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Lianjie: An army marches on its FEET. Our enemy DIE when they're KILLED. So eat DIRT if you must, and pick up your arms. We march at dawn!
Crossing ten thousand Li, this humble monk comes to the province, only to find himself becoming HR. Such is the way of things.
Lianjie: An army marches on its FEET. Our enemy DIE when they're KILLED. So eat DIRT if you must, and pick up your arms. We march at dawn!
Other peeps: Now that we defeated them. We gotta tame their hearts.
Lianjie: Won't have to fight if there is no one left to fight. Let it burn! 🔥 🏠 🔥
(Lianjie has set ablaze the White House Manor)
Btw, is that... Washington in your pfp?
hey, been abit busy what with work being ass, may be slow, but I still gotta pretend i'm doing things even if there is litterally nothing to do.

ironically, pretending is hard for me.
hey, been abit busy what with work being ass, may be slow, but I still gotta pretend i'm doing things even if there is litterally nothing to do.

ironically, pretending is hard for me.
Stay busy and the boss will turn an eye. Maybe.
Unless you're working with the boss themselves, like me, then riperoni. Ain't no rest for the wicked.
Stay busy and the boss will turn an eye. Maybe.
Unless you're working with the boss themselves, like me, then riperoni. Ain't no rest for the wicked.
Nah i'm givein alotta time to myself to do my job, something something best worker there something something self managing.
I'm down, also he denied the proposition :peeposad:
Shouldn't have called their master "petty." 😭
Welp. Plenty of time for them to acquaint themselves proper with the details ahead.

Nah i'm givein alotta time to myself to do my job, something something best worker there something something self managing.
God bless 🙏. Gotta git that Employee of the Month achievement.
Shouldn't have called their master "petty." 😭
Welp. Plenty of time for them to acquaint themselves proper with the details ahead.

God bless 🙏. Gotta git that Employee of the Month achievement.
All i get is saddness and frequent pay increases, won't complain about the last part tho.
ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe Btw. Wanna plan our next course of action since we on this together?
you got any ideas? tbh I'm not entirely sure what we're recruiting *for*, that's what my post was going to ask. Are we hiring soldiers? Or general construction personnel for future public works?

I may have misread the post lmao, but that's my main point of confusion.
you got any ideas? tbh I'm not entirely sure what we're recruiting *for*, that's what my post was going to ask. Are we hiring soldiers? Or general construction personnel for future public works?

I may have misread the post lmao, but that's my main point of confusion.

Sushi said we can also Shu Jin through pigeons and letters whether or not certain troops are needed or not, which led me to rationalize this plan:

Anyhow, what I have in mind is making so Yang Jiuwan takes care of actually rounding up trainees and bringing forth people to the military while accompanied by Zhou. While Zhou himself would focus solely on focusing his clan's resource to separate the cadets into different lower generals to train them to speed up the training process.

In the meanwhile, whenever he has time, Zhou might train either archery or how to use a spear, while rotating around the training troops to ensure all goes well.

Our focus should be on rounding up spearmen and archers, mainly. Good for keeping up positions, principally if we plan on doing a march.

EDIT: Also, I'm pretty sure we are just recruiting able-bodied citizens for our eventual march and conquest of yet another city.

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