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Trae Sentrale

Well that's a lot of yelling. Trae could only nod his head in compliance as Fel ranted and went off on the complete absurdity that is Trae's homeworld. Although to be fair, Trae knew his own world was crazy. His dad literally beatdown the previous rulers and gods of the planet and secured it for himself. Trae's mind wandered on these thoughts before snapping back to reality and refocusing on his teacher. Oh shit, Fel was gonna teach him magic cooking!

A joyful smile adorned Trae's face as Fel listed what he expected of Trae in the future and the plans for the future of Trae's culinary teachings. Trae nodded along in quiet excitement, "Yes chef. I'll master this wyvern dish and whatever you got next."

Trae smiled in contentment, happy to finally have someone willing to further his studies in the skills he was passionate about, while also willing to impart advanced techniques onto him.

Feeling the surge of excitement settle withing his nerves after a few seconds, Trae prepped himself for whatever was next.
EldridSmith EldridSmith
interactions: none (help him :( ) mentions: Superfly47 Superfly47
Aria reckless pushing of buttons causing some sort of gas began filling the room Telith quickly blanking out as he inhaled the stuff. when he opened his eyes Telith was standing in the middle of somewhere.. it was unrecognisable as anything the land entirely blasted to pieces nothing but a stark white landscape as all life seemed to have been scrubbed away by something. Telith entirely body glowed a vibrant orange as a violent electrical storm raged around the boy... he knew what this was... at least he thought so. slinking out of the shadow an entity much much larger then Telith approached him silently "ooh, look who's back... little one so scared still? you need you daddy to protect you still? WEAKLING" it's speech sounded oddly familiar deeper and more aggressive the last word filled with venom as the being looked down at Telith it bared an incredibly strong resemblance to him... but older. Telith would collapse onto the floor basically curling into a ball on the verge of tears already. "n-nnoo" he'd manage to whimper out before streams of bringing orange flowed down his face upon hitting the ground the orange liquid would cause a small explosion promoting the larger entity to grab Telith by the scruff of his neck bring him up to face itself. "you still so useless can't even stand up to yourself for a second look around... this.. this is what will happen I AM YOU YOUR WEAKNESS ONLY LEADS TO DEATH EVERYONE YOU KNOW WILL ABANDON YOUR PITIFUL FORM THIS IS WHY THEY LEFT YOU THEY KNEW BEFORE YOU were EVEN BORN WHAT YOU WOULD DO WHAT YOU WILL BECOME IF YOU CAN'T CHANGE AND YOU NEVER WILL isn't that right?" the entity would scream at Telith promoting even more intense storm around both of them "im...ill change.. i-i-i-ii im trying.. i-" Telith whimpered the entities eyes a deep soul ripping red as they looked into the dragon boys own "you will what? change? you will never change... EVER you know this as much as I do... I am your future" its words pierced deep into Telith mind as he was thrown into a different situation.. watching himself... and everyone he'd met here including his family all of them.. together talking? he couldn't hear anything but a garbled mess as his head spun something caused the other Telith to start freaking out. in another second, he'd switched places with that one as all the people around him all his friends... his family literally starting being ripped apart and pulled into teliths body and they were rendered down into nothing but energy to each and everyone's horrible screams. when the dust settled... he was back where he started... same dead bleak landscape.. and... he was now much larger... he'd literally consumed them all. Telith would no longer be crying... he was just broken. and tired he and nothing left to cry about because he'd ended it all... only left to slightly walk the barren land until... he spotted himself... he wouldn't let this happen again he had to stop it... approaching himself he'd breathe in deeply before uttering "ooh, look who's back... little one so scared still? you need you daddy to protect you still? WEAKLING"
pink girl.PNGThe biting from the dragon stopped and so did the burning feeling. Aria opened her eyes and to her astonishment, her hands were perfectly normal. She sat up and her whole body was fine. No bite marks, no fire, nothingl. Then she noticed the dragon lying on the ground next to her, motionless, looks like he has tear marks on him.

Strangely, the dragon that was eating her was way bigger and more ferocious looking. Aria figured it was a different dragon that must have attacked her partner too and he experienced the same fire and beign eating experience that she did. Aria gave her partner a hug, “It’s okay, the dragon and the fire isn’t real. It’s okay.” Aria had no idea that his experience was far worse than she imagined.

Aria started to turn red with anger. This terrible nightmare must have been part of the puzzle. If this is what the school does to its students on the first day, she won’t want to stay for the rest.

Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3

interactions: beeswaxie beeswaxie EldridSmith EldridSmith
it looked like Thalia and Ragnar where hit a lot harder then Keelester expected, the fear gas trap had always been a touchy subject since Ariel had gotten here though the arachnid defended it as a good learning experience for the students, the world was a big scary place after all and if they can face the deepest fear they would be ready for anything keelester couldn't deny its effectiveness but this year it seemed to have gone a little too far the poor witch girl seemed devastated keelester would turn to Liam "hey mind summoning some more blankets?" he'd ask Liam taking those extra blankets and wrapping them around Ragnar and Thalia "hey just follow me please I think its better if you both take some time in your dorms" he'd request with a more serious tone guiding the two back to there room and letting them inside of course he'd stick around just to make sure nothing else happened that was a big part of his job after all.

Dawn didn't sticks around for long to wait for the spider teacher's reaction, she just wanted to make sure that Mrs. Ariel was aware of her disapproval. Since she noticed the giant and the girl was taken by the snake teacher, she followed them and found out that they were taken back to their dorm. Getting back to her own room, Dawn opened her foods stock and assembled a quick 'get well soon' parcel. She was concerned with the well-being of her fellow students but didn't know what she can do except this.

Dawn knocked the door to Thalia's and Ragnar's room and let herself in, Mr. keelster was there keeping the company for the two students. While Ragnar and Thalia were both wrapped in blankets.

"Heya." Dawn greeted the teacher casually and put her parcels on the student's respective desk. Thalia got a package of several puddings while Ragnar got a big package of dozens of pudding.

"I know I should be getting them fruits or something healthy but I don't have that." Dawn looked at the pudding on the desk. Wrapped in plastic package with colorful mascot slapped on the cover, just like every other products from her homeland. Wait, do they even know how to open them? Ah, she didn't want to concerns herself with that kind of question right now. Dawn shrugged and sat next to the snake teacher. "I hope sweets will make them better soon."

