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Fandom [Mission] Demons and the Book of Vongraw

Aedon Strom
The Ace of Lamia Scale

A deadpan stare sat on Aedon's face as the clones crashed into his hand one by one. The sound of doppelgängers bursting out of existence was punctuated by a scream as Aedon's hand connected with the source mage. The spindles of electricity caught hold and dug in. Although Aedon didn't necessarily take pleasure in hurting others, attacks like this always came with a pleasurable sensation to him. A smile cracked on the edge of his lips as he caught the culprit.

The ace of lamia scale was about to restrain his prey when something unexpected happened. The hair on the back of his neck stiffened as he sensed magic from a more powerful mage. At least one of their enemies had something big up their sleeves. He started to scan the battlefield, but before he could make any conclusions, he felt something under his foot. A piece of ground cracked up, lifting his foot slightly. Aedon's gaze flicked down to the displaced earth. It was then that he made the connection, an earth mage. However, there wasn't enough time for him to react before the ground shot up underneath him, launching him into the air.

As Aedon spiraled through the air, he caught a glimpse of something through the flapping collar of his trench coat. Koty was being lifted up into the sky on some sort of earth pedestal. Squinting at the new target, he said to himself, "Alright, that's it. Energy Make:..."

Before the spell was activated, a scream caused Aedon's head to snap around. His eyes widened as he saw Libby hurtling through the air. Without hesitation, he called out, "KINETIC VECTOR!!" The events that followed happened so fast that Aedon didn't even have time to speak his spells. The kinetic vector shot him toward Libby, he wrapped his arms around her -- absorbing all the force on contact so that Libby wasn't hurt by the speed of such a collision. Then, he kicked his legs out and formed an energy barrier to protect them from the tree. At the same moment he felt Libby get pulled in the opposite direction of the tree. Naturally since he was holding onto her, he was tugged along as well. He noticed Kyoya using his magic to pull her to safety. He nodded as if to say thanks before something else caught his attention. Just in time, he caught a glimpse of a rather large rock hurtling toward them. Knowing Kyoya had control of Libby, Aedon let go. Electrifying his hands, he threw them in front of him as if he intended to block the rock. All he could do was yell at the rock as it smacked into him. Then he went silent as the rock smashed into the ground with a boom and a cloud of dust. The rock had carried Aedon with it. The only thing left was his hat -- fluttering in the wind like the ruined flag of a defeated army as it came to rest in front of Libby.

No sound came from the point of impact as the smoke slowly dissipated. As the scene grew more visible, there would be no silhouette of a man to hopeful eyes. However, to a close observer, a strange glow in the shape of a bubble would start to become visible. It would slowly become clear that it was some sort of energy bubble. Then, as the dust cleared completely, Aedon would become visible. He was lying on the ground with his hands stretched up into the air, palms out. It was a little while longer, though, before he started to move. He began to rise to his feet as his energy make shield fizzled out. His hair was disheveled and he had to wipe some blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Damn that was close," he said as he looked around for Libby, "Hey kid, you alright?"

Lady Warlock Lady Warlock shadowdude505 shadowdude505 JayeTheKat JayeTheKat Sophrosyne03 Sophrosyne03
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Max Rose

After successfully wounding his opponent, Max was barely able to avoid being impaled by a spire of earth. To prevent imminent death, he had to release his rapier, which was deeply embedded in the earth mage’s leg. Though he escaped death, rock and dirt scrapped his body and face, making him extremely filthy and disheveled.

After jumping farther back to assess the situation again, Max felt his feet getting hot. Quickly glancing down, dismayed to see that his shoes were catching fire as a result of using his fire magic to propel his attack earlier.

Why can’t I use my fire magic without something going wrong? How does my father make it look so easy?

Max felt a twinge of frustration. I can’t stand around like this, I might as well use my shoes as ‘make shift’ fireballs….
Within seconds, Max picked out some targets. His first shot was at the earth mage. Kicking off his left shoe with great speed as it became consumed in fire, it hit the earthen spire that separated them. The spire exploded with dust and flames, just after the mage called on his cohort to aid him.

As flickering figures started to appear around him, Max kicked off his right shoe with great force. He aimed for the top of the ‘make shift’ pedestal that Koty was on.

Hopefully that will distract him… I wish I know how to arc the fire to hit him… knock him down…

His anger fueled his adrenaline rush as he now focused on the new threat.

“Heh… You know your vacuous clones are useless unless they are fast enough to catch me!”

Max managed to dart into a small gap between the oscillating forms, laughing manically he made a quick scan of his surrounding to spot his new opponent. Upon finding him, he made a bee line for him, determined to keep the mage off balance.

