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Fantasy Fated Ties: Splintered Kingdoms [ Character Sheets ]

Character Sheet Template


Fated Ties: Splintered Kingdoms
Listed below is the Character Sheet template, please fill out each section to the best of your abilities! If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to ask!

Don't forget to refer to the [ Lore ] tab! If you want to make your own faction or have a character who's closely related to one of the [ 3 ] Main Families, please message or tag us in the out-of-character chat so that we may chat about it. There will be another "application" for these positions and ideas.

Please note that if your character has any history between other characters or the setting itself that can be plot-altering and etc., you must ask permission to include such events and ideas into your character sheet.

The GMs: deer deer , Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi , Archon Archon
Alias: [ optional ]
Family | Faction: [ if applicable ]

Appearances: [ please note if there's any distinguishing markings or features, we prefer realistic art or digital art, please try to avoid anime ]
Personality: [ optional, personality changes as time goes on ]

Biography: [ can go into detail as much as you need, please include known accomplishments if any and important moments in your character's lives, include timeline if you want the details included in the lore tab ]
Motivations | Goals:

Notable Equipment:
Other: [ if there's anything else missing or you'd like to add more information such as secrets, feel free ]

artist credit: image is clickable ; JinZh
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Gao Da

Peer of the Peerless, Little Jun, The Second Star



Wandering Warrior

Family | Faction
Gao Family | The Dew Cup Oathbrothers


Gao Da is a warrior, first and last. He is prideful, almost arrogant, and very quick to solve things with violence. He can have trouble finding the right words to say in certain situations, especially when conversing with an ulterior motive in mind, but otherwise is fairly sociable. He's not necessarily loud, but he has trouble not speaking up when he wants to say something, and he finds many things amusing enough to laugh at. He's not stupid, though he's not exactly a genius either. He simply applies his intellect to one pursuit, and one pursuit only. He has few skills beyond putting his spear in people. At the very least he won't embarrass himself at court, though embarrassing himself more conventionally is well within his reach. At times, Gao Da possesses a kind of brilliance, though. His unusual takes on situations can yield valuable insights to those wiser than he, and he is surprisingly resourceful in applying his skills to other things. 'Safe ground' in conversation is well-valued, and he dislikes getting involved in arguments. Much of his life and persona is built up around what he has heard and experienced of his father. He intensely admires Gao Jun, and continually measures himself to the standard of his father. He believes he measures up at least most of the way.

Trust is largely foreign to Gao Da. Few people outside the family can be relied upon to act in anyone's best interests but their own, and others are perfectly justified in believing the same about him. He'll happily converse with others, but he will noticeably only speak his inner thoughts to those he knows he may rely upon absolutely, making him come off as downright cold to anyone paying attention. However, he does consistently champion the causes of others. If he believes the cause is worthy, he will go far out of his way to see it through for little reward but his own satisfaction and that of his brothers. These kinds of flights of passion are a relatively common occurrence. His focus is absolute, but brief, and others are frequently swept along in his wake. Though the Dew Cup Oathbrothers are all equals, this quality means he often leads the way forward. This mistrust also makes him extremely protective of those precious to him, willing to draw blood over a courtier's veiled insult, let alone physical provocation or danger.

Born to the famous Gao Jun, the Warrior Peerless Below Heaven, Gao Da had high expectations placed on him from his first breath. For the first years of his life his father was preoccupied by courtly and command duties and had only met him six times. His mother, Cai Ya, stayed with him in an estate out in the forests of Aishang. The walls of Baiya, a minor fortress of years past refitted into a noble house, were their home. It was not until four years into his life, a year after the birth of his little brother, that Gao Jun would stay. His battle with Tian Jin had reminded him of his dues to his children, and so he stayed closer to home for many years afterwards. However, his sons were insistent in their admiration, and he was proud of his skills. He took them on as apprentices, teaching them everything he knew of war. Gao Da proved the better student; he was tall, strong, fast, dedicated, and held a natural genius for the arts of combat. At court, the whisper was that the Peerless had produced one to succeed him. The courtiers shook and pieces were placed in anticipation of this seed flowering.

As they grew, the brothers also visited the Imperial Court at Xinghua. Gao Da had little interest in the goings-on in the halls of the Imperial Palace, however, and often sparred with anyone willing instead. Guards, nobles, visitors, peasants—Gao Da fought all of them. Of course, at this point he was still a child. A well-developed and tall child with the best teacher, but a child nonetheless. He became popular among the Imperial Guard for his persistence and optimism, and for making their duties less boring. As he grew, these activities continued, only becoming more serious in tone. He would win more, his persistence veered away from mere enthusiasm and towards dedication, he would sometimes help those he met. His status as the son of Gao Jun ensured he was always received well and treated politely, even by those he grated on. This status also made him a target, but it was Gao Lei who would face the results.

In 606 He, Gao Da had turned 16. He was now taller and broader in the shoulder than most men, and quickly growing to adulthood. His brother was three years behind, more vulnerable; it was this that saw his entourage assaulted and Gao Lei kidnapped by an ambitious group of bandits. They did not even have time to ask for a ransom before Gao Da had gathered his retinue and chased them down. His panic brought the horsemen galloping into an ambush, but the bandits were unprepared for the vengeance of a brother enraged. Arrows scattered off his breastplate, and when he received a bolt to the arm he merely used his spear one-handed. A bandit fearing a painful death in the dungeons brought Gao Da to the hideout of the raiders: a camp around and inside a cave in the side of a hill, several miles from any roads. Game trails and beaten paths sped Gao Da's way, and on his arrival he bellowed for the return of his brother. The only forthcoming reply was a war cry from the bandit's leader, a fierce man with wild eyes and a great two-handed axe. In a single pass the bandit slew Gao Da's horse, but on the next Gao Da leapt and speared him straight through the chest.

The cries of Gao Lei drew his elder brother's attention. Another bandit was approaching with a sword in hand. Gao Da wasn't sure if he was going to kill his brother or just threaten it, but neither were acceptable. He hurled his spear straight through the man's back and drew his sabre, cutting his way to his brother. By the time he had reached Gao Lei's side, the boy had taken his brother's spear and was fending off another bandit, with two others lain at his feet. The skirmish ended with the highwaymen all slain, with many deaths and more injuries among the retainers. Gao Da himself had to have his arm treated for the next few months. He swore an oath to his brother to do everything in his power to ensure he never comes that close to death ever again. For years afterwards, Gao Da would not leave his brother's side.

The next momentous occasion in Gao Da's life would be Yesugei's Incursion. By this time he was 23, a young man and warrior in his own right, as was his brother. Gao Da was the greater warrior, but Gao Lei was a brilliant tactician and an able politician. Together they were formidable. At the Battle of Danxi Valley, Gao Lei worked in the strategist's tent while Gao Da led a unit of heavy lancers on the left flank. His detachment was torn apart by the unusually disciplined spearmen of the Chandkh. Gao Da's driving charge, while an effective diversion, led to heavy casualties and difficulties in effecting a retreat. Further battles saw him reap a hefty toll upon anyone in his path, but Yesugei's advance was unstoppable nonetheless.

During the campaign Gao Da met another man, two years his elder: Huang Xiang. The two met when Gao Da's lancer unit broke the rear of a Chandkh force assaulting Huang's infantry. Gao Lei noted their affinity and advised Xuefeng Si to deploy their units together because of it. When the army was scattered at the Xuan River, Gao Da made ready to stand at the bridge with his father, but Gao Lei argued of the pointlessness of it. He still would have, had Gao Jun not fallen to his knees and pleaded with him to flee. The three retreated in good order, but by the time they had regathered the scattered forces, the Emperor had already capitulated.

With the death of Gao Jun, management of Baiya fell to Gao Da. But Gao Da's heart was heavy, so he took to adventuring to lighten it. Huang Xiang joined him, as his own family had little need of him. They traveled to Xinghua to reclaim Gao Jun's spear, Shark Tooth. For years they traveled the land, soothing the woes of their hearts and the people. But many of the problems facing the realm could no longer be served by fine steel and strong arms. Eventually they settled into a campaign in the south, fending off Wokou pirate raids on the shores of Yingwu and Qinzou Provinces. Here they would meet a brave Shinto warrior by the name of Sano Yukihiko. Battles together forged a bond between them, and when the raids abated Yukihiko asked the Kurēn family, his patrons, to release him from their service so that he could follow his brothers in arms. Kurēn Ryuji, their head, was reluctant to part with such an able and loyal retainer, but he was swayed by the trio's passion. He released Yukihiko from his bonds.

For years Gao Da had not returned for longer than a day to his home. On his return to Baiya in 617 He, he found Gao Lei had also been making friends. Cai Yazhu was their cousin, for his father was Cai Wu, brother of Cai Ya, their mother. He had little fame to his name, but on seeing the boy fight Gao Da declared him to be as skilled a warrior as he had ever seen. The return of the eldest son of Gao Jun was heralded with a feast. But it was also accompanied by direr news. In the northwestern province of Suxiang Province, a plague had begun to sweep down and across the land. Great suffering befell the land, and the five men agreed to see Qingan returned to its former glory. Thus was sworn what would later be known as the Dew Cup Pledge, binding five of the land's greatest heroes to one purpose.

Motivations | Goals
Bring peace to the land, either working independently or under a worthy master.

Notable Equipment
Shark Tooth, Gao Jun's famous spear. Renowned as one of the finest spears ever made, Shark Tooth will dance in the hands of a warrior. Thought lost to the Chandkh hordes after Gao Jun's last stand at his namesake bridge, it was found, still in his hands, by the mighty Yi Hong on his journey back to civilisation. A powerful official at court, Commander of the Tiger Forces Tao Ning, claimed it as his own. When Gao Da slew the cretin in a single thrust during a duel for the weapon, it rolled out of his hands and straight to the feet of its rightful owner.
Diamond Peak, Gao Da's tireless mount. The finest stallion born of Gao Jun's Arrow Hawk. A mighty chestnut horse with, if stories are to be believed, limitless stamina and the strength of eight lesser steeds. His armour is gleaming and inches thick, but it slows him not.