"So, Mr. Keels... What's happened to them?"

Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 EldridSmith EldridSmith beeswaxie beeswaxie
Nerium Oleandra Birchfall

Stunned by.. whatever Bitch just did to her, Nerium stood there for a moment, perplexed, and unsure of what in the world just happened. But it must have been something nice, given what Bitch said.

Snapping out of her confusion, Nerium saw Thalia and Ragnar both shaking with fear, and heard someone say something about a fear gas trap.

Rushing over to Thalia and Ragnar who were being taken away by Keelster, she stopped the trio.

"May I try something. Thalia, Ragnar, eyes on me, okay?"

Nerium focused deep on an old book her mother had shown her, of plants mostly used by adventurers. Plants with magical powers, not just medicinal. She didn't remember the name of the flower, but adventurers used it to cure magical fear effects such as those caused by dragons or some plants.

She grew one flower infront of Thalia and one infront of Ragnar. Unlike the other plants she had summoned, these took much more energy out of her. As she focused on growing these flowers, she began to drain of color, her other vines and the rest of her body wilting.

As they focused on the flowers, she began to sing an enchantment that her mother taught her to focus her powers to make them stronger, if only for a moment.

While she sang, she blew on the flowers, having them inhale the magical pollen to end the fear and settling their moods, at least somewhat.

"That should help neutralize the fear effects and rouse them easier. Thalia, Ragnar?"

While she was happy that she helped her friends, she knew that most likely there would be more students to cure of the fear toxin. She dropped to one knee for a moment, soaking in as much sun as she could to recover, but she had more in her to help her classmates. To help them get better.

She picked herself up, and made her way back to the main group, noticing a new face in the crowd.

EldridSmith EldridSmith Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 beeswaxie beeswaxie


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ariel would give a little shrug to dawn about to tell her what grade she got but she'd already run off there were two teams left so she felt it was about time to start handing out her grading to each of the groups. first up Oliver and Akira she'd approach the both of them with a slight smile on her face "hmm good work you two, might have tried to take the easy way out but ended up solving the riddles while freaking out.. I can respect that... solid C plus" she'd tell them walking towards zanma and Nerium next her face having more disappointment on it than anything else "you both took the easy way out there will not always be that option D minus" she'd say bluntly Ariel walking away before they would have any time to respond or say anything really Ariel then head over to Asher Arlosk and Evren giving evren a mostly disappointed look "well you did it the easy way... but showed some ingenuity doing it, C minus for you and that dawn girl, as for you two" she'd direct her attention to asher and Arlosk with more of a smile on her face "now as for you two... great work, no seriously only group to ever solve the floor puzzle real creative thinking form you two might have more then one brain cell after all, A"

Name, Age:
Thalia Blackthorn, 19

Race, Role:
Human (witch), Student
Gender, Sexuality:
Female, Hetero

Divination (very little), Spellcasting, Necromancy, Creation of Potions & Elixirs

Location: Dorm
With: Mentions Ragnar ( EldridSmith EldridSmith )
Mood: Apathetic

Thalia was laying in bed, staring at the wall as her kitten nestled in between the crook of her neck and shoulder. She tried to focus her attention on the consistent rumbles that came from his purring. She had been tangled in various blankets and pillows to help soften the blow that the apparent ‘hallucination’ of her Mam left on her. After all the magic that had been performed on her to help her recover from the fatal trauma she experienced, she still couldn’t quite shake the eerie feeling that she would never be the same again. In all her two years of freedom from her Mam’s grasp, she had to face it all again for what? A grade on a paper that didn’t really matter. The witch’s stomach churned as she thought about it. Was being here really worth it? Her Gran would’ve murdered whoever decided to torture their students with such an act so heinous. Thalia huffed mentally. While she longed to leave school and forget the experience, she did come here for a good reason and she shouldn’t just leave without learning something.

Something in her certainly died, and she couldn’t tell if it was for better or for worse. It didn’t help that she had noticed a lack of help from a certain teacher in the room. Perhaps it was time to let herself use all those thumbs she had collected. The moon on her thigh would fill up and for the first time in all 19 years of her life, Thalia was okay with that. She knew she wouldn’t be like her mother, but perhaps being too kind wasn’t helping her at all. Her eyes lazily landed on the half-giant, who was also suffering from the sick ‘experiment’. While she knew she should say something to him, anything, the only thing that left her mouth was silence. In response to the eerie silence, her kitten meowed as he woke up. He gave a big stretch before headbutting Thalia in the face with his soft fur. She hadn’t named him yet, but maybe today would be a new start for that. His yellow orbs stared at her amber ones quizzically, as if it knew what she was thinking. Maybe they were bonded, after all, maybe she didn’t have to do a lot of work to have her own familiar.

She watched her kitten carefully, thinking hard of a name. Suddenly a name popped into her mind: Grimly. An odd name, but one very fit for a witch and her cat. Normally Thalia would stay away from such a name but something in her switched off.

Who knew if it would ever switch on again?

OOC: 00000 Million - Bon Iver

Name, Age:
Oliver Castro, 18

Race, Role:
Half Demon, Student
Gender, Sexuality:
Male, N/A

Precognition, Empathy, Telepathy, Telekinesis

Location: Gym
Mood: Relieved

Akira was probably right, staying in the room probably looked bad anyways for the test. He didn't know exactly how they were being graded but there was probably, team work, time, stress, intelligence, and creativity all linked for it. At least, in some manner or another they'd be there. They completed the test, and while panicked they still kept up with it.

Oliver didn't even really have the energy to care about the two blonde's obviously flirting as he followed his way out. He looked over at Arlosk instead, considering if he could push up a feeding. He decided against it, after all, he had their schedule made and he didn't need her getting tired of him. Though, he'd probably be trying to avoid her so she wouldn't be smelling those issues.

Besides, he had a chance to pay attention to someone else as Ariel approached to give them their grade. Sounded about just as Oliver had figured. He gave a little nudge to Akira as a 'good work,' and let out another breath of relief. He felt like getting her back somehow later for how that test worked. Maybe he'd gt Akira in on it. Maybe.

Listening in, it even sounded like they got the highest aside from Asher and Arlosk so far. So it seemed a C+ would actually be pretty good. "Fucking thank god that's over." He grumbled out.

