants or needs and setup a plan to supply for their demand. At the same time, he is aware of his surroundings and the people around him, and can discern intent much easier than most other people. He's sensitive to other people's emotions and moods, as well as the atmosphere, and can sometimes influence his own mood as well. However, he tries his best to keep a firm but affable expression as best as he can.

[CD | 0 Post] Compelling Discourse | Etiquette F, Persuasion F, Leadership F, Insight F, Empathy F | Cleo has an excellent communicative ability, allowing him to have an advantage in social situations as he knows what words to use when speaking.

[CD | 0 Post] Executive | Wealth F, Business F, Perception F, Etiquette F, Leadership F | Cleo knows how to run a business and manage it, and has enough money to provide himself or others with him with basic necessities.

[CD | 0 Post] Eye of Midas | Business F, Perception F, Insight F, Appraisal F | Cleo can see the approximation of the value of objects that he sees, as well as the relative value of a person in terms of usefulness and compatibility, especially on the basis of the Golden Rule. For objects, he sees a white glow that changes in intensity proportional to its value. For people, he can see a variety of colors (and he doesn't know the meaning of all the colors) with the intensity increasing proportional to the basis of the Golden Rule.

—Grade E—
[CD | 1 Post] Honest Bribery | Wealth E, Business F, Perception F, Etiquette F, Leadership F | Cleo can move things to his favor through an offer of bribery. Of course, he does it within reason that does not violate any regulation from the Merchant's Guild.

[CD | 1 Post] Affability | Business E, Persuasion E, Insight E, Etiquette F, Leadership F, Empathy F | Cleo has this atmosphere on him that can turn his words sweeter or demeanor more admirable. His tact and thoughtfulness usually earn him favorability from most people.

—Grade D—
[CD | 2 Post] Eye of Midas: Demand | Appraisal D, Business E, Insight E, Perception F | Cleo can see the demand of the objects he sees, or more specifically, the people that wants those objects. This "demand" is seen through his vision as a thread of white light connecting the objects and nearby people that wants those. The stronger the want, the brighter the light is. Usually, the threads are faint enough to not clutter his vision, and there's only a few bright ones that stands out.


  1. [ E ] Crossbow and Bolts | Cleo prefers to fight from range, using his crossbow to shoot people from afar.
  2. [ E ] Custom Tailored Leather Protective Outfit [Light Armor]| Cleo has a set of leather armor that is made to protect his vital spots, but also look aesthetically pleasing.
  1. Traveler's Backpack | Cleo needs some place to store his equipment and some of his goods, and this backpack does the trick.
  2. Small Knife | Cleo has a knife. Doesn't have much use aside from making small cuts.
  3. Quality General Goods | Cleo has generally valuable items, such as processed materials like clothes and food.
  4. Varied Clothes and Blue Quill Uniform | Cleo wears a better Traveler's Outfit when going outside the city, but wears finer clothes once inside them. When the occasion is important, he has reserved custom tailored outfits and if needed, he can use his Blue Quill uniform.
  1. Nobility Connection - [Lineuss Light]

  • 35pts for Stats
  • 21pts for Wealth F
  • 7pts for Business F
  • 7pts for Etiquette F
  • 7pts for Perception F
  • 7pts for Persuasion F
  • 7pts for Insight F
  • 7pts for Empathy F
  • 7pts for Leadership F
  • 0pts for Appraisal F
  • Gained "Trader" Title after review

Points Earned: 73
Title Acquired: Stouthearted

  • 35pts for Stats | 14pts for Intelligence, 14pts for Speed, 7pts for Precision
  • 21pts for Wealth F to E
  • 14pts for Connected [Merchant's Guild] E
  • Acquired [Apprentice Merchant] Title from Connected [Merchant's Guild] F
  • Wealth E to upgrade Crossbow and Bolts, as well as buy Custom Tailored Leather Outfit

Points Earned: 23
Title Acquired: Closer

  • 7pts for Connected [Merchant's Guild] D
  • 14pts for Minions [Blue Quill Guards]

Points Earned: 4
Title Acquired: None
  • Gained Asset: Nobility Connection - [Lineuss Light]
  • Partially Scooped for 14pts and [Educated] F (Business F, Persuasion F, Insight F)
  • 21pts for [Asset]: Blue Quill HQ Business Building
  • Renamed [Connected] to [Asset]

Points Earned: 7
Title Acquired: None
  • 7pts for Educated [Merchant] F to E
  • 0pts for Appraisal F to D, since Isekai'd Character and Character Grade is D
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Manira Mundo
Manira Mundo
token_1 (2).png


  • Not much is known about her past. Even she can't give anyone any clear details, because everything just seemed like a buzz. She remembers a loving family, though her mother was a bit strict. A large house, fit for a merchant's family, one that would house the marriage she didn't agree to. Corsets that kept her figure attractive, though they were a bit tight around the neck. All of these great things, a life of a little princess. Then something came.

    When she was found, she was buried underneath layers of wood and stone. Her family was nowhere to be seen, and the house in ruins, but at least she wasn't wearing a tight corset anymore. She was brought to an orphanage to be taken care of, but she had other plans. She ran away. Most of her life is lost in a swirl of fights and bickering. With no one by her side, except Wakas. Wakas? Oh, that's just the talking saber that appeared when her family and home disappeared.

    Wakas is a good friend, he always tells her funny things. Secrets of the void, it called them. To her, they were awesome stories to scare kids with. Like, a book with four eyes and several wings? A serpent with a sword for a tongue and scales made of gold? An Eldritch mind between the spaces of the worlds that tricks people into opening portals to other worlds? Pretty cool!

General and Technical

  • Kali_fullbody.pngRoleplayer Name: The Eccentric

    Post Frequency: Every Two or Three Days

    Sex: Female

    Height: 5' 5

    Weight: 137 lbs.


  • Sabre of Kapalaran E
    A fighting style that focuses on attacking, and just attacking. She learned it from Wakas, who claims she'd even be able to cut Time and Space in the future, whatever that means.
    Masakit F - Blight
    The edge is sharpened through magical influences, biting deeper than any average attack.
    Lahat - F - Multi-Dimensional
    With Destruction being a universal force, its effects are apparent across all realities. Attacks can even hit creatures in another dimension or reality, provided they're in the same space.


  • Break! F (Destruction Affinity F, Magic Affinity E)
    Somehow, you break things easier than most. Objects that aren't being worn or carried break easier when you attack them.
    0 Post Cooldown

    Gotta Go! F (Destruction Affinity F, Magic Affinity E, Teleport F)

    You cut the barrier between spaces. You can teleport to a space within 10 feet of you that you can see. Though if there is another creature or object in that space when you use this ability, you waste the use as you remain in place.
    0 Post Cooldown


  • Wakas E
    Wakas is a sabre that is light as a feather, and sharp as a barber's blade. She found it a while ago, and sometimes it speaks to her about funny stuff.

    Wakas [Magic Catalyst] F
    Wakas has a spine of flesh and teeth that bite into the magic in the air itself. It absorbs the magical energy in the surroundings, allowing her to cast spells by channeling this energy.

Change Log:

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A small, white magpie-like bird of predominately pastel and white coloration. Its wings have faded to be pinker in color, with its collar and coat remarked and ended with cool shades of violet. Its eyes, a sharp rose-like pink that pierces those who gaze into them, bringing many to forget of the singular jewel on its forehead. What brings most eyes to glance, however, are the several flowers that remark its body, growing alongside it almost as if an unending plague. Its twin tails are followed by two jewel-like ends that, alongside its lovely flowers, have perhaps been part of the cause for its constantly being hunted...

Rp'er Name: Etymar (You can call me Aria)
Post Frequency: Depends. (Aiming for thrice per week, but I’m currently busy with university.)
Discord Name: Ask, but I'm already on the Discord.
Current RP: Fantasy - [Isekai Hell][Jareth SS]The threads gather

To gain a more human form, to help others for the sake of gaining back, to resurrect the dead, to be able to sing beautiful songs, to fly faster*, to unite, and to disappear once all is said and done.
1.) No Longer Human - Seven wants to have a "more human" body...being a bird is nice, but having hands would be really helpful...and maybe she also kind of just wants to be a cute girl...
2.) A Monster at Heart - Seven is not a good person, but she isn't terrible, per se. She wishes very, very much to help others understand what it is they desire. At least, in a context that is understandable to both her and them. As long as she benefits from the exchange (whether from entertainment value or through some form of benefit that contributes to her goals), Seven is willing to do anything that is asked of her, although it is very, very vital to remember that she has her own desires in mind...
3.) Healing Word - Seven wants to expand her healing capability so that she may bring back the dead herself.
4.) A Better Sounding Song - Selfishly speaking, she would much prefer to make her shrieks sound prettier...
5.) Flying would be Nice - Being a bird would be great...if God let her fly in the first place…okay, maybe flying faster would be a bit nicer, too.
6.) If Only Unity would Exist!! - She misses being able to drink tea easily and without needing to consult any suspicious individuals--!
Number Seven - Even as she has no purpose in living except that, perhaps it would be nice to, once all is said and done, disappear. Disappear, so that none continue to be burdened nor pained by her existence.

Equipped Titles: Monster | Bird | Tiny | Snack
Height/Length: 9 inches (incl. tail-feathers~)
Weight: 0.5 lbs

At some point, it came to be that her wretched life would meet its end.

…A fire? What fire? The blind girl saw no fire, and she couldn’t run away when her legs could do nothing, either.

The last thing she remembered was the screeching of fire—blazes burning and everybody escaping. Of course they would leave her—dysfunctional, useless, forgettable—behind. Everybody, except for her—unable to run away, let alone walk—managed to escape. And yet, in spite of all the pain that engulfed her, she couldn’t seem to care about the flames that engulfed her body.

“If only I was desirable—then people would not throw me away.” Such would be the first stanza of thoughts that crossed her mind.

In her final moments, she heard the beautiful song of a bird. How did a bird even manage to get inside that flaming room? And why did it even do it in the first place? She knew not of the answer, but she knew for sure what she wished for—

Beneath the dust and and rubble, her burning body muttered—

“If only I could be that bird—able to sing as beautifully and move as I pleased—“

It seemed that God heard her prayer.
Current Life:

When she had awoken, she could see. When she had awoken, she found it possible to stand…and yet…

As she stumbled her hands about, she came to realize she was without either. Instead, she had only talons—a voice that could muster only songs and screech. No longer human, the first days of her life were that of struggle—attempts to survive, avoiding several hunters, and seeking food. Very early into this hell of her wish did she expect death for herself. But, by some miracle of fate, she found herself picked up, saved by a beautiful sage with an endearing, gentle expression.