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Li Jian

Courtesy Name

Silk Guardian
Various Less Kind Names



Duke of the Li Duchy of Yunchang

Family | Faction
Li | 'Independent'

Sardonic || Abrasive || Intelligent || Curious || Dedicated

Jian is a sardonic man and always has been, he has always straddled the line between two worlds and this has given him a unique perspective in how utterly ridiculous both worlds can be and he has no real qualm in pointing it out for life on the Silk Road can be short and brutal, the rolling grass of the Horselords are no more gentle and the court of the 'refined' Emperor is filled with nothing more then smiles concealing daggers, so how can anyone not laugh at the state of the world when there is nothing but danger on all sides? When death can come at any moment, from any angle, why not give a grim smile and leave a remark? For Jian, it is one of the few pleasures he allows himself, this sarcasm and rather grim look on the world. His words may be bitter and sharp, but they are true for Jian is many things, but he is never false. His words cut to the heart of the matter, with little heed to proper decorum. He has little time for the fancy words of court and the Emperor's minions or the sycophantic scholars of the other Warlords, as far as Jian is considered, a man says what he means least the words lose value. This rather straight forward, and almost boorish, mannerisms coupled with his natural sarcasm make Jian a very abrasive man. It is not hard to come to dislike him and Jian is never short of enemies, many of which, are of his own creation.

Despite his reputation as a Chandkh loving, horse mating, dull-witted barbarian, Jian is an intelligent man. He has balanced his province on a knife's edge between factions that would love nothing more then to devour his realm for over a decade, he has expanded upon the silk trade, increased the security of the Silk Road, strengthened his ties to the Chandkh all whilst in this time of woes, these are not things that can be accomplished without a keen mind. His mind merely prefers the straight forward path, one of honesty instead of the treacherous paths created by a more villainous mind. It isn't fair to say he is anything of a scholar though as Jian's knowledge comes more from experience and his own guile then form pouring over the ancient scrolls or attempting to master the 32 Stratagems. His intelligence does feed one thing above all, his curiosity. Jian has always been captured by the tidbits he gains from the Silk Road, of the other kingdoms, empires and cultures out there. To the other Warlords, Qingan is the world, they have been steeped in it, raised in a society that views others as inferior.. but Jian? He has met the traders from the desert realms, men who speak of an empire of marble, of painted barbarians in misty forest.. an entire world of wonder and possibilities lay along the Silk Road, a world he has always been desperate to see and experience.. a world that will forever be beyond his reach because the duty he was born with is a mantle one cannot easily remove. Despite his deepest desire being to leave and explore, he never will. Jian is too dedicated and loyal to his family, his home and his people. He will protect his home, he will balance on the razors edge as his ancestors have done for centuries even as the Mandate of Heaven abandons the Emperor and Qingan teeters on the edge of collapse because that is his duty. It is what he was born to do, it was he was raised and groomed to do and it is what he will die doing.

Early Life
Li Jian was born to Li Meng and his concubine Diao Lin. His youth was a turbulent one as he was not the son of Meng's wife, Chen Biyo, but his concubine.. a Chandkh concubine. Such a distinction of heritage would matter more elsewhere as the Li had a long history of intermarriages with the Horselords, but in the turbulent times Qingan found itself in, sticking to tradition would be the wisest course of action as their family had long tread a dangerous line, a line that was become thinner and more treacherous with each passing year. Jian was pushed to the side, to be kept hidden and out of sight until, hopefully, a true born heir could be born. He was instructed as well as any child of his social rank and wealth, education that included statesmanship, warfare, languages [Particularly the tongues of the Chandkh and Qingan], mathematics and other such knowledge that would be needed within the Yunchang Province. The true areas in which Li Jian excelled and where his passion lay were horses and exploration. The Yunchang Province, and the Gateway to the Silk Road, the city of Xuchang, were on the border of the Chandkh lands, the great rolling sea of grass that extended as far as the eye could see. He grew up on tales of adventure along the Silk Road, of tales and epics of ancestors and their great feats, rumors of ancient kingdoms along the Silk Road kept him up late at night as his mind wondered at the possibilities with the imagination only a child could conjure. The dream of exploring the Silk Road, of mapping out the world, unfolded in his heart and with the birth of his younger brother, a true born heir, the dream became tantalizingly closer.

Reality unveiled its hideous head when he was a lad of twelve and accompanied his father to the Jade Palace to pay homage to the Emperor as well as offer tribute. Even the city of Xuchang could not compare to the majesty that was the Imperial Capital, it was awe inspiring, a true marvel of the Empire. His wonder was to come to a crushing halt when they presented themselves to the Emperor. At first, they were silent. When they presented themselves to the Emperor on their knees, the whispering began, the snickering.. the taunts said just loud enough to reach their ears. They were thanked for their service and then.. nothing. They were not told to stand, to bow, to leave, to take a seat. Nothing. They were ignored. As if they were less then the servants scuttling along the shadows to see to their task. The court proceedings continued around him, decrees issues, other warlords came to offer tribute, yet still, they remained on their knees before the throne. Jian was red in shame and anger, but his father merely stared ahead, his jaw set and it was then that Jian realized the way of the world... the way of the Jade Palace. This place of beauty held an ugly heart, a bitter judgmental soul that no fire could cleanse, a taint that stretched throughout their lands, it no longer inspired awe, it was oppressive and suffocating. Hours past and it was only when the Emperor retired were they allowed to stand yet Jian couldn't. His legs had gone numb, he stumbled and fell to the ground when he tried. The snickers grew, the floor was a fitting place for a barbarian, the shame and anger had Jian trying again and again to rise, but each time, he fell and each time his father merely watched him. He was a young foal trying to stand for the first time faced with the harsh truth of life, of their position within it. Only when he stood, bruised in body and ego, did his father take his arm and lead him from the Jade-Capped Throne.

As they descended the stairs, his father imparted upon him a lesson, "That is the way it is, boy. Guard the Road, safeguard the silk for the Emperor, but it means nothing. You are nothing. You are the thrice spawn of a filthy barbarian and an unlucky mare. The blood you pay is the price paid so they can cloak themselves in their finery, as they hide away behind their walls as the Heavens weep at the state of the land. We have no friends here, no people here, and never, ever, make the mistake of believing the Chandkh are our people. The Li Family stands alone and when the time comes, we will die alone, but don't you ever show weakness in front of those silk robed pigs, do you understand me?"

The Silk Road
When Jian grew older and became a teenager, he was a warrior born and as a member of the Li family and son of the Silk Guardian, he was tasked with defending the Silk Road. To lead and set up the patrols, to check on the outpost and parley with the Chandkh. The world of his childhood fantasy was starting to unfold before him, he met people from far away kingdoms picked up bits and pieces of exotic languages and through it all the desire to travel down the road remained. There were times when he'd stare off over the horizon outside of the Yiu Outpost, the last of their outpost on the Silk Road, and wonder what it'd be like to simply keep riding. To ride towards the rising sun, to see what lay beyond with his own eyes, but each and every time, he'd turn back because he still had a duty. Someday, his brother, the true heir, would be old enough and he could take the reins and they'd no longer need the spare, no longer need him.

It was not a time of peace, however. While the Chandkh and the Li had a long standing relationship with one another, there was always bandits Chandkh raider who did not hold to the truce. Conflicts were common and Jian met each battle alongside the Yian Riders, the elite core of the Yi military, moderately armored horsemen who had adapted to their Chandkh neighbors and the demands of the steppe utilizing recurve bows and powerful lance charges to break the backs of their foes capable of responding quickly to threats and traversing large distances of the Silk Road in rapid succession. Jian made, and lost, many friends, his oldest friend, Tao Meng, was captured by a Chandkh Chief. For days, Jian searched the lands, he went to the camps of the Chandkh he knew to investigate, he spoke to caravans to see if they had spotted any raiders, yet he received only silence. Some of the others told him to be patient, soon enough, they would demand a ransom, but Jian knew in his heart this was not the case. Something was going to happen to Tao Meng and every moment he stood there speaking of possibilities, the closer this unknown doom approached Meng.

They finally did find Tao Meng, or at least, what was left of him. The remnants of a camp told Jian that he had missed them by mere hours, but Tao Meng lay in a field bundled up in a rug, his body beaten and broken. They had bundled his body up, tied it then trampled it with horses and knowing their culture, likely stood in a circle around it chanting. The rug was a dishonor, Tao Meng was not a Chandkh, he was less. The sight of his blood and body to the gods would be an insult from such a paltry sacrifice, so they bound him up like an animal, less then an animal. In that trampled blood stained field, the words his his father returned to him, "We have no friends here, no people here, and never, ever, make the mistake of believing the Chandkh are our people."

From then on, Jian patrol, and would later rule with, an open hand-closed fist policy. Those that worked with him, those that kept their words and to their treaties, were, in turn, treated fairly and with honor. Those that didn't, were met with a closed fist and were crushed either by he and the Yian Riders or an alliance of Yian Riders and Chandkh Warriors. From this, Jian became known as 'The Warden' to the Chandkh, a term of respect for the Qingan Warrior who watched over the road.

Of Chandkh and Love
As his younger brother, Li Tong, grew older, he took over Jian's position in the Silk Road and Jian was pushed to an advisory role. It would do well, after all, for the heir to gain experience in keeping the peace and dealing with the Chandkh. However, the cracks began to show in Li Meng's plan to keep the newest generation 'pure' and true to the ways of Qingan. Li Tong was wild and passionate, violent and impetuous. It made for a great warrior, indeed, of the two brothers, Li Tong was the better despite his youth, but it made a poor leader. His brother would become frustrated with plans and especially with numbers and if something did not go their way, he would fly into a rage causing more damage then he solved, but perhaps worst of all, his love of the Chandkh went too far. Li Tong was fascinated by them, the culture of warriors who took what they wanted, when they wanted. Fascinated by their barbaric religion that had claimed Jian's friend not so long ago, by their women and music. Where Jian sought to enforce order on the Silk Road wherever it came from, Tong would laugh at the antics of rogue Chandkh raiders claiming that the caravans should have brought better fighters if they wished to pass through these lands.

