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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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tumblr_p4dbbn2mGh1vtfg19o1_1280.jpeg "Good, an eager and obedient student!" Fel declared with a serious yet pleased smile as he teleported both of them to the kitchen. "I'm going to show you how to prepare and cook wyvern meat properly as to not poison the students and you will practice on the scraps while I prepare lunch. Each attempt you will taste so make sure to do it properly. Am I clear?" Fel would declare before demonstrating three times before leaving him to practice with the slabs of scraps. He had plenty of vials of antidote with him but this was the best way for a rookie to understand the importance of proper preparation of magic meat, especially those with dangerous properties.
YungJazz YungJazz

interaction: jinxxes jinxxes beeswaxie beeswaxie EldridSmith EldridSmith
Arlosk would quickly return to her normal size giving a big grin to the new girl as asher introduced himself in a flirtatious matter making the succubus chuckle just a little "yup asher here is right, I say we make a rather intelligent time~" she'd say with a slightly flirtatious tone "but it's lovely to meet you charlie I'm arlosk ooh and before you ask yes I'm a succubus" she'd just say this casually her long tail wrapping around the vampire girls arm as she got pushed back by asher getting all defensive she'd smile as Evren approached asking her about the new girl Arlosk hugging Charlie from behind giving "aww well this is charlie looks like she's a new girl, and that hottie is my boyfriend evren" she'd say happily before turning back to asher and then to evren again "oh and evren sweetie you better be careful ashers starting to grow on me~" she'd say with an obviously teasing tone.

Puzzle room
interaction: GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Mineczka Mineczka
the superheating of the orange metallic door by xi-xi and then the sudden strike by Nolganna would result in a resounding squelching? as the hammer got stuck in the metal... this was one of Ariel's new additions since she had too many students just breaking through the door the hammer continued to sink into the jelly-like metallic substance of the door... what the heck had happened to the stuff?

Name, Age:
Charlize Graves, 18

Race, Role:
Vampire, Student
Gender, Sexuality:
Female, Pan

unnatural strength, speed, senses, and healing. doesn’t need to sleep, immortality, and telepathy

Location: Gym
With: Asher, Arlosk, & Evren ( jinxxes jinxxes , Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 , & EldridSmith EldridSmith )
Mood: Flirty

Charlie was about to respond to Asher’s flirtations with some of her own before they were distracted by the giant’s outburst. She quirked an eyebrow as Asher pushed her and the other lady behind him. Soon the giant was surrounded by… Oh for fuck’s sake another snake. How many snakes were in this damn school? Averting her eyes from the scene, she turned towards her little group.

“Is this normal?”
The vampire asked the charming blonde, looking up to him. She had to admit, he had a pretty cute face. His attitude was also much more refreshing than the spider lady’s. "And yes, I’m new here, just got in. Apparently being late here is a crime.” She rolled her eyes, thinking back to Ariel. “At least I make being late look good.” She grumbled before giving Asher a smirk, as she felt the need to return his flirtiness. Arlosk who then introduced herself, labeling herself as a succubus. Charlie could get behind that. Soon someone else joined the group, getting close to the succubus who was with them. It was clear to Charlie that the new member of the group was in relations with Arlosk, based on the fact that Arlosk introduced Evren as her boyfriend. How cute.

She greeted him with a head nod. “Whatcha guys in here for?” She joked, alluding that the college was like a prison which felt like an appropriate comparison to the vampire.

OOC: Another One Bites the Dust - Queen

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1585279326196.png "Nice to meet you Charlie." Evren would say with a smile as he latched onto Arlosk, his head oce again nestling between her glorious chest as he looked over the new student. Evren had a sneaking suspicion that she wasn't fully alive and he felt a similar natural coldness to himself. "Are you part ice Elemental, a vampire or sort of undead?" He asked out of curiosity. "Oh I've just been having fun, the puzzle was super easy."
Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 jinxxes jinxxes beeswaxie beeswaxie
[div class="root"] [div class="flexcontainer"] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="seikamainL"] [div class="seikaIMG" style="background: url('https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/f695ab46-ecdd-444b-ae49-c9a930737e69/dajpeoz-3084df0f-a6da-49ec-9ef5-21c91cb486a2.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_1434,q_80,strp/will_solace_by_cookiecreation_dajpeoz-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTQzNCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2Y2OTVhYjQ2LWVjZGQtNDQ0Yi1hZTQ5LWM5YTkzMDczN2U2OVwvZGFqcGVvei0zMDg0ZGYwZi1hNmRhLTQ5ZWMtOWVmNS0yMWM5MWNiNDg2YTIucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.dNhyyQg7Fg2jQLc5SQF0a1FjCEy0CMrbiUmXXNj5o5E') 50% 25%/400px 600px no-repeat;"] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="scrollbox"] [div class="EN"] Asher Quinn [/div] [div class="indented"] [div class="accentheader"] location [/div] Gym
[div class="accentheader"] tags [/div] Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 EldridSmith EldridSmith beeswaxie beeswaxie [/div] [div class="bodytext"] It seemed like things were getting under control. Obviously anyone here could handle themselves in a fight, some even who could probably kick his ass, but that had just been his instant reaction to get them behind him.

