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Bruce watch dan walk off and heads to the combat classroom to get ready to teach his class, he goes in and sits in his desk

Where as the student seats is just a seating mat and the classroom is covered in mat so if someone falls it wouldnt hurt as bad


Location: Teacher's Lounge, Starlight School, NYC
Twist Twist LibbyM098 LibbyM098 Flame Demon Flame Demon Stricken Steel Stricken Steel

Between his unsteady hand and befuddled head, Thor's search for a mug was quickly filling the counter with the shattered remains of ceramics. Thor cursed under his breath at the destruction of "Not Bad For The End Of The World" and "Tea?" and hoped the fallen mugs would find their rightful place in Valhalla, both having met a most honourable end upholding their noble duty.

Thor was about to give up on using a mug altogether and drink the coffee straight from the pot when Cassidy entered the teachers lounge.
Opening the door Dan noticed Thor stumbling around the coffee pot, the groggy gladiator holding the pot precariously over a broken mug. Not wanting the poor guy to burn himself or rob him of his own morning fix, Dan rushed over putting his arm over Thor's shoulder to grab the pot from the Thunder God's shaky hands. "Lemme help you with that Thor."

Slipping the pot gently from Thor's hands Dan searched for some mugs, grabbing one with "World's Greatest Engineer" written on it, obviously meant for him, as well another mug and poured the two of them some coffee.
Thor looked over the mug Cassidy had given him. It read: "Whoever holds this, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of... THOR" . He wasn't sure if Dan had picked the mug intentionally or if it was just a coincidence but he didn't bother paying the subject too much mind, at the moment he was far more interested in the mug's contents. He raised the mug to his lips and gulped the coffee down.
"Rough night, buddy?" asked Dan, turning around to lean on the counter, noticing another teacher looking over some papers and talking to himself.
He couldn't really remember the night before, so he couldn't really say. "Something like that." Thor replied, as he poured himself some more coffee.
"Who's the new guy?" The stunt doing sleuth nudged Thor as he spoke but as soon as he asked the man got up and walked away, a goofy smile plastered to his face. "Well I guess it doesn't matter. I'll find out sooner or later."

Dan took a sip of his coffee as he looked around the room.
Thor turned at Cassidy's prompting but only caught a quick glance of the other man's face as he left the room. Thor simply shrugged his shoulders in response to Dan's question before returning his focus to the coffee. He'd need a lot more of the stuff, or something stronger, if he wanted to stand any sort of chance making it through the rest of the morning...
Characters: Rhodes, Alex

The room is buzzing with the low sound of a CD playing, the band Coheed and Cambria seeps into the room, under the covers of an over sleeping teenager named Alex.

"You might wanna wake up, Alex. You're late!" A voice carries with amusement into the room.

Alex, an above average height and physique boy sat upright with a hint of confusion. He rubbed his eyes, leaped out of bed, grabbed a graphic shirt, a pair of jeans, and struggle to put them on with some comedy.

The room looked rather busy now, a messy bed with a crushed pillow laying at one far end near a wall. A window with crooked blinds, dirty clothes all over the room, empty CD cases littered around a shoe box on a desk with a rather advanced lamp setup. A closet full of empty hangers, a basket with some clothes hanging over the edge, and walls splattered with a drawing here or there mixed with several posters from a signed "better" kept Spider-Man to an almost entirely ripped Cyclops poster from his X-Men days. After several moments a scruffy haired somewhat dressed boy exits the room, wearing an unzipped fading hoodie, a shirt with the "X-Internus" title on it, a set of sneakers, and rugged blue jeans. He was quickly met by a flying wrapped cylindrical item with a note attached to it. The item in question was a breakfast bomb of sorts, probably not the best seeing as the author of the note is Tony Stark reading:

"Hey kiddo, Pepper said I should try to be more friendly to you on your rough days. So, I actually made breakfast, well I guess for you, it's probably lunch. You're gonna do great kid, we're rooting for you- also Rhodey is waiting for you." - Tony "Your Adopted Dad" Stark.

Alex gave a look of confusion and amusement to Rhodey who was scrolling on his phone while waiting for Alex, Rhodey began to speak.

"Does he always refer to himself like that? The "adopted dad" part." He says mildly concerned.