Name, Age:
Asher Quinn, 19

Race, Role:
Elf/Light Elemental, Student
Gender, Sexuality:
Male, Pansexual

Light Absorption and Manipulation

Location: Gym
Mood: Excited

Asher had been going to pout at Evren's teasing, especially as it was so obvious it was working on her. But it soon was brought to a grin as Charlie leaned up to whisper in his ear anyways. Oh he liked her, they were gonna be best friends and get into so much trouble.

But before more could be discussed, their teacher came over to give them their grades. As he heard him and Arlosk's passing with flying colors. His sparkles couldn't help but start up as he looked to Arlosk. "Aw hell yeah!" He cheered, "Told ya, best to see what would happen to press a button, even if it's a trap!"

He just looked so excited about that, "I've never had grades this high." He admitted, he didn't like to do homework normally anyways. It would probably end up going down pretty quick from not doing much, but he could love it while he had it.

Though he wasn't thinking that perhaps his light could be a problem to his new vampire friend.
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Zanma pumped her fist in victory, she didn't really know what the whole letter stuff was, but all she knew was that she'd passed. Not only that, but Neri-moo hadn't said a thing about the impromptu kiss. Victory after victory, she was on an absolute roll. Perhaps she'd regale the lads back at the lab about her daring escape, or her well timed wooing of the walking salad lady. Thinking that, she figured that Asher would probably make a better audience for that than zombies, even Aki would provide a more suitable laugh.

That's right, she had more than just an audience of the dead nowadays. She'd spent so long clowning around that abandoned village that she'd worried she'd lost her touch. But over the course of these two days alone, she'd figured that that was completely false. Timing may have been off here and there, but she was having just as much fun as she'd had before she'd made her oath. It almost reminded her of the days before she'd started her whole Necromancer Army of the Dead shtick. Posing as party members, getting into hijinks, having a damn good laugh.

Too bad this was the last chance she'd get to taste it, but what can ya do?

Well what she could do was aim to keep the train of amusement going. She'd have to milk the years at the academy for as much as she could before she had to get back to work, after all. That was how vacations were.

And right at this very moment, the only thing that could make this better was-

Snickering, Zanma turned on the group she'd been most curious about since the beginning of the puzzle stuff. Eyes narrowing in interest, she slid her hands out of her pockets as she zeroed in on her targets. Vanishing into one shadow, she hoped between a few before slipping out and readying herself for a quick play. This was it, time to suckle on what had no doubt been some prime amusement getting prepped and readied in the background.

"Hear that, guys?!?" she said as she rose from the shadows behind Akira and Oliver before pulling the both of them into a group hug "We passed!"

Spinning around with the both of them, she released the tiny duo before hopping back and raising a finger to her lips, "You guys wouldn't believe how good that Plant chick is with those vine tentacle things," she sighed happily "Between them and my flowing locks we were tearing that place up with a passion!"

Waving off her own words, Zanma's three eyes focused back on the duo, "But who gives a shit about what me and that bombshell were up to?" she shrugged before leaning down to their eye level and having her eyes dart between them "I'm over here just straight up dying to know what kinda magic you two were making in that lil' box, ya feel me?"

( Corvid15 Corvid15 Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Mera Mera jinxxes jinxxes )

Name, Age:
Charlize Graves, 18

Race, Role:
Vampire, Student
Gender, Sexuality:
Female, Pan

unnatural strength, speed, senses, and healing. doesn’t need to sleep, immortality, and telepathy

Location: Gym
With: With: Asher, Arlosk, & Evren ( jinxxes jinxxes , Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 , & EldridSmith EldridSmith )
Mood: Chill

When the spider lady first approached the group, Charlize assumed it was to give her more shit about making the snake demon cry. However, she was instead handing out grades for the class that the vampire had missed. Charlie wanted to give Asher a high five for getting A but instead of raising her hand to give him a high five, she found herself shielding her eyes from him. Of course, the first guy she hits on is the one with the powers of a thousand suns. The world really had to play the vampire like that.

“Uhh, Asher, I get that you’re good looking and all but you’re getting kind of bright and it’s hurting my eyes. Congratulations on the A though.”
Charlie remarked, her brown eyes squinting as the light was rather painful for her eyes. Thank god that vampires weren’t like the ones in novels where they die in the sun. No, instead the light just made her sensitive and occasionally irritable. It wasn’t that big of a deal for her, she just needed eye protection. Then everything would be alright. However, for the time being, Charlize was rather blinding.

OOC: Death of Me - PVRIS

1588294664068.png Ragnar wasn't fully sure what to feel at the moment but he knew for sure he wanted to hold Thalia, but during their transportation to their room he had passed out from the pain and been separated from her. He felt alone despite her being only the length of the room away. He recalled faint traces of their new roommate doing something to help them but it was fuzzy. "Hey Thalia... want to sit over here with me?" He asked, evident longing for company in his voice.
beeswaxie beeswaxie Corvid15 Corvid15

interactions: beeswaxie beeswaxie EldridSmith EldridSmith Ace Cream Ace Cream
keelester would turn to see dawn having walked in as he just stayed to observe, seemed the girl had brought some pudding with her "well thanks then i definitely think they will need it" he'd say with a sigh looking up at the too with a massive frown on his face part of his tail wrapped around dawn just a little before he'd answer her question a little indirectly "hey soo... I understand that you both hand to deal with something really bad back there. ariel might be an utter hard ass but she really didn't many anything malicious... but I'm getting a feeling, that the both of you have had to deal with some deep scaring stuff... especially you thalia have read your file... let me guess.. you probably saw your mother? right? bring up old wounds that never really will heal must be really stressing you, I'm not gonna say it's all fake get over it, because that's not true, but leaving it all pent up inside isn't going to help much either, oh and on a lighter note pudding"