“You are the Seventh—and as such, your name will be Seven.”

It was through the sage that she would be able to improve further upon her healing. Able to learn of healing--she knew the Sage to not be a good person, what with his choice to denote her name as "Seven," yet it mattered not for her--

It was his death, her promise to him that brought her newfound purpose.

Acquired Titles: Monster | Bird | Tiny | Snack
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 85 (+14?)
Points Spent: 203
Points Not Spent:

Strength H (-14)
Precision B (28)
Intelligence A
Vitality E (7)
Speed B

D Rank Character (Total: 84 pts.)

Character Grade:

Skills: (list skills here. List skill name and grade. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)


♦Feathery Wings F
(7) - Able to be used for gliding...and thwapping into somebody's face if they're a jerk.
♦Beak (0 | Cosmetic - Lacking Strength) - Peckpeckpeckpeckpeckpeckpeck. An adorable little nibbler~! (...Kinda useless, though...); Considered Cosmetic
♦Talons (0 | Cosmetic - Lacking Strength) - Scritchy scratchyyy--! (...Also pretty useless...) Considered Cosmetic


  • Flight F = 3 miles per hour at max.

  • Magic E
  • Magic Range F = 10 ft. max. distance
  • Flower Affinity F
  • Spell Duration F
  • Persuasion F

  • Appraisal D (0) - Created with the ability for being a Player Character, this ability allows the character to know information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown.

  • Healing B (35) - At maximum, reinvigorate, Cure Any disease/ailment/curse/poison, raise dead if they have been dead no more than 10 days.

♦Healing Cry B
(CD: 4 Post)
(Healing B)
Seven will sustain a set of shrieks at specific tonalities--able to heal a single target that she's right next to at most. At maximum, reinvigorate, Cure Any disease/ailment/curse/poison, raise dead if they have been dead no more than 10 days.

♦Delectable Pecks!! E (CD: 1 Post)
(Healing E)
It's not only scratching she can do--she can also continually peck at you!! YOU are delicious, and food makes nutrients for recovery!! But uh, for emergency measure, she'll also make sure you're not poisonous to her little bird stomach... (Attack + minor self-heal based on E-grade healing. Note: The amount of damage is pretty much null.)

Note: Seven doesn’t have a Catalyst specifically for herself yet, so until she gets her own she may need to borrow somebody else’s until she can use her own. Cannot share Catalyst in the same round (will disrupt/interfere other people's magic if attempted).
Magic Based
♦Petalance F
(CD: 0 Post)
(Magic F | Flower Affinity F)
A simple short-ranged magical attack. White petals of magic will appear in the air, directing their aim towards Seven's enemies and assaulting them with corrosive magical energy, fading their pure white coloration to a putrid black...

♦Thorn Rose E (CD: 1 Post)
(Magic E | Flower Affinity F | Magic Range F)
Upon singing a low, tumultuous song, branches of black thorns and black roses will target and attack a single target of Seven’s choice. 10 ft. max. distance.

♦Chamomile Drowse E (CD: 1 Post)
(Magic E | Flower Affinity F | Magic Range F | Spell Duration F)
Singing a gentle lullaby, Seven will able able to create flowers that will make generate a nice, chamomile-like scent that will make an opponent sleepy for 60 seconds. (Does nothing--pure cosmetic at the moment.) 10 ft. max. distance.

♦Atropa Belladonna E (CD: 1 Post)
(Magic E | Flower Affinity F | Magic Range F | Spell Duration F)
Singing an ominous elegy, Seven will create poisonous black flowers of poisonous effects that will last for 60 seconds. 10 ft. max. distance.

♦ Wisteria Blossoming B (CD: 4 Post)
(Magic E | Healing B | Flower Affinity F | Magic Range F | Spell Duration F)
Singing a hopeful song, various white and lavender flower vines will sprout upon Seven's target, providing a sustained regeneration effect upon those it is growing upon for 60 seconds to prevent them from dying, poisoning, being cursed, or much other ailments. Can reach targets up to 10 ft. max. distance.

(These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Small Bird's Pouch - To help carry items around...
  • Seeds - Delicious.
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • What the heck is a bird supposed to own???
Change Log:
Character Initiation: Intelligence B (28), Speed B (28), Precision E (7), Feathery Wings F (7), Healing C (28), Special Movement: Maidenly Glide F (7)

Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Turnabout Underground graded (25 pts.)

Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] - Song of Truth graded (21 pts.), Obtained [Snack] title.

Updated Goal 5. Decreased Strength down to Strength H (+14 pts). Partial Scoop (Intelligence B, Maidenly Glide F, Healing C) -> Intelligence C, Healing D, Precision B. Equipped [Snack] title. Spent 56 total points (4 leftover) for:
  1. Flight F (21)
  2. Persuasion F (7)
  3. Magic E (14)
  4. Magic Range F (7)
  5. Flower Affinity (7)
In addition, added the following abilities:
  1. Thorn Rose E
  2. Chamomile Drowse E
Fantasy - [Isekai Hell][Jareth SS] Respite From the Truth graded (+39 pts., 43 unspent). Stat and skill updates and upgrades have been accounted for.
  1. Appearance description and goals have been updated to be relocated into Spoiler boxes for the sake of making things easier to read (nothing of the content has actually been changed).
  2. Upgrade Intelligence C to Intelligence A (14 points; 29 pts. unspent)
  3. Upgrade Vitality F to Vitality E. (7 points; 22 pts. unspent)
  4. Due to 84 net total points spent on stats, Seven is now considered a D rank character. Appraisal is now D rank.
  5. Upgrade Healing D to Healing B (14 points; 8 pts. unspent).
  6. Purchased Spell Duration F (7 points; 1 point unspent).
Abilities have been updated as follows (note: still no catalyst, I wanna cry):
  1. Healing Cry D is now Healing Cry B.
  2. Added Petalance F (Simple magic attack).
  3. Chamomile Drowse E will now cause an affected target to be sleepy.
  4. Added Atropa Belladonna E (poisoning spell).
  5. Added Wisteria Blossoming B (sustained healing buff spell).
Leftover: 1 pt.