"He said I could call him whatever I wanted when he adopted me, he didn't seem to care. It doesn't bother me, I mean, he's my dad either way." Alex shrugs taking a bite of the assumed edible food, his face twist.

"How is it? Anyway, grab your backpack, let's go." Rhodes laughs, picking up his keys from the table.

Aside from the room is a small loft area, it seems to be rather private, there are large glass windows showing the outer of the large tower. Alex follows Rhodes outside to the parking lot where there is a Honda Civic waiting for them, it's a 2016, nothing special. The color is a cool dark blue, cobalt at best. The wheels are stale in the graying sky of the day and the interior smelled like a combination of fresh laundry and berry breeze?

"How late am I? I was working on m- wait where is it?" Alex freaks out.

Rhodes gets into the vehicle, turns it on then points behind him to a leather case.

"You mean this? Also, Tony told me you went to be at three or so listening to rock music, dancing like a maniac." Rhodes gives Alex a smug look while driving out onto the main road.

"Does he spy on me?" He spits back.

"He's your father, you also live in his tower. You'd think you can respect his wishes, just a bit Alex."

"-And who do you think yo-" Rhodes cuts Alex off,

"Your uncle."

Alex huffs and sinks a bit, his eyes glaring back out into the city, waiting for them to get to the school. Rhodes simply turns on the radio, a CD plays some form of R&B.


After a bit, they would arrive. Rhodes fist bumping a finally relaxed Alex, Alex would immediately get out of the car.

He walks into the building, unsure of where to go, he examines the area around him holding onto his backpack and case rather tightly. He walks into the first office he finds, attempting to find anyone.

"Hello? I'm not sure, but I think I missed orientation."

(Open? I'm new to this.)
Stephen frowns at the kid when he enters the school "Yeah that was yesterday kid" he says, god he hung around Tony too much "Gym just started" he adds handing him a map "Hurry up so you're not too late" he says. Peter seemed like a person who would take it easy, but he's not too sure about it.

Axiled Creative Axiled Creative
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Characters: Alex, Stark

Stricken Steel Stricken Steel

Alex without another word, leaves the office heading for the gym. He seems to keep his eyes on his phone while navigating into the gym, his eyes a bit distracted by a little application, most likely a game of some sort.

"Mr. Parker?" His voice probably echoes into the large open space.


Tony sits in a chair in the designated lounge, he is sipping on a cup of water while flipping through a text book he had helped publish. His eyebrow seems to hold a lower and lower glare into the book. He speaks into his wrist,

"Friday, remind me to separate the copper and iron couplets later this evening." His voice has the usual gravely rasp.

There is a blue beep from his wrist, followed by a block of text that seems to holo-form above his wrist,

"Alex is here. He didn't like breakfast, by the way. Might wanna have Pepper teach you a thing or two."

Tony shrugs, turning the page in the book. He then takes out a schedule of the classes and begins to look through it.
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Nick Fury is a patience man, but he has priorities and right now those priorities are testing the students battle skills, so he takes the table with controls for the machine and he walks to his office window, which allows him to see the courtyard and he activates it, the sudden 'attack' by a giant robot causing the alarm to ring out.


In the time between their first lesson, PE, and their second, tech, the alarm goes off and Crystal stops near a window to check why the alarm is sounding their first official school day, the disguised cloak tightening slightly as a means to comfort her, but when her eyes land on the robot she makes a portal and heads outside changing her outfit as the cloak goes back to a cloak so she can use it to levitate "Yeah I have no idea where this came from".

Stephen raises an eyebrow at the alarm, sure it could be a villain, but they usually didn't have such a perfect timing, which bring him to the conclusion that it's a training for the students, but he sighs seeing what it is "Great" he mumbles, he best get medbay ready.

LibbyM098 LibbyM098 @Miasmith17 Scatterbrain Scatterbrain Twist Twist Axiled Creative Axiled Creative Stricken Steel Stricken Steel
(I don't know if this chat is sleeping or not but I'll post this anways)
Characters: surgess- OC and Harley quin if she's not taken.
Interaction: OPEN

