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Pictured: BoD men trying to escape MlM relationships

from software sekiro GIF
You can't catch me Gae thoughts.
She's going to peep on the guys

Does he have to? He can just be the last to change in the bathroom and none will be the wiser.

Also, kinda makes sense how they're an archer but crossdress as a man. Bowstring hurts the chest on women, hence why some cut it off or used armor.
Does he have to? He can just be the last to change in the bathroom and none will be the wiser.

Also, kinda makes sense how they're an archer but crossdress as a man. Bowstring hurts the chest on women, hence why some cut it off or used armor.
IIrc that one is more of a symbolic gesture than actually the most efficient gesture to the commitment to the bow. All you need is the right equipment to keep it away and you gucchi, which the crossdressing works perfectly for here
Hm, we do need more Fire, Earth, and Wood boys, at this rate we’re going to lean fairly heavily on Metal/Water.
hm, would anyone be down to discuss their char’s relationships with Yang? I can already see some fun possible dynamics
Shu and Yang be like: Hm yes. The tea comes from the tea.
I can see Shu teaching Yang about different kinds of Tea because Yang would be, while enthusiastic about tea, a total idiot about what kind of tea is what.

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