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Sage no hat.jpg
Rp'er Name: Neramo
Post Frequency:
daily most likely
Discord Name: Neramo#7557
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Become stronger, find out what he should even be doing to change the world, Explore the world
Equipped Titles: Human, Lagombi, Ryken Adventurer E
Height: 6’2
Weight: 195
Backstory: Just a regular fellow for the most part, Matt was a typical salaryman fresh out of college working for a game design company, before one day he got hit by a truck in a small episode of him wondering if this was all there was to life.
Current Life: Rather than being born again, Matt was simply given a new body rather similar to his old one, the only difference being increased capability and his hair now being a stark white. He spawned in the fields of Ryke, with the clothes on his back and a fanciful bow.
Acquired Titles: Human, Lagombi (due to horned Rabbit parts), Ryken Adventurer E
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 29
Points Spent: 133
Points Not Spent: 1
Strength - F
Precision - A
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - F
  • Steady Hands F
  • Fighting Style: Monster Killer D
  • Fighting Style: Monster Killer: Achilles Killer - F - Hot Shot - Matt simply points towards his target silently, and fires an arrow, which pierces the point he points to
  • Fighting Style: Monster Killer: Longshot - F - Range - Matt can shoot up to 10 feet
  • Fighting Style: Monster Killer: Deadshot - E - Incapacitate - Matt points with two fingers, firing a shot into a debilitating zone into his target
  • Feature: Rabbit Ears
  • Feature: Catalyst: Horned Rabbits Horn
  • Slayers Shot To Achilles Heel - Deadshot E, Range F, Steady Hands F - Matt fires an arrow into a lethal zone of his target, allowing for an instant down while dodging away from them - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Slayers Aim - Range F, Deadshot E, Achille’s Killer 3 F - Matt take’s a moment to hold still, breathing deep and loosing an arrow into a lethal zone of his target, able to aim extremely precisely for what lethal spot he wants to hit - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Slayers Eye - Achilles Killer F, Range F, Steady Hands F - Matt dodges to the side, firing an arrow towards a targets weakpoint to debilitate them. - Grade E - 1 post cooldown
  • Silver Bow C
  • Catalyst F: Horned Rabbit Horn
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Torch
  • Arrow Supply
  • Spare bowstrings
  • Carrots
  • Small Hut
Change Log:
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Adrian Banfield
Rp'er Name: Goran Glacial
Post Frequency:
Daily if not more.
Discord Name: Goran Glacial
Current RP: -Uncurrent-
Goals: Adrian's goal is to rule the world with an iron fist, preferably through tyranny. And to return to earth for revenge and to conquer the planet.
Equipped Titles: Fae (shadow(A shadow fae is a fae born of shadow and regulates said element.)), Mage
Height: 5'5
Weight: 145 lbs
Backstory: Adrian has always been odd from a young age, from the age of eight he would leave the house for days at a time before coming home during these times animals would disappear in the area. at the age of twelve his bully had vanished and no one knew where he went. at the age of fourteen he started showing obvious danger signs, like avoiding people and never talking about his feelings and point of view. at sixteen his parents found his graveyard of pets and humans but were added immediately after. at the age of twenty eight Adrian was finally caught after building a business empire to fund his hobbies, he had made a slip up on trusting a woman with his deepest thoughts and spared her based on feelings only for her to sell him out to the police and government leading to his execution. when he met the old man god he had kept silent and merely listened to him about the world and its features.
Current Life: Has been reborn from shadow itself and is ready to begin the long climb to the top
Acquired Titles: Fae (shadow), mage
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - F
  • Magic Affinity E
  • Magic Range F - 10ft
  • Shadow Affinity F
  • Sixth Sense F -Danger-
  • Magic Targets F - 2 targets
  • Pocket Dimension F - One foot
  • Mind Control F
  • Shadow Arrows - Magic Affinity E, Shadow Affinity F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F - Shoots arrows made of shadow at multiple targets, amount of targets depends on Magic targets, Range of shot depends on Magic Range - 1 post cooldown
  • Shadow Punch - Magic Affinity E, Shadow F - swings his fist once with shadow magic encasing his fist - 1 post cooldown
  • Mind Grasp - Magic affinity E, Magic Range F, Mind Control F - Controls a Target for a single post.(targets of equal grade can not be compelled to harm self or allies but lower grade may be more easily compelled - 1 post cooldown
  • Shadow Pocket - Magic affinity E, Shadow Affinity F, Spatial dimension F - opens his pocket space between dimensions placed in his own shadow. - 1 post cooldown
  • Sorcerer's orb - E
Change Log:
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Rp'er Name: lXlGamemaster
Post Frequency:
At least once per day
Discord Name: lXlGamemaster#3004
Current RP: Open
Goals: go from a grumpy small dragon into a big one who fights with the friends he found along the way
Equipped Titles: Monster | Drake | Dragon | Astral Witness
Height: 4 ft. high, 6 ft. long
Weight: 400 lbs.
Backstory:The original Lothric was an ancient being: a cosmic dragon who was called upon by the other Celestials in times of war with the other gods. That Lothric was content to live its life as a beast and slumbering among the stars, but fate had other plans. The Celestials called an end to their war, leaving Lothric with no purpose in life. Enraged, the dragon attempted to rekindle the war by going to war with anyone and anything, until the gods banded together and banished him, ripping him of his cosmic might and immortality.
Current Life: Having been stripped of his powers, the current Lothric has to deal with the reality of his mortality. Before he wouldn't have thought to even inspect a planet up close, but now he's been forced to study and learn about the world, as well as his new dragon form. Hunting is an actual challenge, and anyone sentient he finds in the wild could be a life or death scenario. For now he'll lay low, learning as much as he can and try to find a way to regain his powers.
Acquired Titles: Monster | Drake | Dragon | Astral Witness
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 22
Points Spent: 119
Points Not Spent: 8
Strength - E
Precision - C
Intelligence - E
Vitality - E
Speed - E
  • Flight F - character can fly 3 miles per hour
  • Magic Affinity F - able to cast magic. (requires a catalyst item)
  • Laser Affinity F - able to manipulate magic into laser beams
  • Feature Skill (Claws) F - you have claws that you are able to use in combat as natural weapons
  • Feature Skill (Teeth) F - you have teeth that you are able to use in combat as a natural weapon
  • Feature Skill (Tail) F - you have a tail that you are able to use in combat as a natural weapon
  • None
  • Natural Weapon (Claws):
  • Old Backpack
  • None
  • Astral Witness - This has allows Lothric to have the dead become more comfortable around Lothric and non hostile, unless they have their own minds.
Change Log:
Character Creation:
  • Increased STR, VIT, and SPD to E rank, Increased PRES to C rank
  • Gained Feature Skill for claws, teeth, and tail
  • Gained Laser Affinity F
  • Gained Flight F
  • Gained Natural Weapon (Claws)
  • Gained the Monster, Drake, and Dragon titles
Gained 22 Points from Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] - Trouble with Trolls and Music
  • Gained the Astral Witness title
  • Increased INT to E rank
  • Gained Magic Affinity E
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Iduna (Ida) Isra
Arctic Requiem
Rp'er Name: Vic or Adibe
Post Frequency:
Despite her not being too talkative, I intend to post quite a bit.
Discord Name: VictoryatLast#0522
Current RP: Respite From the Truth.
-Regret- Ida wishes to be truly free from the guilt of her childhood. It squeezes her very soul like red ropes that refuse to snap... almost as if she's cursed.
-Safety and Security- She hopes to find stable living, beyond that of a wandering singer.
-Let it Go.- Quite literally, finding a way to control the ice and frigid cold that seems to follow her wherever she goes. It’s inconvenient.
-Echo.- A song can carry more than just a tune. What else could a song do with a bit of magic…?
-Qilin’s Blood- The name ‘Qilin’ has stuck in Iduna’s mind for years. She can’t seem to remember why. But every now and then she dreams of being rescued by a beast that elegantly walks along the water… What could it possibly be?
Equipped Titles: Human, Cold.
Height: 5’8
Weight: 131 lbs.
Backstory: One night. That was all it took. The one night of an eight-year-old Iduna, on the verge of death, appearing on an unknown shore during an intense, magical storm on the sea. No memory, only a bloodied silk overcoat in her hands. That day, something in the child had been lost- and since then, never had she felt pain. Or happiness. Instead, the child was left suspended in a state between emotions, lost forever to the world she had once known, and left to die elsewhere.
Current Life: Iduna was taken in by an older gentleman- a traveller and merchant with eyes only for the material. He took advantage of the child in her terrible situation, along with her immense magical presence and vocal skill, to make her his ‘protege’. Using her indifference to his advantage, she would sing hours on end for audiences chosen by said merchant, for ten years after she had been shipwrecked in this new land. She did not feel her voice fade with the pain of overwork, she did not still- at her master’s command she sang and performed her magic until her body gave out beneath her for his greed. Until today. Today, she awoke from a nightmare. A nightmare in which she was back in the water as a child, drowning painfully… until a hand reached out and pulled her from the water. Ida awoke before she could see the face of her rescuer, suddenly wracked by intense physical pain- a pain she hadn’t felt in years. Something.. Had yet again snapped. She couldn’t stay there. Not anymore- how had she withstanded it for so long? Thus now Iduna has packed her small satchel in the middle of the night, and has run away- through the back window of the caravan, and down the little trodden path on bare feet to freedom.

Acquired Titles: Human, Cold.
- COLD: character gives off a power and personality that are chilly and not particularly welcoming. Less likely to make new friends. More likely to be misunderstood. Can more easily act alone when necessary.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 33
Points Spent: 133
Points Not Spent: 5

Strength - F
Precision - E
Intelligence - B
Vitality - F
Speed - E

  • Magic Affinity D
  • Ice Affinity F
  • Magic Range E (30 feet)
  • Magic Area of Effect E (30 feet)
  • Spell Duration E (1 hour)

  • <Crystalline Echo.> - Magic Affinity E, Ice Affinity F, Magic Area of Effect E, Spell Duration E- Ida slams her foot into the ground, whereupon impact a wave of ice bursts within a 30 ft. radius of Iduna. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • <Curse of Cold.> - Magic Affinity D, Ice Affinity F, Magic Area of Effect E- Iduna concentrates her mana into her hands and pushes outwards, creating a large series of icicles sprouting from a singular point in front of her. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • <Qilin’s Tooth.> - Magic Affinity D, Ice Affinity F, Magic Range E - Iduna can shoot an icicle towards one of her enemies within 30 ft. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Mana Catalyst D: “Long-Forgotten Necklace” -

Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • N/A
  • N/A
Change Log:
  • Added points to stat INT now is C-->B [7], added SPELL DURATION E [14] , upgraded Magic AOE F-->E [7]. [28 total.]
    Equipped COLD from Song of Truth, Points from Song of Truth [16], and Turnabout Underground [17]. Also added Spell Duration E to CRYSTALLINE ECHO. (5/29/22)
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Loke Lenheart
Loke Lenheart
A young man with green eyes and pink curly hair that falls just below his shoulder blades. He’s lithe, yet fit. Despite his smile, something haunted lies behind his eyes.
Rp'er Name: NebulaBlossom
Post Frequency:
Every 1-2 days
Discord Name: LotaLore#6437
Current RP:
Explore the new facets of his healing magic, learn new support magic, see and learn about the new world.
Equipped Titles: Human. Right Hand, Clutch
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 147lbs
Backstory: Coming from a version of modern Earth where some had mystic latent abilities, Loke’s past life was riddled with hardship. The ability to heal people manifested when he was just a child. The cost to him was energy expended as well as feeling the pain of every injury and ailment he cured. His mother, seeing only potential profit, began to sell his healing while ignoring the cost to her son. Loke and his mother learned that he could heal more efficiently if he understood the anatomy of the area he healed and so she forced him to read medical books. Loke developed a good understanding of the human body and its functions this way. When he was a teenager, Loke ran away and never returned to his home. With no other skills, he began to sell his own healing to pay for anything he needed. A hobby of his became baking once he had his own place. He found small joy in doing something purely for himself. Sadly, this happiness couldn’t last forever. He was the victim of a home invasion, the intruder shooting him in the chest, missing his heart but puncturing his lung. In a cruel moment of irony, Loke couldn’t heal himself faster than he bled out.
Current Life: Loke woke up in a hospital in a strange world. The nurse there told him that a stranger had found him unconscious in an alleyway. With no wounds or reason to keep him any longer, he was released. Loke had found that his healing abilities had carried over to this world but healing no longer caused him the pain it had before. The system of magic in this world was totally different than where he had come from and he wanted to learn more about it. He’s cautiously exploring what he feels is his do over.
Acquired Titles: Human
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 50
Points Spent: 154
Points Not Spent: 1
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - C
Vitality - E
Speed - E
  • Magic Affinity E
  • Spell Duration F
  • Magic Range F
  • Control Environment F
  • Healing D
  • Barrier F
  • Medicine E
  • Domestic Arts F
  • Bolster [Speed] F
  • Minor Remedy - Healing F, Magic E, Magic Range F - Grade F Ability - Relieves body aches and minor ailments, or alternatively, can heal superficial wounds of self or any single target within 10ft. - 0 Cooldown, 10ft Range
  • Lesser Antidote - Healing E - Grade E Ability - Cures the target of non-lethal poison - Grade E or other Grade E or lower afflictions - 1 Cooldown
  • Mending - Healing D - Mends the flesh of more serious injuries, restoring any loss of sense the wound would have caused (ie, an eye wound no longer causes loss of sight). Can be used to repair a lost sense so long as the organs are present - 2 Cooldown
  • Protection - Barrier F, Magic E, Magic Range F - Grade F Ability - Creates a semi-translucent golden shield around self or a single target in 10 ft. - 0 Cooldown, 10ft Range
  • Hasten - Bolster [Speed] F, Magic E, Magic Range F, Spell Duration F - Grade F Ability - Increases the Speed Stat by 1 Grade of self or Target for 1 minute. - 0 Cooldown, 10 ft Range, 1 Minute Duration
  • Ornate Wand D
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Wand Case
  • First Aid Kit
  • Bedroll
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
Change Log:
  • Fantasy [Isekai Hell] - Schal's 11 - Gained 16 points, gained and equipped [Right Hand] Title.
    • [Right Hand] - Character proved himself invaluable to another character in clearing an obstacle and opening a new path forward. The crew of Zeke's vessel respect the character as a capable sort. Character will also have an easier time fulfilling the role of being a go-between in the future.
    • Spent 7 points to acquire Control Environment Skill, lost rented room at an inn
  • Fantasy [Isekai Hell] - Grandmaster of Goldcrest - Gained 34 points, acquired and equipped [Clutch] Title.
    • [Clutch] - Character easily proved their worth in several tense situations. Their absence could have resulted in things going the other way. Character is more likely to be appreciated and appropriately valued by those aware of them. Antagonistic forces aware of character are more likely to target them in the future to prevent them from saving the day.
    • Stat changes: Vitality F -> E (7pts)
    • Skill changes: Spell Duration F (7pts) Magic Range F (7pts) Barrier F (14pts) Bolster [Speed] F (7pts)
    • Ability Upgrade:
      • Minor Remedy - Healing F, Magic E, Magic Range F - Grade F Ability - Relieves body aches and minor ailments, or alternatively, can heal superficial wounds of self or any single target within 10ft. - 0 Cooldown, 10ft Range
    • New Abilities:
      • Protection - Barrier F, Magic E, Magic Range F - Grade F Ability - Creates a semi-translucent golden shield around self or a single target in 10 ft. - 0 Cooldown, 10ft Range
      • Hasten - Bolster [Speed] F, Magic E, Magic Range F, Spell Duration F - Grade F Ability - Increases the Speed Stat by 1 Grade of self or Target for 1 minute. - 0 Cooldown, 10 ft Range, 1 Minute Duration
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Theme: Lie, Cheat, Steal
Rp'er Name: Weesnaw
Post Frequency: I can consistently post once every week. If my work allows me to, I can post for frequent.
Discord Name: Weesnaw#0138
Current RP: ---
Goals: Percival lacks a true goal. His sole purpose on living is simply to live freely and be able to do anything on a whim.
Equipped Titles: Goblinoid, Rogue, Apprentice Locksmith, Apprentice Leatherworker
Height: 4'6" (137 cm)
Weight: 88 lbs (40 kg)
Backstory: A crescendo of calamity that is what is best used to aptly describe the life of the boy known as Percy, brought up in a strictly religious household, under strict tenants, a personality as soft as his couldn't hope to make it through unscathed,