interactions: Superfly47 Superfly47
telith found himself towering over a copy of himself screaming the same things the other entity had at himself again... it was... horrible... the cycle kept going and going on and on for what felt like an eternity each time as bad as the last. though something would break the visions as the gas begin to disperse... something was hugging him... through he tears he could tell what it was... but he didn't care his armed would wrap around whatever it was holding them tightly his sobbing still not ceasing he didn't what to have to confront himself... his future had he was forced to more times then he could count...he was worthless wasn't he? Teliths thoughts always flowed back to this no matter what he'd forgotten where he was or what he was even doing pulling the unfortunate elf even closer to him as right now she was basically just a pillow. though as with all thing a brief moment of clarity and realisation struck the shattered dragon boy... they were still in the box... they still had to get out... yes, he could do this... Telith would still keep Aria locked in a hug as he'd get up looking around adrenaline rushing in... he needed to prove that he wasn't useless this is what pushed him.. at least for now luckily before they succumb to the gas.. aria had pushed the one of the all of the buttons the floor had risen enough for them to actually use the pipes up top though Telith had seen that another of the buttons had just disappeared leaving a small compartment left with a blob of red without thinking too much he'd throw the thing at the door in some vain attempt break it open. miraculously as the bob struck the orange door it would begin to burn through the door like acid, leaving a hole in the door so of course, Telith made a dash for it carrying aria with him getting through the door he'd instantly collapse on the floor again the adrenaline wearing off... as he'd continue to cling onto aria his sobbing resuming as now without anything to focus on him mind quickly went back to its previous self destructive thoughts.
Nerium Oleandra Birchfall

Hobbling over to the rest of the group to make some introductions, she studied the two members she hadn't met yet. The firat being an incredibly small child of some kind who generally looked mean. The second being a young sporty looking, kind of human ish.

Nerium turned to Liam, who was still under a pile of blankets, cuddling Atropa.

"Liam, may I please have Atropa back?"

Nerium turned to the tiny one and the sporty one.

"I am Nerium Oleandra Birchfall. Lovely to make your acquaintance."

To the tiny one, she gave a lotus flower. One that only grows in the Fae realm. To the sporty, brooding one, she gave a Black Batflower. A flower loved by vampires, as it can turn into a bat at the holders will.

"Fae Lotus for you, blooming once every thousand years, a true rarity. For you, Black Batflowers, prized by vampires for being able to turn into bats."

As she handed the flowers over, she saw Aria and Telith emerge from their room, shaking in fear. Rushing to them, she knelt down to Telith and Aria.

"Telith, Aria. Focus on me okay? You're safe. It's okay."

Biting her lip, the room around her swayed and swam as she focused more of her power into making the saving flowers. The color drained from her face as the pair of blossoms bloomed. Steadying herself, she held the flowers out and began to sing again. Repeating the same song she had sung for Thalia and Ragnar, her voice the call of birds on the wind.

Gently blowing on the blossoms, she lurched forward as the flowers, their magic done, withered away into nothing. Unlike the green Plant friend they had met, Nerium seemed an exhausted husk. But the flowers the same effect as they had for Thalia and Ragnar, ending the fear.

Atropa chirped worriedly, poking at Nerium and crawling around to see what was wrong. Nerium lied down next to the exhausted Telith and Aria, soaking up the sun to regain her strength.

Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Superfly47 Superfly47 beeswaxie beeswaxie Mera Mera



Dawn listened as Mr. Keelester tried to console the other two students. She knew he also do that in a tempt to answer her in a less direct way. Though she would prefer if he just answered her directly so she wouldn't need to guess, and based on what the snake teacher said Dawn guessed Mrs. Ariel used something similar to a Malcerta, a drug injected into amygdala to create a sense of overwhelming fear. Used by Titania's goverment to torture information out of someone. Now her plan to throw a caffeine bomb at Mrs. Ariel didn't even seems that evil. She felts swelling anger at this realization.

"I hate irresponsible authority." Dawn said to the snake teacher, she figured it would be fine to says some rude things about the teacher to Mr. Keels, he was the counselor afterall. His job was to listen to his student's rants.

"If she doesn't even care about her students well-being, she should just quit." Her rant brought back her old memory. Ten years ago, during the first emergence of psionic abilities, the goverment responded by locking up everyone who display any psionic power despite them haven't done anything wrong. Dawn was spared since she didn't get her telekinesis until years later, but they took Twilight away from her for quite some time. This left a scar that made her less trusty of authority figure and led her to join a rebel group later. The fact that she was here on a goverment's scholarship was another story though.

"Awful management, sloppy lesson delivery. Oh, and she put more effort on playing sugar mommy with your kid rather than giving the students what they deserve." Dawn kept her complaints going while chugging a bottle of melon soda.

Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
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Mentions: jinxxes jinxxes Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Corvid15 Corvid15
Interactions: jinxxes jinxxes GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Corvid15 Corvid15


Her mind almost turned blank after Ariel had given the duo their somewhat mediocre grade even through all the stuff, they both went through. She understood that they weren’t the first ones to come out of the escape room but wasn’t this whole lesson’s end goal to escape the room?! What kind of grading was supposed to be that one was supposed to go for the most bold and obviously-a-trap puzzle? Her left eye ticked as her narrowed vision followed the spider lady, praising the group that passed the lesson with flying colors and groaning a bit at the excitement of a shiny boy, the same one who was all over another blonde girl who was nearby. Did she go through that stress and panic just to not even at least a B? Was this dumb, hidden psychology test? If the end goal was to escape the room, then obviously the easier and quicker method to do so would be the best option to go for considering most of them apparently did the same thing and got even lower grades.


Akira growled slightly at the unfairness of this thing. That spider hag kept going about “There isn’t always going to be an easy method” But that made no sense! Why even place the easy method in the room in the first place if the right answer were to go for the hardest one? One would only go for the hard option to go with things if there wasn’t no other possible method! What was this woman thinking?! A small nudge from her side snapped her out of her stink eye session and turned her head to look at her partner, who seemed as if it was kind of an innocent gesture. Akira blinked a few times before exhaling through her nose, nodding at him to return the ‘Good work’ as well.

But she wasn’t going to have her peace any time soon, suddenly hearing the voice of someone she knew quite well and a shiver was sent down her spine, her body immediately tensing up as if it knew what was about to come. ‘Shit.’ Was all Akira would think before she inevitably felt those long arms bring surprisingly both of them up to the air, and the usual spinning while talking a bunch of words that at the moment Akira couldn’t process due to her personal space being invaded not only by Zanma once again, but now Oliver as well due to the latter hugging them close as a group. The girl could only just struggle in her grip and groan. “Arrgh! Zanma! At least don’t bring another person into this! And you barely passed, too. A D-…She might have as well given your group an F.” She spoke in a lazy attempt to mock her, crossing her arms once she had finally placed them down.