He relaxed as Charlie began speaking up to him again, and he certainly liked her attitude. "Definitely make it look good." He agreed, sending a little wink her way and a laugh to her question. "I'm just too pretty that it's a crime~" He pushed his hair back, not having his usual hair clip to keep it out of his face nor his sunglasses.

That's right, he was still in his pajamas, though for thinking of normal college that wouldn't be out of place. Not like they were gross anyways, pink bottoms and a plain t-shirt as a top, they were clean and soft and certainly not slowing him down on his game.

"Too flawless that they have to try to rough me up to cover it. But jokes on them, I always come out on top~" The flirty jokes would only get worse. She was someone who was very quickly getting passed the filter. Making responses like that was fun. [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
code by @Nano
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Sun Xifeng

GrieveWriter GrieveWriter

Location: Puzzle Room

The plan failed. As Nolganna swung her massive hammer into the door, Xifeng expected the harsh sound of a clang, instead, a squelch. The door appeared to be malleable now. It looked to be like the fat one cut out from a slaughtered animal of sorts. How annoying, that this substance had been made, an abomination of the five elements. As her wings settled, the heat did not, Xifeng was growing in anger, such mockery will not go without rebuttal.

Walking towards the door, fire rose from the wings of the Phoenix, as she looked to Nolganna, "Miss Nolganna, please step back..." A simple request, with an underlying anger, she had no idea why she was as angry as she was, but that was not her concern at the moment, stepping up to the gel-like door, her temper flared again, as she took a breath, and fire was returned.

Hotter, and burnier. This fire was impure, rage-filled fire, it was the anger of a being who represented the five elements of her home. As her breath ran out, another blaze was sent after another inhale, this process was repeated for several minutes it felt like, as she kept sending more blazes into the door's now squishy mass, caring not if it boiled, caring what may happen afterward, she needed this moment.

After the eighth or so breath, a cough could be heard, she ran out of air. Turning to Nolganna, she took a few extra breaths, and then a sigh, before speaking with her seemingly normal demeanor, "I'm sorry, don't quite know what made me so mad for a moment there." Her words felt as if a large pressure was alleviated, likely due to the fact she forgot she was trapped in a room, with no sky, or ability to change that, only a few things of the room actually made sense, the rest, while shiny and colourful, Xifeng couldn't make heads or tails of. Taking a glance at the door, she sighed again, speaking gently, "My idea did not seem to work... Might you have a plan for what to do now?" Her question lingered, as she began questioning why her rage was tripped that fast, without considering the circumstances she is in, in a foreign land, trapped in a room. Claustrophobia central, let alone the mentions of many alien things to her, while Xifeng may not know it, she was overwhelmed, and very stressed, having had no time to adapt and get used to everything before another new thing came in, and it was affecting her, whether she liked it or not....
Trae Sentrale

Trae stared with absolute focus as Fel demonstrated the preparation and cooking of the wyvern meat. First, put on proper gloves, goggles, and safety gear to handle the poisonous meat. Place the meat carefully on the cutting board, making sure not to touch it with any open skin. Carefully remove the scales and place them in a specific container in case they need to be used later. Once the scales are removed, place the meat in a special steamer that links to another container. Set the heat and the steam will clean the meat of its poison and transfer the poisonous gas to a disposal bin. Make sure to time it right so that you get all the poison out, but not so long that the wyvern's meat loses it's natural juices and flavors. As soon as the time is right, remove the meat and switch it over to cast iron pan. Place the wyvern meat on pan and sear it until it's perfectly tender. It won't take long for it to cook, so be quick to salt and season it while making sure to save the leftover residue to saute the vegetables that you will add to it. Flip four times to even sides every twenty-five seconds and mix in onions, peppers, and garlic in the last fifty seconds for the vegetables to be properly sauteed along with the meat. Turn heat down and simmer the meat to get that sizzling quality. Quickly move to plate and garnish with a light sprinkle of salt and pepper.

Trae's eyes were glued in intense focus as he watched Fel work. Every movement precise, every choice intentional, not a single wasted effort. Trae was mesmerized by how Fel worked and felt that inspiration and drive of determination light up within himself. As Fel finished and presented his work. A hypnotizing aroma invaded Trae's nostrils as the dish was presented towards him. Trae hesitantly grabbed a fork and knife and cut into the meat, watching as the aromatic juices flowed from the center and revealed the meat within. Trae took the first bite and found himself darn near speechless.