A 7 year old girl wonders the streets of this lively city but at night is when she comes out the most. The night streets are no place for an ordinary child... But that's the thing shes not ordinary. She's been alone since she was 4 years old. Child protective services have tried to catch her to take her in... But every time a dark shadow creature would arise and defend her. Not just one shadow creature but a small army of them. Somehow these shadow creatures could grab you physically. They screeched and roared until the CPS would back off and then they escorted this child away. It didn't take any energy to summon these creatures, infact they seemed to do it all on their own.
The little girl would often pop up on one side of the city for one moment and winded up on the opposite side the next. She often got herself into weird situations to the point where she is well known throughout the city. Like the time she got her head stuck inside of a hole in a tree from fallowing ants, then randomly the tree cought fire and she wasn't harmed by the fire. Or the time she winded ontop of moving trailor truck and smacked face first into a concrete bridge and into moving traffic... Though dazed and dizzy from the smack in the face she still dodged the cars to safety and left the scene without waiting for paramedics to arrive.
Surgess appearance was also strange, she had a murumasa sword attached to her back by a strap. She wore a cloak of black with red rims. And boys clothing with bandages around her stomack and ankles. She was barefoot, no shoes no socks. The most interesting part of her appearance was her face. She had white hair and two separate color eyes. Left eye blue right eye red. No one knows what she is and the secret of what she is is told by a metal plate with engraved writing on it drilled into her neck. No it doesn't hurt anymore or prevent her movement's it just tells people about her. Assuming anyone can get close enough to her...
One unlucky night something triggers her unpleasant memory's of her distant past. She goes on a rampage and destroys countless buildings and demolished cars scatter the streets. A few innocent by standers were wounded. Ones she snapped out of her blinded rampage she runs off to hide knowing someone might come looking for her assuming she was a threat and for the damage she caused.
Anna-Marie Darkholme
: Hallway, NYC
Tags: Flame Demon Flame Demon Stricken Steel Stricken Steel LibbyM098 LibbyM098 @Miasmith17 Scatterbrain Scatterbrain Twist Twist Axiled Creative Axiled Creative (Open)
Gym had been a nice relaxing start to the day, for the most part, stretching up to clear whatever fogginess was leftover from the morning. It had been a pain to keep the more destructive elements under control but she had managed it. It would probably help for whatever on earth Tech was going to be...sure that other woman might have had some miraculous knack for it but she could pretend to understand many of the memories on that front, Anna could just as easily be making a pager or a bomb for all she knew if not both until the sound it made maybe confirmed it.

Collecting a drink from one of the vending machines she was just about to take a drink as the alarm grabbed her attention, was this one of this fire drill things? The shaking of the area made her think otherwise but perhaps it could be some strange test instead. Heading to the nearest window the notion of it being a test was dampened somewhat as a spider-like orb had appeared in the courtyard.

"Ok few things, What is that, Why is That, and How is That?... Things several stories tall are not normally subtle on their approach."

Looking around the area outside somewhat she does notice the costumed magician, but also a distinct lack of adults. Was this the kind of thing they would start berating her on if she got involved? I mean she had those powers now so she could right? but then again school grounds rules, but also that voice and smile somewhere in the corner of her mind that wanted to both break something and ignore all of that. Sighing to herself she finds herself giving in to the temptation, It was a robot so not like she would be actually hurting anything but one of the school's funders bank account if it was actually theirs. Tossing the can with force, the sticky liquid and metal crumples expectantly on the large automation body before sliding down as smooth disc.

"HEY WHOEVERS CONTROLLING THAT THING CAN YOU NOT? WE KINDA ALREADY HAVE A SPIDER HERE AND YOU'RE RIPPING OFF HIS BRAND..," Hmm wait maybe this was meant to be an Octopus bot with all those arms, not a spider? Wasn't there some Villian like that? some crazy scientist who looked like he cut his own hair with a bowl. In any case that could wait, she instead takes her time removing her shoes and jacket as to not damage them on accident before climbing out the window to ready herself for either a clumsy decent or uncontrolled flight.
"Glad you joined the fight Anna" Crystal says as she tries to make the giant robot orb spider thing unstable, but she has to dodge the swipe aimed at her bad leg "Oh no you did not" she hisses sending an energy blast, which does some damage, but the orb, she's calling it an orb on legs, less complicated, doesn't seem bothered "Help me find a weak spot" she mumbles and the cloak softly puts her on the ground before flying off, around the creature "Well then" she says readying her magic "Let's see what we can do".