No amount of prayer to a god would alleviate the suffering he went through, neither could he ever truly connect with friends due to her parents strict rules. He could only hope that people believed his friendship to be true when he worked extra hard for them. Though this only lead to more pain in his future as he would give them everything he had. Only for it to be used by malignant persons. For a free lunch, a free seat? Perhaps even free labor.

If he didn't comply then he was insulted, and if he did comply then he only fed their view of him. But still he held onto some thin ghost of a hope that being a good person was good enough. And that humanity wasn't all bad. Well, until he was beaten bloody for allegedly trying to take another man's girlfriend.

He became a recluse however as time went on, becoming more and more afraid of upsetting others that he would lock himself away for increasingly long periods of time drowning himself in study of book and biblical. He felt so small and insignificant in front of others that perhaps he should simply disappear. But that faded cursed hope within him still drove him to try to help others for it was what a good person would do?

Percy was shot in his home, aged 24 after the delusional homeless man he had been helping at the shelter had accused him of theft.

It was in his final moments that he gave up on it all. Damned be all the people that had used him, and damned be all the people that had allowed him to be used. Humanity was diseased, rotten to its core.

Of course, it wasn't the end just yet.
Current Life: Percival was reborn into a goblinoid creature. Although thankful for keeping him alive, Percival grew tired of the monster-filled society he briefly grew up with. Knowing he was capable of much more, he fled to a nearby village only to realize, that despite any fork of skill or amount of intellect he had, he would be shunned by humanity for being a monster. This did not upset him, but only reaffirmed his frustrations during the last few moments of his previous life. Percival decided that he would live only for himself and simply use others as means to whatever end he would hope for.
Acquired Titles: Goblinoid, Rogue, Apprentice Locksmith, Apprentice Leatherworker
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
  • Strength - E
  • Precision - E
  • Intelligence - E
  • Vitality - F
  • Speed - E
  • Appraisal F
  • Artisan [Leatherworker] F
  • Artisan [Locksmith] F - Allows the user to create locks but also, obviously have the tools to unlock/destroy them, as well as the ability to copy/create keys.
  • Concealment F
  • Fast F (12 miles per hour)
  • Feature [Dark Vision] F
  • Fighting Style [Whip It Good] F
    • Range F (10 Feet)
  • Jump F (Vertically 3 yards/Horizontally 10 yards)
  • Perception F
  • Sleight of Hand F
  • Special Movement [Wall Climbing] F
  • Stealth F
  • Detect - Perception F, Appraisal F - A brief scan of the general surroundings for anything suspicious or out of the ordinary - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Wall Run - Special Movement [Wall Climbing] F, Fast F - Able to briefly dash upward or sideward on vertical and incredibly inclined surfaces - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Wall Cling - Special Movement [Wall Climbing] F, Jump F - Able to latch on to a vertical or incredibly inclined surface after landing from a jump - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Pickpocket - Stealth F, Concealment F, Sleight of Hand F - Able to subtly pocket objects within arm's reach; difficult to be noticed - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Lash - Fighting Style [Whip It Good] F - Range F, Sleight of Hand F, Concealment F - Inconspicuously pulls out a whip from beneath one's cloak/clothing, and strikes from a distance (maximum of 10 feet) - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Leather Bullwhip F - 10 Feet Range [Leatherworking]
  • Leather Sling F - 30 Feet Range [Leatherworking]
  • Leather Armor F [Leatherworking]
  • Steel Padlocks F [Locksmith]
  • Skinning Knife
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Locksmith and Leatherworker Tools: Small file, needles, thread, a set of lock picks, a small mirror mounted on a metal handle, a set of narrow-bladed scissors, and a pair of pliers,
  • Burlap Sack, Leather Pouch
  • Hempen Rope
  • Hooded Cloak
  • ---
Change Log:
7 points each for Strength E
7 points for Precision E
7 points for Speed E
7 points for Intelligence E
0 points for Appraisal F
7 points for Fast F
7 points for Jump F
7 points for Special Movement [Wall Climbing] F
7 points for Feature [Dark Vision] F
7 points for Sixth Sense F
7 points for Artisan [Locksmith] F
7 points for Artisan [Leatherworker] F
7 points for Sleight of Hand F
7 points for Stealth F
7 points for Concealment F
7 points for Perception F
7 points for Fighting Style [Whip It Good] F - Tangle F
0 points for Leather Bullwhip F [Leatherworking]
0 points for Leather Sling F [Leatherworking]
0 points for Leather Armor F [Leatherworking]
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Art by Gogalking
Rp'er Name:
Post Frequency: 3-4 times a week
Discord Name: youpi#3054
Current RP: None
  • Dahlia hopes to learn the bare minimum required to live comfortably in the fantasy world she was thrown into.
  • Although not fully motivated, Dahlia plans to dip her toes into the world of adventuring.
Equipped Titles: Human, Adept Physician, Apprentice Swordswoman
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 150 lbs
Backstory: Dahlia was someone with a heavy burden on her shoulders. Her parents were quite successful business folk, and it was expected that Dahlia would follow in their footsteps. Nevertheless, Dahlia resented being compared to her parents simply because of their extremely long list of achievements, and would rather carve her own way through life. Though, with her parents hardly being around, Dahlia was left to her own doings, and before she knew it, the trap of the NEET life had consumed her for better or worse.
Current Life: Dahlia did not experience death, but simply woke up in a new world with a different body. It was the body of a sickly female who was believed to have just passed away. Seeing her gain consciousness was seen as a miracle by Oslo, the elderly physician who was treating her. As she was nursed back to health, Dahlia learned that the body she was now inhabiting was someone that no one in Ryke knew. She was brought in by visiting adventurers and claimed that they had found her passed out along the road leading to the capital. Several weeks passed before Dahlia regained enough strength to act independently. Without anywhere to actually go, she wanted to show her gratitude to Oslo and proposed that she would work as his aide for the time being in exchange for a place to stay. Dahlia's time with the physician was time well spent. Though not treated as some sort of apprentice, Dahlia was surprised at how fast she grew accustomed to Oslo's work. Eventually, she had reached a point where she too could perform some of the things only he was capable off. Seeing how proficient she had become, Oslo realized that it would have been a waste to simply relegate Dahlia to menial tasks and allowed her to treat those that came in with minor ailments or injuries. Dahlia found a home where she could live in peace and quiet, but a lingering feeling kept on nagging at her. It always came up when adventurer's came in. Dahlia was a woman of little words, but talking to patients was needed in the profession she was in. Every time they mentioned their adventures and experiences, Dahlia's heart would race or skip a beat. Succumbing to her intuition, she made use of what little money she had earned, and purchased a sword and a set of armor. Dahlia's wasn't that convinced just yet, but she was interested enough to take a glimpse of what an adventurer's life was all about.
Acquired Titles: Human, Adept Physician, Apprentice Swordswoman
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength [Grade E]
Precision [Grade F]
Intelligence [Grade C]
Vitality [Grade D]
Speed [Grade F]
  • Appraisal [Grade E]
  • Healing [Grade D]
    • D - Emergency aid to prolong life of dying, ad restore senses so long as organs are still present
    • E - Cure one common disease at a time, non-lethal poisons
    • F - Basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor sicknesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds
  • Medicine [Grade D]
  • Clinical Eye - Appraisal F, Medicine F - Dahlia finds diagnosing illness or identifying subtle symptoms easier - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Resuscitate - Healing D, Medicine D - By channeling mana into her hands, Dahlia can prolong the life of someone on the verge of death and giver her enough time to perform emergency medical care - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Detoxify - Healing E, Medicine E, Appraisal E - Dahlia is capable of identifying what poison/toxin her target is afflicted with and is able to magical neutralize it - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Long Sword [Grade F]
  • Heavy Armor [Grade E]
    • A set of silver plate armor that reaches her mid-thighs with a belt around her waist.
    • Dahlia also wears a pair of silver gauntlets, a white shirt under her armor, silver knee guards, and simple brown boots.
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Medical Supplies
  • Backpack
  • Lodging in a small room in Oslso's (an elderly physician settled in Ryken) home
  • Access to Oslo's work place (a simple medical facility where supplies and equipment are available)
Change Log:
  • 27 March 2022
    • [Point Expenditure] 7 points for Strength [Grade E], 21 points for Intelligence [Grade C], 14 points for Vitality [Grade C], 21 points for Healing [Grade D], 21 points for Medicine [Grade D], 7 points for Long Sword [Grade F], 14 points for Heavy Armor [Grade E]
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Theme: Yamuna by HeklAa
Rp'er Name: Clyvelle
Post Frequency: Daily to Weekly
Discord Name: Clyvelle#4402
Current RP: -
Searching for magical artifact that was stolen from her spear, which is her magical implement.
Equipped Titles: [Fae|Merry|Flaky]
Height: 5' 11.5"
Weight: 147 lbs.
Backstory: Wife to a trophy hunter. Bore him three children. Prepared his kills for them to eat. Was torn by a bear while berry picking with the kids. Sacrificed herself in hopes that even one of them might get away.
Current Life: Lives in a forest used as a hunting grounds for Ryken. She operates as a liaison between the hunters and the forest inhabitants. As such, she can sometimes be found within Ryken on business, but the forest is her home. Ciu'nan is aware of dark things in the forest that she works to keep from harming both the forest and the "walled ones", her name for civilized creatures.
Acquired Titles: [Fae|Merry|Flaky]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 153
Points Spent: 252
Points Not Spent: 6
Strength - C (21)
Precision - C (21)
Intelligence - D (14)
Vitality - E (7)
Speed - C (21)
Character Grade - D
Movement (42)
  • Fast E (14) - Note: This skill is related solely to character ability to cover ground and is not related to dodging
    Creatures with this skill can move over land faster than normal and move at a quick walk or jogging pace without exhausting self easily.
    • F - 12mph(max)/60ft per round
    • E - 24mph(max)/120ft per round
  • Flight F (21)- Character acquires a means of personal flight through one means or another. Higher ranks allow for faster, higher, more precise flight.
    • F - 3 miles per hour/ 30ft per round
  • Jumping F (7)- Character is particularly skilled at jumping and can leap vertically and horizontally greater distances. They do not get hurt when landing on their feet so long as they fall from a height equal to or less than their vertical jump limit.
    • F - vertically 3yrds/horizontally 10yrds
Mental (0)
  • -
Martial (0)
  • -
Magic (0)
  • -
Sense (21)
  • Appraisal D (Free for Isekai)
    Pre-req: Requires meta knowledge, F Grade Character
    Note: Grade of appraisal naturally goes up with grade of character. For those that purchased the skill, it must be upgraded with points when character grade reaches the appropriate level.