"...Holy shit that's good."

Watching as Fel showed him two more times, Trae scarred every movement and step into his mind as Fel instructed him to practice on the scraps. Trae nodded his head as Fel walked away to prepare the actual meal. Trae moved over to the meat and gained a determined look, "This is the best day ever. Prepare to have your literal ass cooked wyvern." Trae tied a bandanna around his head as he began his work. Adorning the proper equipment, Trae proceeded step by step. Removing the scales, steaming the poison just long enough to remove it but not lose the flavor, cooking the meat properly while sauteing the vegetables and seasoning it. Trae could fell sweat drip down his forehead as he prepped each dish with precision. At one point Trae almost dropped the dish, but in a miraculous feat of skill, managed to flip it up and land onto the pan.

Twice he had completed the dish. He had slightly overcooked the first one, but was still well within edible standards. The second one was good, but Trae had to admonish himself, it wasn't quite at the same level as Fel's and Trae would be damned if he presented sub-par work. The third one had Trae worried that he had pulled the meat out too quickly from the steamer, but a quick test revealed that Trae had chosen the right time. This was it, Trae finished the last seconds of sauteing, seasoning, and garnishing of the dish. With a cautious hand, Trae cut into the meat and watched as that same aroma filled his nostrils and urged him to continue. Trae lifted the food to his mouth and took a bite. After chewing and then swallowing, Trae nodded his head in satisfaction.

"Yep.....i've poisoned myself" Trae proceeded to fall backwards as his face paled and he flopped onto his back, "Knew I pulled the third one out too quickly. Tasted like Fels. Too bad it still had poison"
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Name, Age:
Charlize Graves, 18

Race, Role:
Vampire, Student
Gender, Sexuality:
Female, Pan

unnatural strength, speed, senses, and healing. doesn’t need to sleep, immortality, and telepathy

Location: Gym
With: Asher, Arlosk & Evren ( jinxxes jinxxes , Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 , & EldridSmith EldridSmith )
Mood: Flirty

Charlie grinned at Asher’s remarks, enjoying them quite a bit. “You’re definitely something pretty.” She stated in a singsong voice. The past few years, Charlize had been keeping her distance from socializing. She didn’t want to make any more loose promises of staying with a friend until the end and she also promised herself that she wouldn’t get herself caught up in romance-- but she couldn’t help but enjoy Asher’s presence. It had been a while since she flirted with anyone, and honestly, it was good fun. She felt as though letting go of that promise might actually be okay considering nobody here was human. Before she could give comments of her dirty thoughts, Evren asked her a question.

“Uh-huh, I’m a vampire.”
She messily held up the top of her lip to showcase her small fangs. Sure they didn’t look any impressive at the current moment, but when she was feeding, they grew longer. Charlie turned her attention back to the blonde boy.

“Always on top? We’ll see about that.”
She winked back at him and smiled. Oh, she was definitely enjoying this.

OOC: finally // beautiful stranger - halsey

tumblr_p4dbbn2mGh1vtfg19o1_1280.jpeg The rookiewas diligent and attentive, he would definitely make a fine chef in due time. After the demonstrations he returned to fixing a glorious meal for the students. Ariel was known for being brutal with the puzzle test so he wanted to give them a reward for surviving. However as he was basting the kun Peng meat he heard a thud from behind him. The rookie poisoned himself, to be expected. He was honestly surprised he lasted this long. He tossed the antidote syringe into the kids leg so he could continue. Wyvern meat was cheap due to the inherent toxicity and the swarms of them in certain realms. One had to learn how to make high quality foods with low quality cuts before you could use high quality ingredients. Especially when imbuing magic into the food. The new kid would be working with these cuts for at least a month. Though it would only take him a few days, to master the mundane part.
YungJazz YungJazz
22.jpgNolganna Bethernaught
The metal didn't break.

Instead, it seemed to start... melting?

Nolganna wasn't sure how hot the Phoenix girl's flames had been going, especially in comparison to the forges she was used to, but to get stuff melted like this seemed odd. Metal wasn't supposed to work like this... which meant it could only be the result of.... Magic. Her hammer began sinking in, but Nolganna merely hardened her stance and tightened her grip to keep it from being separated from her. She had a grip as hard as... well harder than whatever metal this door was made of. It didn't really make sense to her, but she figured that was part of the reason she was at this academy in the first place.

She looked back to ask her partner what they should try next, but Nolganna's words didn't come out. Instead, she tilted her head at the almost palpable irritation radiating from the Phoenix girl.