Jian tried to approach his father about his brother, to get him recalled until he could be calmed down and mature, but Li Meng would hear none of it and stripped Jian of his advisory role believing that too many voices in his heir's ear was surely the problem. The loss of his position crushed him, he had dedicated most of his life to safe guarding the roads, the outpost and the people that walked it, he had lost friends and split the blood of his enemies upon the steppe and yet it meant nothing. For months, the young Jian moped and brooded in his chambers taking out his anger in sparring sessions until finally the idea to travel the Silk Road wormed its way into his thoughts. He had looked at this as a punishment, when he should have looked at it as a reward. He was no longer needed, for the first time, Jian had something he had never had before.. Freedom. He made preparations and set off down the road towards his destiny, however, the machinations of man mean little to the Heavens. Before he even reached the Yiu Outpost, he came upon a battle between two Chandkh forces, one of which was very familiar.. the tribe of Chief Batu, the same chief that had claimed the life of his friend Meng and escaped his clutched for so long. With buried rage coming to surface, Jian joined the fray.

The battle was short but bloody, with Jian and his new found allies routing Batu's forces from the field however Batu, himself, escaped. Covered in the blood of her enemies, Jian met a woman who would change his life forever, Sarnai. Sarnai was the daughter of Altan, a powerful Chandkh warlord of the region and a key 'ally' of the Li family in upholding the treaties. Sarnai was no beauty, especially not by the standards of the Imperial Court, she was rough and strong with corded muscles and tanned skin, hair held back in a great tail with shaved sides and her clothing choice of heavy furs left much to the imagination and even more to smell, but she captivated him. She was wild and free, she was what he was not and wished he could be. His vendetta against Batu unfulfilled, Jian offered his services to Altan who laughed and mocked him, for what use could a Chandkh Warlord have for a Qingan pretender? Jian was insistence and after proving himself with three rounds of ritual combat, he was allowed to 'follow'.. if he could keep up.

During his travels with the tribe, he learned much about Batu that he had not known before. Batu lusted for power, desired to become the next Khagan, a 'true' Khagan, one who would bring down the Qingan once again and take the richest and, this time, they would stay. In truth, Batu was neither unique or noteworthy among Chandkh who shared such ideals, but he was vocal enough and had enough warriors following him to make noise... And in his travels, Jian became closer to Sarnai. He was different with her, out there in the steppe. The sacrifices which horrified and offended him seemed to be less damning when he was with her, their insults mattered less so long as she knew he was worthy.. He became free, a warrior of the plains and after a wrestling match with Sarnai, he claimed her as his wife.

The Battle of Yiu Plains

The influence of Batu grew as he forced defeated tribes under his banner and the collation of tribes against him, led by Altan, grew as well. However, Batu's forces were larger and they posed a threat not only to Altan but to the Yunchang Province and the Silk Road, so despite the pleas of Sarnai, Jian left them to inform his father. He rode hard and reached his brother and father at the Tia Outpost, his brother was eager for war but his father was pensive. Batu hadn't made a move against their holdings in some time, and it was just as likely he would lose as win the battle, but the two sons of Li convinced him to take to the field. They sent riders to gather the army, however, as it was on the steppe and they would have to cross many miles in a short time, only the Yian Riders were mustered. Thousands of riders took to the road and headed off to where the forces would meet.

They arrived late and the chaos of battle had begun. From a distance, it was nearly impossible to tell Altan's forces from Batu's and compared to the mass of men and horses, their Yian Riders were a drop in the bucket. The Yunchang Province had always been a small province, the smallest, in fact, and while they were wealthy they did not have the population of the others to field a grand army.. but it would be enough. Li Meng gave the order to charge and the Yian Riders did the bidding of their lord. The battle was wild and unorderly. There was no feigned retreats which was so favored by the Chandkh, no centers or flanks, it was a mass of man and horse. The stench of sweet and blood filled the air and the steppe ran red with blood, horses and men had trouble moving as the ground turned to mud but still the battle waged. At the center, Jian came face to face with Batu and the two charged. They fought bout after bout, but it was clear to Jian that while he was a great warrior, Batu was his better. Every bout, Batu's glaive would come inches away from his face or clip his armor, but Jian endured until he could endure no longer barely able to lift his shattered spear and only the strength of Mei kept him standing. Jian did not receive divine strength and cut down Batu because he was not a hero of legend, Jian was just a man... But he was saved. Li Tong arrived and took over the duel for Jian and while Batu was a fierce warrior, greater then any Jian had faced, Li Tong was better. Batu was slain on the battlefield and victory was claimed.

The Mandate of Heaven
The battle was hard fought and not without loss. Li Meng, the Warlord of Youchang had fallen in battle to the arrows of Batu's horde. In his tent, surrounded by his commanders and his two sons, he picked an heir.. and to the surprise of all, he picked Jian. Jian was the calmer head of the two sons, he was the better leader, the one who could keep the balance, Li Tong was of purer blood and was the greater warrior.. but he had not the mind for it. Li Tong took it as well as one would assume and stormed from the tent leaving their dying father without his company. With the passing of his father, Jian claimed the family spear, Bo Mao, and returned to Youchang with his wife and army. His brother calmed down, but resentment still simmered and does to this day. Li Tong was the hero of Yiu Plains, he slew the great warrior Batu, but it was Jian who ruled now. In the turmoil of the divided realm, Jian couldn't find peace even in his bedchambers for Sarnai grew to resent him over the years. The Jian she had come to love was the warrior of the steppe, wild and free, not the Warlord. Not the Jian that cowed to the Emperor whose only achievement was being born. The one that let weaklings mock him, who denied her the right of her religion and culture.

Much to Jian's ever lasting shame, when Sarnai passed away in childbirth, he was relieved and in that moment, he never felt more disgusted with himself. He was relieved his wife and unborn child were dead and no longer a headache and thorn for him. What kind of man and husband did that make him? What kind of leader? Others may look at their women and children as being little importance compared to their ambitions, but Jian never wanted to be such a man. Perhaps that was merely the will of Heaven, punishment for Jian becoming the duke of youchang when the role had been won by martial right by his brother? Either way, Jian swore off marriage, Li Tong was his heir and was married to a woman of suitable breeding and also lay claim to a concubine, he would have children. Jian would serve.. and someday, Jian would die for in this chaotic realm where the Emperor has lost the Mandate in Heaven, his death was only a matter of time for a man can balance on the edge of a knife for so long.

Motivations | Goals
Survive and protect the silk trade along the Silk Road.

Notable Equipment
Bo Mao


The 'Wave Spear' is a weapon that has been handed down in the Li family for many generations. It is unlike any other spear in Qingan, the steel seems to have 'bends' and 'folds' in it as if it is flowing into one another, waves within the metal. This spear was not forged in Qingan, instead, it came from the Desert Kingdoms along the Silk Road who are said to know the secrets of steel and have some of the greatest smiths in the world. Family tales speak of Li Yuling who saved a large caravan that was heading back from the Silk Road from a Chandkh raid. In return, the leader of the caravan gifted Yuling with the spear and told him that as long as the will of his heirs stayed true, so would the steel.


Of all his holdings, of all his wealth, of all his items and family relics, none are more important to him then Mei. She is his prized mare, the greatest steed to ever come from the Yunchang province. Mei is the result of generations of interbreeding between the steeds of the Chandkh and the Qingan. She is great in size and as fast as the wind, her hooves are like thunder upon the earth and she can run for days. It is not unusual for Chandkh Horselords to make an offer for Mei, even just breeding rights, and it is a common joke among the Horselords that whomever kills the Warden gains the Queen.

There are two other people of note within the Li family: Li Peng and Li Tong. Li Peng is the cousin of Jian who studied in the Imperial City and considers himself to be something of a scholar and strategist while Li Tong, the younger brother of Jian, his heir. Tong is a reckless youth who has more in common with the Chandkh then he does his Qingan people and is dissatisfied with the disrespect often shown his family by the weak Qingan nobility.
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Name: Jia Jing

Alias: "Indigo", "The Sword-Siren"

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Occupation: Retainer

Family | Faction
Jia | N/A

Rapid like the flowing of a river, stalwart like the mountain peaks, Jing is an idol fallen from promised grace; deep reflections of evil taint her glittering shell, goodwill and kindness long taught crumble to natural adversity. The essence of Tian Jin the Tyrant ruefully domineering. She is a bloodthirsty, frenzied woman gripped of a wrothful and vehement disposition, she revels in violence and murder and gains power from the blood of those she kills. Yet let it not be said she is a tyrant to the core, for even the worst people possess shades of neutral gray. Jing is a woman of the court and was raised with etiquette and propriety no matter how loathsome these lessons, she is able to be civil and diplomatic, unbesmirched by the tides of battle one might mistake her for a woman worthy of the glittering heroic armour she bares. She isn't needlessly cruel, trading caravans and villages, women and children, the innocent have nothing to fear - her murderous prowess is for those she calls enemy. As a retainer, she is opportunistic and steeped in uncertainty, she feels no kindred bonds to the denizens of the Imperial Court, ruled by herself and herself alone.

Born to the bloodthirsty monster responsible for the Bleeding Years, Tian Jin, Jia Jing was forsaken by her mother, Jia Jia, as a forlorn consequence of the tyrants cruelty and inflicted trauma. It was fortunate for Jia Jing then, that her grandmother Jia Wu willingly adopted the forsaken baby, seeing past the cruelty into the innocence of an unwitting child with neither choice nor intention. The Jia family is a commendable name, with a line of nobility stretching beyond time immemorial, but they have never possessed lands, or titles, or notable positions within the Imperial Crown. Their legacy has always been as courtiers, their lands ending at the borders of the luxurious Manor garden. Jia Jia's betrothal to the former Emperor was supposed to elevate their line, but instead found nothing but ruin under Tian Jin's heel. However, these downcast fortunes did not shake the spirit of the venerable Lady Jia Wu, eternally optimistic and with a heart of unbridled kindness, she raised Jia Jing with the full courtesies afforded to the upper class. Alas, the power of blood was strong, the child was broody and experienced bouts of violence, Tian Jin's influence mocked the family even in death. Jia Wu decided to focus this anger and rage into the only outlet left, she smashed instruments, and she slashed apart dresses, so it was deemed appropriate to allow her to train as a Tiandi where shattering and violence was a talent learned. Though the lack of wealth didn't allow the hiring of the most skilled warriors, Jia Jing was a quick study who relished the aggression and the pain. Jia Wu accepted that if the only way to control the errant granddaughter was by indulging her anger so that she could be serene within the household, it was a sacrifice worth making.