“Goodness…Who thought I just needed to press some random ominous button to have a good grade…” She muttered to herself, clicking her tongue afterwards in annoyance. Regardless, she still listened to the peppy monster’s enthusiastic…and interesting words. ‘V-vine tentacles?! Flowing locks?! P-passion?!’ Akira’s mind only repeated those words as her perverted mind worked once again, her cheeks turning a dark red from feeling flustered by that weird wording. Who knew with her roommate? Akira was sure she was able to do some weird shit with anyone if she so pleased.

Suddenly, a greenish hand extended towards her caught the girl’s attention. It was a plant female thing, and so Akira assumed this was the person who had those “Vine tentacles” of hers. Her eyes narrowed at the stranger, who shortly introduced herself as Nerium. ‘Why are you talking to me?’ Akira wanted to ask, but kept it to herself. She was going to try to be lowkey with others for today after that stress of a few minutes ago. “I’m Akira…” She spoke somewhat quietly in response, averting her eyes away and keeping her arms crossed only to have her view go back at the new girl she had just introduced herself, apparently meaning to want to give her some kind of flower, and so it seemed as well that Oliver was getting the same treatment too. “Ah-“ Before Akira could say something about it as she took it, Nerium quickly rushed to somewhere Akira didn’t bother to know. Apparently, Zanma was anticipating a great story of what happened in their side of things, but the girl quickly just ignored such question and stayed quiet. She assumed that the boy beside her would be able to explain things better rather than her.

Sighing, the female just looked down at the Lotus she was been given and even gently felt one of its petals. It was rather beautiful, and the colors were vibrant and- “True rarity, huh…~?” Akira soon had a mischievous smile appear into her face, looking at the flower closer for inspection. This could make her rich! Who cared about some grade a random hag gave her? This was the possible jackpot! With her eyes sparkling as she looked at her own flower, her ears still caught the voice of that blonde guy who seemed extremely proud of himself after having pressed a single button and gotten the highest grade like it was candy. Holding the flower close to her, Akira’s eyes just stared at the sunshine blonde boy, wishing that her intense gaze would throw out daggers towards him, though she was more mad at Ariel than anyone else, she hated the fact that she went through so much more than something worth a ‘C+’ and this guy just merely pressed a button as far as she knew.


Name, Age:
Thalia Blackthorn, 19

Race, Role:
Human (witch), Student
Gender, Sexuality:
Female, Hetero

Divination (very little), Spellcasting, Necromancy, Creation of Potions & Elixirs

Location: Dorm
With: Ragnar, Dawn, & Keelester ( EldridSmith EldridSmith , Ace Cream Ace Cream , & Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 )
Mood: Limbo

When Ragnar asked Thalia to come and sit with him, she couldn’t bring herself to even move an inch. She simply looked over to him with lazy eyes and stared. She just couldn’t, as much as she wanted to. And so instead of her making her way over to hang out with the half-giant, she simply stared, with the sound of silence being ever so loud. Soon Keelester walked through with his cheeriness and hopefulness that rang through his ever so boisterous voice. Normally this would bring Thalia a great comfort but instead she wanted him to just shut up. She just wanted everyone to shut up and leave her alone. She couldn’t explain the feeling, but the only company she craved was her own and that was it. Afterward, a girl Thalia hadn’t introduced herself to left some pudding for her and Ragnar. Although she had cold feelings towards most people at the moment, it didn’t mean she didn’t appreciate everyone’s caring attitude towards her. In the back of her mind, a little voice screamed to stop being quiet and to just be okay, but the witch knew it couldn’t be like that yet. No, for now, she had to hush the voice and make sure everything was okay before she could be herself again. Just to make sure this wasn’t some elaborate plan thought up by her Mam to hurt her even more. Just to make sure it was okay to be okay because no one had told her it was okay yet. She just needed a few days until she could convince herself it was okay. And once everything was okay, she could thank everyone for being there for her.

Keelester was muttering something about case files until she heard her name and then the words ‘mother.’ If Thalia wasn’t in her state of limbo, by the gods that man would no longer be alive in their room. She couldn’t explain the sudden rage that burst through her veins and made her want to hurt another, but it was undeniable. Completely ignoring the Naga, Thalia turned and faced the window that was on the wall next to her bed. She had to push down the simmering pain and anger that resided from being near her Mam. Even if it wasn’t her real Mam, the effects were just the same, and she supposed the college had no idea of knowing that would happen. Her eyes moved to study the special window. The window showcased a sunny beach, one near Pendle. Thalia remembered that beach fondly, it was the only time she had seen her Mam… well, she had seen her Mam happy. Sometimes the witch would theorize that the beach was where she had met her father… and then something must’ve happened. Later, when her Mam became cold and turned harsh, sometimes she would let Thalia out to find certain mushrooms and various plants for a spell. She’d race around, collecting as much as she could, and then she would make her way to the beach to watch the sun either set or rise depending on the time of the day. Closing her eyes, she imagined that she was on that beach again with her toes in the sand. Maybe her father would be there with her and so would her Gran. Then they could all live happily without fear of the witch being kidnapped by the malevolent witch. That would be a great memory for her to have one day. Until then though, she would just have to imagine. It wasn’t long until the witch was sleeping soundly, surrounded by warm blankets and caring friends.

OOC: Missing You - All Time Low


interaction: jinxxes jinxxes beeswaxie beeswaxie EldridSmith EldridSmith
Ariel proving asher and her own grade made Arlosk smile grow further hugging Evren aginst her chest happily, they'd manage an A? really they had done the stupidest stuff and they'd manage to solve an apparently infamous puzzle the only thing she could conclude was... it had been one of the don't overthink it type of puzzles and well asher didn't exactly think to begin with "see~ as i said me an Asher really do make a good team" she'd say teasingly directing it at Evren as asher flared up like the sun much to the distress of charlie "hey asher if you gotta start blinding your date that isn't gonna go too well" she'd half joking half warn him
Name, Age:
Oliver Castro, 18

Race, Role:
Half Demon, Student
Gender, Sexuality:
Male, N/A

Precognition, Empathy, Telepathy, Telekinesis

Location: Gym
Mood: Sarcastic

Oliver could guess Akira wasn't enjoying her roommates antics so much based on her reaction to Zanma's voice alone. But soon they were both swept up in in a whirlwind of long arms, being tossed around like they were as light as a feather.