"...you okay?" she asked, only to be asked to move from the door.

Shrugging, she turned while keeping her hammer in place, leaning the handle of it on her shoulder before using it as a lever to rip the rest of her tool from the goopy wall's goopy embrace. She lumbered out of the way as Xifeng resumed unleashing her fire upon the door. Now she might not be an expert on much, but she could tell from a glance that this new assault was fueled by some kind anger. Had their failed plan really been that disheartening? Nolganna had been upset too, but the sheer anger that her partner was now displaying seemed slightly above her level.

When she finally stopped and caught her breath, Xifeng once again apologized and questioned her on whether she had any ideas.

Giving a smile, Nolganna shrugged before walking back over to her and patting the Phoenix Girl on the back "It's okay... Puzzles aren't my strong suit." she said with a sigh before hefting her hammer in two hands again before turning back to the confusing mix-match of buttons and symbols on every wall.

"But I'm strong..." Nolganna raised her hammer and approached the nearest pressable-looking object "If I can't be helpful with my head.... might as well test everything for ya."

The Cyclops turned back to the Xifeng with a smile and a sigh, "So... maybe back up... in case there's traps... or something..."

( Mineczka Mineczka Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 )
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Mentions: jinxxes jinxxes
Interactions: jinxxes jinxxes

What was happening? Everything turned quiet now. No more noise. No more voice. Akira panicked for a moment thinking she had fully transformed, but the voice of the boy snapped her out of her state. “H-hn…?” she only muttered in response as she kept her face buried to her knees. After a few moments, she noticed that she was able to make a noise with her voice, something she was unable to do when she transformed. Realizing this, the female’s head slowly raised from her knees and carefully expose her somewhat restored vision. Blinking several times to properly adjust the lighting of the room they were in, she sniffed. It seemed the panic of it all even cured her out of her mysterious sneezes, as well as currently giving her a new look with that messy and wild short hair at which it was slowly growing back to its normal length as well as she was recovering her skin color. “H-huh…?” Akira’s watered eyes looked down to her pitch-black hands, staring at them for a few second before lowering her guard at the realization that everything was okay now.

A heavy sigh escaped from Akira’s mouth and she rubbed her eyes, they were still somewhat irritated from the flashing lights but nothing that would be worrisome. “Jesus Christ…” she muttered under her breath soon after, her body still shaken up from that situation. She hated that. She. Hated. That. Being in complete darkness to only suddenly lose her vision like that, as well as having the pressure of that countdown and siren. That was the most tensed she had been for the first time in a long time. Regardless, tiredly her head turned towards her partner, who had scooted to her side and given her those words. His body was shaking quite a bit as well, and it seemed like he was incredibly relieved that the entire thing stopped. “…M-mhm…” the female could just furrow her eyebrows and turn her head away from him once again, this time trying to calm herself down as she realized the complete mess she looked right now. Even through all of that, she still needed to retain what was left of her pride-

Who was she kidding?

At this point, the girl was just too relieved that everything turned out fine to even worry. She chuckled a bit, to then turn into a soft giggle. “Ahh…I forgot how much I hate the dark and loud noises…” she spoke softly, by this point her hair having grown now to be at her shoulders, pressing the back of her head against the wall behind them, not considering the irony of hating the complete darkness given her powers “Well…Decent job.” She exhaled and looked at Oliver for a second before her eyes switched now to looking at the door at which suddenly it started to open. Akira exclaimed in surprise, seeing the locks come undone and the giant orange doors sliding across to give them their well-deserved freedom…accompanied with a bunch of noise. At this, Akira just scoffed at the irony. “Just what I needed…More noise…” she grunted, stretching her still darkened arms up to the ceiling. Soon after, the girl would groan lazily as she pushed herself to stand up and make her war to the exit.

“Well, I’ll get goi-“

Her sentence was cut short due to the feeling of falling after merely taking a couple of steps, tripping over her own feet. “Ugh…” She groaned in pain a bit, quickly raising her torso to look at her own darkened legs and find that her body was still shaking like crazy. Akira just blushed a bit from the embarrassment and clicked her tongue, going back to her previous sitting position on the floor. “Fuck it I’ll just stay put for a while. It’s noisy out there and I’m not really looking my best right now…” She groaned, looking at one of her blackened hands. Her body was as if she had stood inside a pool of black paint, her clothes having even turned completely black as she was about to transform to her flight form. Her hair was a complete mess as well, her ends almost as if they were messily cut with rust scissors but it would slowly go back to its normal size given the fact that right now it was only merely past her shoulders now, unlike her usual length to her ankles. She planned to stay put at least until her skin color turned back to normal.

“You can leave if you so desire. I have no need for you anymore, no-name.”