When Jia Jing was 13, a visiting dignitary of the Yu dynasty offered to take Jing to the court of the esteemed Wuhuan Yu for tutoring. He claimed praise on the child as reason -- but it was mainly to curry easy favour with the Jia family. Her time at the Yu coirt was exceptional, if not affectionate. Many of the hard disciplines instilled so diligently by Lady Jia's were undone as Jing became an undesirable in a foreigners court, she was methodically educated in basic lessons and, after numerous failed attempts at re-introducing the "proper" practices for a woman, they were forced to continue her grandmothers lessons. The instructors were not kind in these teachings, often attempting to beat her out of this alien ferocity, but she kept fighting - kept persisting. No matter how violent, how bloodies, how unfair, the stacked odds were, she persisted. In time, even the cruel instructors were impressed. These lessons, though not refined, had their undesired effect of making her a better warrior. Her constant failings made way for adaptations, and with each year the instructors found less ways to injure their disobedient pup -- now wizened to such attempts. For what it's worth; Jia lived a life of privilege. Violence and pain, perhaps, but she dined at the height of Imperial nobility, leaching off the acclaimed kitchen of the mighty Yu Clan, she was afforded the fanciest clothes and the most refined health care, she was tutored in the many learnings of their history, studying literature, alphabets, philosophy and integrity.

At 19, having completed the contract of her education, she returned to the Jia Estate where her grandmother awarded her with an asinine gift; the reforged armour of the cruel and vicious Tian Jin, the formerly sleek black miasma of terror now fluttered in brilliant darts of cerulean blue; majestic gold clutched the smallest symbolic etchings wrought upon the brilliant display of craftsmanship. immeasurably regal and projecting an aura of undeniable majesty, Tian Jin's fear-inducing fortress of death had been reborn in Jing Jia's guise -- the birth of the Sword-Siren. The cost of reforging though incomparable to construction, decimated the estate's funds -- for reasons unknown to Jing herself, Wu had invested their livelihood into something as simple as a metal costume, attempting to rival the greatest Emperor's with it's dazzling intricacy.

Or, perhaps that was the intent, for such a display roused the ire and attention of all within the court - where formerly eyes were averted in boredom, now lay curiosity and attentiveness. This armour had somehow pushed Jia Jing into the spotlight as something of a marveling oddity to the upper nobility, the Emperor himself capitalized on the attention -- Jia was appointed as a Company Captain of a small retinue of riders and tasked with unearthing a recent string of bandit attacks. She took to this duty diligently, no doubt, but her first taste of combat wasn't one of apprehension or uncertainty. Or even duty. When her spear first found her mark's throat, Jing Jia felt power succulent and enticing. The glowing sensation of spilled blood and the act of murder came joyously, cleanly and efficiently. Her own troop began to look upon her with concern, as the very question of one's nature versus nurture was scrutinized by the Thirteen themselves. Her taste for bloodshed didn't end there, since her congratulations and official recognition as an Imperial retainer by the Jade Palace, her days have been spent in pursuit of that empowering high - it is said she hums a soothing song whilst slitting the throats of her enemies, a chilling tale reflecting a twisted nature of an otherwise diplomatic - if vehement - woman.

Motivations | Goals
Jia Jing has no aims; she is impulsive and indulgent, taking decisions that suit her on a whim.

Notable Equipment:
Indigo's Armour

A brilliant forge of clandestine majesty, glittering in the deep blanket of indigo which sparkle the reflection of its shining gold hue. This armour was reforged from Tian Jin's blacksteel, a rare material imported from the east, lightweight and sturdy, a cocoon of pure metal without exploitation. Tian Jin bore this armour as a terrible tyrant, invulnerable in his might and fear. It was reforged - at a vast expense - by lady Jia Wu in the guise of a hero. In its essence, a cruel lie, for the outfit of a hero does not forge a hero out of the roots of vicious nature.

Name: Yi Hong

Alias: "The Iron-Face General", "The Terror of Danxi"

Age: 52

Gender: Male

Occupation: Governor

Family | Faction:
Yi | The Qingan Frontier Pact

The days when men can shake the mountains with nought but a fearsome stare are well and truly among the Qingan people; for no rock or hill could ever overpower the fiery cold gaze of the Iron-Faced General. A man of duty, ruled by laws and rules, his mighty mace the harbinger of his righteous will. Yi Hong, the Governor of Danxi Valley, is a veteran of a thousand battles and survivor of three wars, his will is unbroken and his strength legendary. There are few men alive with the tales Yi Hong holds, and fewer still as tight-lipped as he, his namesake an adoption of his crushing gaze as much as his tenacious stubborn nature. A devoutly militarised man is expected to suffer such flaws, but Yi Hong is ruled by vengeance and prejudice - his pointed gaze aimed outwards to the Steppes, looking to brutalize the Chandkh and bring their vicious, barbaric depravity to heel where he can smash them underneath his judgment. Yi Hong is simply a joyless man. They say he never smiles, they say his men are loyal through discipline - that anything below absolute is punished with harsh cruelty. Chopped off fingers, flayed ears, shattered ribs - joyless punishments for joyless men. He does not do it out of sadism, or a thrill, but efficiency. The harshest methods get the best results - a chink in the armour can be found and exploited. Yi Hong is absolute. Undaunted. There are no gaps in his massive breastplate, for he has stamped them into dust. They say Gao Jun's specter haunts the Danxi Crossing; but Yi Hong is the only nightmare in this valley.

The Yi family, once proud and venerable, have long since fallen from grace. a wealthy dynasty of renown, with access to rich mining veins and fertile farmlands, their household was the joy of the Imperial Realm, a station for feasts and balls luxurious and grand, earning the Yi much influence and connections in court - whilst they plied secrets and gossip from their often inebriated guests. Yi Huang was a great man, a tact schemer and staunch politician, so his untimely death due to a harsh disease at the youthful age of 29 saw his underage son, Xui Yi, take ownership of the family fortunes. At just seventeen, the young Duke was unaccustomed to the pressures of the imperial Court, lacking proper tutoring and instruction from his father. He attempted to follow in his footsteps, throwing balls and feasts, but the passing of his father meant the passing of his influences, only minor Governors attended, people of low stature and reputability. A desperate Yi Xui began throwing larger and more extravagant events, - far beyond the scope of his payment. The years ticked by, duped into a marriage for funds, now long-dried, House Yi's influence was rejuvenated but not through political guile or tact, but the throwing of funds at the problem until no longer a problem.

At 32 years of age, more than a decade since, house Yi stood on the brink of collapse; buried in debt from Imperial Loans, he turned to less respectable methods of funding. his son, Yi Hong, now a boy of 9, was raied lovelessly and cruelly, shuttered away from his uncaring father, resentful of his position and without love for his family. Yi Hong was an angry child, brazen and violent, his outbursts against the servants and proper where met with his fathers cruel beatings, and as he ages, so too did his rage. Yi Xui's fortunes continued to dwindle, eventually moneylenders and loansharks attacked their Manor with bandit raids, terrorizing the villagers and demanding their pay, rather than bend to their whims Yi Xui begged Emperor He Yuan's aid, expecting deliverance and salvation. Instead, outraged that a member of his Court had made deals with bandits and loansharks, branded Yi Xui a traitor and stripped him of his lands and titles, to be awarded to the loyal House Yu instead.

The family, now exiled, sought refuge in Sie, but were turned away. Now a boy of 16, possessed of an unusual stature and might, Yi Hong grew to anger even easier, for a time his father would demean him with discipline and anger, but when his 17th birthday came, the father was no longer physically capable of manhanfling his son. Yi Hong continued to grow, continued to gain strength, even as they lived off a dwindling fortune, fleeing across Qingan from loansharks and without a refuge, Yi Hong's blood boiled at his father. One night, he awoke to a commotion; finally caught, the bandits battered and brutalized Yi Xui, robbing him of every penny and leaving him with shattered legs. He cried for his son to carry him to safety, Yi Hong had a different plan - he smashed his father's face in with a great branch. His mother cursed him a demon through her bouts of screaming and crying, promptly fleeing to her ancestral home. Yi Hong didn't care - he had never felt love for them. So instead, he wandered the lands, before enlisting as a common soldier in the Imperial Army.

As a noble, exiled or not, Yi Hong was offered the position of an Infantry Officer due to his educated upbringing. He saw much action in the northern frontiers, battling the Chandkh around the outskirts of Danxi Valley, for 10 years he served, until the year of 592, when the 27 year old Officer was called to action in the south. The terrible tyrant Tian Jin had murdered the Emperor He Zang and sacked the Imperial Palace, mutilating the Emperor's body and humiliating the Jia family. Yi Hong met the terrible tyrant in battle in three separate occasions, the first was the Battle of Aishang, where a small collection of warlords rushed to defeat the tyrant before he could leave the Imperial Province. Their numbers were shattered, as Tian Jin's army quadrupled in size due to an influx of bandits, raiders and criminals to his ranks. Yi Hong was captured and used for entertainment, his giant size and strength a source of amusement for the bandits, as they made him battle leopards and wolves naked and unarmed. however, he escaped captivity during the chaotic Battle of Gangsong, where the Imperial army regrouped into a centralized force and marched on the bandits in force. Tian Jin set up an ambush for the attacking forces, breaking their flanks in a two-pronged attack from the forests; a third regiment entering the flank an entire day later as planned, shattering the Imperial forces as they were hit from every side. Yi Hong's presence on the battlefield against his captors was not unseen from the fractured remnants of the battle's survivors. The Chain of Command shattered, they followed him to regroup with the army of Yu Wuhan, who used false armies and false scouts to lure Tian Jin to his lands, under the pretense that he was being pursued from the all sides.

Tian Jin soon found all his opponents who he believed he was fleeing from waiting for him, as battle broke out Yi Hong commanded the right flank, smashing through the lines as a giant beast of a man with unbridled fury, he very briefly clashed with the tyrant himself, battling with the feared warrior Tian Jin for three bouts before he was viciously impaled, his hamstring lashed in the battle, he was only saved by Gao Jun's glittering glaive slicing the killing blow aside. The new Emperor, He An showered the Officer in rewards and praise, tails of his legendary journey as a war hero spread throughout the realm - tales of a man large as giants fighting in every battle and surviving them all, rallying the fractured Imperial Army after escaping captivity by wrenching the gates to his cell asunder and squishing the skulls of his captors, to culminate valiantly as he met the tyrant head on, a hero and warrior, even if he tasted defeat that day. Yi Hong cared not for the titles or praise, but he went on as he always had, a soldier. This time, owning the small powerless lands of the Hanxi Valley. He became known as the Iron-Face General, a testiment to his exploits, and the unchanging singular disciplined rage his face only moved in.

