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Realistic or Modern harbour heights - a small town rp



the trauma surgeon.

charlie lovelace.


slightly flirty.


the cove.



Charlie laughed about him not knowing what paw patrol was and the Jude comment. He was absolutely right; she just shook her head with a smile.

Charlie was afraid she had gone too far with the child comment, especially when she saw Jack swallow hard, but the question had been on her own mind recently.

But then he winked at her, and she swear she felt butterflies in her stomach. She blushed and bit on her lip. He changed the subject after that and she was fine to let it lie.

Her family. What were they like?
"I have 3 older brothers - Caleb, Jude, Nate, me. I'm the baby and they never let me live it down, especially since I'm the only girl. Growing up with 3 older brothers was interesting. Especially because no one would dare to date me because Caleb threatened every one of them. My mom and dad were high school sweethearts and they started popping us out basically as soon as they got hitched. Everyone still lives in town which is nice, especially for Atlas. I'm actually staying with my parents for now while I search for a place."
She smiled as she spoke about her family.

She then asked him,
"Who were you closest to growing up? And what made you into all things cars and bikes? "
She tried to make her question about his family broad because he had mentioned earlier about his father being an alcoholic.

She then stopped and smiled at him,
"Also, we made it."
She motioned towards the little cove built into the rock. It was a tight squeeze but Charlie loved it nonetheless. It didn't hold a flame to her secret cove though but that was for a later date when she wasn't on call.

♡coded by uxie♡


the rich girl

Alyssa frowned, knowing that August was only acting for her. Not for himself. She knew that there was kindness in him, and something other than his father whom she personally didn't actually like. He was something...that wasn't great. She hates using unkind words for people, she never wanted to be the kind to use words that would hurt others. Having so many of those words being used at her she didn't like using it for others but his father was in other words, a complete and utter asshole. Aug only acted the way he did, because of wanting to be like his father and looking up to a man that didn't deserve an ounce of his attention.

She knew this and tried her best to show him that there was other ways, other people that he should listen to. Not just the ways of his father or how he acted.
"Thank you August for trying. This means a lot."
Giving him a soft kiss on his cheek. This is why she stayed by his side through all this pain because in that cold heart of his, is someone kind and sweet. Someone that would stay by her side, even when it seems impossible to be by her side. That's the man that she knew, not this playboy who wanted to work all the time, and hurt her.

She grins as she looked all around her. It wasn't until August wanted a drink that they walked to the bar.
"I am sure they will. Piña Colada is the bare minimum after all. "
She said with a smile on her face as she walked towards the ball, before getting stopped by an old friend.
"Clo! I've missed you girl! Thank you so much, text me ok? I still have the same number as before, we should definitely meet up and catch up sometime!"
She said waving with a grin on her face.

Growing up in town like Harbour was hard at times, everyone knew you and knew your family. She haven't even told her parents or siblings that she was back in town, not wanting the drama that would follow. Knowing her parents, they wouldn't even care but her siblings on the other hand. She hasn't spoken to them in years and it...was a hard time when she left but Chloe was one of the best people in town and she missed her dearly. Maybe this time, they could be friends again...maybe this time she wouldn't lose her.

Not maybe, she thought to herself smiling.

She will.

♡coded by uxie♡

  • now playing: bad girls - m.i.a.

    Shots. Now Chloe and Dallas were speaking her language. "Hell yeah, let's get that Cuervo popping!" After ordering a couple of shots of the amber liquid, she clinked them together with Chloe and Dallas', downing them one by one. Sure, it burned like hell going down like it always did, but she was here to live life to the fullest. Future Bethie could worry about her liver. She'd probably have her shit together. But present Bethie did not, and that was okay. She was still young, with a lot of life ahead of her. And right now, what she wanted to do was sing. And so she dragged them over to the karaoke machine, queuing up a 90's classic - Wannabe by Spice Girls. She handed the other microphone over to whoever wanted it, keeping the first mic for herself.

    "I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want!" Bethie sang into the mic, dancing wildly as the song started. Did she have rhythm? No, of course not - she was tipsy. (And we all know that most tipsy people cannot dance.) God, she loved this song. She had always wanted to be a Spice Girl as a little kid - Baby Spice had her heart. Too bad she was decades late, or else she'd have found a way to work her way into the 90's music scene. Bethie loved British accents. Bethie loved a good girl group. Put the two together and she was good to go. Plus, they were all so attractive, especially Posh Spice (what? She could dream, couldn't she?)