And there it was. It seemed no matter how she looked or how shaken up she was, she still had to need to taunt others. Though, she did mean her words of him doing a good job just as well. Maybe it was due to being somewhat out of it currently, but she felt no ill feelings towards that boy who gave her the biggest headache of her life yesterday for now. A funny thought crossed her mind and it was the realization that she showed so much weakness towards this boy for the little time they've met, and she didn't even know his name. Maybe this was for the best, anyways.

Nerium Oleandra Birchfall

Putting complete focus into the pipes, Nerium began to use a few of her vines to manipulate the pipes on the ceiling into the proper order. She didn't really pay too much attention to Bitch and whatever she was doing.

Most likely at this point, other teams had already finished with their rooms. The rooms were probably the same for each group, as that would make the playing feild more even.

The last pipe was a bit rickety, so Nerium held that one in place while the yellow energy was pouring through it. The only thing she could think of at the moment was how they probably weren't going to be the first ones done. Would they fail if they weren't the fastest? Is there a proper way to do this puzzle?

GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
pink girl.PNGAria was already anxious about what to do. The dragon being anxious only increases the anxiety. Aria began having destructive thoughts. What if we never get out of here, what if I’m stuck in here forever. Will the dragon eventually eat me?

Starting to panic, Aria started to smash all the buttons with reckless abandon. “Yes, push them all”. Some gas came out. Aria jumped back, “Uh-oh.” She couldn’t escape the gas and suddenly the room changed. There was no door, no panels, just a steel on all sides. I’m really going to be stuck in this room forever. Aria looked up and the dragoon was four times as large, ferocious looking and opening his giant mouth. Aria knew what was coming, she dropped to the floor as fire came from the dragon and burned her. Then she felt the dragon eating her. She screamed in pain.

Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
[div class="root"] [div class="flexcontainer"] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="seikamainL"] [div class="seikaIMG" style="background: url('https://data.whicdn.com/images/233222924/original.jpg') 50% 25%/400px 600px no-repeat;"] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="flexbox"] [div class="scrollbox"] [div class="EN"] Oliver Castro [/div] [div class="indented"] [div class="accentheader"] location [/div] Gym
[div class="accentheader"] tags [/div] Mera Mera [/div] [div class="bodytext"] Oliver was initially watching her struggle, but he instead switched to just staring at their open door. He wasn't about to go helping her, but he'd save her the embarrassment of being watched with it. Besides. He let out a long breath of air, leaning his head against the wall and closing his eyes.

"I'd probably fall trying to get up, so no go." He covered his face with his hand as he felt it twisting up, that had been far too stressful. He could feel the racing of his heart through his hand, and how he pressed even harder to just try and stop shaking.

Even with it all gone, a headache was on the rise and getting stronger. Oliver only realized why when his nose started bleeding as it stained the end of his hand. Removing his hand as a cover, he gazed at the crimson as if it took him an extra moment to realize what was going on. He trailed his eyes up to the ceiling, noticing how he still kept the pipe in place. He was keeping an incredibly amount of force on it to keep it there, if it wasn't part of this magic room, it would be broken. Instead it was just holding strong like the siren to Oliver's iron grip of powers.

It was harder to stop his powers than to keep them going, but finally earning a little creak and a rush of relief to his head as the pressure released from both the pipe and his mind. "I'm just going to assume it couldn't have gone any better and that was the least stressful situation we could've gotten into for sanity's sake." It was a good thing he hadn't gotten the fear gas, that would've completely put him out of commission. They had managed to pull through under the pressure at least.

Also in assumptions, he figured that it was left unsaid that Zanma wouldn't be hearing about any of this from either of them. Did not need her getting ammo on either of them dying right now. [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
code by @Nano
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[div class="accentheader"] tags [/div] EldridSmith EldridSmith Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 beeswaxie beeswaxie [/div] [div class="bodytext"] "So you like to take charge~" Now this was what Asher meant when he told Evren he didn't need help, and he was right there to view it all. "Oh you are fun~" He laughed out, a bit of red to his cheeks. Of course, he couldn't help the thought that a vampire would probably enjoy the sight of blushing anyways with the rush of blood it meant. "Guess that means you bite, I better watch out~"

And as to make a move in direct opposition, he leaned in a bit more with a teasing grin. He was going to be doing anything but 'watching out' like he said. "I've heard that I look quite tasty after all~" Hopefully she'd get the humor in that and wouldn't take offense in the insinuation she'd bite him. It was all just a set up for more flirts and compliments after all and she responded well to them so far.