Location: Teacher's Lounge, Starlight School, NYC
Twist Twist Axiled Creative Axiled Creative Flame Demon Flame Demon
Tony sits in a chair in the designated lounge, he is sipping on a cup of water while flipping through a text book he had helped publish. His eyebrow seems to hold a lower and lower glare into the book. He speaks into his wrist,

"Friday, remind me to separate the copper and iron couplets later this evening." His voice has the usual gravely rasp.

There is a blue beep from his wrist, followed by a block of text that seems to holo-form above his wrist,

"Alex is here. He didn't like breakfast, by the way. Might wanna have Pepper teach you a thing or two."

Tony shrugs, turning the page in the book. He then takes out a schedule of the classes and begins to look through it.
Thor and Dan chatted (well Dan chatted mostly, Thor simply offered the odd response here and there as Dan talked) between cups of coffee. Thor looked around the room as Dan talked and he could see Stark sitting at a table. He appeared to be looking at the class schedule. It suddenly dawned on Thor that he had no idea when or where his class was.

"Excuse me, Cassidy." he said to Dan. Hoping to get a look a the schedule, Thor made his way towards Stark when a loud piercing noise abruptly filled the Teacher's Lounge. "By Odin's Beard!" Thor exclaimed, as he put his hands over his ears. This was the last thing he needed right now. "What in the nine realms is going on!" Thor ran towards the window and could see a large robot stomping through the courtyard. He turned back towards Stark. "Is this one of yours, Stark!?"

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The creature, a huge metallic spider turns towards the teachers lounge, yes the students were supposed to handle it themselves, but now that he thought about it, it'd be fun to see how well the teachers and students work together.

Crystal tries to stop it, but it just spews some green goo at her, which she dodges and she groans as she tries to grabs two legs with a whip and she braces herself on the ground, the cloak giving her help when she feels her feet slipping "Come on, fall" she says, however even with the cloak of levitation she's barely getting anywhere.

Stephen makes a portal and steps through it, ending on the other side of the creature, in front of the building and he makes a shield to prevent it from getting close, if Fury wanted them all to work together then so be it.

Scatterbrain Scatterbrain Stricken Steel Stricken Steel Axiled Creative Axiled Creative PlusUltra PlusUltra @Miasmith17 LibbyM098 LibbyM098 Twist Twist
As Jason walked into the school premises he would have a bag on his shoulder he would be angered for Rome going to this school, he wasn’t even even a real hero, oh wait what does the word hero mean? They don’t kill kill people they simply send them to jail. Mustn’t like batman did to the joker even though he killed Jason. “I can’t belive I’m going to this stupid school.....”
The creature, a huge metallic spider turns towards the teachers lounge, yes the students were supposed to handle it themselves, but now that he thought about it, it'd be fun to see how well the teachers and students work together.

Crystal tries to stop it, but it just spews some green goo at her, which she dodges and she groans as she tries to grabs two legs with a whip and she braces herself on the ground, the cloak giving her help when she feels her feet slipping "Come on, fall" she says, however even with the cloak of levitation she's barely getting anywhere.

Stephen makes a portal and steps through it, ending on the other side of the creature, in front of the building and he makes a shield to prevent it from getting close, if Fury wanted them all to work together then so be it.

Scatterbrain Scatterbrain Stricken Steel Stricken Steel Axiled Creative Axiled Creative PlusUltra PlusUltra @Miasmith17 LibbyM098 LibbyM098 Twist Twist
Jason would had been exploring until he came across the battle he immediately dropped his bags and pulled out dual pistols shooting the beast multiple times as he ran across the room throwing flash bangs a the beast to blind it.
Crystal spots him and she has to release her hold on the creature in favor of making a shield to stop the bouncing bullets "Are you insane?! That thing is made of metal" she calls moving back and apparently is just crosses her mind she can make a duplicate of herself, so she does that to try and make it lose balance "Levi up" she mumbles so she floats up to try to get more momentum, but the spider swipes at her and she gets thrown back next to Jason.

Potatodude_12 Potatodude_12


Location: Courtyard, Starlight School, NYC
Flame Demon Flame Demon , Axiled Creative Axiled Creative , PlusUltra PlusUltra , @Miasmith17, LibbyM098 LibbyM098 , Twist Twist , Potatodude_12 Potatodude_12
The creature, a huge metallic spider turns towards the teachers lounge, yes the students were supposed to handle it themselves, but now that he thought about it, it'd be fun to see how well the teachers and students work together.