]He figured any complaint to not touch him would be lost upon deaf ears, so he didn't bother with it. He'd get hr back someday. Maybe he'd put thumbtacks on the inside so they'd go through and poke her when she tried that. No, too easy and childish. Choosing something for Zanma would require a lot of time and patience. He'd need a good weakness, not some mediocre scheme.

He shot Akira a look as if to say 'told you,' about that plant girl, though they were soon met with her as she gifted Akira her own flower. She really was trying not to leave anyone out with those. At least made him feel like he didn't owe her if it was a little thing done to everyone.

"What, got so much sex on the brain you think we'd be at it like all you other nasty bastards?" He definitely had far more spunk in him now than he did yesterday. "Sorry hun, but it was a boring time in there. Nothing for you and your sick fantasies, I'm afraid we let down your wondrous expectations, how tragic." Sarcasm was just bubbling out, though there was definitely something in there she would like. He just knew neither of them would spill about their freak outs. As far as everyone else could see, they looked normal. Maybe a little blood stained under his nose but same thing happened in their previous training.

Name, Age:
Asher Quinn, 19

Race, Role:
Elf/Light Elemental, Student
Gender, Sexuality:
Male, Pansexual

Light Absorption and Manipulation

Location: Gym
Mood: Slightly Nervous

Asher's little celebration was cut short as he realized the little issue they had going on. His light immediately shut off due to worrying, "I'm sorry, it sort of happens." He apologized, furrowing his brows as this set up would be a little difficult then.

At least she didn't burn up, good thing that was a myth there, she was covering her eyes though. "I have a lot of sunglasses, if it's just your eyes you can totally take some~" He brought up, not wanting the fact that he may hurt her eyes to be a deal breaker in their friendship. She didn't seem like the type to chase him away for that, but gifting some little protection wouldn't hurt. "I promise it's calming down too, Just only second day you know? Everything's all so exciting right now~" He had to fight to keep it down just from bringing it up. But he could chill out until they were better suited.

"You all good there?" He asked pretty sweetly, her being okay being the most important thing after all. It just looked like it was her eyes but what if it also hurt her? He just had to check.
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pink girl.PNGAs Aria was hugging Telith to make him feel better, he started to hug back. Aria hoped this meant he was feeling better. Then his grip got tighter and tighter. Aria didn’t want to tell someone who is hugging and needs one that its too tight, but she was struggling to breath. Aria said, “it’s okay, it’s okay” this didn’t cause him to loosen up. Then she tried to gently push him back, but given her small size, he would barely feel it. She tried harder and it didn’t work either.

Telith got up while holding Aria. He managed to solve the puzzle and open the box, Aria was in pain from the intense hugging. She couldn’t care less about the puzzle. They fell to the floor, Aria was sure this would provide the opportunity for her to escape, but no luck. She began to wonder if the spell was causing him to hug tightly.

A happy face greeted Aria. Nerium assured her and Telith that they were okay. Aria wanted to say that she wasn’t and beg Nerium to get Telith off her, but the hug was so tight she couldn’t speak. Nerium began to sing to her, which was very soothing. Only time will tell if its soothing enough to get Telith to relax.

Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Corvid15 Corvid15
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Name, Age:
Charlize Graves, 18

Race, Role:
Vampire, Student
Gender, Sexuality:
Female, Pan

unnatural strength, speed, senses, and healing. doesn’t need to sleep, immortality, and telepathy

Location: Gym
With: Asher, Arlosk, Evren & Nerium ( jinxxes jinxxes , Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 , EldridSmith EldridSmith , & Corvid15 Corvid15 )
Mood: Happy

When Charlie was finally able to see again, she found herself holding a flower that was given to her by… a plant? The plant was rather interesting, as Charlie had never seen it in all her years that she’d been around. Tucking the flower being her ear so that she wouldn’t lose it, she gave a grin to Nerium.

“Thanks dude, I’m Charlie by the way.”
She gave the plant lady a wave, enjoying that she had put thought into the flower that she had given Charlie. She then turned her attention to the blonde who honestly didn’t even have to try hard to get the vampire’s attention. His thoughtfulness could make her swoon, and it was only the first day. Call her easy, but she couldn’t help it.

“Sunglasses sound epic, what types have you got? And yeah my eyes are just really sensitive to light, and sometimes if I’m in the sun, I get really weak. But you do that to me without the help of the sun anyway.”
She smirked at Asher, whispering that last bit so nobody else would hear. Not that she cared if they heard, it was just more fun that way. He really was something though. While it was a rather quick obsession, Charlie knew that time in this universe or realm was numbered for most of the residents and thus she always found herself in romances that died as quickly as they started. It was why she tried to stay away from them; everyone always died on her.

OOC: fixed~

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Zanma 54453453131.jpg
Ah, here it was, that oh so lovely bitter comeback that only her pint-sized partner could spit. Zanma had missed this, even though it hadn't even been a day since she last heard from her. Nerium was a good change of pace, having someone who couldn't see the ploy compared to someone who could sometimes see it was an interesting experience. Compared to both Asher and Akira, Zanma was formulating a fairly comprehensive scale on where everybody was in relation to her. Even as Akira pouted and crossed her arms, Zanma leaned back and put her hands on her hips.

"Letters are letters, hon." Zanma waved off Akira's jab before pointing to herself "Only thing I'm seein is me and my little pitbull passing!"

Laughing to herself, Zanma's eyes narrowed upon spotting the effect her words had on her roomie. Oh, the little thing was just so embarrassed at times that Zanma couldn't help herself. It was like a Yilmen pup trying to hide its chew toys. She just wanted to grab her and shake her until she could shake no longer. Zanma probably would've done it if she hadn't learned her lesson all those years ago. She'd tried doing it with a Yilmen pup and had gotten carried away, the thing ended up exploding in her arms and nearly killing her. Zanma had to drag herself in the shade and wait a whole half hour before she was able to move again. In that time, she couldn't stop laughing a single time.

Her eyes briefly glanced to Oliver expectantly before a surprise visit from Nerium drew her gaze. She was still passing out flowers to folks, which Zanma could only assume was a custom for her people given how dedicated she was to greeting folks with it.