    Created with the ability for being a Player Character(isekai character), this ability allows the character to know information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown (ex: Grade of Threat of a monster). For things higher than F grade, it may get just a name or ??? until the character's Appraisal becomes more powerful.
    For detailed information beyond a creature’s or object’s stats/skills/titles/abilities, character will need additional skills to broaden their wealth of information to draw upon when analyzing something. Ex: medical skill may give a user medical readouts of creatures that appraisal is used on. Wealth skill or other merchant related skills may give item values when appraising objects and materials.

    If grade of appraisal is equal to or greater than character grade of target, then user can learn about target's titles. Any information beyond that will depend on grade of individual stats/skills/abilities and the narrator.

    Range and number of targets is limited to 1 target they can see within 5ft. Magic skills can increase the range and area of the skill drastically. Frequency of use in a non-combat situation is up to narrator discretion.
  • Feature [Darkvision] (7)
    Character acquires or always had this feature that differentiates them from average humanoids. Common ones like Darkvision, body fur, beak mouth, and others may be acquired. Some may be enhanced. Purely cosmetic differences a creature has from a human can be acquired, but features with mechanical benefits (like attacking or enhanced senses) will need to be purchased.
  • Heightened Sense [Hearing] F (7)
    Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence

    One of your senses (hearing, smell, sight, taste, touch) is superior to the norm and allows you to pick up on details otherwise not available normally. Can be used to discern the reality of your situation if the skill rank is equal to or greater than the situation. Each grade of the skill permits another sense to be acquired in addition to increasing the strength of the skill overall. Ex: seeing, hearing, or sniffing out a hidden adversary.
  • Sixth Sense (Danger) F (7)
    Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence

    Character through one means or another can perceive that which would normally not be perceivable by material senses. Limited to an area immediately around the character. Ex: the presence of spirits, discerning stuff that may be hidden from the senses like traps/danger, etc. The specific type of sense must be specified when skill is taken.
Defensive (49)
  • Healing F (7)
    Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence

    You have learned or simply know the ways of healing. You may use magical or mundane means to aid others through their suffering. Healing and what can be healed becomes more powerful with higher ranks and when combined with other skills like magic.
    • F - basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor illnesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds
    • E - cure one common disease at a time, non-lethal poisons
    • D - Emergency aid to prolong life of dying, restore senses so long as organs are still present
    • C - heal significant injuries, including reattaching severed limbs/organs, fix broken bones
    • B - reenvigor, Cure Any disease/ailment/curse/poison, raise dead if they have been dead no more than 10 days.
    • A - Fully reproduce a body and resurrect the person so long as a piece of them remains. reverses undead nature. Does not work on death caused by old age.
    • S - De-ager, ???
  • Undetected (Sight, Sound, Smell) D (42)
    Pre-req: E Grade Precision

    Character can cloak themselves through some means to become undetectable by a sense. Each rank of skill allows an additional sense to hide from as well as overall effectiveness of the presence suppression.
Miscellaneous (21)
  • Conversion F (21)
    Pre-req: E Grade Vitality
    Note: Reducing vitality below grade H will kill character as part of this ability.

    Character takes pain, damage, hardship, etc. and turns it into power. The character can swap grades of vitality for grades of STR, PRE, or INT to increase power of attacks and abilities using one of those stats on a 1 to 1 basis. Reduction to character's vitality lasts until character rests/heals up. Reduction cannot be healed by magic or regenerative skills until ability is off of cooldown.
Secondary (14)
  • Acrobatics F (7)
    Pre-req: E Grade Precision

    The character has the ability to perform feats of agility with minimal chance for injury. Includes balancing, jumping, flipping, contorting, and reacting quickly.
  • Animal Handling F (7)
    Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence

    The Character has an ability to calm down a domesticated animal, know an animal’s natural inclinations, and intuit its intentions.
  • Hidden Strike D - Undetected (Sight, Smell, Sound) D, Fast E - Ciu'nan cloaks herself and quickly moves in undetected to make an attack - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Stag's Wrath F - Conversion F - Ciu'nan taps into her wrath, sacrificing her lifeforce for the strength to defeat her enemies - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Grace of the Roe F - Acrobatics F, Darkvision, Flight F, Heightened Sense [Hearing] F, Jumping F, Sixth Sense [Danger] F - Using her senses and quick reflexes, Ciu'nan jumps out of harms away - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Veil of the Timeless D - Undetected (Sight, Smell, Sound) D - Ciu'nan cloaks herself with an innate ability - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Appraise D - Appraisal D, Animal Handling F - Ciu'nan focuses on a creature or object and available information appears around it - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Fae Stride F - Acrobatics F, Flight F, Jumping F - Ciu'nan walks on the air as though it were solid ground. Phantasmal ripples go out from her feet periodically while using this ability. - Grade F - 0 post cooldown
  • Fae Stride (Cloaked) D - Acrobatics F, Flight F, Jumping F, Undetected [Sight, Smell, Sound] D - Ciu'nan cloaks herself while using Fae Stride. - Grade D - 2 post cooldown
  • Healing Touch (Requires Magic F) - Healing F - Ciu'nan touches a creature and administers healing to them - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Prey's Guidance F - Animal Handling F, Darkvision, Heightened Sense [Hearing] F, Sixth Sense [Danger] F - Ciu'nan opens her senses to perceive incoming threats - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Empty Wolf Den converted into living quarters
Change Log:
  • Into the Woods - +22 points and acquired title [Merry] - character is frequently overcome with fae like merriment. While more respectable individuals may try to hide their amusement at improper times, character freely displays their amusement. It is often contagious.
  • Point Expenditure: 14 points for speed C and 7 points for Fast E
  • Cat and Mouse - +6 points
  • [9/24/22]Chapter 1: A Distant Grotto - +105 points and acquired title [Flaky] - character was tasked with a job and failed to deliver. Character gives off an air of unpredictability and unreliability. Character is less likely to be tasked with someone's requests and little trust or grace will be extended if a job actually is taken. However, it is easy to live up to low expectations.
  • [9/28/22][September Event]Will you walk with me? - +20 points
  • [10/15/22]Point Expenditure: Strength E=>C (14), Precision E=>C (14), Vitality F=>E (7), Jumping F (7), Flight F (21), Undetected (Sound, Smell) F 28, Conversion F (21), Spear F=>D (14)
  • [10/22/22]Cosmetic changes, added skill descriptions, added Appraisal (free for isekai), updated/added abilities: Hidden Strike, Grace of the Roe, Appraise, Fae Stride, Fae Stride (Cloaked), Healing Touch, Prey's Guidance, Stag's Wrath, Veil of the Timeless
  • [10/29/22]Changed picture, added equipped titles 'Merry' and 'Flaky', corrected ability grades
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Theme: None
Rp'er Name: ReptilianDude
Post Frequency:
Posts like almost every day, and more when it’s Saturday or Sunday.
Discord Name: Beto.#5583
Current RP: May Even These Peasants Have Respite! (Pt. 2)
Goals: Pretty much become feared and powerful.
Equipped Titles: Dragon, Monster, Drake
Height: 6ft feet tall
Weight: 250 lbs
Backstory: Once a 16 year old Teen named Sam, Kalodox, or Sam in this case, loved Boxing and Wrestling, and wanted to become strong like the ones on TV. However after countless failures at boxing and wrestling classes, he felt weak, and pretty much was starting to feel depressed. One day while hiking with his family, He saved a small child from a avalanche, but died in the process. Fortunately, he got Isekai’d in this world as a Dragon.
Current Life: After hatching, Sam is now a Dragon hatchling, Sam pretty much lived like any normal creature would do, but after testing his strength and power on a nice sunny day, he remembered that he wanted to be strong, and he is now. This lead him to believe that he could become powerful, feared and unstoppable, and that thought became a sickness, one of the mind. Eventually, Sam changed his name to Koldox, and began to start his wrath... but not yet, since he’s still a hatchling. So he is currently waiting to be big enough to do it.
Acquired Titles: Dragon, Drake and Monster
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)
Strength - E
Precision - C
Intelligence - E
Vitality - E
Speed - F
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name and grade. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Flight: (Wings) - F 3mph
  • Feature: (Jaws, Teeth and Claws, spiked tail club) F - Treats like weapon
  • Feature: Fire Breath Organ? (Magic Catalyst F) - Inside of his body is a body part presumed to be a organ that he uses for his fire breath attack
  • Feature: scales. Used as armor.

  • Fire Affinity F
  • Magic Affinity F
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown.)
  • Hot Breath - Fire Affinity E, Magic Affinity F - Kalodox is able to use his strange body part to launch streams of fire at a target within 5ft of him - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Claws, Jaws, Spiked Club (Natural weapon) - F (14pts)
  • Flame Organ - F (catalyst)
  • Scales (heavy armor) - F
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
Change Log: None, For now..
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Jöttenguamer Ithe

Rp'er Name: Eccentric_Undead Eccentric_Undead
Post Frequency: 2 or 3 times a week, more if time permits.
Discord Name: FantasyReborn #3123
Current RP:
Simply to live his best life.
Equipped Titles: Human, Huge, Half Giant (Have one Giant Parent)
Height: 18 feet 6 inches
Weight: 1,253 lbs
Backstory: Has no past life.
Current Life:
There once was an old logger. Lived on his own, never really talked to anybody, but was sociable when he was talked to. The man lived relatively happy life as a lumberjack for logging company that had a specific Town set up just outside of Ryken. He made a decent living, no more than any other person. Got an issue here this man would eventually father a half giant child that would change the fate of that town forever.