For many years, Yi Hong remained a resolute warrior, a guardian and shield of the north, he took no wives nor found love, as if back to the youthful days of an Officer, his purpose was battling the savage Chandkh and keeping them from the volley. Though a small realm, his lands were safeguarded, all who served under Yi Hong disciplined. So when the Great Khagan Yesugei united the horselords and invaded the valley, Yi Hong and his men were the first line of defense - supported by the Imperial army. The battle was bloody and fierce, the Horselords employing psychological warfare and disciplined strategy that shook the roots of their host. Yi Hong, whilst mighty and strong, was old and slow, plagued by his damaged leg, the dismounted Governor was seperated from the army. As days ticked by and the host harrassed the Imperial Army, Yi Hong, alone and without aid, made his way south through forests and valleys, hobbling and murdering the few Chandkh pursuers who crossed him. He walked the ruins of his own village, razed to the ground and the inhabitants slaughtered.

Hi Yong would cross the Danxi Bridge alone. There, he would find the fallen body of the hero Gao Jun who'd saved his life those many years gone. He would carry the body miles south, to the Capital, so that his children may lay him to rest. Once he discovered the Emperor had capitulated, an outraged Hi Yong immediately withdrew his support for the false Emperor, thoroughly believing the mandate was gone. There, he joined the like-minded Qingan Frontier Pact headed by Xuefeng Zan. The destruction of his people and home left Hi Yong unhinged, he took great pleasure from brutalizing the Chandkh and his own men were brutalized if anything less than perfect. The valley would not be lost again. He took up a giant mace and terrifying armour, replicating the psychological terror the Chandkh instilled back upon them through his mighty appearance and guttural war screams.

Motivations | Goals
The Safeguarding of the Danxi Valley and decimation of the Chandkh

Notable Equipment

An impossibly large mace fashioned for Yi Hong's domineering nature, though the gold is nothing more than painted bronze, it's intimidating size within the hands of its beastly wielder give little time for thoughts of forgery. Make no mistake, this is not a weapon forged for practical use, but pure psychological terror. Yi Hong's very presence is enough to inspire dread into the hearts of his enemies and bravery into his allies, his great strength wielding Ungulate as he smashes through infantry lines like an unstoppable force of unbridled nature, a might born from the rage of demons.

Yi Hong's Armour
Crude, immense, well-forged bronze, simple words for simple armour -- painted gold and red, carrying the guise of unrivaled imperialism and the peak of majesty, the massive bulk shines upon the field as an unmissable beacon of heroic dread. His helm molded in the face of a roaring tiger, winged and majestic, elegant like the Dragons but fierce and threatening, his waist and cape carved out of two great northern direwolves -- it is said he strangled them in anger when roused from his sleep. The armour, fancy as it is, bares no special properties or design, it's simply so massive no normal man could hope to walk in such a cage of brass.

Yi Hong is commonly known to viciously brutalize Chandkh Prisoners of War, making mockery of their religious practices and beating them to death as the men sing and jeer. Though tyranny is common towards the Steppe Tribes, Yi Hong has been known to smash these long-deceased corpses into thick red paste in bouts of maniacal rage - then decorating the palisades outside the valley with their bloodied remains, so much so that the palisades appear painted red - always adorned with the decapitated head of a Chandkh.

After his hamstring was sliced in a duel with Tian Jin, Yi hong has held a permanent limp and is unable to run or move dexterously.

Alias: [ optional ]
Age: 22

Gender: Male

Occupation: Rebel Leader

Family | Faction:
Gan Xiao

Personality: [ optional, personality changes as time goes on ]

Biography: [ can go into detail as much as you need, please include known accomplishments if any and important moments in your character's lives, include timeline if you want the details included in the lore tab ]

Motivations | Goals:
Dismantle the noble Dynasties and establish a Mandate ruled by the people. With him as their esteemed Emperor

Notable Equipment:
Other: [ if there's anything else missing or you'd like to add more information such as secrets, feel free ]

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Name: Meng Fa
Courtesy Name: Zuoshi
Alias: Administrator of Jinxuan Province
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Occupation: Administrator, Adviser
Family | Faction
Meng | Yu Dynasty


Meng Fa is ambitious and cunning and uses his abilities to assist the Yu Family. He believes in his masters ambitions and wishes to see them fulfilled. He has aided his Lord Yu Wuhuan ever since he rose to power. Becoming one of his closest advisors. He is well associated with many of the other officers and officials under Lord Yu. Some of Lord Yu’s advisors have criticism of Fa’s tactics and behavior. For instance he is too informal around his lord and his unorthodox strategies.
But many haven’t taken any action to sabotage Meng Fa. Rather they think he should learn to be less rash and not to endanger his masters plan. He is a trustworthy ally to his peers, but to those not under Yu Wuhuan’s employ or association are tools for him to use for the prosperity of the Yu Dynasty. He will do anything for the sake of his lord and his home.

Meng Fa was born to his father Meng Shi and mother Zhu Yin who lived in Aishang. Meng Shi was an official in the He Imperial Court and his mother acted as his tutor. Meng Fa learned many things, arithmetics, literacy, civics, philosophy and history. A well educated fellow who was never afraid to get into trouble. He had friends, sons of government officials who had nothing better to do when they weren’t studying. They’d get into mischief a lot. Sneaking out after evening curfew to hunt outside the city, flirting with the servant girls, and skipping prayer. Meng Fa was scolded by his father who threatened to kick him out of their estate if he ever caused trouble, which he didn’t. With his academic talents he started his career in civics at the age of 20.

Meng Fa was keen on maintaining the He and felt it was his duty to ensure they remain as the rulers of the land. At 21, Meng Fa learned swordplay. He was instructed by Commandant of the Cavalry, Xin Zungu. A friend of his father who helped whipped Fa into shape when he was trouble. Meng Fa became more docile and obedient in the years to come and for most of his life would be away from the action until 617 when the plague hit. Meng Fa and his parents would abandon the capital and head south until they reached Yu territory. They were at the gates of Qiyuan. Yu Wuhuan had met them at the gates who were begging for him to take them in. Lord Yu was actually thankful to have Meng Fa in his employ who had received the occupation of an official at such a young age. He graciously embraced them and gave them a home in Qiyuan. Due to Meng Fa’s ability, he was offered the position of the Administrator of Jinxuan. Jinxuan was a commandery that bordered Qiyuan. It was a minor agricultural lot, but Meng Fa was able to progress it into a commercial district. Meanwhile his parents would live in his new estate where they would live the rest of their days retired at least until the He was restored. Yu Wuhuan was more than satisfied with his new subordinates results and offered him to be involved in military affairs. Unfortunately, Meng Fa had no experience in strategy and war. But Lord Yu was confident in Fa’s abilities. He would spend his free time reading battle formations, logistics, strategy, and military science. He now awaits for his mettle to be put to the test.

Motivations | Goals
Claim glory and fame and to serve the Yu.

Notable Equipment
Yu and Lu
After Meng Fa was given his title, he practiced with swallow swords that he called Yu and Lu (Rain and Dew). Forged by his own hands and would train with them with time to himself.


Kurēn Yori



Samurai Retainer

Family/Clan | Faction
Kurēn | Sie

Family/Clan Sigil

Yori is an interesting figure among her family, interesting in that she never reveals her face. She keeps it obscured either by her menpo mask or a cowl, always keeping the bottom portion of her face hidden regardless of circumstance and has become a master of eating without revealing and this is enhanced by her menpo which can have the very bottom removed to allow her to sneak food in. Her long black hair is silky and luxuriously, descending in waves to just past her shoulders. Her skin, outside of that on her hands which are calloused despite efforts to use ointment to keep it from being so, is soft and there is not a visible mar upon it. Her eyes are a deep brown that seems to draw people in, her eyes have a certain light of innocence, but also, savagery to them. Her eyebrows are thin but sit aggressively upon her face, if she was anything but the famous warrior she was, it would detract, however, her eyebrows only add to her appearance as that of a warrior.

She is not tall, she is of smaller frame, but not demure. Her curves are pleasant, but not overwhelming. Her feet are small and delicate and she is said to have the body of a feral great cat and moves with the fluid movements of a dancer. While no one has seen her face outside of her father and a few trusted servants, she is considered to be one of the great beauties of the land as while no one has seen her, her father is a handsome man, her mother was beautiful and her younger sister was the toast of the court known for her beauty and refinement, so the belief of the ethereal beauty Yori who hides behind her mask until someone worth comes has spread.

It is a lie. Yori is not beautiful. Her mouth and jaw is disfigured, her overly thin lips horribly twisted on the left side leaving her mouth unable to ever truly rest closed. The bones of her shoulders do not sit correctly making her left arm slightly longer then the rest and forces her shoulders to contort like that of a sickly child, her ribs bulge out far from the perfect figure people believe she has. She is constantly in pain from her body, a pain that she has grown used to but always sits in the back of her mind, and she must take medication when she awakes else she will be writhing in pain unable to even grip her blade. This is the reason she wears kimono's of too large a size and never reveals her face for in the crane clan, beauty, or the illusion of such, is everything.

Disciplined || Insecure || Determined || Obedient || Judgmental

Discipline is not only a core part of her person, it is her life. She is an Onna-bugeisha of Clan Kurēn, serving with dedication under the Sie, she has been raised in a life of responsibility, expectation and martial training, beaten and forged into a blade over the long years. Her thoughts are her own, and she rarely, if ever, shows her true feelings, and when she does, it is indecipherable anyways thanks to half her face being obscured. She is precise in her movements and words which make her seem aloof and reserved, which is correct. She is not the most open or warm person that has ever lived, preferring the comfort and safety distance gives her. That distance proves vital to her because she doesn't like when people attempt to close that distance as she is incredibly insecure about her appearance, not able to show people what lays under her mask because, as a Crane, she knows, better then anyone, what will happen. After years of her father telling her to hide her face, for the fear to constantly build and see her fears validated in the way her clan treats others like her, she simply doesn't no how to lower the walls any longer. It has become ingrained to who she is and she accepts that. When she is complimented, it tends to leave her baffled and embarrassed even as she revels in it.

