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Fantasy GoH - OOC

Just popping in to say hello! This RP should be fun!
I want to say that when your CS mentioned the claws can be used for climbing, I had a breakdown over how it's not possible. After a moment, I remembered that this is indeed a Fantasy roleplay and my brain relaxed.

Stupid Godslayer character sheet has me on high alert for the dumbest tiny details.
I want to say that when your CS mentioned the claws can be used for climbing, I had a breakdown over how it's not possible. After a moment, I remembered that this is indeed a Fantasy roleplay and my brain relaxed.

Stupid Godslayer character sheet has me on high alert for the dumbest tiny details.

I used these claws when I played through Dark Souls 3 and really wanted to include them in their badassery. Not totally plausible, but really wanted that Rule of Cool trope (who doesn't?).

Of course, if you'd like me to change it, I will do so.
Bah Auriel’s been there since it existed!

Also I’m going to make a character who’s the receptionist. Their name starts with Faust and ends with Windfallow. And I’m going to kill him horribly.
Bah Auriel’s been there since it existed!

Also I’m going to make a character who’s the receptionist. Their name starts with Faust and ends with Windfallow. And I’m going to kill him horribly.
Nuh-uh, that spot is taken.
Birdsie Birdsie

has anyone made a sort of Vault Keeper sort of character? I remember there was something similar in the last RP, I need an excuse for Faust existing.

what I'm trying to say is, can I make a vault keeper character

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