Crystal tries to stop it, but it just spews some green goo at her, which she dodges and she groans as she tries to grabs two legs with a whip and she braces herself on the ground, the cloak giving her help when she feels her feet slipping "Come on, fall" she says, however even with the cloak of levitation she's barely getting anywhere.

Stephen makes a portal and steps through it, ending on the other side of the creature, in front of the building and he makes a shield to prevent it from getting close, if Fury wanted them all to work together then so be it.

Scatterbrain Scatterbrain Stricken Steel Stricken Steel Axiled Creative Axiled Creative PlusUltra PlusUltra @Miasmith17 LibbyM098 LibbyM098 Twist Twist
There was a large rumbling sound as the robotic spider abruptly turned towards the teachers lounge. Thor could see some of the students were doing their best to stop it but they were getting nowhere fast. Strange suddenly appeared in front of the building via one of his portals and erected a mystical shield around it, preventing the machine from getting too close. Thor still had no idea where this robot had come from but it was apparent to him that the others needed some help and, although his head wasn't in the best shape at the moment, he could never turn his back on a fight.

Thor raised his hand and summoned Stormbreaker. However, after several seconds had passed, there was still no sign of it. Thor closed his eyes and concentrated but soon gave up on it after the strain caused his headache to erupt into a full blown migraine. Where in the Nine Realms had Stormbreaker gotten too? He thought to himself. Thor couldn't help but think that whatever he had gotten up too last night had played a big part in his axe's mysterious disappearance.

In the end though it didn't matter where Stormbreaker was. With or without the axe, he was still a god and more than a match for a simple robot. Thor crashed through the window and into the courtyard before charging full speed towards the robot.
Crystal spots him and she has to release her hold on the creature in favor of making a shield to stop the bouncing bullets "Are you insane?! That thing is made of metal" she calls moving back and apparently is just crosses her mind she can make a duplicate of herself, so she does that to try and make it lose balance "Levi up" she mumbles so she floats up to try to get more momentum, but the spider swipes at her and she gets thrown back next to Jason.

Potatodude_12 Potatodude_12
As she gets thrown landing right by him he would run to his bag and pull out another gun, except for this one it would look diffrent from the rest it was red with shades of black all over it. He would aim the gun at the spiders legs and would shoot it, it would be the same gun he’s used that he killed black skull with slicing him in half. As he shot the gun the spider leg would fall off.
Anna-Marie Darkholme
: School Courtyard, NYC
Tags: Flame Demon Flame Demon Stricken Steel Stricken Steel LibbyM098 LibbyM098 @Miasmith17 Scatterbrain Scatterbrain Twist Twist Axiled Creative Axiled Creative (Open)
As the scene unfolds Anna can be seen with her eyes closed at first, breathing slowly as it seemed she tried to focus. She knew that she would eventually need to use the powers but at the same time, it scared her slightly given what she knew, or more so what she had gleaned from the other memories. It was like a faucet in a sense, she needed to turn it just enough and hope the pressure didn't surge and cause a far bigger mess than she was intending to put it lightly. "You know, I always wondered why some heroes tended to shout all those weird things or sounds when things like this happened, Is it to focus themselves? or distract themselves? Im not talking the normal quips but when the words seem to be more to themselves......I guess I'm about to find out in either case".

Anna at this point seemed to be burning somewhat as her hair begins to flair up and a bright glow came from behind her eyes, then all at once she shoots off shattering her perch and a good couple of feet of structure around it. "Batter Up Sugah" What looks like a comet seemed to impact the large circle on its phase with a resounding clang like a gong echoing around the surrounding area and the automation rearing back from the force onto its hind most legs for a moment at the force of the strike that causes four of the appendages to leave the ground. Around where they had impacted was a heavy dent, the perfect sphere now concaved on its front as the flaming girl backs off slightly to float in the air, their body spitting out energy keeping them afloat in a somewhat uncontrolled manner.
( Ramona) Location: Courtyard
She was late on her first day as she rushed to get to the car she had forgotten to put her arm brace on but she didn't notice she got into the car ready to meet new people since this was the first time outside of the tower without the scientist still trying to find her since she first got rescued. She got out of the car ready for an awesome day and then walked inside and hear a commotion from the courtyard and walked inside and saw a giant spider thing and was immediately confused she didn't know spiders grew that big does that mean the spider outside her window would be that big.