"Thanks, Neri-moo!" Zanma called after her as she took her leave, glancing down to Akira and pointing to her flower "Just think, Aki, think of all the potential a plant who can just whip stuff up on the fly has? I already got in deep with her back in the box, but I'm feelin she'd be a great pal for you to have around as well, ya feel me?"

Leaning back, her attention was finally garnered by Oliver. He denounced her initial question harshly, prompting her smile to spread wide again as she turned to him and put a finger to her lip as he kept talking. A tendril of hair slipped out of her hood and looked back at Akira as Zanma sized Oliver up again and folded her arms. Once he was done, she gave a laugh before the tendril slid back into her hood. With one hand on her hip, she looked back to Akira.

"Ya hear that, Aki? Ruby-Boy called me, Hon!" Zanma celebrated with a fist pump before reaching down and patting her on the head, "Oh I just knew you could do it, but I never would've expected progress like this!"

Raising her other hand dramatically, the eyes on her face closed, "To warm our cold bestie's heart to such an extent, I've under-estimated you, Aki!"

Zanma turned back to Oliver and raised a finger towards him, "Now that you's all more talky n stuff, how's about that story I been askin' for?" she gestured back to Akira briefly "You been hanging out with my girl, the couple and I'm hoping plenty of other friends, so I just know one of them should've been able to help you!"

Standing back with a smirk, she nodded towards him, "It just has to be interesting, I'll grade on the X-Z scale," she stated before shooting him double finger guns "and Go!"

22.jpgNolganna Bethernaught
Nolganna waited until Xi-Xi was a safe distance away before hefting her hammer, her eyes darted from the strange markings and buttons on every wall. She really didn't want to have to push anything, but she didn't really know what other option there was at this point. She'd just have to trust that she'd be able to take whatever any of this stuff actually was, have faith in her strength. It was one of the few things she could truly rely on, besides her skill with an anvil and her stomach. As long as she was strong enough to withstand whatever traps there might be, she'd be just fine.

Now, the problem was just finding a place to start.

She could start with the ones on the floor, but then what if they had trap floors or something. Or what if they were instant failure buttons? No, they wouldn't do that, would they? The pipes on the ceiling looked like a maze, but Nolganna was not good with mazes so she turned away. The words on the wall were confusing, and didn't make sense to the Cyclops at all. So that just left the buttons on the opposite wall.

Approaching them slowly, she looked over the colors with a frown. She'd push all of them, but which one first? Nolganna thought deeply on this dilemma, they didn't have many options after all. Letting the head of her hammer tap against the floor, the Cyclops brought her free hand up and rubbed at her chin before eventually just lowering it with a groan. Taking two heavy steps back, she hefted her hammer again before lining it up with all of the buttons at once.

Rearing back, Nolganna slammed her hammer into all four of the buttons at once, her body immediately locking up as a surge of electricity flowed through her and forced her back a step. Her arms were locking up, the rippling muscle underneath jerking violently, but her grip on her hammer remained firm even as she fell to one knee. Though her eye was darting around in a panic over this alone, it was the gas that started filling the air. Her eyebrow lowered as the gas clouded her vision, but her jerking muscles didn't allow her to try running from it.

But soon her vision cleared , and the Cyclops surprisingly found herself at the side of a dinner table. On that table was a large plate, upon which was a massive steak that immediately drew hunger from the Cyclops. But she still couldn't move, and could only watch as a dark figure approached the table. it picked up the steak, much to Nolganna's dissatisfaction.

"Oh..." she sighed as she lowered her eye, "You... you can have it... I wasn't that... hungry anyway, I guess."

The Dark figure tilted its head at her, then let the plate tilt.

"Wait..." Nolganna said "What are-?"

That delicious, sizzling steak fell onto the mud of the forest they were suddenly in, with Cyclops physically wincing as its beautiful smell was overwritten by the pungent filth of the forest floor around them.

"No!" she cried out, but the figure didn't stop there.

Raising one filthy boot, it began to stomp the flowing juices out of the steak and bury it further and further into the muck as it its prime flesh was laced with grime and grass. Nolganna fought against her fluctuating muscles and forced herself to her feet, gritting her teeth into a snarl as she stomped towards the dark figure. For some reason her balance was off, it felt as if the forest floor was shifting underneath her. But she still managed to reach the dark figure and slam her hammer down onto it into the ground. Once it was dealt with, she fell to her knees and begun hopefully digging for the ruined steak, pulling its defiled form from the ground and cradling it in her arms as she squeezed her eye shut as the tears started to come.

The only salvation from her misery was the sudden smell of more meat, which prompted Nolganna to look up. She was now sitting on the floor of a hallway, ruined steak still cradled in her arms. At the very end of the hall was a kitchen where an entire banquet of meat was being prepared. Nolganna's crying halted as she scrambled to her feet, tossing the steak aside and charging for the buffet. But before she could get within reach, that same dark figure strolled by before tossing a torch onto the buffet, which was promptly set alight. Nolganna's eye widened in horror as she picked up the speed, hoping to reach the meal and put out the flames before-

2414224142.jpgThe Cyclops slammed face-first into the wall with the riddle on it, her forehead leaving a deep dent in it as she stumbled and fell onto her back. Rolling over onto her side, she tried to blink through the tears as she pushed herself up. The floor was moving now, but she didn't care much for that. She spotted her hammer in the corner of the room. It had been wedged head-first into the floor with considerable force. There was also a compartment with some red blob in it that she couldn't identify. She still couldn't see yet through the blurred world around her, as she'd failed to stop the tears that were now dribbling down her nose.

"I... I did one," she finally said as she stumbled over to her hammer and yanked it out of the floor "we'll... try the others after lookin' at..."

She didn't finish, too caught trying and failing to clear her tears. She grabbed the red blob, but found it looked just as blurry up close as it did far away.

"Xi?" she called out, having not exactly focused on the Phoenix after her horrible, horrible vision "Can you see... what this...?"

Once more she found words failing her, and instead the Cyclops choked down a sob as she struggled and failed to identify the red blob. Letting her hammer fall to the floor, Nolganna was soon to follow, dropping to her knees and tossing away the red blob angrily as she squeezed her eye shut and clutched at her face with her hands as the visions returned in force.