He couldn't help a cocky glance towards Evren, as if to say 'enjoy the show.' This was what Asher got into when left to his own devices to flirt, not needing to be told he has a crush on a shadeling. [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
code by @Nano
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1588271322565.png Evren watched the hilarious attempt at courtship from Asher and he wanted to burst out laughing, he tried everything to stop himself but he could not and he began laughing at Asher. Through gasping breaths from laughing so hard Evren began talking to Asher. "I haven't heard... pickup lines... that cheesy... since meeting Arlosk's... dad." He says, finally catching his breath. "My word Asher you're more entertaining then a TV show."
Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 beeswaxie beeswaxie jinxxes jinxxes
Trae Sentrale

Heartbeat slowing. Lungs swelling. Aaaaand there goes his nervous system. Trae swore this to himself, even if digesting poisonous meat was his downfall, he was still going to blame it on his dad. Well, at least he died doing what he loved.



Trae's entire body jolted upwards as he felt a piercing object inject into his leg just seconds before his entire vision clouded with darkness. Sitting up, Trae glanced down to his leg to see the foreign object now stuck in the side of his leg. Huh, looks like Fel had stabbed him with a syringe with the antidote....Sweet. Without a single drop of hesitation, Trae yanked the syringe out of his leg and began focusing his Ki on the pierced spot, rapidly healing the light wound with a small blue glow surrounding his leg. As soon as Trae finished his quick fix, the blue light faded from around him as he quit channeling his Ki.

Jumping onto his feet, Trae did a quick evaluation of himself to make sure nothing was wrong, before throwing a thumbs up to Fel, "Thanks for the save Teach. Gonna make sure not to do that again." With a simple nod from his teacher. Trae went back to practicing on the wyvern meat. Trae had gotten the right consistency and taste for the meat, now all he had to do was not poison himself again. Trae began his work once again at a steady pace, running through each step and keeping his mind focused on the task at hand until he was ordered to do something else. Or at least until he poisoned himself again.
EldridSmith EldridSmith
Big... red... button...

Big... red... button...

Half of Zanma's attention was on helping Nerium slot the pipes into place. The other half was thoroughly entrenched in the temptation that was that button. Maybe it was just because the Church of Allun always had forbidden areas marked off with red, but Zanma had learned fairly quickly that the color tended to symbolize hidden troves of goodies. She'd found plenty of helpful things in Red Rooms, from her first necromancy tome, to chambers full of research material, at one point she'd found a complete a complete account of Zanzima the Betrayer's conquest in one. She'd hold back for now, but as soon as she considered the pipe game a failure, that button was getting slapped with all the love and laughter she could muster.

But for now, her eyes trained on Nerium's vines. She worked in tandem with her, Hair tendrils working on one section of pipes while vines were working on the other. Nerium seemed completely absorbed in the pipes, giving Zanma a fairly decent opportunity to let her extra eyes wander. But eventually the walking salad slid the last pipe into place before holding it there, Zanma narrowed her eyes before recognizing that she was holding it in place. Seemed they couldn't just leave it like that.

She gave a quick look to the yellow stuff that began travelling through the pipes, then to the big Red Button again, "Sooo, think we should try pushing-?"

She couldn't finish before the lights turned out.

"Ooh?" she looked around as the blackness was subtly pushed back by a faint red glow which covered everything, followed shortly by loud sirens with a mechanical voice counting down.

"Well isn't that ominous!" Zanma snickered as the countdown continued, skipping over to Nerium again and nodding up to the pipe she was holding "Full honesty, Neri-Moo, we lookin' at a trap or naw?"

Leaning against the door and idly drumming her fingers on the device beside it, the Shadeling shot her a wink, "Cuz either way, I'm absolutely diggin' it, hon!"

( Corvid15 Corvid15 Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 )
1588274959128.png1588274914052.png Time passed as they both worked on their respective cooking, Fel seeing the kid's diligence felt like he could use a break and reward. "Here this will replenish your energy." He says sliding a pastry Trae had never seen before. "How much do you know about the art of magic cooking?" Fel asks as he continues to work on 17 dishes at once with superb grace and precision.
YungJazz YungJazz

Name, Age:
Charlize Graves, 18

Race, Role:
Vampire, Student
Gender, Sexuality:
Female, Pan

unnatural strength, speed, senses, and healing. doesn’t need to sleep, immortality, and telepathy

Location: Gym
With: Asher, Arlosk, & Evren ( jinxxes jinxxes , Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 , & EldridSmith EldridSmith )
Mood: Flirty

Charlie was about to reply to the blushing blonde flirt before she was once again interrupted. She supposed that what she got for flirting in front of a group; someone always had something to say. Evren had burst out into laughter, poking fun at Asher’s attempts. Little did Evren know that they were actually working on the vampire. It had been a long while since anyone tried to flirt with her and have her reciprocate those feelings. However, a little laughing wasn’t going to stop the vampire. No, it only made her want Asher to succeed even more, and so succeed he would. It also didn’t help that Asher’s personality seemed to coincide with hers so far. Raising her eyebrow at the man dressed in blue as if to make a statement, she then turned her attention towards the blonde.