I wonder if my new partner is any good at high speed dancing…

Lady Warlock Lady Warlock , CelticHero37 CelticHero37 , shadowdude505 shadowdude505 , JayeTheKat JayeTheKat
Libby Tuck, Elias Tarly, Koty Haein and Ricard Calhan
As she was flying through the air and as the earth was literally erupting around her, Libby’s scream was lurched to a sudden halt. It wasn’t because she stopped being pulled towards the ground and exploding rocks and soaring branches of trees. That wasn’t quite it. What happened instead was that her momentum shifted and became more controlled as well. With that control came the knowledge, too, that she wasn’t really gonna crash to her doom. Although she didn’t feel him show up behind her, suddenly the young Lamia Scale mage felt the presence of someone holding her. “Aedon,” she muttered softly. Before she could even turn to look at him, though, Libby became aware of another possible impending doom and once again, she was yelling at the top of her lungs.

Strange magic continued to pull her when Aedon turned the other way and Libby reached for her guildmate and role model even as the distance between them grew more and more. “AEDON!” As she landed safely on her own two feet, Libby’s arm was reaching out for him even as the rock crashed in front of her feet and left her with no sight of him at all.

Crashing to her knees, the young girl was petrified. The look on her face flooded with pure horror and agony and in that moment, Libby couldn’t think of anything that could be worse than seeing exactly what she thought she was seeing right in front of her. Aedon’s hat tumbled to her feet and Libby was so frozen in place that she couldn’t even reach out to take it, to keep the wind from blowing it more away from her. The fedora was picked up by gusts of sand and earth as she knelt there and Libby was stuck in the thought that her friend, her mentor, her… her guildmate was gone.

Out of the corner of her eye, though, while she mourned her friend, Libby caught on to an almost golden glow - the same color glow that Aedon’s magic usually held. The young girl’s eyes widened and she glanced towards the fallen boulder with curiosity and some small amount of hope as well. Where there was magic, there could likely always be hope. At least, Libby was naive enough to believe that. The glow became brighter and more and more translucent and suddenly, she could see Aedon had somehow survived through it. Before he even spoke, Libby had pounced to her feet and charged at him, wrapping her arms around him. Unlike most times, she didn’t actually fly straight through him this time around.

Physically, yes, Libby was ok. Emotionally, though… well, whether or not she was ok was quite questionable.

There wouldn’t be much time for comfort, though. There was still a battle raging around the two Lamia Scale mages and sooner or later, it was bound to remind them of that simple fact. That reminder came, first, from Ricard - the earth mage. With a rapier still protruding from his leg, he wasn’t done just yet. He could see that the mages had miraculously managed to survive his most recent destructive act and Ricard had some energy left yet before the end of it all. Reaching out with a single hand, he squeezed it into a fist and the remnants of the boulder that had nearly crushed Aedon shattered into a million tiny little pieces - each sharpened like daggers. And all at once, they flew towards Aedon Strom. Ricard was down on his knees. He knew there wasn’t much else he could yet do that would improve their outlook on the fight.

Meanwhile, Elias was becoming more and more amused by his new opponent. He had to agree with Ricard that this kid was a much better fit for him to fight than the other one he’d been dealing with. Chuckling at Max’s remark, he replied, “They’re not useless because I can generate new ones as fast as you can move… and that means that I can definitely keep up.” Already, Elias had generated more clones and managed to surround Max with them. Just as they formed, they started circling him, too. Running fast and slowly closing the circle, his laughter echoed as the clones laughed along with him.

While all that happened, Koty remained on top of the pedestal. He was nearly completely unaware of what was going on below. Max’s attempt had somehow missed and the demon summoner remained deep in focus as he sought to summon that which would give them more footing in this fight.

shadowdude505 shadowdude505 Kyoya has managed to go unnoticed. Don’t waste this opportunity.

CelticHero37 CelticHero37 JayeTheKat JayeTheKat Sophrosyne03 Sophrosyne03
Kyoya Kumori
A gruff smirk appeared on Kyoya's face as he slithered up toward Koty. Nobody else would be able to see it though, even if he wasn't wearing the black mask that covered his mouth, his body and face weren't visible in his shadowform. "Just a little closer..." he thought as he began to close the vertical gap between Koty and himself.

Still in his shadowform, Kyoya slipped under Koty. Without any word of warning, Shadow-Make chains erupted from Kyoya's shadow and snaked toward Koty, aiming to bind the young man's legs, arms, hands, and torso. At the same time, Kyoya rose out of his shadow, like a creature from horror, arm reaching toward the demon book.

"You seem like a good kid. Tell me, who are your 'friends' and what are they plannin' to do with this book?" he asked gruffly. "'Cause to me it looks like they're up to no good. Why else go through the trouble of stealing it."

Lady Warlock Lady Warlock
JayeTheKat JayeTheKat Sophrosyne03 Sophrosyne03 CelticHero37 CelticHero37

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