    Bethie was having the time of her life. She hoped that Chloe and Dallas were too.

    outfit: live fast, die young
    tags: murphalicious murphalicious , demenscous demenscous
    coded by kaninchen



    “text me sometime, i still have the same number as i did before!” made chloe perk up in excitement. she really did miss the bond her and alyssa had before, and she really missed her as a person. she was so kind and had one of the biggest hearts. “i got you! let me know!” she chirped with a smile and a wave.

    before she knew it she was swiftly swept onstage with a microphone after her last shot of tequila pushed her into feeling tipsy. the tune to wannabe by the spice girls spilled out of karaoke machine. on cue it seemed, chloe brought the microphone to her lips and started to sing the opposite lyrics into the mic “oh tell me what you want, what you really really want!” laughing with a wide grin on her face. she really hadn’t been this way in a while, and probably for good reason. she hated hangovers, but hopefully this one would be worth it.

    she pulled dallas up on stage to sing along with her and beth, dancing and swinging around. this is the most iconic thing harbour heights had seen in ages, it was only right to make the most out of it.

    code by birth of venus.





socially anxious + coconut confusion




West Point Beach



Eleanor had zoned out slightly as she watched the beach bash happen around her. Turned out, Eleanor didn’t really know how to just enjoy herself. So she just stood alone, her eyes drifting from the groups of people around her to the line made where the ocean met the sky.

She jumped slightly as someone started talking to her - Eleanor turned, her brain coming back online very quickly to catch all of what the person had said. They looked like a frat boy who had stepped straight out of Miami Spring Break, from their overall relaxed vibe to the - was that a coconut in their hands? Eleanor blinked; they were indeed holding a whole coconut, sipping a drink out of said coconut in fact.

Questions swirled through Eleanor’s head. Were there palm trees in Harbour Heights? Was there a stand selling coconut drinks, or did people just make their own here? More importantly - was this Ollie? The way the stranger was talking didn’t match with how Eleanor would expect Ollie to approach her, so perhaps this was just a local extrovert being polite. But this person felt like they fit within Ollie’s general vibe, so who’s to say?

Eleanor smiled - regardless of whether this was Ollie or not, having someone to talk to was better than standing by herself like a loner.
"A bit of both,"
she responded,
"taking a break from travelling to see a friend."
She wasn’t too forthcoming about the specifics - she had very recently learned that small town folks don’t always react positively to journalists coming from somewhere else to poke their noses into day-to-day business.

She held out her hand.
"I’m Eleanor,"
she said, praying desperately that the other person would tell her their name so that she could figure out if this was Ollie or not. Nervously, she kept rambling.
"Where’d you get the coconut? I’d much rather drink out of one of those."

♡coded by uxie♡


PhD Student



hungry but having a good time




West Point Beach



Leo laughed.
"Nah, I just biked here - could you imagine if I could teleport with my mind though?"
he waggled his fingers next to his head for a moment.
"I could be a superhero, like Dr. Marine Biology. Maybe I wouldn’t have been so late then."

Leo’s smile grew as he listened to - no, was attacked by Cole’s rambling. One of his favourite things about the guy was how quickly he could jump from one topic to another. Even when Leo felt like he was barely keeping up, he loved how the conversation was never boring. And almost never ending, too.

"Oh dude, raccoons are so cute. I swear they’re cuter in Harbour Heights than anywhere else. Sucks you didn’t get any pictures - I grabbed some pics of some really cute barnacles on the dive that I think you’ll love."

Leo was gonna make some joke about Cole’s super swole legs from the gym but before he could open his mouth, those same super swole legs almost propelled Cole right into him as his friend jumped up, suddenly laser-focused on going swimming. Leo quickly raised his hands, unsure whether it was to steady Cole or himself. But, as quickly as the man had jumped up, looking all the world like he was planning on barreling straight through Leo, he sat back down, dejected as the reality of swimming-after-eating-induced-cramps hit him.

"Whoa! Yeah bud, maybe it’s best to wait for all the food to digest first. Plus, I was diving with an oxygen tank so I didn’t have to hold my breath at all. Tell you what, if you come by the pool next time I’m working, we can do some swimming lessons after all the kids have gone home."
Or maybe with the kids, Leo thought as he smiled at the thought of Cole - kid-like in all his youth - splashing around in the shallow end with the same brightly-coloured arm floaties that all the children wore while learning to swim. The kids would certainly have a blast with it. Leo knew he would.

Leo’s growling stomach pulled him back down to the reality of the barbeque, and his hunger.
"Hey, I’m starving. Where’d you get the food from?"

♡coded by uxie♡

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