She made her way over to him, closing the space between them rather quickly. However, instead of doing any intimate gestures, she instead went on her tippy toes and brought her mouth to his ear.
“But biting makes it all the more fun.”

She whispered seductively before going back to her normal stature, giving herself an innocent appearance. Although she was a vampire, she probably wouldn’t drink Asher’s blood. He wasn’t really human after all, as much as he looked the part. She much preferred non-magic blood and although that was hard to come by without getting in trouble, she managed. She looked up at the rest of the crowd with an innocent look, as if she hadn’t done anything at all. Once their attention was on something else, she shot Asher a wink before returning to looking at her phone.

This was going to be fun. Except for the underlying worries of possibly becoming attached, but Charlie tossed that thought to the back of her mind; it was inevitable but she might as well have fun before it wasn’t. If the college was going to be like this the whole time, she was definitely going to have a blast.

OOC: Love On The Brain - Rihanna

Nerium Oleandra Birchfall

Nerium was mostly lost in her own thoughts, not realizing exactly what was going on around her. She heard the sirens, and the countdown, and Bitch. But it was as if they were far off, voice muffled in the breeze.

"It could be a trap, but I doubt they would kill us so soon."

Nerium replied with an odd serenity as the timer continued to count down.

"Five, four, three, two, one... zero"

If Nerium could have held her breath, she would have. But instead of facing a grisly death as the clock struck zero, the door opened, the room dissolving around Nerium and Bitch.

Nerium smiled at her partner, clapping her tendrils together.

"We did it. Looks like we weren't the first though"

GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3

Mentions: jinxxes jinxxes
Interactions: jinxxes jinxxes

Akira’s eyebrows raised a bit after taking a glance back to her partner and noticed a trail of blood running down his face and hand. ‘H-huh?!’ she exclaimed internally, blinking a few times at the surprise of seeing blood out of nowhere, but the boy seemed like he had seen this countless of times before and decided to leave it alone. He probably knew how to deal with it, and she needed to focus on calming herself down to go back to her normal form.

She closed her eyes and started to breathe deeply, by now her body having relaxed a bit more by this time and thanks to this the black coloring on her figure would slowly lower down, recovering her colors normally as well as her hair length increasing back to a fairly longer length as time passed. The only thing that was noisy among them was the outside noises of the opened door, but she knew they were both two shaken up to hold a conversation for that long. Regardless, she nodded at his words of that situation being the least stressful they could’ve gotten. Like, it was totally possible that they weren’t the only ones who freaked out over this thing, right? And surely someone else must’ve had it worse than them…right?

She opened her eyes to look at her legs, and it seemed like her lower legs were the only thing without any other color but black by this point, but even that was reverting to normal. Akira exhaled in relief once again, rubbing her hand with one hand while the other checked the length of her hair currently by this point, which was now at her lower back. “I can’t believe I lost my cool like that…I almost even transformed. Tsk. Thankfully that situation stopped right before it happened.” She spoke without any reason to at this point. She might as well. Who knew if they would be back to being annoying to each other soon after this? The girl truly was glad that the loud noises and flashing lights stopped before she impulsive did it. It would’ve sucked for her being unable to do powers for the rest of the day because of this, and who knew what people would do to her as a small animal?! Once again, the flashing image of her roommate’s playful grin appeared in her mind and caused her face to twist a bit, but that wasn’t going to a reality she had to suffer through anymore than she already was.

Groaning from being tired, Akira supported herself with the wall behind her and she stood up once again, but thankfully this time she was able to maintain her balance. She walked a bit towards the opened door and peeked outside towards the place, seeing a handful of people having already being there along with the staff, which obviously were the source of all the noise. She narrowed her eyes as she looked at them and sighed. “I wanna sleep…” Akira muttered to herself under her breath and then stretched her arms up once again. She certainly was feeling fatigued. “We should leave soon. I don’t think we can stay hidden here.” She spoke with a groan from stretching her arms, mentally getting ready to encounter whatever bullshit she had to go through the moment she stepped out of the room. I mean, she even saw two blondes she hadn’t met yet being all over each other!

‘Why is everyone here having the hots for each other…?’

Trae Sentrale

"Oh. Thanks Teach." Trae paused in his work and scanned over the new pastry presented towards him. A creamy icing coated the fluffy cake, cascading over the sides and hitting Trae with a sweetly intoxicating scent. Cakes were never really a big thing on Shura, considering the fact that his family's primary food groups were meat from dangerous phantasmal beasts, weird ass plants that could kill you or boost your power, and whatever they could get their hands on. As advanced as his planet was, Trae knew that the hazardous stuff that Shurian's ate should never be put in the same category as this confectionery delight.