( Barbara)
She cant believe she slept in again! and on her first day, she immediately got up and got dressed and ran to catch the school bus and as soon as she got there she walked straight in looking around to see and then she walked onto the courtyard and saw everyone was fighting a giant robot spider. *she mutters* " Of course this happens on the first day..." she walked onto the courtyard and thought maybe she could hack into the spider since it was a robot and pulled out her computer
The spider, more agile then one would expect shoots green goo at Jason and Crystal as it corrects itself and Crystal puts up a barrier to protect herself and Jason "Go" she says so the cloak flies off towards Doctor Strange and Crystal scans the area and she tries one of the harder spells, but she can't pull it into the ground, so she makes an energy sword and dashes forwards.

Fury chuckles, this is good, better then he expected to be honest, however he's not done yet and he puts the spider on unpredictable auto pilot, if it gets damaged he'll have it fixed again.

Stephen removes the barrier and he flies up, grabbing the front two legs before the spider can land them on the ground and he binds them together "I don't know how long I can hold it like this" he says. So Crystal tries to cut off one of the back legs, but she has the dodge or she'll get kicked away "Crap" she says seeing the head? Round body part start spinning and spitting out goo, so she makes a shield above herself.

BlossomBunniess BlossomBunniess PlusUltra PlusUltra Axiled Creative Axiled Creative Scatterbrain Scatterbrain Twist Twist Potatodude_12 Potatodude_12 LibbyM098 LibbyM098
( Batgirl)
She was busy hacking into it or at least trying to she was trying to find a weakness any weakness or a way to stop it entirely. she thought maybe to make an emp bomb but that would turn off every electronic including the schools so she gave up on that idea but she was trying to find a way to stop the robot. She tried most of the basics but when that didn't work she started trying the more advanced techniques and she just needs more time and she needs to concentrate more but with all the fighting she is working at a slower pace.
( bruh idk what to make Ramona do since she is very very shelters should I just make here fight the spider-like everyone else is doing)
( Batgirl)
She was busy hacking into it or at least trying to she was trying to find a weakness any weakness or a way to stop it entirely. she thought maybe to make an emp bomb but that would turn off every electronic including the schools so she gave up on that idea but she was trying to find a way to stop the robot. She tried most of the basics but when that didn't work she started trying the more advanced techniques and she just needs more time and she needs to concentrate more but with all the fighting she is working at a slower pace.
( bruh idk what to make Ramona do since she is very very shelters should I just make here fight the spider-like everyone else is doing)
Jason would turn his head to batgirl,”Hey can you try a little bit harder?” He said impatiently as he shot the spider more with the laser pistol he had have. As Jason was shooting the spider to distract it from the others,”How I do you guys mess up this bad already?”
( Bat-girl)
She turned to him annoyed" Your not the one hacking here and Im trying as hard as I can since this robot has a lot of firewalls and besides I think I can go at my own pace since Im the one hacking so don't get impatient with me mister" she went back to hacking into the spider
( Bat-girl)
She turned to him annoyed" Your not the one hacking here and Im trying as hard as I can since this robot has a lot of firewalls and besides I think I can go at my own pace since Im the one hacking so don't get impatient with me mister" she went back to hacking into the spider
AS Jason groaned he would keep in shooting the metal in spider with hind lazers as he ran to the batgirl,”Do you have a plan yet missy?” He said playfully back to her mildly annoyed form her attitude but at the same time he was giving attitude.
( Bat-girl)
" Duh, I plan on hacking it and searching for any weakness it might have or just stopping it, in general, I would use my EMP bomb but since someone ( Nightwing) said bombs were too dangerous and might hurt people I can't use them so yeah but I have a plan also stop distracting me Im almost done hacking the spider and I need the utmost concentration for this last part" *she said back still hacking away*
"Can you stop arguing snd focus?!" Crystal asks duplicating herself and taking the other two front legs, they needed to makes sure it stopped moving first, or stop sitting green acid "Damn" she says, yes it's losing it's balance with the two sorcerers puling the four front legs, but it's not enough.

Stephen looks at Thor "Thor where on Earth is your axe?" he asks "Or did you forget you putvit in you classroom?" he asks looking at the god of thunders.
(Romana can just join the fight)

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