Despite her insecurities, Yori is a determined woman. She knows what she wants out of her life, she knows who she wants to be and where she wants to end up and there is very little she won't do to reach her goals so long as they do not endanger her honor. There is little that can be done to her that she can't overcome, after all, she is a famous disfigured warrior in a family that considers disfigurement to be among the greatest of crimes. This determination does lead to stubbornness but not full obstinacy. She is very obedient to her superiors, after all, she is a samurai and her role in life is to serve, it does go beyond this however, as she has always lived under the rule and shadow of her father, even now the little girl inside of her jumps when he commands out of fear and habit. Yet, Yori is a very judgmental person. It isn't fair, she knows that, she knows better then anyone how harshly she, herself, would be judged and found wanting if her people found out the truth about her, yet she cannot help but measure everyone she meets by the same unreasonable standards of the Crane. Just like her people would do to her, those that do not meet those standards are dismissed with a lift of her nose and a turn of her heel and even as she storms away from the unworthy, she is ashamed because a voice mocks her as she does it, the small voice that whispers, 'hypocrite.'

The Caged Bird
Yori was born to Kurēn Ryuji and Kurēn Asami, but her birth was not a herald of prosperity but the dawn of woe. Her birth was hard on Asami and she survived only long enough to look upon his child and bestow a name upon her, 'Yori'. When Ryuji saw his daughter, he recoiled because the little misshapen thing could never be a spawn of his. The Kurēn were a clan of beauty, a clan that prided itself on selecting only the finest of breeding stock, of carefully pruning the family tree to ensure only perfection remained. This thing was no Kurēn. In that moment, when Ryuji held the misshapen babe in his arms, he wanted to nothing more then to do the old fable, where the first of clan Kurēn drowned the oldest of his children, a sickly boy, to preserve the strength of his line... But he could not bring himself to do it. This thing had been named by Asami, his beloved, and though it took her from him, he would honor her wish and see it raised.. but he would not be cursed to look upon it nor suffer the shame of allowing others to. The midwives were sworn to secrecy and Yori was handed off to a wet-nurse, a trusted servant who was paid handsomely and given a small cottage upon their lands where she was to remain with the abomination. She was never to allow the child to leave the house nor allow her to be seen for such shame could destroy the reputation and strength of the Crane.

So Yori was raised by her wet-nurse, Saeko, and watched the world from a window. She had no real frame of reference, the small cottage was all she knew. She used to watch the children playing in the fields just beyond their home, how they'd laugh and chase one another, but whenever she asked to go join them, Saeko would explode. Yori was never to leave the house, never. So she watched, from the shadows, as the world moved around her. Once every couple months, he would arrive. Her father, but he was not like the fathers she saw from her window, the ones who laughed and would even lift their daughters up high into the sky, but how she wished he would. Yori could not imagine what that would feel like, to be held like that, to feel like she was flying above the world, but whenever he came, he barely looked at her. He spoke to Saeko, left some things, then left, but even still, she looked forward to his visits because it was something. His visits broke up the endless cycle of her life, and as she learned to read and write, to sing and dance, she tried to impress her father whenever he came at least.. for awhile. One day, after learning the Nagareru Kurēn, an intricate ceremonial dance that many girls twice her age could not master, she tried to show her father. He exploded, said he would not stand there as the dance of their family was so crudely done by this thing, for the first time in her life, her father touched her and she tasted the blood in her mouth for days after. Something was wrong with her. She had always known it. Why else was she hidden away while others played? Why else would her father never look at her? Why else would Saeko take such care to never let her out of sight? Yori just didn't know what was wrong with her and no matter how many times she asked Saeko, she never answered.

Iron Sand
On her tenth nameday, her father appeared which was unusual. Never before had he visited on her nameday and her life was going to change. She hid by the door as he spoke to Saeko, of how she had no use but he would find a way for her to serve the clan. To give back instead of being a leech, draining away the resources and growing fat like a parasite. She would be molded into a warrior and through blood and fire, she'd accomplish something of note or she'd die. Two tigers fought in her stomach, one of excitement as she was going to go outside, to see the world, to do something and of fear because never before had she left the house, this prison and her home.. But it didn't matter which tiger won because her fate was not her own. Saeko covered her tightly in a thick kimono and used a shawl to hide her face as they left the cottage and went into the world. They traveled for days with an armed escort to a small island and a temple that lay within. There an old man resided, a Sword Saint of Sie and member of a branch family of the Kurēn. Never before had the man taken a pupil and to this day, Yori has no idea why he decided to train her or what her father offered to make it happen, but he became her new guardian, her caretaker.. her warden.

Her body was soft and weak, Shisho would make it strong. Her mind was dull and unfocused, Shisho would make it sharp. She was Iron Sand, useless and crude but through his teaching, he would forge her into a blade worthy of Kurēn. For the first few hours, Yori had hope, this was a new experience, a chance to see new things, but that hope was quickly tempered as her body screamed in agony as she pushed it to limits it didn't know it had. Days turned to months and months to years, Yori got used to Shisho who she knew by no other name then that. She had tried to rebel, had even tried to make a crude raft during one of her survival training to escape and see the world, but she had been caught and Shisho burned her raft before her, burned her freedom. Her father visited although seldom and rarely. Upon one visit, when she was thirteen, him and her Shisho had a great argument. The voice of her father and the calm, soft words of her Shisho reaching even her room, but the words were muffled and distorted, but from that day on, Yori was to wear a mask, a menpo. Regardless of what she wore that day, or the temperature, or the activity, she was to hide her face. To teach her to live with it on, to each with it on, to sleep with it on until the very idea of not having it on made her restless.

On the day of her fourteenth nameday, her father arrived. The second nameday he had ever been there for. He came with a gift for her, something that had never happened before.. ever. Yori had never received a gift in her life much less from her father who she was well aware hated her. A fact that had kept her awake so often at night as she wondered why and what she could do to earn that love. In a ceremony, before her Shisho, she was gifted a katana. A blade forged by the master smiths of Kurēn. The blade felt right in her hands, it moved and glided through the air far better then the training blades of her Shisho. That night, once again, Shisho and her father argued, and once again, her father prevailed. A man was dragged onto the island in chains. A pirate who had been captured in battle, there was only one way to truly test a katana, her father said, it had to draw blood and claim a life. The man was terrified and kept begging her not to do this. To spare him, he spoke of his children back home, children who were starving and how he had to become a pirate to feed them. Yori couldn't do it and when she refused, her father struck her nearly knocking the menpo from her face, but still she refused. No matter how he demanded, she refused. Even when her father told her that if she was ever to have value after taking his wife from him, she must do this.. a blow that was harder then any physical wound, she refused. It did not end until her Shisho took her blade from her and cut down the begging pirate in front of her, the blood warm against her skin as it stained her and the white beaches. Her Shisho cleaned the blade with a flick of his wrist and returned it to her, as her father turned red with outrage, Shisho calmly told him that if there were any problems in the way he handled the testing, they could settle it in the way of their ancestors.. a duel. Once again, her father left and she would not see him again for four years.

Court of Lies
When she was eighteen, she was summoned before her Shisho. Unlike normally, he asked her to sit with him and they shared some tea. He told her of the future. Her father would be coming soon to get her and she would be traveling to court, she would become a retainer for the Sie family, the fairly recent rulers of the southlands. Shisho imparted words of wisdom on her that day, to never trust the words of those at court for a warrior was true but a noble was false. That behind every smile was a dagger and behind every kind gesture, poisonous ambition... but most important of all, he told her she had become a fine blade and that this island would always be a home for her should she need it. She did not cry in front of him, for to do so would dishonor him, but the second she was alone in her room, she wept. She had a home, a true home, and Shisho was the only person she truly had in her life... when she was younger she had only wanted to escape, but now she didn't want to leave. Shisho was getting older and Yori had already taken over most of the house chores for him and although she would never say it to him, she wondered how he would survive on his own, but like most things in her life, she did not get a say in it.

Yori and her father spoke very little words to one another on the trip back, her father stressed of the importance of her mask, of never allowing anyone to see her face, of the importance of her clothing, to never allow anyone to see her body. Yori understood. She was not a fool. While she never had much to compare it to, she knew she was wrong. But when they arrived, the city was beyond her wildest expectations. Never before had she seen so many people, the sounds and smells nearly overwhelmed her. Neither the cottage at the edge of the small village or the island had prepared her for such a world, and for the first time since she had tea with her shisho, she felt something resembling hope. She was introduced to the court as Yori Kurēn, eldest child and heir to Clan Kurēn, and there before the court, she swore herself to the Sie.

Her life was... different. She was met with curiosity and wonder by everyone. They wanted to know where she had been, what she was like, whom she supported, her beliefs and ideas, and, most importantly, people wanted to know what she looked like and why she hid her face. At first, she was flattered by the attention, never before had she had such long conversations especially not with her being at the core of it, but she quickly became overwhelmed. Men looked at her, women envied her, it all made no sense to her and it was all too much, too quickly, so she did as her Shisho advised and withdrew. She spoke less, watched more. Created a safe wall around herself and, once again, she felt like that little girl watching the world go by from her window. This had the opposite effect of what she had intended though. The more reserved she became, the more curious others became about her. The more her renown grew especially as she defeated the other great warriors and retainers of the Sie. The lethal Onna-bugeisha of Kurēn who danced with the blades and was said to be so beautiful her father had to have her hide her face for fear of driving men mad with desire. Silly tales that had grown out of boredom of the court, nothing more, but Yori would be lying if she said she wasn't somewhat pleased by the attention, it was... different.

But it wasn't the attention she truly wanted, she discovered that quickly enough. When visiting her father's estates, for the first time, she saw her younger sister, Aiko. Eight years her junior, her sister was lovely. She was small and lovely, with a face that could make a poet weep. She was what a woman of the Crane was meant to be, but that isn't what hurt, no, it was the way her father looked at her. He smiled, laughed, and lifted her into the air just as the fathers of the other children had done so long ago, as she had so desperately wished he would do to her... To love her like a daughter. But Yori wasn't.. not like Aiko. Yori was misshapen and ugly, a wretched duck among the Crane, Aiko.. Aiko was perfect. How Yori hated her in that moment. Jealousy poisoning her mind and even years later, the resentment and anger is there, curling itself in the core of her heart as she whispers how she isn't good enough for her father, how if.. maybe.. just maybe if Aiko wasn't there her life could be different, and each time those thoughts come up, she crushes them. Aiko is kind and thoughtful, sweet and pure, it wasn't her fault the heavens blessed her... Nor was it her fault the heavens cursed Yori but she can never truly quiet that voice.