One day, while out and about, This Man came upon a wounded giant woman. Her name was Svenlya. She had been cast out from her herd, beaten and left for dead. The man wouldn't allow her to simply die. Having been a lumberjack, he was decently strong, but nowhere near strong enough to move this woman. So, he went back to his home and returned with enough supplies to make sure he could camp there until she had healed.

For the next 3 days he spent all his time taking care of this woman. He used medicinal herbs to create a salve that he put on her wounds. He wrapped those wounds and made sure she was cool or warm depending on the time. Eventually, the woman woke up to find this strange human man fishing at the river she was laid against. There isn't much else there. Slowly they fell in love and built a home by that river. Soon, they were joined by Jöttenguamer, their precious baby boy.

It wasn't long till her people returned. As it turns out, she was the herds shaman. She was cast out for supposedly cursing someone, but that was disproven and now they wanted her back. Of course, the herd was not exactly pleased to see that she had a half breed child and a human lover. To protect her family she left. Leaving the son that she cared for so much and the man she loved.

Years past and the man taught his son the trade of being a lumberjack. It wasn't difficult for him. Being a half Giant, moving trees and such was relatively easy work. When he turned 16, his father gave him his very first axe, the one he uses to this day. Eventually, the man died and left all that he had to his son. His son made almost no changes. He still gets up every day to collect lumber. Of course, he always wondered about his mother. What kind of woman she was. His father had told him exactly where to go to find the old Hut, but he was skeptical. What if he didn't like what he found?

After a few years of song, he decided to go out to the old Hut. Making his way to the Old River, he didn't really expect anything. He knew that there would be an old house that he was raised in for the first couple years of his life, but he honestly didn't think that his mother was still there. Upon arrival, he was met with a shattered old memory. Something that used to exist in a wonderful state, but now was a shriveled mess of what it used to be. Entering into the hut, he discovered his old bed. Toys his mother had made him and pictures that were drawn of his family. Sadness filled his heart. He wasn't expecting her to be there, but he did hope.

Has he stepped out he was met with a giantess. Standing at least 25 ft tall. Gorgeous black hair and tears in her eyes as she looked at the smaller male. In an instant they both knew exactly who the other was. Both so overcome with joy. He moved her into his home, expanding a little bit to accommodate for the fact that she was bigger than him. Now he lives peacefully. Logging all day, then coming home to his mother who had been gardening. A wonderful Life.
Acquired Titles: Human, Half Giant, Huge
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - D
Speed - E
  • Super Strength E- 600lbs (average grizzly bear)
  • Feature: Big Hide E - creature is so large that their regular flesh acts like armor.
  • Full Force - Super Strength E, Natural Weapon E - Using his Superior physical size, he uses his weight and mass to deliver a devastating strike. He can do this either with a basic attack or with his giant axe - Grade E - 1 post cool down.
  • Orichalcum Giant Axe F (Seen in picture)
  • Natural Weapon E - He is large enough that even falling over can potentially kill smaller creatures. He can leverage his larger mass to create more forceful attacks.
  • Heavy Armor E - Granted by Big Hide E
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Whetstone
  • Lumberjack Chain
  • Has a hut that he and his mother live in.
  • A small piece of land by the river outside the town he was raised in. Given to him by the lumber yard.
Change Log:
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Pierre Rothel
Pierre Rothel

Interaction Theme:

Rp'er Name: Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo
Post Frequency:
Due to still being in Highschool, I plan to post when I gain the opportunity during breaks, Lunch periods, or after school when I'm not busy. Note that I am in the pacific Time zone.

Discord Name: Beetlebug#4530

Current RP: None

Goals: To familiarize himself with the surrounding environments, and get a grasp of this new life.

- Avert from a life of combat and war to a life of peace and somehow obtain a caring and supportive family.

Equipped Titles: [Sentient Weapon] [Tank] [Construct] [Large] [Order Initiate]

Unequipped Titles: [Liability] [Crawling Boat] [Weird Golem]
Height: 5 ft 6 in
2 Tons
Length: 10.8 Ft

Backstory: Pierre Rothel was born on May 6th, 1894 as a healthy boy in the heart of France. Growing up with 2 older sisters and 1 older brother, he was usually the one to be seen as the one who needed to be protected a lot. Though despite this, young Rothel decided he wanted to fend for himself at age 10. As such, he did. Working out, healthy eating, social, and mental growth made him the man he was. This was just his family life, but now for the circumstances which he died..

- World War 1 - German Spring Offensive..

Trained beyond brutality in the devastations of the War to End All Wars, Rothel was continuously torn apart and remade to face the landscapes of fire, corpses, poison gas, shelling.. dead and dying comrades, Etc...

Battles of the Marne

The Battle of Soissons was a battle which determined his fate to the Isekai world. Having been fighting for years, he has grew numb to the horrors of frontline combat, and was gifted in his ability to operate the fruits of the dawn of mechanized warfare: Tanks.

Being the Gunner of the Renault Char, AKA The FT -17, he and many other tanks of different experimental types pushed with the equivalent of Strong Nuclear Force against the German occupied Soissons along the River Marne.

The Germans, however, pushed with the same force, resulting in mass casualties on both sides..

Pierre was the last to fall, in a heroic sacrifice to take down the German's moving fortress: The A7V, granting the remaining French forces to fully push on and retake the Marne....

Having woke up in front of God, and surprised to see his tank next to him mostly repaired, though a few components need fixing too.. Hearing that a slight modification was made, it turns out that the tank now runs on water. Upon hearing the details of the Isekai world, he felt as if he needed a boost in his survivability in a world of fantasy and danger, so he gave the request to be reincarnated as his tank to help him become stronger, though reluctantly agreed to the condition that he won’t be able to use his main armaments until certain things have been done.. So for now, he let

Next thing he knew, he couldn't feel anything, other than a slight heaviness and slightly cool on the inside..

It took a while for him to adjust to his new body, not being needed to sleep, or even eat normal food anymore was difficult to get used too, but once he was ready, his world turned white as the transportation happened....

Current Life: He slowly regained his bearings to find himself in a forest at the dead of night, conveniently next to a river.. Feeling like he should follow it, Pierre Rothel's Story begins as he starts rolling along the Kabnak River, carrying his memories & Knowledge with him to find a new purpose...

Acquired Titles: [Sentient Weapon] [Tank] [Construct] [Large] [Crawling Boat] [Liability] [Weird Golem]
Points at Start:
Points Earned: 105
Points Spent: 205
Points Not Spent:

Strength - C (21)
Precision - E (7)
Intelligence - D (14)
Vitality - B (28)
Speed - E (7)


Feature: treads - gives superior traction and hardiness

Feature: armored hull - gives body inherent protection

Superstrength E 28pts

Special movement: treads - characters moves on treads 7pts

Feature [360 Degree Vision] (7)

Fast F (7)

Energized E (14)

Appraisal F (0)

Feature [Disembodied Hands] (7)

Investigation F (7)

Domestic Arts F (7)
Natural weapons E 28pts - characters heavy metal body is a weapon.
Armored hull (armor) C

  • Waterproof Tarp - Typically used by Pierre as a cloak, blanket, or towel. It technically is the only thing he could really consider as clothing despite his non-organic physiology .
  • Croix de Guerre (Basically a french medal of honor) Pierre wears this below the front of his turret as a memo to the life he once lived.. At night, or whenever he can, he constantly wonders about what is occurring back on earth, along with a question if the war was over..
  • 1649116361934.png
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
N/A: For now.
Change Log:

(In order of Rp's Joined, not finished)

5/8/2022 - Into The Woods - 12 Points acquired - Optional Title [ Crawling Boat]

5/3/2022 The Birds and The Horned Rabbits - 15 Points acquired. Optional Title [Weird Golem] acquired

5/3/2022 -Title equipped - [Weird Golem]

Song of Truth - 17 Points - Optional Title [Liability]

Song of Truth - Title acquired [Liability ]

Vitality upgraded from D to B (14)

Marketplace deal with Elvario Elvario Hull Armor Upgrade to C for Remaining earned points and loyalty. (1 Point)
Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace

Strength upgraded to C from D (7)

Speed upgraded to E (7)

Fast F (7)

Feature [360 degree vision] (7)

7/25/22 - 41 Points acquired from
The Queen, The Tank, The Sword, and their weapons transport.

6/15/22 - Fated Meeting grade achieved. 20 Points obtained + Optional Title [Order Initiate]

9/22/2022 - [Order Initiate] Title Equipped, [Weird Golem] Title unequipped.

9/22/2022 - New Goal: Avert from a life of combat and war to a life of peace and somehow obtain family.