Putting those thoughts behind him, Trae dug into the pastry with haste and devoured it within seconds. A content smile plastered Trae's face as he wiped his mouth of the little bit of icing residue around his lips. Satisfied with the snack, Trae was going to get back to work when Fel hit him with a question that he wasn't ready for. Trae paused for a second before turning to Fel with a lazy smile as he answer his question about Trae's knowledge of magic cooking.

"Absolutely nothing." Trae rubbed his head out of nervous habit as he delved further into the question. "While my home had some good chefs who probably know about it, I wasn't exactly allowed to study under them. Kinda had to focus on not getting the shit kicked outta me by my pops or whatever teacher he assigned to me that day. Negatives of being Shurian I guess." Trae shrugged his shoulders as a wide grin carved across his visage, "But i'm all to excited to learn about it Teach."

EldridSmith EldridSmith
Seemed like Plant girl was sticking to her guns.

Zanma folded her arms as her hair tendrils trailed down them, it was a mindset that she could get behind. She was honestly itching to see just what happened as well when that countdown reached zero. Since they'd arrived here the staff made it no secret that the possibility of death wasn't exactly off the table. Zanma still wouldn't have dipped out even if that was it, as the school was still much better than Tyre. Creatures of Dark weren't persecuted as vile around here, at least not to the point they were back home. This was a far better environment to train at.

But an underlying theme that seemed to link up with everything was that even the possibilities of death that were present wouldn't befall any of them as long as they just followed the rules.

Now Zanma never really was a big fan of rules, mostly because the majority of them back home would lead to her getting killed. The difference between here and home was that these rules didn't try getting her killed on the regular, they just set boundaries. Of course, Zanma would never forgive herself for just accepting anything at face value, so bending a rule here or there was necessary for her own peace of mind. But in relation to this puzzle, what would happen if Neri-moo's plan did lead them into a trap? Zanma was fairly certain they wouldn't just get offed from it, and was also pretty confident that she could nudge the blame behind any failure in this effort onto her salad friend for coming up with the idea.

But it didn't look like they'd have to worry about that, as when the countdown reached zero the sirens and lights calmed. The door slip open after that, with the room around them disappearing as Zanma poked her head of it with a curious hum.

"Looks like your green intuition was right, Neri-moo."
she shrugged as she looked back at her with a smile "First or not, I'm impressed by how damn good you are."

Keeping her smile, Zanma sighed, "Meanwhile, lil' ol me was pretty much useless in there, having to depend on that thick, throbbing plant-brain of yours to save and satisfy me."

Tapping a finger to her lips, Zanma approached before wrapping Nerium up in a tight embrace and hugging her close, "That kinda chivalry get's the highest of thanks a Shadeling could offer!"

Taking hold of her chin, Zanma tilted her head to the side before leaning down and kissing her. She didn't hold it long, but when she finally pulled back she made sure to tap Nerium on the nose before releasing her and casually strutting away. Pulling her hood back up over her head as she walked, her numerous hair tendrils began sliding back up into it as if they were noodles getting slurped up. Putting her hands in her pockets, Zanma began scanning the crowd for her cohorts.

"Now that we got some time, I should probably get you acquainted with some o' my pals. Did promise to show ya all kinds of culture stuff, after all." she noted as she searched, completely disregarding the unsolicited mouth-action she'd recently inflicted upon her "I'm seeing my bright boy, but I can't seem to spot my munchkin girl yet."

( Corvid15 Corvid15 jinxxes jinxxes Mera Mera Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 )
1588277830337.png "What bloody world doesn't know of the power within magic food? Is your world full of fucking idiots?!" He said rather irritated, a world that didn't appreciate the fine art of magic cooking! Thousands of worlds would beg for him to cook for them yet this one seemed to be one to scoff at the art! "The power of magic cooking increases a person's strength, kings and emperors will beg for the finest magic chefs to help raise their strength. Once you master mundane cooking with Wyvern meat I shall demonstrate how to make magic food."
YungJazz YungJazz

interaction: jinxxes jinxxes beeswaxie beeswaxie EldridSmith EldridSmith
Arlosk arms would gently go around Evren waist as he'd latch onto her continuing there little charade. charlie answering that she was a vampire peeked Arlosk interest there were not too many of those back home so that was rather curious, though asher flirting made her smile it was cute and it looked like it was working on the bloodsucker Arlosk could respect that even though Evren was having a laugh at it "oh come on now Evren if my dad was actually trying you'd know it" she'd respond with fake offence to the comment. "besides its easy to smell its working on her ain't that right charlie?"

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