Pirates of Wukang
The Sie had rid most of the south of the pirates, but not all. Pirates still plagued the sea, but their power had been greatly diminished. Battles against such raiders were still fairly common and Yori had gathered much experience in crushing such rabble as well as dueling upstart samurai that sought to make a name from her hide. However, lately, a pirate had been gathering an impressive force of men and ships. He dubbed himself as the 'Pirate Lord' a man who obviously suffered from delusions of grandeur as he sought to remake the southlands into a haven for pirates once more. Yori accompanied the forces of Sie in crushing the rebellious 'lord' once and for all.

Along a turbulent river in a storm, the fleets clashed. Arrows, fire and screams filled the night sky as the ships rammed one another, unloading their warriors onto each other as they fought for dominance. Yori weaved through the combat, at home on the swaying ships like only a warrior of the southlands could be, her blade cut a bloody path through all who stood against her. Pirates were not some rabble, they were trained warriors used to combat but they were not born for it like she was. Severed limbs and shattered bone were all that could be gained standing against her. Her ship pushed past the blockade and defenses set up by the pirate and at her command, they boarded the flagship of the self-proclaimed pirate lord. With only a handful of brave Southlanders at her back, she cleaved her way through the best of the pirates until she stood before the mountain of a man. He held a massive war club and with each swing he splintered wood and shook the boat to its foundation, but he never touched her. She danced and weaved through the heavy swings, her eyes alight with the fire of nearby vessels, her bloody sword made a single hum as it glided through the night removing the giant's head from his shoulders. The gongs were beat, the cheers went up as victory was claimed and the pirates captured or scattered once more.

For her victory, honors were laid upon her clan and on her twenty-first name day, her father gifted her the family blade, Kurēnhae, the soaring crane. With it in hand, she would carve her legacy into the Sie, she would become the champion of the dynasty and earn the recognition from them that she could not gain from her father. She would become great through her actions and not her looks. She would rise above the rumors that surrounded her or she would die as she was not a thing, she was not an abomination that claimed the life of her mother, she was the heir of Kurēn, a samurai of Sie.

Motivations | Goals
To become the Champion of Sie and be validated beyond the rumors that surround her.

Notable Equipment
Twin Blades

Yori has two katana, one is her sword presented to her on her 14th name day, Shinjitsu, the second is the sword of the Kurēn line, Kurēnhae, passed from head to heir on their 21st name day. She will only draw Kurēnhae if she believes the opponent is worthy.

Yori has a mastery of three of the seventeen divine sword styles of the Crane

Hane no dansu 'Dance of Feathers'
The dance of feathers is a very aggressive form of kenjutsu and is considered to be the most beautiful to watch of the crane styles which is telling. The samurai appearing as more of a 'dancer' then that of a warrior as they move with a fluidity and lethal grace, it emphasis the idea of 'death by a thousand cuts' prioritizing maiming and doing small lacerations and stabs to non-vital areas to bring down the foe. Due to the aggressive nature, graceful movements and priory on bleeding the foe, it is one of the hardest to defend against fully but fairly easy to guard major organs and arteries against.

Isshun no uchi 'In An Instant'
The Isshun no uchi is almost the complete opposite of the Hane no dansu. Where Hane no dansu is beautiful and graceful, Isshun no uchi is efficient and intense. As its name states, it is a fighting style set out to settle a fight 'in an instant'. It is designed to create openings however one can even in less then honorable means and capitalizing on that single moment and ending the fight with a quick, lethal blow. This fighting style is incredibly high risk, high reward for it creates just as much openings as it reveals and tends to mean the quicker or more focused swordsmen is likely to prevail.

Kanja hantā 'Patient Hunter'
The Kanja hantā, or the Patient Hunter, is said to be one of the greatest dueling styles and it is, for a fact, the greatest in the crane. The Patient Hunter is not something one can just 'learn' it is something they must be born with. A master of the Patient Hunter must have an impeccable will, lightning reflexes, decisive soul, yet, a patient mind. Despite what others think, the Patient Hunter is not about fighting defensively until the opponent reveals an opening, the hunter creates the opening. By studying their foes movements, their thoughts, their style, they lure them into a false sense of comfort, tricking them into a rhythm of their choosing even as they believe they control the tempo then when the foe is at the exact tempo the hunter wants, they move in for the kill. Some wait for when the foe believes they are on the urge of victory, some wait for the despair to sink in, but it is important to note that this style's use in massed warfare is nonexistent, it requires too much observation, too much time and too much concentration to be of use in the chaos of battle.
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thanks araki

Lei Cato
Traveling Retainer / Warrior
Family | Faction:
Lei | Weisheng Bang


Cato gives the impression that his general demeanor is cheerful, eccentric and sarcastic. Despite the surface impression, however, he is generally unassuming and is fairly self-deprecating. He has also confessed to being envious of other people. Nevertheless, he accepts these qualities to be repellent to other people, thus he has gained a love for humour and smiling, and acts in a spontaneous manner. He likely believes he can not maintain friendships otherwise. Cato is very careful with his application of jokes for he believes that they must be improvised, or else they are just common lies, moreover he fully understands how they can cause misunderstandings. Cato's mood is generally well kept, except when he feels his time has been wasted; then he becomes somewhat depressed and irascible. Contrary to his personality, he distances himself when people start getting too close, as he is obsessed with not becoming obsessed with anything.

Cato can be a impetuous, confrontational man when put into a situation that demands it. Although he rarely puts his own body into harm's way, he's known to be quick to anger; even to those of who he considers his friends.

Born in the Haungdaun Mountains, Cato was raised amongst a large group of other children. From the time he remembers, some children were older, some younger. Each child had a consistent schedule according to the shadows cast on the pillar located in the center of the village. Cato had a simple childhood, he was given food that he had to appreciate; friends that were similar to him; and constant training. A childhood simple to him as he recalls it. The neverending work of the children of this small village wasn't something to be proud of, the older, more wiser men and woman grew to despise how the system treated their offsprings. Nonetheless, they didn't really do much to stop it.

Cato was tasked with bringing water from the lake on the other side of the mountain ranges, didn't matter how he got there, he just had to bring water every day. Grouped with other children, the task wasn't the easiest but definitely not the hardest. Hours scaling the upward climb of the mountain and then down the terrifying rocks that really never seemed to end. Day after day, bringing buckets full of water up and down. Soon, they got faster. It no longer took the group the entire day to bring the water, and when they got older; it got increasingly easier. During this time of growing, Cato found himself becoming a sort of leader to the group, it wasn't an honorary title or even a good thing but it made him proud.

Traveling up and down a mountain with a group of kids the same age as him was good experience, not only that, but watching what the other kid's were doing. Fighting, kids ruthlessly pouncing on eachother. It was vivid to Cato but worth viewing. It was experience he would need to have, even if it didn't come into use that often. However, that experience of just watching would have to be put to the test. While filling some buckets, a group of rowdy ruffians who refused to recede approached. They demanded the buckets be handed to them, the group refused, the ruffians only grew more upset with each refusal. Soon they pulled out weaponry, things the group had never seen but knew the danger of. Cato stepped up after getting considerably irritated. He told his friends to run back to the village with the water. They did and soon it was just Cato and the ruffians. What happened next isn't easy to remember, Cato had mostly forgotten and repressed the actions he took to protect his friends that day. When he returned back to the village, he was approached by one of the many older village men.

Out of faith and rumor, the older man decided to enroll Cato into the group he always viewed from afar. The man had heard of what Cato had done and moved him to the smaller group. The group he would soon align with: Bang. The group trained with bang staffs, not only that, but with their hands as well. Cato took to it well, and learned with ease. But learning was only half the battle, he had to put it into action, and action he did. The rest of his years were fuzzy and blurry, he remembers the pain he suffered, not much else however.

When he left the village, being as old as he is, with the tight-knit group he had grown to cherish, he saw nothing for him but strife and struggle. He accepted that however as a consequence of how his life led up to him leaving. His one reason for leaving, being to become a warrior worth knowing. He'd prefer that over the countless days of pain and work.
this fucking bio sucks, don't even like it, if you thought it was good, well think again ! cause all of it is gonna get retconned within the next half-arc because that's how wuxia do it and THANKS ARAKI!

Motivations | Goals:
Become a warrior known to all.

Notable Equipment:
Bang Staff - A plain old wooden staff with metal cones on each end.
Stone Mask - A lightweight mask made with no defining features except two small eye holes that barely let it's wearer see.

Cato travels in a consistent pattern from province to province, almost always alone with exception.
Cato over the course of his travels and years, learned from many wise scholars and artists, from knowledge to combat, Cato learned plenty. Combat for him isn't just being profusely stronger than his opponent but being smart enough to outweigh the strength his opponent may hold over him. Cato has developed two distinct styles of combat that he uses interchangeably.

Bojing Lei (Gentle waves, thunder)
Owing to it's name, it's the art of moving slowly with purpose, and striking hard. Move as water, strike as thunder. It's a simple style that allows for a lot of freedom in movement, the only thing to remember is it's mantra. It's not about the techniques but how the combatant understands it's teachings.

Shan Fa (Mountains, send forth)
The art of using the environment and surroundings to create an advantageous field. From blowing sand into opponent's eyes to destroying the arc of a gateway to fall on an opponent. Using everything and anything to create an advantage. It's obviously not fair but the accusation of fairness rarely comes up when you're weakening the moral and strength of your opponent.​
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He Shuren



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  • Alias:
    Xian Shuren
    The Dawn's Arrival.
    Jade Eyes

    Age: 30

    Gender: Female

    Occupation: Retainer of Jiang Yingyue

    Family | Faction: He | Jiang

    Motivations | Goals: To consolidate power and take back the mandate of heaven that her father stole from her.

    Appearance: Tall and slender, Shuren is a good 5'10" with striking green eyes, and long flowing black hair that is often tied up. With sharp facial features, normally adorned in red clothing and eye shadowing, many would consider her beautiful, and even intimidating much to her dismay. Her skin is mild and fair compared to others, and she has birthmarks all over her chest resembling a thorny plant, which is often mistaken for some kind of scarring or wound.