9/25/22 -

Intelligence upgraded from F to D (14)

Energized E (14)

Precision upgraded from F to E (7)

Appraisal F (0)

9/28/2022 - Feature [Disembodied Hands] (7)

10/13/2022 - Investigation F (7), Domestic Arts F (7)
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John Brown
Rp'er Name: Kyon Kyon
Post Frequency:
At least twice weekly.
Discord Name: kyon~#7722
Current RP: None.
Goals: I plan to make this character as average and human as possible in order to contrast with the fantastical setting.
Equipped Titles: Human
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 160 lbs
Backstory: John Brown was an accountant in his past life. He was never spontaneous, never stood out from any crowd, and never pursued anything ambitious in his world. He was just your average joe, punching in his time card every day at work and spending his time off in his recliner watching sitcoms and dramatic movies. John lived by himself and never sought out love; just your regular, every day guy that you might pass on the city street with a coffee and briefcase in his hands. There's really nothing else to him. John's was just a plain-old dude before he died walking home from work after being hit by a drunk driver.
Current Life: John just sort of awoke in a sunny flower field one day, completely alone with no answers and millions of questions.
Acquired Titles: Human
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F: 0pts
Precision - E: 7pts
Intelligence - D: 14pts
Vitality - E: 7pts
Speed - F: 0pts
  • Mind Shield F: 7pts​
  • Skill Loan F: 21pts​
  • Academia F: 7pts​
  • Business F: 7pts​
  • Forgery F: 7pts​
  • Persuasion F: 7pts​
  • Undetected F: 14pts - Hearing - John can sneak somewhat quietly when necessary. Useful for hiding since he's basically defenseless.​
  • Disguise F: 7pts​
  • Communal Mind Shield - Mind Shield F, Skill Loan F - Protect one person's mind at a time - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown​
  • Agent 47 - Skill Loan F, Disguise F - Allow one person to put on a disguise - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown​
  • Sounds of Silence - Skill Loan F, Undetected F - One person may be granted the gift of quiet footsteps - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown​
  • Amogus - Persuasion F, Disguise F - John can convince people that he is someone else in order to blend or go undercover - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown​
  • None​
  • Calculator - Academia Tool​
  • Briefcase - At one point, this only contained accounting papers and a fountain pen. Upon arriving in this world, some extra items were found within that were not present in the past.​
[*]Accounting Papers and Fountain Pen - Academia and Forging Tools​
[*]Assorted Fake Mustaches, Hats, and Glasses - John has such average physical features that he doesn't ever stand out too much, making a very simple disguise effective - Disguise Tools​
  • Gray Business Suit​
  • Pack of Lucky Strike Cigarettes​
  • Matches​
  • None​
Change Log:
  • 1:22AM 4/6/22: Character created​
  • 8:08PM 4/6/22: Undetected applies to hearing. Briefcase contents listed and their uses as they pertain to skills. "Average Joe" and "Straight Man" titles omitted. Addition of following abilities: "Agent 47," "Sounds of Silence," "Amogus."​
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Billy York
Theme: Ghibli Jazz
Rp'er Name: Young Bean
Post Frequency: It will vary on the days of the week. On weekends, I may be able to put up 1 post. On Mondays to Wednesdays, possibly 1-2 posts. Thursdays and Fridays, I may be able to post more frequently, so daily or more.
Discord Name: Beans#1850
Current RP: Billy hasn't joined any RPs yet. Any suggestions? Adventuring ones close to the capital would be preferable as a newbie.
Goals: Billy doesn't have a specific goal just yet, but given the explanation behind the purpose of his rebirth, he wants to make a name for himself and live a fuller life this time around.
Equipped Titles: Human, Blacksmith [Apprentice], Tinkerer [Apprentice], Enchanter [Apprentice], Marksman [Apprentice]
Height: 5 feet, 4 inches
Weight: 160 pounds
Backstory: Billy was a friendly kid that no one really liked. He wanted others to like him and tolerated the daily shit he went through. This continued up until some bullying went a bit too far. A fat kid falling through a window seemed funny at first, but when he stopped moving, it kind of made it hard to keep on laughing.
Current Life: As thick headed as Billy was, he chat with god made him realized how much he messed up in his previous life. He was a punching bag that kept on taking hits with a smile, but not anymore. Don't get me wrong, he didn't go through an entire change, but he did become self aware. With the opportunity in front of him, he still wanted to remain true to his innate kindness, but refused to be pushed around anymore. It was easier said than done, prompting him to ask god for some help. Billy could have wished for a large sturdy body and enough martial prowess or supernatural arcane abilities that he could use to defend himself and others. But no, he didn't. He had the right idea, but the skewed to the side more than he should have. Billy asked for a gun. God couldn't just give a kid a gun, but he did the next best thing, provide him with the means and knowledge to acquire one. And so he did. Plummeting down to Ryken, Billy had some kind of inner guidance, showing him where to go and what to do to achieve his short-term dream of being a firearm owner. It was a simple pistol, a six changer revolver, but it was his; a Glock he could call his own.
Acquired Titles: Human, Blacksmith [Apprentice], Tinkerer [Apprentice], Enchanter [Apprentice], Marksman [Apprentice]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - C
Intelligence - F
Vitality - E
Speed - E
  • Appraisal E
  • Artisan [Blacksmith] E
  • Artisan [Tinker] E
  • Artisan [Enchanter] E
  • Fighting Style [Firearm Mastery] E - Range E
  • Healing Rounds - Fighting Style [Firearm Mastery] E, Range E, Healing E, Energized E - Billy can fire a special bullet that disintegrates just as it hits it's target, scattering particles of mana capable of healing - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Mithril Revolver E (14 point discount from Blacksmithing)
    • A crude six chamber revolver; it gives of a blueish hue due to its mithril components.
    • Enchantments
      • Energized E (14 point discount from Enchanting)
      • Healing E (14 point discount from Enchanting)
  • Heater Shield F (7 point discount from Blacksmithing)
    • A large metal shield that can cover most of Billy's trunk. He carries it on his back most of the time.
  • Heavy Armor F (7 point discount from Blacksmithing)
    • A set of full body armor, silvery-gray in color. To avoid obscuring his vision, Billy wears a spangenhelm.
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Gun powder
  • Bag of ammo
  • Blacksmithing Tools
  • Tinkering Tools
  • Enchanting Tools
  • Backpack
  • Rented room
  • Access to artisan workshops
Change Log:
  • Creation - 21 points on Precision C, 7 points on Speed E, 7 points on Vitality E, 14 points on Artisan [Blacksmith] E, 14 points on Artisan [Tinkerer] E, 14 points on Artisan [Enchanter] E, 14 points on Fighting Style [Firearm Mastery] E, 14 points on Mithril Revolver E
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Iberis Odihr
Iberis Odihr


Rp'er Name:Time
Post Frequency:Can post Daily unless stated otherwise.
Discord Name:Feel free to ask for though, already on the group server.
Current RP: Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Tutoring Session with the Dead
Goals: Learn as much magic as possible.
-Become as magically powerful as possible.
- Support coven goals.
Equipped Titles: [Human], [Ryken Student]
Weight:122 lbs
Backstory: Niki Reid used to live in Japan in a modern Earth setting. She was born to an English father and Japanese mother. Growing up she was quite well off financially as her father had a very successful career as a rock star. He initially met her mother while on tour. Despite coming from a rather affluent family her life was certainly not the happiest. Her parents fought enough and she had a hard time fitting in places due to her foreign heritage and all the attention that her family affiliation brought to her negative and positive. Her parents also spent less and less time with her. Her parents spent less and less time with her and the friends which she did make were gone. There was also the fact that frankly she was enabled which didn’t make matters any better. No wasn't really in her father’s vocabulary. Eventually Niki fell into a deep depression over time despite having most anything materialistic she desired. She partook in riskier and riskier activities as she matured, until at the young age of 22, not sure what she wanted to do with her life not going to school or getting a job and being loaded she ultimately ended up overdosing. For a long time thereafter it was big news, not that she had any recollection of it as when she became conscious again she met the God of this new world and was essentially reincarnated.
Current Life: Iberis doesn’t remember much of her past other than that strange recollection of talking to that strange glowing man. During a reasonably more innocent time when she was quite young she grew up at an orphanage and took on quickly enough to the rudimentary reading she was able to pick up. She also found out that she had magic affinity, confused by the discovery initially. Thankfully for her for the earlier part of her youth another individual with a magic affinity took notice and was able to teach her what they knew at the orphanage in secrecy, until she got the basic hang of it. Despite this at the orphanage there was often enough talk by the overseers about how she didn’t seem quite right in some ways and it had nothing to do with the use of mana. They noticed that when another child might instinctually help one of their friends who had fallen down and gotten hurt sometimes Iberis’s instinct was to look on relishing the scene. When Iberis heard about horrific events like village raids while another child might have gotten upset Iberis seemed intrigued. There was also the fact that many other children visibly avoided her. Eventually the talk decreased when she seemed to conform when she was older to what would be socially expected of someone and she was able to make some friends. This of course was largely a facade, one which she put up easily enough in her past life as well. Eventually Iberis aged out of the orphanage and went off to explore the world, not having many opportunities to do so while she had been there. Not being one who really had the resources to get any sort of formal education, a lot of what she learned was through experimentation and the aforementioned instruction when she was younger from her older friend. As for now she doesn’t really have a home and wanders making ends meet through odd jobs, frequenting Ryke due to the greater prospects there. Much of the subsequent magic knowledge she’s picked up over time has been from other casters and her own long lasting independent research, a main contributing reason that she has those dark marks under her eyes.Even so, Iberis has much greater aspirations that she intends to consolidate through most any means as time will tell.
Acquired Titles:Human, Ryken Student
Points at Start:105
Points Earned:119
Points Spent:119
Points Not Spent:0

Character Grade:0+0+28+14=42/5=8.4= E
Strength - (0)F
Precision - (0)F
Intelligence -(28) B
Vitality - (0)F
Speed - (14)D
  • Magic Affinity(21)D
    Iberis is aware of the mana in her body and can channel it. Can be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities.
  • Magic Range (14)E
    E Grade Magic Affinity
    Iberis can make her magic effect targets up to 30ft away.
  • Magic Targets (7)F
    E Grade Magic Affinity
    Iberis can target either herself or something else with her magic.
  • Arcane Affinity (14)E
    E Grade Intelligence
    Allows Iberis to convert her mana into a physically charged energy like state for offensive and defensive purposes.
  • Focus(21) D
    Grade E Character
    The ability to concentrate in stressful situations, and the
    knowledge of techniques to center the mind and spirit. Can be an important skill for mages and marksmen. Allows character to ignore varying degrees of distraction as it levels up to improve ability effectiveness even while moving or under threat.
    Each grade of Focus enables character to use 1 additional magic item at a time.
  • Deception F
    E Grade Character
    "7 points"
    The ability to convincingly hide the truth, either verbally
    or through actions. This deception can encompass everything
    from misleading others through ambiguity and fast-talking, to
    telling outright lies.
  • Energized (21) D
    E Grade Intelligence
    7 points
  • Magic Area of Effect E (14)
  • Selective Magic E (14)
  • Spell Duration E (14)
  • Drain Affinity F (7)
  • Curse Affinity F (7)
  • Appraisal E
  • Mana Strike- Magic Affinity F, Arcane Affinity F-, Energized F, Focus F Super simple attack that only works close range. Iberis creates an unstable ball of Mana that can be forced at a target at close range.- Grade F 0 post Cooldown. (Energized)
  • Energy Bolt- Magic Affinity E Arcane Affinity F, Magic Range F, Magic Targeting F, Energized E, Focus E -A more refined more powerful variation of Mana strike, Iberis sends forth a bolt of energy to strike a single target up to 10 ft away. Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown (Energized)
  • Energy Stream- Magic Affinity D, Arcane Affinity F, Magic Range E, Magic Targeting F, Energized D,Focus D- A more focused advanced attack than a simple Mana strike, Iberis focuses a red concentrated beam of energy from her staff to use offensively against a target up to 30 ft away,- Grade D - 1 Post Cooldown (Energized)
  • Energy Shield -Magic Affinity E, Magic Targeting F, Arcane Affinity F, Energized E, Focus E-Creates a floating 14″ x 16″ shield of energy in front of the target that moves around rapidly to absorb magic or physical damage. Blocks most low grade attacks for one round. - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown (Energized)
  • Wooden Bathornstaff D (21) (Magic Catalyst, Ref in image ref)
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Sash for storage
  • HornHat
  • Over cloak
  • Light Boots
  • Long Scarf
  • N/A
Change Log:

  • Creation: Intelligence(21)C
  • Creation: Speed(7)E
  • Creation: Magic Affinity(21)D
  • Creation: Arcane Affinity(7)F
  • Creation: Magic Range(21)D
  • Creation: Magic Targets(7)F
  • Creation: Deception(7)F
  • Creation: Focus(7)F
  • Creation: Wooden Bathornstaff,E Magic Catalyst(14)
  • Creation: Mana Strike Ability
  • Creation: Energy Stream Ability
  • Creation: Energy Shield Ability.
  • July 17th, 2022:+66 Points from participation in: Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Ryken Welcoming Party
  • Aug, 4th, 2022: Changed name of 'Basic Magic Affinity' to 'Arcane Affinity'.
  • Title Change: optional Title: [Ryken Student] equipped, Aug 3rd, 2022.
  • Aug 26th, 2022: Spent 7 points on upgrading Wooden Bathornstaff E magic Catalyst to D
  • Aug 26th, 2022: Spent 14 Points on upgrading Focus F to Focus D
  • Aug 27th 2022: Spent 7 points on upgrading focus D to Focus C.
  • Aug 27th 2022: Spent 7 points on upgrading Intelligence C to Intelligence B.
  • Aug 27th 2022: Spent 7 points on upgrading Speed E to speed D.
  • Aug 27th 2022: Spent 21 points on Energized D
  • Aug 27th 2022: Added Energy Bolt Ability
  • Sept 18th 2022: +53 Points from participation in: Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] An Obscure Tutor Session
  • Sept 18th 2022: Replaced Have fun goal with Support Coven goals goal.
  • Sept 18th 2022: Added Appraisal E
  • Sept 18th 2022: Spent 14 points on Magic Area of Effect E
  • Sept 18th 2022: Spent 14 points on Selective Magic E
  • Sept 18th 2022: Spent 14 points on Spell Duration E
  • Sept 18th 2022: Spent 7 points on Drain Affinity F
  • Sept 18th 2022: spent 7 points on Curse Affinity F
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Rp'er Name: EMIYAman
Post Frequency: Once a week
Discord Name: MEMERShiro
Current RP:
Tia's Goal: To assimilate more Biomass and discover new things.
Overarching Goals: Develop her identity through interaction with other people becoming more humanlike and dealing with the conflict of being a Monster who wishes to form connections with others despite her nature.
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 254lbs
Backstory: Tia was a young girl who died suddenly and alone. She lived an uneventful and complacent life with barely any strife, nothing worth mentioning. She does not recall ever speaking with or seeing [God] let alone her previous name.
Current Life:Tia emerged into this world as a small amorphous mass of flesh which fed on organic material. She slithered out of a small meteor which had made impact in a dense forest. In this form she had no sense of self, thoughts or anything resembling humanity. Blind and motivated only to feed she wandered aimlessly for a time slowly growing into a competent predator. Unlike other creatures she could operate on very little sleep, did not need water, and neither did she produce waste. She simply grew and consumed. At first all she could eat were plants which happened to be in her way, but through chance she consumed a dead rodent which granted her something akin to a brain and basic animalistic feelings and instincts. As she ate more and more her capabilities grew until she could sense her prey and began to seek them out purposely. Through stalking, ambushes and scavenging she assimilated much biomass growing as a result. Mass, movement, intellect and other such things were all augmented over time.

Eventually on one of her many hunts for the first time she came across a bipedal furless animal. While there were few things she could not eat some animals were too dangerous to hunt as such she observed these new creatures curiously on the lookout for threatening abilities or weaknesses. Eventually the creatures gathered out in the forest in which was her territory. Once they slept she crept up on them the largest of them would take time to consume and could be dangerous. So she found a small one she could take with much less effort. Slowly creeping towards her pray she got as close as possible before rushing into action with fleshy tendrils she grabbed the small creature by its head, arms and feet. She covered its mouth so it would not be heard by its pack and dragged it into the darkness of the forest with nary a sound. In the black of the forest which was so silent one if they strained their ears could hear the cracking of bones and the tearing of flesh. Thus Tia had taken on the biomass of a human.

This hunt had marked the greatest change in her. She had never before assimilated a being with this level of intellect and with it her thought processes changed dramatically. The way she perceived the world and more importantly herself multiplied in it's complexity and her curiosity had grown to level she had never felt before. Everything seemed new and exciting to her as she could now experience the full range of emotions as a human could. She then came to a pool of clear water and looked upon it, she was suddenly startled as she saw another creature within it. She moved to examine it and came to realize it was herself with this revelation came identity. Through a combination of being a human in her former life and the consumption of a human she unconsciously shifted her form into that of a human. Her reflection changed and greatly resembled a young human girl. She immediately felt content with this form identifying with it. Still without a name and the possessing just the framework for an identity, she found her curiosity drawing her to a dirt road she had originally seen the humans on. Beckoned by her curiosity she followed it.
[Race] Titles
  • [Monster] - Denotes willingness to directly harm other life or property for one’s own benefit or pleasure.
  • [Human] - Humans are normal humans and the most dominant and numerous race in the world.
  • [Abomination] -
[Society] Titles
  • [Theft F] - Character has stolen. Character may not remove the title unless a point penalty is paid or penance is served. Non-monsters with this title lose all rights and protections afforded to them under natural law and are generally not welcomed into any settlement or faction that can test titles.
  • [Obsessive] - When character finds something they like, they embrace the urge to cling to it at the expense of everything else. Character will find gaining trust to make rational decisions when obsession is involved to be very difficult. Character is prone to driving away obsession. Presence or lack of obsession can heavily impact mental stability of character to the point of bolstering or weakening their mental faculties.
Points at Start: 105(+12)
Points Earned: 100
Points Spent: 217
Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - C
Precision - F
Intelligence - E
Vitality - B
Speed - E
Enhanced Digestion
Retractable Claws
  • Heightened Sense(Smell) F
  • Elasticity F
  • Regeneration E
  • Devour E
  • [Biomancy] Affinity F
  • Super Strength F
Description: Tia briefly breakdowns her human form causing her accumulated biomass to spill out into a more mature and destructive form of her species. She shifts into an amorphous tentacled body with multiple eyes and teeth arrayed seemingly randomly along its frame. In this form she maintains her intelligence and memories though her natural instincts are much stronger and the inherited Human ones are muted.

Strength - C (B) [Transformation]
Precision - F
Intelligence - E
Vitality - B
Speed - E (D) [Transformation]

Enhanced Digestion
Retractable Claws
  • Heightened Sense(Smell) F
  • Elasticity F
  • Regeneration E
  • Intimidation D [Transformation]
  • [Biomancy] Affinity F
  • Devour E
  • Super Strength F
  • Flesh Spike- Feature: Retractable Claws, Elasticity F - Tia shoots a fleshy tentacle from her hand stabbing into her prey with a bone spike from up to 12 feet. - Grade F - 0 post Cooldown
  • Thrashing Flesh- Super Strength F, Elasticity F - Tia forms her arm into a fleshy tentacle with a bulbous end. Using it like a flail or mace Tia smashes it against her opponent with enough force to pulp them from up to 12 feet. - Grade F - 0 post Cooldown
  • Consumation of Flesh- Elasticity F, Retractable Claws, Devour E - Tia wraps her arm around a target transforming it into a tentacle that fully envelopes them(so long as 12 feet is enough length to surround them). Then forms teeth on the inside cutting her prey apart and taking them into her body. - Grade E - 1 post Cooldown
  • Bone Claws E

Name: Tia
Racial Title: Human
Description: A young Human girl in a white sundress. She has long greenish hair alongside matching eyes with a slightly different hue. Unassuming and nonthreatening.
  • Flesh Spike- Feature: Retractable Claws, Elasticity F - Tia shoots a fleshy tentacle from her hand stabbing into her prey with a bone spike protruding from the end from up to 12 feet. - Grade F - 0 post Cooldown
  • Thrashing Flesh- Super Strength F, Elasticity F - Tia forms her arm into a fleshy tentacle with a bulbous end. Using it like a flail or mace Tia smashes it against her opponent with enough force to pulp them from up to 12 feet. - Grade F - 0 post Cooldown
  • Consumation of Flesh- Elasticity F, Retractable Claws, Devour E - Tia wraps her arm around a target transforming it into a tentacle that fully envelopes them(so long as 12 feet is enough length to surround them). Then forms teeth on the inside cutting her prey apart and taking them into her body. - Grade E - 1 post Cooldown
  • Bone Claws E
  • 1648931323215.png
Character Creation:

  • Received 12 points from Scooping Jean Heng
  • 21 points for (Strength C)
  • 7 points for (Intelligence E)
  • 21 points for (Vitality C)
  • 7 points for (Feature- Darkvision)
  • 7 points for (Feature- Enhanced Digestion)
  • 7 points for (Feature- Retractable Claws)
  • 7 points for (Bone Claws E)
  • 7 points for (Heightened Sense(Smell) F)
  • 14 points for (Elasticity F)
  • 7 points for (Regeneration F)
  • 7 Points for (Alternate Identity F)
  • Created Ability [Flesh Spike]
Post RP#1 Lost and Found:

  • Gained 43 points from Lost and Found
  • Gained Title Theft F
  • 28 points for Transformation F
    • Gained 28 points from Transformation F
    • 14 points for Intimidation E
    • 7 points for Strength B
    • 7 points for Speed D
  • 7 points for [Biomancy] Affinity F
  • 7 points for Speed E
Post RP#2 A Distant Grotto:
  • Gained 39 points from A Distant Grotto
  • 7 points for Vitality B
  • 14 points for Devour E
  • 14 points for Super Strength F
  • 7 points for Regeneration E
  • Created Ability [Thrashing Flesh]
  • Created Ability [Consumation of Flesh]
Post RP#3 See a Fae About a Tree:
  • Acquired Title [Obsessive]
  • Gained 18 points
  • Marketplace: 14 points given to Renee for Catalyst (Beginners Tome to Dark Magic C)
  • 7 points spent for (Haruki's Ancestor Spear F)
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