Perhaps it was luck, or perhaps it was some kind of karmic balancing taking place. Whatever the case, the red blob struck the door and immediately began melting through it. Where their previous plan had failed in putting even a lasting dent in the door, now there was a hole large enough for even Nolganna to fit through. But in the delirium she was in at the moment, the Cyclops couldn't even take note of the exit her clumsy solution had gifted them, she was far too busy weeping over the beautiful meats being butchered before her very eye.



interactions: Ace Cream Ace Cream
keelester attention would turn to dawn and let out a sigh as the girl berated Ariel's teaching methods, he couldn't deny that the girl was wrong about it but she also didn’t get the full picture, though the naga doubted he’d manage to make that clear to her taking dawn outside of the dorm room as he'd rather not explain stuff in front of the two traumatized kids. coiling his long body up keelester would star directly into dawns eyes before he would begin speaking "i understand you and everyone else will not exactly get Ariel's teaching methods, but... well you have to think why would she take this job or even have kept it if she really did hate you all? look in truth she just being really hard on you all, sure it might cause some problems but anyone that's made it through her class ends out for the better, trust me if you can get past your worst fear everything else will be child's play. but no I understand where your coming from its... brutal. but Ariel has her reasons.. I can't discuss the exact details with you.. confidentiality and all of that, but in the end a bunch of people around your age... they... well.. the lucky ones came out critically injured the rest... well I think you can imply"

of course, Telith didn't focus on Nerium he didn't wanna look at anyone just stay where he was hugging aria... even though he still was hazy about what he was hugging... he just didn't want to open his eyes again lest he ended up back in that hellscape. yet the strange flower and singing would make him slowly open his eyes looking around carefully. everything was ok? r-r-right... he wasn't in the middle of nowhere he wasn't beating the shit out of himself... he wasn't killing anyone.. they had gotten out? he'd slowly let go of aria carefully getting up and seeing that the planet girl was a great feeling of dread overcame him again a large electrical arch's bonce in the air around him... she looked like a husk... what did he do to her... it must have been him she was dead least that's what Telith though carefully Telith would look at Nerium gently touching her with one of his claws. she was breathing he'd breathe a sigh of relief it was ok. Telith would begin to back away from the both of them head looking down at the ground he wanted to apologies he wanted to help but he just couldn't say anything words just wouldn't what to leave his lips... any confidence he had in himself had simply disappeared. he'd creepy his way carefully towards the group of Arlosk, Evren, Asher and a new girl stopping before he got to close and just sitting down curling up he couldn't bear to get any closer he just hoped that maybe... someone might notice him... that's all he could do.


interactions: Superfly47 Superfly47 GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Mineczka Mineczka
with the other sets of students finishing there tests she'd head over first to Aria as the dragon boy looked like he was broken... great... he couldn't even handle a little bit of fear gas typical timid idiot. looking down at Aria with a displeased look on her face "hmm... you and the other kid... your both utterly useless and only lucky heck if I could give you a lower mark I would F minus go tell your little snuggle buddy when you see him again, god is he a cry baby," she'd say very dismissively. next heading over to the phoenix and the disorientated cyclops though the pair where still inside the room. Ariel would wait for the gas to clear as it would begin to disappear and disperse once the door was "opened" however Ariel had a little smirk on her face "hmm you two had some real out of the box idea's sure they failed sure it was brute force but it was a good usage of your skills put together impressive so, overall you two get a B well done"

Dawn stared back at the snake teacher with a tired look. "Don't try to defend that bitch, Mr. Keels. I don't think you really understand me, and I won't pretend to understand what you just said or that bitch's reasoning because I don't."

"What if the enraged giant ended up using the girl as a punching bag? If whatever happened to them happened to me, can you guarantee the safety of Evren who's with me in that chamber?" Now that her mind was filled with negative scenarios, Dawn couldn't help but seeing the worst that could possibly happen. The pupil on her eyes got narrower as she said her next line with a deadpan expression, "That bitch would get some of us killed someday."

"I'm going back, good day, Mr. Keels." Dawn was considering to simply go back to her room and get some much needed sleep but she digress. She still didn't want to lose her credit this early. When she got back to the gym, of course she was shocked to see Aria got so pale that she looks like her soul just got sucked out of her body. Dawn was almost sliding on her knees when she approached her roommate, passing the resting Nerium nearby.

"Aria! Aria! You okay?! Look into my eyes and please tell me you're okay..." Dawn tried to hold Aria steady, her words sounded more like a beg instead of a question. Out of all people, she really didn't want anything bad to happens to Aria.

Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Superfly47 Superfly47 Corvid15 Corvid15
Nerium Oleandra Birchfall

"They're both okay. A bit shaken from the fear gas, but okay."

The claws running across her back had startled her awake, but she had realized it was just Telith. But seeing how shaken Dawn was at seeing her roommate in such a state, she knew she had to assure her.

She heard Ariel announce the score for Aria and Telith, and for the Cyclops and the Pheonix. Slowly picking herself up, Nerium made her way over to Team Forge & Fire to make sure they were alright. They both were shaken by the fear gas, and she knew she had it in her for two more flowers.

"Asher, can I please get a little more sunlight? I need a little assistance."

She repeated the process that she had with the other two teams unfortunate enough to experience the fear gas. It looks like Bitch and herself got off easy. Using what energy she had left, she summoned two more flowers, a bit smaller than before, but still useable.

"Focus on me you two. You're alright. Whatever you saw wasn't real. You're safe."

Repeating the same song as before, and concluding with the blowing of the pollen, Nerium thought back to when she had first learned this. Her mother had taught this to her when she was a mere sapling. They had come across a small Elven child, fightened out of her mind. Nerium had watched her mother comfort the child, and even though it hurt her mother, she had explained it was the right thing to do. That Dryads were not only the protectors of the forest, but the protectors of all life, servants of the Earth.

Once the flowers withered away, Telith coild tell that it wasn't him that had harmed her, it was her giving up some of her enegry to help the group. Nerium gave a small smile to the Cyclops and the Pheonix, before falling to the floor. She laid there, soaking up the sun, shaking at the sudden anemia. She had never worked herself this hard, but it was worth it.

GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Ace Cream Ace Cream Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Mineczka Mineczka jinxxes jinxxes


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