    Other: Outside of the imperial family, only a select few know of her true name and ancestry.
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Name: Yu Tan
Alias: The Emperor's Lap-Dog
Commonly Referred to As: "The man who can make a battlefield look like a chessboard."
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Occupation: Imperial Tactical Advisor
Family | Faction: Minor Member of the Yu Dynasty

Appearances: At 5'4" and with a lithe frame to boot, it's easy to see why this boy was trained in tactics and not martially as a soldier or general. He has dark brown hair and an unusually pale complexion. His brown eyes, syncing with his hair, support a court rumour that Tan is the son of Yu Wuhan's youngest, Yu Tenhan. As far as marks or scars go, Tan has a few from early trials in childhood which haven't properly healed. He likes to think of them as advanced growing pains.

Personality: In a few words: brave, creative and insightful. With almost natural talent coupled with Imperial training, Tan has developed both an ability and a tendency to read people's intents and likes to play around with minor information that he pretends he gleaned from them.

Growing up between the Yu Dynasty, who Tan himself calls 'The Emperor's Deck of Cards' for the family's loyalty, and the Imperial Court, an isolated collection of 'Yes Men' for the Emperor, has left Tan with little more than a submissive personality, using flattery and compromise to get what he wants. Of course he knows how that strategy is far from honourable, but hell if he cares.

Biography: In summary, Tan has:
- Legitimised himself as a member of the Yu Dynasty, even though he's only a concubine's son in the eyes of the family. See: Legitimacy
- Excelled in Imperial tactical training. See: Second Year of Training
- Became a sought-after advisor. See: Above
- Was requested by the Emperor for the Imperial Court.
- Had a minor influence on the assignment of more land to his dynasty.

A more complete biography would look something like this:
Born in the peak of winter to Conyu Sana, Tenhan's concubine, Tan's early life was quite unremarkable. He showed an early frailty and aversion to confrontation, preferring to share his possessions and befriend other children. An obvious lack of martial skill meant that Tan was put into tactical education and general study in the Imperial Court and quickly rose through the classes, becoming known for his innovative strategies and aversion to fighting in the open.

He was one of the youngest students to graduate the Imperial College with a Mastery of two subjects: Politics and Battle Tactics. As this was made clear, Tan started gaining political traction, with his recent legitimacy as part of the Yu Dynasty and the prime candidate for advisor roles nationwide. Now all he needed was an opportunity, like the death of the previous Imperial Advisor and the He Family hiding away, and he would take his place as one of the hottest names in politics. Yu Tan.

Motivations | Goals:
- To be useful to the king.
- To be recognised as part of the Yu Family, not just the Dynasty/Faction.

Notable Equipment:
- A banner of his personal standard (even though he lacks any personal troops.)
- A jade and ivory chess set with other pieces for use in tactical planning.

Other: A typical day in Yu Tan's childhood, both during schooling and at home.

Second Year in Training - 16th Day of the 5th Moon.
As the first lesson comes to a close, Conyu Tan is borderline hyperactive in anticipation of his first opportunity to test himself and move up in class. The soldiers-in-training were always nearby and often used as makeshift troops in fake battles. A short break passes by and Tan is the first one back into the class to hear the Battle Tactics lesson start.

"So, young tacticians. That is what you all aspire to be, no? Well we'll see how skilled you are. First Mock Battle of this day: Conyu Tan against Lie Sun. Terrain will be low mountains with narrow passes and clear high ground. Each side has 6 units split between foot light infantry, archers, cavalry and spearmen. Both sides, come up to the miniature battlefield and look over the small arena."

Tan walks up to his side, in awe at the architecture and splendour of this area. In summary, the battle started with Sun in the high ground with 4 archers and 2 cavalry units. Tan was in the low ground, occupying the valley passes with 1 archer unit, 3 spearmen and 2 light infantry units. Tan dug into the sides of the two main valleys below the mountain and positioned the spearmen and archers to pulverise any troops filtered through the passes. The infantry caught the attention of the high troops and ran out of sight, leading the enemy into his trap. It wasn't long before the mock battle was over, marked a decisive victory in Tan's favour. The two shook hands and Tan moved up a class soon after.

And how Conyu Tan became a member of the Yu Dynasty.
Legitimacy - 3rd Day of the 10th Moon
On one of the rare holidays when Conyu Tan would be allowed to go back to the Yu court, the Autumn Equinox (or something similar), he was called to his (alleged) father's quarters. The martial prodigy had been noted of Tan's progress/achievement and had recognised his own tactical mind in this... concubine's child and also that he would be a useful asset for the family in general.

"Do you know why I have called you here, Yu Tan?"
"You must have me confused, my name is Con-"
"From this day, you are a member of the Yu house, child. But let me be completely clear: fall behind in your studies or disgrace our name and you will not have this luxury." Tan's face lit up, but he remained silent in gratitude and simply nodded, as was custom in the Yu court. "I understand." A few days later, the announcement was public

Is this good? I hope so.

bai yana
bai | jiang (married into)
Yana is inherently a kind soul who cares deeply for her family's reputation and those around her. Level-headed and easygoing, she often takes on an "older sister" persona, looking to help whenever it's needed. Though while she possesses a certain level of charisma and charm in her words, Yana is also a rather reserved individual; she has no issues in engaging in conversations, though she often has difficulties in expressing her own troubles and issues for a fear of consequences. She values both socializing and spending time alone—enjoying both of these activities equally as much.

A hardworking individual, while Yana hadn't proved this aspect of herself much, she possesses an efficient work ethic when needed. A diligent and meticulous individual, she focuses on the finer details of life. She prefers neatness, seemingly always living a spotless life. While she isn't particularly a neat-freak, Yana does take time out of her day to organize herself more than most. Though while she has a hardworking attitude and possesses a massive drive, Yana also has traits that may contradict this work ethic.

A pessimist and defeatist, Yana is always prepared for failure. From past experiences, she often believes things inherently won't go her way. Yana expects little to come from her dreams and ambitions in spite of a massive yearning for them. Though, in spite of this pessimism, Yana holds one trait above all: loyalty.

Yana is both loyal to her nation and her family, willing to cast any of her own personal aspirations aside to ensure her family succeeds. These feelings often come into conflict with her own personal beliefs, though as far as she could remember, she's always placed her loyalties over her own wishes.

Deep within the northernmost region of the continent there stands a proud kingdom. A lawful and proud territory, it has gained infamy for both its seclusion from other nations and its rumoured wealth.

Growing up in its capital, Bai Yana was born into the kingdom's royal family. She was one of ten children, though she specifically was one of four completely legitimate children that was therefore eligible for royal succession. However, being the youngest of the four, she was the least likely to succeed to the throne—doomed to live in the shadow of her "main" siblings. Though for the most part she didn't allow this fact to falter her, trudging on with her life as well as she possible could.

Yana had lived a rather mundane life for most of her life. She spent most of her childhood in the palace, spending her days pampered and sheltered. Yana scarcely saw life outside of the palace, leaving only once every few months on special occasions. Though in spite of the rather restrictive lifestyle, Yana made the best with what she had, and she had various things to take advantage of. The library was a location she frequented, becoming lost in various novels and epics. When not in the library, she was either playing with the palace staff or practicing the arts—whether that be music or art. While she didn't have much in terms of experiences in the outside world, Yana was rich with memories of the palace, having endless amounts of activities to occupy herself with. Though despite all these activities, even one much like herself would grow tired of the same area for an extended period of time.

Transitioning into adolescence, she began to bore over walking through the same halls day after day. By this age her two full brothers began to participate in military activities, leaving her and her elder sister alone in the palace. During these years Yana and her sister were burdened with running operations around the palace, a responsibility that she began to resent. She yearned to explore the world, though she would commonly put these dreams aside to stay loyal with her family. Though while she stayed obedient, she grew increasingly pessimistic. Yana began to feel as if her life had already been pre-decided for her, and she held on control over her future. She began to dislike her overall life's situation—her restrictive lifestyle, her slim chances in becoming queen, all these issues became more apparent to her as a teen. She still cast away these emotions however, staying loyal to her family into her adulthood where she was given rather sudden news.

At the age twenty-four Yana learnt that she was being married off into the Jiang family in order to bolster political relations. She detested the marriage, not for the simple prospect of marriage, but towards the short notice of it. She was to publicly accept the marriage in only a few days time, where she would then leave everything she's previously known. Though despite the circumstances, Yana began to grow hopeful—perhaps she could travel the world when being in the charge of another family, to leave a more free lifestyle. Though when she had arrived to the Jiang's area, she was left disappointed and frustrated.

She seemed to live an even more restrictive lifestyle that previously—mostly due to trust issues. Yana now lived most days in the same few rooms, though progressively she began to forge friendships. WIth her future husband's sister specifically she grew a kinship with, growing a close friendship with her. And as a month past she was slowly given more and more freedoms, and Yana now grows hopeful that she'll be able to live a non-restrictive lifestyle one day.

Motivations | Goals
- To explore the world
- To adjust to life with the Jiangs
- To further her nation's success

Name: Ho Chin
Alias: Eldest of the Ho Brothers.
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Occupation: Rice Farmer
Family | Faction:
  • Ho | Jiang

A boulder gifted with legs, Ho Chin stands at a mighty 6'5", with a wide frame, as well as a multitude of scars, all give him a truly intimidating appearance. His size his mother attributes to "hard labor and being a Ho."
Personality: As placid as a lake but as stubborn as the mountains, that is perhaps the best way to explain the eldest of the Ho brothers. Simply doing as he's told for the most part, but once he's made up his mind almost nothing can sway him from it. And the strongest of these mindsets of his is family first. Though this is exceptionally hard at the current point in time, given the fact that a majority of his brothers have seemingly vanished into the ether.

Motivations | Goals: Ho Chin would like nothing more than to keep the farm going. It's been in the family through thick and thin, and he'd be damned if he was the one that had to give it up.

Notable Equipment: His father's Fangtian Ji halberd was gifted to them by the local lord for his faithful service. It has sense been left hanging on the mantle, well out of reach from the little ones, but still there just in case it was needed again.
Other: [ if there's anything else missing or you'd like to add more information such as secrets, feel free ]
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